What are the seven wonders of the world called? Seven wonders of the world. Ancient world. Temple. Gardens of Babylon. Rodossky. Lighthouse. Temple of Artemis in Turkey

The classic list of the Seven Wonders of the World has been known to us since our school days, when we studied Ancient History. Only the pyramids of Egypt have survived to our times, which can be seen by anyone who visits this country. The Pyramid of Cheops at Giza is the only surviving wonder of the world. The rest of the wonders - the Colossus of Rhodes, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Lighthouse of Alexandria - were destroyed over the centuries, some by fires and earthquakes, others by floods.

The classic list of wonders of the world includes:

  1. Pyramid of Cheops (burial site of the Pharaoh of Egypt) - created by the Egyptians in 2540 BC. e. ;
  2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Babylon - created by the Babylonians in 605 BC. e. ;
  3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia - created by the Greeks in 435 BC. e.;
  4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (built in honor of the goddess Artemis in Turkey) - created by the Greeks and Persians in 550 BC. e.;
  5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus - created by the Carians, Greeks and Persians in 351 BC. e.;
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes was established by the Greeks between 292 and 280. BC e.;
  7. Lighthouse of Alexandria - built in the 4th century BC. e. by the Greeks a lighthouse, and named in honor of Alexander the Great.

All the photographs presented below with the wonders of the world are either models of what the majestic structures used to look like, or what remains of them at the present time. It's a pity that they couldn't withstand natural disasters.

Some time later, cultural figures began to add additional attractions to this list, “miracles” that still surprise and inspire. So, at the end of the 1st century, the Roman poet Martial added only the rebuilt Colosseum to the list. After a while, in the 6th century, Christian theologian Gregory of Tours added Noah’s Ark and Solomon’s Temple to the list.

Different sources mention different combinations of wonders of the world, for example, English and French writers and historians equated the Alexandria Catacombs, the Leaning Tower in Pisa, the Porcelain Tower in Nanjing, and the Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul as wonders of the world.

New list of wonders of the world

In 2007, a UN organization organized a vote to approve a new list of modern wonders of the world. They voted by phone, Internet and SMS messages. And this is the final list:

Colosseum in Italy;
The great Wall of China;
Machu Picchu – ancient Inca city in Peru;
Taj Mahal in India is a magnificent mausoleum-mosque in India;
Petra is an ancient city, the capital of the Nabataean kingdom, located in modern Jordan;
Christ the Redeemer statue flying over Rio de Janeiro in Brazil;
pyramids of Giza in Egypt;
Chichen Itza in Mexico, an ancient city of the Mayan civilization.

All of them have been preserved from ancient times, except for the statue of Christ the Redeemer, which was finally built in 1931 of the last century and has since become a symbol of Brazil and one of its largest cities - Rio de Janeiro.

How to see them?

The new list of wonders has been officially approved by the UN, and now everyone who travels to the country can see them. No excursion route will avoid visiting these attractions. They try to carefully preserve them for future generations, but also use them for modern needs.

For example, the Colosseum is known for its excellent acoustics. Famous singers and musicians from all over the world often perform there, and operas are staged in the open air.

The Taj Mahal is also open to tourists, but this is the tomb of the padishah’s beloved wife, so people only inspect it and admire the beauty of its architectural forms and interior paintings.

It is considered simply indecent to be in China and not visit the Great Wall. There are many excursions to it, but you cannot climb it: it is a huge obstacle course and walking on it is dangerous. That's why everyone takes pictures near her plots in the most picturesque places.

The Pyramids of Giza can be viewed from the outside and inside, and nearby you can see the grandiose statues of ancient sphinxes.

Excursions to the ancient cities of Machu Picchu, Petra and Chichen Itza are extremely interesting, but physically difficult - you will have to walk for a long time through the ruins. However, tourist holidays in these countries are well organized, and you will not regret if you spend a day or two visiting these magnificent places.

Chichen Itza - ancient Mayan city

Why exactly 7 wonders of the world, and not 10 or 15?

As you have probably already noticed, people used to have a special attitude towards the magical number seven. Everyone knows that there are 7 holes on the human head - 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears and a mouth. When a person sees seven objects at the same time, he can immediately count them with his eyes, without even thinking, however, if there are more of them, he will have to count them in his mind.

Thus, due to seemingly such primitive conclusions, people began to strive to reduce the number of something to seven. For example, highlight 7 days in a week, seven colors in a rainbow, 7 tones in a sound series, and so on.

It is not at all surprising that the ancient Greeks identified the Seven Wonders of the World, because the number 7 was the sacred number of Apollo, the god who patronized art.

The familiar concept of “Seven Wonders of the World” was born in ancient times, more than 2 thousand years ago. Since then, it has united famous creations of ancient architecture.

Let's remember what is included in these “miracles”. After all, they have practically not survived to this day.

Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

The only exception is the Cheops pyramid. It is already 4.5 thousand years old, but it still impresses with its grandeur. Construction took place over 20 years, and tens of thousands of Egyptians and slaves took part in it. Another hundred thousand were busy delivering blocks. Construction was completed around 2560 BC.

The pyramid consists of - as calculated today - 2.5 million blocks. The most amazing thing is that they are not held together by cement or any other binding substance. They are held together by tightly fitting each other. Now the top of the Cheops pyramid has been destroyed. Previously, its height was 147 meters.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Iraq

The next miracle is the “Hanging Gardens” of Babylon. Their purpose was to please the beauty, the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar P
The gardens rose in four tiers. From a distance it seemed that they were rising above the ground. In fact, it was very difficult to build structures in which, like in huge pots, not only flowers and shrubs, but also trees would grow. Both stones and lead plates were used. It was also necessary to bring and pour here a fairly large layer of fertile soil.
It is not surprising that in arid Babylon such an oasis seemed like a real miracle.

Zeus statue in Greece

In Greece there was a third “miracle” - a statue of Zeus. In the 5th century BC. a temple was built here in honor of the most important Greek god. Naturally, there was a statue of him inside the temple. The 20-meter tall Zeus sat on the throne, overwhelming the believers with his magnificence. This was not just a sculpture. The wooden body was covered with ivory. The god's robe naturally shone with gold.

Temple of Artemis in Turkey

Where modern Türkiye lies, in ancient times there was a temple of Artemis. It was built in the 6th century. BC. by order of King Croesus. The greatness and power of the goddess was to be emphasized by her statue. The basis of production was ivory. And also 127 high columns, as if supporting a huge structure.
The temple was burned in 356 BC. But he remained forever in people's memory.

Mausoleum in Halicarnassus Türkiye

The next “miracle” was again located in Turkey. This is the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. It became the tomb for Mausolus, the ruler of Caria, who lived in the 4th century BC. This structure, although inferior in height to the Cheops pyramid, still reached a significant height - 46 m. ​​It was framed by columns, and crowned by a sculpture of a chariot.

Colossus of Rhodes in Greece

The sixth “miracle” can be called the statue of the Sun God - Helios. Its other name is the Colossus of Rhodes. This statue stood in Greece in the 3rd century BC. So the Greeks decided to thank their beloved god. They believed that it was Helios who helped them survive the fight against the invaders and survive the siege. In the hand of the young god there was a torch, as if lighting the way for ships sailing to and leaving the port of Rhodes. Six and a half decades later, the statue was destroyed by an earthquake.

At the moment they want to restore the statue to attract tourists.

By the way, in the famous TV series “Game of Thrones” there is a similar sculpture

Alexandria Lighthouse in Egypt

The world also lost the seventh “miracle” as a result of the shaking of the soil. This is the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which in the 3rd century BC. was in Egypt, on the island of Pharos. For that time it was a huge tower. According to historians, its height reached 120 m. But even more amazing was the way in which the lighthouse sent light to ships. At its top, servants kept the fire burning, and specially made metal mirrors directed the light into the distance.

Sailors located 60 km from the port saw a distant spark in the night. It was a fire burning on top of the lighthouse. The most difficult task was to deliver enough wood for the fire. Carts and mules were used for this purpose. They went up the spiral staircase.

The series “Game of Thrones” also played up their own version of the Alexandria Lighthouse

Even now, thousands of years later, we respect these creations by the hands of ancient masters. What can we say about how their contemporaries perceived them! Indeed, these were miracles, there is no better way to say it.

New "Seven Wonders of the World" of the modern world.

Since almost all of these incomparable creations have been lost, the Swiss Bernard Weber proposed implementing the “New Seven Wonders of the World” project. The results were announced on July 7, 2007. Magic number "7".

Great Wall of China in China

Of course, the Great Wall of China, which at one time protected the state from nomads, could not give the palm to anyone. The wall was also supposed to unite the empire, which had just been formed, to help unite its people.
Construction lasted many years, in difficult conditions, when there were no roads and there was a shortage of necessary materials. But the result was great. There is no other architectural structure like this on our planet. The wall stretches for 8851.8 km. Every year over 40 million tourists come to see this miracle.

Amphitheater Colosseum in Italy

The largest amphitheater, the Colosseum, which survived from the times of Ancient Rome and now constitutes one of the main attractions of Italy, also enjoys well-deserved fame. The name "Colosseum" also comes from the word "colossus". To the Romans, the amphitheater seemed truly huge. After all, at that time the buildings reached a height of 8-10 m. Against their background, the Colosseum looked majestic. Once upon a time, thousands of guests flocked here to watch the famous gladiator fights.

Ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu Peru

On the territory of the present state of Peru is the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu. Its location is unique - on the tops of the mountains, in the heart of the inaccessible Andes. Despite all the achievements of science, the secrets of Machu Picchu have not yet been fully solved. It is also called “the city among the clouds” and is associated with the name of the ruler Pachacutec. The residence of the ruler, located at an altitude of 2450 m, was inaccessible to enemies. And to those who were on earth, it seemed that it was fitting for the ruler to live next door to the gods. Most likely, the city was built in the 15th century. Even today you can come there along the path of ancient pilgrims, you just need to be prepared for the fact that the hike will take several days.
But you will see a majestic sight - mountain peaks and an ancient city. Beautiful llamas graze here.

Ancient city - Petra in Jordan

Another ancient city, Petra, is located in what is now Jordan. The peculiarity of this city is that it is carved from stone. Otherwise it would have been impossible to build it here in the Siq Canyon. Bare rocks, steep cliffs, narrow gorges - such a panorama opens up to the eyes of tourists. But people lived and fought with enemies here too. Truly, a person is capable of inhabiting any place!

Taj Mahal Temple in India

Compared to this ascetic shelter of ancient people, the Taj Mahal temple in India seems to be a symbol of beauty and harmony. There is probably no better creation in Indian architecture. This temple is a mausoleum. It was built by order of Emperor Shah Jahan. His beloved wife unexpectedly died during childbirth, and the inconsolable husband decided to perpetuate her memory in this way - by erecting a most beautiful temple. Today there is no tourist coming to India who would not like to see the Taj Mahal. This temple is located in the city of Agra.

Statue of Christ in Brazil

The sixth of the new wonders of the world was the statue of Christ in Brazil. On Mount Corcovado, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the merciful Lord stretched out his hands over the people. This is Christ the Redeemer. It is symbolic that when thunderstorms rage here, the statue is often struck by lightning. After all, it is the highest point in the surrounding area. The height of this figure is 38 m, and it weighs more than 1145 tons. After a lightning strike, it is necessary to repair the damage caused to the reinforced concrete sculpture. Since they could not create such a huge figure in Brazil, they made the sculpture in France. They delivered it to Brazil in parts.

The seventh miracle was another ancient city of Chichen Itza. It belonged to the Mayan Indians and is located in Mexico. It was here that the Mayans gathered for prayers, and here, like nowhere else, they felt the presence of God. And today people feel awe when approaching the pyramids that were built by representatives of an ancient civilization. The most famous is the El Castillo temple in honor of the god Kukulkan.
All these sights, which only recently received the proud status of “New Wonders of the World,” have long become genuine treasures of our cultural heritage. The flow of tourists eager to see these wonderful places with their own eyes does not dry out. And it is gratifying that the “baton” of the ancient “miracles” has been taken up by no less wonderful, but accessible for viewing, “new miracles”.

Everyone has definitely heard about the legendary 7 wonders of the world - the greatest creations of mankind - in childhood, even if not everyone can remember them in order. And although most of the monuments from the history textbook will no longer be able to be seen, people have managed to compile, to the delight of tourists, many other, alternative, lists of outstanding attractions that have survived to this day.

Ancient wonders of the world

The first attempts to highlight the exceptional achievements of mankind in the list of wonders of the world took shape in the written heritage of ancient Greek authors, starting from the Hellenistic era. The “selection” of the main monuments of all times occurred gradually.

Thus, Herodotus was one of the first to compile a historical list of “miracles”: in his “History” we talk about three grandiose structures on the island of Samos - a mountain tunnel, a dam and the temple of Hera.

Soon, other thinkers expanded the list to seven attractions: seven in ancient Greece was considered a holy number and was an indispensable attribute of the solar gods and myths about them.

The classic “7 Wonders of the World” of the Ancient World, familiar to many from the school curriculum, are historically associated with the empire of Alexander the Great - the second half of the 4th century BC. e. Of these, two attractions were ancient Egyptian, four were located in the territories of Ancient Greece and one was in Mesopotamia (or more precisely, in Babylon).

The Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest, the first wonder of the world and the only one that has survived to this day. Part of the pyramid complex in Giza - the main attraction of Egypt.

The legendary Babylonian Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the second wonder of the world, supposedly existed from the end of the 7th century BC. e. until the 1st century BC e., destroyed due to floods.

The temple statue of Zeus at Olympia, reaching about 12-17 meters including the pedestal, was made of ivory, ebony and gold, and stood for about nine centuries: from 435 BC. e. until the 5th century - burned down in a fire.

The ruins of the fourth wonder of the world, Artemis in Ephesus (from the 6th to the 4th or 3rd centuries BC), are now part of the Turkish city of Selcuk (near Izmir).

Of the lost landmarks, the most enduring was the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. Non-standard for the middle of the 4th century BC. e. The architectural monument existed for 19 centuries: it was destroyed by an earthquake, then partially dismantled for building materials. The ruins of the mausoleum can be seen in Bodrum, Turkey, which is the current name for the city with the historical location of the fifth wonder of the world.

Earthquakes caused the death of two more ancient wonders: the bronze statue of the Colossus on the island of Rhodes (lasted only 65 years, destroyed in the same 3rd century BC) and the Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt (the seventh wonder of the world, collapsed in the 14th century).

Google Maps panorama “At the foot of the Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)”

New seven wonders of the world

The list of new wonders of the world, each of which continues to amaze tourists, was compiled in the first decade of the 21st century, in 2001-2007. Currently, this is the most famous of such ratings and therefore, along with the UNESCO World Heritage List, it is the main must-see landmark for tourists actively traveling around the world. It was compiled by a specially created non-profit foundation, The New 7 Wonders of the world, based on international voting using the Internet and other means of communication. Some 100 million votes were taken as part of the selection of attractions, but since the conditions allowed for multiple votes, the list became questionable almost immediately after publication.

One of the undisputed leaders of the list is the Great Wall of China. It stretches across the north of the country for almost 9 thousand kilometers, and taking into account the ruins - more than 20 thousand kilometers. China's most famous landmark blends seamlessly into the landscape and is a truly impressive sight. Several areas are open to tourists. The most popular is Badaling, connected by transport to Beijing.

The ancient Colosseum is an iconic landmark of Rome, its signature silhouette. This amphitheater, a masterpiece of architectural thought from the 1st century AD, was declared a wonder of the world almost immediately after its creation by the Roman poet Martial, his contemporary.

The symbol of Rio de Janeiro - the statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado - blesses the city, extending its arms over it from above. At night, the illuminated figure of Christ is clearly visible from almost any part of the city, but the best view of it is from Mount Pan de Azúcar. In the list of the new 7 wonders of the world, the statue erected in honor of the centenary of Brazilian independence is the youngest attraction, its age is less than a hundred years.

Lost in the middle of the desert in Jordan, Petra, the capital of the ancient kingdoms of Idumea and Nabatea, opened to Europeans only in the 19th century. The main attractions of Petra, the “city of stone”, are the crypts carved into the red sandstone rocks and the rock temple of El Deir.

The pearl of Muslim architectural art in India is the Taj Mahal mausoleum-mosque in Agra, built in the 17th century by the will of the padishah Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. It is not surprising that today the Taj Mahal is considered not just an outstanding architectural and spiritual monument, but also a symbol of love. Every year, the marble complex becomes a place of pilgrimage for millions of people from all over the world.

The lost city of the Incas, Machu Picchu, is located in what is now Peru. This sixth new wonder of the world was created as a sacred mountain refuge when the Incas ruled Pachacutec in the mid-15th century. However, the high mountain city remained inhabited for less than a century - until the invasion of the Spaniards, who, however, never reached it. The worldwide discovery of the Inca “city among the clouds” occurred only in 1911. Many mysteries of Machu Picchu remain unsolved; they still haunt researchers.

Completing the list of modern wonders of the world is the legacy of the Mayans, another lost civilization of America. The sacred city of Chichen Itza in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula was founded around the 7th century AD; the Toltecs who captured it later contributed to the architecture of the complex. It is not known exactly why such a developed city was deserted at the end of the 12th century. The complex of surviving Chichen Itza monuments includes pyramid temples, gaming “stadiums,” ruins of colonnades, a sacrificial well, and an observatory.

The Seven Wonders of the World are the oldest architectural monuments, which are rightfully considered the greatest creations of human hands. The number 7 was chosen for a reason. It belonged to Apollo and was a symbol of completeness, completeness and perfection. At the same time, the traditional genre of Hellenistic poetry was the glorification of a list of the most famous cultural figures - poets, philosophers, kings, generals, etc., or outstanding architectural monuments.

The first mentions of the Wonders of the World are found precisely in this era, when the victorious troops of Alexander the Great had already marched across Europe. The wide dissemination of Greek culture in the territories that were part of the states that the great commander conquered ensured the great popularity of individual monuments and architectural structures. But it should be noted that the “selection” of miracles occurred gradually. Some names replaced others, and today the list of the most majestic works of art and architecture includes:

Briefly about everything

Historians and scientists believe that the most ancient is the first attraction - Egyptian pyramids. A distinctive feature of this Wonder of the World is that it is the only one that has survived to this day in almost its original form. The construction of the Pyramids of Giza dates back to approximately 1983 BC, and the largest structure of the complex is the tomb of Cheops.

The rest of the Wonders of the World were not so lucky, and only the ruins of some of them have survived to this day. Eg, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were created in the 6th century BC, were destroyed by floods in the 2nd century. But even the dilapidated remains of this majestic structure are breathtaking.

Statue of Zeus from Olympia, created around 435 BC. by the famous ancient sculptor Phidias, burned down almost a thousand years later in Constantinople. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was erected in 550 BC, but after two centuries it was also destroyed by a severe fire.

Halicarnassus Mausoleum created by the architect Pytheas in 351 BC. In 1494, earthquakes occurred in southwestern Turkey, after which only the foundations and architectural fragments of the structure were preserved. Concerning Colossus of Rhodes, built at the beginning of the 3rd century BC. Greeks, it fell as a result of a series of powerful earthquakes somewhere between 224 and 225 BC.

Alexandrian lighthouse, built in the 3rd century BC. at the direction of the ruling Ptolemaic dynasty, it is the pinnacle of engineering and technical thought of that time. The structure lasted until 1480, providing reliable lighting to the coastal waters. In the 15th century, the lighthouse was partially destroyed by an earthquake.

We can talk endlessly about each of the Seven Wonders of the World. Any schoolchild knows about them. Ancient epics and ancient legends are associated with them. Each of them is covered in a shadow of mystery and uncertainty. But one thing can be said with all confidence - these are the most significant monuments of civilization of all that humanity has managed to create.

Nowadays, it is customary to call unique artistic and technical creations a wonder of the world, which, for their level of performance, evoke the admiration of most specialists. But in fairness, this erroneous approach should be corrected - the wonders of the world include specific objects created by people in ancient times.

The earliest information about the seven wonders of the world was found in the works of the ancient philosopher and scientist Herodotus. Five thousand years BC, Herodotus tried to classify these wonderful and mysterious objects. The work of Herodotus, in which he described in detail the unique architectural masterpieces of the ancient world, burned in a fire in the Library of Alexandria, like many other unique manuscripts. Only isolated entries in surviving manuscripts and fragments of structures related to the Seven Wonders of the World, which were found as a result of archaeological excavations, have survived to this day.

In a small work by Philo of Byzantium, entitled “On the Seven Wonders of the World,” seven objects of antiquity are described on twelve pages. But the author wrote his work based on the stories he heard from others, but he himself never saw them.

In Europe, they learned about the Seven Wonders of the World after the publication of the book “Sketches on the History of Architecture.” In it, the author, Fischer von Erlach, meticulously described seven unique objects of antiquity.

In Rus', the very first mention of the seven wonders of the world was found in the works of Simeon of Polotsk, who in his notes refers to a certain Byzantine source.

The list of the most famous monuments of the ancient world includes: the Egyptian pyramid at El Giza, the statue of Olympian Zeus, the Pharos lighthouse, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus.

Pyramids of Giza.

Today, of all the listed seven wonders of the ancient world, only the Great Pyramid of Cheops, located in El Giza, has survived.

For about four thousand years, the Cheops pyramid was the tallest structure. It was designed and built as the tomb of the most famous pharaoh - Khufu (Cheops). Construction of the pyramid was completed in 2580 BC. Then more pyramids were built here for the grandson and son of Cheops, as well as pyramids for the queens. But the Great Pyramid of Cheops is the largest of them. Archaeologists suggest that the construction of this pyramid took about 20 years and at least one hundred thousand people took part in its construction. The construction required 2 million stone blocks, each weighing at least 2.5 tons. Workers used levers, blocks and ramps to lay them without mortar and fit each block together. When completed, the pyramid was a stepped structure. The steps were then covered with polished snow-white limestone blocks. The blocks fit so tightly together that you couldn’t even insert a knife blade between them. The Great Pyramid rose 147 meters high! The length of one of the sides of the base of the Cheops pyramid is 230 meters. The pyramid covers an area larger than nine football fields. The ancient Egyptians believed that if the body of a pharaoh was preserved, his spirit would live on after death, so they mummified the body of Pharaoh Khufu and placed it in a burial chamber located in the center of the pyramid.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

In the sixth century B.C. The New Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the construction of marvelous gardens for his wife Amytis. Being a Median princess, she missed her homeland in dusty and noisy Babylon, which was famous for the aromas of numerous gardens and green flowering hills. The king wanted not only to please Amytis, but also to create a masterpiece that could glorify him.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered the second wonder of the world. There are chronicles that describe in great detail the gardens of the Babylonian king. According to the records found, the gardens were built around 600 BC. Ancient Babylon was located on the banks of the Euphrates River, south of modern Baghdad. Despite the fact that the idea of ​​​​creating flowering gardens and green hills among the arid Babylonian plain was considered a pipe dream, the project of Nebuchadnezzar II nevertheless came to life.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a four-tiered pyramid, the tiers of which were both terraces and balconies. The tiers were supported by powerful columns. Each of them was planted with unique plants (flowers, trees, grass and shrubs). Seeds and seedlings for gardens were brought from all over the world. Outwardly, the pyramid resembled a constantly flowering hill. A unique irrigation system was designed for the gardens. Around the clock, several hundred slaves turned wheels with buckets to supply the plants with water.

The Babylonian Gardens were truly an oasis in hot and stuffy Babylon. For some unknown reason, Queen Amytis began to be called by the name of the Assyrian queen, Semiramis, and therefore the amazing gardens of Babylon were also called the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis.

In the 9th century BC, Alexander the Great was so captivated by the splendor of the gardens of Babylon that he placed his residence in the palace. He loved to relax in the shade of the gardens and remember his native Macedonia. When the city fell into decay, there was no one to supply water to the gardens, all the plants died, and numerous earthquakes completely destroyed the palace. Babylon disappeared along with one of the most beautiful objects of antiquity - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.

The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus was created on the initiative and financing of Alexander the Great. The interior of the temple was magnificent: beautiful statues and stunning paintings created by the best artists and architects of that time. But the history of this temple began long before that. In 560 BC. King Croesus of Lydia (considered the richest ruler of that time) built a majestic temple in the city of Ephesus in honor of the moon goddess Artemis, who was considered the patroness of young girls and animals. The temple was built from local building materials - marble and limestone, mined in the nearby mountains. The main feature of the temple was the giant marble columns in the amount of 120 pieces. In the center of the temple stood a statue of the goddess Artemis. This temple was larger than the then famous Athenian temple, the Parthenon. It stood for two hundred years and in 356 BC. the temple was completely burned. According to history, Herostat set it on fire, thus dreaming of becoming famous for centuries. An interesting coincidence - the temple was burned on the day when Alexander the Great was born. Years have passed. Alexander the Great visited Ephesus and ordered the temple to be restored. The temple built by Alexander lasted until the 3rd century AD. The city was dying, the bay of Ephesus was covered with silt. The temple was plundered by the Goths and was inundated by numerous floods. Today, only a few blocks and one restored column can be seen on the site of the temple.

Halicarnassus Mausoleum.

Mausolus, the ruler of Caria, managed to achieve power and acquire significant wealth. Caria was then part of the Persian Empire, and the city of Halicarnassus became its capital. He decided to build a tomb for himself and his queen. But, as he dreamed, the tomb should be unusual - it should become a monument to his wealth and power. Mavsol himself did not live to see the completion of this majestic object, but his widow continued to supervise the construction. The tomb was completed in 350 BC. and they named it after the king - Mausoleum. Later, this name began to be given to majestic and impressive tombs.

The mausoleum in Halicarnassus was a rectangle measuring 75x66 meters and 46 meters high. The ashes of the reigning couple were kept in golden urns located in the tomb of the Mausoleum. Several stone lions guarded this room. Above the tomb itself stood a majestic temple, surrounded by statues and columns. A step pyramid was erected on top of the building. And the whole complex was crowned with a sculptural image of a chariot, which was ruled by the reigning couple. After 18 centuries, a powerful earthquake destroyed the Mausoleum to the ground. In 1489, the ruins of the majestic tomb were used by Christian knights to build their castle. The tomb itself was mercilessly plundered by looters. Currently, parts of the foundation of the Mausoleum, reliefs and statues that were found during excavations are in the British Museum in London.

The Colossus of Rhodes.

The fifth wonder of the ancient world is the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes. The giant statue stood in the port city on the island of Rhodes. The inhabitants of Rhodes considered themselves independent traders and tried not to interfere in other people's military conflicts, but they could not avoid the fact that they themselves were repeatedly conquered. In the 4th century, the people of Rhodes managed to defend their city from the invasion of the warlike Greeks. To commemorate this victory, they decided to build a statue of the sun god Helios. The exact location and type of the statue remained unknown to us; from the chronicles it follows only that it was made of bronze and reached a height of thirty-three meters. To make it stable, its hollow shell was filled with stones during construction. It took 12 years to build! In 280 BC. The colossus rose to its full height over the bay of Rhodes. After 50 years, a strong earthquake occurred, and the Colossus collapsed, breaking at the knee level. The local oracle demanded that the statue not be restored. For 900 years, every visitor to Rhodes could look at the statue of the defeated god. In 654 AD. The Syrian prince, who captured the island, removed all the bronze plates from the statue and took them to Syria.

Alexandrian lighthouse.

In the 3rd century BC. On the island of Foros, not far from the shore of the Alexandrian bay, a lighthouse was built to help ships passing through the reefs on the way to the port of Alexandria. The lighthouse was 117 meters high and consisted of three massive marble towers. At the top of one of the towers stood a statue of Zeus. At night the lighthouse reflected the flames, and during the day a column of smoke rose above it. The lighthouse required a large amount of fuel to operate. The tree was brought to the lighthouse by numerous mules and horses. Bronze plates were used instead of mirrors to direct light into the sea. The Foros lighthouse stood for 1500 years and was destroyed by an earthquake. The Muslims built their military fort on the ruins of the lighthouse. This military facility still stands on the site of the Faros lighthouse.

Olympic statue of Zeus.

Three thousand years ago, Olympia was the religious center of Greece. At that time, the most revered Greek deity was the king of the gods - Zeus. Celebrations were held regularly, including sports competitions. It is believed that the first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. After this, competitions were held every four years for 1100 years. During the games, all wars were stopped to allow the participants to arrive at the competition site. The citizens of Olympia decided to build a majestic temple dedicated to Zeus in the city. It took ten years to build it. There was supposed to be a statue of Zeus in the temple. The sculptor Phidias and his assistants first created a wooden frame for the sculpture, then covered it with ivory plates, while the god’s clothes were made of gold sheets. Despite the huge number of details that made up the sculpture, it looked like a monolithic figure. Zeus sat majestically on a throne decorated with precious stones and inlaid with ebony. The statue reached a height of 13 meters, reaching the ceiling of the temple. For 800 years after its creation, the statue of Zeus at Olympia was the seventh wonder of the world. The Roman Emperor Caligula wanted the statue to be moved to Rome. According to legend, when the workers sent by the emperor arrived, the statue burst into loud laughter and the workers fled in fear. In 391 AD. The Romans banned the Olympic Games and closed all Greek temples. A few years later, the statue of Zeus was transported to Constantinople. In 462 AD. the palace where the statue was located burned down. The Temple at Olympia was destroyed by an earthquake. Humanity has lost one of its wonders - the statue of Zeus at Olympia.

We can only hope that someday world technology will reach such a level that it will be able to recreate the seven wonders of the ancient world. And this will truly be a tribute to the memory of generations of talented architects of antiquity, who created architectural masterpieces that have no equal in the modern world.