Current restrictions for military personnel to leave the country. He was refused permission to go to the West. Which countries can EMERCOM employees fly to?

Not all Russians have the opportunity to visit other countries. The travel abroad of civil servants, military personnel and employees of various law enforcement agencies is limited by the legislation of our country. Some of these prohibitions are enshrined at the legislative level, although some of them are advisory in nature.

Who is not allowed to leave?

The regulations for travel abroad by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other structures are shown in According to it, the following entities are limited in their right to travel outside the country:

  • persons who, on duty, have open access to materials of extreme importance or absolutely confidential information constituting a state secret;
  • persons mobilized for military or alternative service;
  • persons serving in institutions of the Federal Security Service;
  • persons to whom anti-Russian sanctions of foreign countries have been applied.

It is worth clarifying that there is a ban on travel abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as a similar one that applies to employees of the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Penitentiary Service, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, it is also applicable to the staff of officials registered in the civilian government service, i.e., for example, the travel abroad of civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense is also limited.

List of states

The emergence of the mentioned list is associated primarily with the need for the state to protect information related to sovereign secrets, and in addition, with the complication of relations in the modern political arena. Thus, the countries that have concluded extradition treaties with the United States of America and the powers that are members of the North Atlantic Alliance are subject to the most severe restrictions. But those who are friendly towards Russia are open to entry.

Where is prohibited

The list of states that are strictly prohibited from visiting includes more than 150 countries around the world. In light of the constantly changing political situation, it is recommended to clarify the information on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Where allowed

Which countries military personnel can travel to is determined by the priority of their friendly attitude towards the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the list of permitted countries for military personnel, officials and government employees is not very extensive. An alternative to holidays abroad for these categories of people is the vast expanses of our homeland.

Civil servants were asked to forget about going abroad: Video

Rules for military personnel

The ban on military personnel traveling abroad in 2019 is regulated by the same rules, which means it concerns:

  • persons mobilized for military or alternative service;
  • persons serving under contract;
  • military personnel admitted to special (stamped) information.

The travel ban is documented, certified by the signature of the serviceman and is valid for 5-10 years from the time of the last study of confidential information. It is worth noting that the ban on a person liable for military service traveling abroad does not apply to his relatives.

If travel abroad is still necessary (for example, due to the illness/death of one of the relatives living in another country), the serviceman must obtain official approval from the commander in accordance with the regulations. To do this, you will need, firstly, to provide a report addressed to the responsible person with a request to authorize the foreign trip and issue him a foreign passport.

With the consent of the leadership, the serviceman is issued a certificate authorizing the receipt of a document to cross the border.

Secondly, submit an application and fill out a questionnaire for a foreign passport, attaching a certificate issued by the command to the documents. The length of the ban on traveling abroad after the end of service varies depending on the following circumstances:

  • if a serviceman was allowed access to classified materials during his service, then upon completion of his service the period of restriction is extended to another 5-10 years;
  • If a citizen served under a contract, then the period of the ban on traveling abroad is regulated by the contract.

Military personnel whose service period has ended, provided they do not have access to certified materials, are allowed to freely visit other countries.

For law enforcement officers

There is currently no strict ban on entry into other countries for law enforcement officers. However, the organization of a secrecy regime when traveling abroad imposes similar restrictions on security officials who have access to classified information.

However, back in 2015, on the initiative of State Duma deputies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs advised its employees not to leave the country unless absolutely necessary. If, nevertheless, there is an urgent need to travel abroad, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must also follow the above-described scheme. First of all, they are required to submit a report to travel abroad to the responsible officer and only after receiving official permission to prepare documents for traveling abroad.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Can employees of the prosecutor's office travel abroad? Let us repeat that there is no law prohibiting employees of law enforcement agencies from traveling abroad (except for the ban for persons authorized to have access to top-secret information). However, in the spring of 2019, the State Duma submitted for consideration the issue of imposing a temporary ban on the travel abroad of police officers and persons holding senior positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the new bill is agreed upon, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be forced to include a corresponding article in the contract.

In such conditions, the question of where police officers can go on vacation still remains open for many. For the most part, it is customary to adhere to the recommendations given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to limit the number of countries to which travel is permitted.

Russian National Guard

Are employees of the Russian Guard allowed to travel abroad? Restrictions on visiting foreign countries for employees of the structure are identical to the requirements for military personnel in this matter:

  • travel to other countries is prohibited during the entire period of service;
  • upon termination of service, the employee remains restricted from traveling for 5-10 years if during the period of service he was allowed access to confidential information;
  • For contract workers, the period of validity of the travel ban is regulated by the period stipulated by the terms of the contract.

If an employee did not work with classified information during his military service, then the travel ban ends simultaneously with his term of service.

Can FSB officers travel abroad? Employees of this department are also subject to a number of travel restrictions until the termination of the contract period. Employees of the service apparatus have the right to obtain approval from their manager for a visit to another country only on the basis of one of the following reasons:

  • need for specialized treatment;
  • illness/death of a relative living in another country;
  • settlement of inheritance issues;
  • settlement of proceedings for confiscation of property registered abroad;
  • visit to relatives living in another country.

The request to travel is submitted 3 months before the planned event, unless there are any urgent factors. The application is accompanied by acts, certificates, etc. justifying the need to cross the border. Based on the results of reviewing the documents, management must make a decision.

Customs officers

Just like other government departments, the Federal Customs Service received a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in advisory form suggesting that department employees should refrain from traveling to other countries. But locally, in structural units, recommendations of this kind are accepted more like an order for execution.

For employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on traveling abroad in 2018 No. 244 “On additional measures to increase social security, ensure comfortable working conditions and service for personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia” dated 06/07/2018 consolidates the prescribed recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on limiting the rights of employees of this government body to travel abroad. The list of countries allowed for EMERCOM employees to travel to is limited to those that are exclusively friendly towards Russia.

The procedure for obtaining permission to leave the Russian Federation

A certain procedure has been established to authorize travel abroad for all military personnel, persons with access to classified information, as well as employees of the other departments discussed above.

  1. An employee planning to travel abroad must submit a report (application) to the head of the Federal Security Service of Russia, where it is necessary to indicate: the country planned to visit; purpose of the trip; departure date; source of funds for the trip; what kind of transport are you planning to use; travel agency details; information about the person who sent the invitation.
  2. The manager who accepted the application certifies it and puts notes on the time and level of awareness of the applicant regarding information constituting a state secret. Sends documents to the HR department.
  3. Employees of the personnel department and operational management put a note on the application about the presence/absence of reasons for restricting the right to travel.
  4. Exit permission is issued or denied.

One of the reasons for refusal to travel abroad is the presence of debt to the tax and utility services, as well as unpaid fines and other debt obligations. ? This can be done in several ways.

  1. You can check the presence of debts on taxes and duties on the website of the Federal Tax Service.
  2. You can check whether there is a debt issued for execution by a court decision on the website of the bailiffs (FSSP).
  3. Debts for unpaid fines are checked on the government services portal.
  4. It is easy to check whether you owe a bank by contacting a credit history bureau.

After paying the existing debt, information in the databases of government departments will only be reflected within 1-3 weeks, so do not put it off until the last minute. You should prepare for the trip in advance, for this it is important to know.

  1. Valid passport.
  2. Visa, because visa-free entry for citizens of the Russian Federation is not allowed to all countries.
  3. Insurance policy.
  4. Round trip tickets.
  5. A travel voucher if a person is traveling on a pre-purchased package.

Despite the fact that the list of documents for leaving the country is not that long, it should be kept in mind that additional requirements may apply to visiting certain countries. Consequently, the list of required papers can be expanded.

During the time that has passed since the collapse of the USSR, many of our fellow citizens have developed the habit of spending their summer (or winter) holidays outside their country, at one of the foreign resorts. It is known that not all categories of Russian citizens can afford such a vacation, and not only because of a lack of funds: representatives of a number of professions, usually associated with government or military service, are forced to vacation within their native country. The ban on traveling abroad for a number of categories of civil servants and representatives of law enforcement agencies today is of particular relevance in connection with the imposition of sanctions against our country by the West. It is generally accepted that such measures, among other things, should represent some kind of response to the unfriendly actions of Western countries.

Who is restricted from traveling abroad?

Currently, certain restrictions on foreign travel are applied to civil servants, military personnel and representatives of various law enforcement agencies. It is not recommended for these categories of citizens to travel abroad on vacation or for other purposes, but if the trip cannot be postponed, then it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission from the command. Persons serving in the following organizations are required to receive it:

  • Defense Department,
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs,
  • Federal Security and Protection Service,
  • Foreign Intelligence Service,
  • Penitentiary Service,
  • Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

The restrictions also apply to persons entering the civil government service, that is, officials.

Video: proposal to ban civil servants from traveling abroad

Why is there a ban on travel abroad for civil servants and military personnel?

There are two main reasons for restrictions on foreign travel of civil servants and representatives of law enforcement agencies. The first is related to the protection of state secrets.

The right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to leave the Russian Federation may be temporarily limited in cases where, upon access to information of special importance or top secret information classified as state secret in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation on state secrets, he has concluded an employment agreement (contract), implying a temporary restriction of the right to leave the Russian Federation, provided that the period of restriction cannot exceed five years from the date of the last acquaintance of the person with information of special importance or top secret information - until the expiration of the period of restriction established by the employment agreement (contract) or in accordance with with this Federal Law.

Art. 15 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 N 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”

Another reason is related to the complicated political situation. The authorities explain the undesirability of foreign travel with the safety of the state representatives themselves. They are also concerned about the possibility of Russian citizens being drawn into espionage and the interest of foreign intelligence services in the situation inside Russia. A legislative ban on travel on such grounds would limit the constitutional right of citizens to freedom of movement. Therefore, it is advisory in nature. However, in practice it can be difficult to get around.

Military personnel

As of 2018, the rules for the departure of military personnel from the territory of the Russian Federation are regulated by Law 114-FZ, according to which certain restrictions on foreign travel can be applied to persons:

  • having access to state secrets. Information classified as a state secret is defined by the relevant Law. Restrictions are valid, as a rule, for five years from the date of last acquaintance with classified information, but in some cases they can be extended up to 10 years;
  • undergoing compulsory or alternative service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • in the civil service in the ranks of the FSB, if the contract has not yet expired.

The procedure for military departure

If a serviceman needs to leave the territory of the Russian Federation for some time, he must obtain permission from the command in the prescribed manner. In this case it is necessary:

  • submit a report addressed to a competent person requesting permission to travel abroad and provide a foreign passport. If the command does not object, the serviceman receives a certificate about the possibility of issuing a foreign passport;
  • submit an application and fill out a form for a foreign passport, attach the received certificate to the documents.

The ban on traveling abroad does not apply to wives of military personnel, other members of their families and close relatives, provided that they themselves do not have access to state secrets.

How long can you not travel abroad after serving in the army?

In some cases, the law restricting the right to travel abroad for 5–10 years may include persons who returned home after completing military service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces. This applies to those military personnel who had access to classified information and signed a non-disclosure agreement to state secrets. The ban on travel for contract soldiers is determined by the terms of the contract; for those serving in conscript (including alternative) service - the conditions of entry and the form of access to classified information.

Persons liable for military service, for whom the restriction period has expired or has not been established, can travel abroad without any special obstacles.

In addition to existing legislative norms, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation have repeatedly made proposals to further complicate the procedure for traveling abroad for employees of law enforcement ministries, but at present the legislative ban has not been officially adopted.

In March 2017, State Duma deputies were asked to consider a bill that would impose temporary restrictions on the right of police officers and persons holding “certain positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs” to travel abroad. In addition, it was proposed to exclude from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees who have a residence permit or other right to reside in other countries. According to the authors of the bill, the purpose of the proposed changes in legislation was to strengthen measures to combat corruption, as well as increase the responsibility of department employees. After carefully studying the document, the Federation Council rejected it.

At the same time, travel abroad for Russian security officials is still limited. Back in April 2015, recommendations not to travel to Western countries were sent to their employees by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Federal Drug Control Service (later included in the Ministry of Internal Affairs), and later a list of countries undesirable to visit was secretly distributed among security forces. Those wishing to leave the country are advised to refrain from traveling and are ordered to hand over their passports to the command. In other words, a law prohibiting employees from traveling abroad has not yet been adopted, but at the level of recommendations it is proposed to postpone departure until more prosperous times. The decision on whether to send a subordinate abroad or not is currently made by the immediate superior.

Are we all done? Those who have international passports are required to keep them in the personnel. You can ask for a foreign passport from the personnel only through a report addressed to the manager, and only when traveling abroad on vacation. But we were categorically “not recommended” to travel abroad since 2012. The cadres fucked everyone who had foreign passports so that they could hand them over for safekeeping. Getting a new passport is a pain in the ass. In 90% of cases the general does not give permission.

Video: is there a ban on security forces traveling abroad?

FSB employees

Foreign trips of FSB employees are regulated by Order No. 179 of 04/17/12, which provides for the imposition of restrictions on travel abroad before the expiration of the contract. An employee can obtain permission from management to travel abroad only if there is a compelling reason, for example, the need to undergo treatment or the illness of loved ones. The request must be submitted three months before the trip, unless the health condition of the applicant or his relatives requires urgent measures. Supporting documents are attached to the report, and based on the results of consideration of the application, a decision is made to grant the right to travel or to refuse. If management’s response is positive, the employee receives a foreign passport (or a certificate with permission to issue it), reads the contents of the permit and signs the document. After returning from a trip, an employee of the department must hand over his passport to the personnel department for safekeeping. In addition to illness, the reason for filing a petition may be:

  • resolving inheritance issues;
  • visiting the graves of close relatives;
  • issues of alienation of property registered outside the Russian Federation;
  • visiting relatives living abroad.

Video: restrictions on traveling abroad for security forces

Where are police officers allowed to travel in 2018?

If the police officer is not a holder of state secrets, the travel ban is advisory in nature. There are certain criteria when this recommendation is equivalent to an order, and when an exception can be made. The strictest restrictions apply to NATO countries and those states with which the United States has an extradition treaty. But it is likely that the leadership will allow a trip to a country friendly to Russia.

Civil servants

There is currently no strictly legally prescribed ban on traveling abroad for government civil servants, but just like military personnel, officials are recommended to spend vacations within their native state. Civil servants have the right to ignore such a recommendation, especially since the Constitution of the country guarantees them freedom of movement. But this is only the case when the official does not have access to classified information that constitutes a state secret, and the vast majority of government officials have access to such information. Consequently, most officials fall under the scope of Law 114-FZ, which restricts the rights to travel abroad to persons related to state secrets.

The head of the committee's apparatus reminds of the existing restrictions for officials: they are prohibited from having accounts in foreign banks, and they are also required to declare family foreign property and the sources of income from which it was acquired. In this regard, it seems possible to assert that the current legislation defines a reasonable limit for the delimitation of public and private interests in the area under consideration.

Of course, almost every official at any level has the opportunity to bypass such restrictions, especially since everyone has foreign passports in their hands. However, in recent years, more and more government agencies have imposed a strict ban on traveling abroad for their employees. This is being done in order to counter anti-Russian sanctions, under which most of the largest state corporations are today. For example, the leadership of Roscosmos explains the ban on traveling abroad for its employees by the fact that too many Western companies are making efforts today to master Russian space technologies, but since sanctions have been imposed on Russia, cooperation with Western partners in the space field has limitations . Thus, the management of large state-owned enterprises, whose activities are of strategic interest for the country, decides whether to let their employees go on vacation abroad or not.

As an exception, persons who require urgent treatment, as well as if the applicant urgently needs to visit relatives living abroad, can obtain permission to travel abroad.

Customs officers

Like most other government and law enforcement departments, the Federal Customs Service (FCS) received a letter of recommendation, in which department employees are asked to refrain from traveling abroad when planning vacations. Practice shows that in order to avoid troubles in the service, such recommendations should be considered mandatory.

Russian National Guard

The National Guard troops of the Russian Federation (Rosgvardia, National Guard, internal troops) were created by order of the President in 2016 on the basis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops. Their activities are regulated by 226-FZ dated July 3, 2016. The personnel of the Russian Guard are composed of military personnel (conscript and contract) and civilian employees who enter the civil service. Consequently, the procedure for traveling abroad for these categories is different and is subject to the corresponding rules.

Ministry of Emergency Situations employees

Emergency Situations Ministry employees were not spared the restrictions on foreign travel. Recommendations regarding abstaining from such trips were received by the Ministry of Emergency Situations almost simultaneously with other law enforcement agencies in 2015, but this topic acquired particular relevance after the crash of a Russian plane over the Sinai, when two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation were killed. If, at the legal level, the rules for travel of Ministry of Emergency Situations employees outside the Russian Federation are regulated today by Order No. 360 dated June 4, 2013, which generally simplifies the procedure for obtaining a travel permit, then at the level of government recommendations, department employees are instructed not to travel abroad unless absolutely necessary.

When I served in the army, they directly said that since you were all required to familiarize yourself with documents marked “state secret” (I don’t know if there is one, but that’s what they told us in class), then you were prohibited from traveling abroad for 5 years. During the two years of service, I held in my hands only documents marked “Top Secret”. I remember how I once typed a short story about our life on an encryption machine. So I got three outfits. And not for what he typed, but for the fact that he took the paper out of the classroom on which everything was written and in typewriter font (everything is individual there). Honestly, I plowed them in a day. Although encryption was taught to us as an additional course. Sciences. The basis was the encoder. To the encoder. The machine could only print words on punched paper tape, but even then it was necessary to select groups of numbers to make at least one word.
I think that I didn’t give away military secrets. Yes, and this was in 1991.
And I also remembered how the temporary detention facility officers on duty were transferred to the 3rd form of admission. So, in the questionnaire it was necessary to indicate previously admitted secrets. I honestly told the personnel officer that I had clearance. She made big eyes and said to forget, “otherwise I’ll be tortured running around the FSB and military registration and enlistment offices with your documents” and received my legal 10% for the “security and defense” plan that was classified as secret in my safe.

In connection with the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions by the United States, Emergency Situations Ministry employees were advised to refrain from traveling to countries that have concluded a mutual extradition agreement with the American side.

The Agency is concerned that its employees may be subject to biased and unfounded claims while in the countries listed below. Accordingly, American law enforcement agencies may demand the extradition of biased detainees to the United States and convict them on dubious charges, Life News reports.

Employees will be informed about all, in particular about political, changes in the situation in countries that are not advisable to visit. There will also be briefings during which the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees will be told about precautions during their stay in these countries.

On April 10, an official warning was published on the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry for citizens of the Russian Federation about the possibility of being detained or arrested at the request of American law enforcement agencies and special services.

There are more than a hundred states on the list of countries banned. Including: Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, UK, Hungary, Germany, Honduras, Greece, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Israel, India, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Cuba, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein , Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, South Africa, South Korea , Jamaica, Japan, etc.

Previously, a similar ban affected employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office. Thus, in April, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, signed an internal order to temporarily restrict the travel of heads of all levels abroad on private matters. In accordance with it, restrictions are also imposed on the travel of personnel abroad - “the decision on the departure of personnel is made in exceptional cases, taking into account all factors.” The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already prepared a black list of 150 countries to which employees will not be able to travel. In the order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following argument is given as a justification for the decision to restrict travel: “Due to the deterioration of the international situation caused by the crisis in Ukraine, cases of illegal actions against employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have become more frequent in a number of foreign countries, and the number of provocations and recruitment approaches has increased.”

The same order was signed by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yuri Chaika. The list of restricted entry for prosecutors includes 173 countries. Among them are Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Finland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Cambodia and Tunisia, etc.

All of the above countries, including Japan, EU countries and others, have agreements with the United States on the extradition of citizens of other states, said a source familiar with the situation. - Fearing provocations, we want to ensure the safety of Russian citizens serving in government agencies.

Not all Russians have the opportunity to visit other countries. The travel abroad of civil servants, military personnel and employees of various law enforcement agencies is limited by the legislation of our country. Some of these prohibitions are enshrined at the legislative level, although some of them are advisory in nature.

Who is not allowed to leave?

The regulations for travel abroad by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other structures are reflected in Art. 15 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 114 “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” (as amended on July 29, 2017). According to it, the following entities are limited in their right to travel outside the country:

  • persons who, on duty, have open access to materials of extreme importance or absolutely confidential information constituting a state secret;
  • persons mobilized for military or alternative service;
  • persons serving in institutions of the Federal Security Service;
  • persons to whom anti-Russian sanctions of foreign countries have been applied.

It is worth clarifying that there is a ban on travel abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as a similar one that applies to employees of the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Penitentiary Service, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, it is also applicable to the staff of officials registered in the civilian government service, i.e., for example, the travel abroad of civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense is also limited.

List of states

The emergence of the mentioned list is associated primarily with the need for the state to protect information related to sovereign secrets, and in addition, with the complication of relations in the modern political arena. Thus, the countries that have concluded extradition treaties with the United States of America and the powers that are members of the North Atlantic Alliance are subject to the most severe restrictions. But those who are friendly towards Russia are open to entry.

Where is prohibited

The list of states that are strictly prohibited from visiting includes more than 150 countries around the world. In light of the constantly changing political situation, it is recommended to clarify the information on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Where allowed

Which countries military personnel can travel to is determined by the priority of their friendly attitude towards the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the list of permitted countries for military personnel, officials and government employees is not very extensive. An alternative to holidays abroad for these categories of people is the vast expanses of our homeland.

Civil servants were asked to forget about going abroad: Video

Rules for military personnel

The ban on military personnel traveling abroad in 2018 is regulated by the same Federal Law No. 114 “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation,” which means it concerns:

  • persons mobilized for military or alternative service;
  • persons serving under contract;
  • military personnel admitted to special (stamped) information.
  • The travel ban is documented, certified by the signature of the serviceman and is valid for 5-10 years from the time of the last study of confidential information. It is worth noting that the ban on a person liable for military service traveling abroad does not apply to his relatives.

    If travel abroad is still necessary (for example, due to the illness/death of one of the relatives living in another country), the serviceman must obtain official approval from the commander in accordance with the regulations. To do this, you will need, firstly, to provide a report addressed to the responsible person with a request to authorize the foreign trip and issue him a foreign passport.

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    With the consent of the leadership, the serviceman is issued a certificate authorizing the receipt of a document to cross the border.

    Secondly, submit an application and fill out a questionnaire for a foreign passport, attaching a certificate issued by the command to the documents. The length of the ban on traveling abroad after the end of service varies depending on the following circumstances:

  • if a serviceman was allowed access to classified materials during his service, then upon completion of his service the period of restriction is extended to another 5-10 years;
  • If a citizen served under a contract, then the period of the ban on traveling abroad is regulated by the contract.
  • Military personnel whose service period has ended, provided they do not have access to certified materials, are allowed to freely visit other countries.

    For law enforcement officers

    There is currently no strict ban on entry into other countries for law enforcement officers. However, the organization of a secrecy regime when traveling abroad imposes similar restrictions on security officials who have access to classified information.

    However, back in 2015, on the initiative of State Duma deputies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs advised its employees not to leave the country unless absolutely necessary. If, nevertheless, there is an urgent need to travel abroad, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must also follow the above-described scheme. First of all, they are required to submit a report to travel abroad to the responsible officer and only after receiving official permission to prepare documents for traveling abroad.

    Can employees of the prosecutor's office travel abroad? Let us repeat that there is no law prohibiting employees of law enforcement agencies from traveling abroad (except for the ban for persons authorized to have access to top-secret information). However, in the spring of 2018, the State Duma submitted for consideration the issue of imposing a temporary ban on the travel abroad of police officers and persons holding senior positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the new bill is agreed upon, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be forced to include a corresponding article in the contract.

    In such conditions, the question of where police officers can go on vacation still remains open for many. For the most part, it is customary to adhere to the recommendations given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to limit the number of countries to which travel is permitted.

    Russian National Guard

    Are employees of the Russian Guard allowed to travel abroad? Restrictions on visiting foreign countries for employees of the structure are identical to the requirements for military personnel in this matter:

  • travel to other countries is prohibited during the entire period of service;
  • upon termination of service, the employee remains restricted from traveling for 5-10 years if during the period of service he was allowed access to confidential information;
  • For contract workers, the period of validity of the travel ban is regulated by the period stipulated by the terms of the contract.
  • If an employee did not work with classified information during his military service, then the travel ban ends simultaneously with his term of service.

    Can FSB officers travel abroad? Employees of this department are also subject to a number of travel restrictions until the termination of the contract period. Employees of the service apparatus have the right to obtain approval from their manager for a visit to another country only on the basis of one of the following reasons:

  • need for specialized treatment;
  • illness/death of a relative living in another country;
  • settlement of inheritance issues;
  • settlement of proceedings for confiscation of property registered abroad;
  • visit to relatives living in another country.
  • The request to travel is submitted 3 months before the planned event, unless there are any urgent factors. The application is accompanied by acts, certificates, etc. justifying the need to cross the border. Based on the results of reviewing the documents, management must make a decision.

    Customs officers

    Just like other government departments, the Federal Customs Service received a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in advisory form suggesting that department employees should refrain from traveling to other countries. But locally, in structural units, recommendations of this kind are accepted more like an order for execution.

    For employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

    Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on traveling abroad in 2018 No. 244 “On additional measures to increase social security, ensure comfortable working conditions and service for personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia” dated 06/07/2018 consolidates the prescribed recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on limiting the rights of employees of this government body to travel abroad. The list of countries allowed for EMERCOM employees to travel to is limited to those that are exclusively friendly towards Russia.

    The procedure for obtaining permission to leave the Russian Federation

    A certain procedure has been established to authorize travel abroad for all military personnel, persons with access to classified information, as well as employees of the other departments discussed above.

    1. An employee planning to travel abroad must submit a report (application) to the head of the Federal Security Service of Russia, where it is necessary to indicate: the country planned to visit; purpose of the trip; departure date; source of funds for the trip; what kind of transport are you planning to use; travel agency details; information about the person who sent the invitation.
    2. The manager who accepted the application certifies it and puts notes on the time and level of awareness of the applicant regarding information constituting a state secret. Sends documents to the HR department.
    3. Employees of the personnel department and operational management put a note on the application about the presence/absence of reasons for restricting the right to travel.
    4. Exit permission is issued or denied.

    One of the reasons for refusal to travel abroad is the presence of debt to the tax and utility services, as well as unpaid fines and other debt obligations. Where can I check my debt before traveling abroad? This can be done in several ways.

  • You can check the presence of debts on taxes and duties on the website of the Federal Tax Service.
  • You can check whether there is a debt issued for execution by a court decision on the website of the bailiffs (FSSP).
  • Debts for unpaid fines are checked on the government services portal.
  • It is easy to check whether you owe a bank by contacting a credit history bureau.
  • After paying the existing debt, information in the databases of government departments will only be reflected within 1-3 weeks, so do not put it off until the last minute. You should prepare for the trip in advance; for this it is important to know what documents are needed when traveling abroad.

  • Valid passport.
  • Visa, because visa-free entry for citizens of the Russian Federation is not allowed to all countries.
  • Insurance policy.
  • Round trip tickets.
  • A travel voucher if a person is traveling on a pre-purchased package.
  • Despite the fact that the list of documents for leaving the country is not that long, it should be kept in mind that additional requirements may apply to visiting certain countries. Consequently, the list of required papers can be expanded.

    Holidays with reservations

    However, there is no smoke without fire. There are some nuances. There is no legal ban, and there are recommendations not to travel to certain countries, especially NATO countries. True, these recommendations have existed for more than a day or even the first month. Why is it now that this news has been given such a rush of sensationalism?

    According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, everything is connected with the recent crash of the Kogalymavia plane in Sinai. During the investigation of the tragedy, it almost immediately became known that in addition to civilians, two active employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations also died. Journalists learned, and in principle there was no big secret, that the deceased Elvira Voskresenskaya, an inspector of the Primorsky Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, spent her vacation in Egypt. In her vacation report, she indicated that she was going to visit relatives in Staraya Russa. This essentially innocent “inaccuracy” surfaced in the press. But as some of the employees of the rescue department told an RG correspondent on condition of anonymity, this is what many ordinary employees do, and there is no violation of the law. Ordinary inspectors write unsubscribes so that unnecessary questions do not arise.

    The management team generally does not take risks and follows the recommendations, since they can be recalled from the vacation location at any time in case of emergency situations.

    But even in the event of “exposure,” it is impossible to hold violators of recommendations accountable. Currently, the procedure for EMERCOM employees traveling abroad is determined by internal order No. 360 dated June 4, 2013.

    That order simplified the procedure for obtaining passports and issuing permits to leave the Russian Federation for department employees, including those with security clearance. Simplifications affected mainly approvals and issuance of permits. That is, the procedure for obtaining permits for issuing international passports has since become simpler and more transparent.

    Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

    Can employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations go on vacation outside the Russian Federation?

    Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia travel outside the Russian Federation in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for obtaining passports and issuing permits to leave the Russian Federation for military personnel of rescue military units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, military personnel and employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and civilian personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia system.

    Taking into account the Warning to Russian citizens traveling abroad published on April 10, 2014 on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, an administrative document of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was issued, inviting officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, who are granted the right to authorize the departure of workers from the Russian Federation, to consider permits for departure subordinate employees in the prescribed manner, including taking into account personal circumstances and the international situation.

    When planning foreign trips, please rely on the information posted in the public domain on the relevant sections of the websites of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (www. mid. ru), its Consular Department (www. kdmid. ru), as well as the Department of the Situation and Crisis Center (sos.

    This is a regularly updated, comprehensive database on the economic and socio-political situation in each specific country, the security situation, as well as practical recommendations for visiting, including individual areas.

    Approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated April 26, 2005 No. 345 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, No. 6619 dated May 23, 2005) (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated August 1, 2008 No. 432, dated April 6, 2012 No. 180 and dated June 4, 2013 No. 360 ).

    Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 244 of 06/07/2017




    No. 244 of 06/07/2017

    On additional measures to improve social security, ensure comfortable working conditions and service for the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

    The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is implementing the Plan for the construction and development of forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for 2016 - 2020, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 22, 2015.

    As part of the implementation of the plan, targeted work is being carried out to develop the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, taking into account modern socio-economic conditions, which are aimed at improving the management system, increasing the efficiency of control and supervisory activities, improving the quality of training of fire and rescue specialists and comprehensive provision of units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

    In order to implement the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation on increasing the efficiency of management in federal executive bodies and within the framework of the implementation of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2017 No. 8 and No. 9, as well as instructions of the President of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2016 No. Pr- 1853 and No. Pr-1854, dated December 1, 2016 No. 13043, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has organized the systematic development of forces and means, and is taking measures to reduce current costs and increase the efficiency of the Ministry.

    The financial resources released in this case are aimed at measures of social support for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, increasing the efficiency of management bodies and departments, modernizing fire and rescue and other departments responding to emergencies, fires and disasters.

    Decisions of the board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, normative and administrative documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia define tasks to increase the readiness of the forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to perform tasks as intended, increase the efficiency of spending budget funds, and eliminate in 2017 the shortage of allocations for the salaries of internal service employees and military personnel, wages workers, increasing the efficiency of government, budget and autonomous institutions.

    There is a steady trend in reducing the number of emergencies (by 29.3% - from 99 to 70), fires (by 5.1% - from 57592 to 54633) and incidents on water bodies (by 36.1% - from 840 to 537) compared to the same period last year, while the number of lives saved is increasing.

    In order to take comprehensive measures to implement the federal budget in compliance with the principles of fulfilling priority tasks in terms of increasing the social security of the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, creating favorable conditions for performing official duties in places of work (service), providing targeted assistance to personnel who find themselves in difficult life situations , effective use of funds for the purchase of clothing, maintenance of equipment, financing of housing for the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry, as well as increasing the prestige of the service in the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry, I order:

    1. Financial and economic department:

    a) direct budget funds released as a result of the transfer of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations to a three-level management system to:

    providing social support and targeted assistance to personnel of responding units, firefighters, rescuers and other categories of persons directly involved in the response;

    providing material support to employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations who have four or more children, are low-income, socially vulnerable, or are in difficult life situations;

    improving living conditions of service and workplaces in responding units;

    acquisition of modern, high-tech,

    multifunctional rescue equipment;

    development of response units;

    b) ensure additional allocation of budget limits

    obligations to encourage personnel of territorial bodies and government agencies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Civil Defense of Russia and based on the results of 2017;

    c) together with the heads of territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

    in accordance with the adopted decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, provide monthly material incentives for federal state civil servants with payments made in the prescribed manner;

    continue work to maintain wages for civilian personnel of rescue military formations (hereinafter referred to as the SVF) and employees of the FPS State Fire Service of state-owned institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of central subordination at the 2016 level.

    bring to the attention of subordinate budget recipients additional limits on budget obligations to ensure payments to employees with four or more children (at the rate of 100,000 rubles per family);

    d) ensure that the limits of budget obligations for the provision of one-time social payments to employees of the Federal Border Guard Service for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (hereinafter referred to as the one-time social payment) are communicated to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;

    e) together with the Federal Institution “Financial Settlement Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia”, in order to unconditionally implement the approved approaches to investment, by July 1, 2017, prepare the necessary changes to the regulatory and administrative documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia concerning issues of planning, coordination and implementation of construction and reconstruction of facilities real estate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

    2. In 2017, allocate additional limits of budget obligations to finance housing provision for the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry in the amount of 1,070.0 million rubles, namely:

    a) to military personnel of rescue military units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the form of a subsidy for the purchase or construction of residential premises - 290.0 million rubles, which is 3.3 times more than in 2016;

    b) military personnel - participants in the savings-mortgage system

    housing provision for payments of funds supplementing savings for housing provision - 62.5 million rubles, which is 1.2 times more than in 2016;

    c) employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as the FPS State Fire Service) for the provision of one-time social payments for the purchase or construction of residential premises - 717.5 million rubles, which is 4.9 times more than in 2016;

    d) within the framework of the federal target program “Housing” as a one-time subsidy for the purchase or construction of residential premises for federal state civil servants of the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 42.1 million. rubles (financing remained at the 2016 level);

    e) to carry out current emergency repairs and put in order buildings, structures, territories and office housing stock of 1,800 fire and rescue units of the Federal Fire Service of the State Border Service in the amount of 179.0 million rubles;

    f) to carry out major repairs of fixed assets in 428 divisions of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations - in the amount of 495.9 million rubles.

    3. Allow officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, who are granted the right to authorize the departure of workers from the Russian Federation, to consider the relevant documents for the departure abroad of military personnel, employees of the Federal Border Guard Service, federal civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the prescribed manner, taking into account the recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for foreign countries , not recommended for visiting by citizens of the Russian Federation when traveling abroad.

    4. To the Main Training Directorate:

    a) complete the transition from 09/01/2017 of educational organizations to

    two-level system of higher education;

    b) together with the head of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia",

    Head of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia"

    prepare for consideration by the board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

    proposals to amend the regulatory and administrative documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, providing for determining the scope of state assignments for higher educational institutions and institutions of additional professional education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for 2018-2022 in accordance with the real needs of the units of the EMERCOM of Russia system for graduates;

    action plan to bring the number of permanent teaching staff and support staff of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, employees of institutions of additional professional education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in accordance with the standards approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Report the results by September 20, 2017.

    5. The Department of Civil Protection organizes:

    a) until June 30, 2017, a generalization of the necessary need for financial resources to provide one-time social payments to employees of the Federal Border Guard Service and federal civil servants of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia who are registered to receive a one-time payment, subsidies to military personnel who have expressed a desire to receive a subsidy for 2017;

    b) before July 15, 2017, prepare an organizational order for organizing the distribution between territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of the limits of budget obligations for the provision of:

    one-time payments in proportion to the living space required to provide for employees of the Federal Border Guard Service, who are registered as needy in territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, taking into account the priority right to receive one-time payments;

    subsidies in proportion to the living space necessary to provide for military personnel who have expressed a desire to receive a subsidy from the territorial body and institution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, taking into account the priority right to receive a subsidy;

    c) preparation, on the basis of decisions of the board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, of the distribution between territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of the limits of budget obligations for the provision of one-time payments to employees of the Federal Border Guard Service.

    6. Operational Management Department:

    a) organize a review of documents justifying the right of citizens participating in the subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation” of the federal target program “Housing” for 2015–2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Subprogram) to receive state housing certificates (hereinafter referred to as the Subprogram). certificate) for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    b) ensure that by September 1, 2017, the state customer of the Subprogram provides information on the required number of certificates, broken down by constituent entity of the Russian Federation for 2017;

    c) check, by June 30, 2017, the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the issue of substantiating the lists of citizens receiving state housing certificates presented in 2106, and report.

    7. Personnel Policy Department:

    a) prepare a draft order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to provide personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with four or more children with an additional incentive payment (at the rate of 100,000 rubles per family);

    b) together with the Department of Force Readiness and Special Fire Protection and the Finance and Economic Department, ensure in 2017 the timely dismissal and payment of severance pay to military personnel and internal service employees who have reached the age limit for military service (service), in the manner and within the time limits established legislation of the Russian Federation;

    c) promptly submit for consideration to the Central Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia materials submitted by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the transfer of young specialists to other component bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for family reasons;

    d) in order to increase the prestige of service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and social support for the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, prepare draft orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on encouraging all categories of personnel of territorial bodies and government institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Civil Defense of Russia and based on the results of 2017.

    8. The Department of Civil Defense and Population Protection must prepare, by June 30, 2017, a draft order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the organization of sanatorium and resort treatment for personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, provision of high-tech medical care and psychological rehabilitation, while paying special attention to veterans and children of employees who died in the line of duty debt to personnel who took part in eliminating the consequences of federal emergencies in 2017.

    9. To the Department of International Affairs in order to ensure

    safety of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia when traveling abroad, approve in the prescribed manner and taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia the list of foreign countries that are not recommended for visiting by citizens of the Russian Federation when traveling abroad, post it on the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, and also ensure its continuous updating .

    10. Department of Force Readiness and Special Fire Protection:

    a) organize work on training (if necessary) personal

    composition of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for narrow-profile and related specialties;

    b) submit draft regulatory documents for approval before July 1, 2017

    legal acts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, approving:

    charter of fire departments; combat regulations of fire departments;

    procedure for certification for the right to manage fire extinguishing and emergency response;

    the procedure for training fire brigade personnel;

    charter of the internal service of paramilitary mine rescue units;

    regulations on the organization of activities of militarized mine rescue units aimed at preventing accidents at hazardous production facilities.

    11. The Development Department, during the implementation of the state defense order and the state armament program in the part of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, organizes the work:

    a) to comply with the principles of openness and transparency of placement

    information on procurement, the use of competitive methods for identifying suppliers;

    b) to ensure timely and high-quality acceptance of goods, support of contracts, as well as control of product quality at industrial enterprises (organizations);

    supply of technical means and equipment in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2017 No. 668.

    12. Warn the heads of the Administrative and Legal Directorate, the Main Directorate of Training, the Department of Personnel Policy, the Financial and Economic Department, the Support Directorate, the Directorate of Strategic Planning and Organizational Work, the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia about the unsatisfactory preparation of draft regulatory legal acts of the EMERCOM of Russia within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Law dated May 23, 2016 No. 141-FZ “On service in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” in accordance with the plan approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2016 No. 4992p-P4, and the plan, approved by the decision of the board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 12, 2016 No. 14/IV.

    13. Department of Strategic Planning and Organizational Work:

    a) by June 30, 2017, complete the work on establishing the number

    employees of the EMERCOM of Russia system in territorial bodies and institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia, as well as on the preparation of methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing and approving staffing schedules;

    b) starting from 07/01/2017, carry out monthly inspections of the progress of capital and routine work in fire and rescue units, divisions of search and rescue teams, and the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    14. In order to increase the level of social support for employees and workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, by 07/01/2017, the Security Department must complete the revision of the regulatory legal framework for clothing support, based on the real need for clothing items, as well as taking into account priority tasks.

    15. To the heads of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

    a) organize work on the formation of modern approaches to

    training, competitive recruitment of students, control over the distribution of graduates to units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, increasing efficiency

    economic activities of higher educational institutions in 2017;

    b) bring staffing schedules into compliance with standards,

    approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

    c) ensure, from its own sources, the availability of funds in the amount of at least 30% of the total funds necessary to increase the wages of teaching staff and researchers, in order to implement the provisions of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 597 “On activities for the implementation of state social policy."

    16. Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine named after. A.M. Nikiforova":

    a) carry out an examination of documents received by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia from military personnel of rescue military formations, employees and workers of the federal fire service, to provide them with financial assistance in connection with expensive treatment due to a serious illness, in order to determine the feasibility and legality of providing this assistance;

    b) the conclusion on the examination of documents confirming treatment should be sent to the Department of Civil Defense and Population Protection, the Administrative and Legal Department and the Financial and Economic Department to determine the appropriate sources of financing and make a final decision at meetings of the Commission of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures and reducing current costs.

    17. FKU “Financial and Settlement Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia”:

    a) prepare proposals for the distribution and communication of limits on budgetary obligations to territorial bodies and institutions

    EMERCOM of Russia for the purchase of clothing equipment evenly based on the payroll (actual) number of personnel;

    b) organize work to provide responding forces and units with fuel and lubricants (hereinafter referred to as fuels and lubricants) in accordance with the allocated budget allocations in 2017;

    c) carry out monthly checks of the intended use by managers and budget recipients of funds to carry out capital and current urgent repairs of fixed assets of real estate objects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2017.

    18. To the heads of the Federal Institution “UKS EMERCOM of Russia”, territorial bodies and institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia, the head of the Administrative and Legal Department:

    a) continue, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, claims and judicial work on violations committed by contractors of the terms of contracts for the performance of design and survey work, construction, and reconstruction of facilities;

    b) organize forcing contractors to perform the work stipulated by contracts in full, termination of contracts in case of persistent non-fulfillment, collection of unpaid advances, collection of penalties, collection of damages resulting from non-fulfillment of contracts.

    19. To the heads of the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

    a) exclude illegal decisions on the adoption by subordinate government institutions of new expenditure obligations for the payment of monetary allowances (wages) to employees of the Federal Border Guard Service, military personnel of rescue military units, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in excess of the limits of budgetary obligations achieved in 2017 for these purposes, and report on the results;

    b) take measures to strengthen the social protection of employees and workers of the Federal Border Guard Service, ensure the provision of time off to employees of the internal service when they are on duty on non-working weekends and holidays, eliminate the accrual and payment of funds for these purposes;

    c) prohibit the reduction of personnel in response units of the federal fire service, regional search and rescue teams, military rescue units of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, paramilitary mine rescue units, and the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels;

    d) organize work to strengthen the social protection of workers and to increase the efficiency of spending on purchases and logistics of contractual units of the Federal Border Guard Service;

    e) continue work to assist in the admission of children of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to preschool and general education organizations;

    f) continue, together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, work on personal care for certain categories of citizens (veterans, children and relatives of deceased employees), as well as sanatorium and resort provision for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in departmental and other sanatorium, resort and medical institutions, accept additional measures for medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment of personnel of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations who took part in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations in 2017;

    g) continue to work with executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments aimed at providing the personnel of responding units with residential premises provided at the expense and within the framework of the relevant programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    h) post on the official Internet portals of the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network information about the work of territorial housing subcommittees and lists of EMERCOM of Russia personnel in need of improved housing conditions, as well as ensure their continuous updating;

    i) exclude the inclusion of additional movable and immovable property on the balance sheet in order to reduce current costs;

    j) organize the purchase of machinery and equipment in the prescribed manner in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal documents, advance purchases in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;

    k) organize work to ensure high-quality acceptance of goods, support of contracts, as well as control of product quality at industrial enterprises (organizations);

    l) continue work on the development of mentoring, in order to adapt graduates of educational organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2017, conduct training and methodological gatherings;

    m) identify the causes of complaints, promptly take comprehensive measures to prevent them, promptly inform employees and workers of the EMERCOM of Russia system about the results of consideration of complaints and organize explanatory work;

    o) organize work on the timely conduct of competitive procedures for the purchase of clothing, capital and current repairs of equipment and control of their quality;

    o) organize work to provide personnel with the required items of clothing;

    p) organize work to provide fuel and lubricants to responding forces and units in accordance with the allocated volumes of budgetary allocations in 2017;

    c) provide fuel in strict accordance with targeted funding, eliminate the transfer of fuel and lubricants between divisions of territorial bodies, write-off of fuel and lubricants for supernumerary equipment, as well as in excess of established standards, the maintenance of which is carried out according to various codes of budget classification of expenses;

    r) take additional measures for the timely payment in full of wages, salary, incentive bonuses and additional payments, one-time cash remuneration, bonuses, required compensation and other social payments, primarily to private, non-commissioned and civilian personnel of rescue military formations, junior to the commanding staff and employees of the Federal Border Guard Service, rescuers of search and rescue teams, GIMS inspectors, including those related to technical personnel, in strict accordance with regulatory legal documents, decisions of the board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;

    s) ensure transparency and fairness when making decisions on the amount of one-time payments, these decisions are communicated to all personnel at work meetings;

    t) organize explanatory work with personnel about the procedure and amount of additional incentive payments;

    x) ensure the maintenance of military personnel of rescue military formations and employees of the Federal Border Service of the State Border Service who are at their disposal, within the established limits of budgetary obligations for the payment of monetary allowances;

    v) not allow positive decisions to be made within its competence on additional provision of material assistance and (or) bonuses to personnel in the absence of limits on budgetary obligations necessary to fully provide personnel with mandatory social payments in 2017;

    w) by August 15, 2017, ensure that work is carried out to bring the expenses of federal autonomous institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2017 to the amount of allocated subsidies for the implementation of the state task, and also organize work to guarantee the receipt of funds from income-generating activities;

    w) by August 15, 2017, ensure the repayment of accounts payable from previous years for utilities within the limits of budget obligations for 2017, as well as the implementation of additional measures to reduce utility costs;

    y) by November 1, 2017, complete work on implementing measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency (including installation of metering devices) aimed at saving utility resources in physical volumes and budget funds for paying for utilities;

    ъ) carry out additional staffing of the responding units, taking into account the established limits of budgetary obligations;

    s) when hiring for a service (job), pay special attention to the presence of candidates with related and narrowly specialized specialties (control of robotic systems and unmanned aerial vehicles, dog handler, diver, etc.);

    b) complete in 2017 work on the transfer to municipalities and state executive authorities of real estate and land plots that are surplus, unused, and unsuitable for use by institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

    20. The heads of structural divisions of the central apparatus, territorial bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia must ensure that the activities specified in this order are carried out within the limits of budget obligations for 2017.

    21. Apply to the Director of the Financial and Economic Department S.G. Pischurnikov received a disciplinary sanction “reprimand” for improper performance of his official duties in organizing financial and economic activities in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia based on the results of work for 4 months of 2017.

    22. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to First Deputy Minister V.V. Stepanova.

    Minister V.A. Puchkov

    Comrades, leave your thoughts about this order in the comments! Will these benefits work?

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