Photo story: Voronezh reservoir. Voronezh water dam: technical structure or alternative bridge Message on the topic Voronezh reservoir

On the Voronezh River there is a reservoir of the same name. It unusually beautifies the surrounding area, creates a special microclimate, and favors the successful existence of many species of birds. Another feature of the Voronezh reservoir is that all its boundaries are located within the city. Among such reservoirs, it is considered one of the largest in the world.

a brief description of

The reservoir was created to meet the water needs of the cities of Voronezh and Lipetsk, to supply industrial enterprises, and to irrigate fields. Design and actual data differ slightly:

The Voronezh reservoir was filled in 1971. Today it is heavily polluted. This requires regular cleaning work.

The local population calls the reservoir “Voronezh Sea”.

Historical reference

Previously, the Voronezh River flowed on the site of an artificial reservoir. Even Peter I began building ships in this area.

However, the river began to rapidly become shallow. To prevent this, large-scale work was carried out. The world's first locks were built on the river. The project fully justified itself, as the water level began to rise. By 1703, a wooden dam with swing gates appeared on the river. This building operated until 1931.

The dam fully fulfilled the tasks assigned to it, but another problem arose - the river opening began to resemble a swamp, and a huge number of mosquitoes and infectious bacteria appeared. The authorities were offered two options:

  • Flooding of the entire area.
  • Drying.

They preferred the second option, but the Second World War began. At that time there was no time for the swamps of Voronezh.

After the end of the war, the city took a long time to rebuild. The issue of the reservoir was returned to only in 1967. A project for the flooding and construction of the Voronezh reservoir was developed, designed for 15 years.

In those days, workers at all enterprises were in a hurry to complete work plans as soon as possible. The same thing happened in Voronezh - the construction of the reservoir was completed in 3 years, 12 years ahead of the planned time. The reservoir was formed within its modern boundaries by 1972. Such a rush resulted in a certain percentage of marriage. Thus, the bottom of the reservoir was not deepened enough, and treatment facilities were not installed at nearby enterprises. Soon the city faced an environmental problem, which it still solves today.

But the reservoir helped create a waterway from the Don River through Voronezh to Lipetsk. In 1982 alone, more than 200 thousand people were transported on excursion ships. This flight is currently unavailable.

In the 70s, the ecological situation and the depth of the Voronezh reservoir made it possible to carry out fishing here. By 1990, the catch in the reservoir reached a record level of 10 tons.

In the 70s, the banks were also actively improved, especially the Voronezh embankment. The Scarlet Sails park was opened here, and the Dolphin park was opened on the left bank of the reservoir, and a decorative lighthouse was installed on the beach of the same name.

In 1986, the Northern Bridge across the reservoir opened.

First problems

For the first time, the Voronezh reservoir began to bloom in the early 90s. Before this, the beaches were crowded in the summer season, and fishermen had to queue to get into the fishing spot. However, every year there were fewer and fewer people vacationing on the shores. As a recreation area, the reservoir practically ceased to exist.

Cleaning work was carried out periodically on the reservoir, but the desired effect could not be achieved.

In 2016, it was possible to involve even European specialists in solving the problem. Last year, work continued on water purification from Admiralteysky Island to VOGRES. Therefore, there are hopes that in the near future the residents of Voronezh will return to the shores of an already clean reservoir.

Animal world

It is impossible to give a complete description of the Voronezh Reservoir without describing the inhabitants of the depths. The main role in water purification lies with crustaceans from the genus Daphnia and Chydorus spharicus, bivalve mollusks.

There is one unpleasant moment - the reservoir warms up well. Therefore, many mosquitoes breed in the shallows, which annoy residents of nearby streets. However, the larvae of these insects serve as excellent food for aquatic life.

To date, the presence of 44 species of fish has been recorded in the reservoir. Among them are the following:

  • Silver carp.
  • Peled.
  • Vendace.
  • White amur.

Most of the fish entered the reservoir from the river, while a smaller portion appeared as a result of artificial stocking. In this way, the numbers of carp and silver carp are restored. Every year, about 20 thousand fry are released into the reservoir.

There are many birds on the banks of the reservoir. There are about 43 species of them here. Migratory birds, which are even listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, are also found in the area of ​​the reservoir. These are osprey and geese. The appearance of the reservoir changed the number of birds in this region; it increased by 50%.


Many vacationers bring photos of islands from the Voronezh Reservoir; there are really a lot of them here, about 10. Most of them are former natural hills, which, even after the flooding of the reservoir pit, remained above the water level.

The most famous is Admiralteysky or Petrovsky, Zayachiy. Its area is 3.6 hectares. It is located 80 meters from Admiralty Square in Voronezh. Separated from the banks by the bed of the Voronezh River. The island was mentioned at the end of the 17th century. Under Peter I, the Admiralty was located here. Today, concerts and other city events are often held on Petrovsky Island. And the plans include the construction of a bridge crossing, the construction of an entertainment and hotel complex.

What's at the bottom

There is such a Voronezh diver Chernykh Alexander. According to him, he has explored the bottom of the reservoir up and down, diving for 10 years. The diver says that at the bottom there is a barge that was sunk back in the 80s, but now small pieces remain of it. We can definitely say that ships have never sank in the reservoir, since there are no remains of them. But there are a lot of cars there. Alexander also says that there really are 100-kilogram catfish at the bottom, this is not a myth.

Rest on the Voronezh Reservoir

In the northern part of the reservoir there is a clinical sanatorium named after Gorky. Here you can get medical help if you have the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular.
  • Genitourinary.
  • Nervous.
  • Oncological.
  • Endocrine.

The sanatorium also helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Here you can not only get treatment, but also just have a great time. Vacationers can enjoy not only the shores of the Voronezh Reservoir, but also the help of a psychotherapist, ozone therapy, manual and reflexology, and SPA treatments. And in their free time, guests of the sanatorium will not be bored. Discos and concerts are held here on an ongoing basis, you can visit theaters in an organized manner and go on a tour of Voronezh or Zadonsk.

The sanatorium is located in a picturesque forest park, where there is clean air and very beautiful nature. Vacationers are accepted all year round.

Residential complex "Aquamarine"

In 2017, construction of a new residential complex began on the shores of the Voronezh Reservoir. It will be two houses with 17 floors. There was a lot of controversy surrounding the project; the public began to worry that free access to the shore would be taken away from the townspeople. It cannot be said that all the comments were eliminated, but the fencing of the houses was abandoned. There will be a park area in the adjacent area that everyone can use.

A reservoir on the Voronezh River in the Voronezh region of Russia. Entirely located in the Voronezh urban district. Area 70 km², volume 204 million m³, length about 30 km, average width 2 km, average depth 2.9 m. Formed in 1971-1972 by a dam. Established for the purpose of industrial water supply to the city. In the colloquial speech of Voronezh residents it is sometimes called the sea or the Voronezh Sea. Currently heavily polluted. Work is underway to increase the average depth of the reservoir in order to clean it. On the banks of the reservoir is the city of Voronezh and its administrative villages of Tavrovo and Maslovka.


The length of the pressure front of the reservoir is 1420 m.

The waterworks consists of stone:

  • dams 1100 m long and 10 m wide,
  • spillway 207 m long,
  • single-chamber gateway,
  • laid over the entrance to the lock of a bridge 112 m long, 10 m wide and 10 m high.

The spillway is carried out from a height of 8.5 in. Vehicle traffic is organized along the dam crest.


The crustaceans Daphnia and Chydorus spharicus, as well as the larvae of chironomid mosquitoes (especially the species Chironomus plumosus) and bivalves, play a great role in the self-purification of the reservoir. In spring and summer, shallow areas on the reservoir warm up well and become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which affects the urban population of these insects.

The Voronezh Reservoir is home to such fish as: bream, perch, roach, carp, pike perch, etc. Before the regulation of the Voronezh River, its fauna was represented by 41 species of fish and cyclostomes.

In the reservoir, vendace, peled, silver carp and grass carp were found, which came during its stocking or independently migrated from the stocked reservoirs of the Voronezh and Don river basins.

In the first decade (1972 - 81) 37 species of fish were found (sterlet, carp, whitefin gudgeon, minnow, goby, goby and sculpin were not found in the catches), in the second (1982 - 91) - 25 (Ukrainian lamprey, dace, Danilevsky dace, chub, podust, shemaya, bluefish, sopa, vimba, Central Asian spike, privet).

In 1992 - 97, 25 species were also noted - sabrefish were absent, but two species of dace appeared, the Central Asian spiny goby and the tsutsik goby. In 1998, the paddlefish was acclimatized. Every year, the release of fry (about 20 thousand pieces) of silver carp and grass carp is carried out.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the proportion of species of the rheophilic complex, which indicates some improvement in the condition of the reservoir waters. In total, 44 species of fish were recorded in the Voronezh Reservoir.

In the upper reaches of the reservoir, 43 species of birds of the wetland complex were found nesting. The Voronezh Reservoir is an important “station” on the flight routes of waterfowl, including those listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, in particular the barnacle goose and osprey. Before the creation of the reservoir, 87 species of birds, or 32.3% of the number registered at that time in the region, were found to be present in the floodplain of the Voronezh River.

The emergence of the Voronezh Reservoir brought significant changes to the composition, number and distribution of birds in the floodplain. There was an increase in the number of bird species to 102 in 1972, 122 in 1973 and 135 in 1974. Just two years after the creation of the reservoir, the species composition of birds in this territory included 50.2% of all species recorded in the region. Currently, this ratio has decreased slightly (to 41.9%) due to the emergence of new species in the region.


According to the chemical composition, the water of the reservoir belongs to the hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium type. The mineralization of water in different areas is not the same and ranges from 0.14 to 0.72 g/l; in some years it reached 0.9 g/l. During the period of existence of the reservoir, the processes of formation of communities of aquatic organisms can be considered completed. These communities are characterized by high levels of biological diversity and comparative stability. Saprobity indices characterize the reservoir as slightly polluted. The reservoir currently contains more than three hundred species of algae, 67 species of higher plants, about 200 species of zooplankton and more than 170 species of zoobenthos.

The biomass of phytoplankton naturally fluctuates not only during the growing season, but also from year to year, reaching a maximum in years of intense “blooming” of water. Its indicators ranged from 0.09 to 15.2 g/m3, and the average one-time value reached 14 - 815 tons. The number and biomass of zooplankton were, respectively, 44.2 - 179.2 thousand specimens / m3 and 0.67 - 3.12 g/m3 The zoobenthos of the reservoir is characterized by high numbers and biomass, amounting to 1066 - 2633 specimens/m2 and 14.1 - 430.7 g/m2, respectively. In terms of reserves of natural food, the Voronezh Reservoir is at the level of some large lowland reservoirs and even exceeds them: the reserves of unused food by fish amount to 2127 - 7307 kg/ha. Calculations of fish productivity based on the food supply of fish have shown that the Voronezh Reservoir has great potential for creating good food on its basis. fisheries.

The general result of the development of the vegetation cover of the Voronezh reservoir in the conditions of an urbanized landscape and a high degree of anthropogenic impact on the catchment surface is the acceleration of the rate of overgrowth of shallow areas, on average 2 - 2.5 times compared to similar reservoirs, and the rapid transition of its upper reaches to the stage of attenuation of functioning aquatic ecosystem and the formation of initial plant communities. The current state of the vegetation cover of the Voronezh Reservoir as a whole can be assessed from a biological point of view as a relatively stable stage of development, formed in the conditions of an urbanized landscape with a certain nature of operation of the reservoir. The waters of the Voronezh Reservoir are polluted. According to the results of studies conducted by the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Voronezh region from August 5 to August 7, 2008, the total number of coliform bacteria in the water near the Dolphin beach exceeded the norm by 4.8 times; near the Agricultural Institute beach – 48 times. Giardia cysts were found in the water of the reservoir near Dolphin Beach. Nevertheless, it belongs to a reservoir of category I - a fishery reservoir.


There are about ten small uninhabited islands in the waters of the reservoir. Basically, these islands are former uplands that remained above the reservoir level after the floodplain was flooded.

Also in the water area of ​​the reservoir there are two artificial islands: the railway bridge dam and the Pridachenskaya dam.

Why did Peter I not build a fleet in Voronezh, and what secrets does the city reservoir hide?

Downtown tells the complex stories of the urban places that surround us, but about which we don't know as much as we could. Today we will talk about the main water artery of the city.

The Voronezh Reservoir is the first purpose-built reservoir of this scale in the history of the USSR, located within the city. It appeared in 1972, and now its length from north to south is 50 kilometers, the average width is 2 kilometers, and the average depth is 2.9 meters.

Previously, on the site of the reservoir there was the Voronezh River, on the banks of which Peter I began the construction of ships. As a result of the work, forests on the banks were cut down, which led to a strong shallowing of the river at the beginning of the 18th century.

To save the reservoir from drying out, according to the project of the English engineer Peri, the world's first sluice systems and dams were built, which maintained the required water level.

The wooden dam existed until 1931, but fell into disrepair much earlier. Its territory has become the curse of Voronezh because of malaria mosquitoes, for which the high humidity of the dam was an ideal habitat.

Despite this, city residents loved to spend time on the river. For some it was also a place of work (n and on the shore there were merchant wool washes, where wool was washed) and rest. On the banks you could rent a boat, and just below the estate of the circus performer A.L. Durov on the river there was a pier in the form of a pavilion on stilts, reminiscent of a gazebo.

The island on which the former Admiralty armory stood turned into a favorite vacation spot. Since 1876, it was leased along with the Voronezh Island by the Petrovsky Yacht Club, a society of sailing and rowing boat enthusiasts.

The right bank of the river was connected to the island by a small bridge. The yacht club existed until the Civil War, and its building was completely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.

In the 30s, Voronezh became a city with a large number of industrial enterprises, and for this it was necessary to meet the city's growing needs for water. As a result, in 1937, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted the Resolution “On the improvement of the Voronezh River and its floodplain.” Two options were considered: flooding and drainage. Preference was given to flooding, but the war prevented the plan from being carried out.

They returned to the project in the 70s. The work to create the reservoir was carried out in a short time, ahead of schedule, as a result of which, instead of the 15 years allotted for the creation of the reservoir, it was completed in 3 years.

Floodplain meadows, groves and forests were flooded, and in 1972 the Voronezh Sea was ready. The reservoir was intended for industrial use of water by enterprises in Voronezh and Lipetsk, land irrigation, fish farming and recreation for city residents.

There were always a lot of people on the beaches who came to the reservoir to take a break from the concrete jungle. Judging by the newspapers of the 70-80s, then there were no problems with the quality of water and coastal areas, as evidenced by the city beaches filled to capacity. Among the residents there were legends about sunken ships and bog oak from the time of Peter I, which supposedly still rest at the bottom of the reservoir.

Soon, the hasty construction made itself felt, and the reservoir began to “bloom.” "due to the fact that the depth and area of ​​the water table did not match. In the early 90s, sanitary services announced that the reservoir did not meet accepted standards, so swimming in the reservoir became less common and fishing on its territory became less common. remained only a sporting hobby. The authorities carried out a purge, but it was not deep enough to change the situation for the better.

The draft regional budget for 2013 provides 46 million rubles for the improvement of the water area. Now the city authorities are working to solve the problems of developing the reservoir and its aquatorial space in order to give the reservoir and coastal areas the role of the main planning element and equip it as modernly and rationally as possible.

Probably many people have been to various reservoirs at least once. This is really interesting because these are some of the largest. These are why it is always interesting to know how they were made. A large number of them are located in Russia, and it is worth paying attention to the Voronezh Reservoir. The article will talk about what it is famous for, how it differs from other bodies of water, as well as its features and other interesting facts.

Voronezh Reservoir: general information

So, it’s worth getting to know this reservoir in more detail. It is located on the territory of Why is this particular reservoir receiving so much attention? The answer is quite simple: it is one of the largest in the whole world. Indeed, the size of the reservoir is simply amazing: it covers an area of ​​70 square kilometers. Often in conversations you can hear that they call it the “Voronezh Sea”.

The date of its formation is 1971-1972. The reservoir was created using a dam. I wonder what the purpose of its creation was? It was mainly conceived to supply water to the city's industrial facilities. Now there is quite a large number of problems associated with severe pollution of the reservoir. To avoid further development of this process, special work has been organized to clean it up.

Where is the reservoir located?

So, the basic information about this water body was reviewed. Now it is worth discussing such an issue as the location of the Voronezh reservoir. As mentioned above, it is located in the Voronezh region, in the Voronezh urban district. Of particular interest is the fact that it is located entirely within the city. This explains its severe contamination.

However, the reservoir gives extraordinary beauty to these places. It's a pleasure to stroll here any day and enjoy the atmosphere of tranquility. The shores offer wonderful views of a vast expanse of water, leaving an unforgettable impression. Many people come here to relax, and some even like to fish here. In a word, it is worth visiting the Voronezh Reservoir. A photo of this reservoir can be seen in this article.

On the banks of the reservoir, in addition to Voronezh, you can find other settlements, for example, villages such as Maslovka and Tavrovo. Now they belong to Voronezh.

Reservoir dimensions

Thus, we examined the place where this body of water is located. Of course, it is interesting to know the size of the reservoir in order to accurately understand its scale. As already mentioned, the Voronezh Reservoir is recognized as one of the largest reservoirs of its type in the world. Now it’s worth talking about its size in specific numbers. Its area is, as already mentioned, 70 square meters. km. The volume of the reservoir is about 204 million cubic meters. m. If we talk about its length, we can say that its length is about 30 km, width - on average 2 km. Many are also interested in the depth of the Voronezh Reservoir. It depends greatly on the location. The greatest depth recorded here is 16.8 m, the average depth is about 2.9 m. To summarize, it can be noted that the depth varies greatly in different parts of the reservoir, and sometimes there are very deep places.

What was on this site before the creation of the reservoir?

So, we talked about the size of the reservoir and its location. Now it’s worth paying attention to the history of the place where it is located. Previously, the Voronezh River flowed in the place where the Voronezh Reservoir is now located. During the reign of Peter I, large-scale production of ships began on its shores. In this regard, a huge amount of forest on the banks of the river was cut down. In turn, this affected the condition of the river; it became noticeably dry and shallow. Then they decided to save the river from completely drying up, and it was decided to build special sluice systems here, which were the first in the world. Thanks to this, the river became full again and suitable for navigation.

For greater safety, a wooden dam and a gateway were erected at the confluence of the artery. Of particular interest is the fact that the dam served for a very long time, until 1931. Despite its existence for such a long time, it fell into disrepair long before it was removed. The area around it became a real swamp.

Reasons for creating a reservoir

In addition to the dilapidated dam at that time, there were several other prerequisites for the creation of a reservoir in this place. In the 30s of the 20th century, Voronezh began active development; many industrial enterprises opened in the city. As a result, water consumption in the city has increased significantly. To solve this problem, 2 options were proposed. One of them provided for flooding, and the other for drainage. After much discussion, we finally chose the first option. It was decided to create a reservoir 10 km from the city. However, the war that broke out at that time prevented these plans. Voronezh was severely destroyed and it took about 15 years to restore it. Despite this, in 1967 the authorities returned to the idea of ​​​​building a reservoir.

Voronezh Reservoir: history of creation and further improvement

Thus, construction began in 1967. Work to create the reservoir was carried out in record time. Initially, the project allocated 15 years for its creation. However, as a result, construction was completed in 3 years. This caused a number of shortcomings that seriously affected the future life of the reservoir. Firstly, due to the rush, the bottom of the reservoir was not prepared properly, which is why its average depth is only 2 to 3 meters. Secondly, the enterprises did not provide special facilities for water purification.

In 1972, filling of the reservoir began. It lasted 4 days, after which the complex of structures erected here was fully operational. In the summer of 1972, the water here was already at the same level as now. Interestingly, from that time on, the reservoir was actively used for fishing; by the 1990s, about 10 tons of fish were caught here.

The improvement of the embankments of the reservoir was also organized in 1975. Parks were established on one of its banks. So, the history of the Voronezh reservoir was examined in detail. Now it’s worth talking about who lives in this body of water.

Who lives in the reservoir?

Of course, it will be interesting to find out what animals live in the Voronezh Reservoir. In fact, there are incredibly many inhabitants here. In spring and early summer, mosquitoes actively breed here. Some shallow areas make an excellent place for this.

There are a large number of fish in the reservoir. Most often you can find bream, roach, pike perch, and perch here. Also found here were vendace, silver carp and other fish that came here as a result of migration from other bodies of water. You can often meet fishermen at the reservoir.

Modern reservoir problems

Unfortunately, this reservoir has recently encountered a number of problems. They are mainly of an environmental nature. This is due to the fact that during the rapid construction of the reservoir, special treatment facilities were not provided at local enterprises.

Recently, the authorities have been paying considerable attention to the reservoir and are taking various measures aimed at maintaining a stable environmental situation in it.