Artyom Kamenisty “Prisoners of foreign mountains. “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” Artem Kamenisty About the book “Prisoners of Other People’s Mountains” Artem Kamenisty

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Title: Captives of Alien Mountains

About the book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” Artem Kamenisty

Too often today you can hear that the end of the world will soon come or, God forbid, the Third will break out World War. Modern films heat things up even more, as does literature. But the good thing is that there are heroes everywhere who help all the survivors to escape, and, of course, there is always a happy ending, and everyone lives happily ever after.

The book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” by Artem Kamenisty is precisely about how people find themselves in terrible conditions, and they have to survive, fight for meager resources, fight with those who create even more evil on an already almost “dead” planet.

The book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” is an excellent modern fantasy about how to survive during the apocalypse. Everyone has plans for the future, we all strive for something, we hope for something, but in an instant it can all become nothing, something that is never destined to come true.

Many will die immediately, many will suffer for some time, and some will begin to fight for their lives and for the lives of those who are dear to them. It will be difficult for everyone, because cold, hunger, and lack of resources have never benefited anyone.

The book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” turned out to be very plausible, because, as you know, a person is able to adapt even to very bad conditions. This is revealed in the work. Yes, it will be difficult, unbearable, but in the end there is always a way out of any situation, there are always those who can support and help.

Artem Kamenisty created an amazing post-apocalyptic world with ruins, lack of oxygen, food, water. There are only a handful of people who begin their desperate struggle for life.

All the characters in the book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” by Artem Kamenisty turned out to be bright and memorable, exactly the kind that survive disasters. Their actions are also believable, and it seems that this is the only way to survive in such terrible conditions.

The book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains,” on the one hand, is similar to the previous works of Artem Kamenisty, but on the other hand, people who try to survive most often act in a certain way, so the heroes from different works of the author are somewhat similar to each other.

We recommend the book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” to all fans of fantasy, literature about the apocalypse and how to survive in a disaster. In this work, there is a hint of sympathy between the two main characters, but this storyline is never developed. Therefore, let's hope that Artem Kamenisty will write a continuation of this difficult but very fascinating story of survival.

Artem Kamenisty

Captives of foreign mountains

© Artem Kamenisty, 2015

© Artistic design, ALPHA-KNIGA Publishing House, 2015

* * *

Several thousand tons of cosmic matter fall onto the Earth's surface every year. The main part of it consists of particles of a millimeter or less; people, as a rule, do not notice them. Slightly larger “guests” can often be seen on clear nights; they are called meteors or “shooting stars”; they burn harmlessly in the dense layers of the atmosphere, pleasing the eye and allowing you to make wishes. Objects weighing a kilogram, and sometimes less, manage to travel a considerable distance before dying, briefly illuminating the skies with a bright flash. If they are of suitable size and collide with the planet on lateral or catch-up courses, they can even fall to the surface in a single piece or fragments. Such stones are called meteorites, they are willingly placed in museums and private collections, people make amulets from them, scientists learn new things about the solar system.

Occasionally, such “pebbles” intersect with the Earth that they are unlikely to be taken to replenish museum collections due to problems with transportation and placement. Hitting the upper layers of the atmosphere at speeds sometimes reaching tens of kilometers per second, they usually explode, falling apart, after which they can cause a meteor shower. But with a favorable structure and composition, there is a chance to reach the surface of the Earth, almost without losing mass, and leave behind a terrible wound - an astrobleme, or, more simply, a meteorite crater. The temperatures and pressures during the impact are such that for a brief moment conditions arise similar to those that reign at great depths in the bowels of the Earth. At the same time, the substance undergoes such serious changes that new minerals, atypical for surface processes, appear, up to and including diamond.

In addition to their gloomy, frightening beauty, ringed landforms often have strange properties. Various geophysical anomalies are observed on them, disruption of the operation of mechanical and electronic clocks; flying saucer hunters are happy to watch elusive aliens near the craters. Perhaps not all of their stories are the fruit of a fevered imagination, who knows what happens in the place where two cosmic objects collide. After all, even the most insignificant asteroid is a miniature universe; the very passage of time on it is somewhat different due to relativistic effects. It is difficult to say what the collision of two worlds could lead to, except, of course, the inevitable explosion, whose power may be sufficient to destroy a significant part of the earth's biosphere. Many eminent scientists are firmly convinced that some of the catastrophic extinctions of living organisms, which have happened more than once in the history of the Earth, occurred precisely due to the fault of overly well-fed space guests.

This asteroid was relatively small, even its enormous speed would not have allowed it to cause global destruction to the planet with catastrophic consequences for the animal and flora. But by a whim of celestial mechanics, its trajectory intersected with the surface of the Earth at a point long since chosen by people for their compact residence.

Astronomers and early warning systems for missile attacks did not notice this block: it appeared suddenly. The course was close to lateral, the space wanderer hit upper layers atmosphere at a speed of about twelve kilometers per second. Unfortunately, it did not consist of loose cometary material, but was an almost monolithic ingot of iron-nickel alloy; the collision with a dense gaseous environment did not destroy it; the surface simply instantly became white-hot from friction with the air. Cracks and weakened zones, which appeared as a result of a long-ago collision with the same space hulk, reacted poorly to wild loads: several fragments separated from the main body, lightening it by about twenty percent of its mass.

Almost without reducing its speed, the asteroid hit the center of an industrial metropolis. None of the townspeople who were nearby even had time to get scared, everything happened so quickly: in TNT equivalent, the force of the explosion was approximately eleven million tons. The atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima was almost a thousand times less powerful.

But the fall of the asteroid caused not only a monstrous explosion - the solid boundary began to shake, and a sealed door opened for a moment. A second later everything calmed down, but it was too late. The cataclysm turned the central part of the city into a smoking crater, killing many people. It was impossible to survive at the epicenter. The area where smaller debris fell a fraction of a second later was also heavily damaged. And there, too, people had to die, unlike the first ones who managed to see at least a flash.

All people.

Tens or even hundreds of thousands of people.

But, oddly enough, many survived, although the rescuers did not find any of the lucky ones.

Due to the nature of his activity, Dmitry Rogov had to communicate with a variety of people. He could conditionally divide all of them into two categories: those with whom it is easy to agree, and those with whom it is difficult or even impossible. And now I had to talk to someone who was difficult to attribute to any of the groups. Sociable and talkative to the highest degree, he could discuss a trivial issue for almost hours, constantly diverting the thread of dialogue anywhere, as long as away from the desired topic.

In the end, it was usually possible to reach an agreement, but at the cost of time and nerves.

“Rogov, you don’t understand,” the trumpet burst out quickly. – In a month we have to go with the finished material, but we don’t even have a concept. You understand?! Yes?!

Rogov was patient and answered calmly, without the strained notes that kept creeping into his interlocutor’s voice:

- Sorry, but I can’t help you: high art is not mine. I need…

An attempt for the fifteenth time to find out exactly when it would be possible to arrange a preliminary screening of the long-ordered worthless video was rudely stopped:

- Just understand, Rog: no one will postpone the festival. And Dolgaev has a film. Already finished film. Ready! Understand?! But we have nothing. Not a hint, not an idea, nothing. Deadlines, Horn, deadlines. We don't have time!

Rogov cut into the microscopic pause, continuing just as patiently:

- Well, since you don’t even have an idea for a masterpiece, you can direct all your energy to a boring routine. Including our order. Is not it?

– Forget about your order already, I’ll assemble it on my knee myself in the evening. But come into my position: all thoughts are now about one thing. You know Dolgaev, right? For us, this is just a knife in the back. What a cunning mug... He never lacks ideas. Do you know how he did advertising for the dolphinarium? They hadn't even opened yet, there was nothing to shoot, so he did it without the dolphins. Can you imagine advertising a dolphinarium without dolphins?! Can?! Nobody could have imagined it, but he did. Do you understand me now?!

To be honest, Rogov did not understand his interlocutor and did not want to understand. He wanted to know the fate of the order, and nothing more. It’s not his fault that he has to communicate with people who consider the meaning of their existence to be one thing: to drip on his brain, annoying him with talkativeness or, even worse, with personal petty, difficult-to-understand problems.

To be even more honest, Dmitry was becoming more and more convinced that he was not where he should be. This is not the place for him. And he doesn’t want to know these people.

But you have to...

Lenochka, understanding everything without words, emphatically tapped the mug with her nail. Rogov barely nodded in response, hoping for only one thing: that the coffee that she would prepare for herself and him would not have time to turn into cold slurry before the end of the conversation.

I wish this chatter would calm down faster...

-...I need an idea! At least something! My whole head is filled with just this! If we screw everything up now, all that’s left is to make cheap porn! This is it - this is the end! You can forget the word “creativity”! Well, don’t you understand?!

“I want to be in another place...” Rogov involuntarily burst out.

- What?! What are you talking about now?!

With a resigned sigh, Rogov, with an incredible effort of will, returned to the topic of discussion:

- Listen, I'll give you an idea, but my material should be out tomorrow.

– Did you say something about porn just now? So here it is: make porn.

- Are you kidding?! Do you think I'm funny now?!

Again a sigh and a patient explanation:

– You will make porn without actors. This will be conceptual.

- Without whom?! Dmitriy?..

– Why are you worse than this Dolgaev? He had a dolphinarium without dolphins, you have a film for adults without adults. No people at all. I guarantee: you will definitely be the very first in this. No one has thought of this yet. The idea is not taken. Not a hint of plagiarism. The monument is guaranteed during his lifetime.

Artem Kamenisty with the novel Alien Mountains Prisoners for download in fb2 format.

You live in a prosperous city, you have rich plans for tonight, and you also have a lot planned for the rest of your life. Forget it, the cosmos itself has intervened in your life, and now you have no future. More precisely, there is, but sad and, most likely, short. The most unlucky ones have only a few minutes, while the agony of others can drag on for days and months. The place where you have been brought is a perfect trap, where even a wild animal cannot survive. You can go all out, you can lose your human appearance, you can do whatever you want, but by doing this you will only gain a little more time. Or risk everything, give up on pathetic attempts to stretch out the time allotted to you, and try to find a way out.

If you liked the summary of the book Prisoners of Alien Mountains, then you can download it in fb2 format by clicking on the links below.

Today, a large amount of electronic literature is available on the Internet. The publication of Alien Mountains Captives is dated 2015, belongs to the Fantasy genre in the Fantastic Action series and is published by the Alpha Book publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet been published Russian market or did not appear in electronic format. Don’t be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but in the meantime you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free downloading in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-reader. Remember, if you really liked the novel, save it on your wall in social network, let your friends see it too!


Border River-05. Captives of foreign mountains (KaministyiArtyom)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Kamenisty Artyom
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Science Fiction, Action Fiction
Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Boris Avdeev
Duration: 11:56:53
Description: You live in a prosperous city, you have rich plans for tonight, and you also have a lot planned for the rest of your life. Forget it, the cosmos itself has intervened in your life, and now you have no future. More precisely, there is, but sad and most likely short. The most unlucky ones are given only a few minutes, while the agony of others can drag on for days and months. The place where you have been brought is a perfect trap where even a wild animal cannot survive. You can go all out, you can lose your human appearance, you can do whatever you want, but by doing this you will only gain a little more time.
Or risk everything, give up on pathetic attempts to stretch out the time allotted to you, and try to find a way out

The first three books are posted here:


Captives of Alien Mountains (Stony Artem)

Author: Kamenisty Artem
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Action fantasy
Cycle/series: Border River
Book number: 5
Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Boris Avdeev
Duration: 11:56:53
Description: You live in a prosperous city, you have rich plans for tonight, and you also have a lot planned for the rest of your life. Forget it, the cosmos itself has intervened in your life, and now you have no future. More precisely, there is, but sad and most likely short. The most unlucky ones are given only a few minutes, while the agony of others can drag on for days and months. The place where it took you...


Border River (Stone Artyom)

Author: Kamenisty Artyom
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre fiction
Publisher: Samopal
Performer: Ginatullin Rustam
Duration: 13:39:04

The choice is small: death at the hands of raiders or slavery in civilized lands. There will be no help, the way back is unknown, death watches at every step. It’s not for nothing that even cannibals are afraid to settle here - only the ruins of ancient cities...

but I

Border River. Cycle. (Artyom Kamenisty)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 32kbps
Author: Artyom Kamenisty
Year of release: 2015-2016
Genre: Fantasy, adventures
Publisher: Samopal, MediaKniga
,Boris Avdeev, Mikhail Roslyakov
Duration: 96:52:22
Description: This asteroid was relatively small, even its enormous speed would not have allowed it to cause global destruction to the planet. Astronomers did not notice this block; the uninvited guest appeared suddenly, without any warning, solar system is rich in such surprises. Almost without reducing its incredible speed, the asteroid hit the center of an industrial metropolis...


Border River 07: New Lands (Stony Artem)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 80 kbps
Author: Kamenisty Artem
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre fiction
Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Roslyakov Mikhail
Duration: 13:49:07
Description: They managed to survive and gain a foothold in a not-so-friendly place in the new world. They managed to provide themselves with a roof over their heads and food. Managed to save people in harsh winter. The only thing they failed to do was to continue to develop, strengthen their positions on already developed lands, and expand their territory. Alas, the place turned out to be much more unfriendly than initially thought, and the question of survival requires difficult answers. So give it all up...

but I

Border River (book 1 of 7) (Artyom Kamenisty)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Artyom Kamenisty
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Action fantasy
Publisher: IDDK
Performer: Vadim Pugachev
Duration: 11:26:33
Description: “The Border River” is a fantasy novel by Artem Kamenisty, the genre is combat fantasy. This world lives by its own harsh laws and does not greet guests very warmly. The deadly lands of Khaitana are separated from human territories by a river, thousands of confused aliens huddle along its banks.
The choice is small: death from the clutches of raiders or slavery of civilized lands. There will be no help, the way back is unknown, death is watching...


Border River (books 1-4 of 5) (Artyom Kamenisty)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Artyom Kamenisty
Year of release: 2015-2016
Genre fiction
Publisher: Samopal
Performer: Rustam Ginatullin
Duration: 59:03:17
Description: This world lives by its own harsh laws and does not greet guests very warmly. The deadly lands of Khaitana are separated from human territories by a river - thousands of confused aliens huddle along its banks.
The choice is small: death at the hands of raiders or slavery in civilized lands. There will be no help, the way back is unknown, death watches at every step. It’s not for nothing that even cannibals are afraid to settle here – only the ruins of an ancient...

but I

Border River: The Fourth Year (Book 3 of 7) (Stone Artem)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Kamenisty Artem
Year of manufacture: 2016

Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Stanislav Ivanov
Duration: 16:31:45
Description: It is not easy for a modern person to survive in the world of the Middle Ages. It is even more difficult if he is not in the calmest corner of this world. If you want to survive, remake this world to suit you. The task is impossible for an individual, but for an entire colony of earthlings nothing is impossible.

but I

Border River: Lands of Khaitana (book 2 of 7) (Artyom Kamenisty)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Artyom Kamenisty
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Action fantasy, adventure
Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Stanislav Ivanov
Duration: 15:06:57
Description: It’s easier to live alone - nature will easily feed you small settlement. But the disaster threw earthlings not into the best place: here the main enemy is not nature and a tiny army is not enough against it. Villages are burning, lines of prisoners are disappearing without a trace on the lands of Khaitana, the enemy fleet is showing all its might. The issue of unification becomes a matter of survival, but it is no easier to solve than to deal...


Border River: This is our home (4 book of 5) (Artyom Kamenisty)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Artyom Kamenisty
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Fantasy, adventures
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Rustam Ginatullin
Duration: 16:09:29
Description: This world lives by its own harsh laws and does not greet guests very warmly. The deadly lands of Khaitana are separated from human territories by a river - thousands of confused aliens huddle along its banks.
The choice is small: death at the hands of raiders or slavery in civilized lands. There will be no help, the way back is unknown, death watches at every step. It’s not for nothing that even cannies are afraid to settle here...

but I

Border River: This is our home (book 4 of 7) (Stone Artem)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Kamenisty Artem
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Action fantasy, adventure
Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Stanislav Ivanov
Duration: 17:33:05
Description: They were simply unlucky - their plane ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. There were many of them, but two years of brutal hard labor corrected this. When you have nothing left to lose, you stop being afraid. How will their escape end? A return to the hated pyramid with its nightmares? Or will their bones remain white in the steppe? Or maybe the bravest ones are right and you can really find other people here? These questions are for them...


The Border Trilogy (Cormack McCarthy)

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Cormac McCarthy
Year of manufacture: 2002 - 2013
Genre: Westerns. Adventures
Publisher: Various
Russian language
Number of books: 3 books
Description: The action of the novels in the trilogy takes place in the border areas of Mexico and the United States. Every time young Americans, cowboys by profession, go to Mexico in search of a better life, missing horses, a beloved girl. But Mexico is cruel, and there is a law there, the law of force. There are no other laws. Biography Cormac McCarthy (born July 20, 1933, Providence, Rhode Island, USA) is an American writer...


Governor of the Mountains (Khoruev Yu.V.)

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Quality: Scanned pages + recognized text layer
Author: Khoruev Yu.V.
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Journalism
Publisher: IPO SOIGSI (Vladikavkaz)
Russian language
Number of pages: 286
Description: This book is about the most famous abrek in the Caucasus, a Chechen from Kharachoy, who terrorized the entire local administration at the beginning of the 20th century. The civilian authorities, unable to cope with terrorist No. 1 alone, equipped an entire army of more than several thousand soldiers and Cossacks. To achieve the goal set by the Russian administration, this military armada needed as many as four...

but I

Treasure of the Blue Mountains (Salgari Emilio)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Author: Salgari Emilio
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Muzyr Lina
Duration: 09:13:45
Description: The action of the exciting novel by the wonderful author Emilio Salgari (1863-1911) takes place on the island of New Caledonia. Captain Fernando de Belgrano is shipwrecked off the coast of New Caledonia. He miraculously escapes, ends up among the savages and even becomes their leader. However, his days are numbered, and the last thing he can do for his children is to send them a letter and a map indicating where...

Add. information: Another story about Conan related to the classical saga, but not included in the first scroll.


Horsemen of the inaccessible mountains (Gaidar Arkady)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Gaidar Arkady
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Adventure story
Publisher: Radio Zvezda
Performer: Bespaliy Denis
Duration: 03:03:36
Description: Rarely published "exotic" story by Arkady Gaidar "Horsemen" inaccessible mountains" tells about the adventures of two friends and a girl Rita in Central Asia and in the Caucasus. The hanging was written in 1927, and according to the author himself, it is unsuccessful and he dislikes it for its artificiality.