Divine places. Israel, holy places of Christianity: overview, history and reviews. Caesarea National Park

Today we begin a series of stories about pilgrimage. And I will tell you about where you can go with our pilgrimage center, what extraordinary places to visit, what shrines to touch. Our journey today to the Holy Land.

When we hear the phrase “Holy Land,” first of all an Orthodox person imagines places associated with the earthly life of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother, the Most Pure Theotokos. The pilgrimage to the Holy Land is one of the most ancient and ongoing, despite any difficulties. Since the first centuries, people have been flocking here to see with their own eyes the places described in the GOSPEL, to walk with their own feet on the Earth on which the SAVIOR HIMSELF walked.

Until the mid-19th century, pilgrims reached the Holy Land alone or in small groups at their own risk, making their way mainly through Constantinople. Such a journey usually lasted about two years. It was associated with many hardships and dangers, insults and violence. Many of the pilgrims were unable to return to their homeland.

However, in the 19th century, the convenience and safety of communications led to a strong increase in pilgrimage to the Holy Land. An important role in this was played by the establishment in 1847 of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem and the creation in 1882 of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

In our time, interest in pilgrimage has increased again, especially since moving around the world has become much easier. Nowadays, pilgrims are transported to their destination by comfortable air transport within a 4-hour flight.

And we are pleased to offer you a pilgrimage program to the Holy Land lasting 4, 8, or 11 days to choose from. The trip program is designed so that you can visit the most especially significant places for an Orthodox Christian, pray at the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and partake of the HOLY MYSTERIES OF CHRIST.

The route includes the cities: Jerusalem - Bethlehem - Nazareth - Cana - Tabor - Jordan River.

The Holy Land today is the State of Israel. It was proclaimed on May 14, 1948. The political system is a parliamentary republic headed by a president who is elected by the Knesset (parliament). The capital of the State of Israel is the city of Jerusalem. Israel is a geographically compact country. On a geographical map it looks like a narrow strip on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, 450 km long and 135 km wide. It borders on Lebanon and Syria in the north, Jordan in the east, and Egypt in the south and southwest. The country's area is 21,596 sq. km. - slightly larger than the area of ​​our republic (for comparison, the area of ​​Chuv.Resp = 18343 sq. km.).

The population is about 7 million people. The official languages ​​are Hebrew and Arabic. But English is spoken almost everywhere, and you can also hear Russian everywhere - more than 1 million emigrants from the CIS countries at one time moved to Israel. Our country has a visa-free regime with Israel.

The pilgrimage begins from Jerusalem. You will visit a huge number of holy places associated with events from the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Most Pure Mother, and the acts of the apostles.

Beginning of the pilgrimage - Olivet(Mount of Olives), it offers a magnificent panorama of the Old City. Why “Olive” - because the slopes of this mountain in the time of Jesus Christ were covered entirely with olive orchards. There on the Mount of Olives is located place Ascension Gentlemen, where the imprint of the Lord’s foot at the moment of His Ascension was preserved on the stone. And at the very top of the mountain is SpasoVoznesensky Orthodox female a monastery that belongs to the Russian Spiritual Mission. The head of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem, Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin), is buried there, through the works and aspirations of whom the Russian Spiritual Mission in the Holy Land was created in the 19th century. The Chapel of the First and Second Finding of the Venerable Head of John the Baptist is also located here.

There is a place on the mountainside called “Dominus Flevit” - this is the place from which Jesus mourned Jerusalem, foreseeing the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and the coming disasters.

Another site of the Russian Spiritual Mission on the Mount of Olives - monastery St.. Maria Magdalene V Gethsemane. A beautiful place, a very beautiful temple. St. is buried there. relics of the Venerable Martyrs Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna and her cell attendant In. Barbarians. On its territory there are the Steps along which Jesus Christ walked during his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The stone on which the Mother of God dropped her belt to assure the Apostle Thomas.

Not far away, here on the slope of the Mount of Olives there is an Orthodox Church - the Tomb of the Mother of God. Nearby is the Garden of Gethsemane, in which Olives, the same age as Jesus Christ, grow and bear fruit. Temple of All Nations, the altar of which is the Stone of Prayer for the Chalice (here Christ prayed to God the Father for deliverance from suffering; the betrayal of Judas took place at this place).

Having descended from the mountain, we find ourselves at the gates of the Old City

The walking pilgrimage through the old city begins from the Lion Gate. Located nearby Bethesda- “The Sheep Pool”, in one of the porches of which the Savior healed the paralytic. Church Christmas Holy Mother of God(at this place, according to legend, stood the dwelling of the holy righteous Joachim and Anna - the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos).

Godfather path- the path along which the Savior walked to the place of His death on the Cross. It starts from Praetoria - there, at the time of Jesus Christ, there was a dungeon in which prisoners were kept before the trial of the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate. Pilgrims will walk this way, see and touch the stones that were touched by the hand of the Savior Himself. They will fall to the Threshold of the Gate of Judgment, through which He left the city on the way to Golgotha.

The main shrine for an Orthodox pilgrim in Jerusalem is the Temple Resurrection or Temple Coffin God's. It contains all the most sorrowful places of the last hours of the Savior’s earthly life. Holy Golgotha, where Christ was nailed to the Cross. Stone of Confirmation - where the body of the Lord, taken from the Cross, was anointed with oil and myrrh. Holy Edicule is the place of the Holy Sepulcher. The Angel's Chapel, where on the stone the Angel of the Lord met the Myrrh-Bearing Women after the Resurrection of the Lord. Rotunda of the Holy Sepulcher. Katholikon - Greek Cathedral Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Chapel of the Head of Adam. Chapel of St. John the Baptist. Chapel of St. Equal to the Apostles Queen Helena. Chapel of the Finding of the Lord's Cross. Cave of Finding. Chapel of St. Longinus Sotnik. Chapel of the Laying of the Crown of Thorns. Chapel of the Prison of the Lord's Bonds. Chapel of the Weeping Mother of God. They are witnesses of truly historical gospel events, and you can touch them with your own hands and approach them with prayer. “At the Holy Sepulcher, God hears you as if you were speaking into His ear...” is a favorite saying of Jerusalem guides.

In this place, the soul is filled with extraordinary trepidation, the feeling cannot be expressed in words. After a person has visited this temple, changes in everyone’s soul occur. Some people feel it immediately and clearly, others later, after comprehension, but grace visits everyone.

You will also visit Mount Zion, where you will see what the Zion Upper Room of the Last Supper was like; Tomb of King David. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected on the site of the house in which the Mother of God lived with the Apostle John during the last years of her earthly life. From the mountain there is a beautiful panorama of the Orthodox monastery of St. Onuphrius, which belongs to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, located in the valley of the sons of Hinnom (Gai ben Hinnom or Gehenom). Panorama of the Pool of Siloam - the place of anointing for the kingdom of the kings of Judah, the place of healing by Jesus Christ of a man born blind.

Isn’t it true – these are all familiar Gospel places and events!

The next most significant place in the Holy Land is Bethlehem, the city of the Birth of Jesus Christ. The altar of the Church of the Nativity of Christ is located above the cave in which our Savior was born; in this temple there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Jerusalem”. The only one in which the Mother of God smiles at us. Here is the Cave of the Bethlehem Infants with parts of their relics. You will also visit the Greek Cave Temple " Field shepherdesses", built on the spot where, on the night of the Nativity of Christ, Angels appeared to three shepherds, announcing the birth of the Savior to the world. Tomb of St. Shepherds - witnesses of the Nativity of Christ. They will also show you the Field of Bethlehem, where the biblical meeting of Ruth and Boaz took place. Here King David the Psalmist spent his childhood and youth, and he was anointed as king by the prophet Samuel.

An unforgettable trip to Lavra prp. Savva Sanctified- the founder of Palestinian monasticism - this is the only monastery in the Hermitage of the Holy City, which preserves the ancient monastic charter bequeathed by the founder.

More you will visit Monastery prp. Feodosia Great, built on the site of a cave in which the Magi stayed after worshiping the Infant Christ.

The next city on the pilgrimage route is Hebron- the oldest city of the forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the capital of the kingdom of David. It's still growing there Oak Mamvrian, under the shadow of which Abraham received the Holy Trinity. This place is now located Monastery Holy Trinity— Section of the Russian Spiritual Mission.

In the city Bethany there is a Greek Orthodox church on the site of the house of Martha and Mary. On the territory of the church there is a stone on which the Savior sat. There, in this town is located tomb St.. rights. Lazarus Four-day.

Jericho- the most ancient city in the world. There, in the Greek monastery of the Prophet Elisha, there is the Tree of Zacchaeus, on which the tax collector sat in the hope of seeing the Savior. Quarantal - Mountain Forty days Temptations and the Forty Days Monastery - here the Lord fasted for forty days and was tempted. To get to the monastery, you have to walk up the mountain. Quite steep and high. And the monastery itself from below looks as if glued to the rock.

Then on the pilgrims' path lies Monastery prp. Gerasima Jordanian in the Jordan Valley. It's on the way to Place Baptism on the river Jordan(Vifavar). The biblical name of the place is Beit Ma'avar. Every year on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, the water in the Jordan begins to boil and the river turns back its flow to the jubilant exclamations of those gathered.

And it was here that three and a half thousand years ago the people of Israel, led by Joshua, forded the Jordan River when they finally entered the Promised Land after Forty Years of wandering in the desert.

Then there will be trips to other cities connected with the life of our Savior, the Mother of God, the Apostles and other holy ascetics: Lydda - the temple and tomb of St. Vmch. St. George the Victorious Orthodox Christians all over the world love to get married in the Church of St. George the Victorious and believe that a marriage concluded here will be happy; Jaffa - RDM courtyard, tomb of St. right Tabitha; Holy Mount Tabor - Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Every year on the Feast of the Transfiguration, at dawn, Mount Tabor is overshadowed by a wonderful cloud of light as a sign of God’s special mercy.; Nazareth - Church of St. Archangel Gabriel over the source of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Capernaum you will be treated to Peter's fish; Cannae is the city of the Savior’s first miracle at the wedding feast; Tiberias; Magdala - the metochion of the RDM - the place of the healing of Mary Magdalene by the Lord, the Holy Spring, where the Lord cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene and many, many other holy places. Unfortunately, the time allotted for our program cannot accommodate a story about all the wonderful places on the route, but believe me, everywhere you feel an extraordinary delight of the soul and a feeling of immersing yourself in that era. You begin to understand the Truth of the Gospel.

During the trip, pilgrims will fully enjoy the nature of these wonderful places. You will feel a “different flow of time” and see a “different” sky above your head. I am now telling you about the Holy Land and reliving the delight that I experienced there.

It is difficult to describe the feelings that accompany a pilgrim on a trip - you just have to experience and see it. Diversity of nature, mountains, the Sea of ​​Galilee, olive trees, palm trees, stone desert... You can’t leave the feeling that you are Where You Should Be, in the middle of Real History.

If you have the opportunity, do not put off this trip, because the grace that you will feel inside and preserve is incomparably greater than the “joy” of being in a hotel in Turkey or Egypt and lazy swimming in the pool! The feeling of the presence of Real Miracle and Fullness will accompany you, not only until you leave these places, but also for a very long time afterwards. Every Orthodox Christian should visit these HOLY PLACES at least once in his life!!!

Kolesnikova Nadezhda Yurievna

Assistant to the head of the Pilgrimage Center of the Chuvash Metropolis

On the eve of the big holidays and a new intensive season of work, we decided to publish a list of sacred places on the planet, by going to which you can replenish your vital energy reserves and relax your soul

Unknown and inexplicable places and phenomena exist on the planet, regardless of whether we believe in them or not, one of such phenomena is the so-called places of power. Places of power are territories of the Earth with special energy, which, moreover, are capable of changing the energy of those who are in them. It is believed that relaxation in such places contributes to the harmonization of life and a significant improvement in health, helps to develop spiritually and materially, and also expands the boundaries of worldview and reveals superpowers. Here is a selection of the most famous places of power on the planet, to which millions of pilgrims flock to rest their souls.

This is probably the most famous and powerful place of power of all existing ones; it is believed that its influence extends to the entire Planet. In addition to their location, the pyramids are unique in that they are oriented exactly to the cardinal points. Even scientists no longer try to dispute the healing power of the Egyptian pyramids.

Kailash, Tibet

Mount Kailash is one of the most revered places for followers of four religions: Buddhists, Hindus, Jains and representatives of the ancient Tibetan religion Bon. An important ritual of all these three religions is to perform a ritual circumambulation around this place of power. But it is worth considering that this unique place has a very obstinate character, and not everyone is allowed in: the mountain can test your strength with rockfalls and torrential rains.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is a legendary ancient Inca city known as the “lost city”. This mythical city is considered one of the most energetically powerful places on our planet. In Machu Picchu, every pebble of ancient ruins has absorbed centuries-old energy and the ancient culture of the civilization of the indigenous peoples of America. To this day, the city carefully preserves many secrets and mysteries of history.

Shasta, USA

Mount Shasta is one of the powerful energy objects that has long attracted seekers of truth and spiritual enlightenment from all over the world. At the foot of this place of power, a real commune has already formed. The former Shasta Volcano rises like a white jewel. Among pilgrims, there are legends about the mysterious inhabitants of the mountain, whom the locals call Lemurians. They are said to have immunity to all diseases, sacred knowledge about the secrets of the universe, and, of course, material and spiritual abundance. And Mount Shasta gives them all this.

Arunachala, India

Mount Arunachala is a recognized place of power, where many travelers from all over the world make a pilgrimage in order to feel the presence of divine energy and renew themselves spiritually and physically. Pilgrims are also drawn here by the endless search for hidden knowledge about the world around them and about their own existence. Local residents believe that Mount Arunachala is the embodiment of the god Shiva, and that touching this sacred mountain, and even just being close to it, can give those suffering endless nirvana - liberation from earthly suffering and the endless cycle of rebirth.

Stonehenge, UK

The name of the oldest mystery in the history of Stonehenge can be translated as “hanging” or “dancing stones”. This is a stone megalithic structure located in the southwest of England. This place of power got its name thanks to the ancient legends of the Druids, who believed that the stones of Stonehenge sometimes dance at night and sometimes even go down to the river to drink. And residents of the surrounding villages claim that at night, over the monoliths of ancient stones, you can see mysterious will-o-the-wisps.

Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been obsessed with the desire to understand what is above them. People believed in different gods and life after death, followed one or another tradition. With the rise of civilization, religion has become a major motivating factor for humanity - both good and bad. To pay tribute to God, people created simply amazing places of worship.

Since the birth of the first religions, nothing has changed fundamentally. Religious religious buildings are not just buildings, but original houses of gods and goddesses. So they just have to be great! Thanks to the need to glorify the gods, tourists have been given the opportunity to visit the most beautiful and inspiring places around the world.

When it comes to constructing religious buildings, the Catholic Church is the real expert. The architecture of cathedrals has changed a bit in recent years, but the only thing that has remained the same over the centuries is that they were built purely for inspiration. Most Catholic cathedrals are very tall, pointing upward towards God.

One of the most famous cathedrals is, of course, Notre Dame. This is an early example of French Gothic architecture. Rejecting the simpler style of Romanesque cathedrals, Notre Dame features flying buttresses, beautiful stained glass windows, skyward spiers, and impressive sculptures. It took 200 years to complete the construction of the cathedral.

Baha'i is a little-known religion, although one of the fastest growing in the world with more than five million adherents. Due to their lack of worldwide fame, Baha'i religious buildings are often forgotten. But this is a huge mistake, because the places of worship dedicated to her impress with their solemnity and grandeur.

Baha'i religious sites can be found throughout the world. However, the two largest shrines are located in the northern part of Israel. Both the Temple of Bahá'u'lláh and the Temple of the Báb are the resting places of the remains of the early founders of the religion. There is a garden around the tomb of Bahá'u'lláh, forming a circle around the mansion. It was in this place, according to believers, that the saint stayed in the last years of his life. Israel's third largest city, Haifa, is home to the enormous domed Shrine of the Bab. Around it there are nineteen terraces with gardens stretching along the mountainside and reminiscent of the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Built in the 17th century, Harmandir Sahib is the center of worship for all people professing the Sikh faith. Their fifth guru and religious leader built the temple as a place of spirituality for all monotheistic religions. As a sign of welcome to any person, the doors are open to all four cardinal directions. In the nineteenth century, the upper part of the temple was covered with gold, making the temple even more solemn, and giving it the nickname “Golden Temple”. Those who visit it will be able to see the Guru Sahib, the holy text of Sikhism.

One of the first religious sites known to mankind is Stonehenge, a mystical place surrounded by mystery. Scientists suggest that it may have been built 4-5 thousand years ago. Huge stones, installed according to some principle in the shape of a ring, simply amaze the world. Without modern technology and machines, moving and installing such huge boulders from the point of view of a modern person seems almost impossible. Today there are a huge number of assumptions regarding who, how, when and most importantly why Stonehenge was built. After ancient burials were found in this place, the idea of ​​Stonehenge religiosity found even more fans. Although the cultic meaning of the site was lost due to the spread of Christianity in England, the revival of pagan and Druid beliefs restores the religious significance and sanctity of the site.

In the sixth century, Hagia Sophia, the seat of power of the Eastern Orthodox Church, was built in Constantinople, the former capital of Byzantium. For almost a thousand years it was the largest cathedral in the world. Unfortunately for the church and especially for the Byzantine Empire, in the 15th century Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks. The city became Turkish and was renamed Istanbul, and the cathedral was turned into a mosque. Later, four minarets were added, which today form an integral part of the structure of the building. And only in 1935 a secular museum was opened here.

The most widespread religion in the world, with more than 2 billion people professing it, is Christianity. Approximately half of all Christians are Catholics. For many years the Catholic Church had great power. In the past it was one of the most powerful organizations in Europe, and although it has subsequently lost much of its control, it still retains an important place on the world stage.

In the center of the Italian capital of Rome is the independent city-state of Vatican City. It is the center of power of the Catholic Church, the home of the Pope and a simply stunning historical monument. It is impossible to choose just one place that is worth seeing in the Vatican, because both the Apostolic Palace and the house of the Pope, built in the sixteenth century, are located here. It is here that you can see the famous Sistine Chapel with frescoes created by the famous artist Michelangelo. It is also home to one of the holiest places for Christians - St. Peter's Basilica, the burial place of the first Pope, St. Peter.

On the banks of the Nerenyana River lies Bodh Gaya, the home of an ancient tree known as the Mahabodhi Tree, as well as the Mahabodhi Temple. It was under the ancestor of this tree that Gautama Siddhartha sat and meditated until he achieved enlightenment, becoming the Buddha. Of the four Buddhist pilgrimage sites, Bodh Gaya is the holiest. According to Buddhist teachings, Bodh Gaya is the holiest place on Earth and is considered the navel of the world. When visiting Bodh Gaya, you can also see the amazing Mahabodhi Pyramid, covered with gold.

Built on the banks of the Ganges River, Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in the world. For Hindus and Jains it is sacred. The spiritual capital of India is considered the city of the main Hindu deity, Shiva. The settlement is also closely connected with Buddhism, as it was here that Buddha preached his first sermon.

Buddha is not the only famous person associated with the city, as many great spiritual leaders lived in Varanasi and important sacred texts were written here. This is a city of temples. Here, visitors can visit Kashi Vishwanath, the famous temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, as well as Vishalakshi, the temple of the main female deity of Hinduism. The Ganges River, on which the city is built, is itself a sacred place for the god Ganges. However, despite such popularity, you cannot swim in the river, because it is one of the dirtiest in the world.

Each year, Muslims around the world gather in the holy city of Mecca for a religious pilgrimage known as the Hajj, in honor of Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, and the Muslim prophet, Muhammad. At the end of the journey, the pilgrims arrive at the holy city, a place where they all offer prayer. The main attribute of Mecca is the Kaaba - a cube-shaped building, the Islamic mosque Al-Masjid al-Haram. Muslims believe that the Kaaba was built by Ibrahim (Abraham) as the first place of worship of Allah.

Many ancient maps show Jerusalem as the center of the world. From this we can judge how important the city was in those days. It is a holy place for the three major monotheistic religions of the world. It was there that Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac, Solomon built the Jewish Temple, Muhammad went to Mecca, and Jesus preached and was crucified.

Visitors to Jerusalem can see several holy sites. For Jews, this is the city of King David. They can visit the Western Wall, the ruins of Solomon's Temple, which the Romans destroyed two thousand years ago. At the city's highest point, you can see the Muslim Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, associated with the night of Muhammad's flight. Just a few blocks from these holy sites, Christian pilgrims can visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built on the site of Jesus' crucifixion. And in Israel there is an amazing woman who managed to raise

People have long traveled thousands of kilometers to imbue themselves with energy in the world-famous Places of Power. Mysterious objects are scattered all over the planet, and many legends and tales are associated with them. People strove to Places of Power in order to better understand the spiritual world, find harmony within themselves, increase extrasensory abilities, recover from illnesses, or see with their own eyes lands emitting magical vibrations. It is believed that certain territories are permeated with bioinformational channels through which communication with the Cosmos and the Higher Mind occurs, therefore wonderful zones are a place of pilgrimage not only for tourists, but also for healers, bioenergeticists and ufologists. We present to your attention a list of Places of Power located in different parts of the world.

When a tourist is going to travel to any country, it is useful for him to think about his travel plan in advance and choose those attractions...

1. Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge (“stone core”, according to another version - “gallows”) is located 130 km from London, in the county of Wiltshire. The oldest building is a megalithic structure, the age of which has not yet been determined and is estimated to be 3-8 thousand years. On the plain, stone blocks are installed in strict order, the weight of which varies from 5 to 50 tons. According to scientists, Stonehenge was used at various times as an observatory, a Druid cult menhir and a cemetery. Proponents of other theories claim that this Place of Power was a UFO landing site or a portal to another dimension.

2. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

They are also called the Great Pyramids - the only wonder of the world that has come down to us, the most famous Place of Power in Africa, presumably somehow connected with the constellation Orion. “Pyramid” from Greek is a polyhedron, this is how the pharaohs imagined their “homes after life.” It still remains a mystery why the Egyptians gave the “burial chambers” this particular shape. The archaeological complex is located 8 km from Giza and 25 km from Cairo in the middle of the desert and consists of three monuments created for the pharaohs Cheops, Menkaure and Khafre. To this day, there is debate about what technology was used during construction, but no one doubts that the Great Pyramids are an eternal mystery, shrouded in countless the most fantastic assumptions.

3. Himalayas, Tibet

The Himalayas (translated from Sanskrit as “abode of snow”) are the highest mountain range on Earth, so it is not surprising that there are many Places of Power along a length of 2.5 thousand km. The Himalayas are called the abode of the gods; sages, monks and priests came here to end their earthly lives. The snow-capped peaks attract and fascinate, it is impossible to take your eyes off them. Buddhists and Hindus consider the Himalayas to be a holy place created for meditation and purification of karma.

4. Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island (in the local language - Rapa Nui) is located in the Pacific Ocean and is famous for its 20-meter stone statues (moai), hewn from compressed volcanic ash. According to the legends of the aborigines, each idol contains a powerful force, which was placed inside the idols by the ancestors of the first king of the island. Legends say that the giants were made in quarries in the center of the island and from there they themselves “walked” to their location. Isotericists consider the “Island of Mysteries” to be the remnant of the lost Atlantis, and Helena Blavatsky wrote that representatives of a race unknown to us once lived here, perhaps they were Atlanteans or Lemurians.

5. Shasta Stratovolcano, USA

The very name of the mountain “Mount Shasta” is extremely surprising, because in English the toponym has no reflection and is not translated in any way. According to one version, “Shasta” is an echo of the word “happiness”, which was given to the volcano by immigrants from Russia. Today the mountain is the most popular Place of Power in the United States; hundreds of fans of spiritualism, occultism and other extraordinary teachings come to these parts every year. The Indians considered Shasta the center of the universe; bioenergeticists consider the peak as a point of concentration of extraordinary cosmic power, a source of magic crystals and a portal leading to the fifth dimension.

6. Mount Pidan, Russia

The stones of Mount Pidan, located in the Primorsky Territory, are the center of attraction for everyone who considers it their duty to take the path of self-improvement and deep knowledge of the origins of the universe. On the maps, the Place of Power is designated as the Livadia Hill, on which various anomalous phenomena have been noticed since ancient times, and the priests were the only ones who were allowed to climb the mountain to communicate with the “flying” people. Researchers call Pedan a gateway to a parallel world, and local residents claim that there have been cases of strange deaths of pilgrims from sudden cardiac arrest at the top.

7. Mount Brocken, Germany

The relief of the northern part of the country is represented by the picturesque Harz mountain range, the beauty of which was sung by many German poets in their works. The highest peak of the Harz, Mount Brocken (1141 m), is known as a place where witches and sorcerers gather. Local residents claim that many centuries ago, a Sabbath of evil spirits was held annually on Walpurgis Night, and the entire mountain was given over to the dead, warlocks and demons who flew here on brooms, goats and pigs. Today there is a hotel on the mountain, the rooms of which are never empty thanks to hundreds of curious people who come here in the hope of coming into contact with the other world.

8. Fortingall Yew, Scotland

Fortingall Yew grows in the Perthshire area and is the oldest tree in Europe, and many believe the world. The yew is supposedly 5000 years old, its trunk girth is 18 meters. In Scotland, the tree is considered sacred and one of the local legends says that under its crown, on the advice of the Druids, Pontius Pilate sat to gain power over the world.

Krasnodar region is the southernmost and most visited region of Russia. It includes Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse. It's not just the sea and sun that attracts people...

9. Merlin Stones, France

Mysterious stones are located near the village of Carnac in France. Megaliths are not as famous as Stonehenge, although they surpass it in number. The complex includes dolmens, mounds and menhir pillars, of which there are about 3,000. The stone rows stretch for 3 km and represent entire alleys. At all times, this area was densely populated, so many of the exhibits were poorly preserved. Celtic symbols and Roman images of deities are clearly visible on the surface of some slabs. According to legend, the stones are the enemies of King Arthur enchanted by the wizard Merlin.

10. Vysehrad, Czech Republic

The history of the Czech Republic as a country originates from this city; the first dynasty of the Přemyslid kings ruled from here. Vyšehrad is a Place of Power where two worlds meet - the heavenly and the earthly. This land is known for its significant prophecies and visions concerning the destinies of the great ones of this world. The Peter and Paul Church houses the coffin with the body of Longinus, the centurion who ended the suffering of Jesus Christ by plunging a spear into him. Under the city there are casemates that attract tourists with their secrets and ghosts. Many men and women from noble Czech families are buried in the Slavin tomb. From a beautiful hill you can look at the Vltava in the place where a prophecy was made about the emergence of a new state on the world map - the Czech Republic.

11. Athos, Greece

Athos is the Holy Mountain, the Greek Place of Power, the stronghold of the Eastern Christian monastic order and the land where true spiritual values ​​are still alive. Athos is located in the east of the Chalkidiki peninsula, which is washed by the waters of the gentle Aegean Sea. Many myths are associated with the mountain, including about the greatest commander Alexander the Great. His goal was to carve his image from one of the rocks, while a river was supposed to flow from his right hand, and they planned to build a city near the stone commander’s left hand. The official church reports that the Mother of God Mary herself preached on Athos, taking the mountain under her protection.

12. Arunachala, India

Arunachala is a sacred hill for the people of India, located in the state of Tamil Nadu, one of the main places of pilgrimage for followers of Shaivism. Hindus call Arunachala the ocean of grace; according to legend, it was here that Shiva received a revelation of higher knowledge. The height was first mentioned in an ancient Indian treatise, where it is stated that the dispute between Brahma and Vishnu was stopped by Shiva, who became a pillar of light and turned into Arunachala. In mid-autumn, in memory of the feat, a festival of lights is held at the foot of the hill, and a huge bonfire is lit at the top.

13. Devich Gora, Ukraine

The Ukrainian Place of Power is located above the Dnieper River, in the historical region of the country - Tripoli. Devichya Gora is the highest point of the Obukhov region, the height above the Dnieper level is 55 m, above sea level - 186 m. The name of the magical land is associated with the worship of the cult of the woman-mother, so the ancient Slavs came here to give birth to children, it was believed that the child would be born healthy, and the mother will feel good. At the top of the mountain, archaeologists found burial grounds, temples, altars and a settlement. Historians associate the worship of the mountain with the visit of the Apostle Andrew here, and psychics believe that here one can be imbued with positive energy that can reveal their abilities to the fullest.

14. Ararat

Ararat (in Armenian - Masis), contrary to popular belief, is located in Turkey. The sacred peak is part of the Armenian highlands and is considered the refuge of the Ark. The name comes from the ancient Serian word “Urartu.” The peoples of the Caucasus considered the mountain holy, so climbing it was condemned as an ungodly sacrilege. For Armenians, Ararat is a sacred mountain, its images are present on the country’s coat of arms, because according to their ideas, all of them are descendants of the righteous Noah.

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Israel or the Holy Land is one of the world's cradles of civilization, offering its guests an abundance of historical attractions along with modern, active life and modernized technology. There is something for everyone here.

Israeli history is thousands of years, places, events and legends: you can study for years. We present to you a list that you can easily visit during one standard vacation. Find out what you must do in a country where they ride with guns on the bus, harvest two fruit crops a year in the desert and know how to have fun like nowhere else in the Middle East.

Jerusalem, Old City

“I want to finish the quarter without C grades”, “I wish my mother to get well”, “I dream of meeting love this year”, “Let there be no war” - in the notes that are put into the cracks of the Western Wall, they ask for different things. Even on the stones of the Kotel (as the Western Wall is called in Hebrew), the names of the sick were previously engraved in the hope of help from above. Faith in miracles still brings people here from all over the world. To get to the heart of the matter, take a guided descent into the underground tunnels of the Western Wall, where the spirit of the Holy of Holies of the Temple of Jerusalem can be felt. The Temple Mount is also a sacred place for Muslims. Here the golden Dome of the Rock sparkles and the first qibla in Islam rises - Al-Aqsa, comparable in importance to the shrines of Mecca and Medina. Finally, Jerusalem is revered as the cradle of the Christian faith. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher stands here, and for two thousand years pilgrims from all over the world have come to worship the site of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.

Garden of Gethsemane

In a small garden in the Kidron Valley, it gives you goosebumps even in hot weather. Just imagine: standing at the Church of All Nations in the very place where Jesus prayed on the night of his arrest, near olive trees that are more than 2000 years old! There are many other monuments on the Mount of Olives dedicated to evangelical events. At its foot are the Tomb of the Virgin Mary with a cave church and the Gethsemane Grotto, where drops of Christ’s bloody sweat melted the stone. Climb a little higher up the mountain to admire the Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene with icons and paintings by Vasily Vereshchagin and Sergei Ivanov.

Israel Museum

More than 500,000 exhibits! The Israel Museum in Jerusalem is famous for its huge collection of archaeological finds, objects of Jewish studies and ethnography, as well as masterpieces of Jewish and world art. There is everything here - from the Billy Rose Art Garden with sculptures by Rodin and Picasso to the Dead Sea Scrolls (aka the Qumran manuscripts with the oldest biblical texts that have come down to us) and the Model of the Second Temple, in which Jerusalem appears as it was in 66 BC ad.

Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem

The National Memorial of Holocaust and Heroism on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem is the largest Holocaust museum in the world. Be prepared for a deep emotional shock, without which it is impossible to understand Israel and realize the strength of the Jewish people, who truly know how to remember. Entrance to the memorial is free, only children under 10 years old are not allowed. However, some halls (for example, the heartbreaking “Children’s Memorial”) should not be visited by impressionable adults; it’s better to just watch “Schindler’s List.”

Tel Aviv-Jaffa

The most eclectic of Israeli cities, Tel Aviv proudly bears the title of “capital of Mediterranean delights,” which The New York Times awarded it a few years ago. Whatever attracts you - the secrets of ancient Jaffa or social gossip, museum treasures or luxurious beach holidays, evenings at the Opera House or nights in secret bars - you will not leave here disappointed.

Caesarea National Park

On the Mediterranean coast, 45 km north of Tel Aviv, lies the Caesarea National Park. A beautiful city with a majestic fortress was built under King Herod in the 4th century BC; later the residence of Pontius Pilate was located here. And now it is not difficult to imagine what ancient Caesarea looked like: you will see a Roman amphitheater where concerts are held, the ruins of the Palace on the Reef, a hippodrome and aqueduct of the 2nd century, baths and statues of the Byzantine period and the remains of a crusader city of the 12th-13th centuries. Excavations are still underway, so it is likely that Caesarea still has something to tell. There is also one of the best beaches in Israel - Caesarea Aqueduct Beach: God himself ordered to take a couple of breathtaking photos at sunset.

Bahai Gardens in Haifa

A worthy contender for the title of the eighth wonder of the world is the Hanging Gardens in Haifa, a place of pilgrimage for followers of Baha'ism. 19 green terraces “flow” from the Temple of the Báb along the slope of Carmel to the Mediterranean Sea, and the staircase in the center is the “Way of the Kings”. Baha'is believe that one day the rulers of all world powers will ascend it to the temple and conclude eternal peace. Until that happens, do your part to maintain harmony: eating, drinking and making noise is prohibited within the UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can enter the Bahai Gardens freely, just dress modestly, but the entrance to the Tomb of the Bab is open only to pilgrims.

Druze villages

The sacred texts and rituals of the Druze community are a closely guarded secret. We only know that they speak Arabic, believe in the transmigration of souls, wear unusual pants and, despite their secret ideology, are friendly with guests. About 120 thousand Druze now live in Israel, many in the Golan Heights. And the largest Druze village, Daliyat el-Carmel, is located in the heart of Mount Carmel National Park in the southeast of Haifa. What you must do here is to stop by the colorful oriental bazaar in the center and try the famous Druze pita with goat cheese and za’atar spice.


Here are the birthplace of Jesus - Nazareth, the biblical Lake Kinneret (Sea of ​​Galilee, or Lake Tiberias) and two of the four holy cities - Tiberias and Safed (the others are Jerusalem and Hebron). You can make sure that the description “a land flowing with milk and honey” is true in Galilee even today. Try flavorful cheeses or natural yogurt at the ALTO dairy farm on Kibbutz Shomrat, learn to bake honey cakes at the Ophir Alon family apiary, and reward yourself with a glass of wine where Jesus Christ extracted it from the water.

Dead Sea

Where can you read a book while lying on the waves, like on a sofa? How about wallowing in the mud with all your heart, so that you can also be praised for your healthy lifestyle? The Dead Sea is a case where it is so easy to combine business with pleasure. The main resort here is Ein Bokek, nearby are the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, Masada Fortress, Mount Sodom and Qumran National Park, where you can have an interesting time if you get bored with sun and mud baths. And hurry: every year the Dead Sea becomes shallower by a meter.

Masada Fortress

The history of the courage and love of freedom of the Jewish people is connected with the ancient fortress on the top of a 500-meter cliff in the lifeless Judean Desert. In the 1st century AD, Masada, to which a narrow path that still survives led, was the last stronghold of the Jews who rebelled against the Romans. The rebels withstood a three-year siege, but when the enemy began to gain the upper hand and captivity could no longer be avoided, the defenders of the fortress chose death over slavery. Having stabbed his comrades to death to save them from humiliation, the last survivor set Masada on fire and committed suicide. The story of the heroism of the 960 besieged sounds incredibly realistic even today. Moreover, the historical scenery has been preserved - the three-tiered Northern Palace of Herod, a bathhouse with a mosaic floor and frescoes on the walls, rock reservoirs with water and a synagogue. Today, it is here that Israelis take the military oath: “Masada will not fall again!”

Makhtesh Ramon

What is it like to stand on the edge of the largest erosion crater in the world? Makhtesh Ramon is a geological phenomenon: meteorites and volcanoes have nothing to do with it, this alien basin arose about 200 million years ago due to winds and rains. Bare numbers: the length of the makhtesh in the Negev desert is 40 km, the width is 2–10 km, and the depth is 500 meters. It’s not for nothing that Ramon resembles an elongated heart: it will beat faster here! For a powerful experience, go to the town of Mitzpe Ramon, where there is a Visitors Center, an observation deck and an observatory. You can also drop by an alpaca farm - it is almost at the crater, notes Skyscanner.


A resort paradise for those who want to take a break from the religious and historical Israeli impressions. The sun in Eilat has received a permanent residence: the beach season on the Red Sea lasts all year round, even in winter the water maintains a temperature of +25 °C. Sunbathe, swim with dolphins, master surfing and diving, and be sure to check out the stunning underwater observatory - Eilat is great for recharging!

Mini Israel

If you’re desperately short on time, but want to see all the interesting things, we’ll give you a lifehack: go to Mini-Israel. The miniature park in the picturesque area of ​​Latrun, which is half an hour's drive from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, features almost 400 accurate models of Israeli landmarks on a scale of 1:25. The paths of the mini-state form a Star of David, and each of the six triangles symbolizes a city or region - Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Galilee, Negev and central Israel. The exhibition features 25,000 tiny inhabitants, 15,000 living bonsai trees and 4,700 cars. Everything here lives and breathes: at Teddy Stadium the fans make waves, the sounds of Isaac Stern’s violin echo through the Mishkenot She’ananim quarter, and when the sun sets over the Ayalon River valley, the lights come on in the small windows.