Beautiful Karelia. Traveling around Karelia. Review of attractions with photos. Visit Valaam Monastery

The Republic of Karelia is part of the Northwestern Federal District of Russia, borders Finland and is adjacent to the Arctic Circle. Karelia is a mystical place full of mysteries and secrets. Here there are dead trees and “living”, “singing” stones. This article was written for those who want to visit these places. “I really want this land to be known and to be able to fully understand it.” A journey to this pristine wild land is a return to your roots, to Mother Nature.

Karelia is a mysterious country that attracts more and more travelers every year. Northern pristine nature, forests rich in berries and mushrooms, fast rivers, many lakes. The history of this wonderful region is very interesting. According to legends, this is the former Hyperborea, a place of power. Perhaps that is why there were so many monasteries here, especially before the 1917 revolution.

Birds of Karelia

The birds of Karelia are a whole separate world, a testing ground for ornithologists and a paradise for bird lovers. 285 species for a republic with an area of ​​172,400 km² is a fairly large number. What explains this diversity? First of all, the diversity of the landscape. Karelia is a country of forests, steppes, lakes, swamps and rivers. The presence of the sea explains the presence of typical seabirds. The large extent from north to south makes it possible for feathered “northerners” and “southerners” to inhabit the country’s territory. The White Sea-Baltic flyway lies over the republic. During the spring period of nesting, mating and migration, ornithologists go on photo expeditions.

When we talk about any country, we immediately ask ourselves the question: what dishes are represented in the national cuisine? Karelian cuisine is a combination of old Russian cuisine and modern northern Europe (mainly Finland and Estonia). From early times, fish dishes predominated in the cuisine of Karelia, since it all depended on the geographical location of the country.

Swamp, swamp... Words that paint sad and terrible pictures in the imagination. But this is only if you have never seen the swamps of Karelia with your own eyes. It is absolutely impossible to imagine this country without swamps. And believe me - they are beautiful!

Human greed and selfishness, combined with the indifferent attitude of most people towards nature, lead to sad consequences. Many species of valuable plants, animals, birds and insects important for maintaining the biological balance are moving into the “rare” category, while others are threatened with complete extinction.

Karelian land is full of various secrets and mysteries. Many local old-timers can spend hours telling legends about this region, which is literally saturated with mysticism. A considerable part of these myths is directly related to the folk epic of Karelia, which raises open doubts about their veracity. But some inexplicable events did occur in this area, as confirmed by numerous witnesses.

Myths and legends of Karelia

The northern lands have long been famous for their mystery, and Karelia was considered the most mystical place. You can still hear many amazing myths here, which the indigenous people are happy to tell around the night fire. We also want to tell some legends of Karelia in order to introduce them closer to the local epic.

Karelia can be proud of the abundance of water reserves, which are represented by the White Sea, rivers and lakes. These reservoirs contain a huge number of different types of fish, and they are divided into 3 separate groups: lake-river, sea and migratory fish.

In summer, the forests of Karelia are filled with a variety of berries. But not all berries are equally edible. Therefore, in order not to run into trouble, of course you need to understand them. We will devote this article to both edible and non-edible berries of Karelia.

There is such a wonderful science of geology. How our planet came into being, climate change on earth, the composition of the earth's crust, some natural phenomena - earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions - all this is studied by geology. Geologists also study rocks and minerals. In some articles, the concepts of rock and mineral are often equated, although there are differences between them.

Karelia is a republic where citizens of more than 150 nationalities live. Throughout history, Finno-Ugric peoples lived in Karelia: Korelas (or Karelians), Lapps (or Sami) and Ves (or Vepsians). The northern territory of Karelia was developed by the Slavs (Novgorodians) from the second millennium AD. e. Having settled areas near the White Sea and Lake Onega, the Pomors and Zaonezhians advanced to the entire area of ​​Karelia. The Karelians had peaceful contact with the Russians until the mid-20th century.

Where is Karelia? Some may find it difficult to answer this question, but not a mushroom fan! Karelia is often called a paradise for mushroom pickers. And that's fair! The total area of ​​Karelian forests is about 15 million hectares! Mushroom pickers from all over Russia, and from all over the world come here during the mushroom season. Local residents say that you don’t need to look for mushrooms here, you just come and take as much as you want!

The fauna of Karelia is incredibly diverse and is represented mainly by forest inhabitants. In total, 180 species of animals live in Karelia. Of these, 63 species of mammals, of which 23 species are listed in the Red Book of Karelia. We will look at some of the main well-known representatives of the animal world in the article.

People lived on the territory of modern Karelia back in the primitive era. This is also evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. Since the Middle Ages, the history of the region has been eventful. What are the costs of Russia's wars with Sweden? In order to systematize historical knowledge and documents, a network of museums was developed on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.

The Republic of Karelia is one of the most culturally rich areas of the Russian Federation. Today, there are over 4,500 cultural sites in Karelia and about 60 public associations operate. Most of the theaters, museums, libraries and other cultural heritage sites are concentrated in the capital of the republic, in the city of Petrozavodsk.

The land of dense forests, blue lakes and turbulent rivers is Karelia, the stunning landscapes of the northern nature of these places are unthinkable without numerous waterfalls, of which there are more than a hundred. Big and small, stormy and calm - they are an unforgettable sight. Local residents call the waterfalls of Karelia paduns, among them there are several particularly interesting ones that are worth talking about in more detail.

Villages of Karelia

Karelia is a region very rich in ancient history. Back in the distant ninth century, ancient Karelians lived on the northwestern coast of Lake Ladoga. Settlement deep into the rest of Karelia and onto the shores of the White Sea took place in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. And already by the sixteenth century, indigenous people lived throughout the territory of Karelia. Now the indigenous population is very small. Many residents left Karelia after the Finnish War. Those residents who remained in their native land sacredly honor their traditions, remember their language, fairy tales and legends, ancient rituals.

Where to go fishing in Karelia

It is no longer a secret that Karelia is an excellent example of high-quality domestic recreation. It has everything you need for both beginners and experienced tourists. Everyone will find entertainment to their liking and budget. The developed service sector will leave a good impression on even the most demanding traveler, and the local landscapes will be etched in the memory for a long time.

Lakes of Karelia

“I will dream about Karelia for a long time...” this is the most important song about Karelia, about this northern land. Who doesn't know her? Many songs are dedicated to this beautiful, enchanting land. A person who has visited these parts feels happier and more cheerful. What kind people live here! What magical forests and fabulous hills! And what endless lakes, you just want to go fishing or just watch a magical sunrise on the shore near the water! It’s not for nothing that Karelia is called the country of forests and lakes. Where did so much water come from? In any other region of Russia you will not find such a number of fresh lakes.

Karelia in summer

Karelia is beautiful at any time of the year. In winter, it attracts tourists to go dog sledding, snowboarding, skiing and simply admire the fabulous snowy nature. Autumn and spring give their delights in the form of an abundance of mushrooms and berries. But Karelia is the most amazing and unique in the summer.

Karelia, the richest region in Russia. It has more than sixty thousand different reservoirs. But this is one of the main features, and a reason for pride, are the rivers of Karelia.

Karelia is a country not only of thousands of rivers and lakes, but also of interesting peaks. Although the truly mountainous terrain begins already on the Kola Peninsula, Karelia also has plenty of interesting peaks. The most amazing and beautiful peaks are concentrated in the Paanajärvi National Park, located in the north of Karelia in the Louhi region - eight of them are considered the most famous.

The presence of a large number of lakes (about 60,000) and rivers (about 17,000), developed road infrastructure, and the close location of the region to the main large cities of Russia make the region attractive for fishing recreation.

Sanatoriums of Karelia

Holidays in Karelia are the best and most exciting way to spend your free time. In Karelia you can not only relax your soul, but also improve your body’s health. Sanatoriums in Karelia will help you establish a daily routine, teach you how to eat properly, and medical procedures will improve your precious health. In the sanatoriums of Karelia, qualified doctors treat various diseases. The most famous sanatoriums in Karelia are: “Martial Waters”, “White Keys”, “Palaces”. In the early Middle Ages, Karela was characterized by fairly strong remnants of tribal relations, but at the same time there was also a complex social organization that gave significant advantages in confrontation with others peoples. In contrast to the Izhora, which separated from the Karelians around the 6th century and retained purely tribal governance by elders, by the 7th century the Karelians already elected princes who bore the specific Karelian title of valit.

The vegetation cover of Karelia includes about 1,200 species of flowering and vascular spores, 402 species of mosses, and many species of lichens and algae. However, a little more than 100 species of higher plants and up to 50 species of mosses and lichens have a significant influence on the composition of vegetation.

The climate of Karelia is moderately cold, transitional from maritime to continental. Its most characteristic feature is the west-east air transfer, as a result of which air masses formed over the vast expanses of the North Atlantic enter the territory of the republic throughout the year. The “breathing” of the Arctic is also evident to a significant extent: the invasion of its air masses causes sharp and sometimes prolonged cold snaps.

Nature of Karelia

Karelia is characterized by long, relatively mild winters, short cool summers, and significant cloudiness. The annual precipitation in the northeast of the republic is 400 mm, in the southwest more than 600 mm. Due to frequent cyclones, the weather in Karelia is unstable: in winter there are long thaws with heavy snowfalls, followed by sharp cold snaps, in summer there is a drop in temperature, strong winds, and intense rains.

Treasures of Karelia

The topic of treasures interests many. And many people devote their leisure time to searching for treasures. Vacations and weekends are spent on obtaining maps, equipment, ammunition and everything else that may be useful on a trip for bluebirds. I don’t think that treasure hunters hope to get rich and acquire countless treasures in one moment.

Ancient volcanoes of Karelia

In general, there are no volcanoes in Karelia now. But once upon a time, 3 billion years ago, quite active volcanic processes took place here. They gave way to periods of calm, and then came to life again. It was at that time that a volcano appeared, the remains of which can be observed on the Suna River.

The Republic of Karelia was formed in 1920, and received its status in 1923. The capital is the city of Petrozavodsk. The western border coincides with the border of Finland. The northwest is washed by the White Sea. The relief is characterized as a hilly plain, and in the west it turns into the Western Karelian Upland. The highest point of the republic is Mount Nuorunen.

Climatic features

The main part of Karelia is located in a zone of temperate continental climate. Despite the long winter, severe frosts are very rare here, and spring comes around mid-April. Although very often there are frosts at the end of May. Summer is quite short, and the temperature rarely rises above +20 degrees; at the end of August, cold winds and heavy rains already begin.

Unpredictable weather is observed in the location of Lake Onega and Lake Ladoga, on the sea coast. On the seashore there is the highest cloud cover throughout the entire territory of Karelia.


Naturally, the number and types of plants and animals in Karelia are largely determined by water bodies, and there are more than 27 thousand rivers here alone. The largest include Chirka-Kem with a length of 221 km, Kem - 191 km. Most of them have rapids and rocky shores.

There are 60 thousand lakes in the republic, and together with swamps, the total occupied surface area of ​​reservoirs is 2 thousand square cubic meters.

Vegetable world

There are 17 forest districts on the territory of the republic. And the total area occupied by forests is 148 thousand square kilometers, which is 85% of the entire territory of Karelia.

The Karelian flora is considered relatively young, since it was completely formed not so long ago, about 15 thousand years ago. Conifers, pine and spruce predominate in the republic. Siberian larch is found closer to the Arkhangelsk region.

Among the small-leaved species, the following are widespread:

  • downy and warty birch;
  • gray alder;
  • smooth elm;
  • small-leaved linden;
  • maple;
  • aspen.

In swampy areas, on the banks of rivers, black alder is found.

But, above all, Karelia is the land of berries. Lingonberries, raspberries, buckthorn and juniper, bird cherry and common hazel grow here.

Protected nature reserves

For rescue, the Red Book of Animals and Plants of Karelia has been compiled. But this is not the only step; there are 3 state nature reserves on the territory of the republic:

  • "Kivach".
  • "Kostomuksha".
  • Part

There are ecological trails for travelers and scientific tourism is carried out here.

There are 3 more state national parks in Karelia: Paanajärvi, Kalevalsky and partly the Arkhangelsk Vodlozersky Park.

In addition, the republic has 1 botanical garden, 45 nature reserves and 107 natural monuments. Sanctuaries play an important role in the process of protecting the plants and animals of Karelia listed in the Red Book. These are small protected areas where certain species of animals are protected, for example, populations of beavers or plants, for example areas with large-fruited cranberries.

Representatives of the flora

There are about 63 species of mammals in the republic. Some species are listed in the Red Book of Animals of Karelia:

  • flying squirrel;
  • Ladoga ringed seal;
  • brown long-eared eared bat

The seal, as an animal of Karelia, lives on the shores of Lake Ladoga and on some Finnish lakes. This animal gathers in groups of 7-15 individuals and lives almost sedentary. The total number of seals in Karelia does not exceed 3 thousand.

And the most interesting thing is that even the common hedgehog was included in the list of protected animals. But this is an omnivore that can even eat a torpid viper without harm to itself.

Some animals of Karelia are established individuals, for example, the prominent representatives of North America are:

  • Canadian beaver;
  • American norm;
  • muskrat.

And a raccoon dog came here from the Far East, which quickly acclimatized and feels great to this day.

In the 60s of the last century, wild boars appeared in the republic; in the south, roe deer, badgers, bears and wolves are found.


It’s hard to imagine the fauna of Karelia without birds. There are about 285 species in the republic, 36 of which are already listed on the pages of the Red Book. These include the white-tailed eagle; there are 40 pairs of them in Karelia.

The most common birds are corvids, including black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse and white partridge. And in the spring you can see geese that fly here from warm countries. There are many of their predatory bird representatives:

  • hawk;
  • marsh harrier;
  • owl;
  • golden eagle.

Since there are many bodies of water in Karelia, there are many waterfowl representatives here:

  • loon;
  • duck;
  • seagulls;
  • sandpiper;
  • common eider.

The Red Book contains many birds living on the territory of the republic:



Black-billed blackbird, little tern

eagle owl, snowy owl and great gray owl



merlin, peregrine falcon, kestrel and gyrfalcon


wood and horned lark




Lapland plantain


Godwit and Great Snipe


gray shrike


redstart coot, white-throated



blue tit


mainland subspecies of oystercatcher


gray partridge and quail and others


Karelia is poor in reptile animals. Only 5 species live on the territory of the republic:

  • common viper;
  • spindle;
  • ordinary snake;
  • quick lizard;
  • viviparous lizard.

Which reptile animals are protected in Karelia:

Common snake

This is a non-venomous snake that hides when it sees a person. If you manage to catch a snake, it immediately begins to hiss, sharply throw its head forward, if all this does not help, then it begins to secrete a “smelly” liquid, and in extreme cases, pretends to be dead. The largest males can reach 2.5 meters in length.

Sand lizard

They also call it agile; it belongs to the family of true lizards. The average size is 25 cm, with large specimens reaching 35 cm. The lizard can shed its tail, which grows back over the course of a month. They eat caterpillars, insects, larvae, and can even eat their offspring.

Inhabitants of reservoirs

Due to the rich water reserves of the republic, there is a correspondingly huge amount of fish here. Today there are 60 species, and together with acclimatized ones - 115, which are conventionally combined into 16 families.

Aquatic animals of Karelia are conventionally divided into:

The largest variety of fish species is in Lakes Onega and Ladoga; ruffe, salmon, roach and burbot live here. Syamozero, Kuito and the Pisto River are no less rich in representatives of water.

In Karelia, fishing is an ancient craft, but today few fishermen will share their fishing spots. Any lake is not suitable for trophy fishing; to catch a valuable species, you will have to go to the north of the republic, and best of all with a guide.


Naturally, what nature can be imagined without the insects and animals of Karelia. The photos of some butterflies are impressive.

A lot of butterflies are included in the Red Book of the Republic:

  • poplar ribbon grass;
  • birch silkworm;
  • mourning bowl;
  • swallowtail;
  • blue sash;
  • violet mother of pearl.

There are small numbers of both the common rhinoceros and the great bark-wing on the territory of Karelia.

However, especially in the southern part of the republic, near Segozero there are huge populations of ticks. Tourists are always warned about this; their activity occurs from May to June. Therefore, in these places it is recommended to wear closed clothing, including jackets with hoods. There are a lot of mosquitoes and horseflies, midges.

In the northwestern region of Russia there is an amazingly beautiful region - the Republic of Karelia. In addition to the natural beauty of forests, lakes, waterfalls, Karelia is famous for its ancient cities, temples and monasteries, as well as national parks.

Despite the fact that this region of northern nature does not have a warm climate, more and more tourists arrive here every year, each of whom is sure to find something interesting for themselves.

Our article will help you plan an independent trip both by your own car and by public transport from St. Petersburg. And if you are going to have an organized vacation, then you can select and book a suitable tour.

How to get there:

  • By car: from St. Petersburg along the Ring Road you need to get to the Vyborg Highway (exit Vyborg/Pargolovo). Further along the Vyborg highway to the traffic police post, turn right. We move through the villages of Yukki, Luppolovo, Vertemyagi to Agalatovo. Further along the A-129 highway to Priozersk. Further along the road to Sortavala, past the turn to Kuznechnoye, along the new road bypassing Khiitola, through Kurkiyoki, Ikhala, Yakkima - to the city of Lahdenpokhya.
  • By bus: A regular bus from the Northern Bus Station (Murino) runs daily at 7.20, 9.20, 12.20 and 18.50. Travel time is approximately 4 hours, fare is 550 rubles.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station by train 350A St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha to Yakkima station. Travel time is 4 hours 32 minutes, fare is 1,668 rubles. Next take a regular bus to the Lakhdenpokhya Bus Station.

Lakhdenpokhya is a small town in Karelia, in which several interesting buildings have been preserved. Unfortunately, some of them are in a sad state, for example the Lutheran Church from 1850. Now only the walls remain of the once beautiful building.

Another Lutheran church, built in 1935, also needs serious repairs. However, everyone can go inside and climb the bell tower, from where beautiful views open up.

Guests of Lahdenpokhya will be interested in walking along the streets of the city, where there are ancient wooden Finnish houses, and also visiting the Kurkijoki Local History Center, the exhibits of which tell about the history of the Northern Ladoga region.

Sortavala and Ruskeala

How to get there:

  • By car: from St. Petersburg along the Ring Road you need to get to the Vyborg Highway (exit Vyborg/Pargolovo). Further along the Vyborg highway to the traffic police post, turn right. We move through the villages of Yukki, Luppolovo, Vertemyagi to Agalatovo. Further along the A-129 highway to Priozersk. Further follow the signs to Sortavala.
  • By bus: A regular bus from the Northern Bus Station (Murino) runs daily. Travel time is approximately 5 hours, fare is 689 rubles.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station by train 350A St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha to Sortavala station. Travel time 5 hours 33 minutes.

The city of Sortavala is a small European town, which until 1940 belonged to Finland. That is why on almost every street in the city you can find many wooden and stone buildings in the Finnish style.

In addition to walking along the city streets, in Sortavala it is interesting to visit the Regional Museum of the Northern Ladoga Region, which contains various natural and industrial exhibits of the region, because the Sortavala region is famous for marble mining.

Sortavala is also interesting for tourists because it is from this city that ships depart for the island of Valaam.

Not far from Sortavala is the famous Marble Canyon - Ruskeala. Marble has been mined in these places since the times when the Swedes owned the territory.

Ruskeala Park offers tourists to walk along several walking routes, ride boats in the quarries, and also bungee jump. And since April 1, 2017, a unique underground route through mines and adits has been operating.

On the way to Ruskeala Park, it is worth a look at the ancient settlement of Paaso, at the Ruskeala waterfalls, and after the park you can visit the largest zoo of artiodactyl animals in Europe - GreenPark Zoo.

How to get there:

  • By car:
  • By bus: Bus station No. 2 St. Petersburg, bus No. 965. Travel time is 8 hours 23 minutes.
  • By train: from the Ladozhsky station of St. Petersburg by train Lastochka 806CH St. Petersburg - Petrozavodsk (travel time 4 hours 55 minutes), train 012A (travel time 7 hours 40 minutes, cost from 800 rubles) or 022CH St. Petersburg - Murmansk ( travel time 6 hours 41 minutes, cost from 1241 rubles).

The capital of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, is the largest city in the Republic. It has its own airport, two water stations, and a railway station. It is from here that tourists go on a trip to Kizhi Island.

It is pleasant to walk along the streets of the city; here you can see many architectural monuments, as well as various museums. The National Museum of the Republic of Karelia is open for history buffs. The Maritime Museum reminds residents and guests of Petrozavodsk of the times of Peter I, when a shipyard was founded on the territory of the city. In addition, the city has the Museum of Industrial History of Petrozavodsk at the tractor plant, the Postal Museum of the Republic of Karelia, and the Museum of Precambrian Geology, the period of ancient fossils.

Onezhskaya embankment deserves special attention, as it is not only a wonderful place for walking, but also a unique museum of modern art.

In Petrozavodsk there is a stone Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, erected under the direction of an Italian architect.
Not far from the capital of Karelia there is the village of Marcialnye Vody - the first balneological and mud resort in Russia, founded by Peter I.

How to get there:

  • By car: along the M18 highway to Petrozavodsk. Further follow the signs to Kondopoga.
  • By bus: Bus station No. 2 St. Petersburg, bus No. 965 to Petrozavodsk. Next, transfer to bus No. 133E Petrozavodsk-Kondopoga. Travel time 10 hours 31 minutes.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station in St. Petersburg by train 022Ч St. Petersburg - Murmansk to Kondopoga station (travel time 8 hours 4 minutes).

Kondopoga is the second largest city in Karelia after Petrozavodsk. Excavations on the territory of the city showed that the first human settlement in these places was formed around 1495.

On the territory of the city there is a wooden Assumption Church. In addition, in Kondopoga you can find several Carillons, compositions of bells. Every hour they make a melodious ringing.

Near Kondopoga there is the village of Kivach, famous for its waterfall of the same name, the highest flat waterfall in Europe. Another natural attraction of these places is Mount Sampo, which keeps many legends and secrets. The mountain offers a beautiful view of the lake and forest.

Also in Kondopoga it is interesting to visit the oldest hydroelectric power station in Russia and the Konchezersky iron smelter, built by order of Peter I.

How to get there:

  • By car: along the M18 highway connecting St. Petersburg and Murmansk.
  • By bus: Bus station No. 2 St. Petersburg, bus No. 965. Travel time is 5 hours 15 minutes. The fare is 617 rubles.

Olonets is one of the oldest cities in Karelia and the northern part of Russia. The uniqueness of this city lies in the preserved layout of the 18th century and in the unusual landscape - Olonets is located on a flat area between two rivers.

There are many churches and cathedrals in the city. In the center of Olonets, the rivers formed a small island on which the Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk, built in 1752, is located.

It is also interesting to visit the Church of Frol and Lavra - a striking example of wooden Novgorod architecture of the 17th century, the Church of the Holy Cross of the Church of Ingria, and the Assumption Church. Not far from the city is the village of Interposelok, where you can visit the Vazheozersky Monastery, founded in the 16th century.

Connoisseurs of ethnographic collections should visit the first local history museum of Karelia - the Museum of Livvik Karelians named after N.T. Prilukin. Also in the city is the Olonets Art Gallery, where paintings by Karelia artists are collected.


How to get there:

  • By car: along the M18 highway connecting St. Petersburg and Murmansk.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station in St. Petersburg by train 022Ч St. Petersburg - Murmansk to Medvezhya Gora station (travel time 9 hours 56 minutes).

The history of the fairly young city of Medvezhyegorsk began during the First World War with the construction of a railway connecting the Barents Sea and St. Petersburg. Later, the famous White Sea-Baltic Canal passed here. That is why the Medvezhya Gora railway station and the Museum of the History of Railway Transport are of particular interest to city guests.

The city has many attractions, and the nature in these places of Karelia is especially beautiful and surrounded by many legends and secrets. One of these places of power is the abandoned village of Pegrema. Also, nature lovers will be interested in the Vodlozersky National Park. There are hiking and water hiking trails along the way, along which you will encounter monuments of wooden architecture, sites and burials of ancient people.

In Medvezhyegorsk there is a City Museum in the former building of the White Sea Canal Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR, where you can see various household items of the ancient population of these places, get acquainted with the exhibition “Small Town in a Big War”, which tells about the events of the Great Patriotic War, and also learn the history of the construction of the White Sea Canal.

Another museum dedicated to the history of the White Sea-Baltic Canal is located in the city of Povenets. Here it is also interesting to visit the Sandarmokh tract and the memorial cemetery for the victims of the construction of the White Sea Canal.

How to get there:

  • By car: along the M18 highway connecting St. Petersburg and Murmansk.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station in St. Petersburg by train 022Ч St. Petersburg - Murmansk to Kem station (travel time 15 hours 7 minutes).

The ancient northern city of Kem is located on the banks of the river of the same name. The buildings of the city are mainly small wooden houses, which are striking examples of traditional architecture of the North.

In the center of the city is the Assumption Cathedral. The wooden temple is more than 300 years old, and it was erected without a single nail. Not far from the Cathedral is the Pomorie Museum, the exhibits of which give a complete picture of the life of the local population - the Pomors.

There are also many interesting places in the vicinity of Kemi. For example, in the village of Krivoy Porog there is an impressive Krivoporozhskaya hydroelectric power station.

26 kilometers from the city of Kem in Lake Onega there are 2 unusual islands - German and Russian. The islands have preserved places where ancient peoples lived.

In the village of Rabocheostrovsk on Popov Island there is an equally interesting attraction - the scenery from the filming of P. Lungin's film "The Island": a wooden church, a sunken barge, piers made of boards, stone shores - all this was left after filming.


Troll Park

Address: Kulikovo village, Lakhdenpokhsky district, Republic of Karelia.
Telephone: +7 911 231 90 61
Price: 450 rubles - adults, 350 rubles - children. Locals (Karelia, Priozersky district) - discount upon presentation of a passport.
How to get there:
From St. Petersburg by car- along the highway (A-121) St. Petersburg-Priozersk-Sortavala, go to the border of the Leningrad region with Karelia. After 200 m, turn left to Khiitola (Kulikovo). After 4 km there is an uphill climb, at the top of the hill there are pink stones on the right, to the right into the forest. If you have reached the railway crossing, then you have already passed 700 meters.
From the side Sortovala by car- along the Sortavala-St. Petersburg highway (A-121), before reaching 200 m to the border of Karelia and the Leningrad region, turn right to Khiitola, then as described above.
By bus- from the Devyatkino metro station (Severny Bus Station) the St. Petersburg – Petrozavodsk bus leaves at 9:20 am. Buy a ticket to Kulikovo and at 12:40 the bus will arrive in the village. Kulikovo, which is 5 minutes from Troll Park.
By train- the train St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha departs from Ladozhsky Station at 14:48. Take a ticket to Khiitol (note, it does not run every day - check the schedule on the carrier’s website).
GPS coordinates: 61°11’01.0″N 29°46’51.4″E , 61.183600, 29.780945

A fabulous Troll Park has opened in the enchanted Karelian forest on the ruins of a Finnish farm. More than 50 figures from 40 cm to 4 meters presented in the open air. Mysteriously, the Trolls were taken by surprise by dawn and froze in unusual positions. What do we know about these mysterious creatures? Some say that Trolls steal children and kidnap beautiful girls. Others say that Trolls love wealth and hunt for gold and precious stones. Are they good or evil? Scary or cute? Can they harm us or are tales about Trolls just inventions of Scandinavian elders? Here you will find answers to these questions.

  • trail over 500 meters
  • more than 50 figures (trolls, mermaids, sirens, nagas, dragons)
  • mini-farm with small piglets and rabbits, goats and chickens, you can pet them and feed them.
  • hammocks
  • children's trolling (rope ride)
  • wild musical instruments
  • master classes for children and adults
  • secret troll trail
  • interactive games (big slingshots, pillow fight on a log)
  • colored crystal and treasure hunt (found crystal is a gift)

Zoo Greenpark Karelia

Address: Sortavala, village. Kirkkolahti
Telephone:+7 921 622-97-93
Operating mode: autumn-winter from 10:00 - 18:00 (box office until 17:00), from 05/01/17 from 10:00-19:00 (box office until 18:00)
Price: 400 rubles adult ticket.
How to get there: In the city of Sortavala you need to drive in the direction of Petrozavodsk, following the main road. After the city of Sortavala, after about 10 km there will be a large intersection, at which you need to turn left following the sign for the village of Vyartsilya and drive under the railway bridge. In this direction, drive 31.5 km, then on the right there will be a sign for the Recreation Center “Black Stones”, turn, drive 10 km, follow the signs, there will be three of them. Coordinates 61° 59′ 27.38″ N, 30° 46′ 22.97″ E

The Greenpark Zoo near Sortavala will not leave either adults or children indifferent. This is Europe’s largest zoo of artiodactyl animals, located on an area of ​​30 hectares on the territory of the Black Stones recreation center.

The inhabitants of the zoo are not only various types of deer and bulls, ponies, roe deer, fallow deer, but also many other interesting species, including those listed in the Red Book. In addition, at the zoo you can get acquainted with ostriches, different species and breeds of birds, as well as foxes, raccoons and other animals.

For children, there is a petting zoo on the territory, where there are no nets or fences, and the animals can be petted and fed. The children's zoo is home to dwarf sheep, fawns, Cameroonian goats, rabbits, Shetlen ponies and other animals.

The zoo offers guided tours, but tourists are also offered independent walks. There are route signs throughout the entire territory, and at each paddock there are signs with the name of the species and a brief description of its characteristics and habitat.

Famous islands of Karelia

How to get there:

  • From St. Petersburg by boat as part of excursion groups.
  • From Priozersk by meteor: travel time 1 hour, cost about 2000 rubles. There and back again.
  • From Sortavala by meteor - travel time 50 minutes. In summer, meteors occur daily at 9.00, 11.00, 13.15 and 16.00. The cost of round trip travel includes a walking tour: Mon-Fri and Sunday - 2300 rub./person, Saturday - 2570 rub./person.
  • From Pitkäranta, meteors leave the pier of the Long Beach recreation center. Travel time 1 hour. The cost of round trip travel includes a walking tour: Mon-Fri and Sunday - 2460 rubles per person, Saturday - 2750 rubles per person.

Valaam Island is a unique place with its own unique nature, climate, architecture, and people. Every year, pilgrims and tourists from all over the world come here to touch these holy places.

There are many spiritual places on the island. Of course, the main temple of the island is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the construction of which dates back to the 14th century. On the territory of the monastery there is the Valaam Church, Archaeological and Natural Museum-Reserve, which tells about the history of the island.

The island itself is very green; after a walk along it you can visit the monasteries: Konevsky Igumensky monastery, Resurrection (Red) monastery, Gethsemane yellow monastery, St. Nicholas monastery, St. Vladimir monastery. Another monastery is located on the island of Putsaari. Visiting the skete is possible only with the blessing of the abbot.

The Kizhi Museum-Reserve is a unique open-air museum of wooden architecture. There are about 76 buildings collected here, which will take more than one day to explore.

Of course, the most grandiose building on the island is the Church of the Transfiguration. The temple can be seen from anywhere on the island. Like all Kizhi buildings, the temple was built without a single nail. The 22 domes, handmade from pine, look especially beautiful.

In addition to churches and temples, there are other buildings on the island: mills, peasant houses, baths, barns. In the interiors of these buildings, the life and traditions of ancient northern settlements have been preserved as much as possible.

The museums of Kizhi Island contain unique collections of ancient Russian icons, paintings, weaving, and wood carvings. Also among the exhibits you can find various archival documents and drawings that give an idea of ​​how the main buildings of the island were built and restored.

Natural attractions of Karelia

Coordinates: 61.7551484, 31.4160496
How to get there by car: On the Sortavala-Petrozavodsk highway you need to turn towards Lake Ruokoyarvi. Then continue straight along the dirt road until you reach the sign “White Bridges Waterfall”. After this you need to walk 2-2.5 km.

Not far from the village of Leppäsilta there is a picturesque White Bridges waterfall. Its height reaches 19 meters, which is almost 2 times higher than the famous Karelian Kivach waterfall. However, due to its inaccessibility (to get to the waterfall you need to walk about 2 kilometers along a forest road), tourists do not visit these places very often. The nature around the waterfall is very picturesque; you can often see various forest animals here.

Coordinates: 65.762970, 31.074407
How to get there by car: along the M18 highway St. Petersburg–Murmansk to the village of Loukhi, then along the highway 110 km west to the village of Pyaozersky.

The national park is located around the picturesque Lake Paanajärvi. Its territory is a unique natural complex consisting of mountain peaks, deep gorges, numerous lakes, swamps and rivers with noisy rapids and waterfalls. There are several hiking, water-walking and snowmobile tourist routes of varying complexity and length in the park.

Coordinates: 62°29’9″N 33°40’26″E
How to get there by car: along the M18 St. Petersburg–Murmansk highway to the sign for the village of Girvas (70 km after Petrozavodsk), then at the central intersection in the village you need to turn left and follow for 10-15 minutes to the bridge and the hydroelectric power station.

50 km from Kondopoga in the village of Girvas there is a unique natural site with a history of more than 3 billion years - the Girvas volcano. This is the oldest paleovolcano on earth. It is surprising that it was discovered quite recently - about 60 years ago. Now there is no mountain or crater here. However, scientists have found a lot of evidence of the once-former activity of the volcano: in the bed of the Suna River you can see a one and a half meter magmatic “tongue”, the lava field extends over a thousand square kilometers, and the river bank is formed by frozen magma.

Coordinates: 63.106814, 32.641242
How to get there by car: Drive through Sortavala or Petrozavodsk to the villages of Gimoly or Sukkozero. Then follow the GPS coordinates to the nearest parking lot.

The most mysterious mountain of Karelia, Vottovaara, is located near the villages of Sukkozero and Gimoly. Scientists consider this place a unique geological monument, and residents of nearby villages consider it a concentration of evil forces. There are numerous stone structures on the mountain, the history of which is full of legends and secrets. It is believed that in ancient times there was a cult complex here. The trees also amaze with their bizarre shape.

All this gives rise to a wide variety of legends, from shamans living on this mountain to UFOs.

You can get acquainted with other equally interesting places in Karelia in our article Monasteries, petroglyphs, quarries and other attractions of Lake Onega

If you have not yet chosen where you will live and want to save money when booking, we recommend using the RoomGuru service. Firstly, it contains hotels, apartments and guest houses from many different booking systems, so you won’t miss out on a worthwhile option. Secondly, you can immediately compare prices for one place in different services and book where it is cheaper (this is not always Booking!).

Travel! We encourage you to devote your leisure time to trips and hikes! After all, only the road can give you a feeling of fullness of life and happiness. Only by leaving your sagging sofa and routine behind you can you see the beautiful places of Karelia!

More than 850 thousand tourists visit Karelia annually

Take a short test and find out which tour will be ideal for you

(you can select 1 or more answer options)

Step 1

Who do you want to go with?


With my beloved\beloved

With friends/colleagues

With children/family

With parents/relatives

Select tour type

What would you like to see?

Nature (waterfalls, rocks, forests, rivers and lakes, bays, etc.)

Animals (huskies, horses, petting zoo, etc.)

Architectural objects

Religious places

Military facilities (fortresses, museums)

Places of power (temples, seids)

Desired direction?

Karelia (Ruskeala, Sortavala, Yakkima)

Novgorod region(Novgorod, Staraya Russa, Valdai)

Pskov region (Pskov, Izborsk, Pechory, Pushkin Mountains)

Leningrad region.(Mandrogi, Vyborg)

The main thing is that it is interesting

When would you like to go on vacation?

In the near future

On weekend

This month

I'm still thinking, but I'll go soon

Don’t give in to laziness, take unconventional steps, travel on your own and give your loved ones the joy of discovery. With Charm Travel, beautiful landscapes, new impressions, intimate knowledge, and fresh feelings await you. So, let's go: after all, there, around the bend, you will see the most beautiful places in Karelia!

The most beautiful places in Karelia: where are we going?

In fact, on the Internet you can find a huge number of videos and photos of beautiful places in Karelia. Here are hundreds of selfies against the backdrop of the Marble Canyon, and Ladoga in summer and winter, and the nature of Solovki, and the fascinating architecture of Kizhi in front and profile. But in one article we have collected for you information about the most famous sights of the region, after reading which you will understand how wonderful yours can be.

I.I. Shishkin, A.I. Kuindzhi, N. Roerich dedicated their works to the nature of Karelia

Look, enjoy the aesthetics of places, choose how to travel - by car or with Sharm Travel, draw up travel maps, and then share your impressions.

10 most beautiful places in Karelia that are worth visiting

So, we will show the reader the most interesting and beautiful places in Karelia: in winter and summer, golden autumn and long-awaited spring:

1. Marble Canyon

Kizhi is not only an architectural monument. This is also a huge fund of the museum’s scientific library, which stores more than 12,000 rare and rare publications

5. Solovetsky Islands

The Solovetsky Islands are not only an opportunity to admire the endless bounty of Karelia’s nature, but also to better learn the history of the region. And at some moments she was, without exaggeration, scary. The Solovetsky Islands are the place where thousands of prisoners found their final refuge. Perhaps that is why the bells of the active monastery ring so hopelessly on the days of services. Come, feel the energy of this place, and you will see the history of the country from a different angle.

In 1992, the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

6. White Bridges Waterfall

When listing natural waterfalls, one cannot help but recall the unique Yukanokoski waterfall, also known as White Bridges, the highest waterfall in Karelia. How beautiful it is in the spring, when rushing waters rush at breakneck speed along the huge stone steps. It is magnificent framed in the gold of trees in autumn, and in an emerald necklace in summer.

Peat impurities make Yukanokoski's streams golden

7. Valaam archipelago

The famous island is the largest in the archipelago of the same name, located in Lake Ladoga. Its beauty has been captured by famous artists. Well, our contemporaries can take at least a thousand photographs of the beautiful nature of a sacred place.

Valaam is not only beautiful, but also an unexplored place of anomalous phenomena. Former employee of the Valaam Island Museum O.V. Bochkareva carried out work on collecting and studying “anomalous phenomena”

8. Lakes Ladoga and Onega

Karelia is rich in unique nature: beautiful places on the map of the region are indicated in blue and light blue. This is the heart of the Russian North: lakes Ladoga and Onega. Needless to say, it is they who create that unique atmosphere of the area, harsh and sensual at the same time. To be convinced of this, it is enough to come to the coast once and see the sunset. Your heart will forever be given to this land, infinitely beautiful and forever new.

35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, but only one flows out - the Neva

9. Mount Owl

In addition to the famous natural protected areas, Karelia has many historical monuments. Many of them are dedicated to very recent events - the Second World War, the flames of which burned the North of Russia, leaving indelible traces. Such attractions include Mount Filina, a former command grotto of the Finnish army, and now a functioning military history museum in the rock.

The rock contains zeolite, shungite, magnetite, which have a healing effect on the human body

10. Kivach Nature Reserve

Another unique – and state-protected – natural monument is the Kivach Nature Reserve. Every year more than 100,000 people come here to see the unique fauna and flora! And they can be understood: after all, in the reserve there are trees whose age is estimated at 3.5 centuries!

The reserve is called “Karelia in miniature” because on its territory there are selgi, and eskers, and “curly rocks” and “ram’s foreheads” - all types of reliefs of the region

Let's go for beauty and harmony with Sharm Travel

Don’t look for miracles in expensive overseas countries, because our Karelia offers beautiful vacation spots for almost nothing. Admire the dynamics of the capital, Petrozavodsk, walk along its well-groomed streets, visit museums.

Petrozavodsk has a huge number of parks, attractions, museums, architectural and historical monuments

And when you get tired of the noise of the big city, come to Vuoksa, among the water surface of which stands on a rock. This place is not only divinely beautiful, but also has a special power to heal the wounds of the soul. Need to rethink your life? Welcome to Vuoksu.

Temple on Vuoksa is the only church in the world whose foundation is a monolithic rock

The beautiful places of Karelia - here they are, just reach out. Discover a new world - pure, fresh, sincere. Enjoy it, learn to appreciate and take care of what you have, get joy from communicating with people and nature. Call, come in, we will open for you the world of beauty of the Russian North!

Greetings to all nature lovers and those who are in one way or another interested in beautiful Karelia and they want to visit here (after all, you do?)! 😀

I’m starting a series of articles dedicated to this beautiful land of rivers and lakes, and I’ll start with a selection of the very best places that, in my opinion, are worth visiting. I’ll make a reservation that this list was compiled based on the places I personally visited. I still have a list of places I want to go (after all, I haven’t seen everything in Karelia yet). But knowing them, I’m almost sure that the list presented in this article is unlikely to change. These places are cool and deserve your close attention!

I admit, it was very difficult for me to choose 10 places, and then also select photographs. But I did it! 🙂 The places on the list are not arranged according to any of my ratings, but simply randomly. But the first two are still the best for me.

I present them to your attention!


If you ask me which place in Karelia impressed me most, then without hesitation or hesitation I will answer - Paanajärvi! Yes, this amazing, fabulous and beautiful place has forever won a strong first place in my rating and, of course, in my heart.

Paanajärvi is a national park, a conservation area in the north-west of Karelia. Here is the highest mountain, the most powerful waterfall, one of the deepest and most picturesque lakes in Karelia and the coolest landscapes! Indeed, everything here is the best.

I want to come back here. Very much. I highly recommend for nature lovers, especially northern and wild ones, to come to Paanajärvi!

I visited here this summer (summer 2018), I was so impressed that on my blog I now have as many as 4 detailed articles on each of the park’s attractions with all the details and my recommendations. There are several attractions in the park, and it is simply impossible to touch on each one in a couple of sentences. Therefore, I won’t write much here, but will give a link to the first of the articles in this series:. Links to the other three articles are at the end of the first.

I'll show you a few photos here.

Stunning view from Mount Kivakka.

This is the view from the highest mountain in Karelia - Nuorunen.

Kivakkakoski Waterfall is the largest unregulated flow in Karelia.

The picturesque Mäntykoski waterfall, which can only be reached via Lake Paanajärvi.

Nice paths in the middle of the forest. It is convenient to cross the swamps.


And this is perhaps the most mystical place in Karelia. Mystical, amazing and beautiful! I'm sure everyone has heard about Vottovaara at least once.

This is a mountain in the Muezersky region of western Karelia. What attracts people, ordinary tourists and even scientists here? First of all, these are numerous seids - sacred stones of the ancient Sami, according to one version. The second most unusual phenomenon is twisted dry trees. They are truly extremely amazing and amazing. At least for them it’s worth coming here.

There are rumors of strange phenomena occurring on the mountain. It supposedly has an effect on some people.

I was very impressed by the visit to the mountain. Of course, I didn’t notice any particular impact on my consciousness, unfortunately or fortunately, but I want to go back. Here you feel at least unusual. Not like any other place or mountain. Well, the views from it are incredibly beautiful!

Over time, the appearance of the mountain, as it is now, will change, so everyone should go there urgently! 😉

Unusual twisted trees are the highlight of the mountain.

Megaliths of glacial origin are impressive.

The views from the mountain are some of the most beautiful in Karelia!


Already a very popular and famous place. Crowds of tourists from all over the country flock here. And for good reason – it is truly unique. Most often they begin their acquaintance with Karelia with him. Majestic marble rocks, turquoise water, the opportunity to take a boat ride through the marble canyon, visit its grottoes and see the magical illumination of the rocks, learn how marble was mined, fly on a zip line over the canyon or bungee jump, just walk around, enjoying the views, sometimes feeling in some fairy tale - you will get all this after visiting Ruskeala.

I've been here in winter, summer and autumn. You can read about winter Ruskeala at. Admire Ruskeala in autumn. And here I will attach summer and autumn pictures.

To this same point I will refer AKHVENKOSKI waterfalls(they are also called Ruskeala, because they are located very close to the canyon, on the way to it, so you won’t miss it). These waterfalls attract, firstly, with their beauty, and secondly, films were filmed here, for example, the Soviet “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet.” Hanging bridges were recently built over the rapids and a route was laid out. There is a fee, but you can just look at the general view of the waterfalls for free. The waterfalls are traditionally visited by everyone who travels to the marble canyon itself. Convenient because it's on the way.

Ruskeala Mountain Park coordinates: 61°54’5″N 30°37’53″E

Ahvenkoski waterfalls coordinates: 61°54’58″N 30°37’38″E

In the water you can see stone blocks that have fallen from above.
Dangerous areas are fenced off.

Magnificent and so different marble!

The boats are still in service.

Ahvenkoski waterfalls. Walk over the stormiest rapids.

The bridges over the waterfalls were made quite recently.


This is a high mountain Paasonvuori , which is located in the Sortavala region (immediately after Sortavala near the village of Helyulya), a place where ancient Karelians lived in the 12th-13th centuries, and maybe earlier. Excavations were carried out on the mountain and evidence of this was found: ceramic fragments, arrowheads, jewelry. Now we will no longer find any traces of former settlements, but the very knowledge that we are in a historical place excites the imagination. This is how it usually happens for me. 🙂 But it’s worth climbing the mountain primarily because of the beautiful views that open from it. On one side we see a highway, a lake, a railway above the lake, a river going into the distance, and the village of Helyulya. If we look in the other direction, we will see views of majestic spruce forests. Below I will attach one of my favorite photographs that I took in Karelia. The sight of forests is endlessly inspiring!

A safe and at the same time picturesque path to the top goes around the rock on the right, if you stand with your back to the road, there was also a tiny bridge over a ditch near the road itself. On the route itself there will be a sign “Paaso Settlement”. Leave the car in the parking lot - there will be a turnoff from the highway - and walk back, you will find the beginning of the path. We didn’t know this and climbed straight up the rocks. It is possible to climb this way, but it is difficult.

You can visit the settlement while heading to Ruskeala. It does not take a lot of time.

Paaso settlement coordinates: 61°43’56″N 30°41’54″E

The path to the top of the mountain is very picturesque.

View of the highway and the village of Helyulya.

View from the mountain to the railway.

View of the spruce forests from the other side of Mount Paasonvuori. I probably like this look even better.


We visited this wonderful place a year ago and were very impressed! The island is located on Ladoga, or more precisely, in the Ladoga skerries. It attracts with its chic sandy beaches, which are uncharacteristic in this area and, of course, breathtaking views from Leshego Rock. There are also pine trees on the island, bizarrely twisted and growing directly on the stones or from the sand. There are also mixed forests. You can set aside a whole day for a leisurely visit to the island and a picnic on it, and you won’t regret it. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a whole day, we walked quickly, but we still spent 4 hours on the island. We had a longer route that went around part of the island.

You can go from St. Petersburg to Koyonsaari in one day if you get up early. It takes about 3.5-4 hours to get to the island. You can leave the car near it on the road or, if there is no space, for a small fee on the next tour. bases (for example, “Annushkin Prichal”). There is a bridge from the mainland to the island, since the distance is only 150 meters - yes, it’s funny, but you don’t have to swim to the island, you can only take a few steps.

Coordinates of the bridge to Koyonsaari island: 61°17’07.2″N 30°05’27.0″E

Koyonsaari beaches.

Pines grow not only on rocks, but also on sand! Still hardy trees.

View from Leshego rock in the other direction. Numerous islands are visible everywhere.

Insanely beautiful view from Leshego rock. It's worth coming here just for this!


This place also belongs to the Ladoga skerries, only to the north. The cape is located in the southernmost part Hunucca Peninsula in the north of Ladoga. The nearest village is Impilahti.

What is interesting about the cape? First of all, with its relief - flat, bizarre rocks that go into the water cannot leave anyone indifferent. It's really very beautiful! Also here you can see open Ladoga with its crazy sunrises, sunsets and other weather and natural phenomena. You can even see Ladoga seals in the lake! There are also elevations here, and from the elevations, of course, the views are even more beautiful. And on the cape there is a small internal lake, closed by rocks from Ladoga, where it is calm and quiet. Many people like to relax on it, but I would choose a place to set up a tent right next to Ladoga, on the cape itself, with a gorgeous panoramic view. We didn't spend the night here, but we had a wonderful day. The place is one of my top favorites! And I really want to come here for longer.

This time we were very lucky with the weather: at first it was cloudy, but then the sun came out, making the landscapes around us even more beautiful and brighter. There was calm. But on Ladoga there are often storms, when it is dangerous to go out into open water on a boat. You definitely need to keep this in mind and watch the weather forecasts.

How to get to Impiniemi: you need a car here. Heading from St. Petersburg, we pass Sortavala, turn to Ruskeala and drive along the northern coast of Lake Ladoga to the village of Impilahti. The road that leads to the cape starts in Impilahti and is approximately 6 km long. But to get to the end by car, you need a very large and passable jeep. At some point, one might say, the road ends and something like it begins: mud (very serious mud!), puddles, rocks and roots.

But there is a good option, which we also took advantage of: taking a boat to the very cape. We turned to the guys from "Karelia Park" (this is an extreme park with its own zip line and bungee) and they dropped us right on the cape. They can also take it back. Vkontakte community . And we decided to walk back. It was quite creepy, as we were told that bears live on the peninsula. That's why we walked with the radio blaring. 😆

Rocks on the cape.

Flat rocks extending into the water are the hallmark of Cape Impiniemi.

It is from Impiniemi that you can see Valaam. We saw)

The views here are amazing, I'm telling you the truth! 🙂


This mountain is my favorite of all the mountains I have been to in Karelia at this point in my life. Bye) The views from Lynx Mountain seemed the most beautiful to me. It's easy to climb the mountain. In the distance we see a lake and endless beautiful forests. Of course, there are rocks covered with moss and the ubiquitous pine trees of unusual shape. Here you want to sit on a bench built by someone kind at the very top, and, turning off your brain, just look into the distance and dream.

The name of the mountain was given simply for beauty, and there are no lynxes here, as a local guy we met told us. But there are lynxes in Karelia! And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they are here too. They say they were met further south, closer to St. Petersburg.

Lynx Mountain is located near lakes Janisjärvi (a very beautiful lake, by the way!). The nearest village is Vyartsilya (you need to go north of Ruskeala). You can only get to the mountain (well, almost to it, you have to walk a little, about 5 minutes) by car. There are clubs on the Internet that organize trips to the mountain on ATVs. If you search, you can find it. There are also several recreation centers on the banks of the Yanisjärvi, and some of them probably rent bicycles, and maybe, if you ask, they will take you there. But you also need to get to the bases somehow. The mountain is quite remote from the main “tourist” places, so it is still most convenient for auto tourists to visit it.

Important! These places are a border zone - Finland is only 5 km away, so you need to have passports (a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is sufficient). Most likely they will ask where you are going, you can say to the Arsenal recreation center, for example (we were just there).

Rysya Mountain coordinates: 62°8’4″N 30°45’53″E

Breathtaking views from the mountain!

Northern pines, cunningly twisted and growing right on the rocks, are something incredible!

View from the mountain.

Centuries-old rocks of glacial origin.


Located in the Pitkyaranta region of Karelia. The highest waterfall in southern Karelia - its height at different times of the year ranges from 15 to 19 meters. It is especially full of water, of course, in the spring. In fact, there are two waterfalls here, few people know about the second one, but if you walk further along the beaten paths, you will see it. The second waterfall is smaller. The main attraction is still the first one, which is in the photos below. It is named “White Bridges” because once upon a time there really was a white stone bridge built by the Finns. Now a new wooden bridge has been laid, painted white.

The waterfall is really very beautiful! And the surrounding area – picturesque forests – adds even more charm.

To get to the waterfall, you need to go towards Pitkäranta and then turn off the main road. Everything is pretty clear there, just follow the coordinates. But there is one thing: previously there was a narrow dirt road along which you could still get to the parking lot at the waterfall itself (or almost to it). But last year, when we were there for the last time, we saw the beginning of active construction of a large road to the waterfall. We were able to get through, but the road was being widened, there were a lot of trucks with sand, and we had to periodically let them through. I don’t know how it is now. Unfortunately, this place will soon become very crowded with tourists, just like Ruskeala.

If you don’t have a car, most travel companies include this waterfall in their programs.

Coordinates of the White Bridges waterfall: 61°45’12″N 31°24’37″E

Waterfall and me, to understand the scale and height.

Top view of the waterfall. The photo, of course, does not show the height.


And this is the largest flat waterfall in Karelia. It is called the pearl of the republic. It is located on the Suna River in the Kivach nature reserve. Although Kivach is not as high as White Bridges, it is unique and beautiful in its own way. In the old days, the waterfall attracted many historical and creative figures, such as Alexander II or the poet Derzhavin, who even dedicated a poem to it.

On the territory accessible to tourists, there is also a museum and an ecological trail telling about various plants and trees.

I have a personal story connected with this waterfall. I've wanted to come here since school! 🙄 Every year my parents and I drove from the north and back past the turnoff from the highway to Kivach, and I always asked: “Well, let’s stop by, come on, it’s nearby!” But we were always in a hurry, and my entreaties were not heard. Can you imagine my joy when I finally got here? This was already in adulthood and quite recently. But I want to come back here again and again.

Recommendation: there are a lot (sometimes too much) of tourists here! Several buses arrive at once. Therefore, it is best to go to the waterfall right from the early morning in order to calmly admire its beauty and take normal photographs without cropping other people’s arms, legs, and heads.

All tours are also taken to the Kivach waterfall now. companies from St. Petersburg.

Kivach waterfall coordinates: 62°16’4″N 33°58’49″E

A stunning view of Kivach from the observation deck higher up.

Kivach waterfall. It was once more turbulent. But even now he is very handsome.


We bet that when you heard the word “volcano”, you probably imagined a huge spiky mountain with a crater in the center? Yes, yes, that’s exactly how volcanoes seem to me too. And our Girvas once upon a time very long ago (3 billion years ago) most likely was like this. But over such a long time, all traces that resembled a classic volcano were destroyed by nature. All that is left to us are petrified lava flows in the bed of the Suna River, which we can see and even walk on. This gives you a very unusual feeling. Well, it’s still beautiful here!)

Surprisingly, the volcano was discovered quite recently - in the 60s of the 20th century. There is a hydroelectric power station here, the construction of which helped to discover this unique place, which is sometimes called the oldest extinct volcano on the planet. The bed of the Suna River became bare and these same lava flows were revealed to the eye.

Girvas is located in the village of the same name and very close to the Kivach waterfall, so visiting them can be combined. It is very easy to find and there is no need to turn off the main road. There is parking here.

Girvas volcano coordinates: 62°29’9″N 33°40’26″E

Solidified lava in the bed of the Suna River.

A small waterfall.

Girvas. It's beautiful here and there are always people.

— Take protection against mosquitoes and ticks. Anticipating questions, I will add: no, there are no more bloodsuckers here than anywhere else. I didn't notice this! Of course, the deeper you go into the forests, the more there are of them, but I repeat, they are here just like everywhere else. There are a lot of midges in Paanajärvi in ​​the summer, yes. And in some of the places listed above they were not observed at all. But it’s better to take the funds, it will be calmer.

— If you are traveling as a savage and go to places remote from residential areas and/or to forests (from my list these include Impiniemi, Koyonsaari, Ladoga Skerries and Rysya Gora), it is better to always have repellers for wild animals with you. 😯 Just in case. These could be, for example, false flares. Thank God, we haven’t encountered bears, lynxes, or wild boars yet. And we are afraid of them. But as they say, if you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest. And we want to go!)

— It’s really best to come to all popular tourist places at the very opening, while there are no people.

— Take paper maps. Sometimes phones fail or glitch and show geolocation incorrectly. We have several such cards. It is maps of Karelia that exist.

— Take memory cards for larger cameras and clean your phones in advance) Because you can take pictures here endlessly, especially if this is your first time.

To be continued. Stay with me!