The history of the name of the Chapel of Paraskeva Friday. Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Russia, Krasnoyarsk: photo, description, address. Figures and facts

The picture is familiar to everyone who has held a ten-ruble bill in their hands. It depicts the chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, one of the symbols of Krasnoyarsk. It is located at the very top of Karaulnaya Mountain, on the site of the ancient temple of the Kachin Tatars. In those distant times, local tribes called the mountain Kum-Tegey. The first settlers installed a watchtower here, from which they could see the approaching enemy.

Krasnoyarsk stands on the banks of the harsh and powerful Yenisei River. Its cold waters with terrible whirlpools claimed many lives. The merchant Novikov once fell into such a whirlpool and was saved by an incredible miracle. As a sign of this event, the merchant ordered the construction of a wooden church on the top of the mountain, which was built in 1805. But the wooden structure quickly fell into disrepair and took on an unpresentable appearance. Then the architects Alfeev and Nabalov designed a stone chapel. It was built in 1855 with the money of Krasnoyarsk gold miner Pyotr Kuznetsov, and has survived to this day. The chapel is built of brick and is a simple octagon in the Old Russian style. Three windows are covered with beautiful wrought iron bars. The frame of the windows duplicates the shape of the kokshniks that decorate the transition from the walls to the tent. The height of the chapel is 15 meters. There is a memorial plaque on the façade of the chapel where you can read about the 1887 event. Then the Russian scientist, radio inventor A.S. Popov came to us. At this place, next to the chapel, he observed a solar eclipse. Now pilgrimage trips are organized to this chapel.

I took this photo in the fall

Karaulnaya Mountain offers views of the city of Krasnoyarsk. These are the first shots of the new year, 2015.

Chapel of Paraskeva Friday in Krasnoyarsk.

Before the arrival of the Russians, on the top of the mountain beyond the Kacha River there was an ancient pagan temple of the Kachin Tatars. Even earlier, as historians say, there were Paleolithic objects like cromlechs or dolmens. In local dialects this hill was called Kum-Tigey (translated from Turkic as “sandy peak/hill”), the name that has come down to us is Karaulnaya Mountain.

The history of the Krasnoyarsk chapel begins with the first building erected by Russian settlers on this hill, on the site of the modern chapel. In those days, a wooden watchtower was built here. It served as a lookout point for the Cossacks on duty: from the top of the mountain it was clearly visible to the enemies approaching the city’s borders.

In the second half XVII century, Krasnoyarsk was subjected to raids by the Dzungars, Kyrgyz, and Tubins. The city came close to destruction more than once, but survived. At the very beginning of the 1700s, it finally became clear that peaceful life was being established on the banks of the Yenisei.

In memory of those killed in battles, local residents began to organize religious processions and serve a prayer service on the top of Karaulnaya Mountain twice a year, in May and September. A cross was erected at this place. Later a roof was placed over it on four pillars. This can be considered the first memorial monument in the history of the city.

According to one version, in 1805. merchant I. L. Novikov built a wooden chapel on this very spot in memory of his happy salvation on a stormy river rapids. Another version says that the wooden chapel was erected by Krasnoyarsk residents in honor of the liberation of their ancestors from their enemies.

In 1852-1855. According to the design of architects Y. Alfeev and Y. Nabalov, a new stone chapel was built on the site of the old chapel, which has survived to this day. Construction was carried out at the expense of the famous Krasnoyarsk gold miner Pyotr Kuznetsov.

The current Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa on Karaulnaya Mountain is a small octagonal brick building in the Old Russian style. It has three windows covered with wrought iron bars and one false window opening. The framing of the openings repeats the shape of the kokoshniks that decorate the transition from the walls to the chapel tent.

The height of the chapel is 15 meters, the diameter is 7 meters, the height of the walls is 7 meters, the length of each face is 2.4 meters. Karaulnaya Mountain, on which the chapel is located, is one of the best places in Krasnoyarsk, from where a panorama of the historical part of the city and the adjacent areas opens up.

In 1973-1975 the chapel was restored. The author of the project is architect Brusnyanin. It's sad but true: despite the fact that in 1980. The chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa in Krasnoyarsk was given the status of an architectural monument of local significance and is included in the list of monuments recommended for federal protection; until the early 1990s, the chapel was in a deplorable, abandoned state. Fortunately, justice and reason prevailed, and now it is a functioning temple.

The Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa (as it was before the 1996 alteration) is depicted on the front side of the 10-ruble banknote of the 1997 model. The same banknote has a watermark in the form of a silhouette of a Krasnoyarsk chapel.

Interesting Facts

  • In August 1887, the famous Russian scientist Alexander Popov observed a solar eclipse from a platform next to the chapel.
  • The famous artist V.I. Surikov drew sketches from this place.

Title in Russian: Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa
Title in English: Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel

Description: This chapel is considered one of the symbols of Krasnoyarsk and previously there was a watchtower in its place - the first Russian building on the territory of present-day Krasnoyarsk, from which the Cossacks monitored the area and looked out for enemies.
Today, residents of Russia can see the Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa every day and not even know about it. It's simple: she looks at us from a ten-ruble note. Considering that only a small number of Russian landmarks have received the honor of being depicted on Russian currency, the chapel truly holds a special historical place.
The chapel appeared on Karaulnaya Mountain in 1805 thanks to the efforts of the merchant I. L. Novikov, who built it in memory of his rescue from the whirlpool of the Kacha River. True, some historians adhere to a different version of the appearance of the chapel, arguing that it was built by the residents of Krasnoyarsk in honor of the deliverance of the Russian people from their enemies.
The structure was wooden and after half a century its condition left much to be desired. In 1852-1855, gold miner Pyotr Kuznetsov paid for the construction of a stone chapel designed by architects Y. Alfeev and Y. Nabalov. This is exactly what we can see today.
This is an octagonal structure made in the ancient Russian style. The chapel has three windows with wrought iron bars and one false window opening. The chapel reaches 15 meters in height and stands on a place from which a unique view of the city opens.
The artist Vasily Surikov loved to work here, and in August 1887, the Russian scientist Alexander Popov watched the solar eclipse from the observation deck located next to the chapel.
Since 1980, the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel has been considered an architectural monument. It is worth noting that after it passed into the balance of the Russian Orthodox Church, despite the status of an architectural monument, in 1996 its interior underwent serious changes: frescoes appeared on the walls, heating was installed in the room.
Paraskeva Pyatnitsa is a Christian martyr of the 3rd century. It is believed that she was born during the reign of Emperor Diocletian in the ancient city of Iconium into the family of a wealthy senator. From an early age, the girl preferred an ascetic lifestyle. She was named Paraskeva in honor of the fifth day of the week, since her parents honored the day of the Lord's suffering on the cross - Friday. When, at the instigation of Diocletian, cruel persecution of Christians began, Paraskeva was also captured. She survived torture and inhuman torment, after which the captive was beheaded.
A country: Russia
City: Krasnoyarsk
Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Stepan Razin, Karaulnaya Mountain

The Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel is a Russian Orthodox chapel located in the most prominent place in Krasnoyarsk, on the top of Karaulnaya Mountain. Previously, the chapel was considered a monument of local importance, but its image on the 10-ruble banknote brought the landmark worldwide fame.

At the future site of the chapel, which the local tribes called Ku-Tegey (Black Hill), there was a pagan temple built by the Kachin Tatars.

But as the Cossacks began to develop these territories, a guard tower was built on the hill, designed to protect the settlement from unexpected enemy raids.

In 1805, a wooden chapel was built on the mountain; according to legend, this was done by the merchant Ivan Novikov in honor of his miraculous rescue from the whirlpool created by the rapids of the Yenisei. According to another version, local residents erected a chapel in memory of their ancestors, who managed to defend the settlement from enemies.

Be that as it may, the structure soon fell into disrepair.

Fifty years later, at the request of Bishop Afanasy of Tomsk, the city duma decided to build a stone chapel. And soon, in the period from 1852 to 1855, the chapel was erected - according to the design of Yakov Alfeev and Yakov Nabalov, with money from the gold miner and philanthropist Peter Yakovlev. The chapel is an octagonal building in the Old Russian style.

Since then, the chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa has become a landmark, without which Krasnoyarsk can no longer be imagined - one of the symbols of the city. Every guest of Krasnoyarsk considers it his duty to look at the chapel. And, in addition, from Karaulnaya Mountain there is an impressive view of the city.

The chapel was named in honor of Saint Paraskeva. She lived in the 3rd century in Asia Minor, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. After this emperor began persecuting Christians, Paraskeva was captured and beheaded.

The name Paraskeva translated from Greek means “Friday”. The parents named the girl this way in honor of the first day of the torment of Christ. In Rus', during the struggle of Christians against paganism, the Christian saint Paraskeva was called upon to replace and displace the pagan god of the Eastern Slavs, Friday, the “woman’s god,” the patron saint of women. Since then, in the mythological consciousness of Russian Christians, Saint Paraskeva actually began to be associated with the god Friday.

This is how the chapel received its intricate name: Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

In Soviet times, during the struggle against all religious views, the chapel was abandoned, which is why it began to collapse.

However, between 1973 and 1975 the building was restored. Since then, the Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa has been an important place of pilgrimage for tourists. And brides and grooms of Krasnoyarsk love to visit this attraction during their weddings.

The Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa is a kind of personification of Krasnoyarsk.

This chapel, known throughout Russia, is located on the most beautiful observation deck in Krasnoyarsk - Karaulnaya Mountain, which offers a beautiful view of almost the entire city.

The mountain itself was called Karaulnaya for a reason. It was on this mountain that once upon a time the first Cossacks erected a tower to guard the city. Thanks to this, it was possible to inform city residents in a timely manner about the impending danger.

In 1805, on this very spot, merchant I. L. Novikov allocated funds for the construction of a wooden chapel. And the reason for such generosity is that Novikov managed to escape from the whirlpool.

There is another version of the appearance of a wooden chapel on the mountain. If you believe it, then the chapel was erected by the residents of the city as a memory of the fact that their ancestors managed to cope with their enemies. Unfortunately, we will never know what actually happened.

As everyone knows, wood is not durable, so the chapel quickly fell into disrepair. They decided to demolish the old chapel and build a stone one in its place.

In 1852-1855, on the site where the dilapidated wooden chapel stood, a new stone chapel was built, which has survived to this day. It was designed by Y. Alfeev and Y. Nabalov. Funds for construction were allocated by wealthy Krasnoyarsk resident Pyotr Kuznetsov.

The Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa has seen a lot of interesting things. On the guard mountain next to the chapel, he painted his famous landscapes, who was born in Krasnoyarsk and lived in this city for quite a long time.

Well, in August 1887, from the observation deck next to the chapel, the Russian scientist who invented the radio, Alexander Popov, witnessed a solar eclipse. In memory of this famous event, a memorial plaque was installed in the chapel.

In the 70s. In the 20th century, the chapel was restored, but until the early nineties it was in an abandoned state.

In 1996, the Chapel of Paraskeva Friday was transferred to the use of the Orthodox Church. After this event, the chapel was somewhat modified. Both the external and internal decoration have changed: the walls were painted with frescoes, heating was installed.

The Chapel of Paraskeva Friday is depicted on the 10 ruble banknote.

The chapel is a cultural heritage site, an architectural monument and is protected by the state.

How to get there

The Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel is located at the top of Karaulnaya Mountain, on the street. S. Razina, 51 Central district of Krasnoyarsk (Pokrovsky square). You can get to the site by bus (No. 32) to the Herzen stop, then on foot to the Chapel.

Look at the wonderful panorama of evening Krasnoyarsk that opens from the Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa: .
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Photos inside the Chapel