Black River (Crimea). Chernorechensky Canyon, Crimea. Interesting places and how to get there Chernorechensky canyon ends at the village

For those who love to travel beautiful places with a backpack on his back, he is very familiar with the place in Crimea, which is called the Chernorechensky Canyon. It is a deep gorge in the mountains. Its height reaches several tens of meters, its length is 12 kilometers. The Black River with clean and clear water flows along the bottom of the gorge.

About the canyon

The canyon has earned popularity among tourists due to its beauty and picturesqueness. It is located near Sevastopol, on the western edge of the Central Range of the Crimean Mountains. It starts at the Kizil-Kaya rock, located at the very edge of the Baydar valley. It ends near the outskirts of the village of Chernorechye. The river, starting in the territory, then continues its path through the Inkerman Valley and flows into the Black Sea.

Chernorechensky canyon is the longest in Crimean mountains, it is considered difficult to pass not because of its complexity, but because of the length of the route, the total length of which is 16 km. The canyon itself stretches for 12 km. Some people come here for an overnight stay, others cross it in a day, starting their hike in the morning in order to catch the last bus, which leaves at 18.30 from the village of Chernorechye to Sevastopol.

You can enter the canyon from the village of Shirokoye, the path is closer there. But from 9 o'clock at the entrance there is usually a water security post. By going through this section before the start of the working day, you can avoid an unwanted meeting. To avoid incidents, you can start the journey from the village of Rodnoye, making a small detour, or from the village of Chernorechye and go up, against the current. But the vast majority of tourists go down.

Nature reserve

The Chernorechensky Canyon is a natural monument; its territory is declared a nature reserve. In addition, a conservation zone begins from the Baydarskaya Valley, the water of which is the main source for supplying the city of Sevastopol.

At the entrance to the canyon there is a sign, the inscription on which warns that entry into the territory of the reserve is prohibited, but go without fear. Along the way, you may meet foresters who will charge you an entry fee.

For those who want to walk the Chernorechensky Canyon for the first time, the route may seem quite difficult. Don't be afraid. The impressions you get are worth the effort you have to put in. You just need to understand that this is not a joyride or a picnic. You will have to climb rocks, ford a river, walk along crumbling mountain paths, and overcome rubble.

The most difficult thing you will have to face are the so-called pressures, where the water comes close to the rocks, and in order to pass them you need to climb up or walk along tree trunks that lie above the water itself.

In this case, you need to avoid fording the river, since this is where the current can be quite strong, and the water is quite cold. The best way to get around obstacles is to climb the mountain and walk along the flat top. But the brave and confident will freely pass difficult sections.

How to get there

The first question for those who decided to go through the Chernorechensky Canyon for the first time: how to get to the starting point of the route? From Sevastopol you need to get to the village of Rodnoy. A bus runs to it from the 7th kilometer, where the main Sevastopol bus station is located. Before reaching the village itself, you need to get out and follow the dirt road towards the hills visible in the distance. You will have to walk several kilometers along the road, then through the forest to reach an elevation above the river. The route starts from the Kizil-Kaya rock.

Then go down to the river, where the left bank will be the most passable. To do this, you will have to ford it and walk some distance to a clearing called Partizanskaya, where you can stop for the night. However, there are paths on both sides of the river. Not far from the clearing there are the remains of what the Germans built here during the war. It is called Tank.

Passing the Canyon

The first part of the Chernorechensky Canyon will go through the forest, which is located between the mountains along the river bank. Then along the way you start to come across clamps. They appear in places where a river meets hard bank rocks such as granite or basalt, causing it to make a sharp turn called a “loop.”

You can walk along the logs laid along the shore, rather logs, half a foot wide, but quite strong, holding on to the rocks, or try to get around them, climbing along loose paths into the mountains. The difficulty of the hike lies in the fact that there is no path from above, and you have to wander, running into rocks or wander into the thicket of the forest, going down to the river.

Black River

Despite its name - Black - the river has an amazing color that changes depending on the light and depth of the water. It can be silver-turquoise, bright blue, any shades of green, but not black. They say that it got its name from the old name of the river - Cher-Su, which is translated from Turkic as “sorrowful water”. The water in the river is crystal clear and has an extraordinary taste.

Carrying its waters through the canyon in wide places where the mountains part before it, it is smooth and majestic. And when it is squeezed on both sides by granite rocks, it seethes and beats against them. The nature here is beautiful. In the canyon there are giant trees that strive upward, trying to reach the sun. It is especially good here in the spring, when nature blooms. The air is saturated with the smell of thyme and juniper.

Having reached two steep rocks, which seem to be trying to connect with each other, the water begins to boil and beat against them. Having climbed the mountain, you can go to a natural observation deck, from which you can see an indescribably beautiful view of the canyon. It's called "The Gate".

After this, you need to go up the slope a little and walk a couple of kilometers to the track. Along the way you will see an ancient tower from the 14th century. Chernorechensky remains behind. How to get to Sevastopol from the village of Chernorechensky? A bus departs from here to Balaklava. If you didn’t make it in time, you’ll have to walk a few more kilometers or catch a ride and get to the Yalta highway.

ABOUT Grand Canyon of Crimea (BKK) many people know - this is one of the main “business cards” of the peninsula - like, for example, Swallow’s Nest or Alupka Palace. If you are not a tourist, but you really want to see the BKK, buy an excursion that includes visiting it - you won’t go through the entire canyon, although its length is only 3 km, but up to Baths of youth they will bring it. I’ll tell you about another Crimean canyon, in my opinion, no less impressive - Chernorechensky. Its length is 16 km. There are no official excursions there and cannot be - this is a water protection zone. A river flows along the bottom of the canyon Black, supplying water to Sevastopol. On the side of the Baydarskaya valley there is a water control post prohibiting entry into the canyon ( as far as I know, they only control the first two kilometers) , and there are also foresters who do not allow overnight stays, since the entire adjacent territory is a landscape reserve. But, nevertheless, there are people in the canyon, as well as tents. Taking into account the length of the route and the complexity of the terrain, it is generally accepted that it makes sense to enter the Chernorechensky Canyon only with a backpack and a mandatory overnight stay. We completed it in one day, leaving Sevastopol and returning there. Running over rough terrain for such a distance and still catching the bus is not an easy task, but it is quite possible.

About the Black River and the canyon

Chernaya is the second most full-flowing Crimean river after Belbek (1.94 m3/s versus 2.75 m3/s). Its length is 41 km. It begins in the Baydar Valley: the small river Uzundzha, reinforced by streams and springs, crosses the valley and leaves it with a new name - Chorgun (Black). A dam was built closer to the exit. Now the Uzundzha and all its other tributaries flow into the resulting reservoir, and one river, the Chernaya, the former Chorgun, flows out. Almost immediately, with its current, the Chernaya runs into Mount Kizil-Kaya and then makes its way through the rock massif, in which over many centuries it has carved a deep gorge.

It is more fair to call 16 km of the canyon a gorge, but 12 km of them are a real canyon: the flow of water rushes in a winding gorge formed on both sides by rocks several tens of meters high. Beyond the village of Chernorechye, the river enters the Inkerman Valley and flows to Inkerman, where it flows into the Sevastopol Bay of the Black Sea.

How to pass the canyon

If you go through the canyon, there are two ways:

1) along the river: from the Baydar Valley (from the road between the villages of Shirokoe and Peredovoye) to the village of Chernorechye (16 km);

2) against the flow of the river: from the village of Chernorechye towards Shirokoye and Peredovoye (the same 16 km, but vice versa).

Additional options for entering the canyon(in the middle reaches):

3) from the village of Rodnoe - 5 km to the canyon;

4) from Morozovka (Alsu) - 2 km to the canyon;

Since we were going to go all the way into the canyon, we chose between the first and second options. Arguments:

— the last regular bus to Sevastopol from Chernorechensky leaves one and a half hours later than from Shirokoye;

— it seems more natural to walk with the flow of the river.

Although the bulk of the people prefer to move upstream, coming from Chernorechye, Rodnoy and Morozovka. In the last two cases, the lower part of the route is lost, but everything interesting is still ahead. Why do they walk this way? They are afraid of the water inspector at the top, who lets them out but doesn’t let them in.

There are trails along the top of the canyon, which are interesting to walk if your goal is to admire the panoramic views. In order to see the power of the river and the grandeur of the canyon, you need to walk along the bottom. There will be such a problem - “clamps”. These are rocks that approach the water closely and vertically (and often convexly). You have to go around them on horseback or try to wade across the river and “seek your fortune” on the opposite side. The trail around the “pressures” on horseback often rises very high, there is a danger of going away from the canyon. For us, such wandering was unacceptable; the prospect of being stuck in a canyon or in the forest for the night without a tent did not suit us. We didn’t plan endless fords across the river either - spring was just beginning. This is possible if you stick to main lower trail : it goes along the left side of the river, then approximately in the middle it crosses to the right - the main thing is not to miss this transition. In general, the trails are visible on both sides of the river, and they are actively used.

Sevastopol. 5 km

From here there are buses to the surrounding villages. We need to go to the Baydar Valley, to the village of Shirokoe. In the Baydar Valley, the villages seem to be surrounded by a road, we need a bus “5 km - Peredovoe”. From the entrance to this so-called ring on the left (i.e. clockwise), the first village will be Shirokoe, but the bus can first turn right along the ring to the village of Orlinoe (the largest locality in the valley), then return back and head for Shirokoe. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a flight that goes to Peredovoe via Orlinoe, and not through Shirokoye (i.e. counterclockwise). Although that side is the direction “5 km - Rodnikovoe”. In general, you need to check at the ticket office for 5 km which bus will take you to the desired location.


In principle, in the village there is no need to get off the bus. You can ask the driver, and he will stop outside the village on the bridge over the Chernaya River. This is the beginning of the route, if there is no water protection post on patrol. Everyone says that in the morning, before the work day begins, you can slip through. We decided to check this version - in the morning at about eight we succeeded.

To avoid spoiling your mood for sure, you need to get off the bus in the right place - in Shirokoye. Then behind the village we move in the direction of small hills: the one that is closer is Smnalykh. We leave it as we go to the left, then soon we take a right and follow the paths down into the canyon - ideally we get to the Kizil-kaya rock, i.e. to the beginning of the canyon. Time: 40-50 minutes. From the bridge to this place along the river - 15 minutes.

Kizil-Kaya - Yatlauz stream - Small and Big Gates (first loop)

In this section the river is still flowing calmly, although fast. The color of the water is surprising - turquoise-emerald, which has nothing to do with the name of the river. The path, comfortable and wide, winds along the river bank. There is the same one on the opposite bank. A lot of good places for tents. Purely. Even if people spend the night, they understand that they are in a reserve, moreover, in its water protection zone. Next, rock formations appear, the canyon gains strength - its walls, narrowing, gradually rise upward. Here comes the first “pressure” - you have to go around it, climbing up the rocks, then go back down to the water.

The river either rumbles on the rifts and falls in numerous waterfalls, or forms branches with pretty islands and quiet backwaters. In summer it is good to swim here - the water in the river is warm. There are also trout, but you cannot catch them. They drink water from the river. At the beginning of the canyon, before the rock starts, there is a spring.

The river in the canyon makes two loops, turning almost 180 degrees. In this area there is first stitch– the trail goes up and down, there are no obviously dangerous sections, the views are mesmerizing. If you have a tent, there is no need to rush further - the “heart” of the canyon is here, up to the Gate. This is the name of the place where two rock strata almost close together, and water rushes into the gap between them.

Foaming, the streams squeeze between grandiose walls. The way up goes along a narrow cornice, but what beauty is revealed to the eye, your head is dizzy not so much from the height as from the smell of herbs and the spicy juniper aroma. Having climbed up, you should lie down and hang your head over the cliff: the violence of the water element is amazing! Then the path goes down to the water along the rustling scree of the slope. Here it is important not to get carried away by the contemplation of beauty and not to deviate to the left instead of looking for the channel. Therefore, you need to stay close to the river and prefer right turns at questionable forks. The path will soon lead to the water.

Attention! At this point you can interrupt the route - go on horseback and forward in the direction of the village of Morozovka.

Crossing from the left bank to the right. Right side. Second loop

It is important not to miss this place - then the left side becomes completely impassable for some time. A simple structure made of logs and branches serves as a bridge. The current is fast, but not deep. Then for about half an hour the path on the right bank goes along the river and looks harmless. We organized a halt at this place, admired the landscape of the very steep opposite bank, watched the rare tourists traversing its slopes at an angle of 45 degrees and higher - were they forced to end up there or weren’t they specifically looking for easy ways?

We don’t have to relax too much either - there is a difficult section of the road ahead - an extreme detour second loop. The “clamps” have to be carefully walked in places along the rocks with the risk of falling down into the water, then a section begins that is surmounted along half-foot improvised bridges-perches laid over the shore, the role of which is played by tree trunks laid one after another, including along sheer walls above deep water. Springing under the weight of the body, they are, oddly enough, durable.

Road to Chernorechye

At 16-00 we left the main part of the canyon, having spent eight hours walking, without particularly rushing. At the exit there is a second small spring. Next we will have a pleasant walk along a wide path to Chernorechye. There are still rock climbs, but less often and they are nonsense compared to what has been overcome. Pay attention to the remains of the German bridge and the Partizanskaya glade opposite. From here to the right - to Rodnoe, to the left across the river - to Morozovka. We should go straight. The Chernaya River is becoming wider and calmer. The bluish-green water seems cloudy, but if you scoop up the water with your hand, it’s clear and transparent.

After 1.5 -2 hours we arrive in Chernorechye - a 14th century tower has been preserved here, we can see it. There is a bus stop here from which a bus departs to Balaklava. If you are unlucky with him, then you need another hour to cross the village and wait on the highway for a regular bus from Ternovka to Sevastopol or catch a ride. Transport will take us to the same place where we left, 5 km away. The journey is over. You experience pleasant fatigue from the fact that the route has been completed and envy of those lucky ones who stayed in the canyon for the night - you can’t enjoy that beauty on the go.


1. Go into the canyon, don't be afraid. You don’t want to cope with 16 km, you don’t want to jump on logs/perches over the water and climb rocks on the second loop, ride away from observation deck above By the gate to the side Morozovki (Alsu). Don't go down to the crossing. From there - onto the Yalta highway and by any bus to Sevastopol. Get your fill of picturesque views, swim in the river, extreme second loop and avoid the tedious exit through Chernorechye.

2. Is it worth entering from Rodny? It is no closer than from Chernorechye. In this case, a complete upward passage of the canyon is assumed. If you don’t plan an overnight stay, then only a well-trained man can manage to run and jump on the last bus - public transport, as you remember, in the Baydar Valley stops working earlier than in Chernorechye).

3. And if you come from Morozovka? I’ll say the same thing as in point 2, in this case the only plus is that it’s closer to the canyon from Morozovka than from Rodny. In our case, it’s better to go to Morozovka (i.e. without backpacks and a tent) - it’s not far from the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, buses run there until late.

One of the most picturesque and longest canyons in Crimea is located between the village of Chernorechye and the Baydar Valley near the cities of Sevastopol and Balaklava. It, of course, owes its name to the Chernaya River, which originates in the Baydar Valley and flows into the Black Sea. Despite its name, the river has a very pleasant emerald hue.

The Chernaya River is of great strategic importance - it is an important source of fresh water in the region. It is no coincidence that during the Crimean War the British tried to seize the mouth of the river in order to ensure fresh water their troops besieging Sevastopol.

The water element has both destructive and creative powers. Water is an excellent artist and sculptor, and the Chernorechensky Canyon is the result of her creation. When the limestone rock was eroded by the elements, high cliffs were obtained, comparable to the Daryal gorge of the Terek River. If you like nature, are not afraid of extreme sensations and strive for something unusual, then walking along one of the canyon routes is just what you need. You can do this on your own, since you can get into the canyon almost unhindered, but the path can be difficult and exhausting. Without good physical shape and endurance it is difficult to achieve. In addition, there are also dangerous areas, so perhaps the best option will participate in an excursion or a hike organized by professionals.

Routes along the Chernorechensky Canyon

The length of the canyon is about 16 km and you can get into it from several points. The most interesting and complete route runs from the village of Chernorechye to Mount Kizil-Kaya in the Baydar Valley; there are signs along the way. On the map of the Chernorechensky Canyon there are several intermediate points - the village of Rodnoe and the village of Morozovka, which can be used to get off the path in case of fatigue or other circumstances.

The most amazing and beautiful thing in the canyon is, of course, nature. Along the way, tourists encounter numerous waterfalls and lakes formed by the Chernaya River. They have a soft emerald color, the water in them is quite cool, but swimming is invigorating and refreshing in hot weather. The shade from numerous trees also creates comfortable conditions for hiking in the summer heat.

There are a lot of fish in the river, including trout. By the way, the river is very deep and overflows heavily in the spring, so it is better not to go to the canyon at this time of year. It is also dangerous to be here in wet, rainy weather.

Travelers will have to cross the river on footbridges and ford, and climb up stone ledges. To do this, you need comfortable clothes and waterproof shoes; just in case, you should take a first aid kit with you. You also need to take food for rest and drinking water. You can cover the path at a fast pace in one day, or choose a measured pace and complete unity with nature - with food by the fire and an overnight stay. In the second case, you will need additional camping equipment and warm clothes - after all, it is quite cool in the canyon at night and in the morning. You should also take enough food and water with you.

On this route you can see iconic sights - the Chorgun Tower, the Manstein Road, the monument to the partisans.

As is known, the territory of Crimea in different time belonged to the Greeks, Byzantium, and Ottoman Empire, and then Russia. The Chorgun Tower is the remains of the palace of a Turkish nobleman, which was allegedly built in the 15th-16th centuries during the time of the Crimean Khanate, dependent on the Ottoman Empire. During the Crimean War 1853-1856. the tower was used as a fort to defend the approaches to Sevastopol. It is now declared a monument federal significance and is a Turkish trace in the history of Crimea.

The Manstein Road is a narrow gravel embankment road between the village of Chernorechye and the village of Rodnoe. During the heroic 250-day defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942. German general Erich von Manstein transferred reinforcements along this road to capture the city.

Mount Kizil-Kaya or Red Rock is also a popular place among hiking enthusiasts. Mountain rivers and views from the mountain are amazing.

In addition to this path, there are also shorter routes that start from the villages of Rodnoe and Morozovka.

How to get to Chernorechensky Canyon

You can get to the village of Chernorechye or the village of Rodnoe (depending on the chosen route) from Sevastopol by bus No. 129 and minibus No. 40.

Whatever route you choose, you will still need to walk all the way to the canyon.

You can also get to the starting points of the routes from Sevastopol by car or taxi: Sevtaxi, Taxi Crimea and others.

You can get back from the village of Shirokoe, but you will need to walk to get there.

Chernorechensky Canyon: video

Chernorechensky Canyon is the longest canyon in Crimea. This is a deep and narrow gorge of the Chernaya River. The length of the canyon is 12 kilometers. The route starts from the Baydarskaya Valley and ends in the village of Chernorechye. During the rainy season, walking along the Chernorechensky Canyon is dangerous.

In 1947, the Chernorechensky Canyon was recognized as a natural monument. local significance. After 30 years it became a state reserve.

Judging by the name, the Black River should be black. However, it can be blue, green, jade, and turquoise. It is believed that she was named Chernaya after the annexation of Crimea to Russia in the 18th century. Before that it was called Chorgun. But the Russians found it difficult to pronounce this word, so they renamed it the Black River.

Routes of the Chernorechensky Canyon

A hike along the Chernorechensky Canyon of Crimea can be done in one or two days. In the second case, you should choose a convenient place to spend the night. If you go out on the route for one day, the walk will take at least 8 hours. The route is difficult, from the Baydarskaya valley to the exit to the village of Morozovka it goes either along the rocks or down by the river. Then it moves from the left bank to the right. You will have to wade across the Black River. The current is strong, so you need to walk carefully and with a stick as an additional support.

For those who want to look at the Chernorechensky Canyon, but are not ready for the difficulties, you can walk from the village of Chernorechye and get off in the village of Morozovka. It's an easy path along a dirt road next to a river.

How to get there

The most convenient way to get to the Chernorechensky Canyon in Crimea is by public transport from Sevastopol. From the stop “5 kilometer” there is a minibus going to the village of Ozernoye. You need to get off on the highway before the turn to the village so that you don’t have to return. Walking route starts in front of the bridge over the Chernaya River. First it goes along the left bank, then along the right. It ends in Chernorechye, from where you can get to Sevastopol or Balaklava.

On the rocks mountain Crimea There are many hiking trails. And it is not surprising - those vacationers whose strength, health and tastes allow them to endure significant physical activity and do without the “benefits of civilization” for some time, are in a hurry to get acquainted with the unique natural corners of the peninsula. The canyons of the Crimean rivers are of considerable interest. The most famous of them is, but the longest is the Chernorechensky Canyon. The route laid along its bottom and banks allows you to enjoy unusual views and at the same time “test the strength” of yourself.

Where is Chernorechensky in Crimea?

Of the large ones, the closest to the attraction is. The gorge runs along the valley of the Black River from the village. Shirokoe (there is another reminder nearby -) to the village. Chernorechye. Its length is more than 12 km.

Canyon on the map of Crimea

History of origin: through the labors of water

In Crimea, the Chernorechensky Canyon arose due to the erosion of soft limestone by waters. For a peninsula, this is a fairly full-flowing river, which is why the results of its “work” turned out to be so significant. During the rainy season, tourists are advised to refrain from visiting the monument, as a sharp rise in water levels can be dangerous.

The Chernorechensky canyon is the longest in the region. Since 1947 it has been a natural monument of local importance. In 1974, its territory and the adjacent rocks were declared a state reserve, so you can only move here along established routes, preferably accompanied by an experienced instructor.

Local legends: green or black?

Many tourists are surprised by the name of the river – Chernaya. It is very clean, and the water in it may seem completely transparent, blue, green, but not black. What is the secret of the appearance of such a name?

Local residents offer two options for the origin of the name. The first says that during the time of the Crimean Khanate the river was called Chorgun. The meaning of this word remains unknown. Afterwards, the Russian settlers changed the name, which was unusual for them, into a similar-sounding Russian one - Chernaya.

Fans of the second option invite the curious to look at the river early in the morning from the rocks. The sun does not hit the canyon everywhere and not immediately. In constant shade, the water really appears black from above.

Routes for visiting Chernorechensky

A simple description will not give the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the natural monument - it must be seen. However, people who are in poor health or afraid of heights may not be able to take such a walk.
Some agility and endurance are required to overcome this route. The Chernorechensky Canyon requires its guests to climb rocks and wade across the river or along very conventional footbridges.

The journey can be made both from Shirokoye and from Chernorechye. There is also a shortened version, starting near the village of Morozovka. But in all cases, experienced travelers and instructors calculate the speed of no more than 1 km per hour, since the trail is quite difficult.

The road runs along both natural and man-made trails. Part of it was built by the ancient Romans. The map calls another section of the path “Manstein’s road.” This Hitlerite commander tried to carry out outflanking maneuvers here during the siege of Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War. The Nazis also built a bridge across Chernaya, but it was blown up by Crimean partisans - today only its remains can be seen. A monument to partisans also stands here.

What else is interesting about the canyon?

At the entrance to the canyon near the village of Chernorechye, a fragment of the castle of a Turkish nobleman who lived here in the 16th-17th centuries has been preserved. It is an unusual 12-sided structure, the entrance to which was located on the third floor. At the village The wide beginning of the valley is marked by the Kizil-Kaya (Red) rock
– she really is that color

The complete passage of the Chernorechensky Canyon usually takes 2-3 days. Tourists have the opportunity to take breaks and stay overnight in places marked for this - this is both more convenient and safer for nature. Fatigue is well relieved by swimming in. Although the water is cool, there are quite a few deep coves along the riverbed that are convenient for swimming - they are called here “royal baths.” Master photographers take beautiful photos along the way, displaying the beauty of nature, and those who know how to work with their hands add wooden “totems” to their collection of local attractions.

The visit requires very comfortable, non-slip shoes. It is also necessary to have warm clothes, since at the bottom of the gorge the shadow lasts for a long time and draft winds blow, which is why it can be cool even in summer.

How to get to Chernorechensky?

The Chernorechensky Canyon is not a place that can be reached by car. The easiest way to get to it is from Sevastopol either to Shirokoye or to Chernorechye, where the corresponding minibuses go. You can also use the routes going to the Baydar Valley. But in all cases, you will still have to walk some distance to the entrance to the gorge.

By car from Sevastopol you can get to Chernorechye in the following way:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Chernorechye village, Balaklava district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44°32′11″N (44.5364), 33°41′11″E (33.686496).

For those who are ready to work their legs and back for the sake of learning new things, the Chernorechensky Canyon of Crimea will become an unforgettable experience. These places love the cheerful, strong and a little adventurous, willingly sharing their secrets with them! In conclusion, we offer a short video about this attraction. Enjoy watching!