Map of Yuzhnouralsk in detail with streets, houses and districts. Yuzhnouralsk: population, employment, national composition From village to city

The beginning of the history of Yuzhnouralsk (Chelyabinsk region) can be considered the first half of the 18th century. The first settlers came to these lands back in 1745. These were ordinary peasants and workers of iron factories who fled from unbearable conditions, also among them were soldiers who were demoted or sent into retirement, and serfs who, by some miracle, were still able to escape from their masters.

Before they had time to settle, by order of Ekaterina Petrovna they were sent to build settlements on the so-called new Orenburg line. The line was built along rivers and the slopes of the Ural ranges. In the lower reaches of the Uvelka River, a fort was erected, this was done by order of the head of the Orenburg province Neplyuev. The fort was of strategic importance, despite the fact that it was located in a lowland.

Soon this fortress became an intermediate and connecting point. Food products, fire supplies, various metals and much more were transported through it. After construction was completed in 1743, the fortress began to be called Nizhneuvelskaya in honor of its location. But after some time, the fortress was dissolved and renamed Nizhneuvvelskaya Sloboda. The reason for the reorganization was that the residents of the fortress supported the well-known Emelyan Pugachev during the uprising.

In 1843, by decree of Nicholas I, the settlement was renamed a village.

In 1924 the village turned into the village of Uvelskoye.

In 1939, the village became the village of Nizhneuvelskoye.

After the war, by the decision of the party, construction of the largest in the USSR and Europe began in the Southern Urals. Thermal power plant. It was this decision that became the main factor in the emergence of the city. The construction site was precisely the outskirts of the village of Nizhneuvelskoye. By the end of 1948, the first settlement was founded. The first construction company appeared, which carried out the construction of housing and industrial buildings.

In 1950, by decision of the regional party committee, the settlement was classified as a workers' settlement and was named Yuzhnouralsky. This name has survived to this day. Gradually the infrastructure began to expand. Streets such as Stroiteley, Energetikov, Mira, Moskovskaya and so on appeared. Factories producing milk, bread, porcelain, ceramics and others also began operating. In 1963, the village received the status of a city, and in 2005 the status of an urban district.

Today, Yuzhnouralsk continues to be an industrial city, just as it was intended to be. There are hundreds of times more factories and factories than initially. Today, the largest tableware market in Russia is located in this city. It is in this city that the production of more than 80% of the entire engineering and energy industry of the country is concentrated. After the construction of new factories in 2012, the flow of investment and the pace of housing construction increased noticeably. Guests of the city can stay at one of two hotels: “Pearl” or “Energy”. Located at Severnaya, 3 and Lenina, 6.

The city of Yuzhnouralsk is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

Which federal district does the city of Yuzhnouralsk belong to?

The city of Yuzhnouralsk is part of the federal district: Ural.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory consisting of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In what region is the city of Yuzhnouralsk located?

The city of Yuzhnouralsk is part of the Chelyabinsk region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region.

The region Chelyabinsk region is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

Population of the city of Yuzhnouralsk.

The population of the city of Yuzhnouralsk is 37,801 people.

Year of foundation of Yuzhnouralsk.

Year of foundation of the city of Yuzhnouralsk: 1948.

What time zone is the city of Yuzhnouralsk located in?

The city of Yuzhnouralsk is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+6. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Yuzhnouralsk, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city Yuzhnouralsk

The telephone code of the city of Yuzhnouralsk is: +7 35134. In order to call the city of Yuzhnouralsk from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 35134 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Yuzhnouralsk.

Website of the city of Yuzhnouralsk, official website of the city of Yuzhnouralsk, or as it is also called “Official website of the administration of the city of Yuzhnouralsk”:


Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Sobolev

Based First mention Former names


City with Square Center height Population National composition

Russians 95%
Bashkirs 1%
Tatars 1%
Ukrainians 3%

Confessional composition Ethnobury

South Urals, South Urals

Timezone Telephone code Postal codes

457040 - 457044, 457059

Vehicle code OKATO code Official site


Sign at the entrance to the city from the north (from the village of Kichigino)

Nizhneuvelskaya village

The Nizhneuvel fort was founded in the lower reaches of the Uvelka River by the Cossacks of the Iset army in 1745 by order of the first governor of the Orenburg province Ivan Neplyuev. Despite the distance from the external border, the Nizhneuvelskaya fortress was of great importance as an intermediate point of the post route between the Chelyabinsk and Trinity fortresses. It was along this route that food, metal, fire supplies and much more were transported. For supporting the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev in 1773-1775, the Nizhneuvelsky garrison was disbanded, it lost the status of a fortress and began to be officially called a settlement.

Official symbols

Coat of Arms (1969)

The first coat of arms of the city of Yuzhnouralsk was approved on July 10, 1969 by a decision of the local administration: “In the upper part of the shield on a blue bar in silver is the name of the city. In its center there is an emblem symbolizing the main industries of the city (state district power station, a bunch of insulators - a reinforcement and insulating plant, a lily - the emblem of a porcelain factory, a gear - a mechanical repair plant), in the lower part there is a golden sickle and hammer.

The current flag and coat of arms of Yuzhnouralsk were approved by Decision of the Council of Deputies of the city No. 310 on September 26, 2000. The coat of arms and flag are included in the State Heraldic Register under No. 668 and No. 669, respectively. The blue color symbolizes the reservoir on the Uvelka River, checkers are the sign of the Cossacks, the intersection of yellow stripes is the intersection of roads where the village of Uvelskaya and then the city of Yuzhnouralsk were built.

City leaders

  • 1982-1986 - Yuri Averyanovich Arzamastsev
  • 1989-2005 - Vladimir Mikhailovich Shavrin
  • March 20, 2005 - March 14, 2010 - Vladimir Ilyich Gora
  • 2010 - present - Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Sobolev


City transport in Yuzhnouralsk is primarily buses (schedule). There are three city bus routes. Several companies provide taxi services.




Church in the old part of the city

Currently, there are two active Orthodox churches in the city.

The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is located in the old part of the city. It was restored in the early 2000s.

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is entirely wooden and is located in the village of Planovy. It was built with funds from local entrepreneurs, but the greatest contribution was made by the former mayor of the city, Vladimir Gora. In 2007, a minor consecration of the temple took place, after which it was opened to parishioners. The landscaping work on the building and surrounding area was completed only in the spring of 2008. And on May 13, it was consecrated by Metropolitan Job of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust and officially opened.

In Yuzhnouralsk, a decision was made to build a mosque in a new area, next to the highways leading to Magnitogorsk, Troitsk and Kazakhstan. The construction of the mosque and the formation of the mahalla, that is, the parish, the registration of which has already begun, was undertaken by the South Ural entrepreneur Zhaldat Gainetdinov. Believing citizens will not be left out either. An entrepreneur from the village of Krasnogorsky, Yemanzhelinsky district, expressed a desire to help with funds. The first stone of the mosque's foundation was laid in the spring of 2011.



The city has the following preschool educational institutions (kindergartens and nurseries):

  • Preschool educational institution No. 3 (Mira St., 2)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 6 (Kuibysheva St., 15)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 8 (Kosmonavtov St., 15B)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 9 (Cosmonavtov St.)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 12 (Stroiteley St., 15A)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 14 (Energetikov St., 21A)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 16 (Kuibysheva St., 31A)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 17 (Sovetskaya Armii str., 10A)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 18 (Kosmonavtov St., 7A)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 19 (Sovetskaya Armii str., 18B)
  • Preschool educational institution No. 20 (Kuibysheva St., 15)


  • Secondary school No. 1
It was opened as the Yuzhnouralsk boarding school on February 17, 1962. On May 12, 1988, it was reorganized into secondary school No. 1.
  • Special (correctional) secondary school No. 2
Formed in 1961. Since September 2005, the school’s activities have been carried out according to programs for special correctional educational institutions. School graduates receive incomplete secondary education.
  • Secondary school No. 3
Opened in 1961 as the "First Secondary School in a Workers' Village".
  • Secondary school No. 4
Opened in the spring of 1976.
  • Basic secondary school No. 5
Formed in 1951. School graduates receive incomplete secondary education.
  • Secondary school No. 6
Opened in September 1967.
  • Secondary school MAOU No. 7
Opened on January 19, 1993. The school is located in a new microdistrict on the eastern outskirts of the city. Initially, only children from primary classes were transferred from neighboring schools, then (in September 1993) the school accepted children from grades 5-9 into its walls.

Other educational institutions

Energy College building

  • Yuzhnouralsk Energy College
Created in 1952 as an evening branch of the Chelyabinsk Energy College. In June 1958 it was transformed into an independent evening industrial technical school. It is the only secondary specialized educational institution in the city.
  • Children's art school
Formed in 1964.
  • Center for additional education for children
Established as the “City House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren” on September 1, 1972. On August 8, 1991, it was renamed into the “Center for Student Creativity”, and on March 2, 2000 into the “Center for Additional Education for Children”.
  • Interschool training center
It was opened in the school building No. 1 on Energetikov Street on April 26, 1979 and was called the “Training and Production Plant”. By decree of the Head of the city of May 15, 1997, it was renamed “Interschool Training Center”.
  • Vocational school No. 118
Established in March 1980 on the basis of the Yuzhnouralsk Metal Structures Plant. In 1989, the merger of SGPTU No. 118 and No. 88 took place. Currently, the school provides training in the following professions: “Hairdresser”, “Cook, confectioner”, “Tailor”, “Cutter”, “Seller, controller - cashier”, “ Turner”, “Welder”, “Businessman in trade”, “Installer of sanitary systems and equipment”.
  • Vocational school No. 130
Established in November 1944 as the Uvel School of Mechanization. In 1963, it was reorganized into rural vocational school No. 5 (SPTU No. 5). Since 1995, the school was expanded and reorganized into Vocational School No. 130.
  • Branches of higher education institutions
  • Modern Humanitarian Institute
  • Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University


There are 8 cultural institutions in the city, employing 192 people. There are 25 creative groups and club formations operating in the municipal sphere. The largest events in the cultural life of the city:

  • international music festival-competition “Yuzhnouralsk - Salzburg”;
  • anniversary performances of the folk groups “Veteran Choir” and the vocal and instrumental ensemble “New Time”;
  • regional library forum dedicated to summing up the Year of Reading.

City House of Culture


There are 5 municipal libraries in the city. The largest "Central City Library".


On November 5, 1967, Ivan Petrovich Vyalkov founded the Public South Ural Museum. On November 7, 1989, it became the South Ural Regional History Museum. Over the 30 years of its existence, the museum has accumulated extensive material that covers more than 250 years of history and nature of the region. The museum occupies 180 m² of exhibition space and 130 m² of storage facilities. The museum contains about 2,700 exhibits, of which 2,000 are fixed assets. The average number of visitors per year is about 6,000 people.

Sights and monuments


Holiday park

Cinema "Ekran"

Founded in 1965. The auditorium was designed for 420 seats. The first session took place on December 22, 1965. In 1966, 1970 and 1972, the Ekran cinema was recognized as the best in the region.


The city has two clinics, seven pharmacies and six pharmacy points, and a private medical center "Crystal". There are many health facilities around. The most famous of them is the Ural sanatorium, located in the village of Khomutinino, where vacationers come not only from the Chelyabinsk region, but also from neighboring regions.


There are 16 sports federations in the city. There is a children's and youth sports school and a stadium.

Communications and telecommunications

Mass media

A television

  • Since April 29, 1990, the TV and radio company “TRK-Alliance” has existed in the city.
  • On-air channels from local RRL:

Flag of Yuzhnouralsk

Coat of arms of Yuzhnouralsk

A country Russia
Subject of the federation Chelyabinsk region
urban settlement City of Yuzhnouralsk
Center height 238 m
Timezone UTC+6
National composition Russian Bashkirs Tatars Ukrainians
Postal codes 457040 - 457044, 457059
Chapter Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Sobolev
Population ▲ 38,465 people (2010)
Vehicle code 74, 174
Based 1948
Ethnobury South Ural resident
Coordinates Coordinates: 54°27′00″ N. w. 61°15′00″ E. d. / 54.45° n. w. 61.25° E. d. (G) (O) (I)54°27′00″ n. w. 61°15′00″ E. d. / 54.45° n. w. 61.25° E. d. (G) (O) (I)
Former names Uvelskaya
Square 110.57 km²
First mention 1950
OKATO code 75 464
Telephone code +7 35134
City with 1963
Confessional composition Orthodox Muslims, etc.
Official site

Yuzhnouralsk is a city (since 1963) in Russia, regional subordination of the Chelyabinsk region. The city is located on the Uvelka River, 88 km from Chelyabinsk and 7 km from the Nizhneuvelskaya railway station, located on the Chelyabinsk - Troitsk railway line, from which a railway line is extended to the city with the terminal station Yuzhnouralsk.

The spelling “Yuzhnouralsk” was established by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, and according to current spelling standards the name should be written as “Yuzhno-Uralsk”.

  • The greenest street is Parkovaya Street.
  • The shortest street is Sosnovy Lane (4 houses).
  • The longest street is Sportivnaya Street (3 km), then Sovetskaya Street (more than 2.5 km).
  • The tallest structure is the GRES chimney (150 meters).


The M36 highway (E 123 AH7) runs near the city. The city has a bus station, so the city is connected by regular bus transport to Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Miass, Krasnogorsky, Korkino, Klyuchi, Yemanzhelinsk, Shumakovo, Petrovka, Uvelsky, Sukharysh, Siny Bor, Mordvinovka, Berezovka, Duvankul, Khutorka, Troitsk, Magnitogorsk, Sanatorium "Ural", Chesmu, Rudny, Dzhetygaru, Kustanai, Plast, Varna, Zlatoust. Electric trains also run to the regional center from the Yuzhnouralsk railway station.

City transport in Yuzhnouralsk is primarily buses. There are three city bus routes. Several companies provide taxi services.


Currently, there are two active Orthodox churches in the city.

The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is located in the old part of the city. It was restored in the early 2000s.

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is entirely wooden and is located in the village of Planovy. It was built with funds from local entrepreneurs, but the greatest contribution was made by the former mayor of the city, Vladimir Gora. In 2007, a minor consecration of the temple took place, after which it was opened to parishioners. The landscaping work on the building and surrounding area was completed only in the spring of 2008. And on May 13, it was consecrated by Metropolitan Job of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust and officially opened.

In Yuzhnouralsk, a decision was made to build a mosque in a new area, next to the highways leading to Magnitogorsk, Troitsk and Kazakhstan. The construction of the mosque and the formation of the mahalla, that is, the parish, the registration of which has already begun, was undertaken by the South Ural businessman Zhaldat Gainetdinov. Believing citizens will not be left out either. An entrepreneur from the village of Krasnogorsky, Yemanzhelinsky district, expressed a desire to help with funds. It was decided to lay the first stone in the foundation of the mosque in the spring of 2011.



Financial institutions of both local and federal significance are located in Yuzhnouralsk. List of the largest banks represented in Yuzhnouralsk:

  • Chelindbank
  • Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia
  • Russian standard
  • Chelyabinvestbank
  • Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • First City Insurance and Lending Center. 83513446029. Yuzhnouralsk st. Cosmonauts 10, 2nd floor


Currently, energy and mechanical engineering are the dominant industries in the city. At the same time, other industries also developed: ceramics, porcelain, food and light. Large industrial enterprises in the city produce linear fittings and insulators for high-voltage power lines, metal structures, components for the electronics industry, building materials and porcelain tableware, milk and bakery products. They repair cars and crane equipment. 88.3% of industrial products are produced at Yuzhnouralskaya GRES.

and 7 km from the Nizhneuvelskaya railway station, located on the Chelyabinsk - Troitsk railway line, from which a railway line is extended to the city with the terminal station Yuzhnouralsk. Covers an area of ​​110.57 km. The length of the city is about 5 km long and 4.3 km wide, the height above sea level is about 238 meters. On the northern side there is the Yuzhnouralsk reservoir, and along the western border of the city flows the Uvelka River (a tributary of the Uy River), which is one of the water intakes of the city’s hydraulic system. The city is surrounded by mixed forests (birch, aspen, pine).

The city was founded in 1963 on the site of a workers' settlement, which was born from the Yuzhnouralsk State District Power Plant. However, the history of this settlement goes back to the 18th century, when near this territory the Cossacks of the Iset army founded the Nizhneuvel fortress, which was designed to connect the Chelyabinsk and Trinity fortresses.

The Nizhneuvel fort was founded in the lower reaches of the Uvelka River by the Cossacks of the Iset Army in 1745 by order of the first governor of the Orenburg province, Ivan Neplyuev. Despite the distance from the external border, the Nizhneuvelskaya fortress was of great importance as an intermediate point of the post route between the Chelyabinsk and Trinity fortresses. It was along this route that food, metal, fire supplies and much more were transported. For supporting the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev in 1773-1775, the Nizhneuvelsky garrison was disbanded, it lost the status of a fortress and began to be officially called a settlement.

In 1776, the administration of the volost of the same name was transferred to Nizhneuvelskaya Sloboda. According to the highest Decree of Emperor Nicholas I of May 4, 1843 on the inclusion of peasants in the Cossack class in connection with the state's need for military formations, Nizhneuvelskaya Sloboda received the status of a village of the 3rd Trinity Department of the Orenburg Army. In May 1924, the village was transformed into the village of Uvelskoye, and the Uvelsky district was created as part of the Trinity District. In 1939, the administrative center of the district was moved to the station village of Nizhneuvelsky, located 7 km from the village.

The Nizhneuvelskaya village received a rebirth in the late 40s of the twentieth century, when the Yuzhnouralsk State District Power Plant (YUGRES) began to be built near it. In 1948, a workers’ settlement arose on the site of the village and began to be called Yuzhnouralsky. On August 28, 1950 it became an urban-type settlement.

On February 1, 1963, Yuzhnouralsk received city status. Since 2005 - urban district.

Since 1999, the pace of housing construction has been increasing in the city. Work has resumed on frozen objects: a nine-story residential building on Sportivnaya Street, two ten-story residential buildings on Sovetskaya Armiya Street. At the same time, individual construction took place in the villages of Zvezdny, Roshchino-1, Lesnoy-1, Planovy-2. Roshchino-2. In 2004 and 2008, the city took first place in the region in terms of housing construction volumes. Some sections of roads along the streets of Peace, Cosmonauts, Soviet Army, etc. were repaired. In 2010, work was actively carried out to repair city roads and local areas.

In Yuzhnouralsk the following were noted: the greenest is Parkovaya Street, the shortest is Sosnovy Lane (4 houses) and the longest is Sportivnaya Street (3 km), then Sovetskaya Street (more than 2.5 km).

offers to post information about real estate objects, as well as sell, buy, exchange, rent out or lease non-residential (commercial real estate, garages), residential premises (apartments, houses, cottages, dachas, townhouses) on 147 streets of Yuzhnouralsk: 40 Let Oktyabrya St., Aizovskaya St., Anatoly Bogdana St., Bazarnaya St., Belinskogo St., Beregovaya St., Berezki St., Borovaya St., Vasilkovaya St., Vetvistaya St., Vinogradny Lane, Vishnevy Lane, Vladislava Filatova St., Vodokachka St., Vostochny GSK ter., Gorokhovy per., Gorkogo st., Dachny per., Dorozhnaya st., Zavodskaya st., Zalivnaya st., Zarechnaya st., Zvezdnaya st., Zelenaya st., Iskusstv st., Kalinina st., Kamenny Quarry St., Kashirina St., Kirova St., Kirpichnaya St., Klubnichnaya St., Klyuchevoy Lane, Kolkhoznaya St., Koltsevaya St., Kommuny St., Komsomolsky Lane, Kosmonavtov St., Kochkarskaya St., Krasina St. ., Krasnaya st., Krasnogvardeyskaya st., Kuibysheva st., Lenin st., Leninsky Komsomol st., Lermontov st., Lesnaya st., Leskhoz st., Lugovaya st., Radiant st., Maysky proezd., Mayakovskogo st. , Honey Lane, Mira St., Molodezhnaya St., Moskovskaya St., Naberezhnaya St., Nagornaya St., Nadezhdy St., Nakhimova St., Novochelyabinskaya St., Okruzhnaya St., Oktyabrskaya St., Otradnaya St., Pavla Levchenko st., Pavlova st., Parkovaya st., Pervaya st., Pionerskaya st., Pirogova st., Pobeda st., Pozharny lane, Privokzalnaya st., Priozernaya st., Prostornaya st., Prokhladnaya st., Prudovaya st. ., Pugacheva St., Pushkin St., Rabochiy Lane, Radonezhskaya St., Raduzhny Lane, Razina St., Ruslana Valiulina St., Russian Knights St., Ryabinovaya St., Sadovy Proezd., Sverdlova St., Svetlaya St. ., Northern st., Sergeya Bulando st., Sirenevaya st., Snezhnaya st., Sovetskaya st., Sovetskaya Armii st., Sovetskoy Pechati st., Solnechnaya st., Sosnovy lane, Sportivnaya st., Stanichnaya st., Stepnaya st., Stroiteley st., Tenistaya st., Tolstoy st., Troitskaya st., Uvelskaya st., Uralskaya st., Ushakova st., Fizkulturnikov proezd., Khoreva st., Tsvetnaya st., Tsvetochny proezd., Chapaeva st. , Chelyabinskaya st., Chekhova st., Chkalova st., Shosseynaya st., Energetikov st., Yubileinaya st., Yuzhnaya st., Yablochkova st., Yagodny lane.

Numerous monuments will tell you about the history of Yuzhnouralsk. There are a lot of them here. There are as many as three sculptures erected to Lenin alone! The largest of them is located on Leninsky Komsomol Square. This 13-meter monument was erected in 1985. “Second” Lenin greets the workers of the Kristall plant at the central entrance. Well, the “third” Lenin rises on the central alley of the YuAIZ plant. At the center for additional education for children you will see a monument to N.K. Krupskaya. The memorial complex of military glory was erected in 1975 on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The first coat of arms of the city of Yuzhnouralsk was approved on July 10, 1969 by a decision of the local administration: “In the upper part of the shield on a blue bar in silver is the name of the city. In its center there is an emblem symbolizing the main industries of the city (state district power station, a bunch of insulators - a reinforcement and insulating plant, a lily - the emblem of a porcelain factory, a gear - a mechanical repair plant), in the lower part there is a golden sickle and hammer.

The current flag and coat of arms of Yuzhnouralsk were approved by Decision of the City Council of Deputies No. 310 on September 26, 2000. The coat of arms and flag are included in the State Heraldic Register under No. 668 and No. 669, respectively. The blue color symbolizes the reservoir on the Uvelka River, checkers are the sign of the Cossacks, the intersection of yellow stripes is the intersection of roads where the village of Uvelskaya and then the city of Yuzhnouralsk were built.

Currently, there are two active Orthodox churches in the city.

The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is located in the old part of the city. Construction of the temple began with the blessing of Metropolitan of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoustav Georgy (Gryaznov) in 1994 and completed in 2003. The temple was consecrated by Metropolitan Job of Chelyabinsk and Chrysostom on August 19, 2003. The rector of the church from the founding of the community to the present day has been Archpriest Mikhail Sapronov.

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is entirely wooden and is located in the village of Planovy. It was built with funds from local entrepreneurs, but the greatest contribution was made by the former mayor of the city, Vladimir Gora. In 2007, a minor consecration of the temple took place, after which it was opened to parishioners. The landscaping work on the building and surrounding area was completed only in the spring of 2008. And on May 13, it was consecrated by Metropolitan Job of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust and officially opened.

Opposite the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a temple is being built in honor of Admiral of the Russian Fleet Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov. Construction is carried out on the initiative of Valery Vasilievich Filippov.

In Yuzhnouralsk, a decision was made to build a mosque in a new area, next to the highways leading to Magnitogorsk, Troitsk and Kazakhstan. The construction of the mosque and the formation of the mahalla, that is, the parish, the registration of which has already begun, was undertaken by the South Ural businessman Zhaldat Gainetdinov. Believing citizens will not be left out either. An entrepreneur from the village of Krasnogorsky, Yemanzhelinsky district, expressed a desire to help with funds. The first stone of the mosque's foundation was laid in the spring of 2011.

Yuzhnouralsk City House of Culture

There are 8 cultural institutions in the city (including the city cultural center), which employ 192 people. There are 25 creative groups and club groups operating in the municipal sphere. The largest events in the cultural life of the city:

Anniversary performances of the folk groups “Veteran Choir” and the vocal and instrumental ensemble “New Time”;

Regional Library Forum dedicated to summing up the Year of Reading.

There are 5 municipal libraries in the city. The largest "Central City Library".

On November 5, 1967, Ivan Petrovich Vyalkov founded the Public South Ural Museum. On November 7, 1989, it became the South Ural Regional History Museum. Over the 30 years of its existence, the museum has accumulated extensive material on the history and nature of the region, which covers a more than 250-year period. The museum occupies 180 m? exhibition area and 130 m2 of storage facilities. The museum contains about 2,700 exhibits, of which 2,000 are fixed assets. The average number of visitors is about 6,000 people per year.

The natural monument “Kichiginsky Bor” is an island pine forest growing on granite massifs. It consists of two separate forests, further fragmented by the road network. One massif is located north of the Yuzhnouralsk urban district, the other is north of the village of Kichigino. The cleanest air and stunning panorama will give you many wonderful moments.

While in Yuzhnouralsk, do not miss the opportunity to buy a wide variety of porcelain and ceramics from local factories as souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones.