Children's creativity competition carousel unusual in the ordinary. Competition “Unusual in the ordinary. III. Competitors

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CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Conducting the city competition of children's creativity "Carousel" as part of the educational project "Unusual in the Ordinary" Prepared by methodologist T.I. Egorova

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Website of the city methodological center, section “Projects” Educational project “Unusual in the ordinary”

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Regulations of the children's creativity competition "Carousel"

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Children's creativity competition "Carousel" The main objectives of the competition for children studying in preschool education programs: identification and support of gifted children; creative development of the child’s personality, his aesthetic feelings in emotional knowledge of the world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; education of moral and patriotic feelings and love for the Motherland; nurturing an emotional and value-based attitude towards one’s peers and one’s city; introducing preschool children to universal human values ​​and culture; stimulating the development of children's imagination, imagination and artistic creativity; support for educational organizations, as well as individual teachers actively working in the spiritual development of children.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Children's creativity competition "Carousel -2018" Participants of the competition Participants of the competition are pupils of state educational organizations in Moscow aged 5 to 7 years. The participant can be a preschooler or a group of preschoolers (according to the nomination). From the educational complex, 1 to 3 participants in each nomination can apply for the competition. A participant (a child or a group of children together with a leader) can submit one competitive work in a nomination. If an educational organization nominates more than 3 participants in each nomination, then the competitive works of this organization will not be considered.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Children's creativity competition "Carousel" The festival is held in the following categories: 1. Vocal and choral singing (ensembles (7-14 people); choirs (from 15 people). Duration of the performance - up to 3 minutes. 2 . Dance creativity (from 8 people) (children’s dance, based on dance movements of historical and everyday dances). Duration - up to 4 minutes 3. Instrumental performance (small ensembles (7-14 people); orchestras (from 15). people).Duration - up to 3 minutes. 4. Literary composition (collective reading) - from 5 people. Duration - up to 4 minutes. Dramatization of a literary work - from 7 people. Duration - up to 10-12 minutes. Fine arts (painting, graphics). Participants submit 1 individual work for the competition, made in classical technique. The theme of the performances and children's works is free.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Appendix No. 2. APPLICATION for participation in the children's creativity competition "Carousel" within the framework of the educational project "Unusual in the Ordinary" for students in preschool education programs Administrative District of Moscow Full name of the educational organization Address of the public organization Head of the public organization (full name), contact phone number, E-mail Nomination Competition section nominations Name of the competition work Participant (FN) or name of the creative team Head of the competition participant (full full name), contact phone number, E-mail Date of application “_______” __________ 20__ Head of educational organization ______________/____________/MP

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Requirements for competitive works Requirements for the rules of the competition: Brief description of the nomination: sections of the nomination, number of participants. Requirements for the competition work: Requirements for the technical side: use of technical means, content of the recording, quality of the video material. Requirements for the execution/performance of work (indicators that reveal the quality of the competitive work). Materials that do not comply with the regulations and methodological recommendations are not accepted or considered for participation in the competition (see Appendix No. 3). Video materials and digital copies of children's work are created in the Google system. Videos of children's performances are posted on Google only with parental consent.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER About the results of the competition The results of the competition are posted in the personal accounts of the participants. At the end of the qualifying stage, a “compliance/non-compliance” conclusion with the regulations is issued, based on the results of the main stage, points are assigned and a place is announced. The best materials of the competition will be posted on the official website of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education. Competition Jury The decision of the Jury members is made collectively, by a majority vote, and cannot be challenged. Members of the Jury have the right to refuse to comment on their decision without giving reasons. Awarding of competition participants Participants in the main stage of the competition are awarded an electronic certificate “For Participation”. The winners of the competition are awarded electronic diplomas of Laureates and Diploma holders of the competition.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Stages and timing Stage I Intra-institutional tour from November 1 to December 1 Conducting a review of competitive works in educational organizations. The jury of the educational organization selects competition participants for stage II - up to 3 participants in each nomination. Registration from December 1 to January 31 On the HMC website in the “Competitions” section in your personal account, fill out the participant’s application form with an attachment - a link to the application with the organization’s seal and the signature of the head, a link to video material or a digital copy of the children’s work. Applications without references will not be accepted. The number of applications is up to 3 from the organization in each nomination. Stage II Qualifying round from February 1 to March 20 An independent professional Jury reviews competitive works in nominations remotely and selects for the main round of the competition. In personal accounts, at the end of the stage, a conclusion is issued - “compliance / non-compliance” with the regulations. Stage III Main round from March 20 to April 20 Competitive screenings in nominations remotely, selection of winners. In personal accounts, points are entered and winners are announced. Summing up Awards mid-May Summing up all nominations of the Festival. Participants of the III stage of the competition are awarded a Certificate “For Participation”, and the winners of the competition are awarded diplomas of Laureates and Diploma holders of the competition. Certificate “For Participation”, diplomas for prize winners - Laureates and Diploma holders are sent to the participant’s email address. The best materials of the competition are posted on the official website of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Nomination “Vocal and choral singing” Technical side Content side The song is performed by the participant without a microphone, the use of phonograms as musical accompaniment is excluded. The choir's performance can take place either with or without a conductor (at the request of the choir leader). In the video recording, the conductor should not cover the children. The video recording must meet the requirements for technical quality sufficient for an adequate assessment of the work. Works with poor video footage will not be accepted. Recordings made during classes, holidays and concerts are not accepted. The singing repertoire corresponds to the age and individual capabilities of the performers, methodological and program requirements. The repertoire can include highly artistic works from different eras: songs by classical composers - V.A. Mozart, L.V. Beethoven, F.P. Shubert, P.I. Tchaikovsky, A.S. Arensky, V.I. Arensky, Ts.A. Cui, A.A. Alyabyeva, A.T. Grechaninova and others; works of modern musical classics – I.I. Kraseva, T.A. Popatenko, V.P. Gerchik, Yu.M. Chichkova, A.E. Krylatova, V.Ya. Shainsky, A.D. Filippenko, S.M. Sosnina and others; folk songs. The quality of song performance is characterized by: purity of intonation, soft sound production, rhythm; - revealing the artistic image of the performed work through the means of musical expressiveness; - appearance of the participants, costume design.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Nomination “Dance creativity” Technical side Content side Folk dance is performed by participants only to traditional folk music, not in modern adaptation. Musical accompaniment of children's dance in vocal and electronic processing is excluded. The name of the dance must correspond to the declared piece of music. The props (object) in the hands of a dancing child helps to reveal the content of musical dramaturgy. Video recording of the dance must be carried out in full format (including viewing of leg movements). The video recording must meet the requirements for technical quality sufficient for an adequate assessment of the work. Works with poor video footage will not be accepted. Recordings made during classes, holidays and concerts are not accepted. Historical and everyday dances: polka, polonaise, gavotte, minuet, waltz, krakowiak and mazurka. Types of Russian dance: ornamental round dance, pair dances, dance miniatures, quadrilles, re-dances. The number corresponds to the age of the performers; Correspondence of musical accompaniment and dance genre; The entered dance must contain authentic (authentic) movements and music; The quality of performance is characterized by: correct compositional structure of the dance (compliance of dance elements, figures with the declared style, interaction of dancers with each other, absence of unreasonable pauses); correct technique for performing movements (volume, quality, training of movements, rhythm, expressiveness); correspondence of the plasticity of movements, costumes, and props to the content of the musical image of the work.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Nomination “Instrumental performance” Technical side Content side The performance is performed by participants without a microphone, the use of phonograms as musical accompaniment is excluded. The video recording must meet the requirements for technical quality sufficient for an adequate assessment of the work. Works with poor video footage will not be accepted. Recordings made during classes, holidays and concerts are not accepted. Types of children's orchestra: from percussion instruments that do not have a scale, an ensemble (consisting of the same or similar instruments), a mixed orchestra (including different groups of instruments). Compliance of the repertoire with the age and individual capabilities of performers, methodological and program requirements; Correct selection of instruments for performing a piece of music; The quality of performance is characterized by the following indicators: - transmission of the rhythmic pattern of the melody; - purity of sound when playing instruments with a diatonic or chromatic scale, coherence; - degree of proficiency in sound production techniques when playing children's musical instruments; - musicality, artistic interpretation of a musical work; - stage performance culture, costume design.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Nomination “Artistic Word” Technical side Content side - The literary text corresponds to the age capabilities of the performer, children’s perception and understanding. -In the staging of a literary work, the participation of adults as performers is excluded. -When staging a literary work, to create a bright artistic image, artistic design is possible: through the costumes of the characters, their makeup and hairstyles; through decorations and musical accompaniment. -Musical accompaniment should not interfere with the understanding of a literary work. -The video recording of the performance must be complete (whole), without chopped fragments or parts. -The video recording must meet the requirements for technical quality sufficient for an adequate assessment of the work. Works with poor video footage will not be accepted. -Entries made during holidays will not be accepted. A literary composition is a collective performance by children of a literary work, where each participant conveys their understanding of the literary work through expressive means of speech (intonation, stress, pause, facial expressions). Dramatization of a literary work is the performance of a literary work based on dramatization. Requirements: the work of art corresponds to the age of the students; -Aesthetic value of staging a literary work; -Quality of performance: fluency in speech, accuracy, correct pronunciation of sounds, expressiveness, emotionality; in the staging of a literary work - a harmonious combination of the idea, style of the work with the means of design and execution: scenery, light, music, costumes.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Nomination “Fine creativity” (painting, graphics) Technical side Content side The competition work must be completed by the participant himself - by the hand of a child. The image corresponds to the age capabilities of the performer, children's perception and understanding. Digital photographs must be of high quality (clear, good color rendition), digital photograph resolution must be at least 5 megapixels. Contestants submit a digital copy in a color image in jpg format in the Google system. A separate link is prepared for each work. The competition work is performed on A3 or A2 paper and is framed without passe-partout, glass or frame. Genres of painting: portrait, architectural, everyday life, landscape, still life, animalistic genre. Materials: gouache, watercolor, pastel. Types of graphics: easel (drawing), book graphics. Materials: graphite pencils, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, charcoal, pastel, sanguine. Genres: portrait, architectural, everyday life, landscape, still life, animalistic genre. Requirements: Disclosure of the topic. Good choice of art material. Artistic composition solution. Correct use of visual aids in the stated section. Color scheme, flavor. Expressiveness. Accuracy. Originality.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Registration on the website: log into your personal account, register After clicking on the “Register” button, a confirmation letter will be sent to the specified email address. The email will contain a link that you must click to confirm that your email address is valid.

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Application form for participation in the children's creativity competition "Carousel" on the website of the State Medical Center in the icon "Carousel-2018 Vocal and choral singing" * Mandatory - paragraphs. 1 – 10. 1. Nomination sections: - Ensemble (7-14 people) - Choir (from 15 people) 2. Full name (in full) of the head of the participant in the competition work 3. Position of the head of the participant in the competition work 4. Contact phone number of the head of the participant in the competition work 5. Email of the head of the participant in the competition work 6. Name of the children's group 7. Title, authors of the song 8. Duration of the competition work 9. Link for the material 10. Completed application for the competition with the seal of the organization (in PDF format) 11. Full name (in full) of additional managers numbers (1-2) (if any) – optional field

CITY METHODOLOGICAL CENTER Questionnaires for other nominations Nomination “Dance creativity”: sections of the nomination: historical and everyday dance; folk dance; name of the dance group - name of the dance - musical material used - Nomination “Instrumental performance”: sections of the nomination: small ensemble, orchestra; title of the musical work, composer – Nomination “Artistic Word”: sections of the nomination: literary composition, dramatization of a literary work; name of the children's group - name, author of the literary work - Nomination "Fine Arts": sections of the nomination: painting, graphics last name, first name, age of the participant in the competition work - visual material used - link to a digital copy -

Look at what interesting exhibits are presented in our museum:

Composite pencil "Balls - emoticons"
The pencil consists of individual balls, which are held together into a single whole. Each smiley ball is a small pencil that perfectly performs its functions, writes, does not break, and washes well.

Flexible pencil
This amazing pencil can be tied into a real knot! And this pencil is simply impossible to break, and sharpening it is as easy as shelling pears, the most ordinary sharpener can easily handle it!
Specially developed elastic graphite is located in a silicone shell, and allows you to apply inscriptions, drawings or drawings without fear that the fragile lead will break if dropped.

Box of pencils "Cosmetics"
Decorative cosmetics.
In the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, special pencils “Cosmetika” were on sale (pencil factory in Slavyansk), but they were expensive (about 1 ruble), and it was extremely difficult to buy them. Women still remember their softness and resilience.

Methylene blue
Chemical pencil is a real find! Under the wooden “clothes” there is a special graphite lead. When dry, it leaves light, unnoticeable marks and marks on paper. But as soon as the tip of the lead is moistened with water or even with your tongue, its color changes, it begins to write boldly, brightly, and it is impossible to remove it from the paper.
Copying pencils were widely used as a cheap and practical replacement for ink pens.

Special purpose pencil
The soft tip of the pencil is easy to apply to fabric. Does not crumble and does not stain hands. Easily washed off from fabric with warm water. The pencil does not require sharpening. You can expose the lead of a pencil using a thread that runs along the pencil under its shell. Free the lead from the paper shell of the pencil and get to work.

Retractable pencil
A pencil with replaceable leads, but not thin, as now, but quite ordinary. Some schoolchildren even made leads for them from ordinary pencils split in half.

Special purpose pencil
Construction pencils have an oval shape.
The lead is rectangular in shape. Very convenient for marking.

For some reason, on the gray-green pull-out box there is the inscription “experienced”...
The set consists of 10 pencils: green, brown, two red, two blue, two black: it is unknown what the 10th was.
Probably, the military personnel used these pencils to apply symbols on military maps.
The pencils were produced at the Moscow pencil factory named after SACCO and VANZETTI in 1964.

Set of hexagonal graphite pencils in a cardboard box.
Contents: 6 pieces of different hardness.
Graphite pencils, colloquially “simple” pencils, are the most common type of pencils all over the world.
Graphite pencils are ideal for drawing fine, clear details, shading and illustration, sketching, sketching, and for working on large surfaces. Suitable for use in schools and art schools.

Souvenir pencil "Pereslavl"
Pencil from the trunk of a young birch tree. Pencil length - 32 cm, pencil thickness - 6 cm. On the cut of the pencil there is a picture of a sailing ship and the inscription "Pereslavl 2004"

Pencil "Giant"
Wooden pencil 8-sided shape. Pencil length - 29 cm, thickness - 3 cm. The pencil shirt is green.

"Magic" pencil
It is truly magical, because its lead consists of several colors at once. Moreover, the colors are mixed there chaotically and as a result the line turns out to be multi-colored. The pencil dash itself is thick and hexagonal.

Souvenir pencil "Moscow"
Colored pencils made from tree branches.. On pencil shirts there is the inscription "Moscow"

Charcoal in a wooden pencil case.
Drawing, artistic charcoal is burnt sticks made of willow, walnut, plum, linden, birch or rosemary. Produced in Podolsk

These drawings were made by teachers and students of the preschool department using pencils from the electronic museum "PRESCHOOL":

Made with artistic charcoal. Drawing by teacher Victoria Vladimirovna Tsygankova.

"Cat with a bow"
Children's drawing made with oil pastels.

The work was done with colored pencils.

The work was done with oil pastels. Drawing by teacher Victoria Vladimirovna Tsygankova.

The work is done in pastels.

People love to be entertained, people love to be surprised! And businessmen make decent money from these human aspirations, creating places where you can get emotions for money. That's about ten the most unusual attractions in the world, we will tell you in our today's review.

In Moscow they are going to build the largest Ferris wheel in the world - Moscow View. Its diameter will be 220 meters, and its height including the spire will be 320 meters. A shopping and entertainment complex with an area of ​​120 thousand square meters will also be created at its foot.

On the X-Scream attraction, located on the roof of one of the Las Vegas hotels, you get into a trailer, it accelerates, reaches the edge of the roof, overcomes it and suddenly stops, hovering at an altitude of 350 meters.

An unusual attraction called CN Tower Edge Walk invites us to walk along the edge of the site located at the very top of the CN Tower in Toronto, at an altitude of 356 meters. There are no railings here. But there is a safety system that will prevent you from falling down under any circumstances. Even if you come here yourself!

Another high-altitude attraction in Las Vegas. Insanity is a carousel spinning at a height of 300 meters, 20 meters from the edge of the skyscraper on which it is installed. A person on a carousel hangs at an angle to the horizon, so that while riding he sees the ground. The earth, which is somewhere very far below.

A Venice branch has appeared on the roof of Selfridges London. Here, along the perimeter, there was a canal along which you can sail on boats, admiring the city located below.

For those who are nostalgic for the Soviet Union, we can recommend visiting Grutas Park near the Lithuanian city of Druskininkai. Of course, you won’t get into a time machine, but you will quite feel the atmosphere of bygone times. After all, this park contains statues and memorials of the Soviet period, collected from all over Lithuania and not only from there.

In New Zealand's Agroventures Adventure Park, the world's first individual monorail system, called Shweeb, appeared in 2007. With its help you can travel around the park. And the Shweeb uses the passenger's legs as the driving force - you just need to turn the pedals.

Fall from a height of 40 meters, scream with delight, smile and move on. Is it possible? Of course, it’s possible if we’re talking about the Nothin’ but Net attraction, which is a tower from which people fall. But they do not fall on a hard surface, but on a special catching net that absorbs the impact.

A very unusual amusement park has appeared in the UK - Dickens World. As you might guess from the title, once you enter it, you find yourself in nineteenth-century England, populated by characters from Charles Dickens’ books. The appropriate surroundings and entertainment program will leave you with an impression that you will remember for a long time!

If your cheeks don't blush at the sight of naked bodies merging in sexual intercourse, then you're heading straight to the Loveland amusement park, located on Jeju Island in South Korea. On the territory of this park there are 140 sculptures, very, very explicit. This place was chosen by newlyweds - Jeju is famous for its climate and beaches, and Loveland Park corresponds to the theme of honeymoon travel.

Spring is the time for experimentation and the beginning of the travel season. When visiting different countries, we look for something most unusual that will distinguish each country from others and will be remembered by the most vivid memories.

In addition to exotic attractions, cities are also memorable for their unusual attractions. What creative entertainments exist that will give us a storm of emotions and delight? And most importantly - in which country? Let's find out from this article!


This city will be remembered not only for the Eiffel Tower and romance in the French air, but also for its inflatable bridge. This is not a simple bridge over the Seine, but also an attraction. You need to jump over it, not pass it! While you get to the other side of the river, do exercises right away.


When exploring Sydney's local heritage sites, be sure to visit Hyde Park. Here you will find the largest mirror labyrinth, made of eighty mirrors.

This attraction is beautiful not only during the day, but also at night when the lights turn on.


This austere and rainy city will surely be remembered by you as the “Rain Room”. No matter how strange it may sound. In the cultural center of London, a room where it constantly rains is open to tourists.

But you won’t be able to get wet in the rain, no matter how much you run under the drops. There are special sensors installed on the ceiling that react to every human movement and direct the flow of water past him.


Would you like to walk on the clouds? If yes, then go on an aerial ride! This kind of entertainment for people is made entirely of film that stretches in different directions.

Moreover, it is suspended at a height of about 24 meters and has several levels. Soar on the clouds and tell everyone that you flew in Milan!


The art museum under its dome has the most weightless attraction that will allow tourists to feel for themselves what astronauts feel in orbit.

Here, three tiers of the grid are separated from each other by large, simply huge mirrored, but soft balls. Walking along them, you simply soar and forget about reality!


This country never ceases to amaze with oddities that we perceive in a completely different way. In the German gallery there are many snow-white and transparent balls that move to the beat of slow music.

After walking through such a labyrinth, you decide for yourself whether to go around the balls or touch them! Here you will not only admire the beauty and music, but also learn to interact with space and objects.


And these people constantly change our perception by creating various illusions. Do you want to stay underwater for as long as possible? Then this unusual pool is just for you!

In the center of a Japanese city, an ordinary swimming pool was built and filled with plain water. But you don’t have to swim in it... You can go under the water and admire everyone from below.


When traveling around Japan, be sure to touch the clouds. As children, we dreamed of reaching for the sky. Now this dream can come true.

This design will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. It’s so unusual to watch how the “sky” will change from our touches!


The most important street of the American city, Times Square, is decorated with an interactive heart. This attraction will definitely appeal to couples in love. It consists of 400 LED lamps that light up brighter at human touch.

And the more energy the lovers have, the brighter the red heart inside the composition will pulsate.

These are the kind of creative attractions that any country can remember when you travel around the world.

Bright impressions and unforgettable emotions in such moments!

Have you decided to install a gaming attraction? The entertainment sector is gaining increasing popularity among those who want to earn money. In order to start your own business, it is enough to purchase some kind of children's attraction, install it near a mass gathering of children, and make a profit. The sale of attractions is carried out by PlaySpace, a leader among manufacturers of gaming attractions.