How long does it take to check in for a plane? How many hours before does check-in for international and domestic flights begin and end? Key Points of Electronic Registration

The theater begins with the hanger, and the flight begins with check-in. Why is it needed at all? How is a plane ticket different from, for example, a train or bus ticket? Why can’t you immediately buy an air ticket with a specific seat assigned, like for a train?

It's all about the number of passengers and their luggage. The arrangement of luggage and passengers in the cabin depends on it - it is important to maintain the alignment of the aircraft so that its center of gravity does not shift in one direction or another. If each passenger chooses the seat he likes immediately when purchasing a ticket, then the ability to manage their seating arrangements throughout the cabin will be difficult.

Luggage and carry-on luggage need to be weighed somewhere - on land or water transport you can uncontrollably take suitcases full of dumbbells with you, but on an airplane you need control and, in fact, someone who will accept the luggage and transfer it for loading into the luggage compartment : so you can’t do without registration.

By the way, there were attempts to simplify the process of checking in luggage - the same IL-86 was designed with the expectation that each passenger could carry his luggage to the plane and leave it in the luggage compartment, which is located in front of the entrance to the cabin.

At the same time, in a number of large cities in the world - for example, in Abu Dhabi, Vienna, Hong Kong, Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Stockholm or Taipei - it is possible to check-in for a flight at special points within the city. This allows you to check in your luggage and travel to the airport lightly and, in turn, reduces queues for check-in at the airport itself, since the passenger already has a boarding pass in hand and can immediately go to the waiting room.

A similar opportunity was implemented by Aeroexpress in Moscow at Belorussky, Paveletsky and Kievsky stations, but due to low demand (only 2.5% of passengers used the service) it was eliminated at Belorussky and Kievsky. The low demand is not surprising: check-in ended 3 hours before the flight departure, that is, the passenger was guaranteed to have time to arrive at the airport before check-in at the counters began. But at the Paveletsky station you can have time to register and board the train, which will arrive at Domodedovo airport after registration at the counters has ended: but you will have time to board. This service costs 100 rubles.

Depending on the airport, airline and flight direction, check-in start and end times may vary. A certain “average” value is opening 2 hours before departure and closing 30-40 minutes, however, on a number of routes it can be even 20 minutes, and at those airports where the airline of your choice is based, check-in can be opened 6 or 12 or even 24 hours before departure.

If you are flying with one airline (or airlines within the same airline alliance, or under interline agreements) with transfers, then at the first airport you will usually be issued boarding passes for all segments of the route, which will allow you to avoid queues at check-in counters for transit passengers. By the way, about these racks. If all your boarding passes have not been issued to you, and a queue has formed at the transfer counter, then no one forbids you to go “to the city”, and then re-enter and check in with those passengers who are flying from this city. In this case, of course, you will have to go through inspection again, while during the transfer you will often not leave the “clean zone”. However, at some airports you still need to go through security again during transfers, and the queue here can also be long. In the same Sheremetyevo there are often internal “transit traffic” through the “city”.

Online check-in simplifies the check-in process. It solves the problem of seating passengers - and if they do not have luggage, then the process ends: the passenger himself prints his boarding pass and goes with it to boarding. The airline, ideally, only has to accept the baggage, which speeds up the process and, as a result, requires fewer check-in counters. The same Drop-Off counters are used for baggage collection on all flights.

For an airline, online check-in is primarily about cutting costs. So it's no surprise that some discounters actually require all passengers to check in online. For example, if you fly on Ryanair and forget to do this (even though they send you a reminder letter several times), the airport check-in fee can be as high as 60 euros, which is often more expensive than the ticket itself.

At the same time, if most traditional airlines open online check-in a day before departure, then discounters with their similar fleet allow you to “check in” much earlier. So, the same Ryanair opens registration 15 days before departure, AirAsia - 14 days, and EasyJet - immediately after purchasing a ticket.

Self-check-in kiosks at the airport are essentially another interface to the online check-in system, combined with a printer. At some airports, this is where you can print out your boarding pass if you have not done so at home. In others, this can only be done at the counter, and in some places for additional money. So if you don’t have a printer at hand, choose mobile check-in, as a result of which a QR code will appear on the screen of your phone, and when you attach it to the scanner at the airport, you will receive a paper boarding pass. For obvious reasons (not all airports have scanners), mobile check-in is offered at significantly fewer airports than just online.

For a passenger, online check-in is a convenience (especially when flying without luggage) and a way. Although this is not always possible with online registration, at least you can avoid the obviously bad ones. However, at the same discounters, check-in may not imply choosing a seat, and experienced passengers of the same RyanAir have long been accustomed to competitions “who will be the first to run from the gate to the ramp”, that is, whoever boarded the plane first takes the best seats.

For those who do not want to run, a paid priority boarding service is provided, and traditional airlines often practice so-called pre-seating: that is, pre-reserving a particular seat for a passenger. It can be available either during the booking process, or later - through a call center, personal account on the website or in the mobile application.

The highlight of online check-in is self-service when checking in luggage: a baggage tag is printed in a special machine, which is glued to the suitcase, which the passenger himself carries to an automatic collection point. For example, such a system works for passengers of KLM in Amsterdam (Schiphol) or Lufthansa in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. And, for example, Air New Zealand issues RFID tags to its frequent flyers, with which they can immediately pass through the automated turnstiles at the boarding gates directly onto the plane, without having to print any boarding passes.

However, not all airlines have online check-in, and those that do do not have it at all airports; This is a problem of an exclusively IT nature: the integration of a particular airport into the registration system requires certain means. Also, online check-in may not be available for group tickets (as they are booked slightly differently than regular tickets and the passenger list can change at the last minute) and for codeshare flights. True, in the latter case there is a trick: you need to register in the system of the airline that actually operates the flight; and if your reservation is not found by last name and first name, try searching by booking code (PNR), but PNR does not work - by ticket number, etc. – try all possible methods of authorization; however, even this does not guarantee the success of the operation; you may still have to go to the counter.

If online check-in at Aeroflot does not work, most likely you are checking in from a smartphone from an airport that does not have mobile check-in (that is, printers for printing these mobile boarding passes). You need to select the full version of the site in your mobile browser settings and then get your boarding pass at the counter or self-check-in kiosk.

Online registration begins in 24 hours and ends in 45 minutes before flight departure and is available when departing from the following cities:

Anapa, Antalya, Bangkok*, Goa, Ekaterinburg, Heraklion, Kazan, Kerkyra, Kos, Larnaca, Moscow (Vnukovo airport), Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Pardubice, Paphos, Perm, Phuket, Rhodes, Samara, St. St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Sochi, Tyumen, Ufa, Sharjah, Eilat, Enfidha**.

* At Bangkok and Eilat airports, online check-in closes 4 hours 10 minutes before departure.
** At Enfidha Airport, online check-in closes 5 hours 10 minutes before departure and boarding passes received through online check-in must be reissued at the airport check-in counter .

If you are traveling with baggage that exceeds your carry-on baggage allowance, you must deposit your baggage at the designated DROP OFF check-in counter or at your flight's check-in counter before check-in time ends.

If your baggage exceeds the free baggage allowance in weight or size, you must pay for the excess baggage at the rates set by the airline.
Read the baggage rules and pay attention to the list of items and substances restricted/prohibited for transportation.

You can use the online check-in service for Rossiya Airlines flights numbered FV5501-5949 in the following cases:

    You do not need special services, such as accompanying a child without parents, accompanying seriously ill people on stretchers, etc.;

    You travel without animals, do not carry weapons or heavy luggage;

    You do not have additional seats in the aircraft cabin, including for luggage.

How to check in for a flight online:

1. On the official website of Rossiya Airlines, go to the online check-in service page (the “Online check-in” button) or use the service’s direct address.

2. Fill in the fields in accordance with the itinerary receipt:

  • Passenger's last name. Enter the passenger's last name as it appears on the ticket itinerary receipt. Example: RYBAKOV (when entering copied text, check that there are no hidden spaces), a double surname is also entered together without spaces, for example, ALEKSANDROVAANDREEVA.
  • Number of ticket. Enter the electronic ticket number as indicated on the itinerary receipt. Example: 1952420251055

3. Read and agree to the rules of online registration, privacy policy, terms and conditions of service and the list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft.

4. To identify the passenger, click the “Search” button.

If identification is successful, the page will display flight information, passenger information and online check-in status.

The status of online registration can be displayed in two states: OPEN or CLOSED - in accordance with the activity of the service. By clicking the button, you can view information about the start and end times of check-in at the airport, as well as the start and end times of boarding the plane.

The “Passenger selected for registration” field displays the passenger whose last name was indicated during authentication;

If you have a companion(s), you can add him/her for online check-in together by clicking on the "Add Passenger" button and entering the last name and ticket number.

5. Select the last name of the passenger(s) you are registering and click the “Proceed to Online Check-in” button.

6. Click the “Select Seat” button to select seats on the aircraft cabin map.

When choosing a location, be guided by the following symbols:

Passenger's chosen seat

Blocked seats and seats already selected by other passengers

Paid seats in the “Space+ Upper Deck” category

Paid seats in the “Space+” category*

Paid seats in the “A-ZONE” and “FRONT ROWS” categories

Paid seats category "B-ZONE" (preferred seats)

Seats of category “C-ZONE” (standard seats) available for selection

Places equipped with bassinets for babies

Seats equipped with bassinets are provided to passengers with infants aged no more than 1 year and weighing no more than 11 kg. The number of seats with carrycot attachments on board is limited. Length of the cradle: 75 cm.

According to flight safety rules, we can offer a passenger with an infant under 2 years of age a limited number of seats to choose from in the aircraft cabin - the outer seats near the aisle, with the exception of some blocks of seats.

*For pre-purchased Space+ seats at emergency exits, you must check in for your flight and receive a boarding pass at the airport check-in counter.

Before completing online registration, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the seating diagram:Boeing 747-400, Boeing 737-800.
The layout and location of seats on board the aircraft may vary due to slight differences in modifications of individual aircraft.

7. Select additional services. An insurance policy is included with your order by default.

If necessary, the passenger can click on the “SELECTED” button to remove the service from the order; after clicking, the button will change to the “SELECT” button. When you press the “SELECT” button again, a new window opens in which you can select the “Insurance” service for each passenger.

It is possible to issue a voluntary insurance policy on Rossiya Airlines flights numbered FV5501-5949 if you have an issued air ticket on the website in the section - 24 hours, but no later than 2 hours before the flight departure.

When departing from Vnukovo, you can choose Additional Meals from the “Shokoladnitsa” menu, as well as the “Congratulations on Board” service, before check-in and no later than 7 hours before flight departure. You can select additional services by pressing the "Select" button.

8. After selecting your seat and additional services, click the “Proceed to Payment” button.

If you select a paid location and/or a paid service, you must enter your mobile phone number and e-mail, then go to the payment page and make a payment.

The passenger's status will change to "Registered", the selected seat will be assigned to the passenger, a boarding pass and payment receipt will be generated.

9. The boarding pass and receipt are generated in PDF format. Use the buttons:

“BOARDING PASS” - for immediate viewing and printing of the pass;

“RECEIPT” - for immediate viewing and printing of a receipt (for paid seats)

“QR CODE” - for immediate viewing and printing of the QR code.

“Send documents by e-mail” - in order to print all documents later. Please provide the email address(es) to which your boarding pass will be sent.

10. Online registration is completed.


A paper boarding pass is required to proceed to the boarding gate. If you were unable to print your boarding pass at home, you can print your boarding pass at the self-check-in kiosks at the airport or at the airport check-in counter.

How to cancel registration:

1. In order to cancel registration if a free seat was previously selected, it is necessary to go through passenger identification.

3. In the window that opens, you must confirm your intention to cancel online registration.

4. Cancellation of online registration is completed.

5. Cancellation of online registration in case of purchasing paid seats with additional comfort is not possible. Refunds for purchased services are made in accordance with the claims procedure.

In connection with the introduction of additional security measures at airports for passing security control procedures, and for international transport, also border and customs formalities
you must arrive at the departure airport in advance .

In order to ensure flight safety, the airline reserves the right to change the seats you have chosen without prior notice, as well as to refuse flight if:

    Before the end of ground check-in (40 minutes before departure), you did not have time to go through all the pre-flight procedures regulated by the airport of departure.

    You arrive at the gate after the boarding time has passed.

Online check-in for an airline flight is necessary for the passenger to select a seat on the plane and save time at the airport. You can register through the airline's website or mobile application. After checking in online yourself, you will immediately receive a boarding pass.

When checking in for a flight online, you no longer need to check in at the airport and guess which seats you will get. If you are flying without luggage and you have a printed boarding pass, you can immediately go through security before departure, bypassing the check-in counters. If you are traveling with luggage, you can check it in at the airport at the Drop-off baggage drop-off counters for registered passengers. There are no long queues at such counters, since they only accept luggage.

Is it necessary to register online?

The need for online check-in depends on the airline's rules. If the airline offers online check-in, be sure to use it. Foreign low-cost airlines may charge you money at the check-in counter if you do not go through it yourself on the carrier’s website.

For any airline, checking in at airports is an additional cost, so carriers are interested in passengers checking in independently. On some European flights, check-in is only available through airline websites or special check-in terminals at the airport.

Some airports do not have access to the international online passenger check-in information system, so passengers will not be able to check in online in advance. Most often this applies to small regional air ports.

How to register online

You can check in online in two ways: on the website or through the airline’s mobile application. On the airline's website, in the check-in section for the flight, the passenger must enter his data: first and last name, reservation code or air ticket number. During registration, check that you have entered your email correctly. After checking in on the airline's website, you will be sent a boarding pass with a code to scan (bar or QR code) by email.

As a rule, check-in with airlines begins one day before flight departure and ends an hour before departure. For foreign low-cost airlines, check-in opens much earlier: 15 days in advance or immediately after purchasing a ticket. This is due to the fact that low-cost airlines have only one type of aircraft, and even if there is a change of board, the seating pattern of passengers will not change.

Do I need a computer to complete online registration?

Having a computer or laptop for online check-in is not necessary if you have a smartphone or tablet. Airline websites have mobile versions. You can also use the airline's mobile application to complete check-in.

Read also: passenger on the plane, how to receive and print.

Online check-in on airline websites

Avianiti publishes a list of airlines and links to their official websites for online check-in.

Online check-in for a flight occurs only on the airline’s website or mobile application; there is no need to register on airport websites or other resources.

So, you are going to the airport. A passport, ticket, documents for the child have been prepared (passport, birth certificate, consent of the spouse for the departure of your child). You haven’t forgotten a wallet with money from the country you are interested in, a return ticket (it is needed to get to many countries, and it can “take” you not necessarily home, but to another country), as well as the card with which you paid for the ticket (in some airlines may require it). The suitcase was also collected, and even carefully measured with a measuring tape and weighed. When to call a taxi?

Experienced passengers are sure: If the flight is domestic, you need to arrive 2 hours before departure. If you are international or you are a beginner, then for three. Add to this time the route to the airport, taking into account possible traffic jams and congestion.

And now about the same thing, but in more detail.

  1. Incoming control. Even if you are not flying anywhere, but just meeting your husband/brother/matchmaker, you will be asked to send your bag to the scanner and go through the metal detector yourself. If something in the bag alerts the employee, he will ask you to open it and show the contents.
  2. Departures board. The same as at the train station. Look on your ticket to see what your flight number looks like and look for it on the board. It contains Latin letters as well as numbers. If it says next to it that registration is open, or if an empty field lights up, you’ve made it. If it is indicated that landing is in progress - alas...
  3. You check in and receive a boarding pass, then (if necessary) check your luggage and receive a baggage tag. You will receive your suitcase after boarding. He will fly with you, only in the cargo compartment.
  4. Go through passport control and pre-flight inspection (again, a metal detector + scanner for all things, but this check is more thorough), and in some cases you will have to communicate with customs officers.
  5. The waiting room where you will stay until boarding. There are cafes and shops here.
  6. Boarding a plane to which a certain gate will lead. At large airports, buses wait for people behind the gates, and less often, there is an accordion corridor leading to the door of the aircraft.

Registration time and procedure

How does registration work? An airline representative checks the documents of all passengers, their tickets (although sometimes only a passport is enough, since they have all the information in the database), and then hands over a boarding pass with the number of your seat on board. If you are one of the first in line, you can ask the employee to find you a more comfortable seat (for example, one where you can stretch your legs well).

Have you already registered elsewhere? They will send you a coupon - be sure to print it out. It is this, and not the ticket, that guarantees that you will be allowed on the plane. By the way, in addition to the flight number, it will indicate the exact departure time.

You can register:

  • from home, via the Internet (though not always - information about such registration is on the websites of carrier companies);
  • through a self-check-in terminal (this method can be recommended not only for experienced travelers). Its advantage is that you don't have to stand in line at the counter. These smart machines (also called self-check-in kiosks) can read information from your passport and also print out the boarding pass you need.

Self-check-in (especially if done in advance, via the Internet - it opens about a day before the flight, although VizAir allows you to check-in a month in advance) gives you the advantage of choosing your favorite seat on the plane. Well, people who will go through “off-line” check-in at the airport employee’s desk, especially those last in line, will already receive what’s left... However, this rule has an exception: sometimes companies indicate on tickets a specific seat, which is assigned behind this passenger. Most often, these are places of increased comfort, for which a person pays extra.

If you checked in online but forgot your boarding pass at home, you will have to visit the check-in counter and they will issue you a new one. In some cases, you can register using your mobile phone. The coupon will be sent to you and does not need to be printed - it will be checked through the screen of your phone.

Registration usually starts 2 hours before and ends 40 minutes before departure., smoothly “flowing” into the landing.

If you are late for this procedure, or arrive on time but without the necessary documents, you will be denied boarding.

Boarding time

After check-in, you are taken to the departure area (waiting room). Here people are waiting for the airline to check the documents of the last passenger and announce boarding. Even if it seems to you that there is still time, immediately find the gate you need. Your boarding pass contains your flight number - the same one should appear on the sign above the gate. Only after figuring out how to get to this “departure point” can you set off to explore the fascinating world of duty-free.

It's worth remembering: gate numbers sometimes change, so don't stay in stores until the last minute. It is in your interests to appear at the boarding gate no later than 15 minutes before boarding, that is, a maximum of 25-45 minutes before departure (depending on the length of your flight and what city you are in, this will be discussed in more detail below) . You can’t be late: if a passenger “goes on a spree” and doesn’t make it in time, the money for the ticket won’t be returned to him - it’s his own fault.

Boarding times are constantly reminded to passengers, broadcast on information boards and repeated over loudspeakers.

Domestic flights

  • At large airports (for example, in the capital), boarding begins 30-40 minutes and ends 15-20 minutes before departure.
  • At small airports (say, in Barnaul, Irkutsk, and so on) it starts 25-30 and ends 15-10 minutes before the “start”.

International flights

  • Large airports: starts 60 to 40 minutes, ends 25 to 20 minutes before departure.
  • Small: starts in 40-30 minutes, ends in 20-15 minutes.

Why is there such a big time difference? It's simple: the larger the airport, the longer the queues. And in smaller cities there are practically no such services, so the service is faster.

That's all! Now you can sit back and fly beautifully into the sunset.

By the way! When checking in, passengers are often asked to select a seat on the plane. There is no need to think that they are all the same - there are more and less comfortable chairs. In addition, many salons are designed differently, so the seats in them are not at all identical. This video will help you make the right choice!

Airports are generally always busy, and larger ones can be overcrowded. The flow of tourists at large airports does not stop. Often the security measures can also be quite daunting for many arrivals. This article will familiarize travelers with the rules of check-in at the airport and how long it takes to check in for a plane.

A passenger must complete several steps to check in for a flight:

  • arrive at the airfield on time;
  • check in luggage;
  • go through customs control and head to the departure hall;
  • receive your boarding pass;
  • go through passport control.

All airlines require their passengers to check in early before flying. Check-in for a flight can be done in one of three ways:

  • Online via the Internet on the official portal of the air carrier.
  • At the airport check-in counter.
  • Through a travel agency.

Check-in at the airport for domestic flights ends strictly 40 minutes before. Therefore, it is imperative that the passenger reaches the airport on time with sufficient time to complete check-in. Airline staff strongly recommend arriving at the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight to ensure you have enough time to complete the entire procedure.

Rules of conduct at the airport terminal

Beginning of registration - main stages

Online check-in for a flight is available through the official website of the airline company. The passenger receives an email in advance indicating what time the plane departs and when online check-in opens. This notification usually comes 24 hours before the flight departure. The process is quite simple. The passenger can register at home after entering his own data, which is indicated in the passport.

You are then given the option to download your boarding pass, print it on your printer, or send it by email. Check-in for international flights ends immediately 4 hours before flight departure. The passenger must arrive at the airport 2 hours before check-in closes.

Important! Passengers who did not have time to check in online for a UTair airline flight can complete the procedure directly at Pulkovo Airport.

Many people wonder how this process works and whether it takes time to receive an itinerary receipt for a flight. There are special self-service points in the departure hall. These touchscreen machines look like ATMs and are located near the check-in counter in departure lounges.

Checking in at the airport for a plane using one of these devices is quite easy. To do this, you just need to click on the FlySafair icon and follow the simple instructions. The printout will be identified using your personal booking number, a six-digit code found at the top of the itinerary receipt.

How long does it take to complete all procedures?

Registration time. When to arrive at the airport

Many beginners do not know how to behave before a flight. In order not to panic, you need to arrive at the airport in advance and calmly go through all the procedures. At any airport, passengers are required to:

  • Passport. To fly within Russia you need an internal passport. You definitely need to take a foreign passport to another country. The domestic Russian one can come in handy if documents are stolen abroad, but even then it’s easy to get by without it.
  • You will be asked for a ticket at the airport at check-in. In fact, there are a lot of airlines that only check in using your passport, because the ticket information is stored in a database. But it’s better to print it out anyway or save it on your smartphone until check-in at the airport begins. And if you fly on board Ryanair, you need to check in for your flight online and be sure to print out your boarding pass a few hours before departure. Otherwise, the air carrier's employees will not allow you to board the plane or you will have to pay a fine.

Note! For children, a different set of documents is required.

This includes:

  • Child's passport. Domestic - if you are traveling around Russia, foreign - if the trip is planned abroad.
  • Birth certificate. Border guards occasionally ask for it to ensure the accuracy of the information. And with a birth certificate with a stamp or an insert about citizenship, a child under 14 years old will enter a country where they are allowed without a foreigner. For example, to Belarus.
  • Consent to travel if the child is traveling without parents: with a nanny or grandmother. If children cross the border with one of their parents, consent to leave is not required.

Airport terminals - requirements and rules

Differences in check-in procedures at different airports

All passengers are subject to the same system at the airport before boarding a domestic flight. Passport and security control may take some time, for example 1 to 2 hours depending on the queue. After the passenger passes security, he is allowed into the departure hall. This is a special area where passengers can wait until check-in is completed.

Passengers on international flights are subject to increased scrutiny. Each person undergoes mandatory customs control, security control, and passport control. Many inexperienced passengers ask the question: how many hours before does boarding begin? To pass all types of control, you must arrive 2.5 or 3 hours earlier. Passengers on domestic flights may arrive at the airport a little later, for example, 2 or 1.5 hours before departure.

Requirements of air carriers for registration on low-cost airlines

The registration desk at Domodedovo, Vnukovo or Sheremetyevo is the traditional and most famous type of registration, which does not lose its popularity to this day. It is especially suitable for those who are making their first flight, since the entire process is guided by trained personnel and errors are excluded.

This type of registration has many other fans - after all, interaction with people is often preferable to using technology. Additionally, for some passengers, depending on the airline's requirements, this may be the only suitable option. However, today there are low-cost airlines that dictate their own rules, which every passenger must obey.

What requirements do low-cost airlines have?

How long does it take to check-in for a low-cost airline flight?

Low-cost airlines (lowcosters, low-cost airlines, discounters) - this is what today is commonly called budget airlines that offer cheap tickets with a minimum set of additional services.

When purchasing a ticket from a low-cost carrier for both domestic and international flights, you should carefully consider the choice of services and fare conditions of a particular airline. Many travelers do not like to use the services of low-cost airlines in the direction Moscow - Barcelona or St. Petersburg - Paris due to several factors.

If online check-in for major air carriers is always free, when checking in at the airport Ryanair, EasyJet, Wizzair, Vueling and other airlines charge an additional fee of €50*, and the American Spirit Airlines - 10 USD*. Moreover, Ryanair closes online check-in 4 hours before departure. If there is no printout (according to the ticket number) at the airport, the passenger will have to pay a fine. Since check-in at the airport is carried out exclusively with an electronic ticket.

How to stay calm when boarding a plane

Even though flying can be an exciting adventure, it can cause fear in some people. There are many different events that force people to travel by air. Air transport is considered to be the safest than any other mode of transport. The number of car and train accidents is much higher than the number of plane crashes.

Traveling is great as long as you don't find yourself in a stressful situation. Package tourists are protected from surprises, their route is strictly regulated: passport control, baggage claim, tour operator representatives, a shuttle for twenty people and a hotel that you don’t have to leave.

What is left for those who arrive at an unfamiliar airport in Europe, not knowing the language, and simply want to find a way out after landing without incident? Indeed, for many tourists, even an aggressive offer from taxi drivers and snatching of luggage from their hands is already a sufficient reason for stress. If panic sets in, then you need to pull yourself together.

You need to come to terms with the fact that none of the airports in the world has a perfect signage system. Even if a person speaks perfect English, you often have to look for signs throughout the building and you can lose your route.

Note! It’s better to study the airport map in advance, save it to your phone, or sketch out a rough plan. This will help you find your way in an unfamiliar place.

In conclusion, it should be noted that while at the airport you need to calm down. People are susceptible to anxiety, this happens to many. None of the employees are interested in the traveler getting lost or missing the flight. There is no hopeless situation, as airfield workers will help in any situation. It must be remembered that the traveler’s main enemy is panic.

*Prices are current as of August 2018.