What to see and where to go in the North Caucasus. The most beautiful places in the North Caucasus: Grail, lamas and German airfield

Anomalous and mysterious places in Kabardino-Balkaria

In the North Caucasus, a female yeti molested men

A sensational incident occurred in the Chegem Gorge in the North Caucasus - researchers found unexpected evidence of the existence of “Bigfoot” there. Local residents admitted that a female yeti - here such wild creatures are called Almasty - not only came out to people, but also tried to have sexual intercourse.

In the vicinity of the village of Elbrus, according to local residents, such mysterious creatures have been encountered more than once this fall and winter. “There are a lot of abandoned sheds left there,” says Adelgery Tilov, “there are boulders and forest around.” - Most often they see Almasty there. From there they come to the village.In Elbrus, surrounded on all sides by mountains and forest, every local resident saw the Bigfoot at least once. Moreover, local women secretly name the names of the men who communicate with Almasty. More precisely, with their females.

Of course, in her real form, a wild woman looks more like a big monkey, but she can seduce a man, says one of the old-timers, Kazi Khadzhiev. - Almasts know how to fool people.

They say that a man who is seduced by a Wild Woman sees not her, but the one he wants to see. It turns out something like hypnosis... Wherever the forest comes close to human habitation, no one is safe from meeting a “snow woman”. Therefore, the Balkars “sacredly” observe the tradition of their ancestors. Every evening after dinner, some food and drink from the master's table is taken out into the backyard.

This is a treat for Almasta. “A wild man is also a man, so we try to be friends with him,” says Adilgery Tilov. - From my grandfather’s stories, I know that the Almastys have always lived here. But there were especially many of them when, after the eviction of the Balkars, our villages were empty. It was then that they felt like full-fledged masters here.

This is probably why they began to show themselves to people more often.

A few months ago, the pensioner was convinced of the proximity of Almasta personally. FireFrom the stories of his grandfather, Adilgeriy knows that wild people are very drawn to fire. And most of the contacts with them take place around the fire. This is what happened to him too. - In the summer I went to a neighboring village to water the garden. And we had to spend the night there. I settled down in an abandoned barn on the outskirts. He lit a fire next to him and went to bed. In the morning I open my eyes and see She is sitting by the fire a meter away from me. And he looks at the fire somehow thoughtfully. Just over a meter tall. Black, shaggy.

Only the hair on the face is shorter than on the body. And the fur lies hair by hair, as if combed. Of course I was scared. I'm lying there, waiting to see what happens. She sat for another ten minutes. Then she went towards the forest. I immediately jumped out after him. Not even a minute had passed, and it was as if she had sunk into the ground...

None of the local residents ever specifically seek a meeting with Almasty. Everyone knows it's unsafe. - A wild man does not like to be disturbed. And if someone happens to offend Almasty, even accidentally, expect trouble,” says one of the old-timers of the village of Tegenekli, Kazi Khadzhiev. –

One day in our village children were playing in the street. And it so happened that nearby a wild woman was sitting and warming herself in the sun. One of the boys, having played out, ran up to her and pulled her long hair. She didn’t even move, but just looked at him piercingly. A few days later, this boy died from an unknown illness.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University Valentin Sapunov explains the ability of Bigfoot to influence people without words and become invisible to our eyes with the extrasensory abilities of a creature that he calls a troglodyte (“caveman”).

Being next to us, he manages not only to remain invisible, but is also able to somehow evoke primitive fear in everyone around him - even without seeing him, people nearby experience panic horror, says Valentin Borisovich. - I experienced it myself when I was literally three steps away from him...

Scientists have recorded cases of diseases that developed after an encounter with a troglodyte. The troglodyte also “reads” our thoughts very well, sensing aggression directed against him.Almost every generation of residents of the Elbrus region adds their own experience to the collection of legends associated with the constant neighborhood of Almasta. Nafisat Etezova-Bozieva is one of those affected by the wild man’s curse.

I knew this story since childhood, but I couldn’t even think that it would turn out to be true,” says the pensioner. - They say it started before the revolution. One of the ancestors of the Boziev family met a wild woman in the forest and a friendship began between them. Then he even brought her to the village as his wife. For people, of course, this came as a shock. Many women openly laughed at this savage. And one day she cursed them. Among the offenders of Almasta were women from the Boziev family. And since then, in my husband’s family, loneliness seems to be inherited by women. Many never managed to start their own family. The rest either get married very late or are unhappy in their marriages. Nafisat herself has five adult daughters.

Three of them still cannot start a family.

But there are other stories in Kabardino-Balkaria: - My brother Abil was a man of few words, and he didn’t tell any strangers about this. Although there was no point in talking if everyone saw and knew it. Abil met a wild woman in Kazakhstan.Our family lived there during the deportation.

There was a mill in our village. And the man who worked there warned everyone that Almasty came there at night. Therefore, when darkness fell, people tried to stay away from this place. And my brother had to come there one evening. While he was doing business, his horse ran away. Abil began to look for her. I entered the dark barn and immediately felt something warm and hairy.

According to his brother, the creature laughed and spoke to him “without a voice.” Her words reached Abil as thoughts. Then the young veterinarian repeatedly admitted to his family that as soon as he found himself alone in the yard or on the street at dusk, the wild woman would definitely come out to meet him and talk to him. But the most amazing thing happened when the Khadzhiev family was finally able to return to their native Caucasus. Riddle Abil Khadzhiev managed to build a house in his native Tegenekli.

He got married and had children. But one evening in the courtyard of his house I saw the same wild woman with whom I had communicated in Kazakhstan. How could she find him after so many years? How she overcame such a distance, only Allah knows, says Kazi Khadzhiev. “She probably had a strong love for my brother.” The next meeting with Almasty completely turned Abil’s life upside down. He soon became a widower and lost his only son. His daughters got married and he was left completely alone in the house.

But the whole village noticed that the veterinarian began to behave strangely. - He often began to go into the forest at night. And he might not return home for several days. And he always went to haymaking alone, but at the same time he always took with him a pitchfork for two. People said it was all because of the wild woman. But Abil no longer discussed Almasty with anyone.

And in 1982, he once again went into the forest and disappeared. He was only 63 years old and had no complaints about his health. A few days later he was found dead in the forest. But they couldn’t understand why he died. According to scientists, from a physiological point of view, sexual contacts between “Bigfoot” and homo sapiens are possible. To attract male yetis, researchers used rags containing women's menstrual blood - with success.However, similar secretions of monkeys are just as attractive to them. (“Life”).

Anomalous zone in Kabardino-Balkaria

Anomalous zone Alpha is a high-mountainous area near the Chegen River in the Chegen Gorge and the Side Range in Kabardino-Balkaria, where there is a lot of UFO flight activity. The anomalous zone is located in a volcanic massif composed of granites, mostly highly weathered. Absolute heights: 3500-3600 m.

On the border of the anomalous zone Alpha is a large crater of an ancient volcano, in which there are 2 lakes. The area is covered with numerous small glaciers and snowfields that persist into the summer. Vegetation - stunted, isolated plants of the upper alpine zone. Typical representatives are saxifrage, mosses, and lichens. As for UFO sightings, as an example, we can list several observations made by qualified specialists:

On September 9, 1988, between 20 and 21 hours, employees of the glaciological expedition of SevKavHydromet observed 5 luminous balls, elongated in a chain, near a volcanic massif. The distances between the balls were the same. The diameter of each is 2-3 meters.On September 9, 1988, at about 24.00, several vacationers at a high-mountain camp site saw 5 balls above the volcanic massif, built in two rows - 3 in the top, 2 in the bottom.

On September 6, 1989, from 20.25 to 20.34, in the area of ​​the volcanic massif, an expeditionary team of glaciologists observed and photographed a white luminous ball.On March 27, 1990, at about 24.00, an airship-shaped UFO was observed over the volcanic massif, glowing with a yellow-orange light. The UFO shot down a thin blue beam, then disappeared behind a ridge.

On June 3, 1990 at 23.53, a dome-shaped glow was noticed over a mountain volcanic massif. The color is bright yellow, with a red border around the edge. The duration of the phenomenon is about 30 minutes.Based on these and other observations, it was decided to conduct a reconnaissance expedition to the supposed anomalous zone. The expedition of the Rostov section for the study of nuclear weapons of 7 people, including E. Podmogilny, took place in August 1990, the base camp was located at an altitude of 3600 m, 4 km from the detachment’s helicopter landing site. To the lines from Podmogilny’s countdown:

At the beginning of work it was cloudy and windy, then it cleared up. Bright stars were shining above the camp. Looking closely, they were surprised to see above them a giant cap, like a crystal sphere, glistening from the twinkling of the stars. Its dimensions are 0.8-1 km in diameter and about 300 m in height. After 30 minutes, luminous pillars appeared in the crater area, reaching towards the stars.

Color - silver-blue. A dim silvery flickering glow was observed several times in the direction of the crater. Attempts to use dowsing to identify anomalous zones yielded nothing. The frame rotated in the operator’s hands at a constant speed, without highlighting individual objects. At 3.00, two hundred meters from the tents along the bottom of the valley, lights began to light up: greenish-emerald, sparkling balls with a diameter of no more than 20-30 cm.

They flashed at an equal distance: 8-10 m and an equal time: 3-5 seconds. When a garland of 20-22 lights lit up, after 15 seconds everything instantly disappeared. Over the next 2 days, the surrounding mountains and spurs were examined, and we descended into the crater, which in appearance did not look like a volcanic one. Lake water samples were taken.

On the 3rd day, on a wide terrace located on a ridge, strewn with fragments of granite and partly covered with turf, several round spots with a diameter of about 5-7 m were found, in which all the vegetation had died. From one of these spots, 3 dark stripes fanned out, 70-100 m long and 3-3.5 m wide. The light granite on these stripes was covered with a dark brown coating. These stripes did not in any way resemble watercourses, even temporary ones.The small stones were completely covered with plaque, the large ones were covered only on the top and bottom - ordinary light granite. Radiation of burnt granite is 18 microns, light (ordinary) 12 microns.

The expedition ended here. After returning, it turned out that both clean and exposed photographic films that had been in the anomalous zones were partially exposed. Unexposed after development, dotted traces of white and black are visible. On another film, in the first frame, taken 1.5 km below the anomalous zone, a white ball is visible, which was not visually observed...

Rocky samples taken from the site of the supposed landing of a UFO in this anomalous zone were submitted for research in order to establish the chemical composition of the surface deposit of a black substance on rock samples. The study was carried out by the head of the department of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, V.V. Bessonov, who has special training in the forensic examination of materials and substances using a set of instrumental methods, and has over 16 years of experience in expert work. The studies carried out found...

1) The samples are fragments of minerals of irregular shape, yellowish in color at the fracture with shiny inclusions, and have layers of black substance on the surface; samples taken from the surface were examined in comparison with samples taken from the mass of the sample (the rock itself).

2) Using the method of emission spectral analysis, it was shown that the elemental chemical composition of samples with deposits of a black substance is characterized by a pronounced increased content of the element manganese.

3) An increased content of manganese on the surface of rocks may be due to exposure to them from the outside, the decomposition of various manganese-containing compounds. Many manganese compounds have oxidizing properties: potassium permangate; manganese oxides. Of these, two are strong - upon contact with them, flammable substances ignite.The mystery of the Alpha zone on the Kumtyube plateau attracted many specialists, however, for financial reasons, many planned experiments in this place never took place. (“UFO Mysteries”).

Residents of Kabardino-Balkaria know the secrets of longevity

Living water, the secrets of the magnetic field or a unique climate? What saves you from disease and what does a person who has lived more than a hundred years fear?

In the southwest of Kabardino-Balkaria, the village of Eltyubyu knows the secrets of longevity.Her morning begins with bean reading. Predicts oneself to be sad or cheerful. Zukhra Mirzoeva rarely goes out into her neighbors' yards. After the death of her husband, Khamzat died at 116 years old, neither the air nor the mountains of her native Eltyubyu make her happy. And only great-grandchildren are a joy. They are preparing for the 105th birthday of Zukhra’s grandmother. And they themselves bring water from the spring, as if from a fairy tale - alive and miraculous, the secret of the longevity of the Upper Chegem people.

Zukhra Mirzoeva says: “This water is gold, it comes from the mountains.”Four children, years of eviction and working as a milkmaid from the age of 13. Today, at 105, grandma Zukhra remembers her youth. And she herself does not believe that she lived to see deep gray hair, maintaining health and strength. She gave birth to her last, youngest son at almost 69 years old.

Rumor began to spread about the power of an almost mystical place - Upper Chegem. And it’s true, either from conviction, or from the magic of the climate, miracles began: the water did not freeze in the cold, and could stand in a container for years without losing its pure spring taste. The professors of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism nevertheless gave a scientific basis for the secrets of these places. The village stands on the site of a natural pyramid of magnetic waves, hence the miracles. 98-year-old Sakinat Teberdieva believes in science, but more in the sign of the Almighty.

Sakinat Teberdieva says: “I eat bread, I eat cheese. As a child, I was sick 5 times, that’s all. I've never taken a pill in my life. Afraid for what? That I’ll live just as long.”Here people believe in the magic of climate, and world scientists defend entire dissertations on the miracle of Upper Chegem, the subject of which is longevity that has settled in the houses of Eltyubyu. (“N-Caucasus”).

An ancient underground city discovered in Kabardino-Balkaria

We are accustomed to believe that the main megaliths of the planet are concentrated in Egypt, South America, and China. Our dolmens, which are conventionally classified as megalithic structures, look like dwarfs against the background of pyramids and “great walls”.But more recently, a system of mysterious underground structures was discovered in the North Caucasus.

Thus, in Kabardino-Balkaria, near the village of Zayukovo, mysterious multi-kilometer tunnels have been discovered. Researchers suggest that they connected ancient settlements that existed on our planet thousands of years ago. It is curious that all the tunnels are concentrated around a huge underground structure in the shape of an overturned pyramid...

“For many years we have been searching, going to the sites of supposed dungeons, listening to old-timers,” says Vadim Chernobrov, head of the All-Russian public scientific research association “Cosmopoisk”. “And so last fall we moved to the place where, according to the elders’ stories, the Old City is located. This is not an allegory, but a literal translation from the local dialect. Old-timers say that it was built by the people who lived here before them. Nobody knows for sure who lived here, what kind of people they were.”

The object is located at an altitude of about a kilometer above sea level. Local residents showed the researchers one small hole in the mountain. The entrance is very narrow - about 30 centimeters in diameter. The guide said that the local population has a legend: if you climb there, you will find yourself in a huge city where there are squares, streets and houses, but no people. Indeed, the search engines found themselves in a vast dungeon, which, gradually expanding, stretches in depth for tens, and possibly hundreds of meters.

When the researchers began to examine the area around the hole, they discovered a wide crevice. Perhaps this is the main entrance to the dungeon, because if we assume the very fact of the existence of an underground settlement, it is unlikely that its inhabitants made their way through a narrow gap. Perhaps, going down the hole, it will be possible to get to the “main street”.

Last year, due to the weather, this was not possible; the researchers postponed the descent until next summer. However, there was a second discovery - another manhole was found not far from the Old Town. Local historians Maria and Viktor Kotlyarov were brought here by climber and speleologist Artur Zhemukhov, who was training in the mountains and drew attention to a strange depression.

An ancient underground city has been discovered in the North Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkaria). Stones are piled on top, bushes are growing, and in appearance it is an ordinary hole, the likes of which are visible or invisible in the ground. But Arthur noticed that there was a lot of draft coming from the hole. This means that there is a large cavity in the ground. He began to widen the hole and fell into a huge shaft that led somewhere into the darkness. One did not dare to climb there, so he called a detachment of speleologists. They went down into the mine and realized that there was no end in sight to the underground.

“The first thing that caught their eye was that the main walls in the mine were clearly of artificial origin,” says Vadim Chernobrov. - They are made of smooth stone blocks of approximately the same size as in the Egyptian pyramids, and are stacked using similar technologies - one on top of the other. Each weighs 50-100 tons, well processed, although chips and cracks have appeared over time.”What is this mysterious masonry? There are no traces of concrete or other mortar, as in the Egyptian pyramids. It is not clear how the ancient builders fastened the blocks together, but it is clear that they have been standing for thousands of years and not even a needle can fit into the seam.

When the speleologists delved deeper into the cave, they discovered a strange column. It seems to hang in the air, but at the same time it is firmly attached to the wall. Apparently, the dungeon is colossal in size, and people were able to explore only a small part of it. They advanced 100 meters deeper. And they ran into narrow passages.

The fact that the dungeon was not intended for human habitation became obvious to the searchers when they explored the entire accessible part of the cave. It turned out that it is crammed with narrow passages, where even a child cannot squeeze through, and tiny holes, where a human hand can hardly fit. Each such mini-cavity goes far into the depths: the light from the flashlights does not reach the bottom. What kind of building is this?

Researchers were under the impression that the underground pyramid had a technological, not a sacred purpose. It looks like some kind of machine, an engineering structure of unknown purpose.“It looks like some kind of resonator, a device for seismological research, exploration, mining, or an energy generator,” says Chernobrov. “It’s impossible to say for sure yet – no analogues have been found in the world.”

Many people come to mind with an analogy with the mysterious cavities inside the Egyptian pyramids, which were also not intended for the movement of people. In principle, a person cannot get there, but the ancient builders made them conscientiously. These narrow passages also lead tens of meters deep, but for what and where is a big question. Sometimes they end with rows of doors with handles, behind which there are rooms of unknown purpose.

There are plenty of versions about the purpose of underground passages: a “refrigerator” for storing food, the dwelling of the ancient Aryans, a giant air conditioner, an air duct. Or, for example, a giant energy generator...There is information that during the Second World War, researchers from the SS organization Ahnenerbe were seen in these places, which, as is known, was looking for the entrance to Shambhala. They say that Hitler considered the Caucasus, along with Tibet, “the seat of power” and the “center of world control.” And he allegedly rushed to the Caucasus precisely for this reason.

Researchers, of course, also pay attention to the fact that next to the pyramid is the same Old City. And they assume that these two objects are somehow connected.After all, for example, in Turkey, near the village of Derinkuyu, an 8-story city was found underground, designed for the permanent and comfortable residence of 40-50 thousand people. There are houses, outbuildings, bazaars, shops, water sources, wells and ventilation hatches. In a word, a miracle of engineering technology, which is at least 4 thousand years old.

An ancient underground city was discovered in the North Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkaria). Now about a dozen underground cities have been excavated in the world, three of them have become tourist sites. It is known that some cities have underground communications with each other. These are huge distances – hundreds of kilometers. According to some scientists, the strange hum, which was recorded by scientists in different parts of the planet, is nothing more than air draft in a system of man-made underground communications located in the depths of the earth.

If this summer it turns out that there really was an underground city under the village of Zayukovo, then the pyramid can be considered a kind of technical installation that ensures its life. And then the “Zayukov miracle” will turn out to be the largest man-made prehistoric structure on the territory of modern Russia. (“The Hidden One”).

A cave with a swastika was found in Kabardino-Balkaria

Local historians discovered a mysterious mine 80 meters deep with many passages in the mountains of the Baksan region. Scientists have differing opinions regarding its origin. Some believe that the cave is man-made, others believe that it is the result of natural processes. The images of swastikas found in the mine add even more mystery to the discovery.

In the autumn fog, it was not easy to find the road to the cave. Even the pioneers who discovered these mysterious voids and accompanied journalists to the unusual find had to get lost. Standing nearby, you won’t be able to find a fault in the rock without a hint.A clearly defined entrance, as if from a stone cutter, strictly vertical walls. At regular intervals, vertical passages replace horizontal ones. Only professionals can go down. The photographs show nothing more than a man-made mine, claims its pioneer Arthur Zhemukhov.

“There are no analogues to this mine, there is no water in it, humidity appeared when I opened the sealing stone...” he says.According to Arthur, strange signs pointed the way to this find. They were found on massive boulders clearly oriented to the cardinal points. The fascist swastika was supplemented with a calendar date. The location of the stones raised many questions among local historians and local historians.

“When we drew parallels with Elbrus, we found seven more such signs, the last one in Tyzyl. These crosses were supposed to mean something,” says researcher Viktor Kotlyarov.Historian Kotlyarov claims that in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, where in the fall of 1942 the fascists broke through the front, advancing on Nalchik, traces of the presence of a special Nazi unit were discovered. Perhaps the purpose of his search could be a strange cave. However, geologists do not consider an open cavity in the mountains unusual.

“Most likely this is a natural phenomenon. In these rocks of volcanic origin, so-called rocky and horizontal detachments are quite common,” explains Albert Emkuzhev, head of the subsoil management department for the Kabardino-Balkaria region.

“The find in the Baksan Gorge is interesting,” says Yemkuzhev, looking at photographs from the site. “It is quite possible that the natural cavity was used by ancient people.” For a substantive conversation, there is still frankly not enough information from the field, say geologists.The discoverers of the cave intend to conduct more thorough research here this year before the onset of cold weather - that is, we are talking about a serious expedition of specialists. Negotiations on this topic are already underway.

According to the researchers, the discovered cave has no analogues among similar complexes - apparently, it is man-made. The shaft overlooking the top of the mountain consists of two solid stone slabs placed parallel, with the sides lined with neat small stones. Then there are several more shafts leading to a huge 36-meter underground hall. One of its walls and the vault are carefully polished.

The Kotlyarovs consider the found mine to be a ventilation mine - this is evidenced by its narrowness and constant flow of fresh air. Geologists, including foreign ones, are inclined to the version of its artificial origin - due to the rectangularity of the blocks, the presence of mortar in the seams between them, and the absence of oblique cracks characteristic of tuff.“In this case, millennia ago, during the construction of this amazing object, technologies unknown to us for processing, delivering and installing stone blocks were used,” says Viktor Kotlyarov.

Researchers intend to continue to study the find and hope that the construction of resorts in the region will increase interest in the find of both scientists and tourists. According to the project of the North Caucasus Tourism Cluster, five new world-class ski resorts are being built in the south of Russia in 2011–2020, including Elbrus-Bezengi in Kabardino-Balkaria.(“News”).

“Places of Power”: Blue Lakes

There are quite a lot of stories about the origin of this fantastic lake, and each one is more amazing than the other. Here is a huge dragon shot down by archers that pierced the ground, and tears of love that flooded the deepest wells, and much more. But a reliable fact remains that Blue Lake or Tserik-Kel is one of the deepest lakes in the world, where not only legends and their mystical heroes live, but also divers. You will learn below about why the waters of Blue Lake so attract divers from all over the world and what Jacques-Yves Cousteau has to do with it.

In fact, here, in the valley of the Cherek-Balkarsky River, 30 km south of Nalchik, there are five karst lakes at once, and this entire ensemble is called the Blue Lakes. For example, to the east of Tserik-Kel there is Lake Kel-Ketchkhen, the depth of which(177 meters) is also capable of inspiring fear, but still falls short of the mysterious record holder. But the depth of the Upper Blue Lake is exactly ten times less than Lake Tserik-Kel, but let’s return to our giant, known far beyond the Caucasus.

If we put aside the emotions, legends and fantasies that have shrouded Blue Lake, this natural monument will not lose any of its attractiveness. The second deepest karst spring in the world has the shape of a shaft with steep walls. On the surface, the Blue Lake stretches 235 meters in length and 130 in width.

The depth of the Tserik-Kel mine went underground to 258 meters, but its expanded upper part has sections with a depth of 0 to 40 meters. The crystal clear water of the lake has a constant year-round temperature of 9 degrees, and visibility under water reaches 20-40 meters!

The first mentions of the lake in the works of scientists appeared in the 19th century, and as for diving, the real discovery of the Blue Lake occurred only at the end of the 20th century. Among the pioneers who dared to plunge into the Tserik-Kel abyss is Muscovite Roman Prokhorov, who, out of sheer enthusiasm, reached a depth of 70 meters here in 1982.

For comparison: the story of Cousteau’s dives into the Vaucluse karst well in France is usually cited here. On his first attempt, the French diver reached only 46 meters, which apparently marked the beginning of the legend of how Cousteau was unable to dive to the bottom of the Blue Lake.One way or another, after a series of successful expeditions by Roman and his partner Igor Galayd and negotiations with the local administration, the Blue Lake underwater research center appeared on the shores of Lake Tserik-Kel.

Today, on the basis of the complex, you can make an introductory dive, take courses and receive the appropriate certificate, or independently explore the depths if you already have the necessary skills and documents confirming them. The modernization of the center is in full swing, and at the moment the complex already has two tiers, equipped with preparation and storage rooms for equipment, showers, a pressure chamber, and other elements necessary for diving.

The mystery of the Blue Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria - one of the deepest in Europe - remains unsolved. There is no exact data on the depth of the lake, and unmanned underwater vehicles were only able to descend to a depth of 365 meters. Scientists understand how it formed and what is down there.The last time Blue Lake was explored was in the 20s of the last century. It is known that its level can change several times a day. For what reason, scientists still do not know. The blue lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria are located in the Cherek Gorge. There are 5 lakes in total. All of them have a karst nature of formation.

Lower Blue Lake is the most interesting and unique. It is located at 809 meters above sea level. It has a total water surface area of ​​just over two hectares, and its depth is 386 meters. But there are assumptions that the depth of the lake is much greater, because no one has ever reached its bottom. In terms of its depth, this lake ranks third in Russia after Teletskoye in Altai and Lake Baikal. The uniqueness of the lake also lies in the fact that not a single river flows into it, and about 70 million liters of water flow out per day.

Tserik-Kel - this is what the locals call this lake, which translated means like a rotten lake. There is a legend among the local population about the origin of this lake. Once upon a time, on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria there lived a fearless hero, Bataraz, who defeated an evil dragon in a duel. And when the dragon collapsed, a hole formed in the mountains, which filled with water. To this day, the dragon lies at the bottom of this lake and sheds tears, thereby filling the lake with water and an unpleasant odor.

Right from the water's edge you can see sheer walls going into the depths, and from what you see you get the impression that this is a huge well. Depending on the time of day and weather, the shades of water constantly change and have different colors. The water temperature in the lake in winter and summer is the same +9.3, so the lake never freezes.The Upper Blue Lakes are 2 lakes, Eastern and Western. These lakes are also called Communicating. A dam was built between them, and water from the Eastern Lake flows into the Western Lake. The Eastern lake is larger and deeper than the Western one. There are fish in these lakes.

Secret Lake is located near the Upper Blue Lakes. And it was named so because it is located in a deep karst sinkhole, overgrown with dense beech forest.The dry lake, or also called the missing lake, was formed in a large karst sinkhole with steep walls reaching a depth of up to 180 meters. Previously, this gap was completely filled with water, but as a result of the shaking of the mountains, the lake disappeared and remained only at the bottom of the canyon.

There is a version that after the mountains shook, a new failure formed below, and water from this lake flowed into a new lake, which is now called the Lower Blue Lake. There are also suggestions that all the upper lakes have underground connections among themselves. (“Anomalous news from around the world”).

Previously unknown dolmens of Kabardino-Balkaria

Cooperation between the Kabardino-Balkarian State University and the State Hermitage continues. During a meeting with students and university staff, Assistant Director General of the Hermitage Yulia Marchenko spoke about the preliminary results of the North Caucasian archaeological expedition, in which the museum’s researchers and students from the Institute of History, Philology and Media of KBSU (direction “History”) took part.

In August-September of this year, the expedition took place within the framework of a cooperation agreement concluded in St. Petersburg in March 2016 by the rector of KBSU, Yuri Altudov, and the general director of the State Hermitage, Mikhail Piotrovsky. The main goal defined in the document is the revival of the archaeological school at KBSU, the only Russian university with which such an agreement has been signed.

Yulia Marchenko reported that archaeological research was carried out in the village of Lechinkay, Chegem region, where a dolmen was discovered - an ancient funeral, religious structure made of large stones.

“The uniqueness of this find lies in the fact that no dolmens were previously discovered on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria,” noted the Hermitage specialist.

Excavations were also carried out in the village of Nizhny Kurkuzhin, Baksan district, where mounds were discovered that were previously unknown and not registered with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

“We were pleased to work with Kabardino-Balkarian State University,” commented Y. Marchenko. – Many thanks to the students who took part in these excavations. We have done more than we thought, let's hope that next year we will continue our work.

He expressed hope for developing cooperation with the State HermitageYu. Altudov. He called the first stage of collaboration the beginning of a long journey.

The students asked the leadership of KBSU and a representative of the Hermitage whether they could undergo internships in the Northern capital, to which they received a positive response.“The agreement provides for cooperation in key areas of activity (educational, scientific, outreach), as well as any forms of cooperation and activities that will benefit KBSU and the State Hermitage,” assured KBSU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Artur Kazharov. – It is planned to conduct internships for students, graduate students and teachers of KBSU in the famous museum complex. (Vladimir Andreev).

It is no coincidence that the Northern Caucasus is one of the favorite destinations for domestic tourism in Russia. It amazingly combines a diverse flora, magnificent landscapes, fast rivers and high mountains, semi-deserts and healing mineral springs, architectural monuments and delicious food. Be sure to visit this wonderful region. At least virtually.


The highest point in Russia is rightfully considered one of the seven wonders of our country. The mountain is a cone of an extinct volcano that last erupted at the beginning of our era.

It was here, according to legend, that the Titan Prometheus was chained for daring to bring fire to people. The powerful glaciers of Elbrus give rise to the rivers Kyukyurtlyu, Ullu-Khurzuk, Ullu-Kam, which, merging, form the Kuban - the largest river in the North Caucasus.

In the depths of Elbrus there are still hot masses that heat the local “hot narzans” - springs saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches +52 and +60 ºС.

Tobot Falls

Travelers are treated to an unforgettable view: the flat plateau suddenly ends, as if the universe ends here, and from the top of the gorge, which in this place resembles the Latin letter V, a previously calm river falls with a terrible roar, flying past picturesque rocks. Below, water crystals rise from the bottom of the canyon and, illuminated by the sun, play with all possible colors.

“However, lovers of winter landscapes can argue about the beauty: in the frosty months, Tobot freezes like a giant icicle, hollow inside (crystal clear and incredibly tasty water runs through this cavity). The entire gorge is covered with transparent ice, as if turning into the kingdom of the Snow Queen,” he writes.

Blue lakes in Kabardino-Balkaria

Five amazing karst lakes are hidden between the rocks in Kabardino-Balkaria. Their waters contain hidden mysteries of nature that man has not yet fully unraveled.

Not a single river or stream flows into one of them, the Lower Lake, although it loses up to 70 million liters of water every day, but its volume and depth do not change at all. The lower lake, or Tserik-Kol, is one of the deepest in the area. It rightfully bears the title of one of the deepest lakes in Europe.

It is best to admire them, especially Tserik-Kol, in clear sunny weather, when the water there has a really soft blue color (this is due to the content of hydrogen sulfide). During the day, the lake can change color up to 16 times - from azure to emerald. But the water temperature in it is constant: no more than +9 ºС - both in winter and in summer.

Lake Proval

The beautiful turquoise color of the mineral water filling the reservoir is due to the high sulfur content and the presence of certain bacteria in it.

The attraction of the Proval is two lions guarding the entrance to the cave. These sculptures appeared here in the middle of the twentieth century. Since then, tourists have been sure to take pictures (for good luck) with at least one of them.

During Lermontov’s time, however, local residents called the lake “hell’s abyss” and believed that it was home to a fire-breathing monster that circled the city at night in search of victims. Nevertheless, one of the amusements of the “water society” - the society of visitors and military men, which gathered around the family of Prince V.S. Golitsyn, - there were dances over the abyss: on the initiative of the prince, the famous architects Bernardazzi brothers built a platform over the Proval in 1837, on which those who wished could dance a square dance. The most curious ones had the opportunity to go down in a special basket all the way to the water.

Watchtowers of the North Caucasus

The North Caucasus is one of the few places in Russia where ancestral watchtowers have been preserved - a vivid example of a distinctive mountain culture. They are located on the slopes of the Main Caucasus Range: in the territory of Ossetia, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya and Kabardino-Balkaria.

In the North Caucasus, towers served both a residential and defensive function, which is why they most often served as clan guards. Due to enemy invasions, most of these structures were not preserved. Some of the towers were family ones. According to custom, the tower should have been built no more than a year, otherwise the family could be considered dysfunctional; It was usually built near a settlement.

The North Caucasus towers symbolize the honor of the clan, unity and courage, being the pinnacle of construction and architectural skill of the highlanders of the North Caucasus.

Caucasian dolmens

Dolmens are structures constructed from large stone blocks, presumably of a cultic nature. Today there are about three thousand of them preserved in the Caucasus.

Tiled dolmens usually include four walls, a roof and a floor consisting of one large or several smaller (heel) slabs. The chamber is rectangular or trapezoidal. The plates have grooves, due to which they are all tightly connected. The front plate forms a portal.

Composite dolmens are partially or completely assembled from individual small blocks. They have a complex geometric connection. The shape of the chamber is varied: rectangular, trapezoidal, horseshoe-shaped, round and multifaceted.

Trough-shaped dolmens were carved into the thickness of the stone, and then covered with a slab on top. Dolmen-monoliths are entirely hewn out of one block of stone or into the rock.

The zones of the North Caucasus are considered anomalous, where phenomena that are inexplicable, from the point of view of modern science, occur. In a number of places (neighboring regions) there are anti-slopes (Kabardino-Balkaria), where the force of gravity seems to work in the opposite direction, forcing water to flow up the slope. In several caves in Gelendzhik, people experience strange metamorphoses; hormonal changes in the body (euphoria, excitement) are observed almost instantly. In our case, the anomalous zone near Beshtau is rather paranormal.

The strangeness of human behavior in this sector near Little Tau is described extremely poorly; information was mainly collected orally. Twice KMV-Tourism employees tested the impact of the anomalous zone personally on themselves, fundamentally at different times of the year (winter and summer). And twice similar inexplicable phenomena occurred with test observers.

In the last few years, as instant notifications about various incidents on social networks have developed in the country, several cases of missing people have been recorded here. With enviable regularity, once every 1-3 years, people got lost here. Or rather, they were found (2 recorded deaths out of 3 - a boy from an orienteering club died after getting lost, and a woman taking a walk) in completely different places, but their path passed precisely through this “black sector”. Another person of retirement age (a man) is still listed as missing.

Anomalous zone of Mount Beshtau: details and coordinates

There is an anomalous zone on Beshtau immediately beyond the ring road in the area to the right of Eagle Rocks. The unusualness of the place is not immediately realized if you look at this shallow ravine from the ring road. There is nothing special here at first glance. The bed of a dry stream, a pile of stones, several fallen trees. But there are interesting details that will be discussed further.

Coordinates on the map:
44°6′29″N (44.108044)
43°0′33″E (43.009077)

What is the anomalous zone? If this were an accident, a coincidence, or caused by a state of intoxication, then the conversation could be reduced to jokes. But this is not a joke at all, please note: disorientation begins here almost instantly, as soon as a person takes a couple of steps from the roundabout down to the bottom of the gentle ravine. Moreover, this state occurs even among experienced local mushroom pickers who carelessly entered the sector in a relatively warm season, when there is still a lot of foliage on the trees, and it reliably hides the exact position of the sun. The anomalous zone becomes especially dangerous after 16:00 in the afternoon, when the sunlight is scattered and the star itself (outgoing rays) is difficult to detect.

People who enter the Beshtau anomalous zone for the first time (as happened to one of our employees) may even experience a panic attack. Due to disorientation, the person begins to rush around and go towards Zheleznovodsk, going deeper into the forest. In general, the state of those who find themselves in an anomalous zone can be schematically described as follows: in the first minutes a person is perfectly aware that he is in a given place and at a given time, but he strangely cannot realize where to return. Consciousness stubbornly takes a person in a completely different direction, the opposite direction from the ring road.

The phenomenon of the anomalous place Beshtau, hypotheses

There are places in the world where, centuries later, there was a completely scientific explanation for anomalous phenomena. For example, with a certain vibration of sea waves in the open sea in a number of places on the planet, people may experience visual hallucinations (characteristically, these are the so-called “lost places” where they see supposedly monsters), and their health may sharply deteriorate. The infrasound resonating in some caves, reflected from the walls many times, can, on the contrary, cause quite pleasant sensations (Gelendzhik caves). But here, at the foot of Beshtau, the anomalous zone is still waiting for scientific research.

The possibility of the presence of some sacred place here in ancient times cannot be ruled out. Note the arc radial processing of the stone fragment found here.

Such patterns hardly belonged to buildings for domestic purposes. Maybe this is even the part that has always attracted peoples and ethnic groups. The hypothesis about the light and sound impact is very logical: after all, the activity of the anomaly is noted (most clearly) between 16:00 and twilight. Perhaps part of the sunlight, scattering in the treetops, creates some kind of ephemeral visual illusion, which our brain interprets in its own way, misleading us. What is typical for the anomalous zone: birds are never heard here, although on both sides, 300 meters away, you can always hear and see tits, woodpeckers, thrushes or even woodcock.

You should not go to this place without taking with you a tourist’s emergency kit: from a compass to a navigator, from a flashlight to matches. After all, even very experienced people, with the onset of twilight, lost spatial orientation here and went somewhere to Zheleznovodsk, several kilometers away. These are those who were lucky enough to find the way...

The real history of most ancient monuments, perhaps, could be told by their creators. But they are long gone... And unusual man-made structures still excite people. Moreover, incredible stories and legends are born around some of them. Someone confirms them by their own example, collecting evidence that in certain places or ancient buildings there are mystical mysteries, the answer to which can only be found by the bravest and smartest. Komsomolskaya Pravda compiled its route through places in the North Caucasus that are popularly considered mysterious.

Lake Proval


This natural monument at the foot of Mashuk has long attracted a lot of researchers and ordinary people. The tunnel to the underground lake was built later. At first it could be admired through the collapsed vaults of the cave. Somewhere far below could be seen a spot of a hydrogen sulfide lake of marble blue color. Walking to the Proval was a favorite pastime of the first holidaymakers. In “Princess Mary” Mikhail Lermontov wrote: “In the evening, a large company set off on foot to Proval. According to local scientists, this failure is nothing more than an extinct crater; it is located on the Mashuk slope, a mile from the city. A narrow path between bushes and rocks leads to it.”


Among the first inhabitants of these places there were legends that a terrible fire-breathing snake lived in the lake, which flew out at night and ate people. The lake enjoyed a bad reputation. It happened that the bodies of the dead were thrown into it from above. Later, scientists proved that the hydrogen sulfide water of Proval is saturated with beneficial bacteria. And therefore, at the end of the 19th century, a small stone font was made here, which was called the “Shameless Baths.” And now many people take them even in winter, because they believe that after several procedures they can be cured of all diseases.

Where is it located: at the foot of Mount Mashuk. We take bus number 1 from the Pyatigorsk railway station to the Proval stop.

Elsa's dacha


It was built at the beginning of the 20th century in the pseudo-Romanesque style and resembled a medieval castle as a hotel for vacationers. Its owner Elizaveta Gukasova, the daughter of a German merchant and the wife of the famous confectioner Alexander Gukasov, rented out furnished rooms on Bernadazzi Brothers Street, and her husband opened a restaurant and coffee shop there. The couple's business was going well, but the building had to be rented. Therefore, in 1903, they bought a plot of land on the outskirts of Pyatigorsk and built a luxurious dacha with many rooms. The country hotel was given the romantic name “Elsa”. Comfortable rooms opened within two years. After the revolution, the building was nationalized and a sanatorium building was opened in it.


Now the building of Elsa's Dacha is in a deplorable state. According to one of the popular versions, the ghost of Elizaveta Gukasova herself lives in the mansion, whom the Bolsheviks allegedly shot and walled up in the walls of the building. And now the rebellious spirit of unfortunate Elsa, who, by the way, divorced her husband even before the revolution, wanders through the dilapidated rooms. Some visitors to the dacha are sure that the ghost of the lady is not at all kind, but has a difficult, evil character. She doesn’t like to be disturbed out of curiosity, but if she feels that talent has come to her, she helps her to open up, albeit with an ominous, mystical overtone.

Where is it: Pyatigorsk, Lermontova str., 15. We get from Pyatigorsk railway station to Tsvetnik on trams No. 1, 3, 5 and go towards the Academic Gallery.

Rome-Mount HISTORY

Located near Kislovodsk in the valley of the Podkumok River. On the slope of Rome Mountain, archaeologists found more than 150 catacomb burials with numerous household items, jewelry, and weapons. It is believed that the catacombs belonged to the Romans. Local residents called the mountain Rim-kale, that is, the fortress of the Rums, or Eastern Romans. It is believed that an ancient trade route ran here. And according to one legend, a detachment of Roman soldiers who died in battle with local residents took refuge in the fortress. Later, archaeologists partly confirmed the assumptions. They established that in the 10th - 12th centuries there was a trading city with an impregnable fortress in the Podkumka valley. And in the catacombs where the Romans buried their own, scientists found arrows, spears, jewelry, and dishes.


You can look at the archaeological treasures at the Kislovodsk Fortress Museum. They say that if you are lucky, during the excursion you can find a fragment of ancient ceramics or the remains of a weapon.

Location: 18 km west of Kislovodsk. You can get there by car.

Second entrance to Shambhala


Speleologists told famous local historian Viktor Kotlyarov about the interesting cave. On the slabs that crowned it, they found a German swastika.

The entrance to the underground mine is carefully laid out from huge side slabs. It continues to a depth of several tens of meters and is lined with massive stone blocks,” Viktor Kotlyarov told KP. - This is a shaft about 80 meters long, consisting of several bends with transition chambers from one to another. The first of them, going outside, consists of two solid stone slabs, placed parallel, with the sides laid with neat small stones measuring 134 by 43 cm, so not everyone can squeeze through.

The naked eye can see that the mine is partly man-made. Researchers continue to study it. It is quite possible that, having passed through the next narrow passage, they will stumble upon a large cave with interesting artifacts, and perhaps an entrance to a parallel world.


According to esotericists, the entrance to the other world, where you can acquire the properties of a superman, is in Tibet. But there are others.

For example, not far from Elbrus - the sacred mountain of the Aryans. In the Northern Elbrus region there is a plateau, which is popularly called the “German airfield”. Some researchers believe that the Germans found a mysterious mystical place on Elbrus with high energy, prayed for since ancient times, and set up an occult laboratory there. They brought Tibetan lamas there for meditation in order to comprehend and perhaps change the future.

The North Caucasus is a graphic and mystical point where the beginning and end of present humanity are united. The meeting place of positive and negative forces, the axis of the world, says Viktor Kotlyarov. - It is quite obvious that Hitler perceived reaching the top of Elbrus as a harbinger of the last battle between the forces of good and evil.

Where is it located: Baksan district of Kabardino-Balkaria. Please note that it is not very calm there now and they may introduce a CTO regime. So you should go there only with tour operators who are well versed in the area.

City of dead


One of the most mysterious archaeological sites, which is located in North Ossetia near the village of Dargavs, in the valley of the Midagrabindon River. The burial complex consists of 99 above-ground crypts.

Scientists attribute it to the XIV - XVIII centuries. It was then that family tombs for collective burials were built in North Ossetia. The Ossetian tradition of burial in such structures was associated with the cult of ancestors, who were buried in full clothing, with small household items. The deceased were placed on special wooden beds or in wooden boats. Scientists are still arguing where such a tradition came from in the mountains. From Mount Rabinaragh, where the City of the Dead is located, you can admire the surrounding peaks. The monument is located in a very beautiful place.


Ossetians are sure that the souls of their ancestors are immortal and there is a constant connection with the dead. Visiting a mystical place affects everyone differently. Someone says that you can see a ghost dressed as a prince there. After a visit, someone sees prophetic dreams. The main thing is to come to the tombs with pure thoughts and behave calmly and judiciously.

Where is it located: in the Suburban region of Northern Oestia-Alania, near the village of Dargavs. A bus runs to the village daily from the Vladikavkaz central station, located near the central market.

The North Caucasus is an amazing combination of landscapes, ancient monuments, mineral springs and plants. Those who dreamed of seeing miracles go to the Caucasus to enjoy beautiful views and natural beauty.

To explore the entire Caucasus in one trip is an unrealistic task. To make it easier for you to plan your route, we have prepared descriptions and photographs of all the most beautiful and interesting places in the region.

Attractions marked on the city map:

A natural monument, which is located at the foot of Mashuk and has long attracted numerous researchers and tourists. Previously, one could only admire the beauty of the underground lake through holes in the rock. In our time, a tunnel was built through which you can go down to a healing underground spring.

The lake water contains healing bacteria for the body, released from hydrogen sulfide springs under the lake. Local residents believe that by swimming several times in the waters of the spring, you can get rid of diseases forever.

Get there You can get here by bus traveling along the first route. The departure station is Pyatigorsk railway station. You need to go to the “Proval” stop.

Elsa's dacha

Built at the beginning of the 20th century in pseudo-Romanesque style. The building belonged to the Gukasov family, whose trade was hotel business. Thanks to the construction of this dacha, the first comfortable rooms appeared in Pyatigorsk. After the revolution, the Elsa dacha was nationalized, and one of the sanatorium buildings was located in it.

Get there You can get to the place from the Pyatigorsk railway station by trams No. 1,3,5.
Building address: st. Lermontova 15 (near the Flower Garden).

This place is located near Kislovodsk. In the valley of the Podkumok River on the mountainside there are more than one hundred and fifty burials, in which archaeologists have found a large number of household items and ancient weapons. It was believed that the catacombs could have belonged to the Romans, who explored these places. Locals call the mountain the Fortress of the Eastern Romans.

Get there You can get to the place by car, moving west from Kislovodsk for 18 kilometers.

City of dead

A historical monument located in North Ossetia near the village of Dargavs. This monument is a burial complex of more than one hundred above-ground crypts. Archaeologists have attributed the buildings to the XIV - XVIII centuries. The crypts were intended for collective burials according to old Ossetian customs. The dead were buried in full clothing and surrounded by household items.

The city of the dead is located in a beautiful place - in the valley of the Midagrabindon River. The entire valley is surrounded by the Rabinrag Mountains, which offer amazing views from all parts of the village.

To get there to the place of collective burial, you need to take a bus that goes from the central station of Vladikavkaz and go to the suburban area of ​​Alanya. The rest of the route is done on foot.

One of the most picturesque battle sites, among which is the famous Khilak Wall. Fans of ancient myths can visit Nykhas - the place where the Nart heroes gathered.

Get there You can get to the gorge only by personal vehicle.

This place is located at the source of the Sofia River. This area is very popular among climbers and mountain tourism lovers; it is called Arkhyz. Favorable climatic conditions and proximity to the Black Sea endow the area with a wide variety of flora and fauna, which makes the area extremely beautiful.

Get there it is possible to get to the place by small-sized personal transport, moving from the center of the republic - the city of Cherkessk.

It is the highest waterfall in Europe, which was also discovered quite recently. The length of this beauty is seven hundred meters. The waterfall originates in a glacier located at an altitude of more than four kilometers. The valley in which Zeigelan was discovered is an unusually beautiful place. It is dotted with small rivers and waterfalls, which take their sources from the same glacier.

Get there This wonderful place can only be reached by off-road vehicles, along the road that starts from the village of Dzhimara (Republic of North Ossetia). You need to move 7 kilometers south.

This is a unique complex of towers built in the Middle Ages. The complex is located on the site of a former rich village of the same name, which is why the towers have been preserved. Now there are nine defensive towers left and more than twenty others intended for the residence of local residents. The height of the defensive towers reaches thirty meters, and the thickness of the walls is six meters.

To see these beautiful buildings, you should get to the village of Olgeti, which is located in the Dzheirakhsky district of the Republic of Ingushetia. This can be done by bus or personal transport.

It was located on the site of an ancient solar estuary, but in the nineteenth century local residents built a canal from the Kuban River and desalinated the reservoir. Over time, the estuary became shallow and filled with a variety of different species of fish and plants. The lotus was brought to these places by biologists, thanks to whom the flower has now spread so well throughout most of the estuary.

Regular excursions are held in the Lotus Valley, which is located on the Taman Peninsula of the Krasnodar Territory. If you are going to this beautiful place, then the best time will be during the lotus blossom period. This period occurs in the second half of July and lasts until the end of August.

One of the most mysterious places on the Black Sea coast. Thanks to numerous springs that have healing properties for the body, active mud volcanoes were formed. In total, there are about thirty places in this region where you can take therapeutic mud baths.

The most famous and beautiful volcano is Karabetova Sopka with a crater size of 1380x860 meters. In all places where therapeutic mud bathing is permitted, special pontoons have been built, thanks to which mud baths can be carried out completely safely.

The easiest way to get here is with a tour. But if you still decide get there on your own by private car, then you should stick to the road running between the villages of Termyuk and Peresyp, since all the mud volcanoes are located on this route.

Another beautiful place in the Caucasus is the Elbrus National Park. Its inspection can be combined with a trip to.

Notable cities of the North Caucasus

The Gates of the Caucasus - this is how the city of Stavropol has long been called. Here begins an exciting journey through the North Caucasus. The most significant places of the city: the monument of the Ciscaucasia - the Tatar settlement, the Central Park. These places have miraculously survived and continue to delight tourists after many decades.

Get to Stavropol:
By plane: daily direct flights from Moscow to Stavropol (STW) from several airlines (Aeroflot, S7, Transaero, UTair, Russia, etc.). Travel time: 2 hours.

By train: from Moscow (Paveletsky station) or from intermediate stations of the route (Michurinsk, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don). Travel time from Moscow: 1 day 11 hours.

A beautiful city located on the elevated bank of the Don. Attracts tourists due to its contrasting architectural style, which includes both Russian and Western European architectural traditions.

Getting to Rostov-on-Don:
By plane: daily direct flights from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don (ROV) from several airlines (Aeroflot, Transaero, UTair, Donavia, Ural Airlines, S7, Gazprom Avia). Travel time: 2 hours.
From other cities you will have to change trains in Moscow.
By train: from Moscow (Kursky Station), St. Petersburg, Yeisk, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Anapa, Vladikavkaz, Lipetsk, Tula, Makhachkala, Adler, Kislovodsk, Nalchik, Stavropol or from intermediate stations of the routes. Travel time from Moscow: 1 day.

One of the oldest resort places in Russia. Guests enjoy healing mineral springs, beautiful mountain panoramas and historical monuments that still keep many secrets of the past.

Getting to Pyatigorsk:
By plane: to Mineralnye Vody airport from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Ulyanovsk, Belgorod, Simferopol, Norilsk. Then take a bus from the bus station or a commuter train.
By train: from Moscow (Kazansky railway station), St. Petersburg, Caucasus cities, etc. Travel time from Moscow: 1 day.

The famous resort, one of the most modern cities in Russia. Tourists are attracted by a large number of botanical parks, resort areas and recreation areas with clean beaches. Sochi is the embodiment of modern technologies, beautiful natural views and majestic historical monuments.

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