S7 how many kilograms of luggage. Generally accepted rules and regulations “S7. Requirements for hand luggage on the s7 plane

When planning a flight, the first thing a passenger should become familiar with is the S7 Airlines baggage allowance. The success of boarding the plane and the presence of additional costs depend on knowledge of these rules. There are many cases where, due to ignorance of the basic requirements of the carrier, a passenger was forced to pay extra luggage or received a refusal from the carrier to provide services.

Carry-on baggage allowance at S7 Airlines

According to the airline's rules, each client has the opportunity to take on board a certain amount of things. But there are limits here that depend on the previously selected tariff.

Today's transportation norms hand luggage for S7 Airlines:

  • In Economy Flexible and Basic tariffs You are allowed to take up to 10 kg of things with you on the plane (1 piece). In this case, the dimensions of the cargo should not exceed the established standards, namely 115 cm when summing up the data of 3 dimensions (55 * 40 * 20 cm).
  • Tariffs Business Basic and Flexible provide great opportunities for passengers. Here, baggage allowance on board S7 Airlines allows you to take up to 15 kg of cargo and occupy two seats. At the same time, the requirements for dimensions remain unchanged.

For flights to the UK or US, it is prohibited to carry any electronic devices in hand luggage.

Hand luggage can be checked in only at the airport. This is where the baggage allowance for business and economy class is checked. To undergo the mentioned procedures, you should contact a special or regular counter. You can bring on board things that you may need during the flight - a laptop, a baby stroller, a camera, a cane, an umbrella, a briefcase, a handbag and others.

S7 Airlines baggage allowance

If the cargo cannot be carried on board, it is transported in a special compartment and registered according to the standard procedure.

Checked baggage allowance at S7 Airlines:

  • For Economy Flexible and Basic tariffs There are weight restrictions up to 23 kg. In this case, the passenger is provided with only one piece of luggage space.
  • For Business Basic plan The permissible weight increases (up to 32 kg), and only one place is allocated for luggage.
  • For Business Flexible tariff The same weight restrictions apply. The difference lies in the possibility of occupying two places.

In all cases, the free baggage allowance at S7 Airlines has size restrictions - 203 cm. As in the case of hand luggage, three dimensions are summed up.

What else can you take on board?

In addition to basic luggage, the passenger is allowed to take with him a set of ski equipment, as well as equipment, the total weight of which should not exceed 23 kg for economy class. The allowance for carrying such baggage on an airplane for business class is higher - up to 32 kg. In this case, skis and snowboards must be packed. If the weight exceeds the permissible limit, the cargo is classified as oversized.

Special conditions

It is worth noting that S7 Priority members can count on better conditions. Thus, for Silver Ruby status there is one additional place weighing up to 23 kg, Gold Sapphire has similar conditions, and for Platinum Emerald - also 1 place, but with a limit of up to 32 kg.

Special attention should be paid to the markings on the ticket. Thus, baggage allowance of 1 RS of S7 Airlines means a restriction for an economy class passenger, and 2 RS for a business class passenger. These symbols can be used to guide you regarding baggage requirements.

What are the rules regarding carrying liquids in hand luggage?

The carrier claims that containers up to 100 ml can be taken into the cabin, and the total volume of liquids should not exceed a liter. All drinks, as well as perfumes, fall under this rule. An exception is made only for baby food or medicines that a person cannot do without on board. For them, the standards for transporting liquids in S7 Airlines hand luggage are less severe.

What will be the violation of the rules?

If the S7 Airlines baggage allowance, as well as hand luggage, is violated, you will have to make an additional payment according to S7 Airlines tariffs. The payment amount is shown below. In the first case, for Russia (amounts are indicated in rubles), and in the second - for international flights to Europe (prices are indicated in euros). If you choose to fly

On December 1, 2015, S7 Airlines (the legal name of the company is S7 Siberia Airlines) launched new system tariffs.

As a result, the passenger can choose the required tariff, guided by the presence or absence of available (necessary) options. In total, the following tariffs have been introduced:


Important! Not only tariff changes have occurred. Now the company provides the opportunity to carry hand luggage up to 10 kg (the weight of hand luggage on an airplane was previously 7 kg), and to receive 25% more miles for members of the S7 Priority program (the number of miles has been increased by S7 Airlines from 25% to 50% at the minimum fare) , purchase any fare until the flight is fully loaded.

In the Economy Basic tariff plan, the airline included a flight (1 seat) + 1 piece of hand luggage, the weight of which is 10 kg, and the dimensions must correspond to the parameters 55-40-20 cm.

Baggage transportation under this tariff is paid and is calculated at a cost of 2,500 rubles per segment: 1 piece of luggage for 23 kg of luggage (the norm for the luggage compartment is 203 cm). For international flights - payment and payment in euros, for flights with transfers (domestic / international) - payment also in euros. When purchasing an air ticket and paying for luggage online, the passenger receives a discount (according to the payment rules), and the cost of 1 piece of luggage will be equal to 1,800 rubles. It is worth paying attention to the fact that according to the company’s rules, the price of baggage transportation in case of a transfer (on domestic flights of the company) doubles.

If the norm is exceeded, the additional payment for baggage is calculated based on the following parameters.

Calculation of surcharge for excess baggage

Dimensions, parameters (requirements for parameters for any AK are strict)Direct flightTransfer flight
from 23 kg to 32 kg of luggage (with dimensions equal to 203 cm)+2500 rubles+5000 rubles
from 32 kg to 50 kg (with dimensions equal to 203 cm); see “Payment for transfer of “non-standard” luggage”+5000 rubles+10000 rubles
if the norm is exceeded 203 cm+2500 rubles+5000 rubles
1 extra bed+2500 rubles+5000 rubles
2 extra seats+5000 +10000 rubles

Important! If a passenger has to wait more than 24 hours between connecting flights, then the transportation conditions are as follows: baggage is checked in to the first connecting point.

For free (that is, if you already have a paid seat, in addition) you can carry baby strollers, bassinets, car seats for children (as carry-on luggage or baggage), but only if a child is also registered for the flight. If there is no child, and the stroller is intended, for example, as a gift, then it is paid for like all other luggage. The airline also allows you to carry one set of ski or snowboard equipment free of charge, if the weight of the transported set does not exceed 32 kg. The conditions for transporting a larger set are the same as in the case of “non-standard” cargo.

Important! S7 Priority program participants with Ruby status are entitled to 1 free piece of baggage (up to 23 kg) even at the Economy Basic fare.

Non-standard luggage

Non-standard cargo can also be carried on airplanes, that is, luggage that does not meet the standard (more than 203 cm and heavier than 32 kg). Before the flight, you must contact the company to clarify whether it is possible to transfer such cargo on the desired flight. If there is an opportunity, then most likely the company will offer to buy 3 standard pieces of luggage, and the tariff plan will not be taken into account in this case. The maximum permissible weight for transportation is 50 kg. But the question of how much luggage costs on an airplane for disabled people, which naturally exceeds the weight of 50 kg, can be answered unequivocally - wheelchairs and other large auxiliary aids can be transported at a standard rate or free of charge, if they can be placed in the cabin.

Transportation of animals

A container with an animal is considered excess cargo and must be paid for. Most often the container is placed in luggage compartment, taking into account its parameters (the total weight of a standing container must be more than 8 kg, size - more than 115 cm). If the container is smaller, it can be transported in the aircraft cabin.

Important! It is not possible to register the transportation of an animal online.

Service “Additional norm”

The company operates the “Additional baggage allowance” service. In accordance with it, it is possible to carry cargo on an airplane that exceeds the standard norm by 5-15 kg. This service can only be used once and is not valid for some destinations. When choosing an airplane and flight, consider this point.

The regulations and standards mentioned above are internal and apply only to flights operated by the company. If we are talking about a code-share or transfer with the participation of a partner company, then the cost of baggage will be calculated in accordance with IATA standards, taking into account the “dominant” carrier. More detailed information for calculating the cost of baggage on such routes can be provided at the S7 Airlines contact center at phone numbers: 8 800 700-0707.

Baggage on the S7 plane: transportation rules

The company has certain baggage transportation rules that should be taken into account when planning your trip:

  1. There is a whole list of items prohibited for transportation (you can find out what else is prohibited for transportation at the company’s information stands at the airport and on the official website);

  1. There is a list of items that can be transported in limited quantities: alcohol, scissors, aerosols and sprays;
  2. It is not recommended to carry food in luggage. Baby food carried in hand luggage (if it is intended for use during the flight);
  3. It is not recommended to carry items such as money, jewelry, electronics (laptops, smartphones, tablets), documents, keys in checked luggage (preferably in hand luggage);

Important! Baggage on the S7 aircraft is located in a special baggage area (compartment). Access to it during the flight is prohibited.

According to the AK rules, the following items are not subject to weighing if they are not packaged:

  • bags (ladies) and briefcases;
  • folders with business papers;
  • outerwear;
  • books and magazines intended for reading on an airplane;
  • baby food;
  • digital technology (cell phone, smartphone, tablet, laptop, video camera, camera).

  1. When flying within the Customs Union, if there is cargo subject to declaration, it is better to have a customs declaration on hand (the official website of Domodedovo Customs is http://domodedovo.customs.ru; on the same website you can find out what is prohibited from being carried into different countries TS);
  2. Packaging requirements: the integrity of the packaging must not be compromised, and sharp objects must not stick out;
  3. The rules for carrying hand luggage are similar to the rules for carrying baggage in everything except packaging.

More detailed baggage rules are presented on the company’s website, in the “Information” section. Transportation rules."

It is necessary to keep in mind that one bag (suitcase) is one piece of luggage. Payment will be made according to the tariff even if the bag weighs less than 23 kg. Packing two bags or two suitcases at the same time is not permitted.

Basic options of the Economy Basic tariff S7 Airlines

Passengers also have the right to:

  • 50% miles (under the S7 Priority program for S7 economy class);
  • choosing a seat when registering on the website (company website - s7.ru) and when purchasing a ticket at the airport; paid service: when online registration choosing a seat – from 300 rubles (depending on the destination), when buying a ticket at the airport – from 500 rubles;
  • change of fare conditions for domestic and international flights (with “Economy Basic” it is possible to exchange for “Business Basic” class S7): before the end of registration - 3,000 rubles (60 euros), in case of no-show for the flight - 5,000 rubles (80 euros);
  • snack (hot food) during the flight.

Important! Ticket return according to tariff plan " Basic Economy" not available. Options « Open date" and "Stopover" are not available as part of this option package.

S7 Airlines clearly regulated the rules for carrying hand luggage and baggage and the cost of transportation. Flying in economy class S7 is a real opportunity to save money for those who like to travel light, without burdening themselves with excess cargo.


Finding cheap flights

Each airline applies restrictions on the carriage of cargo on an airplane. These standards are presented on the websites of air carriers, and when booking a ticket, be sure to familiarize yourself with them. Otherwise, if you take excess baggage with you, you will have to pay for it in accordance with the proposed rates. At S7 airline, the surcharge rates for baggage and the rules for its transportation are not very different from the tariffs of other Russian air carriers.

Baggage options

Important! It is necessary to distinguish between checked suitcases and items that you will take with you to the cabin. Different restrictions apply to them.

All luggage parameters are divided into three categories:

  1. Number of places. Each suitcase or bag carried is considered one piece. If there is more than one, an additional payment is assigned.
  2. Weight. For S7 luggage, as with other companies, if the suitcase is overweight, you will have to pay the established tariff. This also applies to the excess weight of your bag, which is included in the free baggage allowance.
  3. Dimensions. Checked baggage items, when summing up their length, height and width, must fit into 203 cm. You can take a bag into the cabin that does not exceed the dimensions of 55x40x20 cm.

To check the compliance of hand luggage with permitted standards, special restrictive cells are located near the check-in counters.

Cost and different tariffs

Three years ago, S7 introduced a tariff system, according to which you can choose the option that suits you. Each of them provides restrictions on baggage transportation:

  1. Economy Basic. Registered cargo is paid separately. Its maximum weight is 23 kg. Items weighing up to 10 kg are allowed into the salon.
  2. Economy Flexible. Allowed free transportation one piece of luggage weighing up to 23 kg.
  3. Business Basic. Hand luggage - up to 15 kg, luggage compartment suitcase - up to 32 kg.
  4. Business Flexible. You are allowed to carry two suitcases weighing up to 32 kg each; a bag weighing up to 15 kg can be taken into the cabin.
Important! Dimensions for carry-on and checked baggage remain standard for all fare types.

If you buy a ticket at the Economy Basic fare in S7, then the additional payment for luggage will be at least 2,500 rubles. Depending on the flight area, it may be higher, but this amount will be collected at the airport. And when you register online for a travel document and a piece of luggage at the same time, you will receive a 28% discount. Thus, the price is reduced to 1800 rubles.

By purchasing a ticket from S7, you can also buy the additional baggage service. This is a new offer that allows you to save money. How much a possible surcharge for excess baggage costs directly at the airport is determined by S7 rules. It depends on the flights or destinations served by S7, if excess baggage is allowed on the company’s aircraft.

Skiers are allowed to carry snowboards, skis and equipment free of charge, but with a weight limit. According to the S7 Economy tariffs - up to 23 kg, Business - up to 32 kg, the cost of excess baggage is determined in accordance with the general procedure. The dimensions of sports cargo are not limited.

How much to pay above the norm

Air carrier S7 has developed rules for charging surcharges for excess baggage.

Domestic flights:

Baggage categoryType of excessAdditional payment, rub.
Economy BasicBusiness BasicEconomy Flexible

Business is flexible

1 place over the limit2000 2000 2000
2000 6000 6000
Third or more places6000 6000 6000
23-32 kg2000 2000 2000
32-50 kg4000 4000 4000
Exceeding dimensions 2000 2000 2000

The surcharge may also vary depending on the flight zones within Russia.

Important! If there is an excess for several categories of baggage, then an additional payment is made based on the total amount of excess of the standard.

For example, for a second baggage item that is oversized, the additional payment will be calculated as follows: 2000 + 2000 = 4000 rubles.

How much you need to pay extra for baggage at S7 when flying to foreign countries is determined by the destination served.

International flights:

Baggage categoryType of excessAdditional payment, EUR
Economy BasicBusiness BasicEconomy Flexible

Business Flexible

Additional seats (if they fit into the parameters for weight and dimensions)1 place over the limit25 25 25
Second place over the limit25 80 80
Third or more places80 80 80
Excess weight (dimensions remain normal)23-32 kg25 25 25
32-50 kg50 50 50
Exceeding dimensions 25 25 25

Flights from Spain, Italy, Munich, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Dusseldorf, Bulgaria:

Baggage categoryType of excessAdditional payment, EUR
Economy BasicBusiness BasicEconomy Flexible

Business Flexible

Additional seats (if they fit into the parameters for weight and dimensions)1 place over the limit25 60 60
Second place over the limit60 80 80
Third or more places80 80 80
Excess weight (dimensions remain normal)23-32 kg60 60 60
32-50 kg120 120 120
Exceeding dimensions 60 60 60

Flights from Thailand:

Baggage categoryType of excessAdditional payment, THB
Economy BasicBusiness BasicEconomy Flexible

Business Flexible

Additional seats (if they fit into the parameters for weight and dimensions)1 place over the limit1000 2400 2400
2400 2400 2400
Excess weight (dimensions remain normal)23-32 kg2400 2400 2400
32-50 kg4800 4800 4800
Exceeding dimensions 2400 2400 2400

Flights from China, except those arriving in Vladivostok and Khabarovsk:

Baggage categoryType of excessAdditional payment, CHY
Economy BasicBusiness BasicEconomy Flexible

Business Flexible

Additional seats (if they fit into the parameters for weight and dimensions)1 place over the limit180 660 660
Second or more seats in excess of permitted660 660 660
Excess weight (dimensions remain normal)23-32 kg660 660 660
32-50 kg1320 1320 1320
Exceeding dimensions 660 660 660

If your 3rd and subsequent pieces exceed the norm, and your luggage exceeds the dimensions and weight, then the exact additional payment will be calculated for you when you contact the Contact Center.

S7 Airlines contacts:
+7 495 783–0707, +7 495 777–9999
Toll-free in Russia: 8 800 700–0707
Some rules for calculating the cost of surcharge for baggage at S7 airline:

  1. If the flight is a multi-part flight, then this amount must be paid only for one part of the flight in one direction.
  2. The full surcharge for a flight with a transfer on domestic flights will double.
  3. When a connection is made with a flight to other countries, the surcharge is calculated by doubling the single cost for international flights.
  4. If the transfer exceeds 23 hours, the additional payment is calculated at the Contact Center.

Important! The cost of excess 1 kg of baggage on S7 aircraft is not calculated. The surcharge is general within the limits of excess weight.

There are several ways to pay for additional baggage at S7:

  • when booking a ticket on the website s7.ru;
  • V mobile application S7 Airlines;
  • in an Aeroport;
  • in the Contact Center.

Additional norm

The “Additional baggage allowance” service will help you reserve additional kilograms in advance. With its help, you will purchase one or two additional pieces or pay for excess weight of the free suitcase (up to 32 kg).

S7 Airlines has set the cost of the surcharge for additional baggage in accordance with the time of request.

The cost of an additional piece of baggage on an S7 aircraft is calculated using a special formula based on tariffs for exceeding the standards adopted for certain destinations.

The cost of the service is determined by the discount, which will affect the price of additional baggage on the S7 aircraft:

  1. Purchasing the service at the time of booking - 20 percent discount when calculating the surcharge for excess loads.
  2. Purchased when booking online 4 hours before departure - 10% discount.
If you purchase the service less than 4 hours before departure, you will not receive any discounts.

Important! The service does not apply to non-standard cargo over 32 kg, exceeding the permitted dimensions, and with more than two additional seats.

When you pay an additional fee for additional suitcases according to this service, and then cancel the flight or the flight is cancelled, the money must be returned.

Transportation of animals

Animals are transported in S7 as paid excess cargo, that is, you have to pay extra for their transportation, even if you are entitled to a free piece of hand luggage or checked cargo.

You can arrange your transportation directly at the airport. No later than 48 hours before departure, you must notify the Contact Center that you will be traveling with an animal.

Where the animal will travel depends on its weight. The S7 company allows only pets in the cabin: dogs, cats, birds. Each animal in the cabin up to 8 kg must be in a cage or plastic container, which must provide it with access to air and a free position. The same requirements for a pet container apply when transported in the luggage compartment. The dimensions of the cage for hand luggage must be no more than 115 cm in total. The weight is determined by the total: animal + cage.

Pets that do not meet these parameters are transported in the luggage compartment.

Two individuals can be transported in one container when their weight is up to 14 kg and they are capable of peaceful behavior towards each other. Otherwise, if you exceed the weight, you can place a cage with one animal in the luggage compartment.

Important! Animals in the luggage compartment weighing more than 32 kg for the flight international flights often not allowed, except on flights to CIS countries. On domestic flights - by agreement with the Contact Center and only if there are available seats in the luggage compartment.

Additional payment for transportation of animals on domestic routes:

  • in the aircraft cabin (weight up to 8 kg, dimensions up to 115 cm) - 2000 rubles;
  • in the luggage compartment (weight up to 32 kg, dimensions up to 203 cm) - 4000 rubles, the same for weights up to 50 kg - 8000 rubles;
  • dimensions more than 203 cm, weight up to 23 kg - 4000 rubles, up to 32 kg - 6000 rubles, up to 50 kg - 8000 rubles.

Additional payment for transportation on routes to CIS countries:

  • in hand luggage - 35 euros;
  • in the luggage compartment a standard cage less than 203 cm - 70 euros (weight 23-32 kg);
  • cage over 203 cm (weight 23-32 kg) - 105 euros.

Surcharge on international flights:

  • flight in the cabin of an S7 aircraft - 50 euros;
  • in the luggage compartment - 100 euros (weight 23-32 kg);
  • size exceeding 203 cm (weight 23-32 kg) corresponds to an additional payment of 150 euros.

To transport animals, in addition to additional payment, you will need veterinary documents certifying the animal’s health status.

What else to consider

If you fly with S7 at the Economy Basic fare, then the additional payment for baggage will cover the benefit of the reduced ticket price. The best option is to fly without a checked suitcase, only with hand luggage.

The S7 company does not allow you to take excess hand luggage into the cabin; it must be placed in your luggage, and the additional payment is made in accordance with the general rules.

Carry-on luggage, in addition to the bag or item established by the regulations, includes:

  • outerwear;
  • flower bouquets;
  • duty-free goods (up to 3 kg, total dimensions 75 cm).
It is better to purchase additional luggage from the S7 carrier online in advance to avoid unnecessary costs.

If the cargo exceeds 203 cm and 32 kg, only S7 can decide on its delivery. The determining factors in this case are the size of the luggage compartment and the degree of its occupancy. If you are carrying such cargo, be sure to call the Contact Center in advance.

By strictly following the rules and navigating the variety of tariffs, you will be able to transport the necessary cargo with minimal costs and without unpleasant surprises before departure.