What are the animals list. Strange and funny animal names. the rare animals on the planet

In the 20th century, scientists were openly fifty new, previously modern science of animal species. At the same time, 100 others who lived on our planet completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Only 25 mammalian species lost the planet for 1960. People, without thinking about the future of the wildlife of the Earth, Barbarusa destroyed animals. In this article, we will imagine not complete (rather, its small part) list of rare animals of the world, which were under threat of complete extinction.

The rare animals on the planet

Red Gulf Butterfly lives Galapagos Islands. Because he does not know how to swim well, he runs in his flock at a depth of 30 meters on the seabed. He uses his rear fin as bait to catch his prey. Why his lips are bright red, the researchers have not yet found - especially since the red color under water from the depth of ten meters in any case is no longer noticeable, but rather gray.

Visai warthogy pig

This primater from 9 to 16 centimeters with big brilliant eyes lives in southeastern Asian islands, such as Sumatra, Borneo or South Philippines. He has thin legs, a long tail and weighs only about 100 grams. Mokitis goblins are night builders. Some find them cute, other strange.

Rare animals from the Red Book

To enormous regret, there are many animals on Earth, the number of which falls rapidly. Human factor and affect the reduction of populations of many species. Rare animals from the Red Book need special care and protection. We will introduce you only to a small part of such species.

Many were known to this wise creatures since the time of the Disney film "Finding a Nemo". It refers to deep-water fish-knights, which consist of eleven different families and are found in all world oceans with a depth of less than 300 meters. Showing a female black-haired. With his shining lantern, he lures animals. Men are much smaller and bite themselves to playback within a certain time to their partner.

But their "horn" is actually a pulling tooth up to three meters long and mainly consisting of males. Narvals are equipped with a thick layer of fat, because they live in the ice ice-cold ocean. They float further north than any other whale, and have a height from three to five meters. How she came to her special name, easily recognizable. But in fact this animal is not a snake. When he breathes through the skin, the experts prescribe a snake penis frogs or salamander. It is up to 80 inches long and does not have an eye.


In addition to the fact that this is a very rare representative of the fauna of the planet, it is one of the most beautiful in his family. Lives such a spider in tropical forests India. He builds his homes in the branches of high trees. Young individuals will fall from the roots, where they dig minks, tired by their web. Feeling danger, they immediately hide in holes.

About 25 percent of the total length of this fish is an impressive saw, which serves prey for mining. Last year, scientists made an amazing discovery that very dangerous sowing can be reproduced without sex. They live in the tropical areas of the Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific region near the coast. Saigak falls through her trunk-like nose. This comes from the antelope family and occurs in the Eurasian steppes. Especially men hunt because of their horns. Unlocks have a sheep size. Their greatest enemy next to the man is a wolf.

Kryvogruda Turtle

Women live on meadows with juicy grass, in eucalyptus forests and loose soil.

Bubal Hantera

More known as Hirol, this mammal is made in the Red Book as a form that threatens complete disappearance. It dwells in the north of Kenya and the south of Somalia.

The peculiarity of this fish is that it can run. Axolotl looks like a big headastic. This larvae, which usually changes as a result of amphibious metamorphosis, it retains his whole life. At home is a night tail trot in Mexican fresh water, from where its name comes. Axolotl in Aztec means approximately as much as "aqueous monster". It is pronounced as "Asholotel". It is considered to be a sacred animal, but also brings a delicacy to the plate.

According to researchers, the head nose-mol, also known as the star mole, is the most sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe skin in the kingdom of mammals. Thus, he moans on earth worms, crayfish and insects. The star is mostly in the east of North America. Like related childbirth, it builds an underground gang system.

An animal has a long body (up to 205 cm) and limbs. The muzzle is also elongated, with a convex forehead. Neck short. Height in the withers 125 cm, weight average of about 110 kg.

Wool painted in brown or gray. Tail and ears are white. Between the eyes is passed white line. The horns are curved thin. Their length is about 70 cm.

Small-grained pilorroom

This is a fish belonging to the family of sealing rods, made to the Red Book as located on the verge of extinction.

It is often called the most tender, but at the same time the most strange fish in the world: a cow. His body unusually boxes. Above the eyes and under the tail are two visible horns in adult animals. Thus, the cow fish flashes its enemies that it is not so simple. He also protects himself with bone armor and poison, which produces its high. These measures are needed, because, of course, the cow-fish is very clumsy and slowly moving in water.

Zebu is a humpback Indies. Like other cows, they are considered sacred in India and are therefore very common there. His characteristic is a striking humpback and often very big horns. They are also available in the mini version: a dwarf bus will not be greater than pony, and maybe up to 25 years.

The total length of adult features exceeds 3 meters. The maximum length that was registered by scientists was 6.5 meters, the weight is 600 kilograms. Color olive with greenish tint, belly white. Breast fins wide, triangular shape.

Tonkin Ripopesteek

These rarest animals of the world from the Martushkov family are on the verge of extinction. Already at the beginning of the last century, their arral was limited. Representatives of this species met only in the forest at the Song-Koy River (Vietnam). Currently, the Tenny Ripovek is found in several Vietnam provinces.

Have you ever seen a crocodile with a beak? This reptile lives in Gange, the most sacred river of the Hindus, and therefore is called Gangegavial. Its long narrow muzzle becomes thicker in age and shorter towards the body. Only in Madagascar is Straifenthansk. A hedgehog is distinguished by yellow or white-black striped spikes.

Therefore, it is rarely found and still relatively little studied. "Aliens from the deep sea" have a pink body, a long flat nose and sharp teeth. His ancestors lived 125 million years ago. Australian fisherman pulled out of the water of a dead sample by this rare shark.

The diet of these animals make up young bamboo shoots, leaves, fruit.

Ripopecki live by special family groups. Their composition includes male and a few females with young. Groups are up to 15 animals.

Sumatran rhinoceros

The smallest rhino from its family. Its dimensions are strongly inferior to all other rhino. In the withers, its height is 112 cm, length 236 cm, weight from 800 to 2000 kg. Sumatran rhinoceros have 2 horns. The nasal length is 15-25 cm, the second horn will underdesert. Most of the body is covered with red hair.

The most special feature of this animal is the protective behavior that he acquired: the tail of the bite bite in his own tail, forming an armored wheel, protecting its vulnerable soft bottom from attacks of other animals. A prompt lizard lives on west coast South Africa. The illegal catch and the destruction of the habitat are threatened by their mind.

"EDIPS complex" and evil shieldspinca

She lives in the Mediterranean, just below the surface of the water: mirror granules. On their umbrella up to 35 cm wide with a lot of fine urticaries ending with purple buttons - fortunately, their poison is weak and harmless to people. As almost all jellyfish, it moves, pulling the umbrella together, thereby pushing the water down. Circular elevation in the center, which mirror is associated with his name, is striking.

An animal lives in mountain secondary forests, wet tropical swamps and forests.

Floor Blowing Kunitsa

In the Red Book, this kind (which has a second name - a tiger cat) is as vulnerable.

This is the second largest sumpic predator (after the Tasmansky devil). One of the largest sophisticated predators living in Australia. Nowadays, this animal can be found in two populations - in Northern and on eastern coastFrom South Queensland to Tasmania.

Mosh is a rather unknown relative of deer and deer. His unusual movement more resembles a kangaroo than deer. It is home to Asian Mountains, and it is hunting because of the musk, a substance from its gland, which is used for the manufacture of spirits and soap, as well as in traditional Chinese medicine. This lamanine is called a dion or also marine wine. It is common on the coasts Indian Ocean And in some parts of the western Pacific.

Chinese River Dolphin

This is a very shy animal, but from time to time comes into contact with divers. The monstrous maritime residents reach 45 centimeters long and almost two kilograms are harder. As a special feature, large other people's eyes are noticeable, thanks to which they see enough in a dark depth. This sample is not in a bad mood, because it was caught. And this is correct: although they live at a depth of about 900 meters at the seabed at the Australian and Tasmansk coast, they are threatened with disappearance.

Philippine spotted deer

This rare animal has a golden color. On the main background "scattered" white spots. Spotted deer lives in tropical forests on the Islands of the Philippine Archipelago. Only quite recently, this animal managed to fall at the film. The main enemy of the deer is a wolf. Most animals dies in March-April. This is the time when the deer is strongly weakened with wintering.

Visai warthogy pig

Over the past 60 years, the number of these animals has decreased by 80%. Such a catastrophic position of the population is explained by an uncontrolled hunting, a change in the natural habitat. Today, this animal is found on 2 islands - Panay and Negro.

Florida Puma

Today, the theme of our conversation was very rare animals of the world. It is undoubtedly applied to them on the verge of extinction. This is the rarest puma subspecies. In 2014, their number on Earth was slightly more than 100 individuals, and in the 70s, this figure descended to 20.

This species of the Puma lives in the swamps and forests of South Florida (USA), mainly in the protected areas. The number of these animals began to fall after draining the marshes and as a result of uncontrolled sports hunting.

Unusual animals of the world

Quite often rarest animals of the world are characterized by original appearance, lifestyle. We will present you some fauna representatives that are considered unusual.

Angora rabbit

This is a representative of the oldest breed of rabbits, which is named after the capital of Turkey - Ankara. These charming animals look like a fluffy cloud with ears. In the XVIII century, Angora rabbits were very popular pets in the highest layers of the France Society.


Mole living in North America, I am striking with your unusual fleshy nose. On the muzzle, it has 22 moving pink tentacles. They are very sensitive, and used animals as peculiar antennas. In addition, this crotch has scaly paws and a thick water repellent tail in which the oil reserves are collected.


The mammal from the semolstery detachment. Very similar to rodent. It has black and brown wool, long tail and long thin fingers, which Ai-ah is mined from the bark of trees.

The weight of the animal is about 3 kg, the body length does not exceed 35 cm. The tail can reach the length of 60 cm.


This pink fish is different from other inhabitants. underwater world By the fact that it is rather strange to use its fins. She walks on them along the bottom of the sea. This rare view It was discovered in Tasmania, Australia, but today only four representatives have been discovered.

Striped tenar

Many in a joke call this animal with a mixture of bumblebee and hedgehog. Indeed, such similarity is clearly visible. An animal has an elongated face, with a yellow stripe along the nose. His head decorates the crown, which consists of long and sharp needles. A lot of spines are scattered throughout the body, along with thick black wool. This animal lives in Madagascar.

Fish Paku.

These relatives of the piras have a growing look. This contributes to the presence of human teeth. Pack feed on nuts and plants, but cases of attack on people were registered.


These rarest animals of the world are known under the second name - Giraffe Gazelle. This is an extremely rare kind of antelope having a long neck. They live in the deserts in the east of Africa. A long neck helps her get leaves growing pretty high.


These are birds that do not know how to fly. Casuars are very dangerous, as they are very desperately protected by their own territory and in danger they can severely deal with the opponent with sharp as the blade of the razor claws. Birds can reach a two-meter height.


The oldest mammal on Earth, living on our planet, together with woolly mammoths and sail tigers 250,000 years ago. For a long time they were considered extinct, but now they are often called alive fossils.

Snakelya Turtle

When we are asked: "What are the animals are rare?", It is quite difficult to respond, it is quite difficult to answer, since today there are many such species. For example, snake-free turtle. When looking at this animal, it seems that someone missed the snake through the turtle. She has such a long neck that she cannot draw it into a protective shell.

Octopus Dambo.

This amazing animal externally resembles a flying elephant Dambo - the famous hero of the Disney cartoon. He has very funny "ears" of a huge size, which sticks out on both sides of the head. In fact, these are fins. It lives in the Tasmansky Sea at a depth of about 4000 meters. Its dimensions do not exceed 10 cm.


Rare animals of the world whose photo we placed in this article are not always very attractive in appearance. An example of this can serve a nose. This is a monkey living in Borneo's tropics. The males of the nose are considered the largest monkeys from Asia living in Asia. Their fleshy and large nose turned these animals in very funny creatures.

Top 10 the most rare animals in the world

As noted, the rarest animals of the world in most cases are on the verge of extinction. Many species have been considered disappeared for a long time, but were again discovered thanks to the efforts of scientists. Others meet so rarely that their habits and lifestyle and today are a mystery to researchers. If a person does not attach significant efforts, our descendants will not be able to see these animals.

Bushmen hare

The most rare view of the rapid. Lives in the curry desert, in South Africa. It has a silky and tight fur over gray, the sides are reddish, and the bottom is completely white. The red spot is located on the back of the head. Ears are very long. Brown fluffy tail. The male weighs about 1.5 kg, and the female - 1.8 kg. The length of the body reaches 47 cm.

The number of these animals does not exceed 500 individuals. In the Red Book, they have the status "in critical condition."

Amur tiger

This is the largest of all kinds of tigers. It lives in Russia, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk region. This tiger (in our opinion) could lead the rating of "rare beautiful animals of the world."

This is the only subspecies having a thick (5 cm) bolt (5 cm) layer that protects the animal from the penetrating wind with harsh frosts. The length of the male body is 3.8 meters, females are slightly smaller. Height 115 cm, weight about 200 kg.

Cuban squalus

Animal powered by molluscs, insects and fruits of plants. The number of it began to sharply shrink in the XIX century, when the cats, mongos and dogs appeared on Cuba. Researchers are looking for the possibility of saving the slissal in the relocation of it on the islands in the vicinity of Cuba, not occupied by a person.

Mountain Gorilla

The rarest animals of the world who live in Central Africa. They settle on the slopes extinct volcanoes. This is not the rare animal in the world. Today, about 720 individuals are registered.

Mountain Couscus

Telling from Australia, until 1966, he was familiar with scientists only on fossil remains. Fortunately, live animals were found on the ski base in Melbourne. This small animal reminds the mouse. Its size does not exceed 13 cm, and the weight of 60 grams.


A large predator belonging to the feline family. Distributed in the mountains of Central Asia.

This is a very beautiful animal with a long thin flexible body, somewhat short-lived paws, a small head and very long tail. Together with him the length of the animal reaches 230 cm, weight 55 kg.

Fur thick, color light smoky-gray with solid dark and ring-shaped stains. The number of Irbis today is very small.

New Zealand Bat Mouse

A variety of manochable, which basically lives on Earth. With the advent of Europeans in New Zealand, the number of these animals decreased by 98%. Currently, the small population is threatened with the cats, cunits and rats imported into this territory.

Red wolf

This animal suffered greatly from the prejudices of the US farmers, where he lives. In their opinion, the wolf is the source of all their troubles. However, these conclusions were significantly exaggerated. Mass extermination led to the complete disappearance of these animals. Of the three previously existing subspecies, two have already disappeared, only one remained. By the beginning of the XXI century, the population number is limited to 270 individuals.

Prokhidna Attenboro number 9

Was discovered in New Guinea. This is the smallest of the types of prohhidn. Its length is not more than 30 cm. Scientists investigated only one instance of the animal, which was discovered in 1961. For more than 50 years, researchers believed that the species was completely lost. Only in 2007 traces and holes of the animal were discovered.

Chinese River Dolphin

This is the rare animal in the world. River Dolphin is the national heritage of China. It dwells in the Yangtze River. Since 1983, this mammal hunt is prohibited. According to the estimates of researchers, the number of river dolphins in last years decreased. Today, these animals are from 5 to 13 individuals according to various sources, and there are real concerns that this species will disappear over the next decade. In captivity, these beautiful animals do not multiply.

Scientists claimed earlier that the evolution process will lead to the disappearance of some species and the emergence of others. Perhaps it was possible. Now the culprit of animal extinction is a person. After all, the most rare animals, the photos and videos of which we will show you, today disappear not because of the evolutionary process, but because of a person, more and more robberies of habitat in wild animals. So, the top 10 of the most rare animals of the planet.

10 rare animals on the planet

On the planet there is a huge number of different animals. But among them there are those that soon may disappear from the face of the earth, so they are carefully guarded. What animals are considered the most rare? Let's consider the rarest of them and get acquainted with them.

It dwells in the eastern part of the United States. Conventional farmers became a threat to reproduction of this species. They are confident that it was the wolf that is the main reason for the extermination of their livestock. However, such conclusions were greatly exaggerated.

Such an attitude towards this animal led to the fact that due to the extermination of these wolves, almost the whole form was completely exterminated. There were three types of these animals, but today, unfortunately, only one remained. This species is listed in the Red Book. Facts speak for themselves. Today these animals have only 270 individuals.

This view of the Puma is the only one who is protected today and is listed in a special register of animal protection. The main reason for the extinction of these animals is the negligence of a person. This Puma lives in the United States, in Florida.

For 2011, these animals had only 160 pieces. However, in 1970 there were even less than 20 animals. Thanks to the control and protection of these PUMS, a positive trend is scheduled to increase the number of these animals.

For a long time, this animal did not fall into the eyes of numerous researchers and expeditions. And only in the 70s, they were discovered in a very small amount. Today their number is only 130 pieces. The main reason for the extinction of this animal is the cutting of bamboo.

This animal refers to a night vegetation mammal. The reason for its disappearance is also directly related to a negligent human attitude. At the moment, this animal can only be found in the protected area. Namely, in National Park Cities of Queensland. Their number to date is only 113 individuals.

Unfortunately, this type of parrot is no longer found in the wild. All representatives of this breed are in private collectors and are in captivity. The last male of this species disappeared in 2000. The reason for their disappearance and the inability to restore their number is due to the fact that the deforestation occurs, and the heap in which they nest were occupied, occupied African bees.

Another problem is poaching. Despite these threatening factors, there is a permanent job on their salvation. If in 2007 in captivity there were 90 pieces, then in 2010 their number increased to 105 pieces.

Fluttering parrot cocapor

This parrot is a night animal. He lives in New Zealand. This bird becomes very rare due to breeding predators, such as rats and cats. Despite the fact that these birds are in captivity in captivity, they are still difficult to breed in these conditions. The fact is that they do not form steam. To date, the number of these birds is only 62 individuals.

And this animal can only be found in wildlife. It refers to the genus of Indian rhinos and has not yet been able to contain them in captivity. This will not work in the future, because they are left less than 60 pieces and to this day they are hunting.

This animal is also considered very rare. The cause of their disappearance was the human factor. People who settled next to these beautiful and smart animals achieved their displacement from those lands, and those individuals who did not obey were cruelly exterminated.

As a result of a person's actions, the number of these animals today is 30 individuals in Russia and only 10 in China.

These incredible beautiful birds They are considered so rare that at the moment their number is not possible. However, it is known that at the beginning of the 20th century there were only 100 individuals.

Already by 1955, their number decreased to 27 birds. Today there are no specific data on their numbers, but according to preliminary estimates, they remained in nature from 6-20 individuals.

The rare animal on the planet is Chinese River Dolphin

This dolphin is rightfully considered the most rare representative of the animal world today. Their number is constantly decreasing, and it does not contain them either.

A case was recorded when two dolphins were placed in a special sea aviary and after a short time they died. However, there was one dolphin, which survived under these conditions and lived 24 years.

According to the experts of these animals, there are only 5-13 individuals today. This is a terrible figure. Due to the careless attitude of a person to nature and an animal world, thousands of animal species have already died and irrevocably disappeared.

Dinosaurs are also extinct. What caused their disappearance is not clearly completely. There are many myths and legends about this. Do you want to meet them? .

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