Moscow parks invite you to celebrate Easter. Where to celebrate Easter in Greece? Picnic in the city

15 parks prepared a festive program.

The main Christian holiday, Easter, will be celebrated in 15 parks in the capital this weekend. Citizens will be able to take part in master classes and quests, and see performances by theater and film artists.

The festive program will take place in Izmailovsky Park from 13:00 to 19:00. Visitors will enjoy a creative master class on creating an Easter basket and a children's quest “Easter Miracle”, which will begin at 17:00. In addition, for a whole week, from April 7 to April 15, the park will become one of the sites of the citywide festival “Easter Gift”. Animators and creative workshops will work on the central square; on weekends, guests will enjoy sports master classes, quests and performances.

You will also be able to take part in master classes and watch performances in Fili Park. Easter will be celebrated here from 13:00 to 18:00. Members of a folk ensemble and a church choir will perform on the stage of the Olympic Village Park (starts at 15:30). Buffoons will entertain guests throughout the day.

From April 7 to April 15, Lianozovsky Park will delight visitors with puppet shows, thematic master classes and quests. And on April 8, from 14:00 to 15:00, a real mobile belfry will be opened here. Muscovites will be able to see how the bells ring on Easter. The church choir will perform here from 16:00 to 17:00.

Several entertainment venues will operate on Easter in Babushkinsky Park. At the creativity and leisure center on April 8 at 14:00, creative master classes on Easter egg painting will begin, and at 15:00 - on making an Easter card. Musicians of a brass band and members of a folk group will perform on the stage of the Green Theater. And little spectators will see a performance by puppet theater artists. On Fontannaya Square from 13:00 to 14:00, park guests will be able to take a bell-playing lesson from real bell ringers.

Creative and culinary master classes, as well as an animation program, await visitors to Kuzminki Park. At 13:00, a quest will begin in the central square, the participants of which will have to find Easter eggs. And at 15:00 three creative master classes start. During the classes you will be able to learn different techniques for painting eggs, make your own Easter tree, and also prepare traditional Easter dishes.

On April 8, Severnoye Tushino Park invites you to a children's master class on creating origami and an archery lesson. Lessons will start at 13:00. Young guests of the park will also be treated to the “Journey through Fairy Tales” quest (starts at 14:00), followed by a children’s performance.

This Sunday Sokolniki Park invites you to master classes on decorating Easter eggs, creating holiday cards and making Easter symbols (from 13:00 to 15:00), as well as dance lessons (from 15:00 to 16:00) . Visitors will see performances by participants in the show “The Voice”, animation programs, a theatrical performance “Easter Chime” and an orchestra performance. And at 16:20 the culinary show “Taste of Life” will begin.

Muscovites will be able to learn how to paint with sand and come up with their own sand show at a special master class in Zaryadye Park from 13:00 to 15:00. At the same time, a class on making Easter eggs from felt and decorative wreaths will begin for everyone.

During Easter week, from April 8 to April 15, the Kuskovo estate invites children and their parents to take part in the “Find the Easter Egg!” event. — a fun Easter egg hunt. After its completion, the found trophy can be exchanged for a special blank, which, under the guidance of a master, will be decorated using the decoupage technique.

A special Easter photo zone will be open on April 8 from 13:00 to 16:00 in the Hermitage Garden. Visitors to the park will be able to take part in a professional photo shoot in vintage style. A stylist will help you choose a memorable image. You can take the photos with you.

At the Vorontsovo estate, in addition to the traditional entertainment program, it will be possible to take part in a charity event to collect Easter gifts for orphans from the Polotnyano-Zavodsky orphanage in the Kaluga region. Those who wish can bring and give to children Easter cakes, candies, pastries and sweets in boxes or packages, souvenir Easter eggs, soft toys, as well as balls, badminton sets and other sports equipment.

On Sunday, he invites you to take part in master classes and learn about different methods of coloring eggs - from the simplest and well-known to rare and unusual, and then decorate your own Easter egg. Classes will run every hour from 11:00 to 17:00.

Easter will be celebrated in the Bauman Garden with dancing, music and a soap bubble show (starting at 13:00). The holiday will take place on the open summer veranda, right at the entrance from Staraya Basmannaya Street.

In Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, the festive Easter program will begin at 13:00 on two sites at once. The event will be opened by the ringing of a mobile belfry, which will support the festive chime in the Church of St. George the Victorious. Everyone, under the guidance of a bell ringer, will be able to learn how to operate bells and build a musical pattern. Near the Church of St. George the Victorious there will be a quest (search for Easter eggs), the game “Dragon and the Hunter,” a team relay race “Rescuer,” riddles and quizzes. The most interesting event promises to be the “Giant Egg Race,” which will take place on the slope next to the temple.

Visitors to Perovsky Park will be able to try their hand at creative master classes, listen to performances by members of the musical groups of the Integration cultural center, the women's choir Bella Mamma, as well as musical sets performed by a guest DJ and take part in an interactive program.

There are many places where Easter is celebrated in a unique way, because traditions and customs are embedded in them with a thousand-year history. If you want to kill two birds with one stone - to celebrate this bright holiday and see the world - then our next list is just for you. Let's take a closer look at each city presented and consider how you can celebrate Easter in a special way.


You will hardly find a more magnificent spectacle of Easter celebrations than in Rome during Holy Week. During the week, the Pope holds several ceremonies and thousands of pilgrims travel the long distance to celebrate Easter with him. The Pope's Easter address is broadcast around the world, but it is no longer the same feeling as when you are nearby.


One of the biggest events of the year Jamaica– Kensington Festival, which is organized on the occasion of Easter. Since 1990 it has become increasingly popular. The carnival begins at dawn of the Great Resurrection with a beautiful parade of dressed participants to the sounds of the local calypso musical instrument. Another Easter tradition in Jamaica is eating raisin, cinnamon and cheese buns.


During the week leading up to Easter, there are wonderful traditional celebrations all over Seville, Spain. This Easter celebration is considered one of the oldest and attracts about 1,000,000 visitors every year. The largest parade starts at midnight on Maundy Thursday, when thousands of monks head to the cathedral until the morning of Good Friday. There is a festive atmosphere here and the bars and restaurants are packed with families every night.


The small town of São Bras, with just one church, is home to one of the most ancient and traditional Easter ceremonies in Portugal, attracting crowds of tourists from all over the country. Men move along the street towards the church and cover the road with flowers for the priest. Similar ceremonies were held in the Algarve in the last century, but São Bras is the only place where this tradition has survived to this day. Visit a Catholic village where they know how to put on a beautiful performance to celebrate Easter. And while you're visiting Sao Bras, don't forget to stop by for a couple of days in the capital of Portugal.


In New York, Easter has been celebrated every year since 1870 with the Easter Bonnet Parade. Everyone should enjoy the parade on 5th Avenue, or even better, make yourself a hat and join the general procession. This rule also applies to pets, so don't be surprised if you see dogs and cats wearing decorated hats. After the parade, most people head to Central Park, where they can watch a performance that is fun for adults and children.


Easter floats in Florence are a tradition that dates back to the 11th century. Festive carts filled with fireworks, which reach 9 meters in length, are carried around the city by decorated donkeys. When the cart passes by the church, fireworks light up and delight all residents. The more gorgeous the fireworks, the luckier people will be next year.


Easter celebrations in San Miguel de Allende attract travelers from all over the world, but these centuries-old traditions are not just for tourists. Two weeks before Easter, the statue of Jesus Christ is taken from Atotonilco and for the next 2 weeks it is transported from one church to another in San Miguel de Allende. Another procession is organized on Good Friday, culminating on Easter Sunday, when biblical figures, including Judas, are exploded with fireworks.


In Greece, Easter is celebrated so widely throughout the country that you will like any place. This holiday is respected by all Greeks; for them Easter is a period of major religious events. This wonderful country is especially beautiful in the spring, because at this time wild poppies bloom and the enchanting smell of Easter baking is added to the overall pleasant aroma.


Guatemalans celebrate Easter all over the country, but nowhere is it as warm as Antigua. Here the sidewalks are decorated with a mosaic of flowers along which men carry a statue of Christ while children blow the scent of incense. Antigua is a mixture of Catholic, Spanish and Mexican cultures, so the holiday is especially revered here. You will remember such a mesmerizing spectacle for a long time.


It was from here that the holiday symbol came to the Americans - the Easter Bunny. On the eve of Easter, figurines of these hares completely fill store shelves. It is believed that they are the ones who carry Easter eggs and hide them in the grass, and on Easter children must look for them. It is also interesting that on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, on Saturday, residents of most cities gather in the center and light the Easter bonfire, with the help of which all negative emotions are symbolically burned and the end of winter is celebrated.

Would you like to celebrate Easter while simultaneously getting to know other cultures and plunging into their traditions? After all, there are many places where you can go for this purpose, regardless of whether you plan to celebrate Easter 2015 alone, in the company of close friends or with your family. What do you think about this?

Easter will be celebrated in 16 Moscow parks this weekend. Visitors will be taught how to play bells, invited to take part in quests and help orphans

In Izmailovsky Park On April 8, Easter Day, the program will begin at 13:00 and last until 19:00. Visitors will enjoy a creative master class on creating an Easter basket, as well as a children's quest game “Easter Miracle”, which will begin at 17:00. Children will have to untangle the ribbon carousel without letting go of the end of the ribbon, and look for clues on the playground to find the final prize. In addition, for a whole week, musical groups and theater and film artists will perform on the main stage for park guests.

In Fili Park During Easter week, folklore ensembles will perform and a variety of master classes and performances will be held. Guests will be entertained by buffoons, and on April 8, visitors will enjoy a performance by the church choir, which will begin at 15:30 on the main stage of the park.

Lianozovsky Park promises puppet shows, themed master classes and quests during Easter week. And on April 8, from 14:00 to 15:00, a real mobile belfry will appear in the park, so everyone can see how the bells ring on Easter. From 16:00 to 17:00 a church choir will perform in Lianozovsky Park.

In Babushkinsky Park Several sites will be open. On April 8 at 14:00, the creativity and leisure center will host creative master classes on Easter egg painting, and at 15:00 - on making an Easter card. The official part of the program will take place on the Green Stage, a brass band and folk group will perform, and a puppet theater performance will be shown for young spectators. On Fontannaya Square From 13:00 to 14:00, bell ringers will give a lesson in playing bells.

In Kuzminki Park Guests will enjoy creative and culinary master classes, as well as an animation program. Guests at the master classes will get acquainted with various techniques for painting Easter eggs (the lesson starts at 15:00), they will be able to make an Easter tree with their own hands (the class starts at 15:00), as well as prepare traditional Easter dishes (the lesson also starts at 15:00 ). And at 13:00 the quest to find Easter eggs will begin in the central square.

In the park "Northern Tushino" On April 8, he invites you to an Easter-themed origami master class for children (at 13:00 on the main square), as well as an archery master class (also starting at 13:00). Young guests of the park will also enjoy the “Journey through Fairy Tales” quest (starts at 14:00 on the main square) and a children’s performance.

Sokolniki Park" On April 8 from 13:00 to 15:00 invites guests to take part in master classes on decorating Easter eggs, holiday cards, making Easter symbols, and also learn to dance (from 15:00 to 16:00). Visitors can expect performances from participants in the “Voice” show, animation programs, a theatrical performance “Easter Chime” and an orchestra performance. And at 16:20 at the Lilac cafe there will be a culinary show “Taste of Life”.

In Zaryadye Park A series of master classes is planned from 13:00 to 15:00. Visitors will try their hand at sand painting, learn the secrets of a professional artist, and then together create their own story and sand show. In addition, everyone is invited to take lessons on creating felt Easter eggs and decorative wreaths.


It’s hard to imagine this spring holiday without the beloved and popular Easter game. This refers to the tradition of “clinking eggs” with each other. Two people take hard-boiled eggs and click with their blunt or sharp end.

Video on the topic

Easter is a great religious holiday, which is not one of the celebrations specifically for lovers. But if bright feelings live in your soul, you can certainly turn this spring day into a romantic fairy tale. Surprise your loved one with a non-standard approach to decorating your apartment and holiday table.


The beauty of Easter is that it is a spring holiday. And what could be more romantic than the awakening of nature from a long winter sleep? Create an atmosphere of spring freshness. Transform your room into a bright garden. On Palm Sunday, cut more fluffy willow branches in the nearest forest or buy at a flower shop. Place them in different corners of the room in several vases. Spring primroses will also look good.

Decorate the room with colorful garlands. For example, you can cut out birds, flowers, leaves, etc. from colored paper for children's creativity. and sew them using the needle-forward stitch principle to make a garland. Between the main elements you can string wooden or plastic beads, small toys, notes with wishes and kind words - whatever comes to your mind. This design will surprise your loved one. He will certainly appreciate your efforts.

Add a touch of romance to traditional holiday dishes. Paint hard-boiled eggs in soft, warm colors and decorate them not with standard Easter patterns, but with hearts, doves and love messages.

Whether you buy a traditional cake or make it yourself, you can add a romantic decoration. For example, make sweet cream or icing and draw hearts, kind words or other symbols of your love on the baked goods.

If you plan to spend the whole day with your significant other in the morning, then preparing special holiday dishes can be an enjoyable activity together.

Invite your loved one to play some fun Easter games. One of the most popular pastimes is egg rolling. You will need to build a kind of “skating rink” from a sheet of cardboard, linoleum, etc. Place small surprise souvenirs around the edges if not only your loved one is expected to participate. The rules of the game are simple: you need to roll the egg down. Whatever object it touches becomes a gift.

If you want to arrange a game for two, then instead of souvenirs, place notes along the edges of the “skating rink,” for example. Take turns lowering the eggs from the makeshift mountain and perform the actions that will be described on the postcards you receive. This game becomes especially fun if you come up with wishes independently of each other, then surprises will await each of you.

Easter is a bright and joyful holiday. One of the most important for the Orthodox Church. With the arrival of Easter, real spring comes not only on earth, but also in the souls of people. Therefore, for many it is important to spend this day among family in an atmosphere of relaxation and love.

You will need

  • - colored eggs;
  • - Easter cakes;
  • - snacks;
  • - beverages.


Easter can be celebrated according to Orthodox traditions: hold a solemn service, treat yourself to delicious Easter cakes and eggs in the morning, and invite family and friends to visit.

For the Easter table, prepare homemade pastries, jellied dishes, roasts, traditional sausages, and borscht. Pay attention to table decoration: use tablecloths, dishes, napkins in ethnic style. This will allow you to more fully experience the atmosphere of the holy holiday. On the table, create various compositions from colored eggs and Easter cakes.

Decorate the house with flowers, twigs and rye or wheat, specially sprouted in a low decorative bowl. Make little yellow chickens from threads and decorate your house with them. Hang a wreath of herbs, willow, flowers and ribbons above the front doors. This is a symbol of the resurrection of nature, the revival of the surrounding life.

Nature lovers can have an Easter picnic. This way you can not only eat delicious food, but also have fun in the fresh air. Take with you the traditional ones: krashenki, Easter cakes, boiled pork. Or cook shish kebab from fish or veal over the fire. Dyed eggs can replace egg salads. Roast vegetables and fruits over the fire. Prepare in advance for this method of celebration. Don't forget about an improvised tablecloth and napkins.

lit in the churches of large cities.

At midnight, a procession takes place around the church, in which its participants welcome the risen Christ by singing and ringing bells. Then all participants in the procession enter the temple, where divine chants are chanted until the morning.

Holiday greeting

During the holiday, people greet each other with the phrase: “Christ is Risen!” and the answer to it: “Truly He is Risen!” It is believed that the younger ones should begin the greeting towards the older generation. It is also customary to kiss three times.

Easter meal

The variety of the festive table symbolizes the end of Lent. The invariable edible attributes of Easter are colored eggs and Easter cakes, which, as a rule, go through the ritual of lighting in the church. It is with their consumption that the breaking of the fast at the festive table begins.

According to the ancient legend, in which the egg turned red in the hands of Mary Magdalene, it is customary to dye eggs red, and this is usually done using onion skins and colored dyes. However, today a wide range of creative products offers a variety of stickers, decorations for eggs, special paints and egg masterpieces have long ceased to be monotonous.

Of course, it is difficult for housewives to resist decorating their table as best as possible, and some new items are constantly being introduced into the Easter traditions of Russia. There is even a special technique for carving eggshells.

But no matter how far the flight of fancy extends, there is no need to worry about a large number of decorated eggs. A long-standing tradition of fighting for strength, or simply presenting the most beautiful specimens as an Easter gift - all this will quickly adjust egg reserves downward.


  • How to celebrate Easter

Don't know how to organize a holiday for Easter? For most people, Easter weekend is a time to spend with family and have a themed holiday, especially if children are growing up in the family. For Orthodox Christians, this day has become the main holiday of the year, and it is important for parents to convey to their children not just superficial knowledge, but also to be able to answer questions that arise. All this can be done in an easy playful way by pre-booking places at the Latchi country hotel. Here they will clearly tell you about the history of the holiday, teach you how to decorate Easter eggs, and decorate Easter cakes. Master classes are held not only for children; adults will also be able to take part.

A special entertainment program will be organized for hotel guests. You can rent rooms for the entire weekend, which are decorated in accordance with ancient customs and traditional decorations. Here you are guaranteed an unforgettable holiday for the Easter weekend, which in the future will become not just a family tradition, but also a reason to go out of town.

Going to Latchi, you will spend a weekend in a beautiful picturesque area, complementing your leisure time by visiting amusement parks, or taking part in sports games and other equally exciting events.

The hotel has amusement parks for children and a football ground with a unique surface that allows games to be played regardless of weather conditions. Children will be able to have fun with their peers, having fun with the animators.

How to celebrate and where to relax on Easter

If you are deciding how to celebrate Easter, or are worried that the weather may ruin your trip out of town, come to the Latchi country hotel! It is fun and interesting here at any time of the year, regardless of whether the sun is shining or raining. Here the celebration will take place in any weather. The holiday program changes every year, but generally accepted traditions and customs are always observed. On this Holy Day, you should always surround yourself with loved ones. Spend time with those you care about in an incredibly warm and friendly environment. Give joy to your children, create your own little tradition - carefree relaxation in a cozy and comfortable environment.

It is difficult to find an alternative solution where to relax on Easter in a way that would be interesting for any company. Nowadays, many hotel guests come not only with families, but also with friends. By booking your cabins in advance, you can have the best weekend of your life.

If you are planning to travel with a group, then you may be interested in organizing a holiday according to an individual scenario, including creating a menu. The hotel employs professional chefs who are ready to turn any product into a culinary masterpiece. For younger guests, there is a children's menu that includes delicious treats and vegetables and meat necessary for the growing body. And, of course, Easter is never complete without the main traditional dishes - Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Arriving on the eve of the holiday, you can independently take part in preparing treats, for example, learn how to beautifully decorate eggs, learn delicious baking recipes, and learn many interesting secrets that will become your unique “zest.”

Easter is a bright and joyful holiday celebrating love and life. Nothing should overshadow you on this day. And in order to get rid of the everyday bustle and preparations, we recommend that you entrust all organizational issues to professionals who will take care of your leisure time.

After official events dedicated to Easter, various entertainment programs are organized in which both children and adults can take part. When welcoming spring, you always want to forget about everyday problems; it would be nice to attend a concert or show program, treat yourself to an evening of humor, or just take a walk in the fresh air in a beautiful forest. Guests of our hotel will be able to make their dreams come true and receive an incredible positive charge of emotions, energy, impressions and inspiration.

All-inclusive holiday for Easter

Not so long ago, the “included” service was the calling card of most resort towns and villages in distant southern countries. Now in Russia, many hotels and sanatoriums offer all-inclusive services to vacationers. Country hotel "Lachi" exceeded expectations and pleases with luxurious service, which would be a real competitor to many foreign resort establishments. For young children, this is a real play paradise with a variety of entertainment and parks. Events are regularly organized depending on the upcoming holiday. And, of course, not a single child is left without a surprise and a gift from the hotel.

To experience all the benefits of the Easter holiday, please your family or friends with a great mood and unforgettable impressions, book your seats in advance, because every year the popularity of the club is growing, and the number of people wishing to spend this Bright Day with us is constantly growing. The rooms in the unique houses have no analogues in the capital's market. You will have the opportunity to visit the bath complex, decorated in Russian traditions, and have a delicious dinner in a cozy restaurant - the perfect end to the holiday weekend.

Do you want a holiday for your family? Do you want to celebrate Easter with friends? Do you have a friendly team and you, as a manager, want to make a pleasant surprise for them? There is a simple answer to all these questions - come to the Lachi country hotel, which is comfortably located in one of the most beautiful areas of the Moscow region!