Sea of ​​whales tasks. All information about the deadly game "Sea of ​​Whale"

Now there are death groups on the Internet. The state has already realized their danger, and laws are being passed, but among people the attitude is often like this... This is happening somewhere out there, not with me, I can talk about it with my work colleagues as a creepy topic, I’ll look at the news and be indignant . There is no understanding that these death groups are directly related to our lives, this is another signal that something needs to be done urgently. Let's figure out what to do and why death groups like f57, Sea of ​​Whale, Quiet House, etc. are created.

What kind of death groups?

Death groups target children, this is their audience. They occupy their niche on the Internet based on their interests, find teenagers with questions about the meaning of life and offer them answers. Now it has formed something like this: “This world is bad, you will not achieve anything here, but there is another, secret World, which few know about, where you can go.” To this are added mystical pictures, dialogues, games in alternative reality, etc. The beaching of whales fits very well into all this - it also gives these groups a certain mystery, which is actually why some called themselves Whales.

Who creates death groups?

Could this be a conspiracy? Maybe these are secret foreign agents? There is no clear statement from the authorities. Today we know that these are ordinary people who know how to create communities. But they have one peculiarity. They initially have or develop in the process something like this point of view... People on earth are biomass, it needs to be cleaned. This is the kind of cleansing they do using the Internet. Why do people start thinking this way? Maybe the lack of proper upbringing is to blame, the necessary laws have not been adopted? Partly yes. But this still would not solve the problem. It is necessary to treat the cause of the disease, not the symptoms.

Why are death groups created?

I will put ISIS and death groups on the same level; they have the same root, only the scale and power of influence are different. Some consider themselves the punishing sword of Allah, others the hand of the creator in our world. And they are right. They are puppets in the hands of nature. They are a club with which they beat people to show that they are following the path of excessive egoism, along the path of suffering. We always have a choice about how we will live. And there are only two ways:

  • One is the path of egoistic development, when everyone lives only for their own well-being, this path always ends in suffering and death, because self-destruction is inherent in selfishness.
  • The second path is the path of altruistic development, when everyone lives for the well-being of others, this path of spiritual trials, and it leads to real eternal life. Our material world exists so that we consciously choose the second path.

If we do not choose the second path, but go first, diseases, wars, crises, death immediately appear - the horsemen of the apocalypse and, through suffering, force us to return to the right path. So groups of death appear because of our choices. We chose again. Nowadays a lot of selfishness has accumulated on earth; one can see how embittered peoples are becoming towards each other. If we do not change our path, then severe adjustments will follow. Groups of death are just flowers. There is a high probability of a world war when suffering will affect everyone.

How to defeat groups of death?

It is necessary to eliminate the very cause of the disease. Every second while you are reading this article, the power of egoism is accumulating on earth. People deceive each other, enter into dishonest trade deals, negotiate wars, and strive for power. The self-destruction of egoism begins to work more powerfully. If you remain observers and do nothing, then suffering will come to you too! Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility!

Look around, look at the people next to you, at your colleagues, friends, relatives. Create warm feelings for them, even if you don’t like them or are in a quarrel. Do it above your selfishness! We humans are sensual beings, we can cause feelings on purpose. Even if it is not entirely sincere, like a game, it still counts. Try to maintain these feelings every time you see or think about people close to you. These are only the first steps in choosing the right path of development. They are very strong and important. This is the beginning of the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself!” Love covers everything. This way you can get rid of death groups.


Recently, more and more reports of teenage suicides have been seen. In Ulyanovsk alone, over the past six months, we can remember several cases: a UVAUGA student who threw himself in front of a train, a 16-year-old teenager who jumped out of a window onto the Creators under the influence of spice, and a young student who jumped out of a dormitory window in December last year. Recently, Novaya Gazeta published a large investigative material in which it exposed groups that allegedly push children to commit suicide in social network"In contact with". Indeed, if you search by hashtags #f57 #f58 #quiethome or #morekits, then you can find a large number of photographs and videos where young schoolgirls, having smeared ketchup on their hands, suffer from unhappy love at the age of 13. So what's really going on? Is it true that an epidemic of teenage suicides has gripped Russia, and are groups on social networks to blame for this? Nya.Bye Last December, 12-year-old Elina, who lived in one of the cities central Russia, unexpectedly committed suicide. Early in the morning, on the way to school, a girl climbed to the top floor of a high-rise building and jumped down. Eli's mother, Irina, has not found a place for herself for several months now, and is trying to find those responsible for the death of her daughter. Irina shared with “ Novaya Gazeta” the results of her own investigation, which she conducted using a fake social network account. The mother believes that someone helped her daughter commit suicide. Moreover, according to Irina, social network users took part in this. Allegedly, there is even some kind of secret organization operating on VKontakte that helps to “fool the brains” of minors. In November 2015, the whole country was shocked by a shocking incident - when a 16-year-old student from Ussuriysk named Rina threw herself under a train because of unhappy love. Her last dying message was a photo of her, wrapped in a scarf, showing her middle finger in front of railway with the signature “Nya.Bye.” By the way, in a surprising way, her death echoes the above-mentioned suicide of a cadet pilot, which occurred in Ulyanovsk - only 2 weeks later. Rina’s suicide shook the Internet, and websites immediately began to appear where everyone could express their attitude towards the suicide and speculation about the reasons for the suicide. Why this particular death caused such a strong resonance is not entirely clear. But quickly there were those who wanted to speculate on the girl’s death.

#F57 Less than two weeks after the girl’s death, ominous posts began to appear on social networks on behalf of Rina with the tag #F57, which listed randomly selected VKontakte users with the note “you are next.” Later, in a group also named “F57”, a certain riddle appeared, after solving it you could go to the website, enter the answer there and get a new one. The group itself was filled with depressing pictures and quotes, with the goal of creating an atmosphere of mysticism and hopelessness. It was never possible to find out what the person who guessed all the riddles to the end received. But, apparently, nothing terrible or dangerous happened. But already on the 15th of December, the administration of the group published a message saying that everything that was happening was just a game, the so-called ARG. This is a game in an alternative reality, when, through publications on social networks, all participants create a feeling of mystical events taking place around them. In the game, any passerby can turn out to be an enemy agent, and behind the doors marked “For staff only” all sorts of important secrets are necessarily hidden, and in no case mops and brooms. The ultimate goal of the mysterious game was to reach the so-called “Silent House” - a place where dreams, reality and the Internet merge into a single whole, and from which one can supposedly rule the world. The authors took the concept of a “quiet house” from online folklore, created the scary pictures themselves, and their only mistake was using the real death of a girl as a starting point. “Silent House” In the network culture of the so-called “netstalkers”, this is the name of the very last level of the hidden Internet, where sleep, reality and the network are mixed, and with the help of which you can control the entire Internet. In general, netstalkers are engaged in researching the hidden, deep Internet, where you can find things that are not found on the regular Internet. TOR, I2P and other dark web tools are also part of the deep web. In fact, “Silent House” is just a philosophical concept of a bunch of online stalkers, which attracts children with its mystery and the ability to find it without leaving their room. A sort of way to become Indiana Jones and touch the greatness without getting out of your pajamas and with a cup of cocoa in your hands.

Players The creators of the game planned to attract teenagers in adolescence as players. Remember yourself when you were teenagers, didn’t you really want to become involved in some kind of secret? So that there are enemies and mysticism all around, and you, solving riddles, would confidently move towards the goal. This is exactly what the creators of the game played on. As the main target, they chose one of the large communities for teenagers who feel “out of place” - “Sea of ​​Whale”. “Whales” The “whales” community is a regular “VKontakte” public for children with psychological problems, where they themselves help each other. The public administrator, addressing the audience, uses the word “whales”, and they call him “Sea”. In his appeals, he does not encourage anyone to commit suicide, but rather convinces readers that suicide is not a solution, and problems must be overcome. The high popularity of the public can be explained by the fact that recently parents have shown virtually no interest in the problems of teenagers, and “Sea of ​​Whale” is trying to provide children with at least some kind of psychological support.

Who is to blame It turns out that Irina, the mother of the deceased Eli, found traces of a complex psychological game being carried out on the social network, carried out for an unclear purpose by unknown organizers. Yes, from the outside she really looked creepy and mysterious, yes, her daughter was a member of the groups in which the game was played, but did this game cause death? The mother said that her daughter did not sleep at 4 in the morning, but sat at the computer, and in the morning, naturally, she still could not wake up for school. Moreover, a 12-year-old girl calmly visited VKontakte public pages with far from childish content. Where was the parent herself looking at this time? The girl was not far from her mother, or on the street, where “evil gurus” would teach her to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and cut veins correctly. She was at home, two steps away from her parents. If maniacs were harassing her on the Internet, would the Internet also be to blame? There is a lack of at least some minimal interest in the child’s life. If there was one, it would be possible to notice that something was wrong with the child. But it’s always easier to blame the Internet and the computer for all the troubles. The desire of parents to find someone responsible for the death of their only child is, of course, understandable. Only parents themselves must monitor their children, only they are responsible for what he reads, with whom he communicates, sleeps and how long he sits at the computer, goes to school or does not go. And the burden of responsibility for not taking care of and saving a little life lies only with them. David Burliuk

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

The blue whale game is claiming the lives of hundreds of social media users. Alternative names - game sea of ​​whales, quiet house. We have all the latest news, facts and fresh investigations about the game and VK death groups

Alternative names - game sea of ​​whales, quiet house. Anyone can join the groups, be it an adult or a child. After you agree to participate in the blue whale game, the “tests” begin. So-called instructors (or administrators) Death groups are sent tasks from the community of the game Blue Whale. They need to be done offline, in real life. The first task is to draw a whale on your hand, the symbol of the game blue whale. Many teenagers involved in death groups use a razor blade to slaughter the whale. The second stage is a quest, searching for various messages from the blue whale community. The third and final stage is suicide, the logical ending of the game in death groups. The game blue whale (alternative names sea of ​​whales, quiet house) is banned by Roskomnadzor as promoting suicide. There are communities on VKontakte that are engaged in identifying administrators and instructors of the blue whale, sea of ​​whales, and quiet house death groups. After the campaign began, so-called death groups began to spread on Instagram.

The game Sea of ​​Whale is one of the alternative names of the game Blue whale. Comes from the nickname of one of the participants and administrators of the death groups on VKontakte, Sea of ​​Whales. The real name of the Sea of ​​Whales user is Philip Chelov, a resident of Krasnodar born in 1996. He himself claims that he did not provoke teenagers to play the Blue Whale game and did not incline them to suicide, but on the contrary, he tried to dissuade them from taking a desperate step. The Sea of ​​Whales community on VKontakte was blocked at the request of Roskomnadzor. Currently, there are dozens of communities on VKontakte called Sea of ​​Whale, but they have nothing to do with death groups. There are also common groups on VKontakte whose names combine the words “whales”, “sea”, “blue” in different variations with the words “against” and “anti” - communities unite activists opposing death groups on VKontakte Blue whales, Sea whales, as well as Quiet House.

Quiet House (as an option the game Quiet House) is another of the names of death groups on VKontakte, which has become widespread along with the names of death groups Blue Whale and Sea of ​​Whales. The name of the death group Silent House comes from the myth about the existence of a certain “Internet of the mind” that “lives” in a hidden part of the Internet, inaccessible to most users. Initially, the Quiet House had nothing to do with promoting suicide among teenagers. Death groups have adopted a cryptic name to refer to the game that leads to suicide. Communities that promote suicide are blocked by the VKontakte administration at the request of Roskomnadzor.