Cat Ba Island: Vacation with views of Ha Long and endless green hills. On your own to Cat Ba Islands National Park Cat Ba National Park on the map

The pearl of the North Vietnamese islands with the cheapest pearls in the world. One of the most picturesque places on the planet, a must-see when traveling around Vietnam

It took Cat Ba Island in Halong Bay several decades to transform quiet fishing villages, where the main means of land transportation were exclusively Soviet Minsk motorcycles and water transport was just a few hundred shabby junks, into a tourist attraction in Vietnam.

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Junks no longer randomly fill the waters of the bay; a park has been created for all fishing vessels, a few hundred meters from the shore. Presentable hotels appeared on the island, and even a luxurious resort on Cat Co III, in the north of the city. Residents of Hanoi go to Cat Ba for the weekend, so in the summer the city is full of vacationers, and week-end hotel prices, if booked directly with the hotel, almost double.

But here you will find the bustle typical of Asian countries even on the roads, so it makes sense to rent a motorbike and get on it to the farthest corners of the island. The streets of the city are clean and calm. And from anywhere on the island you can see picturesque landscapes of the rocky coast and emerald waters South China Sea. If you find yourself on Cat Ba April 1, every year on this day the entire population celebrates a memorable Ho Chi Minh visit If you come to the island, you will witness a big festive event with colorful dragon boat regattas and fashion shows with collections of local designers.

Best time to go on vacation

On the island Cat Ba The stifling heat will never overwhelm you; it is pleasantly cool here all year round. The thermometer rarely rises above 28 degrees Celsius. January and February, when temperatures reach 15 degrees Celsius, are good for excursions, although you won’t be able to swim at this time of year.

How to get to Cat Ba (Ha Long)

The easiest way to get there to Cat Ba from Hanoi. You can book a boat and take a trip on it Ha Long Bay, stay overnight on the island, and return to Hanoi the next day. But if you have enough time, then it is better to stay on the island a little longer, and then, having become acquainted with the sights of Haiphong, continue your journey further along the scenic routes to Ning Binh.
Comfortable buses depart from Hanoi to Cat Ba and back, via Haiphong, every day, four times a day (at 7.15, 9.15, 13.15 and 15.15). The cost of travel to Haiphong is 70,000 dong, moving to Hanoi will cost you a little more - 100,000 dong, approximately $7.
Bus company address Hoang Long Bus Company transporting travelers:
in Hanoi: 28 Tran Nhat Duat, tel. 04/928-2828
in Haiphong: 1 Tran Nguyen Han, tel. 0313/700 -778
on Cat Ba Island company phone number 0313/887-224
High speed ferry from Cat Ba Island departs daily at 15.00 from the pier located in the city center. Buy a flight ticket Thuong Nhat Transport Cooperative possible in Sunflower Hotel(Nui Ngoc Rd., tel. 0313/888-429). The cost of the trip is 90,000 VND one way.

Travel around the island

Thin strips of sand at the very edge of the water and picturesque small coves Cat Ba not the worst option to soak up the sun and gain strength in the lap of nature - especially after long trips or early in the morning before returning to Hanoi.
Beach on Cat Co III considered "private" due to the resort located on it Sunrise Cat Ba, but this does not at all exclude the possibility that you can safely come to sunbathe here, even without being a guest of this hotel. Yes, you won't be able to use straw umbrellas, but the concept of private property does not apply to water. In addition, a few dongs in the beach keeper’s pocket and you are protected from the sun and lying on a sun lounger. Be sure to take a walk from the beach Cat Co III to the high cliffs to the north and enjoy beautiful views of the bay on your way to other beaches on Cat Ba Island.
Public beaches - Cat Co I and II. The cost of a place in the sun is 5,000 dong (no more than 50 cents). It is easy to get here by motorcycle or motorcycle taxi (from the city center the cost is approximately 10,000 VND), or you can also get there on foot.

The biggest attraction Cat Ba – National Park, occupying more than half of the island. A kind of “Noah’s Ark” received official status on March 31, 1986. The endangered species of golden-headed langurs and other rare monkeys, civets, leopards and more than 30 species of mammals, more than 70 exotic species of birds and amphibians live here. But your only chance to see something truly unique will be with a park guide.
You can take an exotic trip through the park, including a stop in a cave Trung Trang and climbing the mountain Cao Vang. Passing the lake of frogs, surrounded by swampy forests, through primeval forests you can get to the fishing village Viet Hai where national minorities live, and visit a village Ao-Ech.
In the park's educational center there is a large information panel in English, telling about the many rare species of wildlife that live in the park and containing advice on the most accessible trails for independent study.
Entrance to the park costs 15,000 VND for hikers; with motorcycle parking, a visit to the park will cost you 20,000 VND. Guide services – 150,000 VND.

On the way along the road leading north from the city of Cat Ba to the National Park, if you are careful, you can find a small hill, climbing it you will find yourself in a cave - one of Vietnam's most significant treasures. You may even see a man in a military uniform and an officer's cap at the top who will wave at you, inviting you to come up. Mr. Hoy, at almost eighty years old, still conducts tours of the Cat Ba caves, which he can rightfully call his own. Initially, during the Vietnam War against the United States, he participated in artillery battles. After hostilities, Hoy took over the duties of a tour guide in the bunker. The labyrinth of underground buildings housed a large hospital and rehabilitation rooms for the wounded, office space, an ammunition depot, recreation rooms, a theater, and a small swimming pool. Everett Alvarez, the first American Navy pilot whose fighter was shot down during a combat operation in Vietnam on August 5, 1964, was held here as a prisoner of war.
But, still, the most unforgettable moment in visiting the cave is meeting Mr. Hoy. He lines up visitors at the entrance to the cave and roars a salute to the North Vietnamese army. Only after this ritual will you be able to get inside. Waving a flashlight and not stopping for a second, the gray-haired guide will take you through all the rooms in the cave. It is very important to take a translator with you, at least an English-speaking one, otherwise Hoy will lose his voice trying to convey the history of the bunker to you. He will also talk about how you are helping Vietnam with your travels and sing a military ballad. After the end of the excursion, the former artilleryman will ask you to write a comment in the guest book as a souvenir. You will forever remember the image of the angelic smile of an unusual guide and the memories of his love for life and for the whole world.
The caves are open to visitors daily from 8.00 to 17.00, the entrance fee is 20,000 dong or one and a half dollars.

It won’t be difficult to quench your appetite after long walks around the island. Street food vendors can be found everywhere. There are many civilized cafes and restaurants. Noble House, a stylish three-story mansion located next to the hotel Van Anh on the shore of the bay, where travelers from Europe gather in the evenings. The owner of the establishment, Australian Peter, offers not only delicious grilled dishes or salads, but also a mix of Asian cuisine with a European accent. Delicious crab steamed with ginger. In addition to daily food, Peter is always ready to provide spiritual food, happy to tell interesting facts from the life of the city and its inhabitants. On the third floor there is a bar and billiard tables. From 18.00-19.00 at Noble House happy hour.
Small cozy cafe Flightless Bird, located at the southern end of the city's main street, opened by another Australian, Graham. Both tourists and locals come here to drink a glass of beer and the most delicious coffee on the entire island.
For a sophisticated romantic dinner, head to Green Mango(Group 19 Zone 4) strongly reminiscent of a cafe in its interiors Bobby Chin V Hanoi. Deliciously prepared spring rolls and perch fillet in green curry will not leave you indifferent.
Seafood dishes will be served in a typical Cat Ba establishment My Ngoc(southern part of Group 19 Zone 4), where you can choose from a large assortment of fish, shrimp or crab, which will be cooked in your presence.

Where to live

The hotel, hidden in the rocks on a small sandy beach, has actually set a new standard for small hotels in Cat Ba. The resort is located in the bay Cat Co III. To get here, you will have to go down the stairs and walk for a few more minutes to the narrow coastal strip. Beach Cat Co III connects to other beaches through tunnels carved into the rocks along the shore. The well-kept grounds have their own swimming pool, and the hotel rooms are large and elegant with mahogany trim. All rooms have sea views and most even have balconies. For travelers with children, rooms on the upper floors are best suited

Cat Ba is a biosphere reserve - an archipelago located in the north of Vietnam in Ha Long Bay.

Cat Ba is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is of great geomorphological value in the study of limestone karst formations. It is one of the best examples of Fengcong (cone-shaped formations) and Fenglin (tower-type formations) type karst landscapes created by the sea.

This archipelago consists of 366 islands of various relief shapes and sizes with numerous caves and cave deposits, which are evidence of the long evolution of the landscape due to the erosion of limestone rocks. Many of the archipelago's small islands rise vertically from shallow depths and are its distinctive feature. Most of the large islands are covered with evergreen tropical forests.

The largest island of the archipelago has an area of ​​285 km 2 on which the Cat Ba National Park of the same name is located. The park is one of two protected areas in Vietnam that includes both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Entrance to Cat Ba National Park

The flora of Cat Ba is represented by a variety of flora, the formation of which was largely influenced by man. Various types of trees and shrubs are present here, including agricultural crops, bamboo forests, mangroves, limestone forests, and a variety of seaweeds. The archipelago has earned its global biological value due to the presence of a large number of endemic (local) species of plants and animals.

The golden-headed langur (Trachypithecus poliocephalus) is one of the prime examples of an endemic animal species on Cat Ba. This primate species is designated as one of the ten rarest in the world due to its limited habitat and small remnant numbers. The islands also contain a number of other important endemic habitats, notably fringing coral reefs, mangrove forests, seagrass forests, swamp forests and limestone rainforests. Most of these habitats are seriously endangered, mainly due to human disturbance.

Vegetation types and main habitats

The limestone forest contains plant species such as “Spondias lakonensis”, “Milius flipes”, “Indospermum”, etc.; in the mangrove forest - "Rhizophora mucronata", "Bruguiera gymnorhiza", "Kandelia Candel" and "Aegiceras mafus"; in marshy areas, Salix tetrasperma predominates; 75 different species of seaweed are found in the shallows; in shallow waters and coastal areas of the tropical sea - 193 species of coral reefs; in coastal lagoons - 21 species of seaweed.

Cat Ba city and its inhabitants

Most of the archipelago is sparsely populated. The number of local residents is about 5,200 people. Their settlements are mainly concentrated in the southwestern part of the largest island. The population consists of two ethnic groups - Viet (Kinh) and Hoa (Chinese-born Vietnamese).

View from the embankment to the bay at sunset, Cat Ba

It should be noted that the coastal waters of Cat Ba are fishing areas, and agriculture and water resources constitute a significant potential of the region. Cat Ba is also favorable for the development of alternative economic activities - ecotourism, coastal fishing tourism, aquatic agriculture and mariculture.

There are many other promising activities that are of significant economic importance to the islanders. For example, Yellow Slipper (Paphiopedilum concolor) and Ha Long Cycad (Cycas tropophylla), which are grown in Cat Ba, are valued as ornamental plants, Sea Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus) is used for textile production, and False Orange (Maclura cochinchinensis) is grown as an edible plant. Other types of plants are used for medicinal purposes, for example, the tubers of the Sweet Dream plant (Stephania rotunda) or the stems of the fern (Drynaria bonii) have a tonic effect.

Among other things, archaeological excavations are carried out on the archipelago (42 archaeological sites), which became famous thanks to the found relics from the Pleistocene era. Here ceramic fragments were found that belonged to the Bac Son culture about 6,000 years ago.

Cat Ba is a kind of center of adventure youth tourism. Motorbike or bicycle, trekking, rock climbing and kayaking are the main ways of active recreation on Cat Ba.

Plan to spend at least 2-3 full days on Cat Ba.

Near Cat Ba Island. Photo (photo credit): Natalie Belikova, FiveStepsPhotoblog

why go

Don't miss out on Cat Ba Island

  • Rent a motorbike or bicycle and explore the island's beaches, coves and tiny villages
  • Join an organized cruise, fishing trip, or rent a tiny private junk to explore some of Lan Ha Bay's most remote, off-tourist corners
  • Join a national park trek to climb to the island's highest peak for magnificent views of the bay
  • Challenge yourself to rock climbing on the karst rocks of Lan Ha Bay
  • See how seafood is prepared at a local market

Spend a day on one of Cat Ba's remote beaches or islands, take a kayak and explore remote beaches and grottoes

Rent a motorbike and bicycle to explore the island

The best way to explore Cat Bu Island is by motorbike. You can rent a motorbike everywhere (in any guesthouse in Cat Ba, about $5/day). When renting a motorbike, take a map of the island and ask to see interesting routes on the map - beaches, lakes, caves, a fort overlooking the bay, a local market, local tiny fishing villages and remote villages located in the jungle. An alternative option for getting to know the wild nature and life of Cat Ba is to rent a bicycle (the total length of the cycling route can be up to 50 kilometers)

Cycling in Cat Ba. Photo credit: Melvin Baroga, Flickr

Cat Ba Island by motorbike. Photo credit: Dana McMahan, Flickr

Cruises, fishing and kayaking on Cat Ba Island

There is a wide choice of sea adventures on Cat Ba. Cruises on Cat Ba are different - everything here is more ascetic and democratic. Tiny cruise ships are the hallmark of Cat Ba. Options can vary from private boat rentals to fishing with local fishermen and kayaking tours. The simplest and most budget option is a day cruise along Lan Ha Bay, with a visit to a fishing village and/or pearl farm, kayaking and a stop at Monkey Island ().

Kayaking on Cat Ba. Photo credit: The Au Co, Flickr

Cruising on Cat Ba. Photo credit: Melvin Baroga, Flickr

Rock climbing

Rock climbing on Cat Ba Island is an interesting experience. Full day trips to Castro Rocks, run by local adventure agencies, usually take a full day and are combined with a cruise and kayaking in the bay. Half-day trips usually include transfer to the cliffs, equipment and instruction.

Rock climbing on Cat Ba. Photo credit: beekalove, Flickr

Trekking in the national park

Most local agencies offer trekking trips into the national park, which are the best way to experience Cat Ba's wildlife (you might even get to see the rare langur that lives in the local jungle). Jungle walking trails typically last between 2 and 5 hours, some of which pass through the village of Viet Hat, where you'll have the chance to meet the locals and sample local food in one of the friendly local houses.

Trekking on Cat Ba. Photo credit: Andrew Ferrier, Flickr

Viet Hai Village

An alternative option to experience Cat Ba's wildlife and village life is to spend a full day and overnight in Viet Hat Village. The only accommodation option is Whisper Nature Bungalow. The road to the village is an adventure in itself - first by boat to the Viet Hai Harbor pier and then by bike to the village (note that the local transport to the pier runs once a day, so you will either have to adapt to its schedule or book a private boat , read the instructions you will receive upon booking). The lodge has very simple bungalows, simple local food, bikes for rent.

The island's rocky landscape, surrounded by tropical jungle, looks exactly like something out of Jurassic Park.

Most of the Halong Bay islands are completely uninhabited, because... are vertical rocks sticking out of the water. Cat Ba is completely different: here you will discover the authentic life of fishing villages and even see how the local town is growing.

The main part of the island's coast is rocky slopes, but there are also sandy beaches hidden from prying eyes in the island's tiny bays. The most picturesque nature and amazing beaches are located in the eastern part of the island - in Lan Ha Bay.

The rocky soil of Cat Ba has never been particularly fertile (except for a few places in the interior of the island), which is why local residents have been fishing for centuries. By the way, a considerable proportion of the settlers left the island in the 1970s and 80s, going to work, and their financial assistance to the families remaining in Cat Ba greatly helped the development of the island.

In 1986, almost half of the island (whose total area is 354 km²), as well as 90 km² of adjacent waters, received the status of a national park. This area includes: evergreen tropical forests, freshwater ponds, mangroves, small freshwater island lakes and of course fantastic coral reefs. Assigning the status of a national park to this area was necessary to protect the unique ecosystem. The waters of Cat Bat National Park are home to more than 200 species of fish, 500 species of molluscs and 400 species of arthropods, as well as 3 species of dolphins and seals.

On the island you will discover numerous lakes, rushing waterfalls and deep grottoes in the limestone hills. The highest hill rises out of the water at 331 meters. The largest lake on the island is Ech Lake, which covers more than 3 hectares of land. By the way, as you probably know, the level of rivers and lakes in Asia always depends on the season. The majority of freshwater rivers disappear into grottoes and follow underground currents into the sea.

In April 1951, Ho Chi Minh City visited Cat Ba Island for the first time, and since 1952, an annual festival dedicated to such a great event has been held here. The monument to the National Leader was erected on the mountain of the island opposite the main pier of the city of Cat Ba.

Cat Ba National Park

Entrance fee: ~25,000 dong
Guide services: ~5$ USD per day

Cat Ba National Park is home to more than 32 species of mammals, including: langurs, wild boars, deer, squirrels, porcupines, etc. By the way, Cat Ba is home to about 60 golden-headed langurs, which are officially endangered. The national park is also a habitat for more than 70 species of birds, such as hawks, hornbills, cuckoos, etc. In addition to the wildlife that lives directly in the national park, Cat Ba Island itself is located on the main migratory route of waterfowl .

More than 745 plant species have been recorded on Cat Ba, many of which are of great medicinal value. Here on the island grows a tree quite famous in the Asian world - Cay Kim Gao. Since ancient times it has been known for its unusual properties. It is believed that if you touch poisoned food with chopsticks made from this wood, the light wood of the chopsticks will turn black.

What to see in Cat Ba National Park


For tourists there are 2 main caves.

Cave Hospital
Hospital Cave

It is quite a significant place from a historical point of view. It housed a secret hospital and bomb shelter during the Vietnam War, hence the name of the cave.

Trung Trang Cave
Hang Trung Trang

Located directly on the territory of Cat Ba National Park. The cave is quite dark, so be sure to take a flashlight with you.


Trekking is a very common activity for Cat Ba.
The choice of trekking routes in Cat Ba is quite large, however, if you feel strong, join the popular, but quite difficult 18-kilometer trekking route with a climb to the top of one of the mountains of the national park. We warn you in advance that the route is not easy, especially after (or during) rain, when the road becomes very slippery, and takes at least 6 hours. For more information, contact your guide or national park rangers.

Trekking can be organized at any hotel/guesthouse in the city or at the headquarters of Cat Ba National Park, which is located in Trung Trang. You can get there by minibuses, which run regularly from most hotels/guesthouses, or by motorbike/motor-rickshaw. The journey in a minibus will take you at least 30 minutes and will cost you approximately 15,000 - 20,000 dong. A motorbike ride costs about 30,000 dong one way.

You will have to get to the starting point by bus or boat. Most routes end in the village of Viet Hai, from where you have to get to the city of Cat Ba, again by boat.

Remember that trekking is not only fun, but also a kind of sport. You must be prepared. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes (no flip-flops or flip-flops!!!), be sure to bring water and a raincoat.

Beaches of Cat Ba

Beautiful sandy beaches for lazy afternoon bliss - this is, of course, Cat Co. There are 3 beaches on the island with the name Cat Co, but they are numbered: Cat Co 1, Cat Co 2 and, of course, Cat Co 3.

Cat Ko 2 is the only beach not built up with new resort hotels, which means this is the place for us. Unfortunately, it gets quite crowded here on weekends, but on weekdays it’s quite nice. The beaches of Cat Co are located one kilometer southeast of the town of Cat Ba. Cai Vieng, Hong Xoai Be and Hong Xoai Lon are also good beaches, but are located further from the city.

Good to know

A guide is not a requirement for visiting the national park, but if you want to get the most out of your walk, don't skimp on the $5.

Monkey Island is part of Cat Ba National Park. That is why most tourists mark it on their routes. We recommend that you refrain from visiting it. The main reason for such a categorical statement is that this short trip can turn into a real headache for you.

Monkey Island has huge flocks of wild monkeys that behave quite aggressively. In addition to the fact that they regularly take things from tourists (including cameras and wallets), they are also capable of biting you. The bite itself is not pleasant, but the rabies injections that follow it are also a dubious pleasure.

When to go

The best time to visit Cat Ba: - end of September - mid-November. During this period, the weather is consistently warm and the sky is cloudless. From December to February it is quite cool, and from February to April it often rains. The summer months (June - August) on the island are very hot and very humid - they are also the high season for domestic tourism.