Business cards for rent rental options. How to make money on the daily rent of apartments: business plan. Pros and cons of business

Optimum option for starting business without investments will be the daily apartment of the housing. About how to do it correctly in the article.

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Business concept

Since this sphere is not new and quite well investigated, it can be said that either one-room apartments that take off to just spend the night, or the same three-four-room, in which guests of the city or students will be seized.

From the point of view of profitability, one room is the perfect option. The owner saves repairs, payment of utilities, and cleaning, while getting the same money that would have with a larger apartment. This is due to the fact that the cost of housing is mainly calculated for one person, but for the living space as a whole.

It is best to take apartments near train stations, hospitals, and educational institutions. Due to the fact that housing can remain unattended for a while, it is better to give preference to the third and higher floors. It will slightly reduce the risk of hacking and arson.

Initial expenses

Even if at your disposal there are several apartments personally belonging to you, do not avoid expenses. And on how clearly advertising will be developed and all the conditions are thought out, the rate of payback of objects depends.

Points, without payment of which you just do not do:

  1. Payment of utility payments. This cost of expenses is completely on real estate owners, even if guests spent whole month In the hired apartment.
  2. Payment of services of cleaning companies or cleaners. Of course, these duties can be performed independently, but having several apartments, it will not be easy to do it. And if you consider the fact that the apartment can change guests every day, and you need to remove after everyone, the owners of the apartments will have to devote their time on the objects and cleaning.
  3. Advertising. Fortunately on the Internet There are many free bulletin boards that will allow to convey information about the services you provide for potential customers. But the "sharks" of this segment of the market know that this is not enough, therefore they go to tricks, such as a contract with taxi drivers, or arrangement of promoters. The essence of such an advertisement is that a person who has just left the bus or train is most often sent either to a taxi, for people who offer accommodation immediately near the station. A taxi driver can, no matter how to recommend to guests a good accommodation, and get their deserved percentage for it. Standard rates - 100 rubles for one occupied apartment.
  4. Don't forget about force majeure circumstanceswhich usually require significant waste. Here you can take a breakdown of technicians, the cost of repair, "Flood" from the neighbors, the invasion of cockroaches, etc.
  5. If you rent not your apartmentAnd leased, then expenses will be much big.
  6. Payment for services of realtors.
  7. Repairs, Preparation of housing for exploitation.

It should always be remembered that trouble is easier (and cheaper) to warn what to deal with them in fact. If you know that the neighbors of the hand in the object have a faulty plumbing or are "problem", take care of this in advance. After the first flood from the neighbors from above, make them through the court to eliminate the problems in their apartment, thus having robbing themselves from the focus of danger.

Registration of IP

Since we have already determined that the delivery of apartments for rent is a business, and, with the right approach, it is very profitable, then it is necessary to arrange it in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the person who gives his own or leased under the Social Hospital Agreement (PP.2 paragraph 1 of Article 67 of the LCD of the Russian Federation) housing, has the right to perform their activities without. But those who have more than five objects surrendered, it is better to be restrained and legalizing their activities.

At the moment, in judicial practice, cases of punishment of persons who surrendered housing without the status of an entrepreneur are not registered. The thing is that the very fact of entrepreneurial activity is difficult to prove, because in essence is your property and you can manage it as you like.

But in the registration of IP there are a number of explicit advantages:

  1. Any claims to the lease can be solved if all the cases were decorated properly.
  2. Proving the fact of the residence of the person (persons) and damage to property in order to reimburse the damage can only be on the hands of the lease agreement.

Rent for an apartment (at sublease)

Sublease - This is the process of re-passing real estate from the primary tenant to the secondary. For the design of the sublease, a document is drawn up, which has the format of the lease agreement and can not have the terms of action of large, rather than the initial document on hiring space.

Persons who plan to hand over the leased real estate in Subarend, it is necessary to know that in case of violations of the terms of the contract, the subtenantor, to respond to the owner will have to still the primary tenant.

The same applies to non-payment of utilities, non-compliance with the rules for the use of entrusted object, and damage to the property.

Because of this circumstance, legally illiterate sublenders decide that they do not bear any responsibility and can easily violate all the terms of the contract. Unfortunately, for them, and to joy for the landlord, it is not. The sublepenter is responsible to the face with whom he has a written agreement.

If you decide to take housing to the sublease, carefully read the terms of the contract, and remember that the point about a possible increase in payment is quite justified - if the owner increases the rates for the tenant, he will, in turn, will have to increase them and for you.

Payment of services realtor

But if you still decided to build a successful business in the field of rental housing - without realtor services can not do. Such companies will allow the owner or to lease member to find a housing. The result is the lack of downtime and constant income.

The main thing is to contact proven companies that can be trusted not only you, but also people who are in search of housing.

Improvement of housing

Undoubtedly, you can take apartments with a Soviet style, but do not forget that rumors diverge quickly. Even if several people in ignorance or in the absence of urgent alternatives will stop in such conditions, after a few weeks, even a few weeks, even realtors will not cooperate with you.

It is necessary to invest in the improvement. If you do not have money for a capital renovation, take care for the beginning of the health of plumbing, the availability of hot water, good beds, washing machine, and refrigerator.

For many clients, not so much style and decor, as functionality and cleanliness of housing is important. Therefore, even if the wallpaper is not the newest, no mold and torn edges should be simply not necessary!

Permanent expenses

Of the above list of expenses, you can allocate those that are constant, and from which it is not anywhere if you are aimed at a good result:

  • taxes (if you still issued the IP);
  • rent (if the apartment is not yours);
  • advertising (maybe free);
  • cleaning and washing;
  • utilities;


The amount of income and the rate of payback of the project directly depend on:

  • the initial state of the living space;
  • quality and amount of advertising;
  • work of realtors;
  • your attitude to customers;
  • area of \u200b\u200bfinding housing;

Usually, the daily rent with full workload can be filled with expenses in less than six months, subject to the lack of costs for overhaul.

How to search for customers?

The most productive customer search paths are:

  1. Ads on Internet sites.
  2. Arrangement of promoters at stations and attribution with taxi drivers.

Thus, customers themselves find you. Work on the Internet (community creation in social networksThe permanent update of the ad) Much facilitates the search process for the apartment.

Renting an apartment purchased to a mortgage

The fact that someone purchased an apartment for borrowed funds does not make it an infallible owner. Therefore, housing taken into the mortgage can be handed over the same way as purchased for cash.

All items concerning disputation of housing are registered in the "Mortgage Law". Theoretically, the Bank may prohibit such activities, but it will not be done. Stupid by the banking system to overlap the face that has developed a mortgage, an additional source of income, which increases the chances of timely and complete debt repayment.

Risks, pitfalls

The main danger of such a business - Safety of the apartment. But it can be minimized by the design of the IP and the preparation of a lease agreement between guests and owners (tenants, subledators).

Always demand passports in people who populate even for a day. And remember, having a simple copy of the passport in your hands without a contract, you do not have the right to any kind of claim. Security or savings - choose for you.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Business

As in any business, the delivery of a personal or rented apartment for rent has its advantages and disadvantages.

To the first one can attribute:

  1. Fast payback.
  2. Practically constant monitoring of the state of living space.
  3. High demand.
  4. Optional registration of IP.
  5. Small attachments (subject to a good source state of the apartment).

For disadvantages, perhaps, it is possible to attribute only the risks that appear in the event of an apartment without relevant documents.

Daily delivery of apartments as a business is chosen by many people who are looking for easy earnings. It is enough to have free housing and assign a proper price, and customers will always be found. In big cities there are a lot of opportunities for doing business at the rent of apartments for rent. The options for its organization also a lot.

  • How to start a business for renting apartments?
  • Pros and cons of business
  • How much can earn money
  • How much money is needed for starting business
  • What to choose equipment for the daily delivery of apartments
  • What kind of OKVED indicate when registering a business
  • What taxation system to choose for daily delivery of apartments
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Business technology

How to start a business for renting apartments?

Having a living space, a person can build a serious business rental of apartments. You can offer apartments for rent for workers on business trips and for simple travelers. There are 3 ways to build a business for rental apartments:

  1. Having free apartments. This is the most convenient and simple option. Many will say that it is much easier to find permanent tenants. They will regularly make the required fee. A person does not need to constantly trust his apartment in foreign unreliable people. Such activity will occupy little time and bring constant income. However, daily rent will help earn much more money home owner.
  2. Specially buying an apartment. This option is suitable for those who decided to earn seriously on this. If there is no money to buy housing, you can take a loan or mortgage. Then for quick earnings you can do not even count: all means will go to pay debts. But if you suffer, in a short time you can get a big profit from business for rent apartments for rent. Moreover, a person forever acquires an apartment without devastating his wallet.
  3. By organizing a sublease. Not everyone is ready to decide on that. This option will definitely suit people who do not have their housing, but want to receive money from renting. You just need to remove some apartments for a long time. Then they can be lease for several days. Such a phenomenon is quite common in modern megalopolis. By paying the owner of the apartment for the month, a person will work out about 10 days of delivery for a day.

You need to register your business in the tax inspection. This will help avoid unwanted problems. In the case of sublease, it is important to conclude an agreement with the owner of the housing and assure it notarially. The same actions need to be carried out with clients. All this guarantees the success of business on the daily rent of apartments.

Pros and cons of business

People who give accommodation for rent, do not need to think about how to make money. This business will always flourish. After all, not all people buy their own housing or pay for rooms at the hotel. The delivery of the apartment has the following advantages:

  1. Benefit. An active person who wants to seriously do business will be able to earn several times more than the one who passes apartments for a short time.
  2. Convenience. Without signing a long-term contract, you can quickly and painlessly get out of the case. And suddenly distant relatives come, and it will be necessary to urgently settle them. Those who are going to sell it can also be engaged in rental housing. While this process lasts, it is possible to earn a little.
  3. Relevance. Number B good hotel It is usually very expensive. Not all companies can pay for its employees. And here people come to the rescue, ready to offer accommodation for a few days. This costs cheaper, and even more convenient, because in some apartments there is a kitchen and many other advantages. Therefore, such a business will flourish even in crisis times.

However, there are also pitfalls in the rent of apartments. They need to be taken into account by doing such activities. It has the following flaws:

  1. No guarantees. To be successful, you need to be very active. A person will have to constantly look for new tenants and advertise an apartment in every way. Otherwise, stable income is better not to wait.
  2. Boots. After the departure of each client in the apartment you need to clean, change linens. If guests did not want to carefully use furniture and a variety of devices, then at the apartment will occasionally have to make redecoration. And insure such housing is unlikely to succeed.
  3. A responsibility. Housing owner must provide customers with complete comfort and security. In the event of a malfunction of sockets or electrical devices, it is hears responsibility for everything. Also not excluded a variety of fraud and theft. In such cases, it is possible to get into serious troubles that will be associated with law enforcement agencies.

Rent apartments has not only obvious advantages, but also some pitfalls.

Starting such a business, it is worth considering all the risks, as well as take care of his legality.

Earnings from the daily rent of the apartment can really be considerable. But it is important to remember that this case requires constant active participation.

As a rule, each time to rent a new housing for several hours or a day is less profitable than to shoot it on an ongoing basis: for example, in Moscow you can find options for 20,000 rubles per month, that is, for 667 rubles a day, while prices The daily rent is rarely below 1500-1700 rubles. It is at the expense of such a difference that earns a lot of businessmen. However, in this case there are our pitfalls, so the delivery of apartments for rent as a business will suit only those who know how to negotiate with people and does not fall into despondency, failing to find customers in the first days of work. Easy the start and save confidence in your abilities will help a high-quality business plan at the start, with many options of which you can get acquainted, and if you wish to buy in. Before dealing with the subtleties, let's talk about who such an enterprise will succeed with a greater probability.

Businessmen in the housing market

In the presence of due skills and the qualities of the business on the delivery of apartments can be a golden residential for any entrepreneur. However, it is worth allocating some categories of citizens who are probably like this.

  • People with experience in hotels and hostels. If you ever headed the hotel or even an ordinary employee, you probably were forced to cope with many difficulties related to the settlement of guests, the provision of amenities, the safety of the property.
  • Family people. Business on the daily rent of apartments is an excellent idea for an enterprise that can be done together with relatives: for example, you can negotiate with relatives and live with them, leaving your apartment free for customers.
  • People with a wide range of dating, as well as those who have ready-made customer databases. Business for rent apartments is very in demand - from hundreds of your buddies or customers someone will probably be interested in the proposal, and then you will play the so-called sorrolhed radio on your hand.

Start-up capital

With accuracy to say how much money will be required to begin the entrepreneur to start a business for rent apartments, it is impossible - it all depends on the starting conditions. Competently express priorities and coordinate efforts at the start will help for example such. Consider four main positions.

Rent a second apartment

This is the most favorable option for entering the business. If you have two apartments, you are not risking anything by handing out the second for rent. A constant search for customers who will stay with you for a couple of days will take a considerable amount of time, but the losses are minimal. In the end, you can always stop working and rent an apartment for a long time.

Acquisition of an apartment in a mortgage

This option will suit those who are planning to conduct business for rent apartments for rent not one year. If you buy housing on credit and pay for a mortgage using funds received from customers, your earnings will be relatively small, but in a few years you will be in the property excellent room. This is what basic costs should be considered if you are going to buy an apartment for business:

  • the initial contribution of 10-30% of the cost of the apartment;
  • insurance costs that need to be covered immediately when making a mortgage;
  • costs for repairs in the apartment.

However, be prepared for what you have to closely monitor guests: for damage or theft of property you will have to answer with your own means. And this is if not to say that not every owner will approve the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing business in his apartment. And yet, in no case, do not try to hide from the apartment owner, why do you need an additional area, otherwise your business fails, not having time to pay off.


In order for your business for daily rental apartments to be losses due to fines, already at the customer search phase it is necessary to register with the tax inspection. You can deduct interest and as an individual, but much easier and faster to obtain the status of an IP (individual entrepreneur.) In this case, you will always know the tax amount: in Russia it is, for example, 6% of annual earnings plus insurance premiums (about 22,000 rubles).

Naturally, these are not all documents: you may need official papers at any time, proving your right to own property. And if you remove the apartment for guests, be sure to wrap the contract with the owner of the notary.

Governmental support

An entrepreneur who starts the business at the rental of apartments for rent, at the beginning of the road will not prevent contact with the Small Business Lending Fund. Participation in the subsidization program most often passes in three stages:

  • providing the Fund of your business plan;
  • receiving funds (about 60,000 rubles);
  • use of funds and drawing up, as well as providing the report on the report on the work done.

Requirements for the room

Daily rent for rent: video

Explore hotel offers. Integet to the quality of service and accommodation. This service is not new, the situation with competition from entrepreneurs offering apartments for rent, hostels and boarding houses should also be known. If your competitors are not completely downloaded, it is not yet a reason to abandon the business idea. Normal consider the average load by 50-65%.

Based on this data, you can calculate the average demand for the service, profitability. Composing a business plan, develop more attractive offers than competitors with similar conditions. Come up with how you can improve the level of service.

Basic risks

This service is in demand in large cities, which are characterized by a significant number of tourists and people arriving with a business goal. The course of affairs does not affect weather factors, seasonal features and other possible risks. In this case, it all depends only on your efforts and marketing policies. If you have all the documents in order, and business is legally and at the proper level, everything should be fine.

The only potential danger is unscrupulous customers. There is a risk of non-payment for accommodation, theft and damage to things located in the apartment. You can progress. Develop a standard agreement in which the responsibility of the parties is indicated in the event of possible difficulties. By signing it, the client indicates its passport details. This is a common practice.

If you live in a small town, about the feasibility of organizing this business it is worth thinking very seriously. You may be more profitable for renting an apartment for a long time.


If you are planning to hand out your own apartment, the search for the search is removed. But it should be borne in mind that for potential customers, the most attractive central areas, streets near station stations and bus stations with a convenient transportation junction. If your apartment is on the outskirts, there are problems with transport, or coming to a person will be difficult to find the right address, it makes sense to think about the exchange for a more advantageous location.

You can purchase the room. If there is no sufficient amount, there is an option with a mortgage loan. The only drawback - all profits will go on debt repayment. But as a result, you will have your own apartment in a good area.

Another opportunity is to issue a sublease. You remove housing for a long time, for example, for a year. It is important to place a deal in a notary, indicating the true goal of the lease.


You must create the most comfortable conditions for your customers. The essence of this service is not only possible to remove accommodation cheaper than the room in the hotel and do not depend on the need to have noisy neighbors. The main advantage of the apartment is homemade comfort.

It is very likely that you will have to make overhaul, change the plumbing, to equip the bathroom. Potential customers pay close attention to it.

Minimum furniture set:

  • bed in each room, sofa;
  • written and kitchen table;
  • chairs and soft chairs;
  • spacious wardrobe.

The kitchen should be fully equipped - a refrigerator, a stove, microwave, lockers. The minimum set of dishes and utensils for cooking is required. The apartment should have bed linen and a complete set of home textiles. Also, there should be expenses for household chemicals.

For many customers, it is important for TV and features to connect to the free Internet.

Do not take super-modern and new things. For your customers, cleanliness and working condition are important. You can save, complied with furniture and appliances used.


At the start, when a businessman gives 1-2 apartments, the staff is not needed. All concerns are in cleaning and replacing bed linen after leaving guests. New customers need to meet and accompany into the apartment, draw up a contract and transfer keys.

If you will develop a business and work with several apartments, you should think about the reception of employees. The staff number directly depends on the number of apartments. The most stringent requirements are presented to cleaning and cleaning bed linen, it should be packed in plastic bags, as in the train.

Watch that there are no linings with settling and delegation of guests. If guests have to wait for your employee, they do not wish to rent your apartment again. Note that about 40% of profits bring regular customers.

If your business consists of 10 and more apartments, you need to hire the administrator. Its responsibilities include communication with customers and ordering, coordination of the work of other employees and keeping accounting for the workability of each object.

Documents and licenses

Renting 1-3 apartments, you can issue an IP and work on a simplified tax system. Special permissions and licenses are not needed.

Creating a branched network, you will have to register a legal entity. In this case, it is necessary to hire a qualified lawyer for the design of all documents, its services will pay off with interest.


The lion of travelers is looking for suggestions for overnight on the Internet. Creating your own site must. It should have high-quality photos of the apartment, description of conditions and advantages. Be sure to specify the daily rental price, address and location on the map of the city. You can negotiate about booking. Place ads on any sites - tourist platforms, popular bulletin boards, city forums. The more your presence on the network, the higher the chances of going to the maximum load.

Collaborate with taxi services. If you have familiar drivers, offer them your business cards. The visitors often ask the Council regarding favorable opportunity to rent an apartment for taxi drivers.

Do not refuse from classic ads on the couches in lively places, near Taxi parking, stops public transport, train stations, bus station and airports. They will bring you about 30% of customers.

The impeccable service is very important. Leaving into another city in cases or on vacation, people are often advised to be familiar, read feedback and are looking for recommendations on a particular accommodation option. There are a lot of customers on the protection.


The return on the payback depends on the set of factors. The profitability affects how many tools you have invested in the apartment of the apartment, and which prices for daily rent are installed in your city.

It should offer customers a cost of 20-25% below the average price of the room at the hotel of your city. On average, entrepreneurs working in regional centers demonstrate a net monthly income from each apartment in the amount of 15,000-25,000 rubles depending on the workload. If the area is purchased to a mortgage or is in sublease, your profits will be lower. We can talk about solid income, having at the disposal of more than 5 and apartments.


Experts are confident that in the coming years, business on the daily rent of apartments has excellent prospects. Despite the high competition, novice entrepreneurs have a good chance to achieve success. It is only important to correctly appreciate the demand and choose an active marketing strategy.