Distance from the village of Taman to Kerch. Distance from the village of Taman to Kerch Distance between the village of Taman and Kerch

You set out to cover the distance from the village of Kerch to the village of Chernomorskoye. Who among the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost? One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the starting point and the final destination of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between the village of Kazan and Tikhoretsk. With a known average speed vehicle You can calculate travel time with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question how many km are between the village of Taman and Kerch - 89 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 2 hours 6 minutes. Working with the map is very simple. The system itself will find the shortest distance and offer the OPTIMAL route. The route from the village of Kazanskaya to Tikhoretsk is shown in the diagram with a bold line. On the diagram you will see all the settlements that you will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list settlements along the Taman - Kerch highway at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you will be able to quickly navigate unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to go, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from Kerch to Kerch and knowing how to get through difficult junctions, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from Kerch to Kerch.

Panorama of the villages of Taman and Kerch

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for all complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having planned your route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and use the "People's Map" mode. Perhaps you will find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. Preliminary calculation of time and a constructed travel route will help you stay on schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. This way, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication while driving. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error when measuring blood alcohol levels is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.
Good luck on the roads!

Using our website, you can plot the route Kerch - Taman village both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed based on maps from Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from Kerch (Russia) to the village of Taman (Russia).

Distance between Kerch and the village of Taman

If you drive along the road by car, then the distance between Kerch, Kerch City Council, Republic of Crimea and the village of Taman, Temryuk district, Krasnodar region is 37.4 km.

  • Travel time

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    with a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight line distance

    distance between centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Distance by road

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

  • tell friends
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Fuel consumption calculator:


We have selected several air ticket options for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account price and departure time. If you want to buy an inexpensive air ticket Kerch - Taman village or on another route, then follow the link.

    (AAQ) Chemburka village → (KRR) Krasnodar

    Aeroflot Russian Airlines

    Aeroflot Russian Airlines

    (KRR) Krasnodar → (AAQ) Chemburka village

    Aeroflot Russian Airlines

Train tickets

Need inexpensive ones Railway tickets in the village of Taman or in Kerch? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. .

Bus tickets

Need inexpensive tickets for intercity or international buses in the village of Taman or in Kerch? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Intercity bus tickets.

Closest airports to Stanitsa Taman

  • Sevastopol, Russia.

Closest airports to Kerch

  • Chemburka village, Anapa urban district, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • Gelendzhik, Gelendzhik urban district, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • Krasnodar, Krasnodar urban district, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • Sevastopol, Russia.


Need to select and book inexpensive hotel in the village of Taman or in Kerch? There is a convenient resource on our website online booking hotels. Just follow the link.

Using our website, you can plot the travel route Taman - Kerch both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed based on maps from Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from the village of Taman (Russia) to the point of Kerch (Russia).

Distance between the village of Taman and Kerch

If you drive along the road by car, the distance between the village of Taman, Temryuk district, Krasnodar region and Kerch, Kerch urban district, Republic of Crimea is 37.9 km.

  • Travel time

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    with a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight line distance

    distance between centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Distance by road

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

  • tell friends
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Fuel consumption calculator:


We have selected several air ticket options for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account price and departure time. If you want to buy an inexpensive air ticket Taman - Kerch or on another route, then follow the link.

Train tickets

Do you need inexpensive train tickets to Kerch or Taman? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. .

Bus tickets

Do you need inexpensive tickets for intercity or international buses to Kerch or the village of Taman? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Tickets for intercity buses.

Closest airports to Kerch

Closest airports to Stanitsa Taman


Do you need to choose and book an inexpensive hotel in Kerch or in the village of Taman? Our website has a convenient online hotel booking resource. Just follow the link.

During my husband and I summer holiday in Crimea we made a small local foray into. My husband mumbled a little and remembered Pechorin from “Hero of Our Time” in not very good words, and I happily anticipated meeting with the town I loved since childhood :) I won’t describe our entire route, I’ll only tell you about the most difficult section “Kerch - Taman”. It’s just a shame, the distance between the cities is small, but it’s not so easy to get from one to another.

How to get there by car

It is only 80 kilometers away from Taman. Yes, in another place this distance can be covered in 40 minutes on a good road! But in our case, everything is not so simple. And why? That's right, because we have to cross the Kerch crossing, at the mention of which my husband's left eye begins to twitch :) We stood in line for 2 and a half hours!!! Although now everything seems to be fine at the crossing and there are no such terrible traffic jams. I'll tell you a little about the route itself. Between the cities (except for the sea) there is the E-97 highway. You need to use it to get to Port Crimea, where you will lose time, nerves and money (about 1,500 rubles for a car and 150-200 rubles per person). By ferry you will sail to Port Kavkaza (the sail is about 40 minutes), and then along the same E-97 you will get to Taman. The road is not bad, but quite narrow. When you drive along small villages, it’s absolutely crazy there :) It seems to me that two cars simply won’t be able to pass each other there. Even after Port Caucasus there will be small holes and irregularities, but this is a common and tolerable thing). We ended up getting there in 3 and a half hours. If in seaside villages If there weren’t any cafes with incredibly tasty food and a cool atmosphere, I wouldn’t have liked the trip. And when I’m full, I’m kind and contented, so I drove and looked out the window, enjoying the incredibly cool views. Along the way there will be a couple of federal gas stations and a few more local ones. I don’t recommend trusting the latter :) We spent about 400 rubles on gasoline alone. We didn’t meet any evil traffic cops, we only saw a camera, but it was closed :)

How to get there by bus

There is no direct bus from Kerch to Taman, but there are a lot of transit ones. They go from Sevastopol, Yalta, Feodosia, Simferopol and other Crimean cities to, Anapa or. And almost everyone stops in Kerch and Taman. True, the last stop for some buses is not an official stop, but you can always negotiate with the driver. For example, there is a daily bus "Sevastopol - Sochi". He arrives at the bus station at 21:15 in the evening, and in Taman he will be around 2 in the morning. If the night flight does not suit you, then you can get there by bus "Yalta - Sochi", it arrives at 19:00, and in Taman it will be around 22:00 in the evening. I really liked the option with the Sevastopol - Anapa bus, it arrives in Kerch every day at 06:00 in the morning, but in Taman you will already be around 09:00 in the morning. The buses are quite comfortable, they have air conditioning and soft seats. By bus you will also have to cross Kerch crossing, but here things will go faster - passenger buses are allowed in without a queue. True, all passengers will have to leave the cabin and walk on board.

Ticket price