What does oak tree look like. Community of green men

Quercus, oak. Large durable (up to 1000 years or more) leaf fall or evergreen trees with a powerful tental crown, leathery leaves, deep root system with a powerful rod root, less often shrubs. Most species are forest-forming breeds that give valuable wood.


The Latin Oak name is rooted in the oldest language of the Celts: quer.- "Red" and cuez.- "wood". "Red Tree" Oak is called Celts for wood, and maybe for red young leaves.

The ancient Slavs cut out the statues of Perun from oak, so on Rus him and called "Purunovo Tree". Old oaks in Russia did not cut, they were afraid to nice the gods.

Types and varieties of oak

Rod has about 450 species growing in a moderate and tropical belt of the northern hemisphere, 15 species naturally grow in Russia. Most often meet 2 types: oak Red (Quercus Rubra,Quercusborealis), Cheercus Oak (Quercus Robur).

Oak puffy, or summer oak, oak ordinary (QUERCUS ROBUR)

Tree up to 30 m high with a tent-like spreaded dense crown. It takes an extensive range, distributed in the European part of Russia, in Ukraine and in Western Europe. Leaves leathery, blade, dark green, yellow yellow or drill. In young age, grows slowly, in more mature growth is diminished. Tree is durable, lives up to 500 years, and individual specimens live to 1000. The oak blooms simultaneously with the dissolved of the leaves.

It has decorative forms, such as a pyramidal ( f. Fastigiata.).

Zone USDA 3. The kind of winter facilities, decorative varieties in the middle strip of the low-grade.

Popular oak grade Cherry:

Cheerful oak Asplenifolia. - Low tree with a rounded crown. The leaves are small, strongly dissected;

Cheerful oak Fastigiata. (‘Pyramidalis') - a low tree, the crown is very narrow, pyramidal;

Cheerful oak Fastigiata Koster. - the grade is distinguished by the vertical form of the crown;

Cheerful oak Concordia. - a low tree, the leaves in blooming bright yellow, in the summer are green, autumn - copper, up to 15 cm long;

Cheerful oak Compacta. - dwarf form with a rounded crown;

Cheerful oak Atropurpurea. - foliage and shoots in spring saturated wine. During the summer, the leaves become green-violet. IN middle lane Winters only in places protected from cold winds with a warm microclimate. Saturated red color during the season preserve plants of varieties' Nigra'And' Fastigiata Purpurea ";

Cheerful oak Variegata.'- Differs in white-motley colorful leaves. The variety can be grown in the regions of the south of Moscow.

Red Oak, or North Oak (Quercus Rubra, QUERCUS Borealis)

Motherland - East North America.

North American tree up to 25 m high with a broad-shaped crown. Shiny shoots, brown. The leaves are large, deep-grained, with blooming - reddish, during the summer - green, and in the fall - rich-red, with brown and scarlet shades.

Oak red grader Aureus. - Differs the bright bronze coloring foliage in the spring. The leaves themselves are large, up to 20 cm long, yellow, with large sharp teeth.

The USDA 3 zone can be grown in the regions of the south of Moscow.

In the nursery oak, as a rule, grown up to 10-15 years of age and planted for a permanent place with a well-formed crown and strab, in the alleys with a distance of at least 5-6 m between trees.

You can still grow other species, such as swamp Oak (Quercus Palustris) - A tree with a height of up to 20 m with a thick scattered crown. Variety Green Dwarf.'- The dwarf form is only up to 2 m high with a dense narrow crown. Suitable for growing and in small gardens at sunny areas.

Formation of bolt oak

Oak care

Prefers a solar location (especially the tops of the crown), it is unable to soil fertility, does not tolerate overwhelmed soils with close grounds of groundwater.

Crimping consists only in cutting the truncated branches and cleaning the trunk from the wolf shoots.

Dub propagation

The oak will be resumed from the stump, sometimes root siblings. Decorative forms - vaccine.

Ellipsoid Oak, Quercus Ellipsoidalis

Application of oak

For many nations of Europe, Yorki (at the Romans juglans.- "Jupiter fruits") were used in food, because of the bitterness they had to soak, but they are quite nutritious. Acorns comprise up to 57% starch, up to 7% protein, up to 10% sugar and up to 5% fat.

Oak velvety, quercus velutina

Majestic tree, in rare cases, a growing up to 35 m, with a huge, aspiring up, albeit a scattering crown. The straight trunk is covered with a thick and rigid crust of ash colors, in nature it is sometimes beautifully covered with lichen, strongly wrinkled, with deep grooves in all directions. The next leaves of the semi-folding (i.e., dried, they remain on the oak until the next spring), on a cut-out up to 2.5 cm long, the leaf plate is an egg-elongated, harsh, dissected on the blade, dark green, lightly glue, and Bottom is a little lighter, matte and pubescent. Young leaves, like sprigs, are published on both sides, in addition, the leaves have two long, filamentous, very strong welders. Colors same-sex (indeed, we are talking about a single-bed plant). Men's flowers are collected in the heads (tranches) on the earrings, they have a picker from 6 greenish cups and stamens with bright yellow anthers; Female flowers from 1 to 5 pieces on short flowers, they are wrapped in a plush, shell of small scraps located on the spirals and have grown together. The fruit is egg-shaped, a brown 2,5 cm long with a plush coated with a gentle silver fluff. Half of the acorns are covered with a woody plush, formed from long, linear, wrinkled scraps.
ORIGIN. Southeast Europe and Small Asia.
ECOLOGY. This tree, typical of a climate close to the Mediterranean, grows on top of sea level up to 800 m, rising to 1500 m in Sicily, in Peloponnese and in Turkey. Burgundy oak forms both dubbivans and mixed forests, where the oak rock, oak fluffy, oak "FENTATO", stone oak, chestnut and maple grow. The tree preferences neutrally acidic, clay soils.
SPREAD. From Italy to the Black Sea, including the Balkan Peninsula and Coastal Mountains Anatolia. In Italy, the Burgundian Oak grows from the foothill belt of the Alps, throughout the Apennine Peninsula, including Sicily. In Italy, magnificent oak groves can be found everywhere. This is the Dubravy CantiDoners in the province of Urbino, and Dubnyaki in Achrontura in Basilicat, but Dubravy in Lazio is the most extended and look just like wild.
Application. The wood burgundy oak is tough, but not very durable and appreciated less than the wood of other oaks, so it goes to firewood. After special wood treatment is used to produce railway sleepers.
Similar views. Burgundian oak is difficult to confuse with other oaks because of the originality of his leaves, acorns and bark.

Oak Wallonov

Wallon Oak It grows in a height of up to 15 m, it has a dark green, very scattered and majestic crown and a straight and branchy trunk, powerful and curved branches are separated from almost the base. The bark is brownish-gray, very wrinkled, fused and thick dying laminy sizes. The twigs of the last order are covered with a thick gray gun. The leaves of the semicading (that is, they remain on the branches until the spring of next year), they are regular, up to 10 cm long, both sheet plates, especially lower, gray and pubescent, with a length of up to 4 cm long, with an alternate-elongated, with almost heart-shaped base, It consists of 3-7 pairs are not very deeply carved blades ending with an almost sausage teeth. Men's colors are collected in yellowish filamentary earrings, female, seats on branches - single or 2-3 pieces. The fruit is egglike, quite a big acorn, maturing two years, after ripening its ocoplodnik becomes brown. It covers a wide plush from large, thick and flat scraps, which is stumbling.
ORIGIN. Southeast Areas of Mediterranean.
ECOLOGY. Wallon Oak is characteristic of dry forests growing on limestone soils along with stone, Kermesov and fluffy oak.
SPREAD. From southeastern Italy east to Malaya Asia and the Middle East. In Italy, this magnificent oak grows in two places: in Trikaz - in the province of Pills and in Matera - in the province of Basilicat. In Trikaz, you can admire the "oak of a hundred riders", the width of the crown of which is 35 m.
Application. In the stomach plus a lot of Tanin, so they are used in the leather industry.
Such kinds., However, the lighter color of foliage is sharply different, the top leaf side of the sheet plate is naked and almost nourine, the flavors are narrow, partially curved.

- A tree with a height of up to 25 m with evergreen, very dark green, thick, rounded or widely spreaded crown, producing a huge impression in old trees. The straight and durable trunk is covered with a brownish-gray, wrinkled, fused on almost rectangular plates with a crust. Evergreen regular rigid leaves are very different in shape and sizes: from almost round to lancing with solid, wavy, curved-gear, or even such a prickly prickly edge, which resemble the leaves of Holly or Kermes. Oak. Their maximum length is 7 cm, they have a short petiole, their upper sheet plate is naked, shiny and dark green, and the lower grayish, with convex veins, pubescent. Men's flowers, like all oaks, are collected in the clusters (heads), forming the filamentary earrings, and women on a short flowering one by one or 2-3 pieces blooming on branches. Acorn up to 3 cm long, it has an extended and pointed octurian when ripening brown color, which is covered with thin, light gray plush with crushed flakes.

ECOLOGY. This is a thermal-loving tree typically for Mediterranean thickets. Stone oak grows from the sea level to a height of 600 m (up to 1500 m on the apentes) on the poor and not too clay soils. In ancient times, Stone Oak formed the forests, which stretched along the entire coast and covered all the mountains on the islands, and only pitiful remnants remained from them.
SPREAD. From the Iberian Peninsula and from North Africa to the East through Italy and Greece to Malaya Asia to the Middle East.
Application. Already in antiquity, it was known that there is a lot of Tanyn in Stone Oak, he has a very hard wood, with difficulty with processing, which limits its use. Therefore, it is primarily used for forestry and landscaping streets.
Similar views. Cork oakWith which, however, besides a very characteristic cortex (traffic jams) on the leaves of a curved central vein, if you look at the leaf from above, and in the stitus of the plus with a fairly advanced edge and slightly convex scales. AND kermes Oakwhose leaves and young twigs are completely naked.

Oak Kermes

- A tree in rare cases reaches a height of 4 m, it is usually a bush with a rounded, evergreen, more or less disheveled, thick, shiny and dark green crown. If the barrel is still there, then covered with wrinkled and fascinated light brown bark. Very rigid evergreens regular leaves are smaller than other European oaks, their maximum length is not more than 4 cm. They have a short petiole, a naked and brilliant sheet plate, wide egg-shaped or oblongable with heart-shaped or rounded base, gear and very spiny edge except Togo often also wavy. Men's flowers hang in yellowish earrings, and female flowers on short flowering on 1-4 pieces are blooming on the branches. Justice ripen for the second year, they have an oblong ocoloblodnik, after ripening it becomes brown and brilliant, its third part covers the plus, it is distinguished by scales, which turned into the weeds and sharp spines.
ORIGIN. Mediterranean pool.
ECOLOGY. Kermes Oaks are characteristic of the most dry Mediterranean thickets (Oleo-Ceratonion), where he grows under the hot sun on limestone, rocky soil.
SPREAD. From Central and Southern Spain, from South France and from North Africa to the east to Greece, to the Peloponnes of the Islands, Malaya Asia and the Middle East. In Italy, Kermes Oak rarely occurs, it grows in Western Liguria, on the major islands (in Sardinia and in Sicily) and in Salento, which is mixed with other plants of Mediterranean thickets.
Application. In the past of dried and transformed in the powder of adult insect females (Chemes Vermilio)Living on the branches of Kermesov Oak, removed the bright red paint for the color of the fabrics.
Similar views. Couple-shaped forms of stone oak with spiny leaves, from which Kermes oak differs from the fact that he has a lower side of the sheet plate and young twigs completely naked and plushing with his acorns, spruy spiny.

Oak red 1.

Oak red, or oak sharp, or oak Canadian - A large fast-growing durable tree, reaching a height of 25 meters. In his homeland in the US, the Oak Red has a large forestry value. Its heavy solid wood of a beautiful amber color with a reddish tint is used for the manufacture of boards, furniture, plywood.
Red oak is quite stable in the conditions of the North-West. In the harsh winters can freeze the ends of young branches. Well tolerate the conditions of the city. Moderately shadowed, but it grows better with full lighting. Prefers well-drained acidic soils. Poor grows on lime soils, does not carry out stagnant moisture. Oak red resistant to pests and diseases. Not amazed by mildew.
Crown in red oak thick tolling or broad-shaped. Cora thin gray. Red oak leaves differ from the usual cherry oak, large up to 23 centimeters long, 3-5 blade (blades are pointed). Removed resemble the leaves of a sharp maple leaves. If the red oak leaves are reddish, in the summer they become dark green, and in the fall acquire a spectacular color - the young plants are bright red leaves, in adults brown with a reddish tint. Because of the autumn painting of the leaves, the red oak and got its name.
Used red oak for single and group landings, creating alleys, it is suitable for landing along roads and streets, as it is characterized by high gas resistance. For small sites, this tree is not suitable, as it grows rapidly and grows to large sizes.
Red oak seeds reproduce seeds, collected acorns sow autumn or spring after stratification.

- One-bedroom leaf fall tree up to 20 m high (in most areas of the Russian Far East, low trees, often threshing origin, 8-12 m high), with a spherical crown, smooth gray bark of trunk, dense leathery blade leaves. Different flowers, small, unspoic. Fruits - brown acorns.
Natural Area: Russian Far East, Eastern Siberia, China, Korea, where mixed or pure oak plantings.
Flowers for 2-9 days in May. Justice ripen in mid-August-September. Prefers the average for the wealth and humidity of the soil, but it also meets on dry, poor, where it does not reach large sizes, and sometimes it can grow as a large shrub. Lightweight. Gas-resistant. Height slow. Durability in natural growing conditions for more than 300 years.
It is multiplied by seeds that are better to sow autumn. In spring crops, their pre-cold stratification is needed at a temperature of 2-5 ° C for 3-4 months.
Can be used in landscaping in single and group landings.


Height: up to 37 meters
Area: Most of Europe, Caucasus, Turkey, North-West Africa
Growing places: Fall Falls and Radious Moderate Belt, on Fertile Soils

Or cheerful oak, or summer, or englishThe most abundantly growing in France and Germany, where extensive forests are still preserved, consisting of the benefits of this tree. At one time, huge dubrava grew in England. From oak wood, the British built their ships, thanks to which Britain remained the dominant sea power for almost four centuries. But by the end of the XVII century. Oak forests here almost completely cut down, and the British began to import oak wood from the Baltic countries.
Powerful, but relatively short trunk of ordinary oak is crowned with a thick spreaded crown. Leather paddle leaves are sitting on short cutters and reach a length of 10 cm.

High Tree (up to 20-40 m) with a powerful root system, a wide-grained crown, strong branches and a thick barrel. The bark is dark gray, fat, longitudinally fascinated. The leaves are short-hearted, the next, leathery, peristo-blade, in the outlines are back-ovoid, one-piece, stupid. Flowers are not obvious, same-sex, single-bed plant; Stomaching - collected in drooping earrings, they consist of a 6-8 separate, greenish perianth and 6-10 stamens. Pestile flowers have a reduced perianth, are collected 1-3 in the sinuses of the upper leaves; Pestik - 1, with 3-blade stigs. The fruit is egg-shaped, brownish-yellow yeld, on a long fruit, surrounded by a shallow cupid plush. Flowers in May, fruits ripen in September - October. It grows better on sufficiently rich soils. Drought-resistant. The middle-resistant (well tolerates the side shading well, but suffers when shading the growing top shoots and reduces the growth rate). It is preferable to plant collaborators in wind protected from wind. Gas-resistant. Forest-forming breed of deciduous and mixed forests.
Particularly decorative thanks to the leaves - dark green in the summer and yellow or yellow-brown autumn, as well as dark, fancy curved branches in winter.
It is multiplied by seeds after preliminary stratification at a temperature of 1-3 ° C for 1-3 months. It is advisable to spend sowing in the spring, since the acorns can germinate at a temperature of 1.5-2 s and during the crop in the fall can freeze.
Restable use in groups and single landings in the parks is recommended.
Failure: The leaves are sometimes affected by "tormenty dew." ...

Height: Up to 21 meters
Area: Western Mediterranean, Atlantic coast Europe and Northwest Africa
Growing places: Evergreen oak and pine forests and shrubs thickets, mainly on the stony hills
Similar views. Stone Oak It differs not only with its more thin, wrinkled, black-made-brown bark, but also leaves with a straight line, if you look at it from above, central vest and cylindrically semicircular, never expanded, with fully pressed plytic scales on the acorns.
An evergreen tree, reaching 20 m of height, with a very sprawling and disheveled green, but still a slightly grayed crown. First, the barrel is straight, but very soon leans or twisted and covens a very characteristic crust: a grayish, a thickness of several centimeters, which is falling off by the whole, heavy slices. When a piece falls down, then a new reddish-brown is visible under it, sometimes cinnamon colors or almost orange bark. Evergreen, regular, ovoid-oblong, rigid, gear leaves with a cushion up to 1.5 cm long, central winding vein is visible on the top sheet plate. Plate up to 7 cm long, its upper part is dark green, slightly flashes, and the bottom light gray and pubescent. Men's flowers in the "gloms" (beams, heads) are collected in thin earrings, and in female, from 1 to 3 pieces, each very short flowerwater. Ovitoid acorn reaches 3 cm long and covered with a thin, fairly extended plus, covered with gray, with the downsion, not completely pressed scales; The octoper is pointed, ripe, becomes brilliant and brown.
belong to K. numerous group Mulecolastic evergreen oaks, most of which grow in southern China, in Japan, Mexico and California (USA) and populate hilly shrub empties. The world glory of a cork oak brought his thick gray bark, which is the main world source of cork - material, unusually widely used in everyday life, medicine and industry. The plug knew well more ancient Romans: the word " sUBER."They called the cork oak himself, and his bark. Water-repellent connection contained in traffic suburin It is produced in the cells of the crust of many trees. But in the bark of oak, it is present almost in its pure form.
Cork oak branches are covered with thick wrinkled crust and small leaves. The outer layer of the cortex can be removed without any harm for the tree every 10 years. Today, the main global supplier of traffic jam is Portugal.

- One of the most familiar, common in Italy, oaks, it can be found almost everywhere in the Mediterranean. The tree can grow in height of 20 m, but often it looks like a more or less twisted bush with a disheveled, but rounded crown. The trunk and branches covers a gray-brown or blacknate, very wrinkled bark, fused on small, almost rectangular plates. Overdrawing, the next leaves 6-12 cm long on a cut in 1.2-1.5 cm, their sheet plate is a medium-alpasoid-oblong, has various forms that differ in size and primarily blades that can be curved and even pivestly, in this case The blades themselves consist of blades. The young leaves are covered with a soft flush, in old leaves it is more or less saved on the bottom sheet plate. Men's flowers in earrings form numerous "globs" (heads), in female colors a short peduncle, they bloom on branches for 1-5 pieces. The fruit is acorn with an egg-shaped ocoplodnik, when ripening is brilliant and brown and on a third, covered with a plush from highly compressed, pubescent scales.
ORIGIN. Southern Europe and Small Asia.
ECOLOGY. Fluffy oak is typical for a belt with a climate close to the Mediterranean, these are coastal plains and spurs of the mountains up to 800 m of height above sea level, in rare cases up to 1500 m. The tree prefers well-lit slopes and completely indifferent to the soil type. However, on lime soils due to the causes caused by the microclimate (illumination, the best drainage) and related to morphology, and not chemical composition Soil, he owns palm championship. It forms clean oak groves, or together with the rock oak, burgundy oak, black hub, ash, rowan-aria, mixed forests, and below can be connected to it with preferring acidic soil plants such as Serpuha (Serratula Tinctoria), Potentilla (Potentilla Erecta), Bukharin (Holcus Mollis), Orlyak ordinary (Pteridium Aquilinum) or, on the contrary, those that love alkaline soil, such as sparrow (Lithospermum PurpuroCaerulum), Cytisophyllum Sessilifolium, rank (Lathyrus Niger), Kalina (Viburnum Lantana) and others - it all depends on the acid or alkaline soil.
SPREAD. From Spain to the Atlantic coast of France and east to Minor Asia; For Italy, this is the most familiar tree: the oak fluffy grows in all regions, from the Alps to Salento, in Sicily and in Sardinia.
Application. Wood fluffy oak is similar to the wood of oak powder, but it is more difficult to process, it is used to produce railway sleepers.
Similar views. In leaves rock Duba The stiff is usually a longer and lower plate naked. Fluffy oaks include numerous ekogographic options, many of which are described as separate species. it QUERCUS CONGESTA. with rounded and dense crown, very common on large islands, QUERCUS DALECHAMPII. From the banks of the campaign and Calabria, whose leaves are larger and often cake and finally QUERCUS Virgilliana., also growing on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea, his only difference is sweet and edible acorns ( chesttopalistic oak).

The height is up to 40 m. The form is spread, especially at the top. The bark is brownish-gray, wrinkled, with longitudinal grooves. Leaves falling, cherry, from rounded right blades. Flowers are men - in earrings, sediment women - 1-5 pieces. Justice's fruits in Plush with tight pressed scales.
ORIGIN. Central, Western and Southern Europe.
ECOLOGY. Rock oak - a typical tree for places with a temperate, wetted climate, it grows from 0 and in lowland at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level, forming a oak, more often it is accompanied by an acidic soil, puffy, fluffy, burgundy oaks, chestnut, ordinary Grab and beech.
SPREAD. From Central Europe to the north to Great Britain, Ireland and South Districts of Scandinavia, south to Italy, Macedonia and Bulgaria. In Italy, pure oaks from rock oak are rare. This is not so familiar to Italy, and it is often confused with a cherry oak. More often come across mixed broadband forests, primarily in the Alps.
Application. Wood rock oak - one of the most valuable, it is used in shipbuilding, the floors, furniture and barrels for "aging" of the liqueurs are made from it, it is good for wood threads.
Similar views. With which leaves are usually slightly smaller, the blades are more cut and the lower plate remains longer.

Oak bright red

Oak bright red - A tree with a height of up to 20 m with a crown, which in old trees is very expanding, giving it an elegant and majestic appearance. The straight trunk, expanding at the base, becomes the ancient trees powerful, it is covered with a bark, which is very similar to the red oak bark, first it is smooth, gray and brilliant, then brownish, wrinkled and with grooves, most often vertical. Feeding the next ovoid-ellipsoid leaves up to 18 cm long are sitting on a 3-6 centimeter pet. The sheet plate dissected almost to the central vein on 3-4 pairs of blades with irregular ostic teeth. In the fall, the leaves first paint into bright red tones, then, before turning, they darken, becoming purple. Men's flowers are collected in earrings, and female - single or couples, on a very short flower maker. Fruits - acorns that ripen two years. They are very small (plid diameter is 10-15 mm), their ocopulodnik is very shorted and covered with a plus, almost until the top of the top.
ORIGIN. Central and eastern regions of North America.
ECOLOGY. Mixed, bright wide forests on acidic soils, but it is better for deep, dry and poor lands.
Application. Bright red oak is used for landscaping, in the gardens, they are sitting on the streets. The wood of this oak is tough and durable, there is little tannin in it, so it easily boosts.
Similar views. with less deep leaf blades and a plush stomach with a width of up to 25 mm; swamp oak (QUERCUS PALUSTRIS)which has the base of the leaves narrowly conesoid.

- The tree can grow up to 30 m in height, its spreading and rounded crown support branches, often noded and twisted. The direct barrel becomes curved with age, first it is covered with a grayish, smooth or slightly wrinkled crust, which is then turning into a brownish, scaly and densely littered with grooves. Outwalking the next leaves are the largest in Italian oaks, their length comes up to 20 cm. The egg-shaped or oblong sheal plate supports a 2-6-millimeter petroleum, it consists of 7-9 pairs of narrow and deeply cut blades, in turn, too, more or less paddle. Both sides of young leaves with woolly downsion, then the top becomes bare, and on the bottom there is a reddish-gray or rust-gray chime. Men's flowers form clusters (heads) located in thin earrings, they have a perianth of 6 cups. In female colors a short peduncle, they are 2-5 to each other. Justice after ripening brownish yellow, plus with squeezed scales covering half of the acorns.

ECOLOGY. This oak occurs at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, he needs the same conditions as the Burgundy oak, so they create mixed oaks together, although they come across clean, separate oak groves. This oak prefers neutral and sour, even relatively low-disordered soils.
SPREAD. From the Apennine Peninsula to Greece, Romania and Bulgaria. In Italy, this oak is irregularly appearing on a low Maremme in Grossetto, more often it is found in Lazio and Southern Umbria, heading for a campaign and the pool (from Gargano) until Calabria, where this is the most familiar tree. In Italy, this oak is a lot in Chirceo National Park. Also in the Umbra Forest, Gargano can admire the magnificent oaks of "FENTATO", which form pure oaks on the ionic slope of strength.
Similar views. Which sometimes leaves are also very dissected, but they can always be distinguished, as they are much smaller and the downside of the leaf plate is not reddish and not reddish. On Sicily, a variety of this oak with fruits is slightly large and the leaves are slightly smaller, but so far there are no accurate confirmations of this and no new research on this.

- A tree with a height of up to 15 m, but much more often much lower and resembles a bush. The crown is rounded, stretched, horizontal, it supports a straight line, branching from the base of the barrel with a blacknate-brown, furred bark. The next leaves of the semi-folding (that is, falling at the end of winter), their length is up to 9 cm, very short petiole, the flat plate is ovoid-oblong with the right cloves, which ends with a short ust. In an adult sheet, both sides are almost the same, bright green and shiny. Men's flowers with a small perianth of 6 cups are combined into "Gulks" (bundles, heads), which are collected in thin earrings, seating female flowers alive or 2-4 blooms on branches. The fruit is a round or ovid acorn, maturing two years. After ripening, the ocoloblodnik becomes brownish, more than half it covers a large plus with scales, pressed in their lower part, protruding and bent towards the plot center, protruding, but straight near the edge of the same plin.
ORIGIN. Southeast europe.
ECOLOGY. This Mediterranean tree grows from the sea level and up to 600 m of heights predominantly on limestone soils, where it forms pure oaks or with fluffy oak oak groves.
SPREAD. From basilicates and from the East Ballock through the Balkans and to the Black Sea.
In Italy, Oak Farto settled in oak groves in the pool, as well as south from Mourge to Salento, and in the province of Matera in the village of Selva, where it grows with Wallon Oak.
Application. This oak is rarely grown in Italy, his wood is only on fuel.
Similar views. Wallon Oak, however, however, the mature leaves and branches with gray chopping and plot are thick, wide flat, vertical scales. Oak with chestnut leaves Right from China, it is often grown in the parks of Central and Northern Italy. At first glance, it is a typical chestnut with leaves with gentle-ostic edges, but something they resemble the Oak Fano. In any case, they are longer, oval-lanceathoid, with a cone-shaped base and a very sharp top.

Mighty oak people revered from a long time. In the ancient Greeks, he was a symbol of longevity, spiritual and physical strength, so the best award for brave warriors was considered the wreaths made of oak leaves. The biggest and large trees symbolized Zeus and were its natural monuments.

Oaks call flatfall trees from the beech family. In the genus of oaks, there are about six hundred species of plants, which can be seen in all regions of the northern hemisphere, where moderate climate prevails. The most southernmost point of the spread of this plant are tropical highlands, although some species grow near the equator, in Bolivia and in the large sordic islands.

Most of the representatives of the kind of light-loving (though there are species that prefer to grow in a partial or complete shadow), stealing frost and drought, are undemanding to the composition of the soil and can grow on dry, acidic and even saline lands.

The oldest representative of the kind

Mighty oak - a long-lived plant: the age of the oldest in Europe of oak is from 1.5 to 2 thousand years. At the same time, it is low: the height of the tree does not exceed 25 meters, but the diameter at the level of one and a half meters from the surface of the earth reaches four.

The old oak is growing in Latvia, not far from the village Stelmomeh, from where his name went - "Stelmänsky Old Man." It is interesting that earlier inside the tree was a huge hollow, because of which the old oak could perish. To prevent it out, the hollow was cleared from the pipes, for the export of which it took several dump trucks, they were disinfected and pinned holes with copper sheets. True, such methods only just extended the life of mighty oak. Its condition is currently close to critical: Oak bark overtook MKHAM, lichens, fungi and the likelihood that the old oak will soon die, great.


Not every plant has been able to live to such an old age: usually these trees live from three hundred to four hundred years. The first one hundred years they grow long, depending on the species, heat up to 20-50 meters, after which height is stopped. But in the diameter of a large oak grows throughout his life.


By description, trees from this kind are very similar to each other. The roots of oak thick, long, rod-type, but if a large oak grows on a highly moistened or podzolic ground, which is close to the surface of the Earth there are limestone or other dense rocks that do not make a deeper, then the roots of oak can be located superficial.

Oak wood is very dense, strong, solid and heavy, and its properties are largely dependent on where it grows:

  • If the soil is dry and sandy, oak bark thick, black. Wood straven-yellow, small-layer, solid, but a little one;
  • Oak wood, which grows on the coast of rivers or in lowland forest swamps, the coarse, has a pale pink sump, heavy, elastic, but when drying is very cracking. Bark oak light gray with a bluish tide.
  • If the big oak grows not on dry and not on the moistened soil (transition), its wood will be yellowish and have better elasticity than the plant of dry soil, and less than what has grown on the swamps. At the same time, on hardness, this species will also give up to two previous species. The gray-brown bark of the oak, the crushed roots in the transitional soil soft, thick, in the trunk of the plant often appears a hollow.

Dump-gray oak bark, completely covered with winding and deep longitudinal and transverse cracks. At the same time, trees growing in colder latitudes, oak bark consists of separate plates.

Large oak has a beautiful, extensive crown. This is caused by a rather interesting location of the branches: Mighty oak is a light-affiliated plant, so the shoots produced by a tree very often change the direction of their growth, because they strive to grow only with the lit side.

Tree leaves short-flower, leathery, have from five to seven blades. Plants from the kind of oaks are interesting because some tree foliage falls annually, others, hidden, remains on the tree until the kidney begin to bloom. But the third (their majority) leaves remain on the tree for several years, which gives reason to call representatives of the rhodation of evergreen.


Since big oak is a plant long-liver, young oak begins to produce fruit only for 20-30 years of life. Although the tree is fruit every year, a rich harvest is obtained every four or five years.

Blooming a big oak in the spring immediately after the leaves appear on it. It has a plant both men's and women's flowers. Male can be identified on the pale pink color of flowers, which are collected two or three pieces in long seelings. After the serving flashes, the pollen issued by it is viable from four to five days.

Women's flowers are small, are above the masculine, they are characterized by a greenish tint with raspberry color at the edges, and just like men, are collected in small seelings.

The fruit of the plant, the thrill, which, according to Botany, is a nut, consists of one large seed. Because it is very sensitive to external influences, protects its hard spindlers and a cupid plus (special education from the surrounding leaves), which first surrounds the seed completely, and as the fetus grows and its strengthening, it turns out to be at its basis. Ripen acorns to autumn and, tearing off from plins, fall down. Most germinate immediately, without waiting for the arrival of spring, while if winter is harsh, then many die.


Despite the fact that large oak has very durable wood, it is subject to infectious diseases that cause various mushrooms and bacteria. For example, necrosis (the process of irreversible cessation of cell activity) kills the plant in a very short time, and the mildew radiation caused by fungus is one of the most dangerous diseases, the truth, noticed at an early stage, after spraying with special solutions, quickly disappears.

Also, a considerable harm causes gallitz, insect pest, which pierces the skin of the sheet and puts the eggs inside it. Those threatened larvae form a dense ball-shaped form of yellow-colored aluminum and live in a sheet until it turns into an adult insect, which cannot but affect the general condition of the plant.


Large Oak is notable in that its use is possible in many areas of human life - in construction, in furniture manufacturing, in folk crabs, in the food industry, medicine and even music (made of musical instruments from it). In addition, landscaping the streets, squares, parks, use plants and decorative targets.

Wood plant is one of the best construction and diverse materials: it differs not only by density and durability, but also fire resistance (heat combustion is significantly higher than in many tree species growing in medium latitudes).

Bottle plugs are also made from this tree: cork oak bark, which grows in the south of France, in Spain, Algeria and the Caucasus, contains a thick layer of cork, the thickness of which is several centimeters.

Some plant species found use in the food industry: this is especially true of trees that grow in the south. So, Zhöldi Italian oak stone, sweet taste. There is also information that the Indians often used them in food. As for the acorns growing in the territory of Russia, it is made by a substitute for coffee. Another one interesting factWhen it comes to the use of these plants, is that the roots of the oak are completely connected with the most expensive mushrooms - truffles.

The bark of oak, gully, branches, the leaves found their use and medicine. Acorns contain sugar, starch, tanning and protein substances, oily oil. In the leaves there are dyes, penosen, tanning substances.

The properties of the bark of oak are such that they have been used for it as a wound and anti-inflammatory agent. Since the bark of oak contains sugar, pectin, various acids, it is included in the drinks, which are used with colitis, diseases of the liver, intestinal bleeding, spleen or stomach.

Also, the resulting decoction favorably affects the nervous and cardiovascular system. Oak bark recommended even dentists: the decoction of it helps well with inflammation of the adhesion, thanks to him the mucous membrane solidifies, as a result of which the harmful bacteria are deprived of the nutrient medium. And after a while, the solidified shell replaces the new, healthy tissue.

When it comes to dubahIt seems to be something majestic and grandiose, appropriate "among the valley of the Rusty" or in the park, but not in any way in the garden plot.

Indeed, our native cheerful oak, inhabiting forests of the European part of the country, corresponds to this image. At middle age, so in two hundred years, it grows up to 30 m and spreads the branches of 20-25 m wide, completely overlapping the plot of four hundred. On such a tree, you can admire the way, but not in the close communal of the garden partnership.

Fortunately, duba Cherry abuse forms and varieties for a small garden. They differ and the nature of growth, and the color sheet, its size and outlines. These compact oaks are increasingly falling to our market, and, above all, it is old reliable with a dense colonid crown and leaves smaller than fishy form. It grows relatively slow. The dwarf is almost not growing at all, which is an intricate shape in the figure of a stack of a tempting dense crown, which seems to it consists of some compressed leaves. 'Facrist' except a small growth is distinguished by borrowed in beams and shimpering twisted leaves. The most famous we have 'pectinata', dressed by exaggerated with bladed leaves similar to rake.

W. cherry Duba You can find all the painting sheets among plants among plants, and such color forms, as well, less powerful and tall. Yellow presents grade 'Concordia', especially bright in spring. Purple - mellite 'Autropurpurea' ('Purpurascens'), which is only at breaking, and 'Purpurea', preserving a well-pronounced non-standard color all season. There are copper-visual varieties - 'Furschwarzenburg' and 'Irtha'.

If the first is striking with a white grip, which manifests itself only on a secondary summer increase, then a small trunk leaf 'IRTHA' is also ruthlessly confused and twisted. Such creatures produce an unhealthy impression on a person inexperienced in the art of gardening. But as it is addicted to the wonders of breeding, interest in such curiosities is also coming.

In addition to the cherry, the rest are well wintering with us oaks miniature They do not differ and, as a rule, do not have small varieties. Cutting such trees, you need to have a lot of space so that they can show all their best qualities. If you are ready for this, I can recommend oak Mongolian(O. Mongolica) with large leaves, which are bordered by stupid teeth. During the leaf fall, it is painted in the usual duffen-bronze color for oaks. Or american Oak Large-Board With a dark lacquered leaf, resembling a form of a violin, which is valuable in that it does not suffer with mildew (American species almost do not suffer from this disease).

Especially flourishing in our latitudes the so-called "Red" oakswhich in nature are found only in northern and Central America. This appendix entered very unpretentious and fast-growing slender trees with relatively smooth grayish bark and rigid smooth leaves. Their thick acorns in plus-skewers voluntarize two years and are insulated from the inside the felt input. In the middle of the red oaks in the fall in the fall, but in the middle lane so for some reason only the young trees come, and the old things become copper brown.

Actually oak red, or northern, Rises on the smooth trunk of his thick crown above 20 m. Its variety 'aurea' is a powerful tree with constantly yellow foliage - very decorative. Impressive I. oak bright red, or charlahwhich differs from the red deep-cut sheet with 5-7 narrow drawn blades, and the rest - and the article, and inconspicuous to the conditions - it is not inferior to him.

The same carved leaves, but hanging at the ends of the branch from the third favorite of the city-realizers, oak Bolotnaya. His young increase can be moderated, and the dwarf varieties' Green Dwarf, 'Swamp Pygmy' would be very promising. Unfortunately, they are usually vaccinated on a high strab, which makes them vulnerable to frosts.

Some red oaks have all-ray leaves, which gives them a completely unrecognizable and exotic appearance. The experience of the content of such oaks is still small, but the oak tiled (O. Imbricaria), which successfully carrying the last winter, inspires hope.

It's true that most compact types of oak Not adapted to the frosty and slushful winters of Central Russia. In all its glory, they can only speak in parks and gardens Black Sea coast. First of all, I mean wonderful evergreens mediterranean oaks - Stone and cork. Popular ones in Western Europe, low-leaved oaks rocky (O. Petraea), fluffy (O. Pubescens) and Austrian, or Turkish (O. Cerris), can take root in the Gardens of the Kaliningrad region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Terrays. We, in the middle lane, these types If they survive, they are moving into the discharge of shrubs, while they are kept unstable and look rather unsightly due to constant frostbies. An exception is the Far Eastern oak toothed, which, thanks to the huge 30-precantimetime leaves, remains attractive, despite regular friction. In Moscow, this species does not exceed the growth of a person and in the fall acquires fiery color.

"Red" oaks are very unpretentious with respect to watering and soil fertility. The same types of belong to the relationship of real oaks (ingycular, Mongolian, gear, large-scale), much more demanding: do not like poor sandy soils and heavy loams. If you are going raiseIt is better to bury it right away at a permanent place, because the seedman actively plaes the long rod root. If a transplant is planned, then for the second year in the spring this root is trimmed with a shovel at a depth of 20-25 cm so that the root system becomes thicker and more compact. For sowing, they get fashed acorns because they quickly lose the germination of a frequent pest, affecting oaks - the oak oak walnut, the larva of which causes the formation of large beautiful gall balls. In the fall, the leaves are taped by them, as peculiar fruits. Significant harm they do not cause. Previously, ink was obtained from Galov, from where their other name is ink nuts. Mildly dew on oaks are extremely unsightly, from which they begin to suffer closer to autumn. This mushroom disease can be tried to prevent, processing the crown, for example, a single thorough copper vigor. But it is better to choose copies that do not suffer: if you look at the oak to seedlings in the fall, then you can see that they are amazed with a torment dew in different degrees.

On a note:

- Omilli is one of the most beautiful fruit trees grown in a personnel to decorate interiors. In nature, it is well tolerate even a long-term soil drought, but does not like dry air. When keeping in indoor culture, the land in a pot should always be slightly humid, and the crown should be regularly sprayed with water. B Outdoor Soil Omlin to Soils is not demanding, and even takes out a small salinization. But with a limited volume of the substrate, there needs a water-permeable nutrient soil with the addition of limestone.

Motherland Red Oak is North America, where he is mainly growing, covering part of Canada. It grows up to 25 meters high, and the lifespan reaches about 2,000 years. This is a leaf fall tree with a dense, tolten crown and thin, coated with smooth gray-made bark, barrel. Crown is sleeping with thin, shiny, up to 2.5 cm long, leaves. Begins to bloom with the beginning of the leaf growing from 15-20 years of age. Red oak fruits are red-brown acorns with a length of 2 centimeters. It can grow on any soil, except for limestone and overwhelmed.

Landing and care

Landing is produced in early spring, Before starting the breakdown of the leaves. To do this, there is a slight deepening in the ground and the seedloves fall into it, following the remnants of the acorns are not lower than 2 cm from the soil level. For its landing, places are selected with good lighting and soil without the content of lime, as well as places on the hill so that moisture stagnation does not occur. After landing, during the first 3 days, the sapling is regularly watering. Caring for the oak red comes down to regular trimming of dry branches and organizing wintering of young plants. Plants are hidden in the first 3 years of life, wrapped around the trunk of burlap or other material capable of protecting a young tree from severe frosts. Adult tree in such protection does not need.

For the reproduction of oak, its fruits (acorns) are used, which are collected late in autumn under healthy and strong trees for growing the same strong and healthy seedlings. You can land like in the autumn and in the spring, although it is very difficult to save them to spring and preservation. Best of all, they are experiencing winter under the trees, and in the spring you can collect already sprouted acorns.

Diseases and pests

In general, the Oak is red resistant to damage to pests and diseases, but still sometimes exposed to some diseases and amazed by pests. As a disease, necrosis of the branches and the trunk can be noted, and as pests - mildew, fruit case mole, oak leaflet. Especially he suffers from malievable dew, which is not amenable to treatment.

Use in medicine

The medicine uses the bark and oak leaves of red, for the preparation of decoction and infusions, as well as for the manufacture of drugs. Infusion and decoctions are used in the treatment of eczema, varicose, gum inflammation, with spleen and liver diseases. The tincture of the young bark of oak can improve blood circulation, have a property of improving immunity, raise the body tone.

The billets are produced during the period of the coil, and the leaves are harvested in mid-May. Dry harvested raw materials under canopies. With proper storage, the oak bark saves its medical properties For 5 years.

Use of wood

Oak wood, strong and durable with a light brown or yellowish brown tint, which darkens over time. He played a major role in converting the United States Industry and is a symbol of New Jersey. At the dawn of the industrial revolution of this country, wheels, plows, barrels, weaving machines, reinforced concrete sleepers and, of course, furniture and other utensils of everyday demand were produced from it. Its wood is heavy and firm with good bending and resistance. When applying, the bark is fine. It is well amenable to physical processing. When using screws, it is desirable to first twist the holes. It is easily polished and easily processed by various dyes and polishing agents. Nowadays, it is used to make furniture, decoration, veneer, parquet elements, parquet board, doors, interior decorations, cladding.

Oak is considered a sacred tree in many nations. He worshiped the ancient Slavs and Celts as the Deity. This tree has a powerful energy and is a symbol of durability and courage, to this day.

Red oak can be attributed to the main element of park and urban landscaping and is the best landscape design material. This plant for its use in landscape compositions requires a large area. In this regard, it is used to decorate large squares and parks. Unfortunately, planting such a tree, due to impressive sizes, does not seem to be possible on the household site or dacha.

Western Europe uses it in landscape design due to its ability to delay noise, as well as thanks to its phytoncidal properties. It is used in ordinary landings for windscreens of residential arrays and central motorways.

Dube varieties

Oak black. One of the most durable species. Although the average life expectancy ranges within 500-900 years, but if you believe sources, capable of living up to 1500 years. In nature, it grows in Central and Western Europe, as well as the European part of Russia. It has a slender trunk, up to 50 meters high - in dense plantings, and a short barrel with a wide, spreaded crown on open spaces. Wind-resistant, thanks to a strong cornessemist. Grows slowly. Long-term overalling of the soil carries it difficult, but can withstand 20 day floods.

Oak fluffy. Durable tree with a height of up to 10 meters, which can be found in Southern Europe and Asia Minor, in the Crimea and in the northern part of the Transcaucasia. Very often you can meet in the form of a shrub.

Oak white. Meets in the east of North America. Powerful beautiful tree up to 30 meters high, with strong empty-colored branches forming a tolten crown.

Swamp oak. High wood (up to 25 meters) with narrowopyramidal in young age, and wide-brushed, in adulthood, crown. The greenish-brown bark of the tree trunk remains smooth for a long time.

Oak Irolet. It features the original shape of the leaves, resembling the form of the leaves of willow.

Oak stone. Native edge of this, evergreen tree - Small Asia, Southern Europe, North Africa, Mediterranean. Beautiful and valuable view for park design. This tree is in culture since 1819. Drought-resistant and frosty.

Oak chestnutal. This kind of oak is listed in the Red Book. In the wild, it can be found in the Caucasus, in Armenia and Northern Iraq. Its height reaches 30 meters and has a tolten crown. The leaves are reminded in appearance, the leaves of chestnut and in the edges have triangular pointed teeth. Rights rapidly, has an average resistance to low temperatures.

Oak large-fashioned. A rather high tree (up to 30 meters) with a wide tolten crown and thick trunk. Immediately, the eyes rush long leaves, an inversely shape, length up to 25 cm. They become very beautiful to autumn. Very rapidly growing, like moisture, medium frost.

A bit of history

A man for a long time uses the wonderful properties of this unique tree. No matter how paradoxically, but oak, or rather its fruits, our rapusts were used in food. When excavations in the Dnieper, the archaeologists found evidence that in 4-3 millennia BC, baked bread, pre-trusheys in flour. In the Middle Ages, in many European countries, zealous flour was used to baking bread. For example, the old Poland practically did not know about bread baked without mixing such flour. In Russia, the bread from academic flour was baked and partly in the dough added rye. Such bread, in hungry years, was the main food.

In the XII century in the oak forests lured pigs. They drove into the forest when the forest cover was covered with wild apples, pears and acorns. The love of pigs to the acorns can be judged by the saying: "Caban, though it is full, and will not pass by the stomach."

It is impossible to leave the attitude of our ancestors to the oak, as a building material. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, whole cities were erected from oak, and the flotilla was built. Up to 4,000 trees went to the manufacture of one military ship. At that time, oak groves cut out the cleaner.

In the old days, a huge preference was given to furniture made of oak. It was highlighted by special reliability, magnificities and massiveness. Popular chests of Russian work performed from oak and hinge with carved glands were sold in the Transcaucasia, in Khiva and Bukhara. In such chests stored clothes, gathered dowry. At the same time, such a saying went: "Spacese does not break the oak." The masters of those times oak blanks were sprinkled and attached to them the necessary forms. Oak wood used for the manufacture of agricultural tools of labor: Villa, Grabel, Brooron. Young oaks, with equal trunks, used for making copies for copies. They were dried and thoroughly wrapped. Such blanks were called "a spear tree".