Map of South Ossetia in Russian detailed. Map of South Ossetia. Where is South Ossetia

South Ossetia

South Ossetia is a partially recognized state of Transcaucasia, whose territory is 3.9 thousand square kilometers and occupies the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus Range. The map of South Ossetia shows that the republic does not have its own access to the sea. The state shares its western, southern and eastern borders with Georgia, and in the north it borders on the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, which is part of the Russian Federation. The population of the republic is estimated at about 50 thousand people.

A detailed map of South Ossetia shows the administrative-territorial division of the republic, which consists of four districts (Dzausky, Leningorsky, Znaursky, Tskhinvali), as well as the city of Tskhinvali.

The interactive map of South Ossetia contains information about the location of the South Ossetian capital - Tskhinvali. The city is located on the southern slopes of the Caucasus, on the river. Big Liakhva, at an altitude of 870 m above sea level. The population of the capital of the republic is about 35 thousand people. In addition to Tskhinval, only Kvaisa, a settlement with a population of 2400 people, which occupies the northern slopes of the Racha Range, has the status of a city, located in the Kudar Gorge, on the left bank of the river. Jojora.

In general, there are 46 settlements on the territory of the republic that have the status of villages, which are indicated by a detailed map of South Ossetia.

Ossetia- one of the most picturesque regions of the Central Caucasus, known for its unique nature, original sights and difficult history. Finding Ossetia on the map of Russia is not difficult when it comes to North.

Is it Russia or not?

Both answers to this question are correct: yes and no. Partly Ossetia belongs to the Russian Federation, while the second part is an unrecognized republic.

Which republic is part of the Russian Federation?

Republic North Ossetia– Alania is an autonomous subject of the Russian Federation and is included in the North Caucasian Federal District. South Ossetia It is considered an independent independent republic, but it is recognized only by four UN member states: Russia, Nauru, Venezuela, Nicaragua.

The existence of such a country is partially recognized in Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, modern Donbass, separated from Ukraine.

Now South Ossetia lives an independent life, being recognized by only a few countries of the world, with the constant support of Russia.

There are regular rumors about holding a referendum on the republic's accession to North Ossetia and its entry into the Russian Federation.

Where is?

North Ossetia, as its name implies, is located to the north of the main Caucasian ridge, on its northern slopes. Its capital is Vladikavkaz. The southern borders of the republic go to South Ossetia and Georgia, the eastern - to Chechnya and Ingushetia, the western - to Kabardino-Balkaria, the northern - to the Stavropol Territory.

General information

The northern part of the republic is Stavropol Plain, further to the south are the Sunzhensky and Tersky ridges, and even to the south - the Ossetian sloping plain, bounded by the Greater Caucasus. The area of ​​North Ossetia reaches 800 thousand km² with a population of just over 700 thousand people. The main river is the Terek.

Climate here it is moderately continental, slightly softened by the close proximity of mountain peaks. quite warm, but long, not sultry, with a large amount of precipitation. The average temperature in January is a little less than -3 degrees, and in July - a little more than +20 degrees.

Main Industries economy are mechanical engineering, mining, non-ferrous metallurgy, glass, light and food industries.

Where is South Ossetia located?

In order to easily get to South Ossetia, a tourist needs to accurately imagine its location.

Geographical position

The republic is located on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, in the so-called Transcaucasia, and has no access to the sea. The capital of South Ossetia is Tskhinvali.

From almost all sides of the world - south, west and east - it is surrounded by the territory of Georgia, and only from the north it borders on the Alagir region of Alanya.

Internal organization

Square Republic is about 4 thousand km² with a population of just over 50 thousand people. More than 90% of the territory is occupied by mountains.

The climate is more warm than in Alanya, since the mountain ranges protect South Ossetia from the northern winds. The average temperature rarely drops below +4.5 degrees, and the average annual rainfall reaches 600 mm. The largest rivers of the republic are the Bolshaya and Malaya Liakhva and Ksani.

In the Republic, only two cities- Tskhinval and Kvaisa - and three urban-type settlements, the rest of the settlements are villages. 90% of the population are Ossetians, the number of Russians and Georgians does not exceed a few percent.

Industry in the republic is practically not developed, the main branch of the economy here is agriculture, namely fruit export.

More recently, hostilities were going on in South Ossetia, but now tourist trips to this area are quite real and you will be able to get acquainted with the way of life of modern Ossetians.

Watch a video about holidays in Alanya and natural beauties of these places:

The territory of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on the map of Russia is small and occupies only 7987 square kilometers. Nearby are:

  • Georgia;
  • South Ossetia;
  • Chechen Republic;
  • Ingushetia;
  • Stavropol region.

The satellite map of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania shows that many rivers flow through its territory. The main ones are:

  • Terek;
  • Urukh;
  • Giseldon;
  • Ardon;
  • Kambileevka.

Also on the territory of the republic there are glaciers that occupy a fairly large area. This:

  • Miley, its area is 22 square kilometers;
  • Tseisky, with an area of ​​18 square kilometers;
  • Karaugomsky.

    South Ossetia

    It occupies 35 square kilometers.

Flora is varied. These are steppes, alpine meadows, broad-leaved, pine and birch forests. Diverse and animal world. The region is inhabited by chamois, tours, lynxes, wild boars, roe deer, bears and other animals. There are a large number of birds. The climate is moderate. Summers are long, not dry, and winters are mild.

  • The coldest month is January. The temperature drops to -16 degrees;
  • The warmest is July. The air warms up to +24 degrees.

What road routes pass through the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania?

  • Federal highway A164 "Transkam". Vladikavkaz - Gori (Georgia);
  • Federal highway A162. Vladikavkaz - Alagir;
  • P295. Vladikavkaz - Old Lesken;
  • P296. Mozdok - Vladikavkaz;
  • P217 "Caucasus". Pavlovskaya (Krasnodar Territory) - Yarag-Kazmalyar (Dagestan);
  • Federal highway A161. (Georgian military road). Vladikavkaz - the border with Georgia.

Laid in the region and other highways. On the map of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania online with borders, you can also see the international airport "Vladikavkaz", located near the city of Beslan. A railway also passes through the territory of the subject, but it is not currently in operation.

Map of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania with districts and cities

On the map of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania with districts, it is noted that there is one city of republican significance in this region. This is Vladikavkaz, which is the capital of the subject. More than 320 thousand people live in it. In total, there are 8 districts in the republic:

  • Alagirsky;
  • Digorsky;
  • Ardon;
  • Irafian;
  • Right Bank;
  • Mozdok;
  • Kirovsky;
  • Suburban.

More than 700 thousand people live on the territory of the republic. More than 460 thousand are Ossetians, about 150 thousand are Russians, almost 28 thousand are Ingush. People of other nationalities also live in the republic. There are more than 25 settlements on the territory of the subject.

A country South Ossetia/Georgia
Administrative unit city ​​of Tskhinvali
Population 42,333 people (1989)
National composition Ossetians, etc.
Coordinates Coordinates: 42°13′32.38″ N 43°58′12.26″ E / 42.225661° N 43.970072° E(G)(O)(R)42°13′32.38″ N 43°58′12.26″ E / 42.225661° N 43.970072° E(G)(O)(R)
Official site (Russian)
demonym Tskhinvali, Tskhinvali, Tskhinvali
Timezone UTC+3, summer UTC+4
Telephone code +799744 and +995344
First mention 1398
Center height 877 m
Head of Administration Gerasim Khugaev
Confessional composition Orthodox
Former names Stalinir, Staliniri (from 1934 to 1961) Tskhinvali (from 1961 to 1991)

Tskhinval (Osset. Tskhinval, as it sounds, Georgian, “land of hornbeams”) is a city on the southern slopes of the Caucasus on the Bolshaya Liakhva River, at an altitude of 870 meters above sea level.

Until 1990, it was the administrative center of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region, at the moment it is the capital of the partially recognized Republic of South Ossetia.

According to the administrative-territorial division of South Ossetia, it is a separate administrative unit of South Ossetia, according to the administrative-territorial division of Georgia, it is located in the Gori region of the Georgian region of Shida Kartli.

Tskhinval received the status of a city in 1922.

In August 2008, the city became the site of hostilities between the Georgian and South Ossetian sides. The main administrative building of Tskhinvali was destroyed, the city was seriously damaged. In 2009, by decree of the President of South Ossetia, the city was awarded the title of "Hero City" with the award of the Order of "Uatsamonga".


Regarding the etymology of the word Tskhinvali, there are several versions: according to one of the assumptions, the name of the city comes from the ancient Alanian sinkh - sykh and val - supreme, that is, “the supreme abode”, among kartvelologists there is a version about the origin from the Svan or Georgian (Georgian,) toponym, literally meaning "land of hornbeams").

Satellite map of Tskhinvali, South Ossetia

Tskhinval was called in Russian-language sources until the first half of the 20th century. In 1934, in honor of Joseph Stalin, the city was named Stalinir or Staliniri. In 1961 it was renamed Tskhinvali. In 1991, the authorities of South Ossetia officially approved the name Tskhinvali, which was actually used in Soviet times in parallel with Tskhinvali. Also in everyday life, the unofficial name of the city is used - Osset. Cherba ().

The name "Tskhinvali" was used by Russian state media, President Dmitry Medvedev, President and later Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, other officials and Russian official documents, including decrees of the President of Russia, prior to the August 2008 military conflict. On August 26, 2009, President Dmitry Medvedev already used the name "Tskhinvali" in his statement.

As of August 2009, Russian state media, in particular the RIA Novosti agency, use both the "Tskhinvali" and "Tskhinval" variants.


The village of Tskhinval, 1886

The surroundings of modern Tskhinvali were inhabited in the Bronze Age. The found settlements and archaeological artifacts of that time are unique because they reflect the influence of both the Iberian (eastern Georgia) and Colchian (western Georgia) cultures, with possible Sarmatian elements.

For the first time, the Kartli village of Tskhinval was mentioned in Georgian sources in 1398, although later documents were found claiming that a fortress built in the 3rd century by King Aspagur I stood on this site.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Tskhinvali was a small "royal city", populated mainly by monastic serfs. After the entry of the Kartli-Kakhetian kingdom (1801) into Russia, Tskhinval became a settlement (successively) in the Georgian (until 1840), Georgian-Imereti (until 1846) and Tiflis provinces.


Pages: 1234

Where is South Ossetia

There are a considerable number of inexplicable mysteries and secrets on our planet. However, despite the high level of development of human civilization, people cannot find the answer to many things and phenomena. One of these, as they say, mystical mysteries is Lake Ertso, located in the Caucasus.

The lake deserves attention because with an enviable frequency of 4-5 years, water disappears from it. For such "behavior", the reservoir is called a ghost lake. Curious what could be causing this phenomenon? The answer to this question is ambiguous. On the one hand, scientists have found an explanation for this, however, not everything goes smoothly.

The scientific world has been doing a lot of research on Erzo. An explanation of the phenomenon was given. According to scientists, under the lake there are caves-voids into which water periodically drains. This is due to the characteristics of local rocks, consisting of chalk, gypsum, salts and other similar minerals. Such a composition is largely subject to erosion by water and, as a result, vast voids and caves are formed.

It would seem that the answer is not devoid of common sense. However, the explanation raises even more questions. It is absolutely not clear why the water disappears and returns, as if on schedule? The frequency of the strange phenomenon remains unchanged for many years. How does the ghost lake fill up again from the bowels of the earth? To these questions, science still does not find the answer.

In addition to the inexplicable phenomenon with the disappearance of liquid from the reservoir, Ertso has many strange features.

Map of the Republic of North Ossetia in detail

There are no inhabitants in the lake itself and in the adjacent territories, with the exception of newts. Of course, for aquatic inhabitants, the “drying up” of the lake is a discomfort, however, it is surprising that even birds avoid flying near a strange reservoir. And there is no explanation at all for what reason the bottom, after the water has drained, remains absolutely clean. After all, the reservoir is open, it is sure that something gets into it. But no objects are found in the dried-up basin.

In the lake area, under strange circumstances, people disappeared, and there were also cases of loss of reason. Similar incidents, from time to time, occur even now, and there is no explanation for these things.

The local population has its own point of view regarding the mysterious phenomenon of the ghost lake. According to local legend, a snake of incredible size lived in the reservoir. One day, a reptile coveted a sheep intended for sacrifice. The shepherd, seeing this, sent a ram to kill the snake, tying daggers to its horns. The snake managed to escape into the mountains, and due to its gigantic size, she dragged the water with her. From the time when the ram manages to find a snake, she flees to the mountains, "taking" water with her. The ram has been looking for a reptile-thief for many years, so the unlucky reptile has to leave the pond-dwelling to hide from the hunter.

Our planet is often reluctant to reveal its secrets to man. Confirmation of these words is Ertso - a mysterious reservoir, a ghost lake. Researchers have not been able to figure out the cause and mechanism of the strange phenomenon. It remains to believe the legend, perhaps not everything in it is fiction?


The territory of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on the map of Russia is small and occupies only 7987 square kilometers. Nearby are:

  • Georgia;
  • South Ossetia;
  • Chechen Republic;
  • Ingushetia;
  • Stavropol region.

The satellite map of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania shows that many rivers flow through its territory. The main ones are:

  • Terek;
  • Urukh;
  • Giseldon;
  • Ardon;
  • Kambileevka.

Also on the territory of the republic there are glaciers that occupy a fairly large area. This:

  • Miley, its area is 22 square kilometers;
  • Tseisky, with an area of ​​18 square kilometers;
  • Karaugomsky. It occupies 35 square kilometers.

Flora is varied. These are steppes, alpine meadows, broad-leaved, pine and birch forests. Diverse and animal world. The region is inhabited by chamois, tours, lynxes, wild boars, roe deer, bears and other animals. There are a large number of birds. The climate is moderate. Summers are long, not dry, and winters are mild.

  • The coldest month is January. The temperature drops to -16 degrees;
  • The warmest is July. The air warms up to +24 degrees.

What road routes pass through the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania?

  • Federal highway A164 "Transkam". Vladikavkaz - Gori (Georgia);
  • Federal highway A162. Vladikavkaz - Alagir;
  • P295. Vladikavkaz - Old Lesken;
  • P296. Mozdok - Vladikavkaz;
  • P217 "Caucasus". Pavlovskaya (Krasnodar Territory) - Yarag-Kazmalyar (Dagestan);
  • Federal highway A161. (Georgian military road). Vladikavkaz - the border with Georgia.

Laid in the region and other highways. On the map of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania online with borders, you can also see the international airport "Vladikavkaz", located near the city of Beslan. A railway also passes through the territory of the subject, but it is not currently in operation.

Map of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania with districts and cities

On the map of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania with districts, it is noted that there is one city of republican significance in this region. This is Vladikavkaz, which is the capital of the subject. More than 320 thousand people live in it. In total, there are 8 districts in the republic:

  • Alagirsky;
  • Digorsky;
  • Ardon;
  • Irafian;
  • Right Bank;
  • Mozdok;
  • Kirovsky;
  • Suburban.

More than 700 thousand people live on the territory of the republic. More than 460 thousand are Ossetians, about 150 thousand are Russians, almost 28 thousand are Ingush. People of other nationalities also live in the republic. There are more than 25 settlements on the territory of the subject.