Roads and transport of the Moscow region. Road map of the Moscow region Interactive online road map of the Moscow region

Moscow is undoubtedly one of the most interesting cities in the world. Starting from the fact that it is the capital of a great state with a long history and ending with the Moscow road system. Since Moscow is a huge metropolis, one of the main sets of roads here are metro roads. A huge underground network intertwined the city underground, spreading many lines to all ends of the city and even beyond it.

Moscow detailed road map online

Various maps of Moscow can also be found in our articles:

Moscow road map schematic

If we imagine that all the people moving underground would come to the surface, they would clog all the streets in a continuous walking stream. In addition to the metro, Moscow is intersected by many highways. The ancient roads of the center were expanded as much as they could, the Garden Ring, the Third Transport Ring were built, and an even larger ring road runs around Moscow, covering the metropolis with a giant oval.

Inside, the capital is replete with numerous junctions, along which thousands and thousands of cars circle day and night, in search of the best passage. Some of the roads are driven underground. The famous Lefortovo Tunnel was recently built, piercing the capital like a mighty gut. It successfully swallows and perfectly spews many cars in the right direction. Repeaters are now installed there and mobile phones can be picked up freely, which makes motorists very happy.


Thus, Moscow's roads are thriving, famous for their excellent quality and high cost - a kilometer of the Garden Ring costs about 70 million dollars. That is why liquidation of this company is not possible. This liquidation of an LLC that has existed for about a year is easy and simple, it is easy to liquidate a one-day company, but not such a large-scale event that feeds and waters many people in the capital.

The Moscow region is named after the main city located in its center, the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow. Moscow itself is a separate subject of the federation. More than 7 million people live in the Moscow region, together with the capital, this amounts to almost 10% of the population of Russia.

Interactive online road map of the Moscow region

The high concentration of population in the Moscow region creates a lot of advantages - a variety of products are produced here, highly qualified personnel from all over the country flock here, and huge amounts of money circulate.

Physical road map of the Moscow region

The Moscow region is riddled with many roads. Since in its center there is not some ordinary regional center, but the capital, the roads are constantly being repaired, and moreover, their quality is only increasing from year to year. The capital is covered by ring roads and it is planned to build another transport ring soon.

Moscow region on the map

Various maps of Moscow can also be found in our articles:

Modern, magnificent highways rush through the Moscow region in all directions. When viewed from space, the Moscow region's road network resembles a spider's web, the threads of which spread radially in all directions. Millions of cars rolling in all directions create an enchanting spectacle at night that astronauts enjoy. Along with the improvement in the quality of roads, control has also increased - in many places cameras are now installed that detect cars moving too quickly. Therefore, overall the number of accidents has decreased.

Yesterday at the site of the State Budgetary Institution “Highways” there was a presentation of the portal, the purpose of which is to give every city resident the opportunity to take part in managing and maintaining order on the streets of Moscow. In addition, a demonstration of modern road technology was organized. But first things first!

2. They talked at the press conference mainly about the fact that Muscovites approve of the creation of the portal and are ready to participate in the life of the city (92 out of 100 city residents surveyed). The information in numbers is as follows. The portal appeared in December 2011, during 3.5 months of operation it was visited by more than 40 thousand people, who left about 9 thousand requests. All problems with the complaints were eliminated, and the contractors were fined.

3. The “Moscow Roads” portal is a cool geographic information system with an interactive map of the city, where each visitor can select any point on the map and evaluate the performance of such parameters as: the quality of the road surface, the quality of street cleaning, traffic management and the operation of traffic lights. It can also make a complaint regarding potholes and uncleaned roads, non-working street lights, non-working traffic lights and abandoned cars (!). At the same time, there is an official application for iPhone and Android, through which you can instantly file a complaint by attaching a photo of the problematic object.

If there is such a portal where complaints are directly sent to regulatory authorities, projects like “RosYama” become simply useless.

The “Roads of Moscow” portal, of course, is still working in test mode. A lot of work needs to be done. Firstly, it’s not very convenient to work with the map; it’s not obvious how to add a request, but how to view detailed statistics on problems. It is still completely unclear what to do with broken roads in yards; you cannot complain about them explicitly on the portal. Secondly, in my opinion, it is completely unnecessary to mention the amounts of fines applied to service organizations. Residents are neither hot nor cold from these figures. But it is imperative to introduce a bonus system with real money for the most active residents of the city who have left the largest number of complaints about really existing problems!

Imagine, instead of checking in on Foursquare, users would compete to see who can find the most problematic areas of urban infrastructure. This will be very cool!

4. Now let's look at road equipment. The inspection is cursory, because you know what the weather was like in Moscow yesterday, and here almost 100 pieces of road equipment are idle for journalists. In total, the State Budgetary Institution “Highways” has more than 1,300 units of road equipment.

5. These are high pressure washers on a Volvo chassis. According to the head of the enterprise, they do not have any special advantages over Russian equipment, and in case of repair they require serious investments. They were purchased in “uncontrolled” times, when one of the officials saw this equipment abroad.

6. Here is a high pressure washer on a Kamaz chassis. The technical characteristics are identical, and servicing this machine is much cheaper.

7. All attachments are interchangeable. If necessary, the high-pressure ramp is replaced with a brush for cleaning the bump stops or a snow bucket. The bodies use plastic water containers - they are lighter than an all-metal body.

8. Bulldozers and bucket loaders. Used in winter for cleaning and loading snow into the body.

9. Remember, these snow loaders used to be on the roads. People called them “golden pens”. The problem with them is that they are now produced all over Russia in small batches of about 40 units per year, which is extremely small for Moscow. And all the old equipment has already exhausted its resource. Therefore, now snow is loaded with a regular bucket.

10. State Budgetary Institution “Highways” is the largest service company in Moscow. They are cleaning the main transport arteries of the city: the Garden Ring, the Third Transport Ring, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Leningradsky Prospekt.

11. Here’s what I didn’t quite like. Euro 3 for all road equipment, which means no particulate filters and especially no urea tanks. Meanwhile, the government is already restricting the entry of freight transport into the city that does not comply with environmental standards.

12. Nozzles for the street irrigation system with liquid reagents.

13. Vacuum cleaner. The retraction force is such that it sucks up bricks without any problems.

14. And this is what the bunker looks like inside. All garbage is brought to the base, from where it is transported to a landfill on regular trucks. By the way, pay attention to the black spots on the body (better seen in the title photo of the post) - this is a design decision by the Mercator company, the equipment manufacturer. Orange ladybugs look cool.

15. There are two remote controls in the cabin. The one in the center of the dashboard controls the front-mounted attachments.

16. And this remote control is used to control the vacuum cleaner and hopper.

17. Small bucket loaders are used on narrow streets and sidewalks (even more compact loaders are in the background).

18. These machines are used to clean sidewalks.

19. In addition to brushes and a vacuum cleaner, there is a container for solid reagents at the back. They are used on sidewalks.

20. A special pride of the enterprise is that only Russians work. About a third are Muscovites, the rest are residents of the Moscow region. Nowadays, this is really cool, especially since it is absolutely forbidden to let people from Central Asia drive in Moscow. According to the drivers, they are satisfied with the work.

21. As soon as we left the territory, all the equipment left to clean the streets.

Regarding street cleaning and dirt on the roads, we discussed the problem of too much dirt on the roads. One of the problems is that the ground level on lawns is higher than the road level, and during rains and snow melting, dirt flows onto the road. Now the government has finally realized that something needs to be done about this.

Yesterday I left two complaints on the Moscow Roads portal. One for a pedestrian traffic light that has not been working for more than a month, the other for a road in the adjacent territory that is broken into rubbish (which apparently no one wants to repair, because it is “nobody’s”). I didn’t leave a claim for broken asphalt in the yard, because... It’s not entirely clear where to link. Applications were moderated within 30 minutes, we continue to monitor further reactions.

Since the formation of New Moscow, the city authorities have been paying great attention to the development of infrastructure in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsk districts, primarily in relation to the construction and reconstruction of highways. The vast majority of such projects are implemented using funds from the Moscow budget within the framework of the targeted investment program (TIP). Now the city has an AIP, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated October 11, 2016 N 665-PP (as amended on April 19, 2017) “On the Targeted Investment Program of the City of Moscow for 2016 - 2019.” By looking into it, we can see what objects are planned to be built during the specified period and what amount of funding is provided for these purposes. For convenience, we have compiled all the roads of New Moscow, the construction or reconstruction of which is planned, into a single table, you. We also mapped all the road projects included in the latest, April edition of the Moscow AIP. Green indicates completed roads, brown indicates projects currently being implemented, and blue indicates projects that have not yet begun, the work on which should be completed in 2019-2020.

The first major completed projects in the TiNAO territory were the reconstruction of the connection between the Kievskoye highway and the Kaluzhskoye highway (Admiral Kornilov Street, number on the map) and the reconstruction of the highway from Borovskoye to the Kievskoye highway through the village of Rasskazovka (designed passage No. 389). The existing two-lane streets were expanded to four lanes, sidewalks, lighting, and traffic lights were added. In the summer of 2015, road work was completed on Alexandra Monakhova Street, connecting Kaluga Highway and Butovo.

In February 2017, traffic was opened on the overpass in Shcherbinka across the tracks of the Kursk direction of the railway. In the same year, three more overpasses are expected to open in the Kiev direction: in the Novoperedelkino area at 18 km, in the Kokoshkino area at 33 km (together with the entrance from Borovskoye Highway and from the border with the Moscow region) and in Krekshino at 36 km.

Kaluga Highway - the “ridge” of New Moscow

In 2015, the implementation of the largest road project in New Moscow began - the reconstruction of the Kaluga Highway. In September 2016, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin near the Gazoprovod village, which was built as part of the first stage of reconstruction. The entire launch of the first stage, from the Moscow Ring Road to the border of the settlements of Sosenskoye and Desenovskoye, is expected in the summer of 2017. Already in 2019, work on stages 2 and 3 from the Sosenskoye settlement should be completed.

Another radial highway of the TiNAO, which is in the process of reconstruction, is. Here the road passes through Shcherbinka. In this area, the roadway will be expanded, off-street pedestrian crossings will appear, one overpass and one tunnel will be built. The work should be completed in 2018.

In addition to the reconstruction of existing radial directions, the master plan also involves the formation of new ones. The AIP provides for the start of construction in 2017 - a kind of backup for the Kaluga and Kyiv highways. The construction of this highway is divided into two stages: the first stage from Admiral Kornilov Street to the Solntsevo - Butovo - Vidnoe highway and the second stage from Solntsevo - Butovo - Vidnoe to the village of Maryino.

Construction of another radial highway - the MKAD - Kommunarka - Ostafyevo highway is scheduled to start in 2019. First, in 2019-2020, the third stage will be built from the Moscow Ring Road to Alexandra Monakhova Street in the village of Kommunarka. The implementation of the first two stages was postponed until after 2020 due to the intersection of road work with the construction of the so-called “Korda na Kommunarka” - a new metro line that originates from the “Ulitsa Novatorov” station of the Third Interchange Circuit. An article about how this line will go and where its stations will open will appear in MG in the near future.

Obviously, the expansion of radial highways in the Moscow region does not make sense without reconstructing their intersection with the Moscow Ring Road. Therefore, in 2016, the construction of a new transport interchange of the Moscow Ring Road with the Kyiv Highway was completed. Currently, the first stage of reconstruction of the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Kaluga Highway is also nearing completion, after which the second stage will begin, within the framework of which ground pedestrian crossings should be built through exits from the ring road, sidewalks, as well as an exit from the Moscow Ring Road to the MEGA Teply shopping center camp".

The intersection of Solntsevo - Butovo - Vidnoye with Kaluga Highway

If we talk about the development of transverse highways, then, of course, the main project here is the Solntsevo - Butovo - Vidnoe (SBV) highway, which will become a backup for the Moscow Ring Road in the section from Borovskoye to Varshavskoye highway. Currently, construction of the first stage from Kievskoye to Kaluzhskoye highway is underway (completion in 2018). Today, the second stage of this highway is also being implemented from Kaluga Highway through the territory of the administrative and business center in Kommunarka to Polyany Street in the Yuzhnoye Butovo district. And finally, in 2017, construction of a highway from Borovskoye to Minskoye Highway in the area of ​​the Peredelkino Blizhnoe microdistrict should begin. This route, called Vnukovo Highway, will actually become another stage of the SBV.

In the summer of 2017, another project for the construction of a transverse road link is expected to be completed - the Borovskoye Highway - Kievskoye Highway - Botakovo Village highway (together with an overpass at the intersection with Rabochaya Street in Pervomaisky), and in 2017 - 2018 the section from Botakovo to Kaluga highway. Here the construction encountered active protests from residents of the city of Troitsk, dissatisfied with the passage of the highway through the territory of the Trinity Forest.

The first stage should be completed in 2017, and the second stage of the M-3 Ukraine - Moskovsky - Sosenki - Yamontovo highway should be completed in 2018. Also, already in 2017, it will be built, which is actually the third stage of construction of the M-3 Ukraine - Moskovsky - Sosenki - Yamontovo highway.

Another transverse link - a highway from Kaluzhskoye to Varshavskoye highway through the villages of Yakovlevo and Andreevskoye - will appear in 2017 - 2019. During the same period, construction of a highway from Kievskoye to Kaluga highways through the villages of Serednevo and Maryino is expected.

To ensure transport communication between the territories of the settlements of Voskresenskoye, Ryazanovskoye and Shcherbinki, in 2017 - 2018, builders will build the Voskresenskoye - Karakashevo - Shcherbinka highway (MG on public hearings on it) and.

From 2017 to 2018, a road network should be built in two stages on the territory of the future administrative and business center in Kommunarka. The beginning here will be the access road from the Kaluga Highway to the new building of the TiNAO prefecture.

In the Moskovsky settlement, in 2017 - 2019, the interchange at the intersection of Kievskoe Highway with Rodnikova Street will be reconstructed, which will improve communication with the Salaryevo transport hub. Rodnikovaya Street itself will also be reconstructed. In addition, a connection will be built with Aviatorov Street, located in the Solntsevo area.

In general, over 3 years it is planned to spend 97 billion rubles on the construction of roads in New Moscow.