Extraordinary creatures. Unusual creatures of our planet. Carla the snake is the world's smallest snake

Animals that inspire fear

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only one in our solar system where life is possible. Life originated on our planet billions of years ago. All this time she was developing and improving. Some species died out and were replaced by others. Now lives on our planet great amount species and subspecies of a wide variety of animals. When looking at some animals, a feeling of tenderness and a smile involuntarily arises. The sight of others causes involuntary fear and horror.

The second group of undead are those who for some reason do not want to leave the sphere after their death. The most common reasons are revenge, hatred or curse. In most cases, the spirit of the dead returns. Most spirits then attack anything alive to rip out their life energy. But some spirits can also take over the bodies of living beings to perform a specific task. You can kill a spirit, but it always comes back again until the reason for its existence no longer exists. If Living being dies under very strange circumstances, a phenomenon may arise that consists only of a picture or some words that are ghostly in the air.


They started this list with a very small, only fifteen centimeters in length, deep-sea fish - Sabertooth (Anoplogaster cornuta). Despite its small size, it looks very menacing. Rough, thick armored skin. In front are four long and sharp teeth with which this fish kills its victims. There are special canals in the upper lip of this fish; the lower teeth fit into them like a sheath. Some peoples call this fish “man-eating fish.” But she becomes like this in adulthood. The “youth” are so strikingly different in appearance that for half a century scientists considered them to be a different species of fish.

Reunion is also a dead person who does not want to leave the sphere until he completes a certain task. He is similar to the dead man before his death, but is much stronger and only has the task completed in his head - although he sometimes develops very cunning plans to accomplish them.

The third category of undead has a commonality that they can reproduce and that they need something to feed them. By the way, the following undead are completely independent of Angamon. Most well-known representatives This category are ghouls. They mainly feed on flesh and dead bone, but when a living person falls into their clutches, they do not despise his flesh. If someone is killed by ghouls and is not buried by one of Morsan's subjects, their corpse turns into a ghoul within a few days.

Next on the list is deep sea fish again - Hagfish (Myxine glutinosa), also known as the “witch fish”. It lives at depths of about two thousand meters in large colonies. The diet consists of small fish. They also eat dying and dead fish. They climb into it and gnaw it out from the inside. The fry of this fish are practically copies of adult fish. In addition to their size, they are also distinguished by the presence of female and male genital organs. And as they grow older, they choose their gender themselves. This choice depends on who dominates the group. Males or females. The hagfish is one of the few surviving species of jawless fish. He has truly unique abilities. In terms of the amount of mucus it secretes, it surpasses any animal known on Earth. It can do something that no vertebrate can - curl up into a knot. She can also sneeze. This is how she clears mucus from her only nostril.

The final group of undead are living beings who can be willingly committed as undead. The large breeds are probably as old as, if not older than, humans, elves, and dwarves. Like the headless one, they belong to the primitive peoples of Tara, but they do not relate well to other peoples. It also includes goblins, who make up a significant part of the population and are still not developed.

A race of giants reigned on Tara several tens of thousands of years ago. Their great physical strength, combined with their incredible magical skills, only grew with the great dragons, who were then their only serious opponents. But one day - at least as the legends say - both races suddenly disappeared from Tara. Now many will say, but there are still giants and dragons! However, these "remnants" do not have the power and skills that the ancients possessed. Where the giants disappeared no one knows today, but there is a legend that they are now servants of the gods themselves.

Madgascar Aye-Aye

Another terrible beast lives on the island of Madagascar. This Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis), who is terribly reminiscent of Dobby the Elf from the Harry Potter story. Nature endowed this primate with teeth like a rodent. The middle finger on the paw is long. He uses it the same way a woodpecker uses its beak. And of course, in order to pick out food. The diet of this primate consists of nuts, larvae, and fruits, which it picks right on the move. Seeds and mushrooms are present in the diet. This primate has large incisors that grow throughout its life. The tail resembles a squirrel, and the muzzle resembles a rodent. The animal was considered extinct, but it was rediscovered in Madagascar in 1961. It is worth noting that this animal is one of the most amazing primates on Earth.

The descendants of the giants who now live on Tara were either unwilling or unable to follow the path of the others, and so began to destroy the giants that brought them to where they are today. The few giants still on Tara still possess impressive physical abilities, but their magical skills are still rudimentary. However, these ancient powers transform giants into incredible smiths, whose products alone can make a dwarf master smith a delight.

However, unfortunately, it cannot be said that these giants are not very attuned to the creatures that live on Thar - be they humans, elves, dwarves or something else - because they believe that their ancestors left for their own sake. It is unknown what this belief does. However, when attacking, they only use open violence, but if someone wants something from them, they demand incredible prices, although they cannot do anything with the money. And they tend to play all the pranks they come across. So you need to be very careful around giants because these pranks are not dangerous.

The giant squid is not a myth

Having missed one “land” mammal, the list again turns to the inhabitants of the deep sea - G giant squid (Architeuthis) in fourth place. Since time immemorial, sailors have been passing on legends about giant squids from mouth to mouth. From these legends arose the Norwegian myth of the “kreken”. But giant squids are not a myth at all. They really exist. The food of these giants consists of deep-sea fish and squid. The size of these monsters, according to unverified information, is up to 20 meters. If we rely on more stringent scientific information, then 9-10 meters.

Therefore, you must be very careful when attacking the giant, because their fighting strength is far superior to war. Plus, their magic spells leave every wizard screaming. When you consider this, you ask yourself what their ancestors must have had for incredible strength.

As already mentioned, some giants refused to leave Tare. Out of disappointment that the others had gone and left them, they retreated in small groups far away and were completely cut off from the rest. Thus, over time, a new giant terrace arose, which at first must have been even more powerful and, above all, more intelligent, since they had two heads. Today, someone knows that the mood of nature or the lack of contact with oneself is responsible for this. The two-headed giants still have enormous strength.

Fish Idiakant

Another unique representative of the deep sea on this list is fish Idiacanthus. It is also called “Black Dragon Fish”. Lives at a depth of about two thousand meters. Long. The female individual reaches a length of forty centimeters. And very flexible. The eyes are small. It has a chin barbel and long teeth. She needs them to catch other fish. Unlike females, males are only five centimeters long and have nothing but small eyes and a non-functioning intestine. The larvae of these fish develop very interestingly. Their eyes hang on long antennae. As the larva grows, the antennae contract and reach the eye sockets.

It is true that their two heads have the advantage that they can eat twice as fast, but this is also the only goal they can accomplish. They hit hard and aren't easy to kill, but they don't have much magic resistance, and a good tactician can fully measure himself with them without being in serious danger.

It is said that ogres were the first servants of giants for several decades. However, ogres have a very unpleasant quality that even the giants could not drive out of them and repeatedly led to conflicts. They love to eat the flesh of humans, elves and halflings for their living - even dwarves and orcs do not despise them. Dwarves are too tough, and orcs must have a bad taste. At least such a conversation between Augerne could be heard by a particularly courageous young man. Ogres are also very strong and tough.

Vampire Bat

According to scientists, life originated in water. In the ocean. And she came out of the ocean onto land. So did our list, left sea ​​creatures and turned again to the inhabitants of the land. In sixth place on the list is Vampire (Desmodontinae). Vampires are the bats, and they really are. They feed on the blood of animals. The sizes of these animals are small. To get an idea of ​​their size, look at your thumb. This is exactly the size of these mice, and their wingspan reaches 0.2 meters. These animals not only fly, but also run well on the ground, reaching speeds of up to 2.2 m/sec.

However, their biggest problem is their appetite. It must have happened that during the battle, Oger began to eat the dead victim. This meant that the ogres were not able to fight as well, but they were not an advantage to their opponents because they were too scared to see them.

Like giants, trolls are an ancient breed. As legends say, they were faithful servants of the ancient giants. But since they could not follow them, they suddenly had no more tasks, and since then they have been looking for a new, worthy task. This search continues today because trolls are a very long-lived breed. Most of the time they are only drawn in very small groups or individually by Tara, but on very special times entire armies have been spotted with them. They look upon elves, men, and other nations with a certain arrogance and patience, as if they were several children's children.


For the vast majority of people, snakes cause truly superstitious fear. And this representative of the snake tribe took his rightful place - Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). This is truly a heavyweight, the weight of this snake often reaches 250 kg. This snake can stalk its prey while being almost entirely in the water. This is possible due to the fact that the anaconda's eyes and nostrils are located on the top of the head. In addition, it is one of the longest snakes in the world.

This means that the trolls dodge them and don't attack them, but they help them very rarely and kill anyone who attacks one of them. The remaining giants treat them with disgust, two-headed giants and ogres with hatred - against these trolls they have already helped other creatures in attacks. Trolls have incredibly thick skin and can hit with great force. The trait describes her incredible magic resistance and her very good stealth. Trolls are also enemies where you should strongly advise against attacking, especially because killer trolls prey on other trolls.

The eighth place was taken by a well-known predator - Wolf (Canis lupus). This predator has powerful jaws and strong body. Capable of long movements. A wolf can run for several kilometers at a speed of up to 10 km/hour. Wolves hunt mainly in packs, which makes them many times more dangerous.

Thanks to their incredible patience, this can be very dangerous because they are always at a particularly favorable time for them. The first reports of headless ones occur when Angamon lost the Battle of Tara and returned. There are different theories about where these creatures come from. One day, these must be special demons that left Angamon or mutations created by using powerful magic by accident. There is, however, another report from that time that these beings were transported from somewhere by great magical forces that were placed in Tara.

Tasmanian devil

The next representative of the “land” horror stories was Tasmanian devil (Tasmanian Devil). The habitat of this predator is the island of Tasmania. But there was a time when this predator inhabited the entire mainland of Australia. Several animals always gather for a meal. When eating food, these animals make sounds that seem like eerie screams to humans.

Here they would be in contact with humans, but their appearance would make them hunted and eventually turn them into the enemy of humans and all other humanoids. These creatures are composed of little more than bones and muscles, no internal organs, and nothing resembling a brain or nervous system. The only feature is a red crystal, larger than the head, which is located in the abdomen, which supplies the body with a reddish liquid that appears to supply energy to the muscles.

Because they don't have lungs, they don't breathe, so poison gas doesn't harm them, and they can also live underwater. Now the question arises: how to feed him? Several veins lead from its hollow claws directly to the crystal. This allows a headless person to suck blood from a living being. But apparently it's only a starter because they can inject acid into a dead body, which then breaks it down into a food slurry that they then consume.

Human and nature

And closes this top ten Human (Homo sapiens). It would seem incorrect to put humans on a par with animals; after all, they are intelligent creatures. But the way man treats his planet barbarously, the way he destroys his habitat, one can only be horrified. Environmental pollution with toxic waste, deforestation... and the list goes on and on.

Second question: how do they plant themselves? To this end, they simply deceive their victims and transfer them to a shelter. There, a special liquid is injected into the unfortunate victim, and then, over a period of several days, he becomes headless in great pain. Oddly enough, but also fortunately, headless people imprison themselves only when one of them is killed - apparently there are only a certain number of them. There have also been cases where the headless victim's dazed victim was discovered before the transformation was complete, and then, in most cases, could be saved with powerful healing magic.

At first glance, the list of animals presented in the list is quite controversial. After all, there are more powerful and formidable animals on Earth. But scientists from the World Wide Fund for Nature gave preference to these animals. And all because these are the most ancient representatives of the animal world. And their ability not only to survive, but also to fend for themselves, makes them very dangerous animals.

Headless are dangerous opponents. Because of their entire physical structure, they are incredibly tenacious fighters without an incredible amount of hit points. To kill them you have to beat them. Plus, their strong, powerful claws can deliver a terrible beating, and they don't seem to be afraid to know. Their problem is their intelligence - or better yet, their lack of it. Because when they attack they only seem to think about killing the enemy, their safety doesn't seem to be important to them. You can lure them into traps quite well, but sometimes they seem to act very intelligently, so their way of thinking is completely incomprehensible.

Mikhail Simonov, Samogo.Net

This selection contains unusual creatures that challenge our imagination. There are no prehistoric monsters here, the list only includes creatures of nature living in our time. These creatures aren't big or scary, but they look fantastic and deserve more attention than they usually get.

Of course, there are still many plantings on Tara, especially in the forests, and swamps have been found. Unlike spiders, which mainly live in deep caves. The Chimera, however, is partly a mystery. In addition, cursed scorpions are mentioned. Like free elementals, plant monsters are only visible where plants grow near a large energy source. This energy can be heat, electrical energy or even magical energy, but most time is magic, since other forms of energy do not exactly promote plant growth.

Only here does this energy force plants to develop consciousness and increase their mobility. In part, these plants can even pull their roots out of the soil and go with it. These plant monsters feed on the dead bodies of the animals they kill. Since these plants are no different at first glance, they suddenly attack as soon as something reaches their reach. Since they are difficult to destroy and can pack a big punch and can even hold their vest against them, they are very dangerous opponents.

This topic is a continuation of the selection about the most unusual animals, only it includes smaller creatures that look no less amazing than their larger counterparts. Let's start with an unusual creature called Proteus anguinus. This amphibian lives in the deepest and most dark caves Europe (most common in Slovenia). In ancient times, it was mistaken for a baby dragon. Look at it - there is no doubt that it is one of the most bizarre creatures in the world

Proteus is completely blind, lacks pigmentation, and lives in its own sensory universe. It receives electrical signals and smells through receptors throughout its body, which help in searching for small invertebrates on which it feeds. Its skin is very pale, but there are also black-skinned varieties that have vision

Next is the octopus Tremoctopus violaceus. In general, there is no such thing as a “normal octopus”. These extraordinary animals are like aliens from another planet who landed in our oceans and fell in love with them. Among the many strange features of octopuses, it is worth highlighting three hearts, poisonous saliva and a sharp beak. They are able to change the color and texture of their skin with incredible ease and speed (much faster than chameleons)

But there is also a more unusual octopus - the purple tremoctopus. The mere fact that the female is 40,000 times larger than the male already suggests that this creature is unique. The male does not reach more than 3 centimeters in length and leads a planktonic lifestyle, while the female reaches more than 2 meters in length. When she feels threatened, she expands her cape-like membrane, which gives her an even more menacing appearance. Another interesting fact– this octopus is invulnerable to the sting of the deadly Portuguese jellyfish, and moreover, it often tears off its tentacles using them as a weapon. After fertilization of the female, the male dies, having fulfilled his natural function

Our list of unusual creatures also includes a glass frog. What makes her so unusual? The answer to this question is simple - glass frogs have transparent skin, which turns this creature into a living anatomy lesson. Indeed, some of their internal organs, such as the heart, intestines and liver, are clearly visible from the underside of the frog. The glass frog does not differ in its structure from ordinary tree frogs

In eighth place is a gelatinous deep-sea fish with a sad face. This fish lives in the seas off Australia and Tasmania and leads a rather passive life, feeding only on what swims within its reach. This unusual creature lacks muscle mass and actually expends no energy because its body is less dense than water. The blob is often caught by fishermen and is therefore endangered

In the next position is an assassin spider from the Archidae family. This spider is only 2 mm long and, despite its name and creepy appearance, is completely safe for people. His long neck is powerfully developed to support the weight of his huge jaws, which are armed with poisonous fangs - with which the assassin captures other, smaller insects

In fifth place is another fish from the hatchet family. That's what they call it, the hatchet fish, it lives in peace great depths, different from ours. This deep-sea fish has been found in all oceans except the coldest areas. Like Proteus and the blobfish, the hatchetfish spends its entire life in almost complete darkness. On its skin there are special organs - photophores, which emit light and allow them to see the prey at least a little and avoid predators. The hatchet fish looks very unusual and scary, but does not pose any danger - its length is only a few centimeters

Have you ever held a crab in your hands? If you held it, imagine it covered with thick hair. Is it really an unusual sight? This is a hairy crab. Also called the yeti crab, its body is covered with chitinous processes, similar to the shell of shrimp. The Yeti Crab is blind and colorless and lives its entire life in the dark, just like its predecessors. It feels like nature sends such creatures into places where people are unlikely to see or reach them, on purpose.

And this is a leafy sea dragon. This sea ​​fish, a relative of the seahorse, lives in the waters of southern and western Australia, usually in shallow waters. The dragon is unusual in that its body and head are completely covered with leaf-like shoots. These leaves look like fins, but they do not take any part in swimming, but serve to camouflage themselves from enemies and to hunt prey.

In second place is an unusual creature with a terrifying name - the satanic gecko. This gecko's tail looks like a fallen leaf. Body color varies from brown-gray to yellow, orange or clove color. There are individuals with red eyes. The satanic gecko lives in fallen leaves and under low bushes, in dimly lit places. At night, the gecko actively hunts insects on the forest floor, and during the day it can sit motionless for long hours, masquerading as fallen leaves.

The first place goes to the humble caterpillar, but it really deserves it. This snake caterpillar (Hemeroplanes caterpillar) is incredible rare view, living only in