Loading luggage. V. Loading luggage and cargo luggage into the carriage before departure on the voyage. What is prohibited from being carried in checked baggage?

Unloading baggage and cargo luggage from cars delivered to the luggage compartment ramp.

The acceptance officer from the arriving carriage brings documents and passes them along with the delivery list to the shift supervisor, who writes down the arrival time, train number, baggage car number and the name of the acceptance officer in the train arrival book. Baggage and cargo documents are stored by the senior shift acceptance officer until they are submitted for unloading. By the time the car arrives, the shift manager transfers the received documents and delivery list to the acceptance and delivery person. Unloading begins immediately after the car is installed (stopped) on the way to the platform intended for loading and unloading luggage and cargo luggage. Upon completion of unloading, the baggage compartment acceptor signs the delivery lists, one copy of which is handed over to the carriage acceptor, and transportation documents for luggage and cargo luggage to be issued are transferred to the issuance desk, where they are registered in the Book of Arrival and Baggage Claim, indicating the departure station and receipt number , number of seats and weight. The cashier puts a calendar stamp on the cargo and luggage travel manifests and notifies the recipient.

Upon completion of unloading of baggage from the carriages of arriving trains, the shift supervisor gives instructions to one of the cargo and baggage acceptors to begin loading baggage and cargo luggage.

The receiver prepares in advance a selection of transportation documents for luggage and cargo luggage for loading into the car. Acceptance lists are filled out by the acceptance person in advance.

In accordance with the Russian Railways Technical Specifications, the shipper is responsible for the correct placement and fastening of cargo luggage in the wagon, and the correct indication of the weight and type of cargo luggage when sending the wagons.

Cargo luggage and baggage must be placed evenly in the baggage car; displacement of the overall center of gravity of the cargo from the vertical plane in which the transverse axis of the baggage car is located is not allowed.

Differences in the loading of bogies of four-axle cars are not allowed. Cargo luggage and baggage in a baggage car must be stacked from the ends to the space between the doors tightly, without gaps in the transverse and longitudinal directions, so that there is no shifting, falling, piles on the doors, abrasions or damage during transportation.

Gaps that could cause the load to shift should be filled with low-value materials.

When loading luggage or cargo luggage into a baggage car, it must be ensured that the car doors open freely for unloading on both sides, do not allow the car body to skew, leave passages to the signal tail lights and fire extinguishing equipment (TU for loading and securing cargo. Section 3, paragraph No. 2.5) .

Having completed the acceptance of baggage, the car acceptance person signs the acceptance list for baggage and documents.

A copy of the delivery list remains with the acceptance officer in the car, and the original remains with the acceptance officer in the luggage compartment.

After loading is completed, the shift supervisor notifies the station shunting dispatcher that the cars are ready for departure.

Financial liability of a flight attendant is determined: during the period from the acceptance of checked baggage onto the aircraft from the baggage acceptor at the airport of departure until its delivery to the baggage acceptor at the destination airport (unloading) or to another flight attendant when changing the crew against a receipt in the baggage manifest.

Acceptance of baggage on board the aircraft.

Baggage is loaded into the aircraft only in the presence of a flight attendant responsible for commercial loading (when loading baggage in bulk) or an airline representative (at a foreign airport) and under the control of an aviation security officer.

Baggage is delivered on board the aircraft, as a rule, in one batch, after the completion of passenger check-in and registration of the baggage manifest. Delivery of baggage in parts is allowed if there is a large amount of baggage on the flight, in agreement with the authorized officer.

Baggage is loaded after cargo and mail and organized by destination.

Baggage to different destinations must be loaded into different cargo compartments of the aircraft. If baggage for different destinations is loaded into one cargo compartment, it must be stowed separately. Baggage to the last destination is loaded first, to the first destination - last. For each destination, the luggage of economy class passengers is loaded first, then first and business classes, participants bonus programs, VIP passengers and, last but not least, the luggage of transfer passengers.

The number of pieces of loaded baggage must correspond to the number of pieces of checked baggage and indicated in the baggage manifest. If all checked baggage cannot be loaded onto the aircraft due to safety or capacity reasons, a decision is made to load it according to the priority list.

When loading baggage into an aircraft, baggage handlers check the destination codes on baggage tags when loading in bulk (marks on the container label) for compliance with the flight being performed. The flight attendant counts the pieces of loaded baggage.

When loading, you must pay special attention to luggage marked with “FRAGILE” tags. Baggage is loaded in accordance with the loading diagram.

Detected damage to the packaging during loading, as well as a discrepancy between the actual number of pieces of baggage and the number indicated in the baggage list, must be included in the baggage list, which is signed by the flight attendant accepting the baggage, the senior level of loaders who checked in the baggage, as well as the shift supervisor SOP of the airport of departure (stopover) .

When accepting unaccompanied baggage (forwarding), pay attention to the integrity of the seal. If the seal is broken, baggage may not be accepted.

After loading, loaders secure containers and bulk luggage into the aircraft. Upon completion of these operations, the loaders and the flight attendant responsible for the commercial loading of the aircraft formalize the acceptance and transfer of the commercial load. The flight attendant must sign all copies of the baggage manifest for the number of pieces of baggage accepted. One copy of the baggage manifest remains with the senior loader, and the other two are given to the flight attendant.

The flight attendant must be present when the cargo compartments are closed after baggage is loaded into them.

When accepting a passenger with luggage for transportation after check-in has closed (“check-in”), the staff checks his luggage in the usual manner and marks it with a standard tag. The baggage is delivered to the aircraft by the passenger himself and, at the direction of the person responsible for commercial servicing of the aircraft, the baggage is loaded onto the aircraft by a loader with the execution of the relevant documents.

Unloading baggage from the aircraft

Unloading of baggage (in bulk) and containers from the aircraft is carried out by loaders in accordance with the technological schedule for servicing this type of aircraft, as directed by the person responsible for commercial servicing of the aircraft (an airline representative in foreign missions or a representative of the company servicing the airline’s aircraft) in the presence of a flight attendant responsible for commercial servicing.

While unloading baggage in bulk, baggage handlers and flight attendants count the number of seats. During container transportation, it is mandatory to check the presence of seals and labels on containers indicating the number of pieces, weight of luggage and its features. When unloading luggage, handlers must ensure the safety of the packaging and contents of the luggage, paying attention to markings and signs.

When determining the order of baggage unloading from an aircraft, preference is given to transfer baggage transported via interline; behind him, transfer luggage for the company's flights is unloaded, and then luggage arriving at the final destination. The luggage of business class passengers is delivered to the baggage claim area first.

Upon completion of unloading of baggage from the aircraft, the flight attendant responsible for commercial loading draws up transportation documents. The baggage acceptor must sign two copies of the baggage manifest for the accepted number of pieces of baggage. One copy of the baggage manifest remains with the baggage handler, and one is given to the flight attendant

There are several ways to carry things with you, it all depends on how much you have. If there are not very many, then they are transported hand luggage. If there is a lot, then you will have to send it as baggage or cargo luggage in accordance with the rules for transporting baggage by railway. All baggage allowances are based on 1 ticket (tickets without a seat for children under 5 years of age are not considered).

On suburban and international trains, baggage transportation rules may differ.

Hand luggage

  • Anything up to 36 kg in size (in SV cars - 50 kg) and up to 180 cm in size in the sum of all three dimensions. There is no need to pay for this.
  • Plus up to 50 kg per seat - for a fee.
  • Plus household, video and audio equipment, which in the sum of three dimensions exceeds 180 cm - for a fee (according to the baggage rate weighing 30 kg, issued at the ticket office with a “baggage in hand” receipt). In general carriages - this is not possible.
  • Passengers with children and disabled people can carry with them free of charge a wheelchair, baby stroller, and other equipment necessary to ensure their mobility or for rehabilitation.

That is, you just buy yourself a train ticket as usual and take your things with you. They will need to be placed in places for luggage in the carriage: upper luggage racks, in lockers under the lower racks, etc.

Remember that your belongings should not worsen the travel conditions for other passengers (that is, they should not interfere).

Not include extra luggage or hand luggage if the child is traveling in the same compartment as an adult. If the child has a ticket with his own seat, it is included.

Sports, tourism and hunting equipment

Bicycles, skis, kayaks and other sports equipment, according to the rules for transporting luggage on trains long distance, no need to check it in as luggage. It can be carried in carry-on bags or placed in other places in a convenient way. The main thing is that your equipment should not interfere with other passengers, everything should be disassembled, safely packed, and the sum of three dimensions (length + width + height) should not exceed 180 cm.

You must pay for the transportation of sports equipment at the regular ticket office at the station. This can be done at any time as soon as the sale of tickets for your train opens. That is, you can either simultaneously with purchasing a ticket or later. any time before the train departs.

  • Skis, ski poles, and snowboards are transported on trains free of charge. No documents are required.
  • Kayaks, kayaks and oars (both collapsible and non-collapsible) are paid as follows: for each boat you need a receipt for 30 kg of luggage.
  • Bicycles without a motor are charged as 10 kg of luggage.
  • Weapons (hunting and sporting) - disassembled, in a case, separately from cartridges. Transported in carry-on baggage areas, paid as 10 kg of baggage.

If you are traveling alone and bringing luggage with you

From October 2014, most of the luggage compartments on railways will cease to operate. Now your luggage is transported in a separate luggage compartment on the same train you are traveling on. There is a luggage compartment on all trains Russian Federation(in the staff car).

Baggage is checked out in accordance with the approved rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo luggage on railway transport, as follows. At a regular ticket office, you pay for your luggage and receive a receipt. This can be done either immediately when purchasing a ticket at the box office, or by presenting a printout of the form electronic ticket. Then you check your luggage into the staff car of the train (ask the conductors where it is, you will receive it there), and you go in your own carriage.

  1. All luggage must be checked in at the same time (and take receipts for it too). For each ticket (including children with a seat provided, that is, from 5 to 10 years old) 3 pieces of baggage are allowed.
  2. One piece of luggage in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm, weight - no more than 75 kg. The total weight of all luggage is no more than 200 kg per passenger.
  3. Anything that does not fit into the regulations can also be accepted for transportation as baggage, but under special conditions. They need to be discussed separately.
  4. Each piece of luggage (that is, an item checked in - a sofa, a suitcase, a travel bag) must be carefully packed and equipped with devices for carrying and loading. Especially equipment, objects with glass and mirrors, etc. Remember that the safety of your belongings is your concern. Exceptions are baby strollers and wheelchairs. They may be needed immediately after unloading, so they can be checked into baggage without packaging.

If you are not traveling yourself, but want to send only things

In this case, sending items is registered as cargo luggage. This can be convenient, including if you want to return by plane or send things and travel light for some time. Or you just need to send the cargo to another city. Please check the rules for registering, sending and receiving cargo luggage at the station in your city or by calling the Russian Railways information service by calling 8-800-775-00-00.

You can also send the goods to one of the transport companies operating in your region, or by baggage cars by rail. This is done by the company “FPK-Logistics” (a division of Russian Railways).

What can't be carried on trains

Items that can damage or contaminate the carriage or the belongings of other passengers, as well as smelly, flammable, poisonous, flammable, explosive and other dangerous substances are not allowed to be carried as hand luggage.

Remember! Packing and safety of any luggage is your and only your concern.

What do you do almost every time you fly on an airplane? Checking in your luggage.

This is a very simple procedure - drop off your suitcase from the girl at the check-in counter and then, immediately upon arrival, take it from the baggage claim area. It would seem as simple as shelling pears. Let's see how it really works.

So, you arrived at the airport with the goal of finally leaving rainy St. Petersburg for Fiji for three months. This is very important to do in Fiji, because as I write this note, it’s raining outside and I really fucking want to go to Fiji.
You approach the girl, put your suitcase on the scales, give her your passport and smile. The girl, of course, smiles back and at the same time checks in her luggage. At this moment, all the data about your suitcase is entered into the computer - its weight, linking it to a specific passenger, and the entire route is formed, taking into account transfers. This takes a second, after which a telegram is generated with all this data, which is sent to a central server in London in the form of a luggage tag.

Why London? But because there is a single system, one for everyone. Your suitcase could fly through ten airports in different countries, and each of them must clearly understand what it is and where it is flying. This is globalization.

And the sweet girl takes stickers with a unique barcode from the printer and sticks them on the suitcase in different places.

After which the suitcase leaves for the unknown, followed by Fiji. This is what this unknown looks like:

In Pulkovo, on the first and second floors, right behind the wall where suitcases go, there is a very a complex system conveyors, belts and other mechanisms. Suitcases fall there.

They drive along the tape and periodically pass scanners that read the barcode that the cute girl pasted a couple of paragraphs earlier.

The suitcase travels at a very high speed, about three times faster than a person walking. The suitcase may fall on its side, may be tilted - but it is important for the system to understand what is in front of it. Therefore, there is not just one scanner hanging, there are usually three of them. In Pulkovo they conducted an experiment - they put only one barcode on a suitcase, and a small one at that - the scanner still reads it with a high probability.

Since the scanner is configured very sensitively, you cannot approach it.

All tapes and other media intersect, rest against each other, and make forks. The system, having identified a piece of luggage and read the code, asks the server in London where this suitcase is going. And he receives a flight number in response. The cart is already equipped for this flight; it is located somewhere at the end of the conveyors. The system’s task is to bring the suitcase exactly to the desired cart.

The suitcase ends up on a special platform called the “courier”. At the same time, the system knows exactly which courier carries the luggage.

At the moment when, according to the system, it would be nice for the suitcase to change direction, the courier dumps the luggage onto another belt.

During the movement, the suitcase is examined very carefully. They scan him again, sniff him, maybe even feel him (we were not allowed into this area), and they give the suitcase an MRI. During all these medical procedures, the risks that interfere with loading it on board an airplane are consistently removed from the suitcase.

This ensures that nothing explosive, poisonous or otherwise dangerous will fly with you.

At the moment when the suitcase has already been thoroughly examined and found safe, the system transports it towards loading into the cart. This is already a sterile zone, that is, everything is safe here. At the most necessary moment, the suitcase falls into such a funnel and coolly slides down to the first floor.

On the first floor the suitcase ends up on the so-called “lateral”. This is also a conveyor, but it’s not very fast. His task is to bring the suitcase to the person who will perform further manipulations.

Passing by one lateral, I suddenly discovered a penguin on it, who probably wants to go to Fiji.

At the end of the lateral there is a living person. It would seem that you take the suitcase and throw it in the cart, but no. At the airport, as the fathers bequeathed, accounting and control are needed everywhere.

The employee begins packing a certain time before departure. The first thing is to open a virtual cart on the computer, the number of which corresponds to the number of the cart physically located at the lateral.

Each piece of luggage is then scanned and placed into an open cart. When the cart is full, it closes on the computer and the next one opens. And based on the assembled cart, a luggage manifest is created, that is, a document describing what lies here. As a result, the system still knows where exactly in the airport, right down to the cart, each individual suitcase is located.

When all the luggage has been accepted and the last cart is complete, the lateral closes. For example, Copenhagen is already being loaded onto the plane, and Gelendzhik is just falling from the second floor.

A special machine comes to pick up the carts. It's called ROFAN ZH4. When all the carts are ready, this Rofan cheerfully takes them to the plane, where loading takes place.

Non-standard items are transported separately to the aircraft - strollers, wheelchairs.

In case some suitcase is completely late, Pulkovo has a special heel that can last second get to the plane.

Unfortunately, any complex system can fail. A perfectly working system may be affected by human factor. I think that such a warning appeared on every lateral for a reason. It’s not entirely clear, however, why it should be duplicated into Turkish.

I was especially pleased with the instructions on how to properly handle luggage laid out on the racks. Judging by the bottom of the poster, sometimes very clever, creative guys work at Pulkovo.

Many frequent flyers face a problem lost luggage. The suitcase may not keep up with the owner, or it may even humiliate him - by flying, for example, to America and back, while the unfortunate vacationer is languishing in Gelendzhik. Why is this happening?

The first problem is the straps on sports bags. Everything is simple here - the ideal system for the system is a rectangular suitcase, without protruding parts, with a clearly visible barcode. And when a backpack with ten straps hanging down falls onto the belt, it has an excellent chance of getting caught on something. For example, for a nearby suitcase, and with a newfound friend he will go to a place completely different from where the system plans to drop him.

The second problem is packing your suitcase. You must understand that if a suitcase needs to be inspected, it will still be inspected. If the suitcase needs to be opened, it will be opened. But many people still try to pack their luggage in plastic wrap before departure so that it looks like a bun. Then, instead of lying calmly and peacefully on the conductor, he begins to roll down, stick to other suitcases and again goes the wrong way.

A very big problem is old barcodes. When the system reads a barcode from a previous flight, it may not have time to read and recognize the new, current one. As a result, the suitcase will fall into the zone of unidentified things and will be analyzed manually by one of these fine guys.

So that none of these fine guys have to pull hapless photographers out of conveyor belts, an intuitive path is drawn on the floor.

Look - what wonderful footprints!

Coming out of the luggage department, I was not at all surprised by the thesis that living here is good!

Depending on the type of aircraft used to transport commercial cargo, the following methods of transporting baggage, mail, and cargo are distinguished:

Transportation using packaging means (in containers or on pallets);

Transportation in bulk, without the use of packaging means;

Mixed - one part in bulk, and the other - by means of packaging.

When delivering baggage, cargo, mail under the aircraft for loading into the baggage and cargo compartments, the person responsible for organizing commercial servicing of the aircraft on the apron checks the presence of the baggage list, air waybills, cargo and postal manifests, as well as compliance of the entries made in them with the presented number of pieces (containers, pallets).

Loading of baggage, cargo and mail by the method of recalculating seats is carried out by a team of loaders who, under the control of the person responsible for organizing commercial servicing of the aircraft on the apron, ensure the placement of commercial loads in the luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft in the presence of an airport security service employee and a flight attendant who controls the integrity of the packaging, the number of seats and presence of tags (in base airport).

The amount of actually loaded luggage, cargo and mail must correspond to the data entered in the documents.

When filling the next baggage and cargo compartment, the hatch of the first compartment must be closed and be under the control of an airline employee (at the base airport).

It is prohibited to simultaneously load luggage, cargo, mail into different luggage and cargo compartments, or simultaneously into the aircraft cabin and luggage and cargo compartments, because this eliminates the possibility of monitoring compliance with technological standards.

It is prohibited to load baggage, cargo and mail at the base airport in the absence of a representative of the airline (responsible for organizing commercial servicing of the aircraft on the apron) and a representative of the airport’s airport security service. If necessary

The person responsible for organizing commercial servicing of aircraft on the apron, together with a representative of the airport's security service, organizes identification of baggage by passengers.

In cases where a passenger is removed from a flight, his baggage must be unloaded.

Responsibility for the transportation of baggage, cargo and mail rests with:

For containerless transportation - for compliance with the documents included

(baggage manifest, cargo and postal manifests), actually loaded seats, serviceability of packaging, presence of tags, labels and markings - for flight attendants.

Using packaging tools - for the contents of containers and their compliance with those specified in transportation documents, the presence of seals, labels and tags on containers (pallets) for the loader foreman (at the base airport).

Control over the placement and securing of commercial cargo in the luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft, the number of loaded containers (pallets - to the person responsible for organizing commercial servicing of the aircraft on the apron (at the base airport).

At foreign missions and airports of the Russian Federation where airlines have representative offices:

For the contents of containers (pallets) and loaded commercial cargo in bulk, its compliance with what is specified in the documents, the presence of seals, labels and tags, placement and fastening in the luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft, the correct execution of transportation documents, including the loading diagram - to the airline representative.

For the presence and condition of seals, labels and tags on containers, loading in bulk,

as well as the safety and transfer of documents for commercial loading to flight attendants.

At foreign airports and airports of the Russian Federation where there is no airline representative:

For compliance of the number of loaded containers (pallets) and commercial loading in bulk specified in the transportation documents, the presence of seals and labels

and tags, integrity when loading the package, drawing up “LOADING INSTRUCTION” according to the alignment schedule presented by the flight crew member - to the flight attendant. Control over securing containers (pallets) and closing hatches is the responsibility of the flight crew.

loading of commercial cargo at the final (intermediate) airport is carried out under the direct supervision of an airline representative and flight attendant.

after closing the cargo hatches of the aircraft, the airline representative hands over the baggage manifest, cargo manifest and air waybills, “Aircraft Loading Chart” to the senior flight attendant of the crew.

Before loading into the aircraft, the packaging device must be in good working order, have filled container tags and be cleared of dirt, snow, and water.

Packaging facilities with baggage, mail, cargo, loaded equipment must be placed in accordance with the aircraft loading diagram.

The specific floor load and the maximum load of individual luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft must not be exceeded.

Bulk cargo must be distributed evenly in the luggage compartment or part thereof so that the overall center of gravity is in the middle of the compartment. Large

Oversized cargo must fit into the dimensions of the cargo compartments, taking into account the necessary clearances between the cargo and the elements of the cargo compartments.

The cargo must be loaded first, then the mail and, lastly, the luggage,

formed by destination.

Crew baggage with the “Crew bag” tag is placed separately from the rest of the baggage in certain positions of the cargo compartments depending on the type of aircraft.

It is prohibited to use non-standard,

deformed and damaged containers and pallets. On leased aircraft such as BOEING and AIRBUS, it is prohibited to use bundling equipment,

not having an international quality certificate.

The load should not protrude beyond the dimensions of the pallet and its height should not exceed

160cm for aircraft types IL-86, IL-96-300, V-767, V-777. For aircraft type A-319, A-320,

A-321, the height of the load on a pallet should not exceed 116 cm.

Pallets sent in a stack must be tightly tied into packages, and the numbers are indicated in the “Aircraft Loading Scheme”. If it is necessary to send cargo on a stack of empty pallets, it is necessary to check the reliability of fastening of empty pallets

to the carrier through the pallet and the load to the carrier pallet.

Valuable cargo in a sealed container is installed in accordance with the alignment data. Valuable cargo in small packaging and diplomatic mail (up to

10kg) is placed by the flight attendant foreman in the aircraft cabin, indicating in

“Aircraft Loading Chart” shows the location and name of the senior flight attendant.

When transporting luggage, cargo and mail, not assembled on pallets or in containers, on an aircraft with a container type of transportation, they are loaded into BULK. Checking the number of seats, the presence of tags and the proper packaging of loaded baggage, cargo and mail in the BULK / lower deck lobbies is carried out by a designated flight attendant.

For transportation of weapons, their components, ammunition and special equipment

A lockable metal box measuring 1100x500x300 mm, painted red, must be placed on board the aircraft. Metal boxes for transporting weapons are located on the aircraft in the following places:

TU-134 - in luggage compartment No. 1

Tu-154M - in luggage compartment No. 2

IL-62 - in luggage compartment No. 1

IL-86 - on the lower front shelf on the starboard side in the underground room of the lobby No. 3

IL-96-300 – in luggage compartment No. 3

B-767, B-777, A-310, A-319, A-320, A-321 – in BULK