Essay-description on the topic: "How beautiful is the autumn birch

Natural monument " Beautiful birch”Is located in the Aban region, 20 km from the Aban village, in the area of ​​the Morozovka tract. The birch is located in an open area, the trunk diameter is about 30 cm, the height is about 18 m, the age of the tree is more than 70 years.


This unusual natural monument includes one birch and its surrounding area with a radius of 7 m. The tree has received the status of a regional natural monument due to the pyramidal shape of its crown. At the base, it is similar to the crowns of many other birches, but the higher, the more bizarrely its branches intertwine. It seems that the branches are arranged in tiers, like the steps of a pyramid. The status of a natural monument to birch was given on January 16, 1991.


On the territory of the natural monument, it is forbidden to plow the land, use pesticides, kindle fires and burn dead wood, carry out agricultural burns.

The Legend of the "Beautiful Birch".

In ancient times, hardworking, beautiful people settled among the deep taiga and swamps, on the banks of the Pochet river. They called their village Morozovka - not afraid of Siberian frosts, or snows, or blizzards.
In the same places where they came from, slender cypresses grew, chestnuts bloomed, roses smelled fragrant.
Then these people generously watered the Siberian land, uprooted century-old trees, plowed more and more new areas. The grateful land began to give good harvests. The Morozovites healed cheerfully and freely.
And one peasant had a daughter of indescribable beauty: for this beauty and in memory of his ancient village, he named his daughter Rose.
And then other times came - terrible: storms and fires eclipsed the sky, an angry abyss swallowed up fertile fields. Backbreaking work ruined her father, and then Rosa's mother also died. Residents began to leave the village, looking for a better life. Only Rosa did not want to go anywhere from the graves of her father and mother, and lived alone in the wilderness, in the kingdom of Tsar Berendey.
She married his son: a playful and mischievous, cheerful musician, forester Lel. Tsar Berendey turned Rosa into a beautiful birch tree, to which Lel sang her songs and played with strands of her long hair, braided and unraveled her braids. Birch - the beauty has become similar to the southern cypress, and also to the pyramidal poplar, also her relative in the southern homeland of their ancestors.
Once a trouble loomed over a birch tree: people flew in on large rotary-winged birds, who found out about the extraordinary beauty, wanted to snatch it from their native land and take it to their kingdom. But it was not so: neither Tsar Berendey nor the faithful brave Lel allowed such madness: they firmly held the roots of Berezka to their native land, nourished her lungs with the air of endless expanses. The aliens flew away with nothing.
Lel and Berezka gave birth to many, many branch children who stretch their white arms up, looking at their mother's curly head, with strands of long hair. Birch stands firmly on its feet among wide fields, living amicably with neighbors - trees and shrubs, letting migratory birds under the cover of its branches. No storms, blizzards, lightning and thunder strikes can break this friendly family.
In the strands of the beautiful Berezka, gray, dry curls have already appeared, but still nowhere in our region is more beautiful than she. And here she stands with all the children, raising her hands to the sky, all praying - praying that cruel troubles will not break out on Mother Earth, so that evil does not overshadow human souls.
It is not so easy to find Berezonka in this taiga wilderness, and whoever finds her, comes to her and arrives, will gain strength and wisdom to sow eternal good!

White birch is truly one of the most beautiful trees, it truly embodies Russia, a beautiful white-trunk tree. Most birch species reach a height of 30 meters. White birch is a beautiful snow-white tree, less often a shrub, with beautiful hanging branches and a white-trunked trunk. The whole family includes about 150 tree species and 6 genera. In Russia, this tree is common in temperate regions, as well as in mountainous areas.

White birch - description of the tree, photo and video

By itself, this tree is beautiful, with widely spread branches and a large crown, it attracts attention at all seasons. Also, this beautiful tree was and will always be the subject of poems, songs and epics.

This tree has long been considered purely Russian, and often personifies Russia. Once you see a beautiful forest, mainly of birches, this picture will be remembered for a lifetime.

This beautiful tree begins to bloom in May, it is a sight of indescribable beauty, although the flowers of the birch are modest - catkins. This tree grows everywhere, primarily due to its simple reproduction, the fruits are simply carried by the wind.

Birch is often called a pioneer because it grows faster than other trees and can grow where other trees cannot.

This is beautiful tree, in about 25 years, grows to the height of a five-story building. This tree is very moisture-loving. Also, this tree is widely used, brooms and brooms are made from branches, thin paper is made from birch bark, furniture is made from wood.

And also native Russian baskets and sandals are made from birch. And drugs are made from the kidneys. In earlier times, our ancestors could not imagine life without a birch torch, since it was the only source of light at that time.

In total, this family has about 140-150 species, it grows almost everywhere, from the subtropics to the tundra. There are about 70 species of them in Russia, but, unfortunately, due to illegal logging, many species disappear forever. In Russia, it is listed in the Red Book, 4 types of birches, these are Far Eastern birches and Megrelian birch. Due to their rarity, these birches grow only in the Caucasus. Of the most common species in Russia grow: warty birch, or drooping birch and downy birch.

White birch grows for about 120 years, with the exception of the so-called iron birch, which grows for about 400 years, which is quite a lot for a tree. It is also a beautiful tree, it has another amazing property if you cut it in early spring, then a sweet, transparent liquid will begin to flow from it. This is birch sap, the famous kvass is made from it.

White birch is a truly Russian tree, which is almost always personified with Russia, you need to protect and care for such trees, and in general for the whole.

Watching the video - White birch

Thanks to dark stripes and dashes White birch can easily endure both heat and cold. When it gets too hot, they open and let air into the plant, in cold weather, on the contrary, they close tightly and do not freeze. The vitality of the tree still surprises scientists: after several times its branches were removed from the freezer, the temperature inside of which was -273 ° C, they thawed and revived.

Birch belongs to the genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of the birch family, which includes about 120 species. Sixty-five species grow in Russia. The tree is widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and therefore it can be seen not only in Eurasia, but also in the territory North America, in warm countries with sandy ground and even beyond the Arctic Circle.

Such a wide distribution area is explained by the fact that white birch is undemanding, it perfectly tolerates both heat and permafrost, and takes root on any soil. These plants, however, are photophilous, but among them there are many shade-tolerant trees.

The people called the tree "white birch" for a reason: the color that so vividly distinguishes the trunk of a birch among deciduous plants is due to the organic dye betulin, which contains a large amount of silver ions that have antimicrobial action (for this reason, there are few microbes near the plants, and medicines and products of it have a healing effect). Accordingly, the number of this chemical element in the soil of the birch grove is also greater than in the lands of the mixed forest.

True, the bark of a birch is white not in every species: in some plants it can be yellowish, pinkish, brown in color, as well as gray, brown and even black.


According to their descriptions, most species have a height of 30 to 45 meters, although very small specimens are often found: the height of the smallest tree in the world is from one to one and a half meters, and some shrubs even spread along the ground. As soon as the tree sprouts, in the first years it grows extremely slowly, but the older it becomes, the faster the growth rate increases.

The roots of birch are strong and, depending on the type of soil, are either superficial or go deep into the ground at an angle. In spring, birch has a very high humidity: inside the plant, an intensified movement of sap begins, when nutrients from the soil rush upward along the roots.

At this time, many people collect the sap of the plant: they make cuts through which the liquid rushes out and is able to flow out for several weeks (a tall tree can give about a bucket of juice per day). As a result of this, the white birch is greatly depleted, and viruses enter it through wounds, which can be the cause of the death of the plant. Therefore, after collecting the juice, the bark must be covered with clay or resin.

Birch leaves are alternate (arranged in a spiral, with one leaf going from each stem node), solid, serrated along the edge, smooth, have a length of about seven and a width of four centimeters. In spring, young leaves are sticky, then this ability is gradually lost. The birch leaves the foliage in the fall, before falling off, the birch leaves turn yellow.


White birch has a firm, dense light wood with a slight pink or yellowish tinge. The pattern on it is weakly expressed, wavy, annual rings are almost not visible, reddish, chaotically scattered spots are characteristic. One of the most beautiful woods is Karelian birch - a low plant that has a strongly deformed trunk in the form of spherical bulges and tubercles.

Previously, the Karelian birch was considered a separate species, but now biologists have come to the conclusion that it is a warty (drooping) birch, the trunk of which is deformed under certain conditions. Therefore, the age of the tree is short: the Karelian birch lives for about forty years (some species live up to one hundred and eighty), and therefore does not have time to grow, and its height is about twenty-five meters.

Karelian birch has become famous for its marble-like texture and color: brown spots on a golden background (due to its properties, expensive products have been made from it for a long time: furniture, decorative fakes, souvenirs). Scientists have not yet come to the same opinion about the reasons for the appearance of such an amazing pattern. Among the main assumptions why the Karelian birch has patterned wood, they put forward such versions as:

  • violation of mineral nutrition;
  • viral infection;
  • hereditary disease.

Despite the fact that when two plants of this species are crossed, the Karelian birch passes on its amazing structure by inheritance, decorative features are not always completely transferred, and it is possible to determine whether the wood will have a pattern not earlier than in five years.

Karelian birch has a special value also because it is very rare, and therefore its cost exceeds 1.5 thousand dollars, and is sold not by cubic meters, but by weight, kilograms.


All types of birch are monoecious plants (they have flowers of the same sex, which both pistils and stamens have), flowering occurs in spring, birch pollen is carried by the wind.

First, two or three male flowers up to four centimeters long appear in complex inflorescences (birch catkins) in the summer. They consist of a huge number of thyroid scales fused with the main stem of the stalked form. These plates expand closer upward, below they have two small scales, each of which has three flowers on the inside, where the stamens are located.

Outside, the male earring is covered with a resinous substance, which does not allow moisture to penetrate inside and allows you to spend the winter calmly. The birch wakes up in the spring, the male earring lengthens, the flower scales open and stamens appear, from which the birch is dusting in all directions. After that, men's earrings, which were completely straight before, bend and hang.

Female birch catkins are not so noticeable: they are much smaller, thinner, more inconspicuous, small mouse tails similar to greenish color. They develop from last year's lateral buds and are always on the side of the branch. They bloom together with male catkins and contain a large number of flowers, inside of which there are two ovules.

Dusting of birch occurs with the help of the wind, when birch pollen hits the flower, one ovule dries up, and the second develops: the female earring begins to lengthen and, due to the increase in the size of the scales, begins to resemble an oblong cone, which crumbles after the fruits ripen in them.

Seeds, having fallen from a tree (since they are very light, the wind is able to carry them a hundred meters from the mother tree), are able to immediately begin to germinate, and if conditions are unfavorable, they pass into a state of dormancy and, on occasion, can hatch for several years.

Healing characteristics of the tree

White birch has long been famous for its healing properties, and people have long learned to use various parts of the plant (wood, bark, juice, buds, leaves) for their own good. Moreover, they are used both in medicine and in other fields of activity.
Healing properties It is difficult to overestimate birch: birch bark and branches contain betulin, which makes them white and contains a high percentage of silver. Betulin, getting into the blood, improves liver function, reduces joint pain.

Birch sap, decoctions strengthen the immune system, and the plant itself has a beneficial effect on health. Scientists have found that people living near a birch grove are much less likely to suffer from colds, since volatile phytoncides secreted by a tree inhibit the growth and development of bacteria. Therefore, products using a birch branch are especially valuable. For example, brooms made under the influence of hot air release phytoncides, which sterilize the air and fill it with antiseptics.

In its buds, white birch contains about five percent of essential oil, ascorbic acid, higher fatty acids, and various resinous substances. Birch leaves have medicinal properties, which also contain tannins, as well as flamanoids, which improve the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent sclerotic diseases.

Tar is obtained from the bark of the plant, which has long been used in medicine as an antiseptic. From the top layer of the tree bark, birch bark, which has high strength, an excellent material is obtained for various crafts: baskets, bast shoes, various kitchen utensils. The peoples of the Far East made boats from it, and in Russia it served as paper (birch bark lettering): scribes wrote on it in writing, with sharp bone sticks.

Essay-description on the topic: "How beautiful the autumn birch is"

Option 1

With the arrival of autumn, the birch becomes even more beautiful and elegant. The same slender, with a white slender trunk, now she, like a real fashionista, dresses in new golden-yellow clothes. Its thin and flexible branches sway in gusts of cool wind, rustling with a little dry carved leaves. On their smooth surface, the rays of the dim autumn sun gleam with soft light. When the birch leaves are just beginning to turn yellow, their core and veins retain their bright green, and then, gradually, autumn gilded them entirely. But not all birch leaves acquire the same color - among them there are brown, and brown, and reddish, and even emerald green leaves that do not give up in autumn.

The grass at the roots of the tree gradually dries up and becomes covered with fallen leaves. At some point, the caps of boletus and porcini mushrooms break through it, and the birch no longer looks sad, since it now has friends. Against the background of a clear blue sky, the graceful silhouette of a birch tree resembles the figure of a slender girl with a shock of golden hair.

And when beautiful birches gather in a company, they create a truly magical corner of nature. The birch grove in autumn is an amazingly bright and sunny place, where even the air seems more transparent than in other places. You stand among the white birch trunks, and around the autumn multicolor of delicate leaves, you raise your head, and there is a deep blue of the sky. And just breathtaking from this such ordinary and such incredible beauty!

Option 2 The composition "Autumn birch"

Birch is a tree of endless inspiration for poets and artists, its beauty leaves no one indifferent. What is so special about her that distinguishes her from the variety of other beautiful trees and makes her sing in songs and capture in paintings?

The birch is not as powerful and mighty as an oak or beech, not evergreen like a pine or spruce, its leaves do not look like the "stars" of maples and chestnuts, do not stretch into the sky like poplars. However, there is a special fragile, delicate and graceful beauty in birch that makes the hearts of people tremble. Its smoothly curved trunk, white bark with black spots, thin flexible branches, lacy leaves ... Birch becomes especially beautiful with the onset of autumn.

Autumn is an artist at heart, and her favorite palette is sunny. Birch leaves generously get warm yellow and golden shades from it. The golden branches of the autumn birch are like hair falling to the ground. And even when the foliage crumbles, the graceful camp and curved twigs will preserve that delicate beauty of birch, which sinks into people's souls. Birds will rest on high branches. Slender and defenseless, she sleeps until spring under a heavy cover of snow.

And while autumn still reigns the ball, golden-haired birches are whispering about something in the forests and parks, catching the wind and sun bunnies with their flexible twigs, and drop dry carved leaves on the cooling ground. People who admire their beauty will try to preserve it in paintings and photographs in order to be warmed by its golden warmth in the approaching winter frosts.