How to make a spring-vacuum crossbow. Making a spring crossbow Homemade crossbow for spearfishing

If you don’t want to buy an expensive crossbow (and prices sometimes exceed $1000), you can make a crossbow with your own hands. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The design of the crossbow is quite simple. A crossbow can be made from what is at hand, replacing missing materials with similar ones. A homemade crossbow is quite suitable for target shooting.

General view of a crossbow that you can make with your own hands according to drawings

The design of this crossbow uses the developments of manufacturers in the field of weapons. The drawings show a crossbow of a block design. If you follow the instructions and observe all the dimensions, you can make a high-quality and good crossbow with your own hands, even at home

General diagram of a homemade crossbow assembly:

To begin with, it is advisable to carefully study the drawings of the crossbow and begin assembling it yourself. Making a crossbow with your own hands is not an easy task. But this increases interest in work! After all, a homemade crossbow can bring great joy and respect to the performer.

Crossbow structure: stock, shoulders, butt, trigger mechanism, sighting devices, block system. To make the stock, natural wood, solid or laminated timber, mainly hardwood, is used. The exact dimensions of the crossbow can be seen in the drawings. You choose the shape of the crossbow yourself, guided by the convenience and ergonomics of the stock and the desired image. When choosing, you must also consider whether you can make such a form correctly.

Crossbow shoulders and deck drawing:

The use of a small arms stock can significantly reduce labor costs for the manufacture of a crossbow. The main thing is to choose the right size. The trace of the trunk left in such a stock must be hammered in with wooden blocks, firmly seated with epoxy glue. The butt and under-barrel pad of a crossbow can also be made of wood. The stock will be attached to the guide and serve as the basis for the trigger mechanism.

Butt drawing:

Offered for DIY assembly, the crossbow has a block design. This allows you to compensate for the load when cocking the bowstring and maintain power. Compound crossbows are the most popular among hunters because... You can carry a crossbow in a cocked state for quite a long time. Horton actively uses this design in the production of its crossbows.

Drawing of block assembly parts:

Pay special attention to the processing of the arrow guides and bowstring. The clarity of their finish greatly influences shooting accuracy. The guide lines must be perfectly straight and smooth. The best choice would be grinding on a milling machine and subsequent processing with fine-grain sandpaper. Next comes polishing the guides. You can see the dimensions of the boom guide groove in the drawings. The crosspiece, with the shoulders attached to it, is installed at the end of the stock. It is usually made from an aluminum billet. Wood can also serve as a suitable material.

A crossbow sight must consist of a rear sight and a front sight. You can also install an optical sight on the crossbow, providing a mount for the aiming bar. Vertical adjustments are made entirely, mounted on the cover of the trigger mechanism, and horizontal ones - with a front sight mounted on the bracket of the elastic element.

There can be many design options for sights and sighting devices for a crossbow, depending on the possibility of manufacturing, the availability of ready-made sights from conventional weapons (air rifles), etc.

It should be borne in mind that the flight path of a crossbow arrow (crossbow bolt) is quite high, so the rear sight must be installed significantly higher than the front sight. The angle of elevation of the aiming line depends on the weight of the arrow, the tension of the string, the shooting distance, etc. In our crossbow at a distance of 50 m it is approximately 6°.

Convenient are the designs of the rear sight, which allow it to be removed or folded during transportation. It will also be convenient if the rear sight can be adjusted manually by raising or lowering the bar. Thus, you will be able to target the crossbow under different conditions (distance to target, weight of the arrow).

The crossbow, the manufacture of which is described above, is designed for shooting bolts with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 450-470 mm. You can easily make them yourself from a duralumin tube with a wall thickness of 0.5 mm. The tip and liner are attached to the bolt in front, and the feathering is attached to the back, just as they do for archery. It should be borne in mind that the shank of a bolt for a crossbow, unlike an arrow for a bow, should not have a cutout for the bowstring; it should be flat. It can be carved from wood in the form of a cork and inserted into the end of the tube, having previously been lubricated with glue.

This article provides an overview of a video on making a compact but quite powerful spring crossbow. Let us note right away that we do not encourage the production and further use of such homemade products for illegal purposes. All materials are provided for informational purposes only.

We will need:
- long wooden plank;
- furniture corners;
- wooden plank 1.5 cm thick and 4.5 cm wide;
- 2 strips of 14 cm in length;
- metal tube;
- rollers;
- springs;

At one end of the long wooden plank, which will serve as the basis for the future crossbow, we attach two furniture corners.

Next, take a short wooden plank 1.5 cm thick and 4.5 cm wide, make holes along the edges and fasten it to the base at a mark of 10 cm from the edge.

The next thing is to take two 14-centimeter strips and make holes, securing steel wires for the springs. These slats will become the arms of the crossbow.

We also make holes at the edges of the plates to secure the crossbow's arms.

To reduce friction in the moving parts of the structure, the author of the idea advises cutting a small bushing from a metal tube to fit the diameter of the bolts.

The cut-out sleeve must be threaded into the outer holes of the 14-centimeter strips.

At the other ends of the same planks we make another hole for the rollers.

We install and fix in the holes made rollers, which can be purchased at the car market and which we have repeatedly used in similar homemade products.

Now you need to attach the shoulders to the crossbow base.

Next, we take short but maximally powerful springs and fasten them with one end to the wires on the shoulders, and the other to the steel corners. The author claims that such springs can also be purchased on the automotive market.

Next, take another piece of the plank and attach two rollers along the edges.

We install this design on the basis of a crossbow.

We take another long bar and attach it between the shoulders on the base. This bar will serve as a guide.

If desired, you can add two more corners to rest your feet.

You can start working on the trigger mechanism. To do this, put on the bowstring and pull it all the way, making a mark at the end point.

We make a cutout on the planks along the mark.

You can learn how to make a trigger mechanism from previous articles on making weapons.

A hunting crossbow is an excellent weapon for catching food in the forest, as well as a means of survival in extreme conditions. It differs from a conventional bow in more accurate aiming, better striking power and ease of use due to the presence of a trigger mechanism. The advantage of such a weapon compared to others is that it can be made independently, you do not need to obtain a special permit for it, like for a gun, and the simplest crossbow can be made with your own hands in a matter of minutes, if time is pressing. Disadvantages include the time required to reload, as well as the short distance for sighting on the target.

A homemade crossbow allows you to hunt any game, from small to large animals. The hunting crossbow has the following design:

  • The base to which the remaining elements with a guide bar will be attached. This bar determines the flight path of the bolt (arrow).
  • Shoulders, or bow: determines the strength of the shot.
  • The block that attaches the base to the bow.
  • Trigger mechanism.
  • Bowstring.
Drawings of a hunting crossbow

The base is carved from durable wood, but not heavy, so that your hands do not get tired of carrying a weapon. The ideal base materials are beech and walnut. In the wild there is no time to cut out a beautiful base, but you need to try to make it as convenient as possible for yourself. The guide bar is a groove where the arrow will be placed. It should not create friction when the bolt (arrow) moves, so after attaching it, you need to use sandpaper or a polishing wheel to polish its surface. You can make it separately using a metal tube cut in half, but when traveling, it’s easier to cut a deep trench at the base of the structure. It is better if the stock and the guide are separated from each other.

The arms of a crossbow are an important structural part. A simple do-it-yourself crossbow has a classic bow design: the string is statically attached to the shoulders, transferring the force of the shot from them to the arrow. To make a bow, you need to use flexible wood that will hold its shape without breaking from numerous bends: ash, maple, acacia. The shoulders are hewn out with a knife symmetrically and in such a way that their base has a larger diameter in girth than the edges. At the edges you need to cut out fastenings for the bowstring. To attach the bow to the base, you need to make a block.

Usually the block for attaching the base and bow is made of metal. In field conditions there is no such possibility, so the simplest model of a hunting crossbow can have a wooden block. For this you need a strong tree, ideally oak. The block is attached to the base, then the bow is attached. Everything is connected into a single structure using self-tapping screws, nails, or strong rope.

To fire a shot, you need to make a trigger mechanism. In order to integrate the trigger, you need to make a vertical slot in the base. A retaining bar should be attached over this slot to prevent the bowstring from accidentally slipping off.

For the bowstring you need to use a material that is strong but not too elastic. Suitable materials for this include: fabric, wire, fibrous plants, bark, horsehair, animal tendons or skin. Using these materials, you need to weave a bowstring using the braid method; hair, leather and tendons can be used in their original form. Once the bowstring is in place, the homemade crossbow for hunting is ready.

Instead of arrows, like a bow, bolts are used here, which have greater lethality. They are made from durable and elastic material. The bolt must have a perfect shape, and the center of gravity should be in the first third of the shaft. All bolts must be the same length and weight, otherwise the results from the shots will always be different. Good bolts are made from fiberglass telescopic rods. The tip is made of a metal sheet, cut with metal scissors. The tip is lubricated with epoxy glue and inserted into the cut at the end of the shaft.

Homemade crossbow for spearfishing

There is an opinion that what is often mistakenly called an “underwater crossbow” is rather a weapon that operates on the principle of a slingshot for underwater fishing. A crossbow is not suitable for underwater hunting, since the resistance of the water will not allow you to make a successful shot. However, you can build a homemade crossbow for underwater hunting in the sense that you can use it to shoot fish from above, in shallow water, and underwater.

Homemade underwater crossbow (in the process of making)

A homemade underwater crossbow is, essentially, a rubber shotgun. There are also pneumatic weapons, but assembling them yourself is difficult and requires special skills and abilities.

Underwater weapons consist of the following structural elements:

  • Lever
  • The basis
  • Trigger
  • Headband
  • Rubber bands and hook

The principle of operation of the device is that the projectile pushes the harpoon and returns it back through rubber bands. The trunk can be cylindrical or irregular in shape. Its task is not only to hold the guide, but also to resist the bending loads created by the rubber bands.

The underwater crossbow guide serves to stabilize the position of the harpoon. It is better to make it from an aluminum pipe divided into two parts. One of them needs to be attached to the head of the gun, the second - at a distance of about 10 cm from it. The harpoon should pass through them without hindrance. The headband can be open or closed. In the first case, ring cords are attached, in the second - paired ones. When using ring rubber bands, the acceleration of the harpoon will be greater than with pairs. Unbalanced power of the strands will either not create enough force to launch the harpoon, or will create excessive stress on the bending of the barrel. The rods must be attached on each side to the coil holder, secured with clamps. The second end of the strands must be passed through a special ring; it will be more convenient to shoot with it.

Depending on the size and power of the weapon, the harpoon has different lengths and thickness. The hooks on it are of the cut or sharpfin type. The dihedral shape of the harpoon blunts less, while the trihedral shape has a higher penetrating ability. The design of the handle on a homemade crossbow is an individual matter; it may not exist. If you plan to hunt large fish, you must have a reel. It is most convenient to install the coil in the front end of the barrel.

A spring crossbow differs from a regular crossbow in that it is fired due to the elasticity of the bow. To make such a model, you can use available materials: a spring mesh from an old bed, a spring processed with a grinder, shock absorbers from bicycle wheels. The spring of this type of crossbow can be located inside the stock; there can be two of them for each shoulder or one for both shoulders. The spring inside the stock is small in size; such a weapon is convenient to carry and use in the forest. The spring can be used not only for tension, but also for compression, and by increasing the number of turns, you can adjust the tension force of the bowstring. A spring projectile can be built if you slightly re-equip your crossbow with a conventional device.

A hunting crossbow is a fairly effective weapon, which, if necessary, can serve as a worthy replacement for a rifle. The main advantage of the weapon is its silent shooting. Therefore, when using it, it is quite difficult to scare the animal.

Design features

What does a hunting crossbow consist of? The photos presented in this material allow us to see that the following components can be distinguished in it:

  1. The body is the main power unit, which bears the load when lowering the bowstring. Serves as a basis for installing functional parts.
  2. Blocks are part of the structure for installing bowstring tension arcs.
  3. The stock is the part of the crossbow that is used to place the arrow.
  4. The bowstring is a functional part that serves to propel the projectiles used.
  5. The shoulders are an elastic structural element that releases energy when the bowstring is pulled.
  6. A stirrup is a part that makes loading a crossbow easier.
  7. The trigger mechanism is a device due to which the lock opens and the bowstring is released when fired.
  8. Sight - mounted on the crossbow to facilitate aiming at the target.

Hunting crossbow with wooden shoulders

It is the simplest design. As follows from the definition, the shoulders here are made of wood. Such a crossbow cannot be called a model of reliability. Products in this category are frankly short-lived and therefore are not in very high demand. Most often, such a hunting crossbow is used as a collectible, decorative weapon.

Crossbow with metal arcs

An extremely common option. Hunters pay attention to such crossbows because they demonstrate high power when shooting. Hunting bows and crossbows with metal arches are suitable not only for training, but also for use in the field when tracking down prey. For manufacturing, both solid arcs and composite structures are used, which are assembled from several symmetrical parts.

Recurve crossbow

Classic version with curved shoulders. Such a hunting crossbow is an extremely easy-to-handle and convenient device to use. It has small dimensions and improved characteristics. Easily disassembled and transported.

Recurve crossbows contain reinforced arms, the tension force of which can reach about 50 kg. This, in turn, opens up the possibility of hunting small and large animals.

Compound crossbow

The design includes a whole system of eccentrics, thanks to which the process of loading the weapon is facilitated and the acceleration of the arrow is ensured. Compared to recurve models, a compound hunting crossbow is more compact. The power figures here are also excellent.

Small dimensions are ensured by installing short arcs. The use of this solution makes it easier for the weapon owner to overcome areas covered with thickets and bushes.

The characteristics of a block-type hunting crossbow provide simple cocking of the bowstring and insignificant recoil, which is achieved due to the rational distribution of the force vector.


  • due to their reduced dimensions, they are extremely convenient for transportation;
  • have high power and allow you to hit targets at both medium and long distances;
  • have lower destructive power compared to block systems, but throw arrows at a higher speed;
  • in addition to arrows, they can fire darts, harpoons, and metal balls.


The main feature of crossbow shooting is a significant shift in the aiming line. In other words, after firing the shot, the fired projectile begins to gravitate towards the ground quite quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to install optics with a special crossbow reticle on such weapons. To effectively target a target, it is enough to equip crossbows with optical sights with 4x zoom.

Some hunters prefer collimator systems, which also prove to be quite effective. Moreover, this option makes it possible to hunt both during the day and in the evening. Collimator sights are extremely convenient to use when aiming at moving targets.

DIY hunting crossbow

Having decided on the necessary parameters and characteristics of the future weapon, it is worth moving on to developing the appropriate drawing. You can use a ready-made diagram as a sample or create one yourself. Be that as it may, a home-made hunting crossbow will ultimately have to be customized to suit you.

When preparing a drawing, you should focus not only on personal wishes, but also take into account the availability of the necessary materials, based on their cost, and the complexity of processing.

How to make a hunting crossbow with your own hands? Usually, to begin with, a stock is prepared, onto which the shoulders, stirrup, guide, and trigger are subsequently attached. Arcs are a difficult element to make on your own. Therefore, in some cases it is better to purchase them ready-made.

They will help you make hunting drawings, examples of which are shown in the photos below.


The base on which the stock and shoulders of the product are fixed is the body. It is advisable to cut it from a metal blank with a thickness of about 2.5-3 mm.

The crossbow stock is fixed in the central part of the body and at the end using bolts. The use of such a solution facilitates the rapid assembly of weapons to bring them into combat condition and disassembly during transportation.

A stirrup is welded to the body at the bottom. The latter makes it possible to hold the crossbow with your foot when the bowstring is pulled. It is recommended to use wire with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm as the material for making stirrups.


The material for manufacturing the structural element can be a car spring. In such metal arms, semicircular recesses are made for bolts, with the help of which the part will be screwed to the body.

There is a widespread opinion that the use of metal springs as the basis for making shoulders is a rather dangerous decision. And in fact, when using a homemade crossbow in conditions of low ambient temperature, the likelihood of the part breaking increases, especially at the fastening points. Such cases are accompanied by the release of small fragments. Therefore, you should apply the idea at your own peril and risk.


Ready-made drawings of a hunting crossbow often include block devices. The latter ease the tension and give an advantage in strength. It is easier to put such a crossbow into combat condition than by simply connecting the ends of the bowstring to the ends of the arms. Moreover, during the descent, the starting speed of the arrow increases, which is reflected in the increase in the range of the weapon. The main disadvantage of installing a block system is the complexity of manufacturing and the increase in the overall weight of the crossbow.


As a bowstring, you can use a metal cable with a diameter of about 2-3 mm. A thicker string will be more difficult to attach to a weapon, and a thin one will begin to stretch as the product is used.

To fix the bowstring at the ends of the arms, it is enough to make a regular loop. It is better to place pieces of leather or any other dense material under the cable fastenings. This solution allows you to avoid chafing of the bowstring when in contact with metal shoulders.


To make the part, you can use an easily processed wooden blank in the form of a board about 30 mm thick. It is worth noting that, despite the high strength indicators, oak is not very suitable for these purposes due to its significant weight. As for spruce and pine, the latter are not sufficiently resistant to mechanical damage and warp when in contact with moisture. Therefore, the type of wood should be selected depending on the goals and conditions of future use of the crossbow.

How to make a hunting crossbow truly practical? During manufacturing, special attention should be paid to the guide in the form of a groove for the arrow, which you should try to make as even, smooth and polished as possible. The condition of the groove largely affects the accuracy of shooting. It is advisable that the width of the stock be equal to the diameter of the arrows used. You can cut it using a circular saw.

It is rational to use a spring as a means of holding the arrow, which will press the projectile to the stock and will not allow the latter to slip out of the groove before firing.


The material used to manufacture the part will be sheet iron. It is desirable that its thickness be at least 6-7 mm. The mechanism drawing is presented in the following diagram:

All parts are placed directly into the stock. Here a special nest is cut out, through holes are made under the axes of the mechanism, onto which the trigger elements are subsequently installed. An example of setting the trigger is shown in the figure below.

Sighting optics

Factory optics from firearms can be used as a crossbow sight. A fairly practical solution is to use a front and rear sight. Using the latter, you can make vertical corrections. It is convenient to make horizontal adjustments using a front sight mounted at the intersection of the shoulders and the stock.

To ensure ease of transportation of the crossbow, it is worth making the sighting device removable. To do this, you can install a so-called Picatinny rail on the weapon, which makes it possible to mount individual factory-assembled sights.


Making and operating a hunting crossbow with your own hands is a rather radical solution. Often, in the absence of experience in this type of activity, the quality and reliability of a homemade device leaves much to be desired. In reality, even crossbows of the budget category, factory-made, the cost of which is about 3000-4000 rubles, turn out to be much more effective, convenient and practical compared to the creations of your own hands.

As you can see, making a hunting crossbow is quite possible. However, by purchasing a weapon in a specialized store, the user receives guarantees of its safety and reliability of assembly. When using a homemade crossbow, you can only rely on yourself.

Dear lovers of homemade weapons, today I want to present to your attention not an ordinary crossbow that uses mechanical tension on the shoulders to throw an arrow, but something completely different. Namely, a spring-vacuum crossbow that can be used not only for ground hunting, but also for underwater hunting. It is compact, convenient, allows you to hunt in dense vegetation, vacuum energy greatly increases the range and speed of the arrow. Diagrams of this weapon were found on the Internet.

First, let's touch on a brief description of the crossbow's design. This weapon has the following main components and mechanisms: crossbow stock 1 (fig. 1; 3), shoulders, which are fixed motionless in the front part of the crossbow stock strictly perpendicular to its axis 2 (fig. 1; 2), rotating guides, bowstring straightening mechanism . In the lower part of the crossbow stock, blocks are fixedly fixed: receiving blocks 3 (Fig. 2), which are secured using an angle 4 (Fig. 2) to the underside of the shoulders. Moreover, the angle between this pair of blocks should be strictly ninety degrees. Guide blocks 5 (Fig. 2) fixed through the stirrup 6 (Fig. 1; 4) in front of the vertical plane of the crossbow arms. Another pair of blocks is bowstring 7 (Fig. 1; 2; 3), they are located at the edges of the crossbow shoulders. Through these outer blocks there passes a cable 8 (Fig. 1; 2; 4), which actually is the bowstring 9 (Fig. 1; 2). On the crossbow stock itself there is a special mechanism that holds the bowstring 10 (Fig. 1). Stops 11 are attached to the bottom of the bed; 12 (Fig. 3). Between them there is a pipe 13 (Fig. 3; 4; 5), in which the spring-vacuum mechanism is located.

Now let's see how this mechanism works. First, let's analyze the structure of this mechanism for compression. Inside the through pipe 13 (Fig. 3; 4; 5) there is a helical compression spring 14 (Fig. 4; 5) and a vacuum piston 15 (Fig. 4; 5). Two parallel cables 8 (Fig. 4; 5) are rigidly attached to this piston, which are threaded through a spring. At the end of the pipe there is a rubber gasket, the so-called emergency shock absorber 16 (Fig. 4; 5). There is also a fuse 17 (Fig.5).

In the sealed chamber of pipe 22 there is a pump 19 for pumping out excess air and changing the power of the weapon, plus a pressure gauge for the vacuum chamber 20, which shows what kind of rarefaction there is in the chamber, and an instant discharge valve 21, which serves to ensure the safety of the cocked weapon. When it opens, the pressure in the chamber will be equal to atmospheric pressure and a spontaneous shot will not occur.

As you can see from the description of the device, the weapon is quite serious and to make it yourself, you need to invest a lot of work and brains.

How does this unique weapon work?

When we pull the string 9 -> 9a (Fig. 1), the cables pull the piston back. The blocks begin to rotate, guiding the cable. At the same time, the volume of the vacuum chamber increases and, as a result of this increase, the vacuum of air in the chamber increases. The piston moves until it is blocked by the fuse.

To fire a shot, turn off the safety, the string 9 -> 9a (Fig. 1) is released and the spring begins to move the piston forward, which pulls the cables 8, the blocks, rotating, direct the cable, the string 9 -> 9a (Fig. 1) sharply straightens up and fires. Compressed air is released into the decompression hole located at stop 12. If the arms have a span of forty centimeters, and the bowstring has a working stroke of thirty centimeters, then the working stroke of the spring will be equal to seventeen centimeters.

Unfortunately, I was able to find detailed diagrams of the design of a vacuum-spring crossbow, but without any specific dimensions. Therefore, not every homemade person can make this weapon, but only those who have some technical knowledge and design thinking. Good luck in your endeavors.

Figure 1 - crossbow top view.

Figure 2 - front view of the crossbow.

Fig.3 - crossbow side view.

Figure 4 - crossbow view from below. (the pipe is not shown in the diagram)

Fig.5 - spring mechanism in operation with a compression spring

Fig.6 - spring mechanism in operation with a tension spring

Figure 7 - action of the mechanism using the operation of a vacuum chamber

1 - crossbow stock, 2 - crossbow fixed arms, 3 - receiving pair of blocks, 4 - corner, 5 - guide pair of blocks, 6 - stirrup, 7 - string-forming pair of blocks, 8 - cable, 9 - cable-string, 10 - mechanism bowstring hold, 11 - stop, 12 - stop, 13 - pipe, 14 - compression spring, 15 - piston, 16 - rubber emergency shock absorber, 17 - fuse, 19 - additional air pump, 20 - vacuum pressure gauge, 21 - instant valve discharge, 22 - sealed vacuum chamber


The article is a rewrite. The administrator is not responsible for the accuracy of the information. Everything you do, you do at your own peril and risk