Why does a parcel from Aliexpress go through Latvia? Tracking Latvijas Pasts Parcel tracking within Latvia

Latvian Post is a postal operator that is essential to society. Latvian Post tracking will ensure the safety of goods abroad. The company provides high-quality postal services throughout Latvia. Latvian Post reaches the farthest corners of the planet, delivering parcels to any address in the world. In addition to traditional postal services, Latvian Post is developing new, modern offers. The company strives to become the closest assistant to the client in everyday life. Latvian Post will allow you to arrange delivery conveniently, simply and quickly.

Latvian Post implements its mission with responsibility towards customers, society, the state, the environment and its employees. The company offers high quality service to its clients. Motivated employees, modern post offices, a huge logistics network, as well as innovative technologies that ensure high quality standards. Latvian Post offers the best and most profitable solutions for each individual client. The company has extensive experience and is always open to new ideas. Latvian Post is focused on mutually beneficial long-term cooperation. The model offers economically sound solutions, activities are open and transparent.

Advantageous solutions

Latvian Post can effectively compete in the service market thanks to its solid reputation, high standards of customer service and employee motivation. Together with partners, the company is constantly developing and expanding the possibilities of receiving services throughout Latvia. Tracking Latvian postal items by identifier is a necessary service that will allow the sender to be aware of the location of the parcel. With its help, you will always know where your parcel is. Tracking Latvian mail by postal identifier number opens up great opportunities - you no longer need to stand in line at the post office and waste time. With the help of a tracking number, this process will take place in a couple of clicks.

To check online, you only need a tracking number. The postal ID will ensure that you can track your shipment from anywhere in the world. This identifier can be obtained from the seller in the online store or seen on the order page. It is not difficult to check the tracking of Latvian Post mail items by track number - you need to create an account on the website. Registration is required for regular users - a personal account will allow you to save all track numbers and use many functions. Creating an account is just the first step.

Even more possibilities

Enter your mail ID in the special box available on the website. After some simple steps, you can find out detailed information about the current location of your parcel. Using a tracker, you can easily track the status of cargo at any stage of work - from departure to final destination. A convenient form on the website will allow you to order SMS alerts. With this function, you can independently control the tracking of Latvian Post parcels by number without unnecessary problems. If there is any change in the status of your parcel, you will receive an alert on your mobile device or email.

Canada - Item sent abroad

France - Send item to domestic office of exchange

Germany - Message stopped at customs

Italy - Item sent abroad

Item received from client at sorting center - Riga

Item sent to Delivery point: PP-1015

Item sent to Delivery point: PP-1016

Item sent to Delivery point: PP-2164

Item sent to Delivery point: PP-3412

Item sent to Delivery point: PP-3602

Luxembourg - Item received at mail exchange site

Luxembourg - Send item to domestic office of exchange

Luxembourg - The shipment has been received for further processing

Russian Federation (the) - Send item to domestic office of exchange

Sūtījums saņemts, izdrukāts un piegādāts informatīvs paziņojums Piegādes punktā: Liepaja 3 PN, PP-3403

Sweden - Sūtījums saņemts no klienta

Germany - the delivery note is placed in a bag

Germany - Item sent to Latvia (EDIreceived)

Germany - Item shipped overseas

Germany - Item received from postal exchange site

The cargo was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: Adazi PS, PP-2164

The cargo was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: Krвslava 1 PNP, PP-5601

The shipment was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: Liepaja 12 PN, PP-3412

The cargo was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: PC Jelgava PNP, PP-3001

The cargo was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: Riga 15 PNP, PP-1015

The shipment was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: Riga 79 PNP, PP-1079

The cargo was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: Riga 82 PNP, PP-1082

The cargo was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: Ventspils 2 PNP, PP-3602

The shipment was received, printed and delivered to the information message at the Delivery point: Ludza 1 PNP, PP-5701

Part received at delivery point: Riga 14 PN, PP-1014

Item received from the client to the post office: Melluzhi PNP, LV-2008

Part received from the client at the post office: Riga 3 Mon, LV-1003

Delivery, printed and delivered information notice At delivery point: Riga 14 PN, PP-1014

Delivery received, printed and reported. Delivery to: Zilupe PNP, PP-5751

Italy - unsuccessful attempt to deliver the item

Italy - Item received from email site

Italy - item received at the delivery point

Italy - Item issued for station/customer service hall

Italy - Store the cargo at the delivery point

Canada - Returning goods from customs

Canada - send the item to your local exchange office

Canada - Send goods to customs

Canada - Receive item at sorting center

Canada - Item received from email site

China - delivery note placed in the bag

China - sent to Latvia (EDI received)

China - Forwarding received from the client

China - Item received from email site

Luxembourg - Item sent abroad

Norway - Item shipped overseas

The shipment has been received, printed and reported. Delivery to: Mezvidi PN, PP-5725

The parties were sent to the customs authority

Forwarding received printed and delivered delivery information point: Riga 16 PNP, PP-1016

An information message has been received

Item issued to station/courier/customer service hall

Item sent to delivery point: PP-3001

Item sent to delivery point: PP-1014

Item shipped to delivery point: PP-1079

Item shipped to delivery point: PP-1082

Item shipped to delivery point: PP-3403

Item shipped to delivery point: PP-4650

Item shipped to delivery point: PP-5601

Item shipped to delivery point: PP-5701

Item shipped to delivery point: PP-5751

Item received at Sorting Center - Riga

Item received at delivery point: Riga 15 PNP, PP-1015

Item received at delivery point: Riga 82 PNP, PP-1082

Item received from customer at post office: Liepaja 5 PNP, LV-3405

Item received from customer at post office: Riga 10 PNP, LV-1010

Item received from customer at post office: Riga 25 PN, LV-1025

Item received from customer at post office: Riga 44 PN, LV-1044

Item received from customer at post office: Riga 50 PN, LV-1050

Item received from customer at post office: Riga 69 PNP, LV-1069

Item received from customer at post office: Riga 6 PNP, LV-1006

Russian Federation () - Return of goods from customs

Russian Federation () - Send goods to customs

Russian Federation () - sent to Latvia (EDI received)

Russian Federation () - Item shipped overseas

Russian Federation () - Item received on the postal exchange site

Russia Federation () - the invoice is placed in the bag

Russian Federation () - Forwarding received from the client

Singapore - waybill fits in bag

Singapore - Item sent to Latvia (EDI received)

United States () - Item shipped overseas

Order delivered

Product not delivered

Item sent to delivery point: PP-5725

The big advantage of foreign online stores is that after sending the order, the buyer has the opportunity to monitor the movement of the parcel using a track number. Buyers often find themselves perplexed, wondering why a parcel from Aliexpress goes through Latvia, although it was ordered to Russia, Ukraine or another state. If after departure from China the goods are not in your country, do not be alarmed. There are reasoned explanations for this.

Moreover, when studying the parcel route, the buyer does not always see that the order is located in Latvia. Previously, clients of the trading platform saw that their order first passed through Finland, and only then was delivered to Russia.

The parcel from Aliexpress ended up in Latvia

There are two versions why the parcel from Aliexpress is in Latvia:

First, it’s worth understanding the term “intermediate point.” It means a transit country. This state is Latvia. Thus, goods from China go to an intermediate point and then are sent to the buyer’s country.

For this reason, the buyer may see a rather unusual track number, consisting of a small number of symbols and letters. There is no need to panic, since with a 99% probability the products will leave the intermediate point in the coming days.

The second reason is problematic. Because it is quite possible that the seller made a mistake. That is, the goods could actually be sent to the wrong country. This situation was encountered by buyers who indicated an absolutely correct delivery address. If a parcel from Aliexpress arrived in another city or country, you need to collect evidence of the seller’s error, and then open a dispute regarding the order.

If the product has been in a transit country for 2-3 weeks, you need to figure out why the Aliexpress parcel is stuck in Latvia through dialogue with the seller or through the support service.

The order from Aliexpress remained in Latvia

  1. Scroll down the AliExpress home page to the bottom menu;
  2. Select "Support service";
  3. Click on the yellow button "Online chat";
  4. In the “Select question type” column, indicate "My orders";
  5. "Category of question" - "Checking orders";
  6. "Your question". There is no suitable option here. Therefore, it is not so important what you choose. You can choose “Why is my order frozen?”;
  7. Next a button will appear "Online chat", click;
  8. A dialog box will open where you need to describe the problem in detail.

Please note that today online chat is the only relevant way to communicate with online store moderators.

Do I need to write to the seller if the parcel is stuck in Latvia?

Of course, you should first contact the seller to get information about the movement of the parcel. If the seller ignores the request or asks you to wait for the parcel for a long time, then you need to open a dispute. Some sellers do not respond to buyer messages and constantly extend the protection period.

If you cannot track your parcel on the website of your country's state post office or local courier services, then you can use our parcel tracking service. Often, a parcel cannot be found even on the Latvian Post website by tracking number when it is in a given country.

Finally, we note that the transit point is normal practice for most orders from AliExpress. Buyers receive goods from Estonia, the Netherlands, Hungary and other countries. This may be due to cheap logistics. Because “direct” delivery is not always profitable. There is a collection container with a large amount of products, which arrives at the logistics center of a certain state. Next, after sorting, orders are sent to the buyer’s country.

Good afternoon

Items with numbers like ZA .. LV- a new type of postal items developed by Aliexpress together with Russian Post. This type of mail is called “Simplified Registered Mail” and was created to reduce the cost of delivering inexpensive goods from Aliexpress. These parcels are tracked in only three statuses:

  • Accepted at the post office: the seller handed over the parcel at the post office;
  • Came to the place of delivery: the parcel has arrived at your post office;
  • Received by addressee.

Shipments are not tracked at all destinations, but all the necessary information is present. It is important for the buyer to know that the product was physically sent and arrived at the post office. For the seller, only one status is important - “Received by the addressee”.

Shipment tracking ZA .. LV

The main statuses of such parcels are displayed on the Russian Post website. Tracking begins immediately after the parcel arrives at the post office. We must not forget about one nuance - parcels are sent through Latvian post offices, but the goods are physically located in China. Therefore, it takes some time (usually no more than a week) to deliver goods from China to Latvia. The movement of the parcel before it arrives at the Latvian post office can also be tracked, but, unfortunately, only in English:

This can be done on the official website of the Cainiao company: http://global.cainiao.com, which handles all Aliexpress logistics.

If you have any questions or your package is not tracked, write a comment to this answer and I will definitely help!