Lakes of the Czech Republic. Lakes in the Czech Republic Lake in the Czech Republic 4 letters crossword puzzle

Sights of the Czech Republic. The most important and interesting sights of the cities of the Czech Republic: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

  • The only water that comes to mind when mentioning the Czech Republic is beer! And in vain: in this country, which is famous for its thermal springs, beautiful nature, amazing national cuisine and the hospitality of the locals, there is another feature that is still little known to Russians - relaxation on the lakes. Many Europeans have long chosen the clean waters of local lakes, relaxing there every summer. And they can be understood: the “lack of control” of the destination, relative cheapness, high-quality beaches and cozy nature invite you to spend 5-7 days on the cleanest Czech lakes. The most popular among them are Machovo Lake, Lipno, Sech and Slap Reservoir.

    Located just 80 km north of Prague, Machavo Lake is considered part of an amazing nature reserve. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about the beauty of the local nature. What is a lake? Comfortable sandy beaches surrounded by shady forest shores, warm clean water, developed infrastructure, excellent opportunities for swimming and water sports.

    Those who like to spend every day profitably by going on some kind of excursion will not be bored on Machovo Lake. Firstly, the beautiful Prague is nearby. Secondly, just 8 km away are the picturesque ruins of Bezdez Castle with a Gothic chapel and a 40-meter-high watchtower. Thirdly, there are plenty of opportunities for walks in the Czech Switzerland National Park.


    Many Europeans have long chosen the clear waters of Czech lakes, relaxing there every summer.

    Lake Lipno is the largest body of water in the Czech Republic. The main local attraction is the Devil's Wall. This is a natural reserve above the Vltava riverbed with bizarre rock formations and an amazing sea of ​​stones. The most popular local resort is Vyshy Brod, which is famous not only for its beaches and hotels, but also for its Gothic monastery from 1259. The highlight of this place is the marked walking trails, which will allow you to add some pleasant walks to your time lying on the beach. For example, a 6-kilometer road around the Stifter monument and Stifter's beech, a tree that dates back 300 years and delights flora lovers with a trunk diameter of 6 meters. Another notable trail begins in the north of the lake, at the Ovesna railway station. It passes through the peak of Pernik, near the Deer Hills and the Bear Stone, through the rock formations of the Dragon's Mouth and the Rock Town to another railway station - Cerni Kriz.

    Another sandy shore that attracts swimmers is the Slap Reservoir, located an hour's drive from Prague. 40 km long, this artificial lake attracts lovers of nature, and especially fans of camping. There are many hotels, guesthouses and, of course, campsites scattered along the shores of Lake Slap.

    Finally, another single lake that enjoys stable popularity in the Czech Republic is Sech (in fact, this is also a reservoir, but it is no different from a natural reservoir). Lake Sich is located 100 km from Prague, west towards Pardubice, it is not difficult to find. The coast of the reservoir is sandy, surrounded by a forest that provides shade on hot days, so it will be especially pleasant to relax here with children. By the way, the international youth base “Junior Center” is also located here. The excursion component includes the ruins of the castles of Lichnice and Oheb, as well as the town of Kutna Hora, which is famous for its gloomy ossuary.

    And in the ruins of Ocheb Castle, every summer a theatrical performance “Knight's Tournament” is organized for tourists.

Which is very popular in the Czech Republic in the summer. This is due to its amazing beauty, stunning scenery and excellent leisure opportunities.

The most famous lakes in the Czech Republic

There are no more than 600 lakes in the country, but the largest and most important among them are:

  • Black;
  • Damn;
  • Makhovo;
  • Lipno;
  • Orlik;
  • Slaps.

Of the total, 450 reservoirs were formed naturally, and the remaining 150 were artificial lakes and reservoirs.

Below we will look at the most significant bodies of water in the country and also talk about the glacial lakes of the Czech Republic.

  1. . It is located in the Pilsen region, 6 km from the city. This is one of the largest and deepest lakes in the country. Quite a long time has passed since the last glacier descended in these parts, and the lake has retained its triangular shape ever since. Coniferous trees grow on the shores of the Black Lake in the Czech Republic; walking and cycling routes have been laid near the reservoir for those who like to have an active holiday.
  2. . It rightfully takes first place in the list of health resorts in the Czech Republic. Machovo Lake in the Czech Republic is located in the Liberec region, in the east, 80 km from the capital. Initially, it was not even a lake, but a pond dug by order of King Charles IV for fishing enthusiasts. It was called the Big Pond. However, over the years since then, the place has become very popular both among the Czechs themselves and among foreign guests. In the summer, a lot of people, mostly families with children, gather on the sandy beaches near Lake Machova in the Czech Republic. A boat runs between the four. The beach season here lasts from the end of May to the end of September. During this period, the air temperature remains at +25...+27 °C, the water temperature is +21...+22 °C. On the shore of Lake Makhova there is a resort and the village of Starye Splavy. There are plenty of places to pitch a tent and spend the night.

  3. . It is located in, near the border with Germany and 220 km south of. In the middle of the 20th century, a dam was installed in this place on the Vltava. This formed a fairly large reservoir, but a little later access here was closed for 40 years. At this time, there was no economic activity in the area around the lake, which contributed to the natural increase in representatives of the flora and fauna. The surroundings in the Czech Republic are very picturesque - there are rocks, forested mountains, etc. In summer it is very comfortable to relax on the lake. The air temperature does not exceed +30 °C, and the water warms up to +22 °C.

  4. It is located 70 km from Prague and is formed by 3 waterways of the capital - Vltava, Otava and Luznica. The reservoir has existed since 1961 and is second in size only to Lake Lipno. Its depth reaches 70 m, according to this indicator the reservoir occupies a leading place. Along the reservoir there are beaches with a total length of almost 10 km. Orlik-Vystrkov is considered the largest resort town near the Orlicka Reservoir. There are 2 hotels, bars, restaurants, swimming pools, volleyball courts, tennis courts, etc.

  5. . The fifth largest lake in the Czech Republic is an artificial reservoir formed in this place after the construction of a dam near the village of Slapy in the mid-20th century. This was done to protect the capital from floods. Lake Slapy, like Lipno and Orlik, is located along the Vltava, but is located closest to Prague. The surroundings here are very picturesque, although the recreational infrastructure is still inferior to the aforementioned Makhova and Lipno. There are rental points on the lake for yachts, catamarans, pedal boats, etc. Here you can go diving, windsurfing, fishing, cycling, horse riding or visiting the Albert Rocks Nature Reserve. For accommodation on the lake there are several campsites located close to the shore. For a more comfortable stay, you can offer to stay in holiday homes in the nearest towns.

  6. It is located in the west of the Czech Republic, in the Pilsen region. It was formed as a result of a landslide in May 1872. The lake itself and its surroundings are protected areas and are protected by the state.

  7. . It is located in the northwestern part of the country, in the Ustsky region, at an altitude of 337 m above sea level. It received the name “Dead Sea of ​​the Czech Republic” due to the presence of 1% alum in its composition, which makes the waters of the lake completely lifeless. The water in Kamentsovo is clean and transparent. The lake attracts quite a lot of tourists during the summer season. There is a popular zoo nearby.

  8. It is located in the vicinity of the resort town and is healing because... replenished by underground mineral springs. There are a lot of fish in the waters of the lake. An aqua complex has been operating on the shore for more than 10 years; a yacht club has also been opened with 40 vessels that can be rented. Competitions are often held on Lake Barbora; diving and surfing enthusiasts come here. On the shore there is a beach with sun loungers and umbrellas, and there are cafes and restaurants within walking distance. From the center of Teplice to Barbora can be reached in a few minutes by car or by minibus.

  9. It is located in the south and is one of the largest in the Czech Republic. There is a park next to the lake, and there is a large beach on the shore. Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to canoe or fish (Lake Svet is very rich in fish, there are carp, bream, perch, roach, etc.). For those who want to learn more about these regions, an educational route “The Road Around the World” has been laid around Lake Svet.

  10. Located 6 km from the town of Trebon, in the district. Lake Rozmberk is included in the UNESCO protected areas as a biosphere reserve. Carp are bred in Rožmberk. Just 500 meters from the lake there is the Rozhmber Bastion - a two-story brick building with an ancient facade decorated in the Renaissance style.

  11. It is the largest glacial lake in the Czech Republic. It is located under Lake Mountain and is difficult to visit. Since 1933, Chertovo, together with the Black Lake located nearby, became part of the National Nature Reserve.

  12. It is one of the 5 glacial lakes in the region. It is located 3.5 km from the villages of Slunecne and Prashyly, under Mount Polednik, at a level of 1080 m. Lake Prasylske in the Czech Republic has clear and cold water. From above it appears blue-green and quite deep. Waters from Lake Prašilsko flow into the river Kremelne, and from there to Otava, Vltava and Laba.

  13. An oval-shaped glacial lake near Plesne on the territory of the Šumava nature reserve. It is located at an altitude of 1096 m above sea level, covers an area of ​​2.8 hectares and has a maximum depth of only 4 m. Pine forests grow around. There are floating islands on the water surface. In summer you can go rafting, walking, cycling, and in winter there are ski slopes.

  14. . It is one of the five glacial lakes in the Šumava region, in the municipality of Novo Plec. It is located near the peak of Plech, at a level of 1090 m. Plech has the shape of an elongated ellipse and covers an area of ​​7.5 hectares. The maximum depth is 18 m. Lake Plesne is surrounded on all sides by coniferous forests. There are walking and cycling routes along them. In addition, there is a monument to the beloved Czech poet Stiefer, dating back to 1877.

river in the Czech Republic

Alternative descriptions

River in the North Caucasus, left tributary of the Kuban

Old Slavic name for the Elbe River in the Czech Republic

Tributary of the Kuban

On what river is the city of Kurganinsk located?

On which river is the Czech city of Pardubice located?

On which river is the Czech city of Usti located?

On the bank of which river is the Czech city of Decin located?

On the bank of which river is the Czech town of Kolin located?

Tributary of the Kuban River

Left tributary of the Kuban

River in the North Caucasus

Left tributary of the Kuban River

That's what the Slavs used to call Elba

Flows into the Kuban River

Caucasian River

River in the Caucasus

Tributary of the Kuban

River in the North Caucasus, left tributary of the Kuban

Old Slavic name for the Elbe River in the Czech Republic

J. German. starter, for curdling milk, from the stomach (rennet) of a calf

On the bank of which river is the Czech city of Decin located?

On the bank of which river is the Czech town of Kolin located?

On what river is the city of Kurganinsk located?

On which river is the Czech city of Pardubice located?

On which river is the Czech city of Usti located?

River in the North Caucasus

Flows into Kuban

That's what the Slavs called Elba

That's what the Slavs called Elba

There are quite a few natural water surfaces in the Czech Republic. Most of them are artificially created reservoirs. The main reason for their construction is the lack of natural lakes.

From the point of view of water management, reservoirs are of great importance. Dams are the most important of them nowadays. Most often they are built in river valleys. In the Czech Republic you can find 150 dams, the most famous of which are Lipno, Orlik and Vranov.

Orlik, Photo: wikipedia

Reservoirs in river valleys were built mainly during the 20th century. By blocking water flows, artificial lakes began to appear in flooded areas of valleys. They were used for water management purposes (flood prevention, river flow adjustment, etc.), to provide water to the population, industry and agriculture, to produce electricity and for recreational purposes. The largest number of reservoirs is currently located on the Vltava (the so-called Vltava cascade). The closed Vltava valley was chosen for construction - from Šumava on the southern border of the Czech Republic to Prague.

The best of the best:

  • largest water area - Lipno - 4,870 ha, Vltava
  • the largest volume - Orlík - 374.5 million m³, Vltava
  • longest length - Orlik (68 km, Vltava)
  • the deepest reservoir - Dalešice - 84 m, Jihlava
  • highest dam - Dalesice - 100 m, Jihlava
  • the longest dam - Nechranice - 3,280 m, Ohře
  • the largest reservoir of tap water - Švihov - 1,670 ha, Želivka


There are very few natural lakes in the Czech Republic, their area is small. The origin of most of them is glacial and karst, there are also peat lakes. Lake Odlezel (Odlezelské jezero) was formed as a result of soil sliding after heavy rains in 1872. For such an ancient territory as the Bohemian Massif, this was a unique event.

  • the largest lake is Black Lake (Černé jezero) - 18.4 ha, Šumava
  • the deepest lake is the lake in the Hranické Abyss (Hranické jezírko) - 220 m (measured depth, maximum still unknown)
  • highest lake - Laka - 1,096 m above sea level, Šumava

Czech lakes can be counted on one hand. Several of them are located in the South Bohemian Šumava mountain range. On the Czech side of the mountains, the glacier once formed five karst lakes. The largest of them is Black Lake.

Outside the Šumava mountains you can find only a few small lakes. Although their location is not so important, their origin is interesting. In the northern part of Moravia, near the town of Reiviz, there are two peat lakes. In the north of the Czech Republic, near the town of Chomutov, there is Lake Kamencové jezero. Already in the Middle Ages, there was a small lake here, near which alum (kamenec) was mined for centuries. Today the lake is several times larger than its predecessor. The reservoir became famous because due to the chemical composition of the water, no living creature can live in it. People praise the lake; it is a destination for many tourists. How could it be otherwise, when the same lake can be found only in one place in the world - in California.