The true history of Atlantis. Nina Ivakhnenko. Atlantis Blavatsky's Atlantis

12. Atlantis

Atlantis - the legendary continent that once rose in the middle of the present Atlantic Ocean, to which, in fact, he gave the name and which is considered by many esotericists as the ancestral home of modern humanity - is mentioned in many ancient myths and legends. However, here we will focus not so much on the historical, but on the esoteric aspects of this topic.

The many striking ethnological and linguistic coincidences in the mainland cultures that flourished on both sides of the Atlantic suggest with a high degree of probability that there was once, in prehistoric times, a large continent connecting the two shores. Here is what the famous researcher Le Plongeon writes, for example: “The language of the Mayan Indians consists of Greek words and roots by a third. How did Homer's language come to America? Or, conversely, who taught the Greeks the Mayan language? It is known that Greek comes from Sanskrit. Is the origin of the Mayan language also Sanskrit? Or is Sanskrit the proto-language of both the Greeks and the Mayans?”

Another example of the same kind is the Basque language, which is not similar to any of the European languages. The famous linguist Farrar writes: “There is no doubt that this unique language, preserved in its original form in a remote corner of Europe between two great states, resembles in its structure the languages ​​​​spoken by the indigenous inhabitants of the great continent [Atlantis], and no one more".

From an ethnological perspective, the different skin tones of American Indians have always been a mystery to specialists. For example, representatives of such Indian tribes as the Menomai, Dakota, Mandan and Zuni differ from their red-skinned counterparts in light skin, dark, reddish hair and blue eyes, while the Kara and some now extinct tribes of the Californian coast of America were black, like blacks .

Nothing surprised Spanish adventurers in Mexico and Peru more than the extraordinary similarity of religions, rituals and symbols in the Old and New Worlds. Everywhere in temples and other religious temples there were crosses, which were worshiped by local residents and which were used as symbols of faith. For example, Mexican, Central American and Peruvian tribes performed rituals that closely resembled Christian rites, such as baptism, communion, confession and the last supper, and Indian priests, during baptism or absolution, put their palms together at face level, as Christian priests do.

But one of the most amazing similarities in the cultures on both sides of the Atlantic is temple architecture. The similarities between the Egyptian, Mexican and Central American pyramids are so striking that it can hardly be explained by pure chance.

In his book “Atlanticus”, the Greek philosopher Plato gives a detailed description of the history, objects of art, rites and customs of the people of Atlantis, and in his famous dialogues “Timaeus” he writes about “a powerful military power that invaded from the Atlantic Ocean with hostile purposes and with incomprehensible speed spread throughout Europe and Asia. At that time, the Atlantic Ocean was navigable, and right opposite the two cliffs that served as the gates to the ocean and were called the Pillars of Hercules, there was an island. This island was larger than Libya and Asia combined, and provided access to other nearby islands, and from there it was quite easy to reach the continents that were located in the vastness of the Atlantic.”

The Mexican Toltecs trace their origins to a country they call Atlandia or Aztlandia, and the British Celts have a legend that part of their land once extended far into the Atlantic Ocean, but was destroyed as a result of powerful cataclysms. This is also confirmed by the legends of the inhabitants of Wales, which tell of three such cataclysms.

Not only in the Bible, but also in the tales and legends of many peoples of the Earth there are similar descriptions of the great flood. For example, in the library of the British Museum there is an ancient Mayan manuscript found on the Yucatan Peninsula and written approximately 3,500 years ago, which gives the following description of the disaster that resulted in the sinking of the island of Poseidon: “In the sixth year of Kan, the eleventh Muluk of the month Zak, a terrible earthquake occurred, which continued without a break until the thirteenth Chuen. Great My, the land of hills, perished. Having appeared several times from the depths of the sea, one night it suddenly completely disappeared, and the entire water area was constantly shaken by volcanic explosions. Volcanic activity was local in nature, so land in several places either disappeared or reappeared. Finally, its surface was completely under water, and as a result, ten countries died and sank to the bottom. Unable to withstand the cataclysms, they sank with all 64 million inhabitants in the year 8060 from the time of this book."

Now let's see what the esoteric teaching says about Atlantis. At its heyday, this continent occupied most of what is now the Atlantic Ocean, and also included huge tracts of land on the American continent, which at that time was just beginning to take on its modern appearance. At the same time, to the east and north of Atlantis, the remains of the not completely destroyed ancient continents of Lemuria and Hyperborea still remained.

Initially, the new lands were dominated by the Lemurians who came there, who made up the first Atlantean subrace - the Rmoagals. These were dark-skinned giants, who over time, as they were more and more pushed north by subsequent subraces, became lighter and smaller in stature. It is believed that modern Laplanders are descendants of the ancient Lemurians.

Representatives of the second Atlantean subrace, the Tlavatli, were red-skinned mountaineers who came from an island off the western tip of Atlantis. They displaced the Rmoagals and settled in the mountainous regions of the central and eastern part of the mainland, where they dominated for some period of time.

They are followed by a third subrace - the Toltecs, who had copper-red skin. They ruled the continent for many millennia and created a highly developed civilization and culture, which we will briefly discuss at the end of the chapter. It is this subrace, along with the Tlavatli, that is the ancestor of the Indian tribes of America.

The fourth subrace - the Turanians - is the first of the so-called yellow races of humanity. The homeland of the Turanians was the eastern tip of the continent. They were distinguished by excellent seaworthiness, which allowed them to colonize many parts of the world in a fairly short time, even as distant as the territory of modern China, whose inhabitants are their descendants. However, due to their expansion to the east, they never became the dominant race in their homeland.

The next, fifth, subrace became such a race - the Semites, who, having displaced the Toltecs, subjugated the entire continent. These were warlike people with light skin, but they differed from other subraces not only in skin color, but also in their thinking. If before this the evolution of consciousness followed the path of development of sensory life, then, starting with the Semites, it went in the direction of the development of active mental activity. It is not surprising that Vaivasvata Manu selected representatives of the Semitic subrace for the “cultivation” of the fifth, “thinking” root race - the Indo-European type of people.

The Semites were constantly at enmity and waged wars on land and sea with the sixth Atlantean subrace - the Akkadians, who were also light-skinned. This war ended with the Semites being completely defeated, and the Akkadians single-handedly ruling the continent for many centuries. In addition, they, like the Turanians, were excellent sailors and skilled traders, who plowed the oceans of the whole world on their ships and founded numerous colonies in distant lands.

The seventh subrace - the Mongols - are the only Atlantean people whose homeland was not Atlantis. The Mongols were descendants of the “yellow” Turans, who once settled in the territory of modern Asia, where they became the dominant race. They are still one of the most numerous races on Earth, and modern Japanese are considered their direct descendants.

Now a few words about the Toltecs, one of the most cultured and civilized peoples of Atlantis. At its peak, the Toltec civilization featured an advanced political and social system, as well as developed cultural and scientific institutions. True, they achieved this not with the help of creative thinking, but solely due to the fact that among them lived the highest initiates, representatives of the Hierarchy, who put their “magical” talent at the disposal of the Toltecs. The capital of the Toltecs - “The City with the Golden Gates” - was located in concentric circles on the slopes of a hill overlooking the surrounding plain. At the top, among magnificent gardens, stood the royal palace, where, with the help of a beautifully designed hydraulic system, water was constantly supplied, which was first used to irrigate the gardens and was used for household needs, and then was drained through four drains into the moat or canal that surrounded the palace. From here the water flowed further into the lower canals, which framed the hillside in concentric circles and supplied water to all the inhabitants of the capital, who at that time numbered nearly two million.

The city was a truly remarkable architectural structure, the beauty and grandeur of which was enhanced by the fact that all the palaces, temples and other religious buildings were decorated and lined with precious metals, mined using alchemical recipes under the guidance of initiates. The houses of ordinary residents resembled structures that today we would call atriums, that is, they were a kind of huge “greenhouses” with shady gardens and terraces.

For transport purposes, the Atlanteans had airships, the so-called vimanas, which were powered by special energy - vril; this energy is not known today, but it, like many other things, was also developed under the guidance of initiates. True, the Atlantean airships were not as fast and did not fly as high as modern aircraft, but they were silent: they glided smoothly in the air at an altitude of several hundred meters, developing speeds from 80 to 160 km/h.

The presence of highly dedicated adepts among the Atlanteans, in addition to the obvious benefits, subsequently played a rather negative role in the fate of Atlantis. As already mentioned, the consciousness of the Atlanteans was not distinguished by the clarity of thinking, like the consciousness of modern people, and was rather astral-psychic in nature. This psychism, that is, the ability of the brain to perceive astral images, allowed them to come into direct contact with natural forces and invisible beings, and they often abused this ability, using it for selfish or selfish purposes, a phenomenon that we today call “black magic.”

Faced with the fact of such abuse, initiates from among the members of the Internal World Government began to hide part of the secret magical knowledge from the Atlanteans, which was opposed by the ruling elite - priests, magicians and rulers, as a result of which violent strife and wars began in the country between light and dark forces.

The manipulation of natural forces led to a series of natural disasters, under the influence of which vast coastal parts of the continent went under water, causing the death of millions of people. The largest of the cataclysms occurred approximately 800, 200 and 80 thousand years ago. As a result, the continent fell apart into smaller parts, until only one island remained from the huge continent - Poseidon, which Plato mentions. Eventually this island also sank in a disaster that occurred in 9564 BC.

No matter how high the civilization and culture of Atlantis were, they should in no way be taken as evidence of a “higher” level of development than ours. The Atlanteans owed all their wealth and splendor primarily to dedicated adepts, so all their technical achievements were an introduced factor, and not at all the result of the creative activity of designers, engineers and technical workers.

For, although the process of evolution is accompanied by inevitable cyclical ups and downs, the present, when viewed from a broader perspective, will always represent a higher stage of development of consciousness in comparison with the past.

From the book Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles by Guenon Rene

ATLANTIS AND HYPERBOREA In "Atlentis" for June 1929, Mr. Paul le Cour wrote a notice about our article of last May, in which we assert the difference between Atlantis and Hyperborea, in contrast to those who prefer mix them up and who's talking about

From the book Various Works (collection) by Guenon Rene

Atlantis and Hyperborea In the magazine "Atlantis" (June 1929), Mr. Paul Le Cour mentions our article published in May (magazine "Veil of Isis", May 1929, title of the article "Stones of Lightning"), where we pointed out the difference between Hyperborea and Atlantis, contrary to the opinion of those who

From the book Mysteries of Eurasia author Dugin Alexander Gelevich

Atlantis and Eurasia The racial paradigm of the “Ura-Linda Chronicles” has a clear geographical structure that corresponds to this paradigm. The “Lydians” are inhabitants of the deep South, but they are hardly mentioned in the Chronicle. The main geographical area where the story unfolds

From the book The Mystery of the West: Atlantis - Europe author


From the book The Secret of the West. Atlantis - Europe author Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich

7. ATLANTIS - AMERICA IOn one ancient, 15th century, Nuremberg map of the newly discovered America, St. Christopher, the angel of Columbus, a giant wading the Ocean, with the infant Christ in his arms: he brings light from the East to the West, “who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,”

From the book The Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky in 90 minutes author Sparov Victor

10. WHY DID ATLANTIS PERISH? IAll love is sacrificial, and the stronger, the more sacrificial. God is the limit of human love and sacrifice; People sacrifice to God what is most dear to them - themselves or another person. In this “or” there is a slippery line between the divine and the demonic in

From the book Future Shock by Toffler Alvin

12. ATLANTIS - PREHISTORY I What is death for a person, is the end of the world for humanity. A healthy person living a full life forgets death naturally, does not believe in it; knows about it, but does not know it; only in the rarest of flashes of lightning does he suddenly remember - see her face to face,

From the book Multiple States of Being (collection) by Guenon Rene

Part I. Atlantis

From the book Worlds Collide author Velikovsky Immanuel

7. Atlantis - America I On one ancient, 15th century, Nuremberg map of the newly discovered America, St. Christopher, the angel of Columbus, a giant wading the Ocean, with the infant Christ in his arms: he brings light from the East to the West, “who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,”

From the book by Francis Bacon author Subbotin Alexander Leonidovich

12. Atlantis - prehistory I What is death for a person, is the end of the world for humanity. A healthy person living a full life forgets death naturally, does not believe in it; knows about it, but does not know it; only in the rarest flash of lightning does he suddenly remember - he sees her face to face,

From the book English Utopia author Morton Arthur Leslie

12. Atlantis Atlantis - the legendary continent that once rose in the middle of the current Atlantic Ocean, to which, in fact, he gave the name and which is considered by many esotericists as the ancestral home of modern humanity - is mentioned in many

From the author's book

NEW ATLANTIS “In the next 50 years,” says Dr. F. N. Spies, head of the Marine Physical Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, “man will go to the sea and into the sea, master it and exploit it as an integral part of our planet: for recreation, as

From the author's book

Atlantis and Hyperborea In Atlentis, June 1929, Mr. Paul le Cour wrote a notice of our article of the previous May, in which we maintain the distinction between Atlantis and Hyperborea, in opposition to those who prefer mix them up and who's talking about

From the author's book

Atlantis The story told by Plato about the island of Atlantis, which reigned over Africa as far as the coasts of Egypt and Europe and to Tuscany on the Apennine Peninsula, and which one fateful night was destroyed by an earthquake and sank, has never ceased to fascinate

From the author's book

XII. New Atlantis The dream is the lot of youth, while experienced maturity is more inclined to a sober and worldly view of things. For Bacon, already a precocious prodigy from early childhood, it was the opposite. His first works are “Religious Reflections”

Letter from the cultural community

TV channel management REN TV in defense of H. P. Blavatsky

General Director of the media holding REN TV,

To the President of the television company REN TV

I.S. Lesnevskaya

To the General Director of the REN TV channel

YES. Lesnevsky

Dear Irena Stefanovna!

Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!

May 28-29, 2005 on the TV channel REN TV The documentary film “In Search of Atlantis” was shown. We really wanted to learn something new from the mysterious past of our planet and get acquainted with scientific research on this topic.

Alas! After watching the film by American director and screenwriter Sean Trevessick, I was left with disappointment and deep indignation. Working in a “creative” duo, Trevessick and Peter Washington could not resist the temptation to take part in the black PR campaign against great people that is so fashionable today.

Having told in the first part of the film about the hypotheses of the location of Atlantis, the authors devoted the second part entirely... to belittling the outstanding personality of the 19th century, our compatriot Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

Contribution of E.P. Blavatsky is widely known and recognized in world science and spiritual culture. The international cultural organization UNESCO declared 1991 the World Year of Blavatsky. Her works had a huge influence on the life, work and creativity of such outstanding world figures as V. Crooks, K. Tsiolkovsky, T. Edison, A. Scriabin, M. Ciurlionis, the Roerich family, M. Voloshin, M. Gandhi, J. Nehru and many others.

“It was she who was the great spirit who took upon herself the difficult task of giving a shift to the consciousness of humanity, entangled in the dead snares of dogma and rushing into the dead end of atheism,” wrote the outstanding Russian philosopher, spiritual ascetic and public figure Helena Roerich about Blavatsky. But all her life, Elena Petrovna was haunted by ignorance, prejudice, slander and betrayal, which do not stop today, 114 years after her death.

Undoubtedly, H. P. Blavatsky lived to serve humanity. A true testament to the outstanding talent, broad knowledge, heights of spirit and feat of E.P. Blavatsky are her works. She worked on the "Secret Doctrine" - a body of centuries-old, hidden wisdom. This scientific and philosophical work was written in collaboration with the great Teachers of the East, who are at a higher level of consciousness development. All the ancient Teachings, myths and legends of different peoples convey to us the message that the Great Sages constantly helped people, gave them new knowledge, taught them crafts and arts. These testimonies are protected and considered sacred in different cultures around the world. There is documentary information about the messages of Spiritual Teachers to those historical figures on whose decisions the fate of peoples and countries depended.

“If it were not for the anger and envy of her contemporaries, she (H. P. Blavatsky) would have written two more volumes of The Secret Doctrine, which would have included pages from the lives of the Great Teachers of mankind. But people chose to kill her, the work remained unfinished,” we read in the letters of E.I. Roerich.

Claiming that “Blavatsky connected Atlantis with ideas of racial superiority,” the film’s authors draw a thread from the “Secret Doctrine” to “propagandists of the ideas of the 3rd Reich.” They are either completely unfamiliar with the Secret Doctrine, or deliberately distort its essence. Of course, Hitler and his henchmen believed in their exclusivity. With this faith they justified their bloody campaign around the world. But E.P. Blavatsky, tracing the history of human development in The Secret Doctrine, speaks not about the superiority of one race over others, but about the change of races (types of humanity) in the evolutionary development of the planet.

The main goal of the Theosophical Society created by H. P. Blavatsky in 1875 was “Creation of the nucleus of the universal brotherhood of mankind, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color.” It is quite obvious that there is, and cannot be, anything in common between Blavatsky’s works, imbued with the ideas of humanism, and Hitler’s misanthropic theories.

By the way, the 3rd Reich was obsessed not only with the idea of ​​destroying “inferior” races, but also with the desire to eradicate the wisdom of all centuries and peoples. Let us recall a well-known historical fact: in the 3rd Reich, books by world classics were burned at the stake, among which were the works of E.P. Blavatsky. ( S. Cranston. H.P. Blavatsky. The life and work of the founder of the theosophical movement. "Ligatma", Riga-Moscow, 1996).

It is puzzling and indignant that your TV channel showed a slanderous film about H. P. Blavatsky, whom Russia can rightly consider its glory and pride.

The New York Tribune's response to the death of H. P. Blavatsky said: “Hardly any woman of our day has been so slandered and defamed as Madame Blavatsky, but although she suffered from malice and ignorance, there are many signs that her life’s work will justify itself, will endure and will still serve good...”

We hope that in the future your TV channel, observing the laws of journalistic ethics, will take a more responsible approach to the selection of educational materials offered to the general public. These materials should be based on real facts and evidence, but not on the conjectures and fantasies of unscrupulous “researchers” of the lives and activities of outstanding people.

With wishes for creative success in the aspirations of Russians towards true culture,

Chairman of the Tver Regional

Roerich public


A.G. Lysikov

Chairman of Yaroslavl

Roerich Society,

chief specialist of the committee

on environmental protection

Administration of the Yaroslavl region


Chairman of the Ivanovo Society

Roerichov "Light", associate professor of ISHA


Chairman of Donetsk

spiritual and cultural

center "Oriflamma", Ukraine

L.D. Paley

Editors Internet magazine

"Palitra", Bulgaria, Sofia

Boyko Zlatev,

Diyana Zlateva

Editor of interregional

cultural and educational

Orion publications, member

International Association

writers and publicists


Chairman of the board

Tambov public

organization "Unity"


Chairman of Tula

City Roerichovsky



Team leader

Protecting the name and heritage

Roerichs of Artemovsky

Roerich Society

(Ukraine, Donetsk region)

A.D. Tyurikov

Employee of Bashkir

Branches of the International

League for the Defense of Culture,

U fa

G.G. Rezapova


· Application.

A. Borisenko, Yaroslavl

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

justified... 100 years later

The last quarter of the 19th century can be called the triumph of materialist science. The scientists of that time were very reminiscent of Turgenev's Bazarov. It seemed to them that the Universe was completely described by mathematical formulas and calculations. It seemed that Darwin's theory and Newton's laws completely explained the structure of the Universe. At scientific conferences, arrogant statements were made that the picture of the world had been completely recreated, and future generations of scientists could only clarify the decimal places in already discovered physical constants.

Against this “decent” background, the works of our outstanding compatriot Helena Petrovna Blavatsky became a real revolution in science and philosophy. Possessing excellent scientific foresight and relying on ancient knowledge, she, contrary to all authorities, argued that Darwin and Newton were not right in everything. Now, a hundred years later, we know that this is really so. Newton's ideas are valid as a special case of Einstein's theory of relativity, and evolution was somewhat more complicated than Darwin describes. But imagine what kind of courage a Russian woman needs to have in order to openly enter into a scientific debate, contrary to all authorities in the 19th century! And win it.

Let's look at one typical example. In Blavatsky's time, physicists considered the atom to be indivisible. This is what she wrote in 1888, in contrast to all the established dogmas of that time: “The atom is precisely divisible and must consist of particles or subatoms...” (“The Secret Doctrine”, volume 1). Nine years later, in 1897, the electron was discovered, and physicists’ previous ideas about the structure of the world completely changed.

Blavatsky put forward theories that science only reached in the 20th century. She predicted the discovery of ultrasound and knew about the equivalence of mass and energy. Elena Petrovna argued that the Cosmos goes through repeating cycles of expansion and contraction. Stephen Hawkin and many other modern scientists think the same. According to the recollections of contemporaries, the “Secret Doctrine” lay on Einstein’s desk, and theosophy was studied by such famous scientists as inventor Thomas Edison, astronomer Camille Flammarion, chemist William Crookes and many others.

Most of all, E.P. Blavatsky criticized science for its materialistic one-sidedness. She spoke about the need to discover and study the boundless energy of the spirit. Moreover, Blavatsky possessed supersensible abilities. To prove what a person can do, she performed experiments that could be perceived as phenomena.

Using the power of psychic energy, she demonstrated the materialization of objects and their movement in space.

Similar experiences are documented and certified by the signatures of many witnesses, among whom were famous representatives of the intelligentsia of the 19th century. Thus, the famous writer Herbert Wells once noted that he was always amazed by the phenomena performed... “by Mohammed, the yogis and Madame Blavatsky... Here we come into contact,” he wrote, “with laws deeper than the well-known laws of nature.”

However, Blavatsky believed that in the spiritual and philosophical field phenomena do not prove anything. Moreover, a miracle in itself is anti-spiritual, and the desire for miracles in a person is like intoxication. Much more important is scientific knowledge of the world. But science should not be materialistically one-sided. The reality that religions talk about can be studied not only from the point of view of faith, cult and philosophy, but also by the methods of exact science. There is ancient knowledge that can guide humanity along the evolutionary path. The exponents of this ancient wisdom were Hermes Trismegistus, Pythagoras, Plato...

In her fundamental work, The Secret Doctrine, created in close collaboration with the Great Teachers of the East, she writes: “No great truth was accepted a priori, and usually a century or two passed before glimpses of it began to flash in human consciousness as possible. true... And real work will be justified partially or entirely in the 20th century.” (The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2).

The history of mankind shows that everything new entered the world with severe resistance from outdated consciousnesses. Let us remember that Giordano Bruno paid with his life at the stake for those discoveries that every schoolchild now knows about. Centuries have passed, but ignorance has only changed the methods of dealing with carriers of evolutionary knowledge. Severe trials also awaited Elena Petrovna Blavatsky.

Blavatsky's opponents chose her psychic abilities as a target. Expert Richard Hodgson was sent to India, where Blavatsky lived at that time, from the London Society for Psychical Research, who declared Blavatsky... a skilled fraud. Hodgson made a name for himself based on the scandal he created.

Surprisingly, for a whole century, Hodgson’s verdict wandered through a variety of books, encyclopedias and media - in a word, everywhere where the life and work of Blavatsky was discussed.

Blavatsky herself wrote in her philosophical works that the world is governed by the law of cause and effect, which is based on harmony and global justice. It just takes time for this justice to manifest itself. And so it happened. The law of world justice affected the name of Blavatsky. Our great compatriot was acquitted...100 years later!

The same London Society for Psychical Research, which once accused Blavatsky of fraud, issued a press communiqué in 1986, intended for leading newspapers and magazines in Great Britain, Canada and the United States. It opens with the words: “According to the latest research, Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, was convicted unjustly.” Dr. Vernon Harrison re-examined century-old documents related to Blavatsky's case and concluded that she was completely innocent. “I apologize to her for the fact that it took us a hundred years to confirm the truth of her words,” he writes in his report. (Sylvia Cranston. H. P. Blavatsky. The life and work of the founder of the modern theosophical movement).

Recognizing the merits of Blavatsky and her contribution to world science and spiritual culture, UNESCO declared 1991 the World Year of Blavatsky. Thus, the final result of the hundred-year history of the unfair accusation of our great compatriot was summed up.

From Blavatsky's letters

The negative attitude of some theologians towards our outstanding compatriot H. P. Blavatsky has become widely known. Unfortunately, her critics do not have the slightest idea about the foundations of Eastern philosophy and the works of this great personality. A persistent myth has formed that H. P. Blavatsky is supposedly an opponent of Christianity. And here is what H. P. Blavatsky herself writes about the Christian religion.

· You will not find a single word against the Russian Orthodox Church in this book (“Isis Unveiled”). You will ask why? Because your church is the purest and most true... In the Russian Orthodox Church the grain of divine Truth is firmly embedded, only it is buried at the very foundation: it cannot be found on the surface...

· The vast majority of Orthodox Christians are sincere; faith may be blind and ignorant, but it leads the masses to good. And although our priests (“priests”) are often drunkards and thieves, and sometimes just fools, their faith is still pure and cannot but lead to good. The teacher acknowledges this; He says that the only people in the world whose religion is not speculation are the Orthodox. (1877)

· ...He showed us the way, but not in synagogues or temples, as the Pharisees did, but in His own Temple, that is, in the depths of our own hearts, the hearts of each of us. “Don’t you know that you are the Temple of God?” asked Saint Paul. Try to atone for your sins not with useless repentance, but with your deeds, and then the punishing law will not touch you. (1877)

· For me, the dogmas of Christianity, Buddhism and Brahmanism simply do not exist. Neither Christ, nor Buddha, nor Krishna of the Hindus ever preached any dogma except one great truth: “Love your God more than yourself and your brother as yourself.” (1877)

· I am not against Christ or Buddha, but against man-made dogmas. Buddhism teaches that the Kingdom of God and Nirvana can be earned by deeds, and not by empty words. He teaches that between the judgment of the Future and the Unknown God there is no other mediator except our own actions. Christ for us, Buddha for Buddhists, but both of them taught the blind to see the truth, however, the apostles of Christ and Buddha distorted much of what their teachers said, and some did this because of their spiritual and physical weakness, while others, for example, the papacy , because of his ill will and selfish ambitions. (1877)

· ... I have never renounced Christ, I deny the Christianity of the priests, who were and remain liars and hypocrites, sticking their noses into politics. Moreover, I did not renounce Russian Christianity, about which I know very little, but I have always opposed Jewish Christianity, which is full of idolatry and hypocrisy and is rotten to the core; and I fight tooth and nail with all their Salvation Armies, their “Tartuffes” - missionaries who turn their Bible Societies into restaurants and bars, which make the most sacred concepts screens to cover up dirty political and commercial intrigues...

(7August 1883)

· ...That's why I say to Christians: if you believe in your Christ, live as Christ lived, and be like Christ, not the Pope or Luther. I also speak to Buddhists, pointing to the example of Gautama Buddha, the greatest philosopher in the world, and prove to them that no one has proclaimed a more moral teaching, more ethical, more practical, the only one leading humanity here on earth to happiness and peace, in this vale of tears, and not in a hypothetical divine heaven.

Historical reference

In order to make the teachings of Theosophy and Eastern philosophy accessible to modern people, H. P. Blavatsky, with the help of Colonel Olcott, W. Judge and others, founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875.

The original purpose of this philosophical society, as conceived by H. P. Blavatsky, can be briefly defined as follows:

a) To form the nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood without distinction of race, color, sex, caste or creed.

6) Encourage the study of world Religions and Sciences.

c) Explore the hidden side of nature in all its aspects and the unmanifested mental and spiritual powers of man.

Races and eras

Certain aspects of the esoteric teaching about the ancient civilizations of the planet, evolutionary types of humanity unknown to official historical science (the so-called races and subraces), as well as some patterns of the development of human history related to the problem of Atlantis, are covered in detail in one of the letters of Kut-Humi A . P. Sinnett.

“(…) Humanity of our fourth great circle has one great cycle of development; also have its races and subraces. (...) Remember, you belong to the fifth race, but still you are only a Western sub-race. Despite your efforts, what you call civilization is limited only to the latter and its offshoots in America. (...) The student of occultism should not talk about the ossified consciousness of the peoples of the fourth race, for history knows almost nothing about this state “before the beginning of modern progress” of other nations except Western ones. What do you know about America, for example, before the Spanish invaded this country? Less than two centuries before the arrival of Cortes, there was the same desire for progress between the sub-races of Peru and Mexico as is now observed in Europe and the United States of America. Their subrace ended in almost complete destruction due to the causes generated by it; the same will happen to yours at the end of her cycle. We can speak only of the “ossified state” into which, following the law of development, growth, maturity and decline, every race and subrace falls during its transitional period. Your “General History” is only acquainted with the latter state, remaining extremely ignorant even of the state in which India was some ten centuries ago. Your subraces are now rushing to the top of their respective cycles. History goes no further back than to the periods of decline of several other sub-races, most of whom belonged to the previous fourth race. And what is the area and time period captured by her World Eye? In the greatest span of several insignificant dozens of centuries - a powerful horizon, truly! Behind this is the darkness of ignorance and nothing but hypotheses!

Question 2.During the time that people of the fourth great circle lived on Earth, did there exist a civilization as great in terms of intellectual development as ours?

Answer. Undoubtedly there was. The Egyptian and Aryan sources, especially your tables of the Zodiac, supply us with all the evidence, in addition to our internal knowledge. Civilization is a heritage, a ancestral heritage that passes from race to race along an ascending and descending path of cycles. During the infancy of one subrace, it is protected by its predecessors, who usually die out when the first reaches perfection. At first, most of them mismanage their wealth, squander it or leave it untouched in the chests of their ancestors. They disdainfully reject the advice of their elders and prefer, like boys, to play in the street rather than study and extract as much as possible from the untouched wealth laid up for them in the Records of the Past. Thus, during your transition period - the Middle Ages - Europe rejected the evidence of antiquity, calling such wise men as Herodotus and other Learned Greeks "fathers of lies", until they learned more and changed this nickname to "fathers of History."

Instead of neglecting, you are now collecting and adding to your wealth. Like every other race, you have had your ups and downs, your periods of glory and infamy, your dark midnights, and now you are approaching your shining noon. The youngest in the family of the fifth race, you were for many centuries an unloved and neglected Cendrillona in your own home. And now, when so many of your sisters have died, and others are still dying, while the few old ones who remain are waiting for their Messiah - the sixth race, to rise to a new life and walk again with the strongest along the path of a new cycle; Now that Western Cendrillona has suddenly turned into a proud, rich princess, a beauty we all admire, what does she do? She turned out to be less kind-hearted than the Princess in the fairy tale. Instead of offering to his older sister, more offended by fate (the eldest in reality, for she is almost “a million years old”, and the only one who has never treated her badly, although perhaps she did not notice her) - instead of offer her the "kiss of peace" she applies to her lex talionrs with a vindictiveness that does not elevate her natural beauty. This is by no means an exaggerated allegory, but History.

Question 3. Even the fifth race (ours) of the fourth great circle began in Asia a million years ago. What happened to her during the 998,000 years preceding the last 2000? Did greater civilizations rise and fall during this period?

Answer. The fifth race - ours - began in Asia a million years ago. What was she like for 998,000 years, before the last 2000 years? A fitting question, proposed, moreover, in a thoroughly Christian spirit, which refuses to believe that anything good could have happened anywhere or ever except in Nazareth. What was she doing? She was busy enough, as she is now, to beg the pardon of Mr. Grant Allen, who would place our primitive ancestor, primitive man, in the early period of the Eocene Age. Truly, your learned writers climb their hypotheses extremely fearlessly, as far as I see. It will be truly deplorable to see how one fine day their fiery, furious horses will begin to kick and break their necks, which is absolutely inevitable in the future. During the Eocene period, even in its "very first half", the great cycle of the fourth race - Atlantean - had already reached its highest point, and the great continent, the father of almost all the existing continents, showed the first signs of subsidence, a process that continued 11,446 years ago , when his last island (translating its local name, we can call it Poseidonis) sank into the water with a terrible roar. By the way, whoever wrote reviews of Donnelly's Atlantis is right: Lemuria can no more be confused with the Atlantic continent than Europe can be confused with America. Both sank and were drowned with all their high culture and "Gods", but both catastrophes were separated by a short period of about 700,000 years. Lemuria flourished and ended its run just about this short period of time before the early period of the Eocene Age, since its race was the third. Try to spot the remnants of this once great nation in some of the flat-headed Aborigines of Australia. The criticism that rejects the attempt to populate India and Egypt with the remnants of Atlantis is fair. No doubt your geologists are very knowledgeable.

But why not assume that under the continents they changed and explored, in the depths of which they found the Eocene Age and forced it to reveal its secrets to them, other, much more ancient continents, whose layers have never been geologically known, may be deeply hidden in the bottomless beds of the ocean have been explored, and that they may one day completely revolutionize their present theories, thus illustrating the great truths of inductive generalization, as opposed to their illusory assumptions. Why not admit - in fact, none of them ever thought about it - that our present continents were, like Lemuria and Atlantis, already flooded many times and had time to reappear and carry new groups of humanity or civilizations. And that with the first great geological uplift in the next cataclysm (in a series of periodic cataclysms that occur from the beginning to the end of each great circle) our already exposed continents will sink, while Lemuria and Atlantis will rise again. Think of the future geologists of the sixth and seventh races - imagine them digging deep in the bowels of what was Ceylon or Simla, and finding the utensils of the Vedakhs or the distant ancestors of the civilized Pahari - all the objects of the civilized part of humanity that inhabited these regions will be reduced to dust by enormous masses of moving glaciers during the next ice age.

Imagine them finding only such rude tools and utensils as are now found among savage tribes, and thereby declaring that during this period primitive man climbed and slept in trees and sucked marrow from the bones of animals. And from here the conclusion follows that in the year 1882 from the Nativity of Christ, humanity was an animal-like people, black-faced and bearded, with protruding jaws and large sharp wolf teeth. True, some representative of the sixth race may not be far from the true facts in his conjectures that during the “Simla period” these teeth were used in the fights of “males” for straw widows - but in this case the metaphor will be very little concern anthropology and geology. This is your science.

Let's get back to your questions. Of course, the periods of the highest civilizations of the fourth race, such as the Greek, Roman and even Egyptian, are nothing in comparison with those civilizations that began with the third race. Representatives of the second race were not savages, but they could not be called civilized. Now, as you read one of my first letters about race (M. touched upon this issue first), please do not accuse either him or me of any new controversy. Re-read it and understand that it completely bypasses the question of civilizations and mentions only the degenerate remnants of the fourth and third races and gives you the latest conclusions of your own science in confirmation. Don't view inevitable incompleteness as incompatibility. You now ask me direct questions, and I answer them. The Greeks and Romans were small subraces, while the Egyptians were part and parcel of our “Caucasian race.” Pay attention to Egypt and India. Having reached the highest civilization and the development of science, both began their descent. The Egyptians, as a certain subrace, disappear completely (its Copts are the remnants of hybrids). India, as one of the most powerful branches of the main race, composed of many sub-races still existing, is struggling to take once again its place in History.

The story contains only a few vague glimpses of Egypt, about 12,000 years ago, when, having already reached the top of its cycle (a thousand years earlier), it began to decline. What does she know or can she know about India 5000 years ago or about the Chaldeans, whom she confuses with the Assyrians, making them either “Akkadians” or “Thuranians”! And that is why we say - your History is on the high seas. We are denied by the Journal of Science; his words, repeated and quoted by M. A. Oxon with delight worthy of a great medium, do not recognize our right to any “higher knowledge.” “Suppose the Brothers said: “Point your telescope at such and such a point in the sky, and you will find a planet hitherto unknown; or: dig in the ground there and you will find a mineral, etc.” Excellent indeed, and suppose that this is done - what will be the result? Well, of course, the accusation of plagiarism, when everything like that, “every planet and mineral” that exists in space and in the bowels of the Earth, was known and recorded in our books a thousand years ago; Moreover, many true hypotheses have been timidly put forward by our scientists and constantly refuted by the majority whose preconceptions they interfered with. Your intentions are laudable, but nothing that I can answer you will be accepted from us.

Every time it is discovered that “this is really so,” the discovery will be attributed to someone who backs up the evidence with facts, as was the case with Copernicus and Galileo, the latter using Pythagorean manuscripts. But let's return to “civilizations”. Did you know that the Chaldeans were at the height of their occult glory before what you call the "Bronze Age"? That the "sons of Hell" or the children of Light preceded by hundreds of centuries the "age of iron", which was already an ancient age, when what you now call the historical period (probably because what is known about it turns out to be not history, but fiction) has hardly just begun. We affirm that much higher civilizations than ours have been created and destroyed. It is not enough to say, as some of our writers do, that a bygone civilization existed before Rome and Athens were founded. We argue that there were a series of civilizations before as well as after the Ice Age; that they existed in different parts of the globe, reached the apogee of fame and died. There was not the slightest memory of the Assyrian and Phoenician civilizations until the discoveries of recent years were made. And now they are rediscovering far from one of the early pages in the history of mankind. These civilizations are not so ancient compared to the most archaic ones. But history is afraid to even admit their existence. Archeology has sufficiently proven that the recollections of man extend far deeper than what has been admitted by historical science, and the hidden achievements of once powerful nations, preserved by their successors, are even more worthy of confidence. We are talking about civilizations before the Ice Age, and yet from the point of view of not only the ignorant, but also the highly educated geologist, our statement sounds ridiculous. What would you say then to our assertion that the Chinese (I am now talking about inner China, about the real Chinese, and not about the hybrid mixture between the fourth and fifth races who now occupy the throne) are aborigines who, by their unmixed nationality, belong to the highest and the last branch

of the fourth race) reached their highest civilization when the fifth race had barely appeared in Asia and while its first branches were still in projection. When it was? Calculate. You would not suppose that we, having such enormous odds against the acceptance of our doctrine, would deliberately invent races and sub-races, if they were not an irrefutable fact. A group of islands on the Siberian coast, discovered by Nordenskold, was found strewn with the remains of horses, rams, bulls, etc., among the giant bones of elephants, mammoths, rhinoceroses and other monsters belonging to the period when man - says your science - had not yet appeared on the ground. How can horses and rams be found in combination with huge antediluvian creatures? The horse, as we are taught in school, is a completely new invention of Nature, and no man has ever seen its pedactul (ancestor). The Siberian Islands group can expose this convenient theory as a lie. The region now shackled in the chains of perpetual winter and uninhabited by man, that most fragile of animals, had, as will soon be proven, not only a tropical climate - something which your science knows and does not dispute - but was also the foundation of the most ancient civilization of the fourth race , the highest remnants of which we find in the degenerate Chinese, and the lowest (to the ignorant scientist) mixed with the remnants of the third race. I have already told you that the highest (spiritually) type of people on Earth belongs to the first subrace of the fifth root race - the Aryan Asians. The highest race (physical mind) is the last subrace of the fifth race, you yourself, the white winners. The majority of humanity belongs to the seventh subrace of the fourth root race; the above-mentioned Chinese, Malays, Mongols, Tibetans, Javanese, etc., and the remnants of other sub-races of the fourth race. All these are fallen and destroyed representatives of humanity, straightforward descendants of highly civilized nations, the names and memory of which are preserved only in books such as the Popol Vuh and several others unknown to science.

Question 4. To what era does the existence of the continent of Atlantis belong, and is the cataclysm that caused its destruction (...) connected with the obscurations*, which take their place in the cycle of evolution of the Manvantara?

Answer. To the Miocene era. Everything happens at its indicated time and in its indicated place in the evolution of large circles, otherwise it would be impossible, even for the best clairvoyant, to calculate the exact hour and year when certain cataclysms, large or small, should occur. All the Adept could do was to predict the approximate time; then, so now events that are reflected in large geological changes can be predicted with the same mathematical accuracy as eclipses and other phenomena in space. The sinking of Atlantis (a group of continents and islands) began during the Miocene period (as is now the gradual sinking of some of your continents) - and it culminated first in the final disappearance of the largest continent - an event coinciding with the rise of the Alps, then with the last of the beautiful islands mentioned by Plato. The Egyptian priests of Sais told his ancestor Solon that Atlantis (the only remaining large island) perished 9,000 years before their time. This number was not fictitious, for they carefully preserved their achievements for thousands of years. But then, I say, they only mentioned Poseidonis and would never have revealed their secret chronology even to the great Greek legislator. Since there is no geological reason to doubt this, on the contrary, there is a lot of evidence to accept this information, science has finally recognized the existence of great continents and archipelagos, and thus the truth of another “fable” has been confirmed. It teaches now, as you know, that Atlantis or its remnants continued to exist until post-Tertiary times and that their final immersion occurred in the Paleozoic centuries of American history! So what! Truth and fact should be grateful even for such small favors, in view of the absence of such for many centuries. Deep studies of the seas, especially by Challenger, fully confirmed the reports of geology and paleontology. A great event - the triumph of our “Sons of Light”, the inhabitants of Shambhala (then an island in the Central Asian Sea) over the selfish and vicious magicians of Poseidonis - happened exactly 11,446 years ago. Read in this connection the incomplete and partially veiled narrative in Isis, Volume I, and some things will become clearer to you. Donnelly's confirmation of this tradition and history I find largely correct, but you will find all this, and much more, in Isis.

Question 5. I find that one of the most frequent questions asked about occult philosophy by fairly intelligent people who are beginning to take an interest in it is whether occult philosophy gives any explanation for the origin of evil? This is a point that you previously promised to touch upon and which might be worth tackling in the near future.

Answer. Undoubtedly, it is given, and I touched on this subject long ago. In my notes on Hume's manuscript of On God, which he kindly adds to our philosophy (something which the latter never intended), this subject was touched upon frequently. Didn't he let you look at these notes? For you I can expand on my explanations, but not before you have read what I wrote about the origin of good and evil in the margins of that manuscript. I have said quite enough for our present purposes. Strangely enough, I found a European author - the greatest materialist of his time, Baron de Holbach, whose views completely coincide with the views of our philosophy; reading his “Essais sur la Nature”, I could imagine that in front of me was our book “Kinti” ( ...) M. thinks that for your purposes it would be better for me to give you a few more details on Atlantis, since it is very connected with evil, if not with its origin. In the following Theosophist you will find one or two notes appended to Hume's translation of Eliphas Levi's Preface in connection with the Vanished Continent. (…) What can I add to what has already been said? I am unable to give you purely scientific information, since we will never come to full agreement with the Western conclusion, and our doctrines will be rejected as “unscientific.” Yet geology and paleontology show much that we can say. Of course, your science is right in many generalizations, but its premises are wrong.

For example, she is right that during the formation of America, ancient Atlantis sank, gradually collapsing; but she is wrong neither in the epochs she gives, nor in the calculations of the duration of the period of this descent. The latter is the future fate of your British Isles, the first on the list of victims to be destroyed by fire (underwater volcanoes) and water. France and other countries will follow suit. When they reappear, the last seventh subrace of the sixth root race of present humanity will flourish in Lemuria and Atlantis, which will reappear by that time. Their reappearance will immediately follow the disappearance of the present islands and continents. Very few seas and large waters will then be found on our Earth; waters, like the earth, appear and disappear, changing periodically, each in its turn. Trembling at the prospect of new accusations of “contradictions” with some incomplete message, I would rather explain what I mean by this. The approach of each new obscuration is always heralded by cataclysms - fire or water. But besides this, each small circle or root race must be cut in two, so to speak, by one or the other. Thus, having reached the pinnacle of its development and glory, the fourth race, the Atlanteans, were destroyed by water, and you find only their degenerates, decadent remains, whose subraces, nevertheless, had their victorious days of glory and relative greatness. You will become what They are now - the law of cycles is one and unchanging. When your race - the fifth - has reached the zenith of its physical and mental development, has developed the highest civilization (remember the difference we make between material and spiritual civilizations) and is unable to rise higher in its cycle, its progress towards absolute evil will be stopped in the same way , as in their time, its predecessors - the Lemurians and Atlanteans, people of the third and fourth races, were stopped in their development, moreover, by one of the natural changes that had the nature of a cataclysm. The great civilization of your race will be destroyed, and all its sub-races will begin their descent in their respective cycles after a short period of fame and learning.

Pay attention to the remains of the Atlanteans - the ancient Greeks and Romans (modern representatives of these nations belong to the fifth race), how great and how short-lived were the days of their fame and glory. For they were only sub-races of the seven branches of the root race. The Root Race, no more than its sub-races and offshoots, is permitted by the One Ruling Law to violate the prerogatives of the race or sub-races following it, least of all to seize the knowledge and powers accumulated for its successor. “You will not eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that grows for your heirs.” This tree is protected by us, which is entrusted to us by the Dhyan-Chohans, the Patrons of our race and the Guardians of those who will come. Try to understand the allegory and never lose sight of the hints given to you in my letter about the Planetary Spirits. At the beginning of each great round, when humanity appears under completely different conditions from those which existed at the birth of each new race and its sub-races, one Planetary Spirit must enter into communication with these primitive people, refresh their memories and reveal to them the truths that they known in previous circles. Hence the confused traditions about Jehovah, Ormuzd, Osiris, Brahma and tutti quanti. But this happens only when a new race arises. It is the duty of the last race to find suitable successors among its sons, who are "chosen," to use the biblical expression, as a vessel to contain the full store of knowledge of the races and posterity until the completion of this circle. (...)

Each race had its Adepts, and with each new race we are allowed to give as much of our knowledge as the people of that race deserve. The last, seventh race will have its own Buddha, just as each of its predecessors had it. But its Adepts will be much higher than the Adepts of the modern race, for among them will be the Planetary Spirit, the Dhyan-Chohan, whose duty is to “enlighten” the memory of the first race of the fifth class of people after the coming “darkening” of this planet. En passant To show you that races are not only not invented by us, but they are the cardinal dogmas of the Buddhist Lamaists and all those who study our esoteric doctrine, I send you an explanation of one or two pages of "Buddhism" by Rhys Davids, which are otherwise incomprehensible, meaningless and absurd. This is written with the special permission of the Chohan (my Master) for your benefit. No Orientalist has ever suspected the truth it contains - you are the first Westerner (outside of Tibet) to whom it is now explained. (...)” (“PM”, 92.)

<Сыновья Бога»

Let us now turn to the artistic interpretation of the problem of the disappeared continent. In the book “Initiation” by E. Heich, already known to us, the history of bygone races and civilizations is outlined as follows:

“Once upon a time there lived on Earth a race of people different from those who live now. The law of the spirit was fully manifested in them, and not the law of matter, as in people living now. They had consciousness on the divine plane and manifested God here on Earth, without any admixture of selfish bodily qualities. Because of their divine purity, they earned the name "Sons of God."

Their lives were completely determined by spiritual love and selflessness. They had no instinctive physical drives and passions that would cast a shadow on their spirit. People of this high race possessed all the secrets of nature. Knowing very well about their powers and abilities and keeping them completely under the control of consciousness, they could use them to control and guide nature. Their knowledge was limitless, and they did not need to earn their bread by physical labor. Instead of working hard, they used the forces of nature. Knowing the secrets of nature, matter, mind and their own essence, they also possessed the secrets of transforming force into matter and matter into force. And they designed such devices and tools with the help of which they could preserve and use not only the forces of nature, but also their spiritual powers. They lived in happiness and peace as the dominant race on Earth.

However, at the same time, other creatures lived on Earth with them, similar to the Sons of God, but with much more material bodies and at a much lower level of spiritual development. They lived in the jungle, fighting with Nature, with each other and wild animals. These people completely identified consciousness with their body. The race of sons of man now in our country is the result of the crossing of these two ancient races.

The Earth is now going through a period when the process of materialization is progressing. This means that the divine creative force is moving further into the depths of matter, and power on Earth is falling into the hands of more and more material races, which were once ruled by higher, more spiritual races. Representatives of these higher races gradually die out, they leave the material plane for the spiritual and leave humanity to its own devices for many, many millennia, so that it can climb up on its own without any visible guidance.

And finally, this race of cavemen, in accordance with divine laws, will begin to rule the Earth. However, before leaving the Earth, the higher race will implant its powers into the lower, and by the laws of heredity this will enable the lower race - after a very long period of development - to rise again from matter. That is why many sons of a superior race made the great sacrifice of begetting children from the daughters of primitive man. Thus a new type of people developed, new races arose.

The divine power of the Sons of God and the physical powers of the daughters of man produced different types of descendants. On the one hand, among them were physical giants: on the maternal side they received a primitive brain, and on the paternal side they received spiritual strength, which, acting on the material plane, created bodies of enormous strength and strength. Thanks to their enormous physical strength, they defeated the weaker, and their bestial inclinations and needs turned them into tyrants who inspired fear.

On the other hand, among them were also spiritual giants who manifested their inherited creative power through the higher centers of the brain, and not on the lower physical plane. Their task was to lead and teach for a certain time both the inferior and hybrid races. They taught these two races wisdom, sciences and arts, as the foundations of a higher civilization. In addition, they provided these two races with examples of divine universal love, selflessness and spiritual greatness. This is why some countries are now ruled by despotism and tyranny, while others are governed with love and wisdom. Gradually this state of affairs will disappear, and mankind will learn of these great initiates and their secret sciences only from historical records, traditions and legends. But even in the darkest period of human history, according to the laws of heredity, it will be possible for the birth of the Son of God in a human body in order to show humanity the way out of darkness and suffering.

The continent that was the Home of the Sons of God was completely destroyed, and gradually there were fewer and fewer descendants of the divine race left. They left their mortal bodies and never incarnated again. Finally, there are only a few of them left in different parts of the Earth.

However, thanks to the crossing of the two races, new individuals arose with the knowledge of the magic of their fathers and with the bestial egoism of their mothers. They managed to enter the temple and, thanks to their spiritual powers, receive initiation. But they reduced their knowledge to black magic and used both their own and natural forces, which they controlled with the help of instruments and equipment in the temple, for selfish purposes.

The Sons of God who still remained in that part of the earth saw that this would lead to general destruction, since the forces used with devilish egoism instead of divine selflessness would mercilessly destroy both the black magicians and everything around. Therefore, they built ships, closed on all sides and impenetrable even to the forces that destroy matter, loaded them with a few tools and instruments, their families, domestic animals and sailed - some to the north, others to the east, others to the south, and others to the west, to the country where we now live.

Soon the black magicians lost control of their tools. They had to channel the highest cosmic divine forces into these instruments and store them there, since the only source of this force on Earth is the human being himself. But the more selfish these people became, the more the current with which they charged the tools for later use changed.

When the Sons of God were already far away, tragedy broke out. One of the black magicians accidentally introduced into his body a force that destroys matter, that is, transforms matter into another form of energy. And this process, once started, continues without stopping until everything around it dematerializes. This is how an entire continent was destroyed. Finally, the process of disintegration stopped, and the continent, converted into radiation energy, first rose into the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere, and then again turned into the primary form of matter. After further transformation processes, this entire gigantic mass fell to the ground again in the form of an endless stream of water, mud and sand. Ocean waves rolled through giant chasms in the body of the Earth, the earth's surface split, the continental masses of the other hemisphere, split into pieces by a terrible earthquake, diverged further and further from each other to restore balance on the Earth, until they took their present place. Part of the destroyed continent is now in our country in the form of a huge sandy desert, and there is a danger that the winds will carry away these mountains of sand and it will cover the fertile populated areas.

The Sons of God had special equipment on their ships that kept the ships balanced at all times, so they survived the disaster. Finally, they landed at different ends of the earth, where they laid the foundation for a new civilization. With their wisdom and love they won the hearts of the aborigines and became rulers. They were worshiped and revered as gods or demigods. The first actions of the Sons of God in new places were the construction of buildings impenetrable to external influences, where they could store tools charged with powerful all-pervasive energy. These buildings, called pyramids, can now be seen in those parts of the earth where the Sons of God arrived.

We still possess some of these instruments, with which we can control the force of gravity, neutralizing or increasing it at will. Depending on the need, we can make objects weightless or heavier than usual. When we make a huge stone block weightless, even a child can move it with his little finger - this is how the pyramids were erected by the Sons of God.

Where the Sons of God arrived, a high civilization arose, and where they still rule, they lead people with selfless love and self-sacrifice, remaining here on earth to teach people and impart spiritual powers. (E. Heich, “Dedication,” pp. 62–65.)

Night of Vengeance

The reasons for the death of Atlantis are also set out in the fundamental works of H. P. Blavatsky - “Isis Unveiled” and “The Secret Doctrine”. This is how the tragedy that befell the Atlantean race is told in “Isis Unveiled”:

“Tradition relates, and the records of the Great Book explain, that long before the days of Adam and his inquisitive wife Eve, where now only salt lakes and barren deserts are found, there was a vast inland sea that stretched over Central Asia to the north from the proud Himalayan range and its western extension. And there was an island there, which in its incomparable beauty had no equal in the world: it was inhabited by the last remnants of the race of men that preceded our race. This race could live equally comfortably in water, air or fire, since it had unlimited power over the elements [of nature]. They were “Sons of God” - not those who saw human daughters, but real Elohim, although in the eastern “Kabbalah” they have a different name. And it was they who conveyed to people the most prophetic secrets of nature and revealed to them the wonderful, now unpronounceable lost “name” (...) The hierophants of all priestly schools were aware of the existence of this island, but only Iava Aleim, or the head of each school, knew the “word”, and he passed it on to his heir only at the time of death. There were many such schools, and the ancient classics talk about them.

We have already seen that one of the universal traditions accepted by all ancient peoples was that which says that there were many races of people prior to our present race. Each of them was different from the previous one, and each of them disappeared when the next one appeared. The Laws of Manu clearly mention six races, one after another. (...)

There was no communication with the beautiful island by sea, but only through underground passages, known only to the heads; these passages extended in all directions. Tradition points to many of the magnificent ruins of India - Ellora, Elephanta and the Ajanta Caves (Chandor Range), which once belonged to the above-mentioned schools, and to which [they] were connected by such subterranean passages. Who can say about the lost Atlantis - which is also mentioned in the "Secret Book" (...) - that it no longer existed in those days?

((E. P. Blavatsky. “Isis Unveiled”, vol. 1. m 1992, pp. 491–493.))

It is easy to notice that in this case we are talking about the island of Shambhala, on which at that time the representative office of the cosmic Hierarchy of Light was located. The civilization of Atlantis still existed in those days, but had already fallen under the power of black magicians, or adherents of the forces of evil, the origin of which we have already touched upon. Regarding the moral orientation of adepts initiated into esoteric knowledge and their involvement in the Hierarchies of Light or Darkness, H. P. Blavatsky wrote:

“To continue the tradition of the beautiful island, we will add that the class of hierophants was clearly divided into two categories; one are those who received instruction from the "Sons of God" from the island and who were initiated into the divine teaching of pure revelation; another category is the inhabitants of the lost Atlantis (...). In short, they represented the fourth race of people mentioned in the Popol Vuh, whose vision was unlimited and who knew everything at once."

((Ibid., p. 494.))

In this case, Blavatsky is referring to the unusual psychospiritual abilities of the Atlanteans. As esoteric sources say, the Atlanteans were a race of born magicians (or mediums); in those days, unusual, paranormal psychic abilities for people of our race were the most common phenomenon inherent in all representatives of that ancient race, without exception. However, innate magical abilities in the absence of a high spiritual level of development became a fatal circumstance for the entire Atlantean race, which led it to disaster. As E. P. Blavatsky further writes about the Atlanteans and their magical abilities, “perhaps they were what we now call “born mediums” who did not fight, did not suffer for the sake of acquiring knowledge and also did not receive it at any cost - or victims. Therefore, as the first (we are talking about the hierophants mentioned above. - WITH.) following the path of their divine mentors, acquiring knowledge gradually and at the same time learning to distinguish between good and evil, the Atlantean adepts from birth followed the suggestions of the great and invisible “Dragon,” King Tevetat (the Serpent of the Book of Genesis?).” (Ibid.)

This Serpent of the Book of Genesis, who seduced the Atlantean race, was, of course, the once brilliant Lucifer, who by that time had become the Fallen Angel, the Prince of this World.

Blavatsky continues in Isis Unveiled:

(...) under the influence of the evil suggestions of their demon Tevetat, the Atlantean race became a nation of black magicians. As a result, war was declared, the story of which would require too long a narrative; the essence of this story can be found in the distorted allegories about the offspring of Cain, the giants, and in the allegories about Noah and his godly family. The collision ended with the immersion of Atlantis into the depths of the ocean, which found its imitations in the stories of the Babylonians and the Mosaic flood; giants and magicians "(...) and all flesh perished (...) and all people." (Ibid.)

Even more information regarding the Atlantean civilization is given in The Secret Doctrine. In this work, H. P. Blavatsky writes:

“It was from the Fourth Race that the first Aryans received their knowledge and “a lot of wonderful things” (...). From them they learned aeronautics, Vimana Vidya, “the art of flying in air carriages,” and therefore also their great sciences of meteorography and meteorology. Again, from them the Aryans inherited their most valuable sciences about the hidden properties of precious and other stones, also chemistry or, rather, alchemy, mineralogy, geology, physics and astronomy.” (“The Secret Doctrine”. In 2 volumes. Minsk, 1994, vol. 2, book 1, p. 538.)

Regarding the sinking of Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean and the reflection of this event in the myths, traditions and religions of the world, E. P. Blavatsky notes:

“Many times the writer asked herself the question: is the story in the Book of Exodus - at least in its details - as it is told in the Old Testament, independent? Or is it, like the legend about Moses himself and many others, just another version of the legends about the Atlanteans? For who of those who have heard the legend about the latter will not see a great similarity in the main features? Let us remember the wrath of “God” at Pharaoh’s stubbornness and His command to the “chosen ones,” before leaving, to steal from the Egyptians their “jewels of gold and jewelry of silver,” and, finally, the drowning of the Egyptians and the Pharaoh himself in the Red Sea. Then let us read from the Commentaries the following passage from an earlier story:

“And the “Great King of the Shining Face,” the head of all the Yellow Faces, grieved, seeing the sins of the Black Faces.

And he sent his airships (Vimana), with pious people in them, to all his brother rulers (heads of other peoples and tribes), saying:

“Get ready. Arise, you people of the Good Law, and cross the land while it is [still] dry.

The Storm Lords are coming. Their chariots are approaching the ground. Only one night and two days will the Lords of the Dark Face (Sorcerers) live on this patient land. She is condemned, and they must go down with her. (...) Rise up and use your (that is, your magical powers to resist the forces of the Sorcerers). Let every Lord of the Shining Face (Adept of White Magic) force the Vimana of every Lord of the Dark Face to fall into his hands (or possession), so that not one (of the Sorcerers) could, thanks to him, be saved from the waters, escape the Wand of the Four (Karmic Deities) and save your evil ones (followers, or people).

Let every Yellow Face send a (hypnotic?) dream to every Black Face. Even if they (Sorcerers) avoid pain and suffering. Let every person loyal to the Solar Gods bind (paralyze) every person loyal to the Moon Gods so that he does not suffer and escape his fate.

And let each of the Yellow Face give his water of life (blood) to the talking animals belonging to the Black Face, so that they do not wake up their master.

The hour has struck, the black night is ready.

May their destiny come true. We are Servants of the Great Four.

May the Kings of Light return." The Great King fell on his Shining Face and wept...

When the Kings gathered, the waters had already moved...

[But] the peoples have already crossed the dry lands. They were beyond the water level. The kings overtook them in their Vimana and led them to the lands of Fire and Metal (East and North).”

Elsewhere it is also said:

“Stars (meteors) fell like a shower on the lands of the Blackfaces; but they were sleeping.

The talking beasts (magic guards) were calm.

The lords of the depths awaited orders, but they did not come, for their lords were asleep.

The waters rose and covered the valleys from one end of the earth to the other. The plateaus remained, the bottom of the Earth (the land of the antipodes) remained dry. Those who escaped lived there: the people of the Yellow Face and the Straight Eye (open and sincere people).

When the Lords of the Dark Face awoke and remembered their Vimanas to save themselves from the rising waters, they saw that they had disappeared.”

Then one passage indicates how some of the more powerful magicians of the "Dark Faces", awakened earlier than others, pursue those who "robbed them" and who were in the last ranks, for "the peoples carried away were as numerous as the stars of the Milky Way." , says one of the more modern Commentaries, written only in Sanskrit. “Just as the serpent-dragon slowly unfolds its body, so the Sons of Men, led by the Sons of Wisdom, unfolded their ranks and spread and expanded like a rushing stream of fresh waters... many of the fearful among them perished on the way. But the majority were saved."

However, the pursuers, “whose head and chest rose high above the water,” pursued them “for three lunar periods,” until finally the rising waters overtook them and they died to the last man; the soil sank beneath their feet, and the Earth swallowed up those who desecrated it.

This is very similar to the original material on the basis of which a similar story was built, many hundreds of thousands of years later, in the Book of Exodus. (Ibid., p. 541.)

As E.P. Blavatsky further notes, it was the Atlanteans who became the most ancient colonizers of Egypt. “The civilization of the Atlanteans was even higher than the civilization of the Egyptians. It was their degenerate descendants, the people of Plato's Atlantis, who built the first pyramids in this country, and this, of course, even before the coming of the “Eastern Ethiopians,” as Herodotus calls the Egyptians. This may well be deduced from the statement made by Ammianus Marcellus, who speaks of the pyramids: “There are also underground passages and winding shelters, which, as they say, were built by people skilled in the ancient mysteries and thereby learned of the impending flood; they were built in different places so that the memory of all their sacred rituals would not disappear.” (Ibid., p. 542.)

The problem of Atlantis is not as far from the problems inherent in our civilization as it may seem. As we remember, Atlantis was destroyed by a severe cataclysm caused by the violation of natural laws and the improper use of higher natural energies by representatives of its civilization. It is not difficult to notice that in the teaching of Living Ethics there are direct references to the fact that our time is reminiscent of the times of Atlantis. What led our civilization to such a dangerous point that destroyed the once huge continent and the powerful civilization inhabiting it?


Hubbe-Schleiden- President of the German Theosophical Society. - WITH.

Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich- youngest son of E.I. and N.K. Roerichs. - WITH.

This refers to large evolutionary cycles in the development of the planet and humanity. - WITH.

Cendrillon- Cinderella. - WITH.

Copts- Egyptians of Christian faith, members of a Christian religious sect. - WITH.

"Popol Vuh"- epic of the Quiche people; monument of indigenous literature of the peoples of Ancient America. - WITH.

This refers to the British round-the-world oceanographic expedition of 1872–1876. under the leadership of C.U. Thomson. - WITH.

The spiritual heritage of the world is called culture by the Teachers. Living Ethics says a lot about the difference between civilization, i.e., the material values ​​created by humanity, and culture, i.e., its spiritual heritage. - WITH.

From "Preliminary Notes"

All this, as it is presented, will be considered in the light of science and comparisons drawn from the writings of all ancient peoples, including Bible. In the meantime, before we proceed to the Anthropogenesis of the prehistoric Races, it may be useful to agree on the names given to the Continents on which the four great Races that preceded our Adamic Race were born, lived and died. Their archaic and esoteric names were numerous and changed in accordance with the dialect of the people who mentioned them in their chronicles and writings. The continent that is Vendidad"e, for example, referred to as Airyana Vejo, on which the original Zoroaster was born, is called in the Puranic literature Shveta-Dvipa, Mount Meru, the Abode of Vishnu, etc.; in the Secret Doctrine it is called simply the “Country of the Gods,” ruled by their Heads, the “Spirits of this Planet.”

Therefore, due to the possible and even very probable confusion that may arise, we consider it more convenient to accept for each of the four constantly mentioned Continents a name that is more familiar to the cultural reader. It is proposed to call the first Continent, or rather the first firmament, on which the First Race was developed by the divine Progenitors:

I. The Indestructible Sacred Country.

The reason for this name lies in the statement that this Indestructible Sacred Country has never shared the fate of the other Continents, for it is the only one whose destiny is to remain from the beginning to the end of the Manvantara, throughout each Circle. This is the cradle of the first man and the abode of the last divine mortal, chosen as Shishta for the future seed of humanity. Of this mysterious and sacred Country very little can be said, except, as the poetic expression of one of the Commentaries puts it,— “The Polar Star stands over it like a sentinel eye from dawn to the end of twilight of the Day of the Great Breathing”

II. Hyperborean.

This will be the name chosen for the second Continent; a country which extended its capes south and west from the North Pole to receive the Second Race, and which contained all that is now known as North Asia. This was the name given by the ancient Greeks to the distant and mysterious region where, according to their legend, Apollo of the Hyperborean travels annually. Of course, astronomically, Apollo is the Sun; he, leaving his Hellenic sanctuaries, loved to visit his distant country every year, where, as they said, “the sun never sets for six months.”

says the verse in "Odyssey"

But historically, or perhaps more precisely, ethnographically and geologically, the meaning is different. The country of the Hyperboreans, the country that spread beyond Boreas, the God of the frozen heart, the God of snow and whirlwinds, who loves to slumber on the Ripeus mountain range, was not an ideal, imaginary country, as was supposed by mythologists, just as it was not a country neighboring Scythia and the Danube. It was a real Continent - country bona fide, which knew no winter in those early days, just as her sad remains, even now, have not more than one night and one day during the year. The shadows of night never descend on her, the Greeks said; for this is the “Country of the Gods,” the beloved abode of Apollo, the God of Light, and its inhabitants are his most beloved clergy and servants. Now this can be seen as poeticized fiction, but then it was poeticized True.

III. Lemuria.

We propose to call the Third Continent Lemuria. This name is the invention or thought of R. L. Sclater, who, between 1850 and 1860, asserted, on the basis of zoological data, the real existence in prehistoric times of a continent, which, as he argued, extended from Madagascar to Ceylon and Sumatra. This continent included some parts of what is now Africa; but the remaining parts of this gigantic continent, stretching from the Indian Ocean to Australia, have now completely disappeared under the waters of the Pacific Ocean, leaving here and there a few peaks of their plateaus, now forming islands.

IV. Atlantis.

This is what we call the fourth continent. It would have been the first historical country if more attention had been paid to the legends of the Ancients than has been done so far. The famous island of this name, mentioned by Plato, was only a remnant of this vast Continent.

V. Europe.

The Fifth Continent was America; but since it is located in the opposite hemisphere, it is usually the almost contemporary Europe and Asia that are meant by the Indo-Aryan occultists as the fifth. If their teaching considered the appearance of the Continents in their geological and geographical order, then this classification would have to be changed. But since the sequence of Continents is considered in the order of evolution of Races, from the First to the Fifth, our Aryan Root Race, then Europe must be called the fifth great Continent. The Secret Doctrine does not take into account islands and peninsulas, nor does it follow the modern geographical distribution of land and seas. Since the time of the earliest teachings and the death of the great Atlantis, the outlines of the Earth have changed more than once. There was a time when the delta of Egypt and North Africa belonged to Europe, before the formation of the Strait of Gibraltar and the further rise of the Continent completely changed the contours of the map of Europe. The last significant change occurred about 12,000 years ago, which was followed by the sinking of the small island mentioned by Plato and called by him Atlantis after its main continent. In ancient times, geography was part of the Mysteries. Zohar reads:

The assertion that physical man was originally a colossal giant of the pre-Tertiary period, and that he existed 18,000,000 years ago, must certainly seem absurd to all worshipers and believers in modern learning. All posse comitatus biologists would have been disgusted by the presentation of this Titan of the Third Race of the Secondary Age, a being adapted to successfully combat the gigantic monsters of the air, sea and land of that time; likewise, his forefathers, the ethereal prototypes of the Atlanteans, could not be afraid of what could not harm them. The modern anthropologist can laugh as much as he pleases at our Titans, just as he laughs at the biblical Adam and as theologians laugh at the ape ancestor of the former. Occultists and their severe critics may be convinced that at present they have settled their mutual scores well enough. The occult sciences, in any case, claim less and give more than Darwinian anthropology or biblical theology.

Nor should the Esoteric Chronology frighten anyone, for as far as numbers are concerned, the greatest modern authorities are as fickle and changeable as the waves of the Mediterranean Sea. As for the duration of geological periods alone, all scientists members. Cor. General are hopelessly at sea and jump with unusual ease from one million years to five hundred million, as will be evident repeatedly throughout this comparison.

E.P. Blavatsky





“The Kings of Light left in anger. The sins of people have become so black that the Earth trembles in its great agony... The Azure Thrones remain empty. Who from the Brown, who from the Red or even from the Black [Races] can sit on the Thrones of the Blessed, the Thrones of Knowledge and Mercy? Who can put on the Flower of Power, the Plant of the Golden Stem and the Azure Flower?

“Kings of Light” is the name given in all ancient records by the Lords of the Divine Dynasties. “Azure Seats” in some documents are translated as “Heavenly Thrones”. "Flower of Power" now means Lotus; who can say what he was like at that time?

The writer continues, like the later Jeremiah, to mourn the fate of his people. They found themselves deprived of their “Blue” (Heavenly) Kings; and “they are the color of devas,” moon-colored skin, and “they are of a shining (golden) face” retired to the “Land of Bliss, the Land of Fire and Metal” - or, according to the rules of symbolism, to the lands lying to the North and East, from where the “Great The waters were carried away, absorbed by the Earth and dispersed into the Air.” The wise races saw “Black Storm Dragons, brought down by the Dragons of Wisdom” - and “fled, led by the brilliant Patrons of the most magnificent Country” - in all likelihood, the great ancient Adepts; those whom the Hindus call Manu and Rishi. One of them was Vaivasvata Manu.


It was from the Fourth Race that the first Aryans received their knowledge and “a lot of wonderful things”; Sabha and Mayasabha mentioned in the Mahabharata are Mayasura's gift to the Pandavas. From them they learned aeronautics, Vimana Vidya, “the art of flying in air carriages,” and therefore also their great sciences of meteorography and meteorology. Again, from them the Aryans inherited their most valuable sciences about the hidden properties of precious and other stones, also chemistry or, rather, alchemy, mineralogy, geology, physics and astronomy.


“And the “Great King of the Shining Face,” the head of all the Yellow-faces, mourned, seeing the sins of the black-faces.

And he sent out his airships [Vimana] with pious people in them, to all his brother rulers [heads of other nations and tribes], saying:

“Get ready. Arise, you people of the Good Law, and cross the land while it is [still] dry.”

“The Storm Lords are coming. Their chariots are approaching the ground. Only one night and two days will the Lords of the Dark Face [Sorcerers] live on this patient land. She is condemned, and they must go down with her. The Lords of the Fires of the Core [Dwarves and elemental Spirits of Fire] make their magical Agniastra [fire armor made through Magic. But the Lords of the Dark Eye [Evil Eye] are stronger than they [Elemental Spirits], and they are the slaves of the powerful. They are versed in Astra [Vidia, the highest magical art]. Rise up and use your [that is, your magical powers to resist the forces of the Sorcerers]. Let every Lord of the Shining Face [Adept of White Magic] cause the Vimana of every Lord of the Dark Face to fall into his hands [or possession], so that not one [of the Sorcerers] can, thanks to him, be saved from the waters, escape the Rod of the Four [Karmic Deities] and save your evil [followers or people].

Let every Yellow Face send a [hypnotic?] dream to every Black Face. Even if they [Sorcerers] escape pain and suffering. Let every person loyal to the Solar Gods bind [paralyze] every person loyal to the Moon Gods so that he does not suffer and escape his fate.

And let each of the Yellow Face give his life-water [blood] to the talking animals belonging to the Black Face, so that they do not wake up their master .

The hour has struck, the Black Night is ready.”

… … … … … … … …… … … …… … … …… … … …… … … …… … … …

“May their destiny come true. We are Servants of the Great Four . May the Kings of Light return." The Great King fell on his Shining Face and wept......

When the Kings gathered, the waters had already moved......

[But] the peoples have already crossed the dry lands. They were beyond the water level. The kings overtook them in their Vimana and led them to the lands of Fire and Metal [East and North].”

Elsewhere it is also said:

“Stars [meteors] fell like a shower on the lands of the Black-Faces; but they were sleeping.

The talking beasts [magic guards] were calm.

The lords of the depths awaited orders, but they did not come, for their lords were asleep.

The waters rose and covered the valleys from one end of the Earth to the other. The plateaus remained, the bottom of the Earth [the land of the antipodes] remained dry. Those who escaped lived there: the people of the Yellow Face and the Straight Eye [open and sincere people].

When the Lords of the Dark Face awoke and remembered their Vimanas to save themselves from the rising waters, they saw that they had disappeared.”

Then one passage indicates how some of the more powerful magicians, the "Dark Faces", who awoke before the others, pursue those who "robbed them" and who were in the last ranks, for "the peoples carried away were as numerous as the stars of the milky way." , says one of the more modern Commentaries, written only in Sanskrit.

“Just as the serpent-dragon slowly unfolds its body, so the Sons of Men, led by the Sons of Wisdom, unfolded their ranks and spread and expanded, like a rushing stream of fresh waters... many who were afraid among them perished on the way. But the majority were saved."

However, the pursuers, “whose head and chest rose high above the water,” pursued them “for three lunar periods,” until finally the rising waters overtook them, and they died to the last man; the soil sank beneath their feet, and the Earth swallowed up those who desecrated it.

5 An amazingly crafted beast, somewhat similar to Frankenstein's creation, that spoke and warned its master of every approaching danger. The owner was a "warlock", and the mechanical animal was described as being animated by Jin, an Elemental. Only the blood of a pure person could destroy him. See Part II. Section XX, "The Number Seven in Astronomy, Science and Magic."

6 The Four Karmic Gods, called the Four Maharajas in the Stanzas.

Fragments from the book “Man is the creation of the Supreme Mind”

Atlantis phenomenon

The Atlantic pyramids, buried under the ocean waters, disturb the minds of researchers of the secrets of the past. Recently, scientists carried out experiments with the participation of the military, in which powerful equipment sent rays to the bottom of the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle area. They were reflected with some delay, and returned in a changed form, as if they had undergone a transformation there. This phenomenon has not yet been solved, but if we add the knowledge of spiritual science, it can be explained.

All pyramids of the planet are an external symbol reflecting the internal planetary network of energy centers that supply the planet with the energies of the stars. In the spaces of the pyramids, but in the fourth Dimension, there are power plants that receive and reflect the energies of the suns on “floating islands,” that is, artificially created celestial bodies. Each pyramid performs the function of a receiver-emitter, but on the physical Plane an ordinary traveler or researcher will not see anything special in it. Only in the largest great pyramids can one find halls in which traces of human presence remain, but the secrets of the purpose of the stay have not yet been fully revealed. There are guesses that initiation rites and tests were held there, but this information comes from contactees, and their stories are not considered material evidence. In this narrative, the author also relies only on the revelation of the higher Self, the Consciousness of an ancient Being who has knowledge of the past of the planet.

The Atlantean civilization existed for more than two hundred thousand years. Pyramids of dense material were built approximately in the middle of the period of its existence, and thin-material pyramids were built in the etheric Layer at a time when the planet was just being formed. All energy communications were determined long before the appearance of worlds, taking into account the energy consumption of each space. The question arises, then why build physical pyramids at all, if everything works on the subtle Plane anyway? 640w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />Man is designed in such a way that if he receives knowledge of Heaven, he strives to materialize the energy of knowledge, to put meaning into actions that may seem meaningless from the outside, explaining this by the fact that he is a physical being. This means that a conditioned connection with God should be visible in the space of the planet. on how people pray to the invisible God. They create images of idols, icons, attributes for ritual service. It would seem that God does not need this, because he knows everything about people, and the energies of prayers ascend to Heaven no matter where the person is. does: in a temple or in a house, in front of an icon or without it, turning to Him mentally. In any case, a person’s thoughts and intentions are visible to his Guardian Angel, any prayer does not escape the Spirit of a person, and he represents a particle of the universal Mind. the service is not just solemn, but meaningful, surrounding it with symbols of faith. If this makes him feel better, please, it is only advisable to remember God everywhere, always, and outside the temple, because He is the Source of the energies of life!

The pyramids of Atlantis and, in general, all the pyramids of the planet on the physical globe are energy concentrators, although even without them the etheric centers and channels carry out the necessary work. They perform additional functions of harmonizing the energies of space, enhancing the effect on the physical level. This effect exists, which is why the space around the pyramids is characterized by energy saturation and a higher frequency of vibration of matter. You just need to remember that not all people’s bodies and consciousness vibrate at a similar frequency; they get used to low-frequency energies. The healing energy of the pyramids can only be for people who strive for purity of thoughts and feelings, but for others it can become a destructive force. That is why the entrance to the pyramids was open only to trained people (priests and their students); the rest did not long withstand the rhythm of vibrations of the energies concentrated there.

The pyramids of Atlantis also had a secret purpose and performed a dual function:

– in three-dimensional space they served as concentrators;

– in the fourth Dimension in the same spatial coordinates they served as receivers and emitters of energies.

After the death of Atlantis, the pyramids settled to the bottom of the ocean, but the subtle Plan in the same space also has a “failure”, because first all the events occurred in the etheric space, and then on the physical level. The coordinates of the subtle and physical pyramids also coincide. The power plants in them continue to operate. Flooding them did not harm communications, everything works as before, because the etheric and physical spaces vibrate at different frequencies, and the substance of the dense world has no influence on the substance of the etheric Plane. The energy converters of the pyramids are designed in such a way that they can receive energy not only from stars, but also waste energy from the Earth’s space, therefore, after processing it, they are returned again to radiation sources operating on the surface of the planet. Such sources can be ground-based power plants, generator sets and even nuclear power plants. Failures in their work sometimes occur due to the fact that invisible particles of energy accumulating in their working space, in the form of an uncontrollable charge, fall on the ethereal spatial magnet, and it returns it purposefully back, automatically reflecting the energy. This is how the accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, since an invisible, imperceptible leak of energy caused a reverse reaction of one of the concentrators and the etheric magnet. They work like robots in a given mode, so an oversight in large power plants can be an unknown cause of an accident.

The cause of the death of some ships and aircraft in the Bermuda area may be intense radiation from their active activity, coinciding with the fields created by the pyramids of Atlantis. The untapped energies from these fields are very intense. When the frequency of vibration of the emitted energies from the installations coincides with the vibrations of the energies of moving ships, they resonate with them and can become destructive. Very soon, Earth scientists will be able to discover the secret of the Bermuda Triangle, but it is unlikely that the discovery will be published in order to provide a wide range of readers with a picture of the past. Then we will have to publicly acknowledge the presence of extraterrestrial Intelligence on the planet. The governments of all countries are not ready for this. Having recognized this, it will be necessary to openly declare that man is not alone in the universe, and numerous contacts with aliens are contacts with the invisible world, and so on. It turns out that the government has been befuddling people’s minds for a long time, misleading them. Such recognition may trigger the activity of representatives of extraterrestrial Intelligence. The thought of this makes the “top” of the government fear for their material well-being.