Venice Airport Marco Polo. Tax-free in Venice in cash Tourist review of Venice How to get tax-free in Italy

This article answers the questions: What is Tax Free? How to get a Tax Free refund in Italy? What are the difficulties in obtaining Tax Free in Italy? etc.

What's happenedTaxFree Shopping

This is a form of tax benefit where the buyer, under certain conditions, can receive a refund of VAT on an imported product. IN Italy VAT is called Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto or IVA. Main VAT rate in Italy is 22% (since the summer of 2013, and before it was 20%).

Taxfree payment points at Malpensa airport

How can you get a VAT refund (Tax Free) in Italy?

All receiving options Tax free are divided into two types: independently directly from the seller or through intermediaries.

1. GetTaxFree You can do it yourself directly from the seller in two ways:

  1. After exporting the goods abroad (by sending an invoice by mail with a customs mark about the export).
  2. Immediately upon purchase (“goods cleared” of VAT).

The advantage of a direct VAT refund is that you will receive the full amount of VAT - 22%, i.e. you'll save a fifth of the cost of buying in Italy. The downside is that sellers rarely agree to take on extra headaches, which is why they enter into agreements with intermediary firms (see below). Exception: sellers of exclusive and very expensive goods. For example, sellers of fur coats and jewelry, when the return amount can reach several thousand euros from just one item.

2. Receive a Tax Free refund through one of three intermediary companies: Global Blue, Premier Tax Free or Tax Refund S.p.a.(depends on which of them the store has an agreement with) (see below).

The advantage is that you simplify the procedure for receiving money as much as possible (see below). The downside is that you only get about 11% of the purchase price, the rest is taken by the intermediary for his services.

Tax Free return systems introduced in Italy

  1. Global Blue ( It is an organization headquartered in Sweden, which has the largest number of VAT refund points around the world and with which stores cooperate the most. The most recognizable label.
  2. PremierTaxFree ( is the second largest organization established in Ireland, which provides tax free reimbursement services in many countries around the world.
  3. TaxRefundS.p.a. ( Italian company, least known.
  4. Innova taxfree ( Operates in 5 more countries.
  5. Taxfreeservice( An Italian company with head office in Milan, operating only in Italy.

The first three are preferable, because They have many VAT refund offices, including at Malpensa airport, through which most Russian tourists arrive.

Options for how to get TaxFree through intermediaries

You can receive a VAT refund (tax free refund) in one of the following ways:

1. Immediately in the city of Milan.

If the store is logged in GlobalBlue, then the refund can be obtained in the Rinascente shopping center itself (Piazza Duomo) on the 6th floor. Opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 09:30 to 21 hours. Sat: from 09:30 to 22 hours. Sun: from 10:00 to 21 hours. Maximum cash back - 999.50 Euro. U Premier Tax Free on via Montenapoleone, 21. Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 10.30 to 19, Sat from 13 to 19. TaxRefundS.p.a. office in Milan: CorsoV. Emanuele— Via Larga, 4 Mon-Fri from 9 to 5.

Important addition. Since 2015, Global Blue requires that if you receive money in the city, and not upon departure to the airport, you must give tax free invoices to the Global Blue point at the airport upon departure. So it turns out that you still have to stand in line. But the advantage of receiving tax free in Milan and not at the airport remains - you get the money earlier and can have time to spend it in Italy.

2.When crossing the border at the airport.

This is the most common way to return tax free. Items TaxRefund(at least for GlobalBlue) is available at all major airports. When receiving cash currency at points in the fall of 2014, they began to take a commission of 3 euros from each tax-free form. Important! Arrive at the airport EARLY (3 hours before departure), because... There are very long queues to get tax free.

3. Upon arrival home in Russia.

  1. Non-cash (on a credit card) by mailing checks and forms (with a customs stamp) in their company envelope, if you did not have time to send it at the airport in Italy.
  2. Cash (in Russian banks with which intermediaries have an agreement).

Here is a list of Russian banks located in Moscow, as of December 2018, where you can receive tax free refunds. (Only for GlobalBlu).

New Moscow Bank (branches)

  • Moscow, Myasnitsky Ave., 2/1, building 1.
  • Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 8, building 2
  • Moscow, Bolshoi Savvinsky lane, 2-4-6, building 10.


Moscow, st. Solyanka, 3, building 3.

Lanta-Bank (branches)

  • Moscow, st. Novokuznetskaya, 9, building 2
  • Moscow, st. Novaya Basmannaya 35, building 1
  • Moscow, Gogolevsky Boulevard, 23

For each invoice, a Russian bank charges a commission depending on the amount of compensation:

up to €50 – commission €3;

from €50 to €100 – commission €5;

from €100 to €500 - commission 5% of the amount;

over €500 – commission €25.

Commission amounts may vary, check with banks.

There is another option, which is not actually a refund of tax free, but a kind of compensation. For example, a shopping center (which operates withGlobalBlue) offers, instead of issuing Tax Free invoices, to receive a voucher for the amount of compensation due (this is 10% of the amounts spent on purchases), which you can use as a means of payment in the same shopping center.

Basic rules for paying Tax Free

The most important thing is that the goods must be exported from Italy to a non-EU country, and there must be a customs mark that this happened within 3 months from the date of purchase. Important addition. Since 2018, customs no longer puts a stamp, but immediately enters the fact of crossing the border into the database.

Minimum amount for Tax Free refund in Italy

Each country independently sets this amount. In Italy, the minimum amount on which you can claim a VAT refund is € 154,94 (including VAT) (by the way, in Switzerland, the amount is higher: 300 francs). It follows from the official rules that this amount should be spent during the day in any stores, not necessarily in just one. But in practice, tax free registration is only possible if a purchase for that amount was made in one store, from one seller. By the way, in the Rinascento shopping center you can make purchases in different stores for smaller amounts, and at the end of the day you can issue one general tax free account in the office Global blue on the 6th floor.

Stages of registration and receipt of Tax Free

If you decide to use the services of intermediaries, you will need to do the following:

  1. Receive a special invoice from the store(in Italian - fattura) (also called Tax Free Shopping Check or Il Modulo Tax Refund ) . It must contain your passport and your home address. Sometimes sellers fill it out themselves, sometimes they ask you to fill it out. In any case, you need to check that they are filled out before presenting them at customs signed by you. The invoice also indicates the amount to be reimbursed.
  2. Put a stamp at customs ( il timbro doganale ) . This is usually done at the airport after checking in for the flight. At all major airports in Italy, customs (Dogana) has a special office for stamping invoices. If you travel further within the EU countries, the stamp is placed in the last country before leaving the EU. You need to be prepared to demonstrate the goods to the customs officer. Therefore, you must have all your belongings with you, so do not check your items into your luggage until you receive a stamp from customs. They must not be used. If you have a printout of your e-ticket in English, you can get a stamp at customs before checking in. Important addition! From August 1, 2015, the procedure for returning tax free from Global Blue at Malpensa Airport has changed. Now you don’t need to stand in two lines (first at customs, then at the point of issue). You need to immediately go to the Global Blue pick-up point (which is located in the departure area, i.e. before passport control).
  3. Get cash at the point Cashrefund the corresponding company at the airport, either receive credit to the card or send forms by mail to the address of this company (if point Cashrefund is not at the airport, or for some reason it is closed or you do not have time to stand in line). Moreover, it is recommended to send the envelope immediately at the airport, entering your credit card number in the form.

Frequently asked questions about Tax Free

Where to put a customs stamp on Tax Free if you are leaving another country?

A customs stamp confirming the export of goods is placed in the last EU country, which you leave, you also receive tax free there. The exception is Switzerland. Because Since it is not part of the EU, a customs stamp must be obtained at the Swiss border. The VAT refund itself is made in the EU country that you leave last. This is how Global Blue works, at least in Italy.

How to get a Tax Free refund in Italy (before leaving the EU)?

You can receive a Tax Free refund before leaving the EU. For example, such a service is provided by Global blue. The procedure is as follows: At Global blue tax free return points, you show invoices (checks) to receive tax free. In this case you also give your credit card. It is needed so that Global blue has the opportunity to withhold from this card the amount that it pays you if it does not receive invoices with customs marks within a certain period. In essence, you are given a trust payment, in the expectation that you will fulfill the condition on your part: put a stamp at customs and send a stamped invoice to Global blue. If you do not do this, Global blue will debit your card for all the money paid to you plus a penalty.
The same option is available in some boutiques that sell luxury goods. This is even more profitable, because... without an intermediary, the refund amount is 22% (VAT rate in Italy since 2013). It looks like this: they sell you a product essentially without VAT, i.e. minus 22%. In this case, the same amount is “frozen” on your credit card. If the store receives an invoice from you with a customs stamp, then this amount on the credit card is “unfrozen.” If the store does not receive this invoice on time, then it will simply write off this same amount from your credit card.

HowTaxFree is different fromDutyFree?

Tax-free and Duty-free are essentially the same thing - the opportunity to purchase goods without VAT. The main differences are that 1) EU citizens traveling from their country can also take advantage of this benefit, 2) the sale of Duty Free goods is “territorially” limited: airports and airplanes on international flights. (Also ferries plying between the two countries, cruise ships). 3) The goods are sold already “cleared” of VAT (the price tag shows the price without VAT, i.e. in Italy it is automatically 22% cheaper).

Why is the VAT rate in Italy 22%, but only 11% is refunded?

If we are talking about receiving VAT through one of the return systems (for example. GlobalBlue), then the difference goes to pay the intermediary’s remuneration for the services provided for VAT refund. The exact percentage depends on the purchase amount. The more expensive the purchase, the smaller the percentage the intermediary takes, and accordingly the client receives more.

How to find out exactly how much tax free is refundable?

Each invoice must indicate the exact amount to be reimbursed, taking into account all deductions, i.e. net amount to be refunded. It is affixed to the invoice in the store where the product was purchased. If this amount is not specified, then there will be no VAT refund. In addition, for example, Global blue has a progressive scale for VAT refund amounts: the more amount you spend, the greater the percentage of this amount will be refunded to you. There is a calculator on their website that can be used to calculate the approximate refund amount.

Are there any restrictions on returns?TaxFree cash?

The TFS system does not provide any restrictions on value added tax refunds. But cash payout is limited to 999.50 euros. Also, Tax Free Refund locations may not have enough cash. Or you will be asked to pay an amount, for example, in dollars. However, the course is very unfavorable. It’s better to ask for the amount to be credited to your card.

How to sendTax Refund form by mail?

If you used the services GlobalBlue etc. when purchasing goods and were unable to receive VAT refund in Italy, then you can send checks and a receipt with a customs stamp in a company envelope, which is issued along with the invoice. Moreover, there is no need to put postage stamps on these envelopes, because They indicate that the cost of shipping is paid by the recipient. But Russian Post sometimes does not send such letters, requiring stamps to be affixed. By the way, many airports have special boxes for collecting such envelopes; this method is more reliable.

Customs only puts a stamp, you must send the stamped invoice.

Instead of a tax free invoice (form), the store issued a “long check”. What to do?

Indeed, instead of an “invoice” they can issue a “long check”, which is a full-fledged alternative to a tax free invoice. Its main difference from other checks is that it must contain your data: full name, passport number, and also your signature. This data can be entered manually afterwards. The “long check” is stamped by customs. After this, it can be presented to the tax free refund point or sent (necessarily in a FIRM envelope to the address indicated on this envelope. In the check, also indicate the number of the credit card to which the tax free refund will be transferred to you. There is no need to send additional forms.

How to ask in a store forTaxFree in Italian?

In stores, before the salesperson at the checkout begins to process your purchase, you must say that you want to receive tax free. To do this you can simply say: “ TaxFree, perfavor" They will understand you. Or tell me : Mi faccia il Tax Free, per favore. (Mi faccia il tax free, per favore).

How does the refund work?TaxFree on a credit card?

Refunds will be made in the currency in which you hold the credit card within 5 days of receipt of the form at the locations or within three weeks of receipt of the forms by mail. Important addition! Since 2015, Global Blue began transferring amounts to the card not in euros, but in dollars at a very unfavorable rate. So if possible, try to get tax free cash in euros (if you made purchases in euros).

Olesya Maranova, stylist-shopper in Moscow and Milan

Official website:

Marco Polo Airport (Italian: Aeroporto di Venezia Marco Polo) is located thirteen kilometers north of mainland Italy in the town of Tessera.
One airport terminal is a three-story building. The first floor is for arriving passengers, the second is for departing passengers, and the third floor houses airline offices. All reference information can be obtained on the ground floor.


The blue AVTO bus goes to Piazzale Roma.
Stop opposite the exit from the airport building.
Buses leave every 15 minutes.

One way fare 8 euros
Round trip - 15 euros.

Tickets are sold at:
1) ATVO ticket office and ATVO ticket machines in the lost baggage area
2) ATVO ticket office in the arrivals area. Working hours from 8.00 to 24.00
3) ticket vending machines located on the street.
4) from the driver or his assistant

Water bus

Alilaguna water buses run between Marco Polo Airport and Venice hourly in the morning and evening, and every half hour during the day. There are several routes, but all lines pass through the island of Murano.

The water bus departs from the parking lot next to the airport and connects Marco Polo Airport with the islands of Murano, Burano, Lido, and the cruise port.

Ticket prices for Alilaguna

€ 15.00 Airport – Lido Island, Venice, Cruise Terminal, Punta Sabbioni.
€ 8.00 Airport – Murano Island
€ 8.00 Cruise Terminal – Venice
€ 15.00 St. Mark's Square - Murano Island (via Grand Canal)
€ 10.00 Cruise Terminal – Lido or Murano Islands
Round trip cost
€ 27.00 Airport – Lido Island, Venice, Cruise Terminal, Punta Sabbioni.
€ 15.00 Airport – Murano Island
€ 15.00 Cruise Terminal – Venice
€ 27.00 St. Mark's Square - Murano Island (via Grand Canal)
€ 18.00 Cruise Terminal – Lido or Murano Islands

Water taxi

Perhaps the most convenient and fastest way to get to the hotel from the airport is to take a taxi. The cost will be about 110 euros. Travel time is 15-20 minutes. There are counters at the airport where you can buy taxi tickets.

You can order in advance on the website:

How to find a water transport parking lot?

The parking lot for water transport is located behind the cargo terminal. From the passenger terminal, follow the signs to the left.

How to get from Venice to the airport


To get from Venice to the airport by bus, take bus number 5 from the Venezia Santa Lucia stop or bus number 35 from the Piazzale Roma stop. Allow time for traffic jams.

Tickets are on sale:
1) ATVO ticket office in Piazzale Roma next to the police station (Carabinieri station)
2) ATVO machines next to the ticket office

Water bus
From Venice you can take the Alilaguna water bus to the airport from the stations San Marco, Rialto, Fondamenta Nuove and Le Guglie, as well as from the islands of Murano, Burano, Lido.

From Mestre you will need to take bus number 15 or number 45, leaving from the stop at the train station in Mestre (Mestre FS) directly to the airport.

The Soviet era of total shortages is long gone. Domestic counters are literally “groaning” from imported abundance. The era has passed, but the harmful bacillus, which encourages our compatriots to look for exclusive items in the West, has taken root in our consciousness forever. And it doesn’t matter that you have to overpay for this “exclusive” (which has ceased to be such for 20 years now). Do the math: air tickets, visas, hotels, transfers - all this ultimately results in solid numbers. Maybe that’s why (in order to sweeten the expensive pill), the leadership of the EU countries came up with an idea for the Russians, Chinese, Japanese TAX FREE?

And the EU leadership is also making sure that we remember for a long time the long tails of queues “for something” in the wonderful Soviet times. After all, it is almost impossible to get a refund after a shock shopping trip in Italy without tedious waiting. But, jokes aside, our story is on a serious topic. So…

Dedicated to all Russians shopping in Italy...

What is TAX FREE?

International VAT refund system for people not residing in EU countries. This means that Russians (Chinese, Arabs, Japanese) making a trip to Italian stores can soften the bitterness of losing their money by returning a small percentage.

What is the refund amount?

The percentage of TAX FREE varies from country to country. Tax free in Italy - 22%. It's official. In fact, its value varies greatly. Stores enter into unfavorable agreements with intermediaries for tourists, which we will talk about later. As a result, a Russian citizen receives 11-13%, instead of 22%. The exception is exclusive stores (jewelry, fur). In them, the returned amount sometimes reaches several thousand euros.

Minimum purchase price

The total amount of purchases is above 155 €. They must be completed during the day and certainly in one store, less often - in one trading house. For example, Milan Center La Rinascente At the Global Blue office, a general tax free invoice is issued for all purchases in different boutiques.

Which stores offer Tax Free?

We noticed shop windows with a logo or Global Blue, or Tax Refund or Premier Tax Free- here you go. There are more than 18,000 such outlets in Italy.

How to ask a seller about Tax Free?

After choosing a product and going to the checkout, say: "Tax Free, per favor". Say the phrase before making a purchase.

What documents are required?

Personally, you need a passport. For large purchases, branded equipment (for example, Apple) without a passport, a discount will not be issued.

The store is obliged to issue:

  • Fattura- a special invoice, which indicates: the purchase amount (as in the receipt) and the return amount (without this figure, customs officers will not put the required stamp). Sellers may fill out your personal information themselves or ask you to do so.

Return methods

  1. In the city before leaving.
  2. At the airport of Rome, Milan, Naples, Rimini, Verona, Pisa, Bologna.
  3. In Moscow.

Return in the city

Without waiting for the return flight, you can return the taxi free at the city offices of the return points. A list of Global Blue offices is available on A list of TAX Refund points is available on the website When going for money, take:

  1. Product.
  2. Fattura.
  3. Passport.
  4. Return ticket.
  5. Credit card.

The tax-free return procedure looks like this. Employees, after checking the checks, pay out the money, while recording their credit card details. You undertake, in turn, to send stamped checks to the office address on time. Otherwise, the amount paid and a fine for failure to fulfill the agreement will be debited from the card.

Expensive fur and jewelry boutiques provide a similar service without intermediaries. This is the most profitable return for the buyer. Such stores return the maximum percentage (22%). That is, you are buying a product that is “cleared” of value added tax (VAT).

There are special boxes at the airport for stamped checks in a branded envelope (issued along with the fattura). The envelope can be sent from Russia by post, affixing the necessary stamps.

Standard return procedure at Italian airports

  1. Take your boarding pass.
  2. Approach the dogana (customs point) with documents (coupon, passport, checks, fattura) and with things purchased in the country. Do not cut off labels from products.
  3. The customs officer, after checking the purchases and receipts, puts a stamp.
  4. Find items Global Blue, or Tax Refund or Premier Tax Free and present stamped receipts.
  5. You receive the money in cash or leave your credit card details, to which the entire amount will be transferred in 3-5 days.

Yaroslav, St. Petersburg:

“I left my card details at the Rome airport (in January 2019). I waited 2 weeks in vain. I thought my blood was crying! It’s good that I kept the piece of paper with the phone number from Premier Tax Free. I called. I had to “growl” in Italian-English. I received mine after 3 weeks. Unpleasant story."

Rome. Tax Free at Aeroporto di Fiumicino

There are 2 customs offices in the building. The first is intended for passengers wishing to send items purchased in Italy as luggage. Huge queues, in which it is easy to lose 2 hours, are 100% inevitable. The undoubted advantage of this item is a superficial inspection of purchases.

Olga, Petrozavodsk:

“I once received TAX FREE by showing a used Naf Naf dress instead of a purchased Max Mara outfit.”

You will see the second dogana behind the store Salvatore Ferragamo after going through passport control. This dogana undergoes the procedure for those who “prefer to carry everything they own with them” rather than check it in as luggage. The queue here is small, but things are examined more carefully.

Opposite this customs house there is a crowd of people at the window Global Blue. Direct refunds occur in this window. Be patient and take time (the final step will take another 40 minutes).

Milan. Tax Free at Aeroporto di Milano - Malpensa

The first customs office (registration hall) checks checks more quickly than the passport control point. In the window Premier Tax Free(return) for some reason there are always fewer people than in the other two. Experienced shopping lovers in Milan know this and initially look for stores that have entered into contracts with this intermediary company. Return office hours are available at

Vera, Tula:

“The worst airport in terms of refunds! Active Arabs and disciplined Chinese visit Milan with the only mission - to collect more goods. Three-hour queues, noise, hassle. You wouldn't wish it on your enemy! Passengers who get lost in queues are often called over the loudspeaker, and they drop everything and run to the plane.”

Rimini. Tax Free at Aeroporto di "Federico Fellini"

Map of Federico Fellini airport.

Customs is located next to the check-in counters for planes flying to Russia. Customs officers are extremely picky: they open the boxes, check the letters on the store receipt with the letters on the product label. The inspection takes 20 (at least) minutes.

Cash pick-up points are located on the second floor. You need to get to them before going through passport control.

Moscow. Return Tax Free

In Moscow, refunds are made by:

  • First Czech-Russian Bank;
  • SMP Bank;
  • Intesa;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • MDM Bank.

Not all Moscow bank branches can make payments., therefore, before you go for hard-earned money, call and check the address of the desired branch. The receipts you present must be stamped by Italian customs officers.

Don't forget!

  • TAX FREE checks for Italian purchases are valid for 3 months. Make sure you meet this deadline!
  • For each Fattura, upon receipt of cash, a commission of 3 € is charged.

Farewell parable

At the planning meeting, the director of the holding instructs managers:
- Ask the client what he wants more: a discount or the product itself. If a discount is more important to him, offer the product for triple the price with a 50% markdown - let him be happy!

Sometimes, when picking up an item worth more than 155 €, an excited shopper does not notice that she is choosing an unnecessary item (skirt, trousers). At home she sighs in disappointment: “Why did I grab this?” The resulting benefit is zero. Don't make mistakes!

Who doesn’t dream of visiting Venice, the city of carnivals and film festivals built on water. Passengers who prefer to travel by plane are greeted at Marco Polo Airport. This international port is considered one of the largest in the country and is famous for its high quality of service. There is a second airport in Venice, it is slightly smaller than Marco Polo Airport.

Venice International Airport is named after the great navigator Marco Polo. It was he who first discovered China. The distance from the airport to the city is only 7 kilometers, it is located on the mainland and receives most flights heading to Venice and its surrounding communities.

Marco Polo Airport is located in the northeast side of Venice, in the town of Tessera. It is connected to the city by the A27 and A57 highways. The airport was opened in 1960 and today it operates at the limit of its capabilities. Passenger traffic has long exceeded the mark of 7 million people per year. Despite the long lines, the registration and security check process is quick and smooth.

The airport infrastructure is modern, there is everything you need for a comfortable stay.

Online scoreboard

You can view the flight schedule at Venice Marco Polo Airport on the online arrivals and departures board:

How to get from Venice to Marco Polo Airport

Venice has a developed transport system, the airport is connected to the city center and the train station. The need of passengers to travel not only to the famous city, but also to the suburbs, as well as neighboring regions, is taken into account.

Passengers can choose any of the following modes of transport:

  • rented car;
  • water taxi;
  • Taxi;
  • bus.

Since the distance is short, the fare is not high. We'll talk about renting a car in more detail below. Public transport is presented in assortment: there are sea connections and buses.


The bus is the cheapest form of transport. There are two passenger transport companies at Venice Airport: ACTV and ATVO.

The bus will be marked with the company name. The table below shows the routes they take.

The one-way fare is 8 euros, round trip - 15 euros. Tickets can be purchased at the airport ticket office in the arrivals hall, at ticket machines located in the baggage return area near carousels 3 and 5, and at kiosks at bus stops. The ticket must be validated.


You can take a taxi near the airport terminal or order it in advance through the official website. It is convenient to order a taxi; the driver will meet the passenger with a sign. The travel time will be 20 minutes, and the fare will be 25-30 euros to the center. Buses run very frequently.

Water taxi

City guests will see a water taxi to the left of the terminal. It is available in several versions and will cost slightly more than a bus:

  • water tram (boat);
  • water taxi (individual trip);
  • powerboat.

The water bus operates from 6:00 to 23:00 and transports passengers to the city center for 5 euros. The ticket is purchased on board. The movement interval is 1 hour. Water taxis can take you to San Marco, Rialto, Fondamenta Nuove and Le Guglie.

A motorboat runs at the same interval, but the fare is 16 euros plus 3 euros for each suitcase. The stop is made on the island of Murano, so the travel time will be increased to 1.5 hours.

The water taxi can accommodate 10 passengers and will cost 100 euros, which will seem expensive to many.


And of course, you can get from Venice airport to the city by. You should order it in advance, and a driver will be waiting for you upon arrival. The cost of the trip is fixed. By the way, a transfer can be ordered not only to Venice, but also to neighboring cities (if there is such a need).

Car rental at Venice Airport

There are several car rental companies at the airport. Their offices are located on the third floor terrace. In order to rent a car for several days, you will need a passport and an international driving license.

Marco Polo Airport terminals: Venice Airport diagram

Marco Polo Airport is represented by one terminal of a huge area - 53,000 m2. It is divided into three floors, each of which has a specific function:

  • The 1st floor is the departures and arrivals area, where there are always a lot of people, including those greeting and seeing off;
  • 2nd floor - main check-in hall, as well as waiting rooms for passengers flying from Venice;
  • 3rd floor - offices of airlines operating at the airport.

Europeans are in no hurry to check-in flights. As a rule, they arrive at the airport no earlier than 2 hours before departure. However, force majeure circumstances must always be taken into account. There are 60 check-in counters on the second floor, the process goes quite quickly.

Additional services

Venice Marco Polo Airport offers passengers a standard range of services:

  • Luggage storage is open from 05:00 to 21:00 (located near Gate E outside the terminal);
  • those traveling with children are provided with a baby stroller (if necessary) during their stay at the airport; there are also nannies in the waiting room who can keep the child occupied for a while;
  • You can connect to high-speed Internet everywhere in the passenger terminal;
  • The VIP lounge is open daily from 05:00 to 23:00, here you can relax in comfort in silence for a reasonable fee of 40 euros (the price includes light snacks, showers, magazines, newspapers, television, internet, mobile device charging points );
  • Frequent flyers are invited to purchase a special club card, upon presentation of which they can receive significant discounts on airport services;
  • the terminal has 11 cafes and restaurants with excellent cuisine;
  • Numerous stores offer a wide range of products.

Tax Free at Venice Airport

Value Added Tax (VAT) can be refunded directly at Venice Airport. To do this, you must present at customs:

  • the product itself, purchased in Italy, the cost of which exceeds 155 euros;
  • boarding pass for a flight outside the European Union;
  • a receipt for the goods in a special form that allows you to return the amount;
  • traveler's identity document.

After checking at customs, the tax amount is returned at a special “Travelex Italia Ltd” counter, which is located on the second floor in the international departures area (on the diagram of the second floor there is a red circle at number 4).

Official website

Official website of Venice Marco Polo Airport

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  • Taxi

    The official Cooperativa Artigiana Radiotaxi service operates at Venice Airport.

    The cost of a taxi from the airport to Piazzale Roma is 40 EUR, with an additional 1.2 EUR for each piece of luggage. You will have to walk to the hotel or take a vaporetto boat.

  • Bus

    Blue ATVO buses will take you to Piazzale Roma for 8 EUR. The movement interval is 15 minutes. Travel time is 25-30 minutes. Tickets can be purchased from the driver. Orange ACTV buses also travel to Venice. Tickets are sold at newsstands. Don't forget to validate your tickets at the yellow machines located at the bus stop. Prices on the page are as of August 2019.

  • Ferry

    You can get to Venice by water on the Alilaguna motorboat. Despite the different routes, all motoscafes go through the island of Murano, and the first stop in Venice will be the pier of the Fundamenta Nuove. The movement interval is 30 minutes. Travel time is an hour and a half. Ticket price from 8 EUR.

    If you want something chic, you can take a water taxi to Venice. However, this is a very expensive pleasure - the trip will cost an average of 110 EUR, the travel time is 25-30 minutes.

  • Transfer

    The fastest and most comfortable option to get there. You need to select a car of a suitable class and capacity in advance, and the driver will meet you at the airport with a name plate. The price indicated at the time of booking will be fixed: for example, traffic jams will not affect it.