The best attractions of Norway with photos and descriptions. Norway Viking Ship Museum

Sights of Norway

1. Geirangerfjord

Norway's main and most famous tourist attraction is the fjords. Among the most famous fjords in Norway, Geiranger Fjord stands out, located in the southwestern part of Norway, near the coastal city of Ålesund. More than 15 kilometers long, Geiranger Fjord is a true Ice Age natural wonder with deep blue water surrounded by majestic cliffs and lush green mountains that rise more than 1,000 meters above sea level, as well as spectacular scenery and several stunning waterfalls. . The fjord is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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2. Bryggen

Bryggen, Bergen's old wharf, is a reminder of the city's importance when it was part of the Hanseatic League, a trading empire from the 14th century to the mid-16th century. In 1350, the Hanseatic League established a "Hanseatic Office" in Bergen, a city that dates back to 1070, when it was founded. On the pier there is a complex of old commercial buildings; now these houses house many souvenir shops and tourist shops. Bryggen is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

3. Heddal Stave Church

Heddal is one of Norway's main attractions. Heddal Stave Church orHeadquarters in Heddal- is the largest stave church in Norway. It was built at the beginning of the 13th century. A runic inscription was found in the church, which dates back to 1242, stating that Stavkirka in Heddal was consecrated in the name of the Virgin Mary.

Official website:

4. Viking Ship Museum

Many centuries ago, when the Vikings sailed in the northern seas and struck fear throughout Europe, they were considered the most ferocious warriors in the world; they sailed the seas on these small ships - longships.Today, visitors can view the vessels that belonged to these fierce warriors in the museum - Viking Ship Museum.

The Viking ship "Lufutr" is a copy of the ship from the burial site at Guksta, in Vestfold, which is now in the Oslo museum on the Bygdøy peninsula. The buildings are built in the same historical style, so that a special atmosphere is created and the feeling that you are transported back in time a thousand years ago.

Official website:

5. Jostedalsbreen Glacier

Jostedalsbreen Glacier is the largest glacier in Europe, located in the south of Norway in a national parkJostedalsbreen, half of the national park is occupied by a glacier. The national park is famous for its wide variety of natural environments within walking distance of each other, ranging from lush valleys to glacial landscapes. The glacier reaches a height of 2083 meters above sea level.

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6. Nordkapp

The North Cape, or Northern Cape, is a must-visit destination for travelers who want to see the midnight sun, which does not set between May 14 and July 29. It is the northernmost point in Europe. The North Cape is part of a large rock. P Nature has created a landscape worthy of this place. The mountain plateau, located at an altitude of more than 300 meters above the level of the Barents Sea, is a natural observation deck.

7. Nidaros Cathedral

The pearl of a tour of Trondheim is a unique landmark in Norway - Nidaros Cathedral. While William the Conqueror was busy invading Britain in 1066, the Vikings were busy building the cathedral Nidaros in Trondheim. Almost 1000 years later, the cathedral is the most important church in Norway and the largest medieval building in Scandinavia.The cathedral was built in honor of Olaf, a Viking leader who later became a king and saint. Olafwas killed in the battle of Trondheim in 1030 andhis nephew, in honor of him, began building the Nidaros Cathedral in 1066.The cathedral soon became the main place of pilgrimage in Norway.

Official website:

8. Voringfossen

Våringsfossen is the most famous waterfall in Norway and is one of the most important tourist destinations in the country. Norway is a country of thousands of waterfalls and Voringsfossen is the most impressive of them, water cascades fall down 180 meters here, the waterfallis located in Mabodelen, a narrow valley between Oslo and Bergen.Tourists have been visiting Våringsfossen for almost 200 years.

9. Urnes Stave Church

The wooden church in Urnes is considered the oldest church in Norway; historians believe that the construction of the headquarters began in 1130. The Stavkirka in Urnes combines several architectural styles of a medieval church that is still standing after 900 years of history. Church, UNESCO World Heritage Site.

10. Roros

Reros is an old mining town with many houses from the 16th and 17th centuries remaining intact, making the town a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a magnet for travelers from all over the world. Reros is a good place to learn all about medieval copper mining, as it happened several centuries ago, and also enjoy the atmosphere of the 17th century.Copper mining began here in the 16th century and continued for more than 300 years, until 1977.The city itself was founded in 1646.

11. Tromso

The city of Tromso is a large regional center with a population of 58 thousand people. Fishing and trade have always been the main activities of its inhabitants. This coastal city is often called the "Paris of the North". The European lifestyle reigns here, with many different cultural events. Tromsø has its own university and
many museums. This seaside town is located on several islands. If you take the cable car to the top of the mountain, you can see an extraordinary landscape.

12. Fjordvegen road

Enjoy the beautiful fjords of Western Norway, framed by majestic mountain peaks and rushing waterfalls. Along the way, cozy towns and villages await you, where you will find original hotels and restaurants. Lovers of hiking and nature hikes will find a lot of beauty in the immediate vicinity of the route. You will have views of the snow-white caps of glaciers - admire them from the road or climb the glacier accompanied by a guide. Or find your own pearl in the wealth of natural beauty and relax in silence...

13. Rondane National Park

Rondane National Park is Norway's oldest nature reserve. View from Lake Atnshøen. Tourists are attracted by clearly marked routes and good overnight conditions. The summer season begins in mid-June. In spring, special attention is paid to the fact that at this time wild boars have babies.

14. Lofoten Islands

The Lofontaine Islands are rightfully one of the most remarkable attractions in Norway. Despite the fact that they are located above the Arctic Circle, and, surprisingly, north of the Earth’s cold pole, Oymyakon, the weather on the islands is quite mild and all thanks to the Gulf Stream. There are mild winters and fairly warm summers, which is surprising for such a northern region.

The four main islands of Lofoten, Eustvågöch, Vestvågöch, Moskenesöch and Flaxtadego, together with a number of smaller islands, lie so close to each other that from a distance of several tens of kilometers they resemble one mountain range. Surrounded by countless rocky islets, the islands are cut by numerous bays and fjords with towering sheer stone walls up to one and a half kilometers high, creating an amazing atmosphere, as if you were in the land of giants. The mountains themselves are alpine with characteristic steep slopes and snow-covered peaks. The cliffs of Lofoten are ideal for nesting seabirds and other wildlife, and the sea is teeming with marine life.

The Arctic archipelago of Spitsbergen is located halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole. The nature of Spitsbergen is characterized by massive glaciers and wide mountain plateaus. But, despite the harsh Arctic climate, Svalbard has a rich fauna, where polar bears, walruses and a number of other species are represented.
animals and birds that have adapted to the harsh climate. Large coal deposits gave rise to mining settlements in Longyearbyen and Barentsburg.

Spitsbergen was discovered in 1596. At first, from the 18th century, whalers used the islands as a base for their catch, but they eventually abandoned the area. At the beginning of the 19th century, coal mining began here, which led to the emergence of several settlements. Today there are about 2,600 inhabitants living in Svalbard, most of them in Longyearbyen.

The amazing mountain region is a world of fabulous opportunities for both geologists and tourists. More than half of the surface of Spitsbergen (63,000 sq. km.) is covered with ice. The profile of the coast is formed by sharp peaks, which gave the name “Spitsbergen” (“Sharp Peak”) to the largest island of the archipelago. The fjords and glaciers of Svalbard are stunning in their beauty, attractive and frightening at the same time. Experience the vastness of the Arctic - from a boat, on a dog sled, on a snowmobile, on a hike or on skis. The nature of the Arctic is unique, but very vulnerable. The rich fauna and flora are subjected to severe tests. Tourism is growing rapidly, but is strictly regulated, and all movement and activity on Svalbard is carried out with the maximum conservation of the environment in mind. The Arctic archipelago of Spitsbergen is another unique attraction of Norway.

Norway is considered one of the most picturesque countries not only on the Scandinavian Peninsula, but throughout the world. The unique northern nature, as well as historical architectural monuments, all together give this harsh northern country its unique charm and flavor. It is not for nothing that many travelers who prefer active holidays choose Norway as one of the first places on their tourist route. And many return there again to see what was not viewed the first time.

There are a lot of attractions on the map of Norway. If you make a certain rating, it is difficult to single out something better or worse. They are all different, but at the same time equally good in their own way. Therefore, instead of a rating, it would probably be correct to make a list of the most visited places in this country.

TOP 20 attractions of Norway: photos with names and descriptions


Perhaps it’s worth starting with the whole city – Bryggen. This is a picturesque place with more than five hundred years of history. The hallmark of this town can be called a whole line of colorful houses located along the Hanseatic embankment. Of course, most of the buildings have undergone repairs and reconstruction several times, but at the same time they have retained all their historical potential, thanks to their intact architectural forms.

The view of these houses from the surface of the water unmistakably helps to determine exactly where you are. Despite modern trends, this town seems frozen in previous centuries. This is what gives it all the charm for which tourists cross the Norwegian border.

Stavkirk in Urnes

If we talk about architecture, then we cannot fail to mention Stavkirka in Urnes. This is a small wooden church located in a very picturesque area. They say that it was once the last stronghold of paganism in the north, after which the locals reluctantly accepted the Christian faith. By the way, according to rumors, paintings depicting some scenes of Scandinavian mythology are painted on the interior wall panels.

The settlement itself is small; the main buildings in it are one-story houses. The nature around is simply amazingly beautiful: a blue reservoir with clear, clean water, and a steep mountain completely covered with green vegetation on its other bank. All together creates a simply unique atmosphere that every tourist should plunge into.

Stavkirk in Urnes

Vigeland Sculpture Park

Vigeland Sculpture Park is a unique place of its kind, located right in the center of Oslo and is part of a park area called Frogner. The concept of the sculptural composition is that the statues depict human activities: running, walking, hugging, dancing, etc. There are two hundred of them in total. Some of them are quite allegorical, such as the sculpture of an angry baby.

This park is a favorite place not only for tourists, but also for local residents. In the evening, the sculptures are illuminated by a rather original cascade of lanterns, which makes you look at them from a completely different angle. Why not a place for a romantic walk or a completely unique photo shoot?

Vigeland Sculpture Park

Troll Staircase

Troll staircase. This attraction is a road that stretches along the surface of the mountain and has such an unusual shape that it is worth not only driving along it, but also just looking at it from the side. Only then will it be possible to fully appreciate all its flavor.

By the way, once you admire the views, you can forget about safety. Still, the Troll Staircase is a kind of serpentine, with very sharp and sometimes dangerous turns. Therefore, before traveling along it, you should appreciate it by looking at it from the top of some nearby hill.

Troll staircase


A huge cliff 604 meters high rises above the Losefjord and is called Preikestolen. The journey to its top takes almost two hours. This will mainly be moving up the mountain, so before you start conquering this peak, you should stock up on patience, strength and drinking water.

However, all the efforts spent on climbing will pay off handsomely once you reach the top. Having risen to the very top, you will see a flat rocky platform, from which a simply breathtaking view of the surrounding nature opens. By the way, the closer to the cliff, the less vegetation, and if at the foot of the path there are dense thickets of trees, then at the top you can only find mosses and lichens.


Troll tongue

Troll's Tongue is another cliff that is definitely worth visiting for any tourist. It is a protruding rock, which is shaped like a huge tongue, which is why it got its name among the people. The height of the mountain on which this cliff is located is 350 meters, but the walk to it takes twice as long as to Preikestolen.

It is also worth noting that the path to it is located away from popular tourist routes, which is strange: everyone who has ever heard of its existence or seen a photo of this landmark of Norway strives to visit it. The view from it is simply stunning: at the foot of the mountain is Lake Ringedalsvatn, the shores of which are made up entirely of mountains.

Troll tongue

Lindesnes Lighthouse

If we talk about museums, then before moving on to the city's historical monuments, one cannot fail to mention such a place as the Lindesnes Lighthouse. It is located in the south of mainland Norway and its existence dates back more than 350 years of history. Thus, this lighthouse is the oldest structure, which at one time showed the way to ships sailing between Norway and Denmark.

Currently, there is a museum inside that tells about the evolution of the technology of this lighthouse: from the moment when the lighting element was supported by kindling coal to the installation of the most modern radio navigation system. The exterior has been redecorated: the walls of the lighthouse and the adjacent building are red and white, which fits perfectly into the local color.

Lindesnes Lighthouse

Fram Museum

The Fram Museum, built in the shape of a glass tent, is located on the Bygde peninsula. It got its name because of the ship inside it, bearing the proud name “Fram”. This ship is notable for the fact that it took part in three polar expeditions, and its sides are painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor.

Tourists can board the ship and visit the cabins and other parts of the ship that are open for tours. Also inside you can find stuffed animals that live in the Arctic ice. This is definitely one of the places that is definitely worth visiting.

Fram Museum

Viking Ship Museum

Still there, on the Bygde Peninsula, you can find another museum dedicated to shipbuilding - the Viking Ship Museum. This unique exhibition consists of three real Viking ships, built in the ninth century, and several hundred years later found in the surrounding waters. By the way, not only the ships themselves have survived to this day: household items, as well as some ship props can also be seen among the exhibits in this museum.

Viking Ship Museum


Røros is a tiny town located in the heart of Norway. Its history began in the 17th century: then it was a center for the mining and processing of copper, and today it has become a national treasure and a favorite place for visiting foreign tourists.

What is noteworthy is that the wooden buildings that make up Rerus have been preserved from those times. The roofs of many of them are covered with thick grass. Freshly painted walls and lush green vegetation combine to create an incredibly beautiful picture, and the town itself has more than once been a source of inspiration for famous Norwegian (and other) artists.

Royal Palace Oslo

The Royal Palace of Oslo is one of the most popular places to visit for tourists from all over the world. This is a striking example of classical architecture, surrounded by amazing landscape variations: a park, artificial ponds. In front of the palace there is a square, the main attraction of which is the monument to Karl Johan XIV, considered the founder of the Bernadotte dynasty. In his time, he was known as a very successful commander, and his military activities were at the peak of success in the 19th century.

A visit to the Royal Palace of Oslo should be a must on any tourist program. Finding it is not difficult at all: firstly, every resident of the city knows its location, and secondly, a kilometer-long street leads to it, bearing the name of that same commander - Karl Johan. This is the central part of the city, so you definitely won’t get lost while searching for this attraction.

Royal Palace Oslo


One of the most beautiful places in Norway is called Geirangenfjord. This is a small bay, which is not particularly deep in the water or the width of the harbor. Its beauty lies in the picturesque surrounding nature. It is she who regularly attracts a large number of tourists here.



Steinsdalsfoss is the name of a waterfall located in western Norway. It is 20 meters high and is part of the Fosselva River. It is noteworthy that you can admire it not only from the outside, but also from the inside: for this there is a small bridge behind it, on which you can experience simply incredible sensations.



Vøringsfossen is another waterfall that is simply impossible to ignore. Its height is as much as 182 meters, and thanks to this, as well as the beautiful views around it, it is one of the main tourist spots. To avoid danger, it is better to admire it from the top of a neighboring mountain, however, extreme sports enthusiasts are allowed to get as close as the turbulent water flow allows.


North Cape

The northernmost point of Norway and all of Europe is the North Cape. This is a cliff that rises as much as 372 meters above sea level. The huge rock, covered with cracks, has an excellent observation deck at its top, from which a simply breathtaking view of the majestic Barents Sea opens.

North Cape

Mount Kjerag

Mount Kjerag in its appearance is not much different from the others. It is a rock, practically devoid of vegetation. But a stone deserves special attention here, as if stuck between the walls at a great height, which common people call it a “pea stone.” Fans of extreme recreation will definitely appreciate the opportunity to take photos there.

Mount Kjerag

Laerdal tunnel

The second longest road tunnel in the world is the Laerdal Tunnel. Its length is 24.5 km. It has three artificial caves that divide the tunnel into approximately equal parts. This is done so that drivers have the opportunity to rest along the way and relieve stress from their eyes.

Laerdal tunnel


Tromso is a name familiar to everyone from school. This city is considered the heart of the Arctic. Surrounded by picturesque mountains that allow you to see Tromso in all its glory, it is so beautiful and original that almost any tourist devotes most of the time of their stay in Norway to it.

Sometimes it seems that no matter how much you visit this amazing country, Tromso will reveal more and more amazing secrets every time. Simply an amazing city lying on a fjord, striped by a whole series of picturesque bridges, visiting which is the primary task of every tourist.

Flåm Railway

The Flåm railway is only twenty kilometers long. At the same time, it is part of the Bergen Main Line, but today it is intended exclusively for tourist trips. Most of it is downhill, which makes traveling along it quite exciting. And the mountains surrounding it only add to the spectacle and atmosphere.

Flåm Railway

Northern Lights in Norway

The Northern Lights in Norway are a natural phenomenon that is also impossible not to mention. Residents of northern latitudes, of course, are accustomed to this phenomenon, although it does not appear as often as we would like. As a rule, it is a harbinger of coming frosts, but the beauty of the spectacle makes you forget about it.

I am interested in hiking and traveling, photography and videography.

I have been going hiking since childhood. The whole family went and went - sometimes to the sea, then to the river, to the lake, to the forest. There was a time when we spent a whole month in the forest. We lived in tents and cooked over fires. This is probably why I am still drawn to the forest and, in general, to nature.
I travel regularly. About three trips a year for 10-15 days and many 2 and 3 day hikes.

Travel to Norway is an impressive introduction to an amazing northern country, whose natural beauty, excellent infrastructure and indescribable atmosphere of hospitality can enchant every moment.

Norway on the world map

Thanks to its location, Norway has unique places, distinctive architecture and interesting sights that can make your trip unforgettable.

Geographical location and climate

Norway is a country whose name stands for - "way north", located in the northern, western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It has land borders with Sweden and water borders with Denmark. Coastal areas are washed by the North, Barents and Norwegian seas.

Almost half of Norway's territory is covered by mountains, the rest is occupied by water bodies, forests and arable land. The entire coastline is indented by rocky fjords. A third of the country is located beyond the North Pole.

Coastal areas of Norway have temperate maritime climate, due to its proximity to the Gulf Stream, this is especially noticeable in the summer. The central part of the country is under the rule continental climate, mountainous regions experience extreme temperature fluctuations, and the northern region experiences arctic climate.

Most favorable time to visit Norway - from to September, and the low season lasts from November to. In the warmest months (July, August) the daytime temperature is +17-22 degrees, at night +15°C. In winter, especially in , the temperature reaches -22°C.

Description of major cities

Country of Vikings and Valkyries is ready to introduce travelers to unique cities, each of which has a unique appearance, unique architecture and a pleasant atmosphere.

    The largest city in Norway and at the same time its capital - Oslo, is one of the oldest settlements, in which ancient sights, as well as many historical monuments, are perfectly preserved.

    The city is located on the shores of three bays, so it is ready to offer its travelers wonderful views, picturesque parks and an introduction to the magnificent fjords.

  • The second largest but first most beautiful city in Norway is Bergen- a place located on seven hills on the shores of the North Sea. It is significantly different from Oslo in appearance, because it has managed to retain the attractive beauty of its cobbled streets and small colorful houses.
  • Bergen constantly hosts festivals and exhibitions, and also has many attractions and unique architectural buildings.

  • Ålesund- an incredibly picturesque town, whose uniqueness is manifested in the fact that it was built in the Art Nouveau style - a very rare, and therefore quite valuable, phenomenon. A cozy and well-kept city with colorful houses, cozy streets and picturesque gardens, as well as its own observation deck, attracts tourists who want to see the touching splendor of this country.
  • You can get acquainted with authentic Norway in Trondheim- in a small picturesque city located on the shores of the Trondheim fjord. Once this city was the first capital of the country, and now the coronation of Norwegian kings is held here.

    The old part of Trondheim is home to old wooden houses and many charming streets that represent Norway's true architectural heritage.

  • Tromso is the northernmost city in Norway, located beyond the Arctic Circle, for which it is called the “Gateway of the Arctic” and the “Paris of the North.” Getting to it is very difficult - the city does not have railway connections with other settlements, but this does not prevent tourists from visiting it. Tromso attracts fans of active winter recreation, as well as lovers of picturesque views.
  • The cities in which they are located deserve special attention. ski resorts Norway:

  1. Geilo;
  2. Lillehammer;
  3. Voss;
  4. Narvik.

Each of them is picturesque in its own way and has its own unique attractions.


Getting to know home of real Vikings and fairytale trolls, due admiration for the enchanting northern nature and authentic architecture - this is exactly what excursion walks in Norway are like.


These luxurious natural wonders, surrounded by deep blue water, are spread throughout the country.

Names of the most beautiful fjords in Norway:

  • Geiranger– the most picturesque fjord, the length of which is about 15 km;
  • Hardanger– rocky coast covered with orchards, especially beautiful in spring;
  • Lyse - fjord, famous for its steep cliff, which is used as an observation deck.


There are many interesting museums in Norway, among which it will be interesting to visit:

  1. Viking Ship Museum– the place where three boats raised from the seas were recreated;
  2. Kon-Tiki Museum– an exhibition that contains materials from the famous expedition;
  3. Oslo History Museum– three museums with a rich collection of Viking life objects.


It is impossible to imagine exploring the history and culture of Norway without getting acquainted with the architectural heritage of the country, the most striking of which are palaces, fortresses, locks And temples.

The capital of Norway is worth a visit Royal Palace Oslo- the residence of all the kings ruling the country.

Many travelers will be interested in getting acquainted with the masterpiece of historical architecture - Akershus Fortress, located on the eastern shore of the harbor.

A very striking landmark of Norway - Hawkons Hall And Rosenkratz Tower– a castle that is about 750 years old. Previously, all major decisions about the fate of the country were made in the halls of this fortress, significant events were celebrated and medieval ceremonies were held.

Iconic pearls Norway – picturesque cathedrals and temples, perfectly preserved to this day:

Norwegian city ​​of Rerus- a real architectural heritage of the country, delighting all travelers with its atmosphere of the 17th century. Small ancient houses and narrow cobbled streets of the former mining town inspire many writers and artists with their appearance.

Many tourists will be interested in visiting Bryggen– a picturesque area of ​​Bergen, where the ancient Hanseatic Embankment, and also Vigeland Park.


In addition to the fjords, wonderful Norway is rich in natural attractions such as waterfalls, glaciers And national parks.

Tourists who decide to visit this country should make the following itinerary:

What else to see?

The collection of Norwegian attractions is constantly updated with various places that curious travelers discover.

in winter

It’s easy to combine active recreation with exciting excursion programs to nearby cities.

  • You can visit Holmenkollen Ski Museum;
  • In Telemark it is worth paying attention to Ibsen Museum;
  • In Elverum - Forestry Museum;
  • In Bergen in winter you can visit Aquarium, Edvarg Grieg's estate or Museum of Art.

In winter, tourists come to Norway who want to go skiing on the best slopes not only of the country itself, but of the whole world.

The most interesting winter attractions are hidden in northern Tromso. In this “land of islands” you can visit Arctic Cathedral made of glass and metal, Polaria Museum, and then take the ski lift up the mountain.

With a child

Exciting walks around Norway await young tourists too. Children will be interested in visiting Aquarium And Arctic Museum, then Atlantic Marine Park in Ålesund, The magical caves of Gudvangen, where fairy-tale heroes live and, finally, zoo in Kristiansand with polar animals.

One of the favorite children's entertainments in Norway is riding on the railway. on an old steam locomotive in Setesdalbanen.

By car

Driving Norway is a trip to North Cape And Lofoten Islands– the northernmost point of the country, as well as visiting:

  • Troll Trails– mountain serpentine, along which there are wonderful views of waterfalls, picturesque slopes and other natural beauties of the fjords;
  • Atlantic Road- an original design that connects several islands and offers travelers the opportunity to admire whales and seals, sea storms and the power of the ocean.

    Along the Atlantic Road there are observation decks And fishing piers.

Norway is definitely a country that deserves special attention tourists, thanks to a vast number of unique, vibrant and impressive attractions.

And in this video you will see the amazing places of the Viking homeland:

For most travelers, Norway's most famous attraction is the fjords with their “fairy-tale” Scandinavian names, a legacy of the Ice Age. The list of the most visited includes the UNESCO-protected Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord, the deep and long Sognefjord, which is loved by rock climbers and base jumpers, the Lysefjord. However, there are still many smaller fjords that also sink into your soul and remain there forever.

The Eastern Valleys are beautiful in their own way, where Norway's longest river, Glomma, flows. The area is good for horseback riding, hiking, fishing, and there are several resorts here.

Sights of Northern Norway - diverse and certainly majestic landscapes of national parks, a wealth of flora and fauna, white nights. In these parts there is the northernmost point of Europe - the North Cape.

The Vega archipelago, located near the Arctic Circle, deserves special attention. The reserve is home to rare animals, and one of the reasons for its creation was large bird colonies.

The main attractions of Norwegian cities

In the capital Oslo, attention is attracted not by ancient monuments and panoramic views, but exclusively by cultural objects: tourists linger in the city for the Edvard Munch Museum-Gallery, the Viking Ship Museum and the Kon-Tiki. With excursions you can visit the Akershus Fortress and its exhibitions. Almost all walking routes take place along the Karl Johans Gate leading to the hill on which the royal palace stands, along the embankment near the Opera House and in the city sculpture park.

Bergen's most famous landmark is the Bryggen quarter, also known as the Hanseatic Promenade. This historical part of the city with its bright colorful houses is included in the UNESCO list, and most tourists traveling around Norway certainly photograph it.

The city of Stavanger, not far from Oslo, cannot be called a tourist city: it is a large fishing and oil center. In addition to the Oil and Gas Museum, it is known for its new and spacious concerthouse, as well as its wine festival.

The cozy town of Ålesund in the western part of the country is itself an architectural landmark for travelers who come to this area for the sake of the legendary route

Video about the sights of Norway

Norway is the northernmost country in Europe. This is the land of legendary Vikings and fabulous trolls, majestic fjords and emerald greenery. This is a real kingdom with a ruling monarch. Despite the harsh climate, many tourists come here every year. Let's get acquainted with the most famous sights of Norway, with a description and their history.


You should start your exciting journey from the capital of the state and its largest city - Oslo. This is where most of the cultural and historical places are concentrated. One of the most popular is founded at the end of the 13th century. The building is literally steeped in history. Over the entire period of its existence, it was rebuilt and restored more than once, used as a defensive fortress, prison, residence of monarchs, and Gestapo headquarters. Now it is a combination of several museums that are open to tourists.

If you walk along the main street of the capital, Karl Johans, you can see the Cathedral, the Norwegian National Theatre, the Parliament building and the Royal Palace. By the way, the street itself is named after one of the local monarchs - Charles XIV Johan, who ruled in the 19th century.

Viking Legacy

The list of attractions in Norway (Oslo, in particular) includes more than a dozen museums. Historical, cultural, architectural, natural - this is not a complete list. The Viking Ship Museum on the Bygde Peninsula, opened in 1926, is of greatest interest to tourists.

Famous ships are exhibited here: Gokstad and Tyn, as well as the Oseberg boat. All these are archaeological finds dating back to the 1st century. They are made of oak and have reached us almost entirely. In addition, in the museum you can see wooden sledges, carts, beds, dishes and wood carvings left over from the ancient Scandinavians. This historical exhibition attracts about half a million visitors every year.

Sculpture Park

Vigeland Park in the west of the capital is another magical place that will be of interest to curious travelers. Its foundation dates back to 1907-1942. On 30 hectares there are more than 200 sculptures by Gustav Vigeland, united by the theme of human relationships. Each statue represents a specific emotion. The author did not live only a year before the opening of the park, but the memory of him lives on in his creations.

"Groom", "Veil" and "Seven Sisters"

Just 300 km from the capital, in the vicinity of the Geirangerfjord, there is another landmark of Norway - three waterfalls, with which a beautiful Scandinavian legend is associated. A once brave Viking came to woo seven sisters. He held a veil in his hands. Seeing the beauty of the girls, he froze in place in indecision, turning into the Groom waterfall. Fata remained on the nearby rock. And on the opposite bank there are the Seven Sisters. The landscape of these places is especially charming in the spring and summer months, when the glacier formed in winter begins to melt.


As you can already see, Norway is rich in attractions. And Oslo is just the first starting point. Next in beauty and area is the city of Bergen. Lovers of walking and shopping will definitely appreciate the Hanseatic Embankment with the Bryggen shopping complex in its center.

Here you can find colorful wooden houses that were built before the 18th century. Of course, ancient buildings have been restored more than once. But their stone cellars preserve five hundred years of history. For a long time, this embankment, like the complex itself, has been a meeting place for artists and souvenir shopkeepers. Since 1979, Bryggen has been included in the UNESCO heritage list.

Following the trolls

Few people know that Bergen is also the capital of the country of trolls. Residents of the kingdom sincerely believe in the existence of these friendly creatures who protect their homes. Sculptures of fantastic gnomes can be found in perhaps every city in Norway. And on the porches of houses you can often see bowls of milk and sweets. Needless to say about the shops that willingly offer tourists themed souvenirs.

But it seems that not only the inhabitants of the kingdom, but also nature itself supports the legend of the existence of trolls. This is how another landmark of Norway in the form of a rocky outcrop on Mount Skjeggedal became very famous.

It is located 350 meters above Lake Ringedalsvatn. And tourists need to walk five hours to reach it. Previously, there was a funicular railway to make the journey easier, but now it is closed for repairs. However, this fact does not in any way reduce the flow of tourists. The rock, which offers stunning, picturesque views, is called Troll's Tongue and attracts thousands of travelers every year.

The “troll staircase” continues the fabulous series of attractions in the kingdom of Norway, which, in fact, is the national road RV63. Its length is 106 km with 11 sharp turns. In some places the road is barely three meters wide. The interest of tourists is fueled by the skill of the designers of the “troll staircase” and the breathtaking landscape of a mountain valley with a waterfall, which opens from the observation deck.


If we talk about the nature of Norway, then the fjords are undoubtedly the attraction here. Majestic sheer cliffs and the indomitable water element - this combination can charm anyone. And the king in this sense is the deepest (1308 m) in Europe, the Sognefjord. In its vicinity there is the famous Flåm Railway, which gives tourists incredible routes, and the Jotunheimen Nature Reserve. A visit to these places can be an unforgettable trip.

Another geographical landmark of Norway, the photo and description of which only stirs the blood, is Preikestolen or the Pulpit. This is a huge cliff 604 m high. Its top is represented by a flat square with an area of ​​625 square meters. m, from which there is a wonderful view of the Lysefjord. To contemplate this beauty, you need to cover 6 km on foot.

Stavkirka in Urnes

The stavvirk (or mast church) in Urnes will allow you to touch the old Norwegian architecture. This is a truly unique landmark of the Kingdom of Norway. The wooden structure dates from the early 12th century and is an example of the "animal style" with asymmetrical, wave-like decoration and the use of animal motifs. This stavka has a high relief depicting a lion fighting with snakes. According to the main hypothesis of historians, this is a symbolic confrontation between Christianity and paganism. Also of interest are the drawings on the panels of the temple, which are reminiscent of scenes from Scandinavian mythology.


Not a single tour operator, when presenting the sights of Norway, will leave a photo of this city without attention. Tromsø is located beyond the Arctic Circle. However, this location does not make its climate too cold. On the contrary, the influence of the warm Gulf Stream keeps temperatures here quite acceptable.

In the city you can visit a planetarium, a botanical garden and a brewery. The Arctic Cathedral, consecrated in 1965, can also make an extraordinary impression. Its original architecture evokes an association with an iceberg. The temple houses a modern organ. Despite its status as a cathedral, the building is a Lutheran parish church.

But perhaps the most wonderful phenomenon of these places can be considered the northern lights.

In conclusion

Of course, this is an incomplete list of attractions in Norway. Photos and descriptions of some of them are presented in the article above. However, every traveler is free to find for himself in this fairy-tale kingdom something unique that excites the heart and soothes the mind.