What cannot be exported from the Arab Emirates. The UAE has tightened the rules for importing food for personal use. Electronics and household appliances

I think normal people shouldn’t be warned about the banal thing, that you can’t take weapons and the like out of the UAE. But as for currency, any kind at that, you can export it in any quantity. People especially concerned with erotica should know that you are going on a visit to a Muslim country, and the rules there are terrible, so any pornography, including magazines or videos, will be confiscated from you, both when importing and when exporting from the country. This also applies to products, video and printed, that may offend the religious feelings of Muslims. In principle, customs officers are customs officers; any book may seem suspicious to them, even your favorite detective novel by the same Tatyana Ustinova. A customs officer may confiscate a book due to an inspection, do not even think about offering bribes in this case, for this you can be sent straight to prison, or at least sent home, this is at best. And the United Arab Emirates has very strict laws regarding copyright, so if you bring pirated audio or video products, or pirated software, it can easily be confiscated.

If you are going to enter the country with your beloved pet, be it a cat or a dog, then it would be better to consult with the embassy in advance what certificates and documents are needed for the legal passage of your younger relative, so as not to give him to the customs officer; of course, on the way back, all documents must be with yourself. In more detail about the export, we can state that there are no special restrictions in the country, unless, of course, your immediate travel plans include the export of large quantities of the country’s cultural property and tons of gold. And yet there are some things that cannot be taken out. For example, as a note to amateur gardeners, I will say that it is prohibited to export seeds and fruits of palm trees, otherwise there have already been similar cases. Firstly, previously there could have been problems with imports into our state, but at the end of 2013, new rules for duty-free import for air passengers were introduced, the cost was simply increased from one and a half thousand euros to ten thousand, which became much more convenient. There is a weight limit of no more than fifty kilograms. It’s great that the amount was increased, since previously there was such a picture that women left the plane with a fur coat on. Of course, if it was winter, then what’s strange about it - of course, nothing, but when the ladies arrived in the month of July and overboard the plane the thermometer rose to thirty degrees with a plus mark, then here they even had to call people in white coats , of course, customs officers are not stupid people.

And she gives the go-ahead to import up to 2 kg of tobacco, or 400 cigars, or 2000 cigarettes into the country. Also, if you are not a devout Muslim, you can bring into the country up to 2 liters of strong life-giving moisture and the same amount of wine. But what you shouldn’t take risks with is drugs, and this includes any drugs containing codeine. In general, it is better not to take medications with you for two simple reasons: firstly, Arab pharmacies have almost any medicine that Russians are used to using, so if you get stuck and get a headache or a stomach ache, you can always buy the right pill on the spot. And secondly, in case of emergency, take a first aid kit with you, you also need a doctor’s prescription and a certificate (with translation into English) of why exactly so many tablets you need (and you need to go to doctors, you’re going on vacation, not get sick). Please note that the import of prohibited drugs, and even the most common “head pills” (if they contain codeine) fall under this concept, is fraught with imprisonment and deportation.

What not to do

Well, it’s not worth warning normal people that you can’t import weapons. But please bring any currency in any quantity. Those who are especially concerned should remember that you are traveling to a Muslim country and any pornography, be it videos or magazines, will be confiscated from you. Well, and any products (printed and video) that may offend the religious feelings of Muslims.

If your book with Tatyana Ustinova’s favorite detective stories seems suspicious to the customs officer and he decides to confiscate it for inspection, then don’t even think about offering him a bribe, you could even end up in jail, and at least you’ll leave the country before you even have time to enter. The UAE has very strict copyright laws, so if you are found to have pirated video or audio products, as well as pirated software, they can easily be confiscated.

If you want to enter the country with your favorite cat or dog, it is better to additionally find out at the embassy what documents and certificates are needed for this.

Export from the UAE

But there are practically no restrictions on the export of goods from the country, unless, of course, you are going to export a large shipment of gold or cultural values ​​of the country. Yes, note to summer residents that you cannot export the fruits and seeds of palm trees, otherwise some people do it. Previously, problems could arise with imports into Russia, but with the introduction of new duty-free import rules for air passengers at the end of 2012 (increasing the cost from 1.5 thousand euros to 10 thousand), they also disappeared. Do not forget about the weight limit - no more than 50 kg. It’s good that they increased the amount, otherwise before you could see a strange picture when ladies got off the plane wearing a fur coat. It’s good if the weather was right, but if you flew home in July and the temperature “overboard” was thirty degrees, then it would be appropriate to call people in white coats, and customs officers are not fools.

Well, you know approximately what can be imported into the UAE and exported from the country, so now you can safely buy a ticket and go on vacation to this amazing corner of the earth, in which a fairy tale becomes reality.

Keep in mind that you can export everything from the United Arab Emirates, but then you will have to import it through Russian customs. But here the rules are stricter.

Don’t forget, there is also Russian customs

The total weight of goods imported into the Russian Federation should not exceed 50 kilograms. The total cost should not exceed 10,000 euros. Read about what exactly tourists bring in our article “”. We will talk in detail about the transportation of these items through the customs of the UAE and Russia.

Electronics and household appliances

The customs of the Russian Federation allows the free import of items for personal use. That is, if you buy one laptop in the UAE, you can transport it freely, but if you buy two laptops, then customs may have questions.

If you are bringing one fur coat or an expensive leather jacket, there will be no questions; if you are carrying three fur coats, then the customs officers will stop you, and talking about how you bought fur coats for your girlfriends will not help.

In any case, keep all receipts for large purchases, they will be useful in controversial situations.


You can export any products from the UAE and in any reasonable quantities, but you can import them into Russia with restrictions.

The first limit concerns products of animal origin - 5 kilograms per person. Animal products include a popular gift from the UAE - and dairy products. In the same category: any meat, fish and seafood, sausages and deli meats.

Any food products of animal origin should only be ready to eat. No fresh camel meat, oysters or lobsters, all this can be confiscated at Russian customs.

In addition, such products must be in their original packaging, otherwise they may be confiscated. If you are planning to bring camel meat, then take it canned or dried in original packaging. Or take risks with fresh.

The second restriction is on the transportation of plant products “with phytosanitary risks” - up to 5 kilograms per person. This includes any fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, including the most popular gift from the UAE - dried fruits.

Roasted coffee beans, any sweets and candies can be exported from the UAE and imported into Russia without restrictions. However, remember the limit of 50 kilograms and 10 thousand euros, and all this must comply with the concept of “for personal consumption and non-commercial use”.

Some other gifts

The situation with spices is complicated, because they can be mistaken for some prohibited substances. Buy spices only in packages, otherwise you risk falling under suspicion. Similar to (Arabic home incense), it can be mistaken for something illegal. Try to buy bakhur in a package that will say that it is exactly bakhur.

Is it possible to export shells?

Hookahs and tobacco, including hookah

Export of tobacco or hookahs from the United Arab Emirates is free. At Russian customs there will be no complaints about the hookah, but only 250 grams of tobacco can be imported.

Happy shopping in the UAE, and read our useful articles about this country ( links below).

If you decide to relax in Dubai, then before your trip it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with what you can and cannot import (export) from the UAE. This will allow you to avoid troubles when passing through customs control at the border.

You can import the following into the UAE without paying duty:

  • Wine – no more than 2 liters.
  • Strong alcoholic drinks - no more than 2 liters.
  • Cigarettes – no more than 400 pieces.
  • Tobacco – no more than 2 kg.
  • Cigars - their cost should not be more than 3 thousand dirhams.
  • Gifts - their total value should not exceed 3,100 dirhams.
  • Perfume – no more than 150 ml.

Strong alcoholic beverages are allowed to be imported into the UAE only by citizens who have reached the age of majority and do not adhere to the Muslim faith.

It is not prohibited to import foreign currency into the UAE. There are no restrictions on it, but if the imported amount exceeds $27,000, then it must be declared by the customs authorities.

What is prohibited to import?

You cannot import into the UAE:

  • Drugs or drugs are punishable by death.
  • Weapon.
  • Pirated discs.
  • Magazines, books, films, audio recordings and other materials containing erotic content or that may offend the feelings of righteous Muslims.

Separately, it is worth noting that no alcoholic beverages can be imported into the Emirate of Sharjah. If drugs or medicines containing drugs are transported across the border, you will need to show customs officers a notarized translation of the instructions for them. In its absence, the holiday may be ruined - deportation is possible.

  • Arab pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs that citizens of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and other CIS countries are used to using, so everything you need can be purchased locally.
  • You will need to take with you a prescription from your doctor and a certificate translated into English indicating how many tablets or how much medicine you need to take.

Import restrictions

There are practically no restrictions on what can be exported from the UAE. The exception is large quantities of gold or cultural property of the state. Summer residents are not recommended to attempt to export palm fruits or seeds from the state - this may cause difficulties at the border.

If you are vacationing in Dubai for the purpose of shopping, then do not forget about the restriction - airplane passengers are allowed to export no more than 50 kg from the UAE without paying duty. The minimum threshold was previously lower than this value, so customs officials and airlines often observed women flying in July wearing a mink coat.

Tightening customs rules for the import of food products

In accordance with Resolution No. 14 of 2016, the rules for the import of food products by individuals for personal consumption are being tightened. It is believed that it will maintain health safety at an appropriate level, prevent the development of diseases transmitted through products, and also enhance safety in the local market.

So, if you decide to relax in Dubai, you can enter the following amount of food:

  • Yoghurts – no more than 20 kg.
  • Oil (olive, sunflower) – no more than 50 liters.
  • Vegetables and fruits – no more than 10 kg.
  • Cereals or red meat – no more than 30 kg.
  • Fish – no more than 10 kg.

/ UAE Customs

UAE Customs

Permitted to import into the UAE:

2. 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 500 grams of tobacco for each adult (over 18 years old) non-Muslim.

3. Alcoholic drinks, in this case:
- into the emirates of Abu Dhabi and Fujairah you can bring up to 4 alcoholic drinks of any kind per non-Muslim.
- in the emirate of Dubai - 24 cans of beer or up to 4 liters of any other alcoholic beverages for each non-Muslim.
- the import of any alcohol into the emirate of Sharjah is prohibited!

4. Pets, at least 4 months old (permission from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the UAE is required, as well as an international veterinary certificate with mandatory indication of all vaccinations and dates of vaccinations).

5. Gifts whose total value does not exceed 3,000 dirhams (approximately $820).

6. Video cameras and accessories for them: cassettes, disks and other storage media.

7. Portable audio equipment, radio systems, CD, DVD players for personal use.

8. Portable compact TVs, computers and laptops.

Export allowed from the UAE:

1. Foreign and national currency (amounts over 100 thousand dirhams (about $28,000) must be included in the declaration).

2. Gold and silver jewelry (sales receipt required).

3. Fur and leather products (sales receipt required).

Prohibited import into the UAE:

1. Any weapons, self-defense items, sharp edged swords and knives. Violation of this prohibition is prosecuted and severely punished, including long-term imprisonment.

2. Drugs and drugs containing drugs (including some drugs containing codeine). Violation of this prohibition is prosecuted and severely punished, including long-term imprisonment.

3. Pornographic products. Violation of this prohibition is prosecuted and severely punished, including long-term imprisonment.

4. Video products and books that contradict Islamic norms. Customs may seize materials that they consider suspicious for censorship review for up to several days. Violation of this prohibition is prosecuted and severely punished, including long-term imprisonment.

5. Any fruits and vegetables (to the emirates of Abu Dhabi and Fujairah).

6. Seafood, fruits and vegetables from areas where cholera is widespread (in the emirates of Dubai and Sharjah).

7. Any live birds or their carcasses from all Asian countries.

8. Some breeds of dogs.

9. Any alcohol to the territory of the Emirate of Sharjah!

10. Products from countries that have been boycotted.

11.Any goods produced in Israel.

12. Raw ivory and rhino horn.

13. Any gambling devices.

14. Three-layer fishing nets.

15. Original engravings, prints, lithographs, sculptures and statues in any material that have cultural value.

16. Used, repaired and inlaid tires.

17. Things contaminated with radiation.

18. Counterfeit banknotes and copies of money! Violation of this prohibition is prosecuted and severely punished, including long-term imprisonment.

Export from the UAE is prohibited:

1. Objects of the country’s cultural and historical heritage.

2. Wild animals.

3. Palm seeds and fruits.

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