Secret places on the airfield map. World of Tanks. The best places for self-propelled guns on the Airport map. Nagibator positions on the map for all vehicles

After a short break, we are resuming our regular “tactical review” column. And today we will look at the “Airdrome” map.

Airfield is a new map of the world of tanks, introduced into the game in one of the latest patches. However, contrary to the tradition of recent new maps, Aerodrome is a fairly well thought out map. And this is against the backdrop of a variety of directions and innovative design cartographic ideas used for the first time. And here the developers need to be wholeheartedly praised. As a result, the map not only did not spoil the expanses of World of Tanks, but also introduced fresh thoughts and solutions into the game, pushing players to rethink already established principles.

At first sight…

The Aerodrome map is a tactically classic map with two main directions (1 and 3) supported by positions from the beachhead (2) - mountains in the center of the map. In this way, the map is slightly reminiscent of Mines. The abundance of rear positions located closer to each of the bases makes you think twice before deciding on any maneuver, and is also another serious obstacle on the way to the base. However, first things first.

Direction 1 (valley).

The tasks of the teams in this direction are identical, taking into account the general battle conditions: a spacious, well-covered central part, well-equipped rear positions for anti-tank vehicles and sniper tanks, as well as hangars for combat of TT and ST. It will also be useful for some artillery forces to converge here, since flat space is conducive to the most accurate hits in the event of a tactical mistake by the enemy or his inattention/inadequacy.

Of course, the main battle here takes place in the area of ​​the hangars and the hillock next to them. The usefulness of the AT here depends on where exactly the main battle will begin - either near the hangars, which will benefit the AT, or closer to the hill, where the AT guns will no longer be able to help their allies, remaining invisible. Therefore, positions closer to the epicenter of the collision should be occupied by sniper tanks, which will be more useful in a non-static battle. The most reasonable solution for TTs and STs, and therefore rarely used in random situations, is to lure enemies under the guns of allied PTs and snipers. Thus, while remaining as intact as possible, the CT and TT need to fire 1-2 shots each in order to finish off the enemy, at whom the allied PTs solemnly saluted a few seconds earlier.

Direction 3 (water).

This direction is similar in tactics to the previous one, namely: it has a forward position where the main forces accumulate, and a rear position that provides support. Here the result depends on lightning speed, teamwork and individual skill. Because the main task is to destroy the enemy located in the red or green positions 2 as early as possible, so that he has as little time as possible for his rear positions of those of your allies who are in the forward position. Since the less time the main forces are exposed to light, the fewer shots the opponents will be able to fire at them from the rear positions. Accordingly, the more solidly your main forces will be able to approach the breakthrough.

There are several good positions on the water, from which it is convenient to shine and wait for reloading after a shot, while remaining in cover. Therefore, here, most often, the outcome of the confrontation is decided by composure and calculation. But impatience and thirst for heroism fail.

Direction 2 (center).

Like the mountain at Rudniki, the mountain at the Aerodrome has almost the same significance - from it it is possible to support friendly fire in both directions, as shown on the map. Also, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy’s rear positions are distracted by the battle with your breakthrough forces, there is a chance to slip into the enemy’s base and go behind the rear of his defending forces. However, the mountain is quite well covered by fire from the enemy’s rear positions located closer to his base. However, there are minor shelters on the mountain that can at least somehow protect the forces located there. Plus, along the edges of the peak there are stones that can also serve as cover if you position yourself correctly behind them in relation to the trajectory of enemy fire.


Thus, despite the defensive style of combat that the map’s features favor, actions on it can and should develop rapidly, lightning fast and decisively, backed by good teamwork. After all, by preferring a positional, sticky battle, teams give up the threads of the game to the whims of VBR, depriving themselves of the opportunity to have the maximum influence on the outcome of the confrontation. However, for success, all of the above qualities are necessary, which is rare in a random game, and therefore such actions are partly a risk.

" The map dimensions are 1000 by 1000 meters, and the battle level is from 4 to 11. The map has many places for ambushes and enough space to break through the flanks behind enemy lines. At the top of the map there is an airfield, which probably gave the map its name, and at the bottom there is a small hill that allows you to control a good part of the map.

Approximate travel routes for all types of equipment.

The map is open and almost completely covered with artillery fire.

There are 2 main positions in the middle of the map.

On the water it is easiest to attack and attack in the center.

  1. The position allows you to highlight the enemy’s art and main movements at the beginning of the battle. But at the same time it is well shot, exposed and goes down. Below the hill, defend the passages, holding the defense.
  2. Position (Priority) is very important and this is where the main battles take place.

You can climb the hill from the side and take a position. The art works great there, so play carefully.

From around the corner, show the turret and forehead, the strongest part of the tank.

If you successfully hit one of the directions, it is possible to make a breakthrough. Until this moment, do not waste your HP and deal maximum damage.

It is advisable to attack the enemy's weak points with arrows with your allies. Enter from the side and quickly dismantle the enemy.

It is also possible to rush to the rear to destroy artillery and enemy units.

Separately, I would like to note that “on the water” you don’t need more than 1-2 strands! If you are the third to go there, turn around. Stand the entire battle, and then die from shots in the back.


But let's talk directly about tactical actions on this map. Both teams are in almost equal conditions: both of them have respawns in small towns, which already allows them to defend more successfully. Also, both bases are located on small hills, which will make them very difficult to capture. Now let's talk about the differences. It’s hard to say which base is more suitable for defense and which for attack. As for me, the second team has a large number of shelters, and therefore it is easier for them to defend themselves. If we talk about tactics, it is almost the same for both teams. The plateau located in the lower central part of the map in random battles will probably become like a hill on “”: it offers an excellent view of both the enemy base and the approaches to it. That is why the hottest battles take place in the central part of the map, not far from the airfield. There is somewhere to hide from the artillery and an ambush on spiteful critics can be organized. As for me, I felt most comfortable here on ST and PT. Why, you ask? It’s simple: there’s more than enough room to maneuver on the ST, and there’s also a place to hide. Arta can also shoot well here, although there is also somewhere to hide from her: in the folds of the terrain, behind buildings. There are no specific tactics on this map yet, because they only play it as a test. But one thing can be said with confidence: the main strategic point will be the hill at the bottom of the map, whoever captures it will gain an advantage. Moreover, both ST and TT can go to capture this very hill; the climb is not that steep.

Secrets on the Aerodrom map.

Location of tanks.

. Since the map is open and there is a good shot for artillery, we take any advantageous position where they won’t reach us and wait for the enemy, or we ourselves go to meet him.

Average riders feel quite comfortable in almost all directions, but it is not advisable to go to the beach with heavy weights.

The main position of the artillery is the first line, from there you can freely attack the enemies..

. There are many advantageous places; you can stand not far from the base, hiding behind a stone, or driving onto a small hillock, the same for both spawns.

You can shine in any direction except the beach, since you will lose mobility due to the high resistance. Basically, light tanks move along the runway, and then the choice is either to strike with artillery or be a passive light.

That's probably all there is to it. There are no specifics regarding tactics yet, just small outlines. But still, this is progress. The great military minds will draw us a plan of action on this map, I hope, and then it will be possible to say something intelligible. For now, that's it. That's all, fellow tankers, until we meet again and good luck on the battlefields.

Square B9 (eastern rep)

There is a rather interesting point here. To get to it you need to drive 300 meters across an absolutely flat field, so few artillerymen risk coming here. Of course, on the one hand, there is a big risk of running into an accidental light in this open area, but most hunters traditionally believe that there is no point in using artillery in an open field, so few people go here. Well, the obvious plus is that this point is closed on three sides - no surprises. Well, in addition, from here there is a beautiful view of the standard artillery dead zones. The hill on the right not only protects us from light from the center, but can also theoretically protect us from enemy artillery. However, keep in mind that the distance between you is very large and the projectile will fly at you almost from above, so this cover is unreliable in this regard.

Bushes, trees, a hill and a good view - just a gentleman's set.

The review is not bad.

PROS: closed point, the opposite corner of the map from the expected one.

MINUSES: uncovered escape routes, the mound gives a dead zone of 300 meters on the field.

Square B9 (western rep)

At this point, security is not as good as at the previous one - there is a risk of accidental exposure from the center. However, this is more a matter of luck than technique. Trees stand inconveniently, they can be easily knocked down while taking a position and thereby giving themselves away. When breaking through the defense, in principle they can bypass you from both sides, but they drive from the left quite rarely. Therefore, it often happens that the enemies who have broken through go straight to the base and receive an artillery salvo in the stern with all the ensuing consequences. On the left there are useful houses, behind which it is worth hiding from enemy fire in case of light.

Bushes, in which case you can hide behind the house

The dead zone is perfectly covered.

PROS: overview, covered escape routes.

MINUSES: risk of accidental exposure, dead zone along the J line.

There is no need to talk about how beautiful this card is and how unusual it is. Here only information will be presented about which directions are best to choose and which positions are the most profitable for all classes of vehicles in the World of Tanks game. It’s worth immediately clarifying the designation of tanks. TT, St, PT are purely conditional. That is, if your tank is heavy, with weak armor, but has a very good and accurate gun, it can best be used for the anti-tank position. Or, for example, your tank destroyer has a fairly strong forehead and can tank freely - it is advisable to choose the direction for the TT.

Tactics for Heavy Tanks


  • The red arrow is the main direction of movement of heavy equipment.
  • Black cross - standard places of collision with the enemy.

In the case of heavy tanks, with combat tactics on open maps, everything is clear. You need to take a position that is not under artillery fire and wait until some tank comes at you, or drive out of cover yourself.

Tactics for Medium Tanks


  • The blue arrow is the main direction of movement of medium vehicles.
  • Black crosses are the main places where you can encounter the enemy.
  • The black arrow is the direction in which to fire from a given position.

In principle, after looking carefully at this map, you can understand that medium-heavy tanks feel quite comfortable on it. But it is not recommended to appear in an open area, say on a beach, together with heavy tanks. Since the ground there is soft, this will result in a huge drop in the maneuverability and dynamics of the ST. If heavy tanks have the right to exchange their HP or tank a little, then for Sts this will be critical. In this case, enemy forces can go to the beach, from where St will not be able to go anywhere for shelter: on one side there is water, and on the other there is a mountain. Moreover, if the enemy is smart, he must understand that he needs to destroy the St first, since he has less armor and HP than the TT, but he shoots no less painfully.

So, if the bulk of enemy forces have accumulated on the beach, and you want to provide support to your allies, then the most correct decision would be to take the indicated positions. Such positions are not suitable for PTs, since in order to shoot, they need to drive out, turn the body, shoot (plus aiming) and drive back into cover. These actions can take a lot of precious time, which will have a detrimental effect on the team. Another thing is Art. It has a rotating turret. He can drive out in a short time, shoot back, and use his high dynamics to drive into cover without much loss.
A more correct decision, when choosing combat tactics on this map for St., would be to climb up onto the rocks and provide support to the TT there. Conversely, the map shows the positions at which you will need to leave cover, fire a shot and immediately hide. To conduct a battle, you need to wait in cover for enemy TTs to fire or make sure that the enemy’s guns are not aimed in your direction.

Also St can go through the center. In this case, you need to cling to the rock as tightly as possible so that the enemies do not hurt you. This position has three purposes:

1) If you have a strong tower, then you can try to go to the center and thus expose enemy tanks. If you have a very good air defense, then you can even try to shoot back from enemies. The shooting option is only for St, as enemies will be able to fire at the center, in which case you will need to quickly drive away.
2) You need to maintain this direction, because a firefly breakthrough is unlikely to make you happy.
3) If there are few enemy forces left and they were able to shoot back, then you can drive through the center, into the stones, to provide assistance to the allied tanks, from an angle that the enemy does not expect. If you are pursued by the enemy, allied artillery will simply tear it apart.

Tactics for Fri


  • The red triangle is the main position for tank destroyers
  • The black arrow is the direction of fire from this position.

There are several very good places on this map that can be used for tank destroyers. They are all marked with red triangles. The left base is on the left, the right base is on the right.
A very good result is achieved due to the fact that all positions are sorted. This guarantees the absence of a sudden enemy breakthrough to the artillery (Pt has a very good view). Moreover, tank destroyers have better gun damage compared to their classmates, and can provide very good support for tank destroyers.

Art-sau tactics


  • A closed red contour is the place where the Art Sau is located.
  • The black arrow is the direction in which it is recommended to fire from the right base, from these positions.
  • The azure arrow is the direction in which it is recommended to fire from the left base, from these positions.

The map has two designated areas on the left side and three on the right for artillery.

This is due to the fact that for the left-side base there is additional cover in the form of a small town, where allied tank destroyers usually like to stand. On the right side there is only wasteland. If some light aircraft flies, it will illuminate the entire base. Some signs on the map show the direction in which you can fire from other positions. But it is from the marked position that this is easiest and best done.

Tactics for Light Tanks


  • The green arrow is the route for the light tank, which is located on the left base.
  • The yellow arrow is the route for the light tank, which is located on the right base.
  • The green circle is the location of the passive light from the left base.
  • The yellow circle is the location of the passive light from the right base.
  • The red arrow is a branch from the main route, for breaking through to the artillery.

The airfield is a very difficult map for tanks in World of Tanks: it’s very easy to die, it’s difficult to break through, and exposing your own people is an unjustified risk! For fast tanks with characteristics similar to the T-50-2, it is recommended to take the upper route from the very beginning of the battle. This route should be used from the very beginning of the battle, since later on it is not as effective and you will not be able to go as deep into enemy territory. The advantage of this strategy is that you can see how strong the enemy artillery is, which is deployed towards the stones.

It is recommended not to go onto the runway, because no matter how you maneuver there, you will definitely die.
The most advantageous positions for light vehicles on the runway are behind a bush or rock. These places allow you to create passive light and, if detected, quickly hide behind cover. To do this, you need one condition: a stereo tube and the commander’s skill - a sixth sense.
If you want to play the game perfectly, you will need to get there without being exposed, otherwise you will be controlled by enemies the entire game.
If you still decide to conduct a battle with active flares, then after leading the tank along the upper route, you need to proceed to the lower one. You can repeat such maneuvers until the end of the battle. Agree, although this is a risky route, it is worth it. After all, nothing comes for free. If, while driving along the route, the PTs that are stationed at the base begin to shine, then the enemies will not keep you waiting. But in the case when you are calmly driving along the route and not stopping anyone, you can calmly plot a route to the enemy, which is indicated by a red arrow.


For tanks such as the T-50-2, there is an additional route through the mountains towards the right base. This is the route provided by the developers. This loophole allows you to get behind enemy lines without being noticed. In order to find out whether your tank will get there or not, you should practice in the training room.


Standard fight



World of Tanks Map The airfield is a British military airfield with its surrounding surroundings. The location is North Africa. The team bases are located in two small port villages. In the center between them there is a rocky hill, which allows you to control the surrounding spaces and access to the bases. The location is replete with convenient places for ambushes and numerous routes for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the top of the map is the airfield itself, with two large aircraft hangars and a runway. The developers paid great attention to the surroundings: at this game location GK Airfield you can find various equipment (airplanes, fuel tankers, ambulances), a radar station, a canteen and shower for staff, a mosque with a minaret, ancient ruins, fishing boats and more. Name in the battle recording file: airfield.


The map is conventionally divided into 4 zones where the main combat operations take place: the runway, the rocks, the hill and the beach. The bases are in the villages on both sides of the central hill.

Light tanks

Light tanks, as a rule, rush from the start to the enemy base either through the center of the Airfield map (the beach and the passage between the rocks and the hill) or around the runway. The advantage of the latter option is that the lane is an open space, which allows you not to slow down when turning and leaves you the opportunity to return to your own people after successfully spotting the enemy.

Medium tanks

Medium tanks usually fight near the runway. There they can realize their advantage in mobility. Medium tanks can also provide support to heavy tanks in the area of ​​hills and rocks.

Heavy tanks traditionally fight in the center (on the beach, under a hill, in the rocks). High-speed vehicles can go to the runway area and act together with medium tanks.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery mounts

Anti-tank self-propelled guns provide support to the allies in all directions. Their responsibilities also include protecting the approaches to the base; fortunately, this map has many natural shelters and ambush sites. The presence of vegetation allows self-propelled guns to fire at someone else's light while remaining unnoticed.

Self-propelled artillery units

The artillery is located either near the base (behind the village) or moves to the beginning/end of the runway. The first option is less risky, but the second involves a better firing sector.

Tactics in a standard battle

Conventionally, the map can be divided into three combat zones: runway, rocks and ruins.

Runway strip

The runway (runway) on this map resembles a long shooting range, the intensity of the fire in which depends on the correct “light”. In the bushes at both ends of the runway, positions have been prepared for precision tank destroyers, which have an excellent opportunity to conduct targeted fire on heavy tanks , trying to “rush” or gape “fireflies”. The presence of powerful tank destroyers in this direction is a significant deterrent to enemy heavy tanks dug in in the rocks.


This part of the map is strategically important in terms of achieving victory in battle. From both balconies of this part of the map there are shots through the ruins and into both bases. At the very beginning of the battle, mobile CTs strive to occupy these balconies in order to prevent the enemy from occupying the ruins, as well as to cover the advance of allied heavy tanks here.


The ruins are a kind of meeting place for the “fireflies” of the fighting teams. A breakthrough of enemy equipment along the coast located south of the ruins is very dangerous if it is not detected and stopped in time. Also, in the absence of artillery on the ruins, duels between medium tanks with good turret armor and appropriate vertical aiming angles are “popular.”

Tactics by vehicle class

Possible positions on this map

Heavy tanks

In the presence of artillery (especially in large quantities), TTs take positions in the rocks, taking advantage of the cover of allied CTs on the approaches to this place. Although, it is worth noting that stones will not save you from a competent “artillery guide” who will jam allied TTs over and over again. In the second option, when the teams’ setups have a lot of tanks and a minimum of artillery (ideally, none at all), the tanks can attempt to “rush” along the coast, along the ruins.

Medium tanks

In the first option (the presence of artillery), medium tanks on this map provide fire cover for allied tanks on the approaches to the stones, and also “regulate” the number and activity of enemy tanks on the ruins. But there is another option: if all the tanks were in the “light” or not, then medium tanks can attempt to bypass the enemy tank from the flank - along the runway. This maneuver will ensure absolute superiority on rocks and runways, which will undoubtedly ensure a dominant position for the team. In the second option (absence of artillery), the CTs show their activity in the ruins and adjacent territory - they shoot enemy tanks, participate in duels against enemy CTs, or perform an outflanking maneuver along the coast.

Light tanks on this map fulfill their classic role - transmitting information about the enemy’s movements. The main, but not the only, location for aircraft accumulation will be ruins, the second point will be the runway. Speaking about runways, it is worth saying that very mobile and inconspicuous vehicles are needed there. LT-water on this map requires attentive play and constant monitoring of events taking place on the battlefield. Let's look at a simple example: based on the minimap and information received from the battle, an allied tank understands that there are no enemy tank destroyers left on the runway, so it attempts a breakthrough in this direction. This maneuver can lead to the fact that enemy self-propelled guns are destroyed and the tank will be able to “bait” enemies by capturing the base.

Playing a tank destroyer on this map depends on the key features of vehicles of this class. "Cardboard" equipment with good weapons takes up positions at opposite ends of the runway. The tank destroyers located here are engaged in shooting particularly nimble tank destroyers and tank destroyers trying to outflank allied vehicles right along the runway. In the absence of artillery, heavily armored tank destroyers take up positions near the base in order to prevent enemy vehicles from breaking through along the coast or gorge between rocks and ruins.

On this map, artillery can show itself in all its glory. Self-propelled guns are often located near their own bases. As always, her main task will be to help her allies. Here, just like with LT owners, maximum care and concentration on the minimap is required to identify areas in which large-caliber support is needed. We pay special attention to helping allied TTs in the fight against their counterparts, but we also do not forget about other unwary and inactive vehicles. In the event of a breakthrough along the coast, self-propelled guns can very quickly transfer their fire from one flank to the other and support the allies defending the approaches to the base.

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  • Guide to the Aerodrome map //



Karelia Malinovka Prokhorovka Lasville Ensk Murovanka Mines Cliff Monastery Steppes Pass Fjords Redshire Fisherman's Bay Ruinberg