How to return an electronic ticket for 204. Air ticket refund. What to do if you couldn't fly? How long does it take for money to be returned?

Buying a plane ticket using electronic money has long become part of the everyday service for those who have to travel a lot, but cannot spend time buying seats through a regular ticket office. Despite the fact that such a system appeared in our country quite a long time ago, not everyone was able to understand its intricacies. In particular, buyers often have questions about whether it is possible to return an electronic ticket and how to do this if the trip needs to be rescheduled for one reason or another. Fortunately, such a mechanism exists, and it is not difficult to use.

Registration of a return of an electronic ticket

First of all, the buyer needs to determine which category his ticket return falls into. There are forced and voluntary options. Forced refund of an electronic ticket is carried out in full (100% of the cost) and is carried out in the following cases:

  • Flight rescheduling;
  • The death of a close relative is considered in a special manner and depends on the goodwill of the airline. The exception is the death of the passenger himself;
  • Cancellation of landing at the point specified in the preliminary route;
  • Inconsistency between flights (if a transfer is planned);
  • Change of class or service company.

In other cases, the refund is classified as voluntary, and the cost of the ticket is refunded according to the airline's rules.

The deadline for canceling a ticket is set by air carriers and most often is:

  • 7 days before departure;
  • 24 hours before departure;
  • 1 hour before departure.

You can request a seat refund by simply calling the airline. But the passenger will receive the money in the same way as the original payment was made. That is, you cannot receive cash if you return a ticket paid for with a credit card. You can receive funds for a refund of an air ticket only at the place of purchase:

  • from the company that provided services for its acquisition;
  • through the Internet service through which the electronic ticket was purchased.
  • at airline ticket offices;

To return a ticket, the passenger must present a package of documents. Among them: the citizen’s passport, copies of certificates about the circumstances due to which he cannot fly (illness certificate, death certificate, etc.), if you have payment receipts on hand, it is also advisable to attach them. Please note: if the company doubts the veracity of your words, for example, the presence of urgent reasons, it may require original documents for review. It is possible that the airline may require you to undergo an examination by a doctor who represents its interests in order to form its own conclusion about the passenger’s health status. This is the case if the flight is canceled due to a passenger claiming illness.

Air ticket seats are returned to the system immediately after a person applies. This can be done either remotely (by sending scans of papers by mail) or at the company’s office. If we are talking about the speedy return of money and seats to the system, the latter option is preferable. Because when a notification is sent electronically, the system takes some time to process it.

Please note that returning seats to the system for further free booking is an operation that the cashier cannot subsequently cancel. It is unlikely that they will be able to sell tickets with the same seats and at the same price again if circumstances change.

Ticket refund

As for the amount of money that can be compensated when returning a ticket, it depends on the fare class.

This way, you will receive a full refund of the amount spent on purchasing a seat in business class and other full fares. The exception is business class tickets sold under special promotions. As for preferential offers and seasonal sales, in case of voluntary refusal the funds are partially returned.

The cost of a ticket purchased at reduced fares or fares with limited capacity will not be refunded. The penalty for returning such a ticket by voluntary decision ranges from 20 to 70%, unless otherwise specified in the contract. In such cases, some airlines withhold 100% of the ticket price.

In addition to the costs of purchasing the place itself, there are other payments included in the price, which are generally not returned to the client. Among them:

  • Bank transaction fees;
  • Tour operator intermediary services;
  • Commission fee;
  • Payment for placing an urgent order.

These services are provided by third parties, therefore the airline is not responsible for them. Such fees are also not refundable to passengers who purchased a ticket at full fare.

Funds can be returned to the consumer in the following options:

  • In hand after reviewing the application;
  • To a bank account;
  • Return to bank account.

You must notify the company in writing of your decision to choose a refund option. Pay special attention to the correctness of the details - you will not be able to cancel or repeat the operation.

Refund deadlines for ticket cancellations

The law establishes that if a ticket is refused, the client is required to return its cost within 7 banking days from the date of official refusal, if the company does not have the ability to pay compensation at the time of request. This period, however, should not be confused with the duration of consideration of the claim. It is 3 months from the date of application. Until a final decision is made, the company is not obligated to return payments to the client.

Such rules apply to domestic airlines. If the ticket was purchased from foreign agents, they have the right to consider the application from 10 to 60 days, unless otherwise specified in the contract.

Who can return an e-ticket?

Despite the fact that you can purchase an electronic air ticket in any name, having passport data, only the passenger has the opportunity to receive money for its return. If the air ticket was paid for in cash, a refund is made only upon a personal request from the person whose name is indicated on the transportation document or his representative with a notarized power of attorney. Refunds for air tickets paid by non-cash transfer from a bank account are made to this bank account. It is impossible to receive money in cash or on a card.

Air ticket paid for with a plastic card (purchased on specialized websites on the Internet): when returning it, an official application for refund is filled out on the same website (forms are usually presented on such portals), or directly to the carrier airline. It is mandatory to indicate the details of the card from which the initial payment was made. The funds, minus penalties, will be returned to this card and not to any other. Usually, already when purchasing a ticket and paying by card, the client knows that the refund will be made within 30 calendar days, as required by law. However, air carriers often transfer money within 7-10 days - to maintain customer loyalty.

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Every person has encountered a situation where force majeure circumstances destroy carefully developed plans. Unforeseen events await a person at every step. What to do with purchased passes for long trips or flights? How to return a plane ticket? For several months you have been preparing for your vacation, making plans, booking seats in the cabin. They have already started packing their suitcases. And suddenly, for some reason, the trip is cancelled.

What to do in this case with the purchased air ticket? Is it possible to submit it? Will you get your money back? A thrifty person is concerned about questions about refunds, since the amounts for flights are quite large. Let's look at the basic rules for buying back travel passes that apply to airlines.

The conditions that influenced the cancellation of a plane trip can be completely different. In this case, without taking into account force majeure circumstances, one of two parties is to blame: either the air carrier or its client. Airlines encounter similar problems quite often, so all solutions to situations leading to flight cancellations are spelled out in the ticket refund rules. Moreover, different enterprises have their own customer relations policies. Therefore, when traveling by plane for the first time, review the conditions for exchange and return of tickets from this carrier.

It is very important on whose initiative the contract between the passenger and the carrier is terminated. As a rule, the client has every right to return a plane ticket if the company has not fulfilled its obligations. Then the return is forced. Here is the main list of reasons due to which the passenger will be refunded the full cost of the flight:

  • flight cancellation;
  • a significant delay resulting in the customer missing a connecting flight;
  • flight with transfers instead of a direct route;
  • departure and landing are carried out at other airports;
  • lack of space in the air showroom, refusal of the carrier to take the passenger on board;
  • aircraft model replacement;
  • impossibility of providing services corresponding to the ticket class.

If at least one of the listed reasons occurs, the money for the ticket must be returned in full. But airlines are reluctant to issue refunds, often offering an alternative option. You must make a choice: agree with the carrier's offer or insist on a refund of the amount spent. In the latter case, be prepared to be persistent and spend some time. Do not forget to contact a company employee with a request to put a stamp and make a note on the ticket about the reasons for the refusal.

Sometimes situations arise when a passenger has the right to return a ticket and return the money spent. This is possible in the event of the death of a passenger or a close relative flying with him. These are people of direct kinship, that is, wife, husband or child. You must present the airport service employee with a death certificate and a document confirming your relationship with the deceased.

An illness of a tourist or an accompanying relative, confirmed by a medical report with the seal of the institution and the signature of a doctor, can also interfere. The document must carefully specify the diagnosis and the time of illness (the period of start and end of treatment). If your spouse or child falls ill, you must provide proof of relationship.

A valid reason is a delay during security screening at the airport. The money for the ticket will be returned if customs officers did not find any prohibited items in the luggage, but the verification process took too long. A thorough inspection of items is carried out under certain circumstances when an enhanced security regime is introduced. All passengers' suitcases are sorted, inspected for the presence of:

  • various types of weapons;
  • narcotic substances;
  • illegal values.

As a result of such actions by the airport security service, the passenger does not get on board on time. When deciding on the issue of handing over a ticket, you will definitely need a certificate from the security service.

Some tourists are denied visa applications when they already have a plane ticket. Most likely, you will be able to return the pass without any problems if you were planning a flight of international importance. Foreign companies, unlike Russian carriers, consider this reason to be serious, and the money is usually returned. To do this, you need to obtain the appropriate certificate from the embassy.

Returning a plane ticket with a full refund is quite difficult. This is due to the reluctant actions of airline representatives. After all, no one wants to lose profit. Therefore, you should insist on your position if you are confident that the client is right. Since the passenger is not at fault in all of the above cases, no fine is charged for the ticket return procedure.

The conditions for surrendering an air ticket in case of voluntary cancellation of the flight involve payment of a penalty in the amount of 900-1500 thousand rubles on domestic flights and from 40 to 300 euros on foreign routes. The cheaper the tariff, the stricter the return conditions. Budget economy class does not provide for a refund. True, some companies may offer an exchange. Try to find out the necessary information in advance. It is advisable to return your ticket no later than 36 hours before the plane departs.

Passengers who must fly premium or business class find themselves in the most advantageous position. Penalties for returning a ticket are either completely absent or reduced to a minimum. These data are specified in the terms and conditions of purchasing the air ticket. For established clients, a long-term exchange service is offered. Then the ticket with an open date is valid all year round. We recommend that you read the rules in advance to prevent certain unpleasant situations.

How to change your departure date

Air tickets purchased at a special rate cannot be returned. The possibility of exchange for another flight depends on the behavior of the carrier. In some cases, it is more profitable to postpone the departure date than to return the ticket. Monetary losses will be less if you do this a few days before the departure date. The amount of penalties ranges from 20% to 30% of the ticket price. Already on the day of the flight it will not be possible to avoid a serious fine.

Customers who constantly buy cheap plane tickets are aware of the problem of returning and exchanging such travel passes. After all, when conducting a promotion or sale, the company warns that these offers do not include the possibility of any changes in the route on the part of the customer. Such flights include:

  • discounted travel passes;
  • tickets from budget companies;
  • air tickets with short-term discounts.

Therefore, monitor information about profitable flights very carefully. Every carrier has them. Users can find out the rules for returning or exchanging tickets issued via the Internet on the website of any airline. You may have to come to the office in person to provide the necessary documents and write an application.

The refund process takes time. The money is transferred to your account or bank card in 2-3 days and a maximum of 3 months. Plan your trips in advance and find out the refund policy before purchasing a ticket. This will help avoid unnecessary problems.

How to return an air ticket?

Typically, the passenger contacts the ticket office, reservation system, or airline representative office to get the money back. But companies are not always ready to part with the amounts paid for tickets.

What actions will help you get back more money spent on airline tickets?

Let's start with the good news. According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the main document regulating the activities of civil aviation, there are no non-refundable tickets. Even those air tickets that the passenger bought at a good discount can be returned to the carrier. There are already precedents in which passengers have won lawsuits against airlines.

How much money can I get back?

In accordance with Article 108 of the Russian Air Code, if you return your ticket no later than one day before departure, the airline is obliged to refund you the full cost of the ticket. True, there is one caveat: “if the air transportation rules established by the carrier do not specify a grace period.” What is meant is unclear. One might think that we are talking about so-called “non-refundable” tickets purchased as part of a promotion, but no.

There is a judicial precedent. A resident of Volgograd decided to return the purchased ticket 27 days before departure. The airline only refunded her the fuel surcharge, since it was initially stipulated that the ticket was non-refundable. The woman turned to Rospotrebnadzor for the truth. As a result, the court decided to return the full amount of the ticket to her - in accordance with Article 108 of the Air Code.

There is also an order from the FAS dated April 5, 2010 - “to eliminate the practice of selling tickets at fares that exclude refunds in the event of a passenger’s voluntary refusal to travel.” However, in this order the department also refers to Article 108 of the Air Code.

Reasons for refunding an air ticket:

1. Article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Air Code of the Russian Federation).

An aircraft passenger has the right to refuse a flight by notifying the carrier no later than twenty-four hours before departure of the aircraft, unless a grace period has been established by the carrier's air transportation rules, and to receive back the amount paid for air transportation.

If canceling a flight later than the established period, the passenger has the right to receive back the amount paid for air transportation with the withholding of a fee, the amount of which cannot exceed twenty-five percent of the amount paid for air transportation.

2. Article 100 Rules for the formation and application of tariffs for regular air transportation of passengers and baggage, collection of fees in the field of civil aviation.

The fee for a passenger's cancellation of a flight is set by the carrier in the amount of no more than 25 percent of the amount paid by the passenger for transportation, if the transportation was not carried out on any leg, and if the transportation was partially performed - in the amount of no more than 25 percent of the amount, paid for the unfulfilled part of the transportation.

3. Airlines, if in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 102 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation have their own rules for air transportation, including rules for the sale of transportation, provide access to such rules in airline offices, sales offices, and also by posting them on airline websites.

a) Provide carriers (sales agents - if such information is provided to sales agents) with access to information:

  • - about all tariffs applied by the airline on a specific route, and the conditions for their application. Information must be provided in Russian and, in the case of using special terms and codes, contain the necessary explanations;
  • - about all types of additional fees and taxes applied by the carrier, as well as the procedure and legality of their establishment;
  • - about the procedure for refund in case of refusal of transportation or change in transportation conditions.

b) Eliminate the practice of selling tickets at non-refundable rates in the event of a passenger’s voluntary refusal to travel.

In your appeal to the airline or to the court, you must be guided primarily by federal regulations, that is, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” etc., and then refer to the “internal rules of transportation” of the airline.

Where to contact

The list of places where tickets are refunded is specified in the internal rules of the air carrier. The easiest way to find them is on the company's website on the Internet. You can also call the air carrier's help desk, they will tell you the necessary addresses and telephone numbers.

Keep in mind that the procedure for returning tickets established by the company in any case should not contradict the general rules of air transportation. And they stipulate that a refund in case of cancellation of a trip can be made “at the ticket office of the airline itself, at agents authorized by the company to sell tickets, as well as at points provided for by the airline’s rules.”

Another important nuance is that there are various directives of the Russian Ministry of Transport that partially contradict the Air Code. Lawyers say that in controversial cases, the court will be guided precisely by the Air Code, and not by intra-industry rules.

Sequence of actions when returning an air ticket:

1. Find the coordinates of the organization where you bought the ticket. For example, if you purchased a ticket from a booking site or travel company, then you need to contact them, not the airline you are going to fly with.

2. Find out what rules for exchanging tickets exist in the organization where you bought them. This information may be attached to your e-ticket file. It is also often posted on the organization’s website. This data will help you, if necessary, defend your rights and have a reasoned conversation with company representatives.

3. Contact the company where you purchased the tickets. This can be done by visiting the company in person or by calling. Be prepared to give not only your name, but also your passport information to confirm your identity. Also keep the ticket itself ready. It has a unique number, which will also need to be communicated to a company employee.

If the air ticket was purchased from an agency, then you need to write an application to this office (e-mail letter), informing him about the refusal of the flight, with a request to return the money to the bank card on the basis of Article 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (you can quote the provisions that apply to your case). This is quite enough.

If the agency is Russian, it is advisable to duplicate the same application by sending it by mail with acknowledgment of delivery to the addressee, or bring it to the office and put a receipt stamp on the copy. Such a paper document will be needed if the case is brought to court. True, if the agent is imported, then “getting” him out of Russia through legal proceedings will cost more. But the main thing here is to record the moment of notifying him about your refusal to fly.

4. Please note that if you purchased inexpensive tickets, then most likely you will not be able to get the full amount back. Most companies will charge you some fee for canceling your flight. If you decide to cancel your flight for less than three days, be prepared for the fact that the amount of such a fine may be up to half the cost of the ticket. Once you agree on the amount, find out how you can get your money back. They can be given to you in cash or transferred to your bank account. In the latter case, do not forget to provide the company employee with your bank details.

5. If you receive a refusal from an agent - they say we have nothing to do with it, contact the air carrier. It is better to refuse in the form of a written paper document, but e-mail will also work.

6. You need to write a similar statement to the air carrier by e-mail (ticket reservation center or something like that), and send the same by mail to one of their Russian (if the carrier is a foreign airline) representative office (from or where you were going to fly).

Be sure to attach a copy of the agent’s refusal/response to transfer the arrow to the carrier, and refer to this in the text of the application. Here, too, it is important that the letter reaches the airline (any of its representatives) at least 24 hours before the first flight. The paper may also be needed in case of a trial or complaint to the Federal Air Transport Agency. However, for the Federal Air Transport Agency a printout of e-mail correspondence will be sufficient.

7. What should you do if you receive an answer by e-mail saying, sorry, the fare is non-refundable (alternatively, in subsequent correspondence they may offer you some kind of flight voucher with a limited validity period)?

You write to them again: please comply with Russian legislation, do not violate my rights. All this can be repeated several times. How many times exactly depends on your persistence and the sequence of the arguments presented. Well, for example: for the 2nd time you can write this - if you, Mrs. X, are not authorized to return the debt to me for the returned ticket, contact the management to make the appropriate decision; for the 3rd time - resolve my issue quickly with competent managers, because... according to Russian legislation, penalties are charged for late fulfillment of a consumer’s legal requirement (meaning the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights); for the 4th time - you ignore my rights, thereby violating the Russian Air Code, I will complain about your company to the Federal Air Transport Agency; for the 5th time - the management of your company forces me to go to court, where I will file a claim to collect the debt and penalties for late execution.

In general, at some stage they must back down and return the entire amount. Just don’t get excited and take your time - write to them the next day after receiving the answer. So the whole procedure can sometimes take up to two weeks. If the air carrier returns your money through an agent, then the chances of returning all commissions are high. And if you do it directly, then you will still need to “beat” that agent, referring to the example of the carrier.

If there is no result, then the easiest way is to actually send a complaint against the air carrier by mail to the Federal Air Transport Agency, attaching all the complaint correspondence to it. Of course, you will have to wait for the bureaucratic machine to work, but it will actually work 95%, and at no cost to you.

And finally, the court - here any lawyer guarantees you a 100 percent result. In principle, a claim can be brought against both the airline itself and the agent who sold you the air transportation. You can get back 2 times the cost of your ticket if you base your claim on the Consumer Protection Law. Briefly, it looks like this: according to this law, the debtor may be assessed by the court a penalty (at the request of the plaintiff) in the amount of 0.5% of the amount of the debt for each day of delay in execution from the moment of receipt of the demand for the return of money.

But, as a rule, the court limits the amount of penalties collected to the amount of the principal debt. Well, we must not forget to indicate in the claim the requirement that the debtor pay the court fees and the costs of the plaintiff (passenger/consumer) for the services of a lawyer - such claims are satisfied by the courts almost “automatically”.

Where to complain?

All sorts of tricks and excuses from carriers that passengers often hear are due to the fact that airlines have their own rules for air transportation, rules for setting tariffs, and applying additional fees. They are what airline representatives refer to when they try to charge passengers more money for an unused ticket.

If all negotiations and written complaints do not help, file a complaint with the Federal Air Transport Agency (you can even do it electronically - through the official website of the Federal Air Transport Agency).
You can submit a complaint through the website of the Federal Air Transport Agency

  • (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.)

In addition, you can get help from the Russian Consumer Union and, as the case with a resident of Volgograd showed, from Rospotrebnadzor.

You can get advice on protecting your rights from the Russian Consumer Union

When resolving controversial situations, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor

But if the airline goes bankrupt, everything is much more complicated. You can sue the company and even win the case, but there are no guarantees that you will get your money back. There is no insurance for such a case. The case with Avianova is further proof of this. Some passengers still cannot get their money back for canceled trips.

P.S. You may be interested in Articles of the Air Code No. 100, 107, 108, 137. Article 107 talks about the carrier’s refusal, and Article 137 talks about the procedure for applying the Air Code.

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Return rules depend on the method of payment for the order and the terms of application of the tariff (UPT). The refund amount is calculated in accordance with the terms and conditions of the fare, which you must read when booking in the first step.
Freight charge paid for air transportation not refundable, if the passenger notified the carrier about the refusal of air transportation after the end of the passenger check-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket.

We inform you that from June 21, 2014. The Federal Law of April 20, 2014 came into force. No. 79-FZ “On Amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation”, regarding the conditions for the return/non-refund of carriage charges upon termination of the passenger air carriage agreement.

Voluntary refund of air ticket

1. You can request a refund for an air ticket purchased on the airline’s website, in the mobile application or through the passenger support service in one of the following ways:

1.1 On the airline’s website in the section (only for tickets purchased on the AK website, in the mobile application and through the passenger support service).

When checking your order, you must enter the order number and the passenger's last name. Next, at the bottom of the order information page, click on the TICKET RETURN button, then CONFIRM.

Attention, when you click on the TICKET REFUND button, it will be impossible to cancel the ticket refund.
A confirmation with the exact amount of the refund will be sent to the email address specified in the order.

1.2 Cancel seats by calling the passenger support service at 8-800-7700-262 and fill in the funds.

The refund application is processed within five working days from the date of issue of the ticket refund. Refunds for orders paid by card are made back to the card. The term for transferring funds is 5-20 days depending on the issuing bank. At the same time, the airline is not responsible for increasing the time limits for transferring funds, which depend on the issuing bank.

2. Apply for a refund of an air ticket paid at the airline ticket office

Refunds for tickets paid at the ticket office are made only at the ticket office where the tickets were paid for.

- passport;

The procedure for processing a refund of an air ticket paid on the websites and ticket offices of air travel sales agencies.

1. Cancel seats by calling the passenger support service at 8-800-7700-262 (before the end of the passenger check-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket);

Forced refund of air ticket

The carriage fee paid for air transportation is subject to refund in the event of a forced refusal (forced refusal is recognized in the case provided for in clause 227 of FAP No. 82 dated June 28, 2007) of a passenger from air transportation subject to notification of this to the carrier before the end of check-in time passengers on the flight indicated on the ticket.

A forced refund of an air ticket due to a passenger’s illness is made on the basis of one of the medical documents submitted to Ural Airlines (the agency that issued the air ticket) confirming contraindications for the flight.

Requirements for medical documents:

1. An original certificate from a medical institution regarding the state of health as of the departure date of the flight indicated on the ticket.

The certificate must contain:

  • clearly readable name, details of the medical institution that issued the certificate;
  • seal of the medical institution that issued the certificate;
  • clearly legible position and name of the doctor who issued the certificate;
  • signature and seal of the doctor who issued the certificate;
  • signature and seal of the head of the department or chief physician of the medical institution that issued the certificate;
  • date of issue of the certificate;
  • compliance of the dates of illness indicated in the certificate with the dates of transportation. In case of discrepancy, the conclusion should indicate “flight on the specified dates is not recommended.”

2.Copies of the passenger’s certificate of incapacity for work, certified by the employer or endorsed by the signature and seal of an authorized person of Ural Airlines (Airline Representative at the airport)

3. The original certificate from the health center of the airport terminal (airport).

The certificate must contain:

  • clearly readable name of the health center that issued the certificate;
  • stamp of the health center that issued the certificate;
  • clearly legible position, name of the doctor who issued the certificate;
  • signature of the doctor who issued the certificate;
  • date of issue of the certificate;
  • compliance of the date of illness indicated in the certificate with the date of transportation.

When a passenger on the territory of the Russian Federation applies to the Agency that issued the ticket, a notarized translation of the presented medical document into Russian must be attached to a medical document issued outside the Russian Federation.
When a passenger outside the Russian Federation applies to the Agency that issued the ticket, a translation of the document into Russian or English, certified by a notary in accordance with the legislation of that country, must be attached to the presented medical document.
Ticket Agency fees are non-refundable unless otherwise provided by Agency rules.
Information about the facts of providing false documents is subject to transfer to the police of the Russian Federation in order to conduct an audit and bring the perpetrators to criminal liability.

1. Cancel seats by calling the passenger support service at 8-800-7700-262 (before the end of the passenger check-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket);

1. Cancel seats by calling the passenger support service at 8-800-7700-262 (before the end of the passenger check-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket);

2. Contact the ticket office at the place of purchase; refunds are made only at the ticket office where the air tickets were paid for.

When visiting the cashier you must have with you:

  • a receipt, if it is in the passenger’s hands;
  • passport;
  • if the refund is carried out by power of attorney: a notarized power of attorney to submit an application for a refund of the cost of the air ticket in connection with the refusal of transportation.

3. Present original medical documents confirming contraindications for the flight.

1. Cancel seats by calling the passenger support service at 8-800-7700-262 (before the end of the passenger check-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket);

2. Contact the agent who issued the ticket at the place of purchase

Procedure for issuing a refund of an air ticket in case of flight cancellation

1. The procedure for issuing an involuntary refund of an air ticket purchased on the airline's website, in the mobile application or through the passenger support service:

1. Fill out an application for a refund by calling the passenger support service at 8-800-7700-262, after listening to the voice menu, press 9, then press 1.

2. for a refund.

2. The procedure for processing an involuntary refund of an air ticket paid at the airline ticket office:

Contact the ticket office at the place of purchase; refunds are made only at the ticket office where the air tickets were paid for.

When visiting the cashier you must have with you:

  • a receipt, if it is in the passenger’s hands;
  • passport;
  • if the refund is carried out by power of attorney: a notarized power of attorney to submit an application for a refund of the cost of the air ticket in connection with the refusal of transportation.

3. The procedure for processing an involuntary refund of an air ticket paid on the websites and ticket offices of air travel sales agencies.

Refunds of tickets purchased on the websites and ticket offices of air travel sales agencies are made by the agencies that arranged the flights.

Contact the agent who issued the ticket at the place of purchase