How to make tickets for a visa without paying. Book air tickets online without paying Aeroflot. Principle of booking tickets

A trip turns from a dream into a reality when the first expenses begin. If you are going to travel on your own, your expenses will begin with the purchase of tickets: this gives you confidence and is required by the embassy for a visa. Tickets are expensive, and there is also fear - what if a visa is not issued? what if the children get sick before the trip? What if cheaper options appear later? All this can be solved by booking tickets for free.

There are several benefits at once: you don’t have to shell out a lot of money at once, you can easily cancel the trip or exchange tickets for more convenient ones. Kidpassage figured out where it’s easiest to make a reservation and how else you can purchase tickets without extra expenses.

Is it possible to book a plane ticket without paying?

Without going into details for now, we will answer: yes, you can book a plane ticket for free. There are several ways to do this - we will describe them in the article. But there are several nuances here, knowledge of which cannot be avoided.

Firstly, you can book a ticket at a relatively short term, often for only 1-2 days. In the article you will read about how you can increase this period. Secondly, the reservation does not guarantee that the ticket will remain with you.

Sometimes airlines cancel reservations if there is little time left before departure and if there is a high demand for these tickets. Below we will tell you how to book plane tickets online without paying and without losing them.

Thirdly, sometimes a free reservation is not enough - you have to buy tickets to confirm your trip, and then return them. Find out how to find tickets that you can return without hassle.

  • It will be useful:

Why do you need a free reservation?

  • To obtain a visa. Embassies of some countries still require a whole package of documents when issuing a visa, including round-trip tickets. If you have not yet decided on the date of your trip or want to buy tickets for more favorable price, it is worth booking tickets without paying.
  • If a visa may not be issued. The risk of visa refusal is assessed in different ways. The United States and Great Britain are the most frequently denied visas. To avoid losing money by purchasing and then returning tickets, you can make a reservation.
  • If you don't have enough money to buy. Everyday situation: tickets suitable for the price and dates are on sale, but there is no required amount to purchase. Booking plane tickets without paying will allow you to keep them and pay later.
  • If the decision to travel has not yet been made. The trip has not yet been planned, but you have already found tickets at a good price - book them right away. You will always have time to refuse them.

Booking air tickets without paying for a visa

Embassies have different approaches to documents for obtaining a visa. As a rule, embassy employees require originals and photocopies of purchased tickets. But sometimes it is enough to provide confirmation that you have just booked tickets (this option, for example, is accepted by the embassies of Italy and Spain).

There are several options for booking or purchasing tickets to obtain a visa:

1. Book a ticket without payment for a period from 1 to 10 days. The reservation must be kept for at least 7 days, that is, no less than the period for which the embassy/consulate will review your documents.

Many airlines and intermediaries offer a paid booking service. This significantly increases the chances that you will keep the ticket.”

Booking periods vary from company to company (approximate data in the list below). Some aggregator sites show how long the reservation will last when searching for tickets, but these are approximate data.

  • KLM - up to 24 hours;
  • Aeroflot - 24 hours when booking at the Aeroflot office, but no more than 2 days;
  • Lufthansa - up to 2 days;
  • KLM - up to 3 days;
  • British Airways - up to 3 days;
  • AirBaltic - up to 3 days;
  • AirFrance - up to 4 days;
  • AirBerlin - up to 4 days;
  • EuropeAir - up to 7 days;
  • Turkish Airlines- up to 10 days;
  • UIA (UIA) - up to 10 days.

2. Buy return tickets. Strictly speaking, this is not exactly booking air tickets without paying. You buy tickets, which can then be returned, sometimes with the loss of some money. This is the most reliable way to obtain a visa if embassy staff are particularly picky about documents.

You can find out about the rules for returning tickets from the airlines - but not only from them. For example, clause 1, part 1, article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation stipulates the procedure for returning return tickets: “The passenger is refunded the carriage fee paid for air transportation (except for the amount of the carrier’s expenses actually incurred by him and related to the fulfillment of obligations under the passenger air transportation agreement), provided that the passenger notified the carrier of the refusal of air transportation no later than 24 hours before the end of the check-in of passengers for the flight indicated on the ticket.”

In many countries of the former USSR, the Air Code does not regulate this issue; in this case, airlines adhere to international practice.

3.Buy a ticket that includes a service fee for ticket return. In this case, you also lose some money when returning, but this amount is much less than the cost of tickets, which you will neither be able to use nor return.

4. Buy an air ticket and at the same time travel insurance. The insurance policy will give you back the money you spent on preparing for your trip. This amount includes the cost of a visa if you are refused, the cost of tickets and other expenses. On some aggregator sites, an offer to insure a flight appears while searching for tickets. Study the offer, even if you are not going to use it: it will help you formulate the right questions for the insurance company you contact.

Where to book tickets

You can book air tickets online without paying or buy tickets with subsequent refund from airlines, travel agencies or aggregator sites. Each method is good in a certain situation: choose the one that suits you.

If you do not intend to fly on the tickets you have chosen, book them directly with the airline. In this case, the ticket price, departure time, flight duration and other parameters do not matter. The most important thing you need to do is review the cancellation or refund policy. Travel agencies and intermediaries in this case may delay cancellation/refund due to their own bureaucratic procedures.

Meanwhile, some online agencies promise favorable conditions for returning tickets. It makes sense to compare them with what the airlines offer.

If you are likely to use your selected tickets, book them through a travel agency or online airline ticket agency. Then, at this stage, choose a convenient flight and a good price. Be sure to research the different rates and their benefits. Pay special attention to whether you will have to pay to change the departure date or return the ticket. To increase the reliability of booking air tickets without payment, use the paid booking service.

  • Read also:

How to book a plane ticket for a visa without paying

Despite the length of the text written above, you can book an air ticket without payment in a matter of minutes. Take just 4 steps:

1. Go to the page.
2. Select the route: departure city and arrival city, round-trip flight date, number of passengers (adults and children), ticket class (economy, business) and click the “Find tickets” button.

3. In the list that opens, select a ticket, go to the airline or agency website and check the fare conditions. You need to find:
a. Ticket without payment with reservation for several days.
b. Free return ticket.
c. A ticket with a fare that includes a small refund fee.
d. Ticket with non-flight insurance.

4. Buy a suitable ticket if you chose option b, c or d, or book and print a ticket without payment if you chose option a. In order not to go through all the offers, looking for the possibility of booking air tickets online without paying, we suggest learning about the tariff policies of some airlines.

What do airlines offer?

The position of airlines on the issue of booking tickets without payment and refunding tickets varies. But in general, there are only a few options: free or paid bookings, rates with favorable refunds and rates with refunds under certain conditions.

Option 1. The most pleasant conditions, that is, free booking of air tickets, are often offered by large airlines.

Example: on the Lufthansa website there is an option “Book and pay later”. The ticket is guaranteed to remain with you for 48 hours. This service is available on flights to more than 50 countries.

This solution imposes some restrictions: for example, you will not be able to use a promotional code to get a discount. If you decide to buy a ticket, all you have to do is pay for it. If you change your mind about flying, you will be required to pay a cancellation service fee.

At the same time, Lufthansa has an offer for refunds and rebookings of tickets. The Flex fare provides the greatest flexibility in this regard: it provides a refund of the ticket price minus a service fee. KLM and Air France. The approximate amount of the service fee for returning a ticket is 60-80 euros.

Option 2. Sometimes you can use a paid booking service to help you think about your travel decision with peace of mind.

Example: the British Airways website offers to book tickets for 72 hours. The booking fee is 5-10 euros, depending on the flight distance. It should be noted that it is impossible to book a ticket to some countries, but the list of such countries is gradually decreasing.

If you decide to purchase your reserved tickets at a later date, your booking fee will be refunded. If you refuse to purchase, you will lose this amount (very small compared to service fees for returning tickets).

  • Read also:

A nice bonus: if during the time for which you made a reservation, tickets become cheaper, you will pay less for them; if they go up in price, you will pay as much as they cost on the day of booking.

Option 3. Some airlines offer additional conditions as part of their standard fares.

Example: Aeroflot introduced special “Optimum” and “Premium” fares for economy class tickets. Optimum tickets can be returned for the loss of the service fee, and if you return Premium tickets, you will receive a full refund. Similar conditions apply to S7 Airlines and Turkish Airlines.

Option 4. Many airlines allow you to return your ticket if the embassy does not issue a visa.

Example: if for some reason the embassy refuses to issue a visa, then airlines such as Air France, Belavia, Austrian Airlines, LOT or KLM will refund money for tickets already purchased.

Do low-cost airlines have reservations?

To save on flights, tourists often fly with low-cost airlines. Their tickets are cheaper because budget airlines do not spend money on maintaining ticket offices, hire a minimum of staff, increase the number of seats in the cabin, etc. But the main thing is that low-cost airlines only sell the flight service, and for the rest ( extra luggage, food on board, comfort in the cabin) you need to pay extra.

Low-cost airlines are almost always a bad option if you need to return tickets. Their base rates prohibit ticket refunds. In tariffs where a refund is still possible, a large commission is removed.


If you are planning to fly with this airline, but have not yet decided on the date, use the Wizz Plus fare. It gives you the right to book a plane ticket and then change the departure date without additional service fees (Wizz Flex option). This tariff also provides the opportunity to return the ticket, however, you will have to pay a fee, sometimes exceeding the ticket price - from 60 to 80 euros.


The company, as far as possible, shows flexibility in setting tariffs. Thus, the Economy Premium tariff allows you to rebook or return tickets with a fee of 50-100 euros. The Business fare offers much more convenience: no fees are charged for changing the departure date or returning tickets.

Air Arabia

A popular company flying from Russia and Ukraine to Egypt, the UAE, and Turkey has its own policy. Here you can change your travel date by paying a service fee. But you won’t be able to return the ticket and get at least part of the money back. First, the company will deduct a commission from the ticket price. Secondly, the remaining money will be credited to your virtual account so that you can buy another ticket. This “loan” will only be valid for a year, then you will not be able to use the funds.


Among the tariffs of this company there is a tariff with free ticket exchange. If you exchange your ticket at least two days before departure, you will not have to pay any fee for this service. If you return your ticket less than 24 hours before departure, you will have to pay a fee of 45 euros. In this case, you will receive the rest of the money in the form of a voucher, which can be used to pay for other airline tickets.

How to get a refund for a ticket

If you have taken the route of purchasing tickets in order to be guaranteed to receive a visa, but are not going to fly on the flight you paid for, you need to worry about the issue of a refund. This is not a quick procedure, and its success depends on the conditions under which the ticket was purchased.

There is a forced and voluntary return of tickets. Forced return caused by cancellation or refusal of a visa, illness (death) of the passenger or his close relative. In this case, the airline reimburses the full cost of the tickets, sometimes withholding a minimum service fee.

Voluntary return occurs at the request of the passenger. Each company has its own rules for voluntary return, but most often the approach is as follows:

  • if you canceled your reservation before the ticket was issued, you will be refunded the full price minus a service fee;
  • If you return a first or business class ticket, you will receive a full refund minus a service fee;
  • If you return an economy class ticket or one purchased under preferential (promotional) conditions, you will only be refunded the amount of service fees.

Sometimes airlines additionally charge a refund fee: its size can reach 25% of the ticket price. Among the services of intermediary companies there is a paid service for returning up to 90% of the ticket price.

Whatever the reasons for the return, you need to fill out an application at the office or on the website of the airline or intermediary from whom you purchased the ticket. The application must be accompanied by:

  • air ticket details (its number, flight number, departure date and time, booking date);
  • photocopy of passport;
  • check or bank statement confirming the purchase.

If the return is forced, you will need copies of documents to confirm valid reasons:

  • a certificate from the airline regarding flight cancellation or delay, or route change;
  • a certificate from the hospital about the illness (death) of the passenger or his close relative;
  • document confirming the refusal to issue a visa.

We recommend submitting an application for a ticket refund as early as possible, but no less than 2-3 days before the flight. The issue of refund is considered from 1 to 3 months (often the answer comes within 5-10 business days).

Is it possible to return a non-refundable ticket?

Does the title seem paradoxical? Meanwhile, the Air Code obliges airlines to pay some additional fees: “carriage fees paid for the air transportation of a passenger are not refundable, with the exception of unused amounts collected by the carrier in favor of other organizations in accordance with the legislation of foreign states, from, on, or through the territories of foreign countries.” carried out air transportation passenger."

To understand the logic of the legislator, let’s figure out what the cost of a ticket consists of. There are several components:

  • the cost of the flight, or tariff - it is set by the airline;
  • airline fees (for example, for issuing a ticket on a form);
  • airport taxes and fees (fuel surcharge, aircraft and passenger servicing fees, security fees, etc.);
  • agency commissions.

Therefore, by returning a non-refundable ticket before the flight, you will receive an amount equal to the cost of airport taxes - sometimes this is half the cost of the entire ticket. If the fare implies that fuel and service charges are non-refundable, the carrier must indicate this information in the terms and conditions of the ticket purchase. In short, carefully read the booking rules and choose the right rates.

You can only count on compensation for the full cost of a non-refundable fare in two cases: if the airline did not fulfill its obligations or if you experienced a personal force majeure related to illness or death in the family.

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Just last week I plunged head over heels into the issue of obtaining a Schengen visa. I chose the French consulate because I was hoping to get a long-term Schengen visa. The French do not require paid reservations for air tickets, which means you can play it safe and simply “book” them. What if there are some problems with issuing a visa or you will have to move the travel dates after receiving the coveted sticker in your passport.

Booking plane tickets without payment is also suitable for those who apply for a visa from one country, but will travel along a different route. This is fraught with offense to the country that issued the visa, but if it’s necessary, then let’s look at the options.

I must say that the task was not an easy one. In theory, I knew that you could buy tickets without paying, but I had never done this before. I've read a lot of advice on the Internet, but bad luck - basically, they are all outdated. The services that bloggers wrote about apparently realized that they were being used shamelessly and removed the feature of booking tickets without paying. For example, many mentioned in articles They say that at the stage of booking tickets, the system shows the PNR code of the reservation, which can then be entered through and make a printout for the consulate. This method no longer works! has removed the PNR code and only shows the secret code of the reservation. In the morning - money, in the evening - chairs.

1. Air France (deferred payment 4 days)

Air France offers a deferred payment service. The service is paid, but costs only 210 rubles per passenger. At the second stage of booking (selecting additional services), you need to add the option “time to think.”

After paying for the additional service, the reservation will be assigned a PNR code. Pre-booking confirmation will be sent by email. You have 4 days to gallop to the visa center and submit a set of documents. I recommend booking your air tickets last, when all other documents are ready.

In the end, I used exactly this method. It seemed right to me to book a direct flight, although who cares how exactly I fly to France.

2.Turkish Airlines

The airline allows you to book a ticket for free for 3 days. At the stage of choosing a payment method, check the box next to “reserve a flight and pay later.”

Here is our booking with PNR code. You can print it directly from your browser.

3. has a completely official service - “Booking air tickets for a visa”. First, a standard search and selection of air tickets is performed, then personal data is entered. At the payment stage, another tab appears - “Visa Reservation”.

The cost of the service is 300 rubles, the reservation is retained for 7 full days. It is quite enough to submit documents to the visa center and get the result.

4. Aeroflot

Many resources advise booking a ticket with Aeroflot. To be honest, I didn't understand the joke.

Option #1- call the Call Center, book a ticket, promising to pay later in the office, and ask to send the reservation by email.

Option No. 2— book a ticket on the website and choose to pay in cash at the office. Check out the tariff))

I didn’t test the first option, but tried the second. Aeroflot sent a reminder by email about paying for the ticket. There was a PNR code in the letter, but it was not possible to print out the reservation in a decent form. There was an inscription everywhere "pay". In my opinion, the first three options for booking tickets are much better and more reliable.

To summarize, you can book air tickets without payment through the websites of loyal airlines or through third-party ticket sales services. You need to look for the service on the website itself; not all airlines have the option of deferred payment.

Among European carriers, AirBaltic can also book a ticket for 48 hours; the cost of the service is 6 euros.

I hope the article was useful to you).

Booking air tickets is an easy, convenient and affordable way for travelers to fly to their chosen destination on the globe. It is customary to pay for the ticket assigned to the passenger at the time the reservation is made, but there are some booking methods with deferred payment.

Let's figure out whether it is possible to book air tickets without paying, what these itinerary receipts are used for, how to use the service and why such a service is needed.

Today, a large number of passengers use the air ticket booking service. This need arises, for example, to obtain a visa to enter the country.

To obtain a visa or cross the border individual countries you are required to present a plane ticket - in such situations, tourists will need to know how to book a plane ticket without paying

To obtain a visa, the embassy requires attaching a document to the required package of documents that confirms the reservation of air tickets and hotel room. And here difficulties arise with purchasing an itinerary receipt - after all, the date of the flight has not yet been chosen. In addition, if a purchase is made and entry is denied, the passenger will not be able to get the money spent back. This service works for such situations - the airline client will book tickets, but payment in this case is deferred.

An unpaid, but registered travel pass in the name of the tourist will also be needed at the time of crossing the border. There are rules according to which a passenger will not enter another country unless he presents a ticket assigned to him in advance.

Of course, if you do long journey In many countries, it is unreasonable to show a receipt in every city, so here it is appropriate to book an air ticket and not pay for it yet. For people who need this service, let’s look at the nuances of how to book a plane ticket without paying. We will offer our readers several ways to arrange the service. Here are known methods of ordering through online services and airline portals. Let's consider well-known and popular options for Russians.

Method one

This option is considered the most popular among travelers. The method is appropriate for booking an air ticket without paying the required amount. Here tourists will need to find a website . The portal invites the traveler to select a suitable airline and, following the instructions, make the necessary reservation.

Air ticket booking services with deferred payment are offered by the website

Please note that this service does not work like standard aggregators. Accordingly, the sale takes place without redirection to the carrier, and the price of the itinerary receipt increases due to commission payments. However, in situations where the passenger requires a reservation rather than a trip, the method becomes optimal.

After selecting a suitable route and confirming the reservation, the portal assigns an air ticket to the passenger. Moreover, the reservation period is 3–10 days. If no payment is made within the specified time, the system automatically deletes the flight receipt assigned to the traveler.

To reserve an air ticket, select the service and, following the instructions, fill in the required fields

So, choose the site you like and go to this portal. In the “from” search section we mark “Bangkok”. In the “where” column we write the word “Moscow”. If the ticket is in reverse direction not needed, uncheck the “return” column and set the date for which the flight is scheduled. If you need to return home at a certain time, we will also date your return flight.

We carefully select the appropriate flight from the options offered on the website. In this case, we proceed from the required reservation time - from two to ten days. To keep your reservation up to ten days, it is advisable to choose companies “ Emirates" or " Qatar Airways " You find one of these companies in the list and choose a carrier without looking at the ticket price, flight duration and other parameters. After these steps, we print out the reservation document and show it to the appropriate structures.

So, you have already mastered how to book a plane ticket online without paying. Now it is necessary to mention some points that it is advisable to consider and know before booking tickets. The main rules are:

When studying the conditions for booking itinerary receipts, pay attention to the booking deadlines and the amount of the fine for refusal to pay for the ticket

  1. Airlines Research. Before starting the procedure, you need to find out which airlines provide more time for unpaid tickets. This will help you decide and correctly calculate the travel time to the embassy to submit the relevant documents for a visa and back.
  2. Finding out the timing of the reservation. The second, no less important aspect will be information about airlines. It is important to find out how long a particular airline holds a reservation and how long an unpaid ticket has been in the database. This information cannot be ignored, because some airlines reserve the right to cancel a reservation if additional seats on the plane are needed or there is a large flow of people wishing to fly.
  3. Determining the amount of the fine. It is important to study what fines and sanctions airlines provide for canceling a reservation. Having considered all the options, you know what awaits you in the future and what financial costs you will encounter along the way.

Separately, we note that if you need to present an air ticket to obtain a visa or enter a specific state, there are two more ways to get the desired receipt. Here, it is appropriate for passengers to either purchase a non-refundable low-cost airline ticket at a promotional price, or pay for a reservation for a standard type of flight. In the first case, the unused route coupon will have to be thrown away, but a refundable air ticket will be possible with minimal financial losses.

The largest airline in Russia, Aeroflot, operates both domestic and international flights. For travelers who use the services of this company, the question invariably arises: how to save money when buying tickets?

There are different ways to buy Aeroflot tickets, but in this article you will learn how″ rel=”nofollow” class=”TPAutoLinks” target=”_blank” >cost.

There are several ways to buy Aeroflot airline tickets:

  1. At one of the company's ticket offices. Aeroflot has branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad or Vladivostok.
  2. In airline ticket sales agencies.
  3. Through search engine sites.

All the first 3 options involve purchasing tickets not directly, but through an intermediary, that is, you will need to pay him a commission. It may vary, but in general it is from 5 to 10% for 1 ticket.

You can buy Aeroflot tickets cheaply and without commission only on the company’s official website.

To roughly know the price range, you can go to special search engine sites, such as, using the function “ incognita» in your browser. It ensures your complete privacy when visiting the site. As a result, the prices there will be indicated without commission.

Read how to buy a plane ticket online.

How to book an Aeroflot plane ticket on the official website?

To do this, you need to go through several stages: find the right flight at the right price; book it by entering your passport details; confirm your reservation by payment. Aeroflot's website is simple, convenient and quite informative. By following the instructions presented on the website and carefully reading the booking conditions, you can quickly and easily issue air tickets.

Stage 1. Determine a suitable flight

First, let's go to the website. On the main page, on the left, there is already a table to fill out. There we indicate the departure/arrival dates, departure/arrival city, number of passengers, class of service, country and currency in which you will pay for the ticket.

Home page

Categories of passengers are presented separately: adults, children - from 2 to 12 years old, infants - up to 2 years old and youth - from 12 to 25 years old. The last three categories are entitled to discounts when purchasing tickets. You can find out up to what age children fly for free on an airplane..

Click the button " Find flights».

After filling out all these lines, you will be taken to the booking page. There you will have several flight options to choose from, indicating prices, the number of remaining seats and class of service.

Flight selection

Tariff options are indicated at the top - promo, budget, optimum, premium. Tariffs imply the possibility/impossibility and time restrictions for returning or exchanging tickets and the amount to be refunded. Accordingly, the cheaper the ticket, the lower the fare, which means that such a ticket will not be exchanged or returned. ABOUT non-refundable tickets can be read. Tariff terms may change, so it's better to check them from time to time.

It’s worth first entering not the immediate departure/arrival dates, but the approximate range of dates that you plan to travel to in order to select best price for a ticket. There may be completely different prices for flights on different dates.

If you only need one way, then in this case you will be charged the full price, as for two tickets and even at the full fare. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose a return ticket.

Flights with transfers will be more expensive, since they are carried out with Aeroflot partners, such as Air France. However, when connecting flights are operated by two different airlines, you will have to at the transfer airport, collect your luggage and check in again on the next flight. Whereas, if you fly with a transfer with one airline, you will only need to go through passport and customs control and find your way to the plane.

Having selected the desired flights, you will be redirected to the page “ Passengers».

Stage 2. Fill in personal information

If you are flying within Russia, then enter the details of your internal passport. If abroad, then accordingly the data of your foreigner. passports in Latin letters, as indicated in it.

Passengers page

Below you enter your contacts so that company employees can contact you if necessary.

Please check all the information provided carefully, as the airline is not responsible for entering incorrect data.

On the right side, the flights you have chosen, their amount and what it consists of, are indicated once again.

Information about selected flights

Reservations without payment may be held from 2 days to a week depending on how many days before travel you book your tickets. You can find out how to book air tickets without paying. A booking confirmation will be sent to you by email indicating all the details and the date by which it must be paid. If there is no such letter, then it may have gone to the Spam or Junk mail folders.

Rules and Restrictions Page

Stage 3. Payment

If you are satisfied with everything, then you can proceed with payment. You can pay in several ways:

  1. By bank card – enter your card details, then go to the bank payment confirmation page. You receive an SMS code to the phone number that you enter, thereby confirming the payment.
  2. Yandex-money - for this you need to have an account on Yandex.
  3. In Svyaznoy or Euroset communication stores - to do this, you need to print a receipt from the website and pay there.
  4. Webmoney.
  5. QIWI.
  6. At the Aeroflot office.

Payment Methods

Please note that when paying booked tickets at the company's office, you will need to pay a fee for issuing tickets.

After payment you will receive an email e-ticket . You need to print it out and take it with you. At the airport you will have to present this ticket and your passport (domestic or foreign). Read more about how to check an electronic ticket..

The advantage of this ticket is that even if you lose it, you will always have an electronic version of it in your mail. If necessary, you can print it again and that’s it.

As you have seen for yourself, booking tickets on the Aeroflot website is convenient, fast and safe.

To obtain a visa, some countries require copies of your airline ticket reservation to be submitted in the package of documents submitted. But is it worth paying for them in advance if you don’t know whether you will be issued a visa? No matter how much you travel, there is always a small percentage of chance that you will not receive the coveted sticker or stamp in your passport, which gives you the right to move around another country. In this article, I will tell you how to book flights online without paying for a visa.

If, and later canceling a reservation without financial sanctions is not difficult, then this will not work with tickets. Some tourists go further and look for ways to make a fictitious ticket for a visa so as not to lose their money in case of refusal. I don’t recommend anyone move in this direction, because there are completely legal ways to get a temporary ticket reservation, you just need to use a little tricks.

You will need air ticket reservations:

  • When traveling to some countries, when the return date is not yet known for sure.

Or maybe you simply don’t have the funds right now, but you need to apply for a visa. In all these cases, you can book air tickets without paying.

The visa rules of many countries do not indicate that paid tickets must be submitted in the package of documents. In particular, a reservation will be sufficient for a Schengen visa. The only disadvantage of temporary booking is the limited time frame. It is usually valid from 1 to 10 days, depending on the booking method. Therefore, it is better to do it on the day you submit your visa documents. Of course, there is a very small chance that the reservation will be canceled before the visa is issued, and the consular officer will check it. Let's figure out where to book tickets for a visa without paying.

Booking on the airline website

Some airlines allow you to book tickets without payment with the option of redeeming them after a few days or canceling them completely.

Airline Reservation period without paying for the ticket
1 AirBaltic 3 days
2 AirBerlin 4 days
3 Air Europe 7 days 8 hours 26 minutes
4 AirFrance 4 days
5 Alitalia 11 hours 59 minutes
6 Austrian Airlines 24 hours
7 Emirates 5 days
8 EuropeAir 7 days
9 Iberia 1 day 10 hours
10 KLM 3 days 10 hours 12 minutes
11 Korean Air 10 days
12 LOT 3 days 8 hours 20 minutes
13 Lufthansa 1 day 10 hours
14 Qatar 10 days
15 SAS 10 days
16 Swiss airlines 1 day 10 hours 10 minutes
17 TAP Portugal 3 days 8 hours 30 minutes
18 Turkish Airlines 10 days
19 United Airlines 7 days
20 Ural Airlines 3 days
21 UIA 9 days
22 Aeroflot 2 days

As can be seen from the table, the deferred payment period differs among airlines. It may depend on the tariff and the specific destination. The duration of the reservation may also be affected by the departure date. With more early booking The deferred payment period may be longer.

Even if you do not intend to subsequently redeem the ticket, indicate your real data in the booking. The company may, for example, shorten the reservation period, which will notify you by email. Before making a booking, review the proposed cancellation policies on the airline's website.

Booking through ticket agencies

Ticket agencies and services also offer multi-day bookings without purchasing a ticket. Some of them provide free bookings, some take a small commission.

The booking period for most agencies also depends on the airline and its conditions for purchasing tickets. The most popular ticket sales agencies: – you can make a reservation if you have previously purchased tickets from them - Latvian website, booking for 3 days

— for 200 rubles you can make a reservation for 7 days.

Among these agencies, it is more convenient and easier to issue tickets on the website Let's take a step-by-step look at how to book a ticket online without paying.

After receiving the reservation code (PNR), we go to one of the sites. They work with different booking systems:

  • (Booking with Amadeus);
  • (Booking at Galileo);
  • (Booking with Saber);

The most popular is To receive a reservation on the site you will have to register. To check your reservation, enter your 6-digit code and the passenger's last name in Latin. We print out the found reservation for the embassy. There is no print button, you will have to copy this into word.

If for some reason the reservation is not found, you will see the message “send the reservation code by email.” We send and wait.

You can also check your reservation on the airline's website. We also enter the reservation code and the passenger's last name.

Personal experience: the last time we applied for a Schengen visa, we booked through the Aeroflot call center. The reservations were sent to us by email. We printed them out and submitted them along with a package of documents to the visa center. The ticket reservation was canceled before the visa was received, but it doesn’t matter. The visa was given for a year.

What are return tickets and how to buy them for a visa

Not all travelers want to wait to buy a ticket until they get their visa. If you find a ticket with a good price and don’t want to miss it, but have doubts about getting a visa, it makes sense to book a return ticket or insure your refusal with options from companies or insurance.

Refundable tickets can be returned, but most airlines retain a small fee in case of a refund (usually from 1000 rubles depending on the ticket fare). But sometimes the amounts can be higher.

In order not to lose anything when returning your ticket, you can take out insurance in case you are unable to make the trip. You will still need insurance for your visa; adding this option will save you significantly more money.

Or, as an option, activate the option “we will return 90% of the cost of the air ticket” upon purchase. For 1764 rubles you will get your money back regardless of the reason for the refusal, even with non-refundable rates.

Now you know how you can book an air ticket without payment and financial losses. If you know other ways, please share in the comments.

About the author: Ekaterina

On the pages of my blog you will find information about the places I have been, secrets and life hacks of independent travel.