Birch is a beautiful tree. The healing properties of birch. White birch - description of the tree, photos and videos

White birch is truly one of the most beautiful trees, it truly personifies Russia, a beautiful white-trunked tree. Most birch species reach a height of 30 meters. White birch is a beautiful snow-white tree, less often a shrub, with beautiful hanging branches and a white trunk. The entire family has about 150 tree species and 6 genera. In Russia, this tree is common in temperate regions, as well as in mountainous areas.

Around the tree, life takes place in the garden. Children can climb the branches of a tilted apple tree and do tricks to get their fruit. Wood provides shade in which the owner can relax or in which the garden owner can take a well-deserved break before landscaping.

Many beneficial insects and perhaps even the neighbors' children may feel attracted to a cherry tree and these are just some examples of how a tree or several trees can give a garden and home a very special character. Therefore, the choice of this planting is of great importance for every garden and should be carefully considered.

White birch - description of the tree, photos and videos

This tree itself is beautiful, with widely spreading branches and a large crown, it attracts attention at all times of the year. Also this beautiful tree, has been and will always be the subject of poems, songs and epics.

This tree has long been considered purely Russian, and often personifies Russia. If you once see a beautiful forest, mainly of birches, you will remember this picture for a lifetime.

When creating a new garden, and do not want to do without trees in the first years, it is recommended to visit a nursery where it is the type that, in addition to simple fruit trees and rare and special trees such as bonsai or other maples already several meters high, can be purchased and given shade your garden and give it a special flair.

Ideal trees for small gardens

A tree in the garden can give us a lot, as we mentioned in the introduction, but such a generous plant also needs it. On the one hand, the water supply for the tree must be taken into account, and the supply of sunlight in a special position and the space requirement of the tree cannot be ignored. So for small gardens or front gardens there are very special trees. An important principle for these areas is to choose a narrow and straight-growing tree or a ball tree. Let's briefly introduce some impressive trees just for those small areas.

This beautiful tree begins to bloom in May, it is a sight of indescribable beauty, although the flowers of the birch are modest - catkins. This tree grows everywhere, primarily due to its simple reproduction; the fruits are simply carried by the wind.

Birch is often called a pioneer because it grows faster than other trees and can grow where other trees cannot grow.

The fact is that it is a decline for birds and many beneficial insects such as bees and bumblebees are attracted to the flowers, which flourish very early in the year around March, making this plant always an interesting option. In addition, red stone fruits can even be eaten, and thanks to their vitamin C content, they make sweet, healthy teeth for little ones. Although the fruits of this plant are for decoration only and can be very sensitive to chalky soils, it is still an impressive plant that can also provide a home for birds.

This beautiful tree, in about 25 years, grows as tall as a five-story building. This tree is very moisture-loving. This tree is also widely used; brooms and brooms are made from branches, thin paper is made from birch bark, furniture is made from wood.

They also make native Russian baskets and bast shoes from birch. And medicines are made from kidneys. In earlier times, our ancestors could not imagine life without a birch splinter, since it was the only source of light at that time.

Due to their low sun requirement, a position in a narrower front yard or patio is suitable for these plants. Although the leaves are a little thorny, they are, as usual for an ornamental plant, evergreen. But even for small gardens provide a variety of fruit trees, such as cereals and ornamental plants. best choice. It needs a little attention as these trees grow, because they can take on more and more space over time, since they not only sprout directly and in addition can also be left in a spherical shape.

In total, this family has about 140-150 species; it grows almost everywhere, from the subtropics to the tundra. There are about 70 species in Russia, but, unfortunately, due to illegal logging, many species are disappearing forever. In Russia, 4 species of birch are listed in the Red Book, these are Far Eastern birch and Megrelian birch. Due to their rarity, these birches grow only in the Caucasus. The most common species growing in Russia are: silver birch, or silver birch, and downy birch.

The good news is that many varieties, such as apricot and plum, prefer lime-rich soils. The underground must nevertheless be rich in nutrients. The location should also be partly shaded to sunny and the fruit can be harvested between June and October. The earlier the fruit can be harvested, the fewer pest problems there are. Worms and other harmful insects can also be avoided by choosing to grow from a nearby nursery for planting. Other interesting varieties in this category would be cherry, apple or chestnut.

White birch grows for about 120 years, with the exception of the so-called iron birch, which grows for about 400 years, which is quite a lot for a tree. This is also a beautiful tree, it has another amazing property if you cut it in early spring, then a sweet, clear liquid will begin to flow from it. This is birch sap, the famous kvass is made from it.

Medium height trees for large gardens

You can also get tips on how to plant trees in less space. If due to size garden plot the selection of trees should be a little more magnificent, then of course we can also recommend some varieties. Some trees for very large gardens fall under the category big trees and can grow up to 40 meters in height and can decorate the garden for several hundred years. In return, it is a far-reaching decision to plant such trees.

The walnut tree needs a lot of space because it must stand alone on one side, and on the other hand cutting should be avoided. In return for these claims, this plant offers a wonderful spherical growth pattern that produces wonderful shade and fruit, the nuts of course also not to be despised. In addition, birds love to nest in walnut crowns.

White birch is a truly Russian tree, which is almost always personified with Russia; you need to protect and care for such trees, and indeed for the whole country.

Watch the video - White birch

Description essay on the topic: “How beautiful the autumn birch tree is”

This is a medium-sized tree especially suitable for hot summers. The fruit can only be used when it has reached full ripeness, but the spout is not the only reason why it is particularly suitable for large gardens. The color of the autumn leaves is a real splendor and wonderfully romantic to look at.

Watch the video - White birch

To stay right with the magnificent and picturesque trees, we can point out the hanging birch here. The white chest and special hanging crown are a visual enhancement for every garden. The hanger also grows very quickly. Unfortunately, this tree, which prefers sunny locations, also brings with it some disadvantages. Pollen can easily cause allergies and the branches can unfortunately become very burdened with rapid growth and thus become fragile.

Option 1

With the arrival of autumn, the birch tree becomes even more beautiful and elegant. Just as slender, with a white slender trunk, now she, like a real fashionista, dresses in new golden-yellow clothes. Its thin and flexible branches sway in gusts of cool wind, rustling slightly dry carved leaves. On their smooth surface the rays of the dim autumn sun sparkle with soft light. When birch leaves are just beginning to turn yellow, their core and veins retain their bright green, and then, gradually, autumn turns them entirely golden. But not all birch leaves acquire the same color - among them there are brown, brown, reddish, and even emerald green leaves that do not give up in autumn.

The grass at the roots of the tree gradually dries out and becomes covered with fallen leaves. At some point, the caps of boletus and porcini mushrooms poke through it, and the birch no longer looks sad, since it now has friends. Against the background of a clear blue sky, the graceful silhouette of a birch tree resembles the figure of a slender girl with a shock of golden hair.

Beech, as a large tree, can be an interesting recommendation for newly created gardens, since this plant loves fresh soil. The roots are also vulnerable, so the soil must be pre-planned accordingly for a tree that can be up to 300 years old.

When it comes to sunlight, beech is less demanding and likes sunny spots as well as shady spots. Of course, a large beech will give many shades. Although it is an excellent remedy for kidney diseases, for the properties for which it is most valued, it is effective when it comes to treating certain problems such as.

And when beautiful birch trees gather in company, they create a truly magical corner of nature. A birch grove in autumn is a surprisingly bright and sunny place, where even the air seems more transparent than in other places. You stand among the white birch trunks, and around you there is a multicolored autumn variety of delicate leaves, you raise your head, and there is the deep blue of the sky. And this such ordinary and such incredible beauty is simply breathtaking!

This is a plant that stimulates the kidneys by eliminating excess fluid retained by the body. Another very interesting thing to help you lose weight is that it stimulates the liver to produce bile. This fact helps improve the digestion of fats and their elimination through the fecal route. This is a great complementary treatment to help you lose weight.

Its scientific name is Betula. The three types of birch have very similar properties. This is a beautiful tree that can reach 30 meters. Its bark is silvery, smooth and cracked. It is found in its leaves, where its value lies in cleansing the body. Its leaves are widely used for its diuretic and drainage properties. It is also very valuable in anti-cellulite formulas. Its diuretic effect is due to betulin, a terpene alcohol found in the leaves. All the properties of this magnificent plant are due to active flavonoids, which are concentrated in their old or yellowish leaves.

Option 2 Essay “Autumn Birch”

Birch is a tree of endless inspiration for poets and artists; its beauty leaves no one indifferent. What is so special about it that sets it apart from the variety of other beautiful trees and makes it sing in songs and captured in paintings?

Birch is not as powerful and powerful as oak or beech, not evergreen like pine or spruce, its leaves are not like the “stars” of maples and chestnuts, and does not stretch into the sky like poplars. However, birch has a special fragile, delicate and graceful beauty that makes people’s hearts tremble. Its smoothly curved trunk, white bark with black spots, thin flexible branches, lacy leaves... Especially beautiful birch becomes with the onset of autumn.

Properties and therapeutic uses

Birch is part of the European Pharmacopoeia. It is widely used in herbal medicine as a treatment for obesity, dropsy, blood purification, cold, fever and skin problems. Obesity Help against cellulite, edema, fluid retention Activate kidney function Help in arthritis processes Help reduce excess uric acid Help with joint inflammation Against skin diseases and impurities in the blood Help slow down Hair loss. Treatment of edema of cardiorenal origin; due to impaired heart or kidney function. Weight Loss: Effective in weight loss due to its lipid-lowering and hypocholesterolemic properties. Renal or renal stimulant: is a kidney aid. This helps in the proper disposal of waste and its proper functioning. Birch sap is a mild but very effective diuretic and prevents the formation and dissolution of sand or lithos formations. Antibacterial: Helps fight infections. Diuretic: Useful for conditions that require proper fluid elimination. Antispasmodic: Helps relieve stomach cramps.

  • Activates kidney function.
  • It produces renal elimination, which does not irritate the kidneys.
If anyone has been closely following our activities, it has certainly been noticed that a plant that appears very often in our birch projects.

Autumn is an artist at heart, and her favorite palette is sunny. Birch leaves generously get warm yellow color and golden shades from it. golden branches autumn birch as if the hair falls to the ground. And even when the foliage falls off, the graceful figure and curved branches will retain that delicate beauty of the birch that sinks into people’s souls. Birds will rest on high branches. Slender and defenseless, she will sleep until spring under a heavy cover of snow.

White birch - description of the tree, photos and videos

Birch is one of our favorite trees because it is ideal for both traditional and very modern gardens. We love the white bark, which looks especially beautiful when reflected from the sun's rays. The birch tree in your garden can be anything because there are so many options that everyone will find one suitable for your garden, especially habits. Many people hear birch, thinking that it is a huge tree that does not fit into their garden. It's true, birch trees are huge and can grow up to several meters in height, but that's not what we are capable of as nurseries.

And while autumn is still in full swing, golden-haired birches are whispering about something in the forests and parks, catching the wind and sunbeams with their flexible branches, and dropping dry carved leaves onto the cooling ground. People admired by their beauty will try to preserve it in paintings and photographs in order to warm themselves with its golden warmth during the approaching winter frosts.

Here are the most interesting varieties in my opinion, which you should definitely pay attention to if you decide to buy birch. Birch useful, Doorenbosch. We planted 11 birch trees of this variety last year in one of the apartments in Warsaw. Doorenbos is a variety of white bark. It grows up to 10 meters in height and has a relatively slender shape.

Berezovaya, which was discovered in one of the schools near Moscow. Immediately I was captivated by the incredible golden bark. This variety looks very elegant and noble. The very tall variety reaches up to 25 meters in height. She was in her statement because of the interesting shape. It has many trunks, so reminiscent of a huge bush.