Shchepetnov yin yang red wings. "Yin Yang. Red wings" Evgeny Shchepetnov. Yin Yang. Red Wings

Evgeny Shchepetnov

Yin Yang. Red Wings

© Shchepetnov V., 2015

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2015

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– Serg, did you see their faces?

- Why... faces like faces. What did you see in their faces?

– I saw everything. For example, they want to take our money, but we... well... it’s understandable. We don't even have weapons! They threw the swords in the tavern - why?

- They stopped me from running. Tell you what, Laura, calm down, okay? We've only been on the road for a day, and your whining is already in my throat. And I'm sick without you...

– I feel sorry for Abi too... don’t think so. But I’m nervous and I feel like something bad is going on around me. Are you sure this is the ship we were supposed to board? Exactly?

- Exactly. Pigol directed us towards him. I believe him.

“To a certain extent... Pigol is still a little thing! If he sets you up, he won’t even sneeze!”

- Yes, he warned us to be careful, that the captain is a scoundrel, but so far everything is going well. Moreover, Resong and Morna are with us, and they are armed.

- This fat woman?! – Lorana snorted disdainfully. - Fat cow! What can she do?! When I look at her, I see a haystack, not a person! And this is her lover! Or who he is... a skinny, dirty mercenary, an ordinary grunt, who has no concept of honor, conscience, martial arts, oh...

“But you understand a lot about honor,” a soft chesty voice rang out, and one of the largest women Sergei had seen in his life stepped across the threshold.

No, Morna was not fat, as Laurana's exasperated former queen had said. The woman was powerful, dense, powerful, like... an asphalt paver.

Sergei had no doubt that if Morna wanted, she could hammer a huge nail into the cabin wall with her bare hand. And not only into the wall, but also into the head of the bad person who dared to insult her. At the same time, Morna had a friendly, gentle disposition - and thank the gods! Sergei had enough of Lorana grumbling irritably all day long, ever since they sailed from the port on the Black Flower ship. She didn’t like everything: the ship, the cabin, the sailors, the captain and, in general, the whole current life, which deprived Laurent of her usual luxury, comforts and husband.

So one could understand her: only recently she was the wife of a herenar, consider the king of an island state called the Union of Clans, and now? Who is she now? A fugitive without family, without a tribe, with only hope - to get to the rebellious Eorn clan, where matriarchy reigns, and try to survive in the new world.

Her husband, the general of the Union, is sure that Laurana is dead. The general himself is under the complete control of the sorcerer Hekel, who seized power in the country, and carries out all his orders. Laurent can only count on Serg, about whom she only knows that she is actually a man in a female body, and also that she (he) is a sorcerer capable of removing slave collars.

And also – Serg is the best fighter Lorana knows.

A strange company has gathered on this ship - Sergei, or as he is called here - Serg, a former police operative from Earth, a cynic and a drinker, who, by the will of fate, found himself in the body of a beggar and, at the whim of a sorcerer, underwent a dangerous modification of his body, which made him a perfect fighter.

Former queen.

A home girl who made wigs and was accused of murdering her fiancé, whom Serg killed.

The “sweet couple” is the mercenary grunt Resong and his girlfriend Morna, a seamstress who confidently wields a sewing needle, as well as all types of weapons that existed in this world. After all, she is not just a dressmaker, but a former warrior of the Eorn clan, an elite bodyguard of the head of the clan, who fled from Eorn for reasons known only to her.

Both Resong and Morna are actually agents of the intelligence resident of the Union of Clans Pigol, who worked under the guise of an entrepreneur, the owner of the village of Winsung beggars. It was he who arranged that the entire company, having escaped the slavery of their owner, the sorcerer Hekel, ended up on a ship going to Eorn.

By and large, Lorana was right, and Sergei knew it for sure. When Pigol directed them to the Black Flower, he immediately warned that both the captain and the crew deserve an attentive, wary attitude towards themselves, that not everything is so simple with them: after all, most shipbuilders are pirates and merchants at the same time and, given the opportunity, will not fail to do some dirty trick, sensing that you can snatch a good jackpot.

And if you have obvious fugitives on board, and, by all estimates, they are carrying money with them to settle in a new place, the gods themselves ordered to rip such “suckers” to the skin! After all, a sucker is a legitimate prey for a real man! And so as not to talk, throw them into the sea. The sea is big, the sea monsters are voracious - wow! - and there are no talkers, but there is money.

And no one will know where the passengers went - Eorn is a rather dangerous place, female warriors are harmful, unpredictable creatures, and could even kill. And the shipbuilders have nothing to do with it! And Pigol will not be able to make any claims!

The fugitives have a thousand gold pieces with them - a quite decent amount, and for many from this world - fantastic. You can even kill for it. At least, that’s what those for whom merchant trade and robbery have become two sides of the same coin think.

- So what about honor? – Morna smiled, looming over Lorana like a palace over a ragpicker’s shack. - What about a haystack? Girl, if you say such words to any of the female warriors in Eorn, you can be sure that in a very short time you will be standing in a fighting stance in a duel. Unless, of course, she considers you worthy of a fight and doesn’t kill you right away, on the spot, like a rat.

- We'll see who kills whom! – Laurana flushed, biting her lips with shame and excitement. – Do you really think you’re that good? Let's! Let's try! Well! I don't have a sword, otherwise I would...

- Stand! – Sergei shouted quietly. – You swore to do what I order you! Do you remember this? Or does your honor allow you to do whatever you want?

“I remember, Serg,” Laurana grimaced.

“If you remember, then shut up and don’t attack Morna!” And by the way, if there was a duel between you... I wouldn’t bet on you. And there’s no point in twisting your face! Now you are not the wife of the gerenar, you are just Laurana, who is fleeing. And in order to survive, you will do what I tell you or someone else on my orders!

“Well said, Serg,” Morna smiled good-naturedly, “you are a real commander.” Res, come here! We need to talk, Serg.

- Alone? – Sergei calmly asked, peering into the woman’s broad face. - Something important?

Morna's gray eyes narrowed for a moment, as if she were considering the proposal. Suddenly her face, so fresh, full-blooded, smooth, seemed to have aged, and it became clear that she was well over thirty, and in such a way that... in general, life had not spoiled her, and the years had not added youth to Morna.

When Morna walked, it seemed that she was no more than twenty years old, because she moved like a dancer or a big cat - easily, springily, energetically.

Seeing Morna on the ship and learning that she was actually Pigol’s agent, for some reason Sergei was not surprised and was even glad. When he first saw Morna, he liked her very much, and Serg always regretted that he was not able to communicate with her properly. I wanted her to tell more about Eorn, about how the warriors live and breathe, who have the strength to rebel against all clans, who are capable of not only resisting the pressure of the Union, but also plotting to overthrow the power of the current herenar.

- No. Nothing that all of us couldn’t know,” Morna shook her head. - Let's sit down.

The woman walked to the table, tightly screwed to the floor of the cabin, sat down and somehow immediately decreased in size, hunched over and looking down. Sergei's companions and he himself sat down nearby. Serg is opposite Morna.

The large cabin, designed for six, allowed one to sit freely at a long table without experiencing any inconvenience, it seems that before the fugitives ended up on this ship, the cabin served as a refuge for the officers. At all times and in all worlds, commanders tried to separate themselves from the general mass of their subordinates. The rank and file should not see that officers are the same people, that they eat, drink, and sleep the same as everyone else. The commander should come first after the gods, and mixing with the command degrades this god-like figure.

- Well, what do you want to tell us? - Sergei began, already, in general, knowing that he could hear. But you always hope that bad things will pass by and not affect you, although deep down you know that this is not at all the case. This is the law. Bad things always come true. As opposed to good.

– Serg, did you see their faces?

- Why... faces like faces. What did you see in their faces?

– I saw everything. For example, they want to take our money, but we... well... it’s understandable. We don't even have weapons! They threw the swords in the tavern - why?

- They stopped me from running. Tell you what, Laura, calm down, okay? We've only been on the road for a day, and your whining is already in my throat. And I'm sick without you...

– I feel sorry for Abi too... don’t think so. But I’m nervous and I feel like something bad is going on around me. Are you sure this is the ship we were supposed to board? Exactly?

- Exactly. Pigol directed us towards him. I believe him.

“To a certain extent... Pigol is still a little thing! If he sets you up, he won’t even sneeze!”

- Yes, he warned us to be careful, that the captain is a scoundrel, but so far everything is going well. Moreover, Resong and Morna are with us, and they are armed.

- This fat woman?! – Lorana snorted disdainfully. - Fat cow! What can she do?! When I look at her, I see a haystack, not a person! And this is her lover! Or who he is... a skinny, dirty mercenary, an ordinary grunt, who has no concept of honor, conscience, martial arts, oh...

“But you understand a lot about honor,” a soft chesty voice rang out, and one of the largest women Sergei had seen in his life stepped across the threshold.

No, Morna was not fat, as Laurana's exasperated former queen had said. The woman was powerful, dense, powerful, like... an asphalt paver.

Sergei had no doubt that if Morna wanted, she could hammer a huge nail into the cabin wall with her bare hand. And not only into the wall, but also into the head of the bad person who dared to insult her. At the same time, Morna had a friendly, gentle disposition - and thank the gods! Sergei had enough of Lorana grumbling irritably all day long, ever since they sailed from the port on the Black Flower ship. She didn’t like everything: the ship, the cabin, the sailors, the captain and, in general, the whole current life, which deprived Laurent of her usual luxury, comforts and husband.

So one could understand her: only recently she was the wife of a herenar, consider the king of an island state called the Union of Clans, and now? Who is she now? A fugitive without family, without a tribe, with only hope - to get to the rebellious Eorn clan, where matriarchy reigns, and try to survive in the new world.

Her husband, the general of the Union, is sure that Laurana is dead. The general himself is under the complete control of the sorcerer Hekel, who seized power in the country, and carries out all his orders. Laurent can only count on Serg, about whom she only knows that she is actually a man in a female body, and also that she (he) is a sorcerer capable of removing slave collars.

And also – Serg is the best fighter Lorana knows.

A strange company has gathered on this ship - Sergei, or as he is called here - Serg, a former police operative from Earth, a cynic and a drinker, who, by the will of fate, found himself in the body of a beggar and, at the whim of a sorcerer, underwent a dangerous modification of his body, which made him a perfect fighter.

Former queen.

A home girl who made wigs and was accused of murdering her fiancé, whom Serg killed.

The “sweet couple” is the mercenary grunt Resong and his girlfriend Morna, a seamstress who confidently wields a sewing needle, as well as all types of weapons that existed in this world. After all, she is not just a dressmaker, but a former warrior of the Eorn clan, an elite bodyguard of the head of the clan, who fled from Eorn for reasons known only to her.

Both Resong and Morna are actually agents of the intelligence resident of the Union of Clans Pigol, who worked under the guise of an entrepreneur, the owner of the village of Winsung beggars. It was he who arranged that the entire company, having escaped the slavery of their owner, the sorcerer Hekel, ended up on a ship going to Eorn.

By and large, Lorana was right, and Sergei knew it for sure. When Pigol directed them to the Black Flower, he immediately warned that both the captain and the crew deserve an attentive, wary attitude towards themselves, that not everything is so simple with them: after all, most shipbuilders are pirates and merchants at the same time and, given the opportunity, will not fail to do some dirty trick, sensing that you can snatch a good jackpot.

And if you have obvious fugitives on board, and, by all estimates, they are carrying money with them to settle in a new place, the gods themselves ordered to rip such “suckers” to the skin! After all, a sucker is a legitimate prey for a real man! And so as not to talk, throw them into the sea. The sea is big, the sea monsters are voracious - wow! - and there are no talkers, but there is money.

And no one will know where the passengers went - Eorn is a rather dangerous place, female warriors are harmful, unpredictable creatures, and could even kill. And the shipbuilders have nothing to do with it! And Pigol will not be able to make any claims!

The fugitives have a thousand gold pieces with them - a quite decent amount, and for many from this world - fantastic. You can even kill for it. At least, that’s what those for whom merchant trade and robbery have become two sides of the same coin think.

- So what about honor? – Morna smiled, looming over Lorana like a palace over a ragpicker’s shack. - What about a haystack? Girl, if you say such words to any of the female warriors in Eorn, you can be sure that in a very short time you will be standing in a fighting stance in a duel. Unless, of course, she considers you worthy of a fight and doesn’t kill you right away, on the spot, like a rat.

- We'll see who kills whom! – Laurana flushed, biting her lips with shame and excitement. – Do you really think you’re that good? Let's! Let's try! Well! I don't have a sword, otherwise I would...

- Stand! – Sergei shouted quietly. – You swore to do what I order you! Do you remember this? Or does your honor allow you to do whatever you want?

“I remember, Serg,” Laurana grimaced.

“If you remember, then shut up and don’t attack Morna!” And by the way, if there was a duel between you... I wouldn’t bet on you. And there’s no point in twisting your face! Now you are not the wife of the gerenar, you are just Laurana, who is fleeing. And in order to survive, you will do what I tell you or someone else on my orders!

“Well said, Serg,” Morna smiled good-naturedly, “you are a real commander.” Res, come here! We need to talk, Serg.

- Alone? – Sergei calmly asked, peering into the woman’s broad face. - Something important?

Morna's gray eyes narrowed for a moment, as if she were considering the proposal. Suddenly her face, so fresh, full-blooded, smooth, seemed to have aged, and it became clear that she was well over thirty, and in such a way that... in general, life had not spoiled her, and the years had not added youth to Morna.

When Morna walked, it seemed that she was no more than twenty years old, because she moved like a dancer or a big cat - easily, springily, energetically.

Seeing Morna on the ship and learning that she was actually Pigol’s agent, for some reason Sergei was not surprised and was even glad. When he first saw Morna, he liked her very much, and Serg always regretted that he was not able to communicate with her properly. I wanted her to tell more about Eorn, about how the warriors live and breathe, who have the strength to rebel against all clans, who are capable of not only resisting the pressure of the Union, but also plotting to overthrow the power of the current herenar.

- No. Nothing that all of us couldn’t know,” Morna shook her head. - Let's sit down.

The woman walked to the table, tightly screwed to the floor of the cabin, sat down and somehow immediately decreased in size, hunched over and looking down. Sergei's companions and he himself sat down nearby. Serg is opposite Morna.

The large cabin, designed for six, allowed one to sit freely at a long table without experiencing any inconvenience, it seems that before the fugitives ended up on this ship, the cabin served as a refuge for the officers. At all times and in all worlds, commanders tried to separate themselves from the general mass of their subordinates. The rank and file should not see that officers are the same people, that they eat, drink, and sleep the same as everyone else. The commander should come first after the gods, and mixing with the command degrades this god-like figure.

Shchepetnov Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Serg, have you seen their faces?

Why...faces, like faces. What did you see in their faces?

I saw everything. For example, they want to take our money, but’s understandable. We don't even have weapons! They threw the swords in the tavern - why?

They made it difficult to run. Tell you what, Laura, calm down, okay? We've only been on the road for a day, and your whining is already in my throat. And I'm sick without you...

I feel sorry for Abi too...don't think so. But I’m nervous, and I feel like something bad is going on around me. Are you sure we were supposed to board this particular ship? Exactly?

Exactly. Pigol directed us towards him. I believe him. (“To a certain extent... Pigol is such a little thing! If he sets you up, he won’t even sneeze!”) Yes, he warned us to be careful, that the captain guy is still a scoundrel, but so far everything is going fine. Moreover, Resong and Morna are with us, and they are armed.

This fat woman?! - Lorana snorted disdainfully - fat cow! What can she do?! When I look at her, I see a haystack, not a person! And this is her lover! Or who is he... a skinny, dirty mercenary, an ordinary grunt, who has no concept of honor, of conscience, of martial arts, of...

But you understand a lot about honor,” a soft chesty voice rang out and one of the largest women Sergei had seen in his life stepped across the threshold.

No, Morna was not fat, as Laurana's exasperated former queen had said, the woman was powerful, thick, powerful, asphalt paver.

Sergei had no doubt that if Morna wanted, she could hammer a huge nail into the wall of the cabin in which they were now sitting with her bare hand. And not only into the wall, but also into the head of the bad person who dared to insult her. At the same time, Morna was distinguished by her friendly, gentle disposition - and thank the gods! Sergei had enough of Lorana grumbling irritably all day long, ever since they sailed from the port on the Black Flower ship. She didn’t like everything - the ship, the cabin, the sailors, the captain and in general the whole current life, which deprived Laurent of her usual life, comforts and husband.

So it was possible to understand her - only recently she was the wife of a herenar, consider the king, of an island state called the Union of Clans, and now? Who is she now? A fugitive, without family, without a tribe, with the only hope of reaching the rebellious Eorn clan, where matriarchy reigns, and trying to survive in the new world.

Her husband, the general of the Union, is sure that Laurana is dead. The general himself is under the complete control of the sorcerer Hekel, who seized power in the country, and carries out all his orders. And Laurent can only count on Serg, about whom she knows only that she is actually a man in a woman’s body, and also that she (he) is a sorcerer capable of removing slave collars.

And also - Serg is the best fighter Lorana knows.

A strange company has gathered on this ship - Sergei, or as his name is here - Serg, a former police officer-operative from Earth, a cynic and a drinker, who, by the will of fate, found himself in the body of a beggar, and at the whim of a sorcerer, underwent a dangerous modification of his body, which made him a perfect fighter.

Former queen.

A home girl who made wigs and was accused of murdering her fiancé (whom Serg killed).

The “sweet couple” is the mercenary grunt Resong and his girlfriend Morna, a seamstress who confidently wields a sewing needle, as well as all types of weapons that existed in this world. After all, she is not just a dressmaker, but a former warrior of the Eorn clan, an elite bodyguard of the head of the clan, who fled from Eorn for reasons only known to her.

Both Resong and Morna are actually agents of the intelligence resident of the Union of Clans Pigol, who worked under the guise of an entrepreneur, the owner of the village of Winsung beggars. It was he who arranged it so that the entire company, having escaped the slavery of the owner, the sorcerer Hekel, ended up on this ship going to Eorn.

By and large, Lorana was right, and Sergei knew it for sure. When Pigol directed them to the Black Flower, he immediately warned that both the captain and the crew deserve an attentive, wary attitude towards themselves, that not everything is so simple with them - after all, most shipbuilders are pirates and merchants at the same time, and, if the opportunity arises, they will not fail to do some dirty trick, sensing that you can snatch a good jackpot.

And if you have obvious fugitives on board, and by all estimates they are carrying money with them to settle in a new place - the gods themselves ordered to rip such “suckers” to the skin! After all, a sucker is a legitimate prey for a real man! And so as not to talk, throw them into the sea. The sea is big, the sea monsters are voracious - raz! - and there are no talkers, but there is money.

And no one will know where the passengers went - Eorn is a rather dangerous place, female warriors are harmful, unpredictable creatures, and could even kill. And the shipbuilders have nothing to do with it! And Pigol will not be able to make any claims!

The fugitives have a thousand gold pieces with them - a quite decent amount, and for many from this world - fantastic. You can even kill for it. At least, that’s what those for whom merchant trade and robbery have become two sides of the same coin think.

So what about honor? - Morna smiled, looming over Lorana like a palace over a ragpicker's shack. - What's that about a haystack? Girl, if you say such words to any of the female warriors in Eorn, you can be sure that in a very short time you will be standing in a fighting stance in a duel. Unless, of course, she considers you worthy of a fight and doesn’t kill you right away, on the spot, like a rat.

We'll see who kills whom! - Laurana flushed, biting her lips with shame and excitement - do you really think you’re so good? Let's! Let's try! Well! I don't have a sword, otherwise I would...

Stand! - Sergei shouted quietly - you swore to do what I order you! Do you remember this? Or does your honor allow you to do whatever you want?

“I remember, Serg,” Laurana grimaced.

If you remember, then shut up and don't attack Morna! And by the way, if there was a fight between you... I wouldn't bet on you. And there’s no point in twisting your face! Now you are not the wife of the gerenar, you are just Laurana, who is fleeing. And in order to survive, you will do what I tell you, or someone else on my orders!

Well said, Serg - Morna smiled good-naturedly - you are a real commander. Res, come here! We need to talk, Serg.

Alone? - Sergei calmly asked, peering into the woman’s wide face - something important?

Morna's gray eyes narrowed for a moment, as if she were thinking about the proposal, and suddenly her face, so fresh, full-blooded, smooth, seemed to have aged, and it became clear that Morna was no longer very young, that she was well over thirty, and with that said, that... in general, life did not spoil her, and the years did not add youth.

Yin Yang. Red Wings

Yin-yang – 3

* * *

Chapter 1

– Serg, did you see their faces?

- Why... faces like faces. What did you see in their faces?

– I saw everything. For example, they want to take our money, but we... well... it’s understandable. We don't even have weapons! They threw the swords in the tavern - why?

- They stopped me from running. Tell you what, Laura, calm down, okay? We've only been on the road for a day, and your whining is already in my throat. And I'm sick without you...

– I feel sorry for Abi too... don’t think so. But I’m nervous and I feel like something bad is going on around me. Are you sure this is the ship we were supposed to board? Exactly?

- Exactly. Pigol directed us towards him. I believe him.

“To a certain extent... Pigol is still a little thing! If he sets you up, he won’t even sneeze!”

- Yes, he warned us to be careful, that the captain is a scoundrel, but so far everything is going well. Moreover, Resong and Morna are with us, and they are armed.

- This fat woman?! – Lorana snorted disdainfully. - Fat cow! What can she do?! When I look at her, I see a haystack, not a person! And this is her lover! Or who he is... a skinny, dirty mercenary, an ordinary grunt, who has no concept of honor, conscience, martial arts, oh...

“But you understand a lot about honor,” a soft chesty voice rang out, and one of the largest women Sergei had seen in his life stepped across the threshold....

No, Morna was not fat, as Laurana's exasperated former queen had said. The woman was powerful, dense, powerful, like... an asphalt paver.

Sergei had no doubt that if Morna wanted, she could hammer a huge nail into the cabin wall with her bare hand. And not only into the wall, but also into the head of the bad person who dared to insult her. At the same time, Morna had a friendly, gentle disposition - and thank the gods! Sergei had enough of Lorana grumbling irritably all day long, ever since they sailed from the port on the Black Flower ship. She didn’t like everything: the ship, the cabin, the sailors, the captain and, in general, the whole current life, which deprived Laurent of her usual luxury, comforts and husband.

So, one could understand her: only recently she was the wife of a herenar, consider the king of an island state called the Union of Clans, and now? Who is she now? A fugitive without family, without a tribe, with only hope - to get to the rebellious Eorn clan, where matriarchy reigns, and try to survive in the new world.

Her husband, the general of the Union, is sure that Laurana is dead. The general himself is under the complete control of the sorcerer Hekel, who seized power in the country, and carries out all his orders. Laurent can only count on Serg, about whom she only knows that she is actually a man in a female body, and also that she (he) is a sorcerer capable of removing slave collars.

And also – Serg is the best fighter Lorana knows.

A strange company has gathered on this ship - Sergei, or as he is called here - Serg, a former police officer? operative from Earth, a cynic and a drinker, who, by the will of fate, found himself in the body of a beggar and, at the whim of a sorcerer, underwent a dangerous modification of his body, which made him a perfect fighter.

Former queen.

A home girl who made wigs and was accused of murdering her fiancé, whom Serg killed.

Yin Yang. Red Wings Evgeny Shchepetnov

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Title: Yin-yang. Red Wings

About the book “Yin-Yang. Red wings" Evgeniy Shchepetnov

New adventures of Sergei Sazhin in the world of sorcerers! He managed to escape from the clutches of the hegemonic sorcerer, but fate again tests the opera's strength. Meeting with pirates, a storm and a forbidden island are just a small part of the challenges...

The mysterious Kissos has kept its secrets for thousands of years. Here, new friends and enemies await Sergei and his fellow sufferers, and an unexpected discovery will reveal the secret of the origin of the island of sorcerers.

But do not forget that the threat of war looms over the world, and in the hope of help, friends are moving to the lands of the clan of Amazon women. And they do not go empty-handed, now they have wings...

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