Map of the Sacred Valley. Overview of positions on the Sacred Valley map in World of Tanks What's new in this map

in update 0.9.14, World of Tanks underwent significant changes, and these changes affected specifically two places - the upper left corner (C, D 3,4) of the map and almost the entire lower right corner of the map, starting from a small area near the lower base (H 5) and further along the line J 5,6,7,8, H 7,8 and G8.

Let's take a closer look at the map changes Sacred Valley in update 0.9.14.

Map of the Sacred Valley and how to play it.

So, we will start, perhaps, from the lower base and will gradually move to the southeast.

  1. The first thing that immediately catches your eye at the lower starting point is that they removed the bridge, did not move it a little further and higher on the map to line H7, thereby combining two objects on the map - the castle and the temple.
  2. They also leveled almost the entire J line, starting from square 4 and up to the temple itself.
  3. We added some stones to these squares, which shield the tanks from direct enemy fire, but at the same time provided the opportunity to shoot at the opposite side of the bridge and the entrance to the temple along lines E, F, G 8 and 9.
  4. And yes, they almost completely removed the ability to shoot through the entrance to the temple on line G 8.9 from the lower respawn.

What's new in this map

As for the bridge, they gave us the opportunity to get to it in several ways. The first is that you can enter the bridge from the side of the temple, and the second option is that access to the bridge along the H8 line has been added, respectively, from both sides. They also left the possibility of driving under the bridge.

The temple was also changed. Now it is surrounded on all sides by buildings and has become a little larger, thereby adding more free space for travel and turns.

  • To summarize, we can say that the additional access to the bridge along line H8 provides the opportunity to quickly highlight tanks on both sides, and thanks to this access there is a good opportunity to play with the turret’s armor.

Well, in the end, let's look at the second part of the map, which has been changed. So, along line C, D 3,4 another siding has been added to the mountain. We also slightly limited the shooting of line D, F 3 from square C5.

  • Summing up the map redesign Sacred Valley we can say that the rework did the map good. Attack paths have become more varied and balanced. Now from any starting point you can get to any place equally quickly, which is a definite plus.


Standard fight

Meeting engagement



The location represents the landscape style of a winter mountainous Korean settlement. There are a lot of rocks, vegetation, and slides on the map. Near the middle of the map there is a mountain on which the monastery is located; you cannot drive onto the mountain. There are also many wooden structures in the villages. Basically, the map is surrounded by mountain ranges, on top of which there is snow. When recording a fight, the name of the video is asia_korea.

Tactics in a standard battle

The map is divided into key sectors: mountain, temple, lowland center and base. The mountain sector is located on the slope of the mountain range. At the beginning of the battle, it is faster to take advantageous positions there. This sector is separated from the central part by a hill in the form of stones, in which there are passages. The main battles take place in square C3. There are three entrances to this sector, two on one side and the third from the center of the map. There are no shelters there that can protect against artillery. The next sector is the lowland of the center. There is little fighting in this sector. This is due to the fact that you can be highlighted and there is little cover there. This sector is mainly used for illumination and a quick breakthrough to the enemy base. Next, let's look at the base sector. The southern base has a bridge across the gorge towards the temple. Near the base there is vegetation and rocks behind which you can hide. The northern base has a better chance of occupying advantageous positions near the foot of the mountain. Also near the southern base there is an uneven surface that you can hide behind. The temple sector consists of wooden structures made in the Korean style with a high foundation. After the house is destroyed, you can hide the bottom sheet on the foundation. Also near the temple there is vegetation and balconies from which you can shoot through most of the map.

Light tanks

Light tanks can be used in active light tactics and can also be used in passive illumination. The tactic of light tanks is to stand in the bushes to highlight enemy tanks. The first tactic is to go to the temple to highlight the enemies there, and there you can stand under the balcony to highlight the tanks standing in the bushes. The second tactic is to stand near the central mountain to highlight enemies guiding into the temple and guiding along the mountainside. The next tactic is very dangerous: you will need to drive through the central sector to the enemy base to illuminate and destroy artillery and try to get back without being destroyed.

Medium tanks

Medium tanks have the main goal of capturing the temple to further advance towards the enemy base. If you lose in the temple, then it is worth driving back so that the allied tanks can stop the enemy attack. The next tactic is to stand near the central mountain to hold and highlight enemies and then go behind enemy lines. If possible, it is worth helping heavy tanks near the mountainside.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks have their main sector on the mountainside. This is where the close combat takes place. The meeting place for heavy tanks takes place in squares C2 and C3. There are pants with access to the central sector. Whoever takes the pants first has the advantage of holding these sectors. You should be wary of enemy tanks that may come to the rear along the road along the mountain embankment. Sometimes heavy tanks are sent to the temple, but this does not bring much benefit, since you will be illuminated by enemy tanks and then the artillery and tank destroyers stationed at the base will come down on you.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery units are used for defense and support. Some of the tank destroyers remain near the base, while the other goes to the temple. The tank destroyers that remain near the base stand in the bushes for camouflage. When you take the temple, you are given a large part of the map, which can decide the outcome of the battle. Armored anti-tank self-propelled artillery units can assist heavy tanks near the mountainside or take up a support position.

The artillery remains near the base and stands in the bushes. The northern base also has the advantage of a ravine where you can stand so that you are not illuminated by light tanks from afar. This ravine also gives disadvantages and reduces the shooting range. Artillery sweeps most of the map. It will be more difficult to hit near the mountainside, but it is possible from both sides. It is always worth looking at the mini-map; a light tank may drive towards you through the central sector.

Counter battle tactics

In a counter battle, the players positioned themselves symmetrically. They are located on the mountainside in squares E2 and D8. The main battles now take place in the middle of the mountainside in squares B4 and C6. The base itself is located in square H7. There are rocks near the base that you can hide behind. The base is under fire from the temple and where the southern base used to be located. To hide there, it is better to have a small tank size. Now the center of the map comes to life more, because now you can go behind enemy lines through it.

Light tanks

Light tanks are sent to the base and stand up for capture. They can also try to stand under the balconies from the temple and the southern base in a standard battle, thanks to this you can highlight the enemies on the balcony. A dangerous tactic is to drive through the central sector to an enemy spawn where there is artillery so you can destroy or illuminate it.

Medium tanks

Medium tanks have the main task of holding and shooting down bases until heavy tanks take the sector near the foot of the mountain. Medium tanks should not stand up for capture; tank destroyers and artillery can cause damage to you. Also, medium tanks can try to take the enemy balcony so that your allies can stand up to capture the base in safety. Medium tanks can also try to drive behind enemy lines through the central sector near the mountainside.

Heavy tanks

The battle tactics of heavy tanks have not changed. They, as in a standard battle, are fighting near the mountainside. Only now they were transported to the middle of the slope. It is worth making every effort to capture or hold this sector. If one of the teams loses this sector, a road will open to your balconies where allied tanks are stationed. So it's worth fighting until the last tank. Now you should be very afraid of artillery, now it fires at you directly.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery mounts

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery installations have two directions: the base and the mountainside. It is advisable to distribute evenly. A tank destroyer with good one-time damage and good armor, and with good penetration to the base, but these are approximate instructions. It is worth mainly helping heavy tanks.

Self-propelled artillery units

The artillery mostly remains near the base. Fast artillery is sent to the temple and the southern base. Artillery's main goal is to help heavy tanks near the mountainside. Positions near the base are dangerous because of this, tanks stand near tank destroyers. Always look at the mini map.

Screenshot gallery

History of changes


  • // WoT 0.8.6 - new map “Sacred Valley”, screenshots



Karelia Malinovka Prokhorovka Lasville Ensk Murovanka Mines Cliff Monastery Steppes Pass Fjords Redshire Fisherman's Bay Ruinberg

Map view of the Sacred Valley

The map is quite open, but hilly. In the center of the map there is a ruined castle, around which there is a village resembling buildings of oriental (Chinese, Japanese, etc.) architecture. Around the village rise steep mountains, which beckon players with an abundance of their most wonderful positions, which not very, say, straight-armed guys don’t even know about.

Typical random battle tactics

Let's first take a look at the card itself and what it is!
The bases are located on both sides along the perimeter of the map. Combat actions always take place in familiar standard places. Always at the beginning of the battle, 90-95% of the composition of both teams go to these familiar places and only a few individuals can shake up what they have in their heads and climb into those places from where they are difficult to get and where they can inflict a large amount without any fear.

Where is he shooting from? - Cool dives!

Let's now talk about how to inflict a large amount of damage without exposing yourself to enemy fire, as efficiently as possible. We all know that the most important thing for a good and effective fight is choosing the right position. This factor plays the most important role in every battle. And I want to tell you about a few of these niggles.

Position A3

The first position is located in square A3. Getting here is very easy and quick! On site there is a full view of 2 directions of fire, and a tree and a house reliably hide your tank from enemies (even from artillery). The only nuance of all these positions is that your tank should be as light and fast as possible. M8A1, T67, Helket, RU251, Chaffee are best suited for this. There are many other tanks that are capable of conquering these peaks, but I’m afraid they simply don’t need it. From these positions you can both shoot damage and .

Arrival point at the position. From acceleration we simply fly up the hill, and then up the wall!

The most cherished position! Beware of enemy PTs that are standing near the enemy base and work on light LT!

Position E0

The second position is located in square E0. Just like the previous position, it is very easy to climb to it. It’s true that there is a certain danger here from enemy artillery, but this is not such a big problem if you position yourself correctly and don’t twitch too much so that you don’t get exposed! Also, on the other side of the same hill, you can work out the second direction of attack from your base, thereby reliably keeping it under protection.

The view from the position of the enemy horizon is simply gorgeous!

Position J9

The third position is located in square J9. Enter it from the second position E0. We rise to the second position, and then go into free slalom along the snow-covered hills down line 9 towards square J9.

View from a position of absolutely all main directions in battle!

First line of shooting!

The second line of fire in the village near the bridge near the castle!

The third line of fire to the control points, where enemy tanks are usually located at the descent to the path leading under the bridge to the castle!

The fourth shooting line in case the enemy has pushed in the opposite direction and is trying to come at you from behind from your base!

Position F7

Well, the final position is located in square F7. This hill in the center of the map has many steep positions from which you can practice absolutely all directions on the map for a full 360 degrees. The hill is quite flat, so you can cross in any direction without much difficulty! There's just one thing. Don't go into the castle itself! You won't see anything from there, and climbing the mountain back from the castle is quite problematic! You can also go to the castle wall, only there is a great danger from enemy artillery, for which you are a tasty morsel and easy prey there. Go to the wall only if you are 100% sure that they will not hand you a big “suitcase” and send you to rest in a warm region called the Hangar, drinking a cocktail of anger and hatred for “one-button machines”!

View of the position itself! Your tank is securely hidden in dense thickets of bushes and in order to spot you, the enemy needs to try very hard!

The enemy does not see me, even though he is already dangerously close to me. But I can confidently fire at the enemy using my own light, relying on my own. In the same way, you can move to any other direction and conduct confident control fire on enemy forces from shelters and holes on the hill, without fear of being overexposed, since rarely does anyone drive up to the center of the map.


In conclusion, I would like to clearly show you one of these positions and what you can do when choosing the right position! You can see how these tips work for you and what results you can achieve with their help. I hope my story will not be in vain and someone will take note of this. Always remember that there is only one warrior in the field, if he is properly tailored! You can always turn the outcome of the battle in your favor thanks to these nuances and correct positions.

Dear friends, team site again presents to your attention a review another World of Tanks game location. Today we will analyze a rather complex and ambiguous map - Sacred Valley wot.

General information.

Picture 1. Minimap.

The wot map Sacred Valley was introduced into the game in version 0.8.6 and after that it was constantly under the special control of the developers. She underwent several major changes, was removed from the game for a long time, and now, not so long ago, she reappeared in the random pool in a new guise. The map has a standard size of 1000*1000 meters, is available for battles of levels 4 - 11 in the only mode of random battles - standard battle. This is a winter map and winter camouflage will be used here.

The map's terrain is one of the most difficult in the game. This is due to the fact that there is practically no level space in the Sacred Valley: constant elevation changes, hills, rocks, as well as various buildings (both destructible and non-destructible). In addition, it is worth noting that artillery has a very difficult time here, since there are very few shots fired, and a stray firefly is able to slip through to self-propelled gun positions at the beginning of the battle.

Take a look at the key components of the Sacred Valley map:

Picture 2. Legend.

If you look closely at the map, you will see how many key components are crammed here, but in order not to overload your pristine brain, I will try to explain them to you as simply as possible. Understanding the map in our game is an extremely important and decisive skill for any player.

  1. Lower base. It is on the rise relative to the rest of the map, but has several races at once. The perimeter is surrounded by several hills with dense vegetation, where tank destroyers are often used. However, these positions acquire a special role only during a breakthrough from the right flank or center. At the base itself there are a couple of destructible houses, which, nevertheless, are capable of covering tanks when they capture the base. Apart from this, on the Sacred Valley the artillerymen do not have any other positions and almost always stand behind the base.
  2. Gorge or left flank. The Sacred Valley wot map has two main, but very large and extended flanks. The gorge is one of them and its main part is the center of the gorge, highlighted in a circle. There are a huge number of passages, drives and shelters (including from artillery, which practically does not shoot through here). The relief of the gorge is endlessly stretching, low rocks. The top respawn team has an advantage here, but only due to the fact that most random players do not understand one simple nuance, which we will discuss below. Basically, the winner here is the team that will occupy as many passages as possible, which will allow them to disperse the attention of opponents and fire from unexpected places. Absolutely all classes of equipment can find application in the gorge.
  3. Center of the map. Located on a lower level than the rest of the map, on the lowland level number 6. It is characterized by many hills, buildings (mostly destructible) and practically does not provide any successful tactics for the game, since both main flanks are separated from center by various obstacles. Can be used at the end of the fight, as this is the closest path between two respawns. However, in the center of this part of the map there is a high rock from which you can play, but not always successfully. However, the presence of at least one tank here will protect your team from a light tank breaking through to your artillery.
  4. Upper base. Situated on uneven hilly terrain with a large number of destructible buildings. Defeating this base is easier than the lower one due to its location in direct visibility from the team’s main shelters. The artillery here is also located, as a rule, behind the base, behind a hill that completely hides them.
  5. Central rock. From the lower part, it is closed by stone walls, but does not have any entrances or passages anywhere. It has no gameplay value, except for the ability to hide from artillery at the foot of a high cliff, in case of emergency. However, some inquisitive minds have found options for racing it on certain tanks, but you don’t need to know about it, and you don’t need it.

    Further points 6, 7, 8, 9- these are elements of different meanings and we will analyze them separately, but all of them, taken together, form a single right flank. The second main and no less huge flank on this map consists of several elements and provides many gaming opportunities. The main part of the right flank is the temple, highlighted in a green circle.

  6. Lowland. An extended part of the right flank, almost from base to base. It is the lowest place on the map. In rare cases, through the lowland it is possible to support an attack on the right flank, but this is not the main direction.
  7. Climb. Here is a convenient position for highlighting passing enemies from both respawns. Strongly turreted tanks with excellent vertical aiming angles can successfully fight here. From this rise it is possible to drive onto the bridge (numbered 8), which leads to the main direction - the temple (numbered 9).
  8. Bridge. It does not have any gameplay function, except for one very important one - through passage between the rise and the temple. However, it should be remembered that the bridge is subject to fire from both artillery and any other tanks, which means that the bridge must be used with special care.
  9. Temple. It is the most important part of the right flank and its center, circled. The second crowd of your team should be concentrated here. The temple is located on a hill, relative to the lowland, and you have to go uphill to get here. As a rule, the battle here is fought by fast and maneuverable tanks, which are able to drive to high ground without losing hit points along the way. There are several large buildings in the temple area, most of which are not destroyed. Behind these buildings you can hide from the gaze of all-seeing artillerymen and exchange fire with the enemy.

So, how to play on the Sacred Valley wot map? Let's try to figure it out.

Picture 3. Positions and directions.

Unfortunately, there is no single tactic on the Sacred Valley map and you will have to act with an eye on your allies, but keeping in mind several nuances that will help you win.

As you can see, there are a lot of possible or probable options for fighting in the Sacred Valley. The map is oversaturated with tricky passages and unexpected places for attack. This makes it very difficult for inexperienced players to understand the map, and therefore I will conditionally divide all attack options into three parts:

  1. Red direction. The most difficult and confusing direction is along the left flank. There are an incredible number of narrow passages between the rocks and you can play in almost all passages. The main goal of the teams here is the central part, to control which it is still necessary to capture all the passages leading there in order to avoid being hit in the back. The top spawn team has some conditional advantage: the fact is that they don’t have to think where to go, everything is intuitive, but the bottom spawn team must control the area marked with an exclamation mark on a yellow background! It is very important. If the bottom team does not control this area, then the tanks in the center of the gorge will simply go into the stern and be shot from both sides. Thus, the bottom team needs to use their brains a little to create balance on this flank. In fact, everything is simple, but in random games players often don’t see this and drain the gorge.

    The top respawn team moves along the left flank along points that simultaneously serve as defense lines. Fast tanks move out of the direction and go around the gorge from the rear. The lower respawn team is directed to the gorge following the arrows, and positions 1 and 2 serve as defense lines. It is mandatory to control the area with an exclamation mark, as I wrote above.

  2. Blue direction. A completely optional direction that you can quit. In any case, it is impossible to develop a successful attack from here. It’s worth driving here for one or two tanks, clinging under the rock marked with the number 0 on a blue background. There are no good shooting opportunities from here, but you can catch enemy fireflies here. In addition, the allied fireflies, having guessed the right moment, can slip through to the artillery positions here.
  3. Yellow direction. Everything here is somewhat simpler than with the gorge. Fast, strong-turreted tanks can take up positions on the rise, from which they can illuminate and shoot at passing enemies. Attention, you shouldn’t try to drive more than two tanks here, you simply won’t fit in! It makes no sense to drive through the lowlands under the bridge, since there are no shelters here and you will be in full view of your opponents. Most of your group, who arrived on the right flank, should go up to the Temple and fight here. Again, many random players mistakenly believe that the top spawn team has an advantage here, which is completely wrong. On the right flank, both teams have the same capabilities and the advantage is only due to a larger number of tanks or personal skills.

In addition, there are certain standard artillery positions (brown areas near the base) and Tank destroyer(purple areas, from which it is convenient only to defend, but not to support the attack).

In custody.

This concludes our review of a very ambiguous and difficult map, and the main thing that can be highlighted is a slight imbalance in the balance in favor of the upper respawn. There is nothing critical about this, however, it is not pleasant. Let's wait and hope that sooner or later the developers will pay attention to this.