Summer holidays in Cyprus. When is the best time to fly to Cyprus for vacation? Beaches for families with children

Kochia, or "summer Cyprus"

Kochia is a very spectacular plant with unusual decorative foliage, which I love for its original shape, as well as for its ability, depending on imagination, to change this shape.

Kochia's homeland is China, but today the plant is widespread throughout the world, it grows in Europe and Asia, America, Australia and Japan.

Kochia was named after the famous German professor of botany, Elangen Wilhelm Daniel Koch, who for a long time was the director of the botanical garden in the city of Erlangen. In the scientific literature, kohia is called bassia, and popularly - “annual cypress” and “summer cypress” - for the clear shape of the bush, which resembles a cypress. True, another name has become popular among the people - “broom grass”, since it is from kochia that beautiful brooms are made.

Kochia is a densely branching, fast-growing annual plant reaching 1 m in height. Despite the fact that the small flowers of kochia are rather inconspicuous, the plant itself is very decorative. Thanks to the many small, narrow, salad-colored leaves, kochia really resembles a small cypress. Both with its narrow thin leaves and the shape of the bush, kochia is very similar to representatives of conifers, but if you touch it, you will understand that apart from external similarity, there is nothing in common between them. By the way, the decorative foliage of kochia has one more feature - in the fall it turns a bright red-carmine color, which makes it even more decorative.

Growing Kochia

Growing kochia is a very exciting and completely easy process. The only sad thing is that the plant is completely unstable to temperature changes, so even the very short first autumn frosts can destroy it completely. But kochia is drought-resistant and can easily survive a lack of water.

Kochia propagation

Kochia is propagated by sowing seeds, most often directly into the ground, which can be produced from the beginning of May until mid-summer. If you want to get kochia seedlings, you can start sowing its seeds in greenhouses as early as April. By the way, kochia also reproduces well by self-sowing, and its seeds remain viable for no more than 2 years, keep this in mind.

Light is very important for the germination of plant seeds, so when sowing, you should not cover them with soil - just press them lightly into the soil.

Kochia seedlings tolerate light frosts normally, but if you are growing the plant as seedlings, you can transplant it into open ground only when the threat of frost has completely passed.

Planting kochia

Kochia loves freedom very much, so it is necessary to plant the plant at a distance of about 30 cm from each other. If the planting is too dense, the plant may “take revenge”, that is, instead of a gorgeous bush, you will get a half-dried broom with completely ugly foliage.

Kochia is a very unpretentious plant, but it is better to plant it in a sunny place, on fertilized garden soils. But kochia does not tolerate frequently flooded and acidic soils.

Caring for Kochia

During the growing season, kochia needs frequent loosening and weeding. In addition, it must be fed 2 times with complete mineral fertilizers - 10 days after planting the plant in the ground and again a month later.

During the period of intensive plant growth and after trimming the bushes, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is needed. Kochia is also extremely responsive to the application of various liquid fertilizers.

Caring for kochia consists not only of timely feeding, but also of trimming the plant, which can be done every 2 weeks, forming bushes in the form of a ball, egg, pyramid, cube, column - whatever your imagination is enough for. Kochia tolerates pruning well.

Kochia pests

The most dangerous pest of kochia is the spider mite; if it appears, the plant must be immediately treated with a special preparation, for example, Neoron - dilute 1 ml in 1 liter of water. After 15 days, it is advisable to repeat the treatment.

Types of kochia

Kochia - Kochia is a genus that includes both perennial and annual plants, numbering over 80 species belonging to the goosefoot family. The most popular and decorative species in cultivated floriculture today is Kochia scoparia. It comes in two varieties - Kochia trichophylla (hair-leaved kochia) and Kochia scoparia var. childsii (Child's kochia). Despite the fact that the plants are very similar, their main difference is that hairy kochia changes the color of its leaves from green to carmine red in the fall. But Childs' kochia remains green throughout the garden season.

Kochia hairifolia

Childs' Kohia

There are several other less decorative types of kochia.

Creeping Kochia - Kochia prostrata

Kochia creeping is a rather squat subshrub, the stems of which are very branched at the base.

Woolly-flowered Kochia - Kochia laniflora

Kochia wooliflora is an annual plant, reaching a height of 80 cm. The stems of Kochia wooliflora are yellowish-green or slightly reddish, completely covered with small curly hairs.

Kochia densiflora

Kochia densely flowered is also an annual plant, strongly branching from the base, reaching a height of 130 cm. Its branches are located almost horizontally, they are only slightly directed upward. The flowers of the plant are surrounded at the base by whole tufts of long white hairs, which is why the plant is white-shaggy.

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​kochia seedlings

Broom is beautifully called summer cypress. This ornamental plant not only decorates plots, city flower beds and...

Growing Kochia

​Growing seedlings​​Growing kochia​


But even if we managed to get healthy shoots of kochia, there is no guarantee against another problem: the seedlings can die overnight from the “black leg”. To avoid this misfortune:​ The broom tree is a very beautiful and unpretentious plant that has an oval or pyramidal shape and a maximum height of about 1 m. Summer cypress can be both perennial and annual, and some of its species are subshrubs. The plant is densely covered with narrow small green leaves, drooping from below, which turn red closer to autumn. Kochia flowers are inconspicuous and not particularly beautiful. The broom tree is very unpretentious, which makes it possible for even amateur gardeners to grow it successfully in their own plots. The most common method of propagating the kochia plant is growing from seeds.​

Kochia, planting and caring for which does not require much effort, is an annual subshrub that belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family. The plant is fast-growing, highly branched, and can reach a height of 120 cm. Narrow small leaves vaguely resemble cypress needles. The flowers have no decorative value; they are inconspicuous and small, hiding in the axils of the leaves. The leaves are light green or bright green. In autumn they transform and acquire orange or reddish shades, depending on the variety.​​. Once a week, the plant must be fed with liquid fertilizer. This will preserve the bright color of the leaves. If fertilizer is not applied, the kochia will look faded and unhealthy.​

Kochia, or summer cypress, is an annual subshrub belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family. Its homeland is considered to be Southern Europe, as well as South and North America, Australia and Western Asia. The plant is highly branched, fast growing, and can reach up to 120 cm in height. It has small narrow leaves that vaguely resemble cypress needles. Kochia flowers have no decorative value; they are small and inconspicuous, hidden in the axils of the leaves. The leaves have a bright green or light green color. In autumn they transform and, depending on the variety, acquire reddish or orange shades. The plant is named after the German botanist Koch.​​You need to sow in the second half of March. The shoots are thin and weak, very slowly at first...​

Kochia propagation

From seeds it will not be particularly difficult even for beginners. The main thing is not... To grow

Application of the plant

​can be found in many seed companies under the names​


​We carefully prepare the soil for sowing. The soil for sowing needs to be structural, loose, moisture-permeable, with the addition of sand or perlite, and always fresh, not previously used for growing seedlings. Before sowing, the boxes must be washed and treated with antiseptics, the soil should be spilled with a solution of fungicides, and if possible, then steamed.​

Kochia: planting and care

Kochia looks great in flower beds, flower beds and lawns. This plant is used to create natural fences and decorative hedges. In order for the summer cypress to branch better and be more lush, the tops of its shoots need to be pinched. With the help of garden shears, kochia can be given almost any geometric shape.​

​Kochia (summer cypress) reaches more than 1 meter in height in good conditions. It holds up well to cutting, and with regular scissors you can create great shapes from it. But its crown is quite elegant even without a haircut.


​Traditionally, kochia was grown as a technical plant for making brooms. But breeders were able to see great potential in it and began breeding more compact and brightly colored plants. So kochia became a favorite of gardeners. It came into culture in 1629. One species is grown in cultivated plantings - Kochia scoparia. In turn, Kochia broom is divided into two subspecies - Child's and hairy. With the onset of autumn cold weather, Kochia hairifolia changes the color of its leaves to purple. And Childs' kochia retains the green color of its leaves throughout its life.

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​We observe the temperature regime. Kochia seeds germinate well at room temperature +18...+20 °C, but immediately after germination it must be reduced to +10...+15 °C, otherwise the likelihood of damage increases significantly. Moderate watering is also important so that the soil is not dry, but not too wet.​

Kochia - growing from seeds and proper care.

The plant tolerates short-term drought well, but is sensitive to cold winds and severe frosts. This must be taken into account when planting. If you sow seeds in an open and heavily blown place, kochia may not sprout. For summer cypress, non-acidic and light soil mixtures with humus are best suited. Kochia should be watered well, but without fanaticism, since stagnation of water is undesirable. To prevent the broom tree from getting sick and to have brightly colored foliage, it is necessary to feed it with liquid fertilizers.​

What these plants do not have is resistance to sudden returns of cold weather. For this reason, they are sown quite late and, if necessary, cover the crops with film. You can grow summer cypress through seedlings. Then it is sown in April, and planted in the ground at the end of May.​

​. If the task is to form a beautiful compact bush, then you need to pinch the tops of the kochia. With the help of a haircut, it is easy to give it a variety of shapes, such as a ball, a cube, or make it look like a hedge.​

The bright emerald green of kochia is especially impressive in plant compositions. It stands out favorably against the background of stones. When planted in ridges, kochia looks like an elegant border. One of its undeniable advantages is that it can easily withstand pruning. You can trim kochia bushes with ordinary garden shears. Even without mastering the art of creating figured shapes, you can build anything from it. Unfortunately, kochia is an annual plant. But this also has its advantages: you can keep up with rapidly changing fashion without “reshaping” adult plants every time.​

​growing kochia

​These autumn beauties include​

​for planting in open ground.​

Kochia: growing with seedlings | Let's go to the garden!

​, you need to prepare

​, Trichophylla, Annual cypress, Summer…​

​tolerate slight frosts normally, but if you​

  • ​If you nevertheless notice light "constrictions" and dent spots on the stems of plants - the initial signs of a "black leg" attack - or you find several dead plants, remove them immediately, water the remaining seedlings along the edges, along the ground under the plants, dry the top layer soil, sprinkling it with dry perlite, calcined sand or charcoal. Usually this is enough for the disease to stop. If not, urgently dive the seedlings into fresh soil.​
  • For a plant such as kochia, growing from seeds is one of the most effective propagation methods. In April, it is best to get seedlings in a greenhouse by planting seeds in pots, because a strong frost can ruin everything. When stable weather improves, you can transfer seedlings that have reached 15 cm to open ground.​

​In plant compositions, bright emerald kochia is especially impressive. It stands out favorably against the background of stones. If you plant it in ridges, it will look like an elegant border. Unfortunately, kochia (planting and care do not play a role here) is an annual plant. But you can do whatever you want with scissors!​

  • ​Pests​
  • ​Choosing a location​
  • ​makes it possible... directly into open ground or, to obtain​

Growing kochia seedlings


​Pansy flowers​




​Seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of March in containers. When the threat of frost has passed, it is planted in open ground in a permanent place with a distance of 10–15 cm.

10 best sites on the topic: Kochia: growing seedlings

  1. Kochia: growing, reproduction and care. Kinds kochia.

    For the safe and favorable development of the kochia plant, it is best to start growing from seeds in open ground from May to July. Seeds are planted in grooves no more than 1 cm deep. When kochia sprouts from seeds, it is thinned out so that there is a distance of about 30 cm between plants. When choosing a place for sowing, you need to take into account that summer cypress does not like shade and too dry, organically poor soils. On the right soil, the plant will develop well and delight the eye with its wonderful color. It is almost impossible to grow summer cypress in a container or pot; it is an open ground semi-shrub. Loves sunny places most of all, but can tolerate slight shading. Afraid of very cold winds. It prefers light, non-acidic, nutritious humus soil. Frequent watering is required. Lack of moisture leads to the fact that kochia loses its attractiveness, because the leaves droop and begin to wither. The lush greenery of kochia attracts pests such as spider mites. At the first sign of its attack on the plant, it is necessary to treat it with an appropriate agent.​​. Kochia is an open ground plant. Attempts to grow it in a pot or container will most likely not be successful. Kochia grows best in sunny places, but can also tolerate some shade. She is afraid of cold winds, and if the area is open to all winds, then it is better to plant fairly dense kochia. In this case, the plants will protect and support each other.​ ​seedlings​ ​or, as it is also called, ... But if you grow​growing​ ​. Moreover...​​…​
  2. Kochia: grow seedlings on

    ​plant​​1. Lightly compact the substrate, distribute the seeds evenly and thinly on the surface and sprinkle them with a thin layer of sand. Moisten the soil. For such a representative of the flora as kochia, growing from seeds is not a difficult process, but during the growing season regular watering, weeding and loosening of the soil is necessary. After the first ten days after planting in the ground, and then a month later, you need to feed the summer cypress with mineral fertilizers. During this period, kochia is very sensitive to spider mite damage. At the first sign of a pest, the plant should be treated with insecticides and acaricides. In dry weather, the broom tree must be watered regularly so that it does not bloom during the period when it has the most unsightly appearance. After rapid growth and pruning, you should feed it with nitrogen fertilizers. Once a week, kochia is fed with liquid fertilizer. If you are infected with spider mites, you must immediately treat the bushes with an appropriate product.​ ​The plant is propagated by seeds. Seeds are sown in open ground in early May, when there is no longer a threat of spring frosts. In March, you can sow seeds to grow kochia in seedlings. In this case, the seeds are sown on the surface of the soil. The best air temperature for seed germination and seedling development is 16 °C. Shoots appear after ten days. At first, seedlings grow slowly and poorly. However, by the time they are transplanted into the ground, they have already reached impressive sizes. The seedlings are placed in a permanent place in open ground after the frosts have passed. The distance between small plants after planting should not exceed 50 cm. If cold weather arrives unexpectedly, young plants can be covered under paper or plastic caps. Kochia self-sows, but in this case the plantings will have to be thinned out so that the plants do not crowd each other. Seeds remain viable for two years.​ ​Soil​​, in greenhouses.​
  3. How to grow kochia from seeds - Garden, indoor plants and

    ​seedlings​ ​· Biennial flowers, sowing and seeds…​​9 Sep 2012​ ​Seeds​​seedlings​ ​2. Cover the container with lutrasil. At a temperature of +18...+20 °C, seedlings appear in 8–10 days.​​Published in the Flower Garden category​
  4. Growing Kochia from seeds and caring for it -

    Kochia “summer Cyprus” (another name for this plant) looks great not only in flower beds and flower beds. Dried shoots are used by florists to create various dry bouquets. And dry kochia stems effortlessly turn into an ordinary broom. Kochia looks great not only in the open ground in flower beds, ridges and flower beds. Its dried shoots are used by florists to create dry bouquets. And it’s easy to make the most ordinary broom from dry kochia stems. ​. Kochia prefers non-acidic, light, nutritious humus soils without stagnant water.​​I bought rasada at the market 1 dozen 4 years ago. It self-sows in huge quantities every year. Sometimes it’s a pity to weed out the excess - they are such touching green panicles.​ ​, then in open ground you need…​ Kochia seedlings
  5. Kochia-bassia: growing, reproduction, planting and care

    ​…​​kochia​​, transplant into open ground…​​3. In the phase of two or three true leaves, pick up thin and tender seedlings into separate pots and carefully water them. The seeds of this crop can be found in many seed companies under the names “Kochia”, “Trichophylla”, “Annual Cypress”, “Summer Cyprus”. ​​Even traditional medicine is interested in the kochia plant. Planting and care in this case have their own medicinal meaning. It is used for swelling, rheumatism, eczema, and skin inflammation. It has diuretic, diaphoretic, cardiac stimulating and tonic properties. Traditional medicine has not remained aloof from this plant. Kochia is used for eczema, diseases of the urinary tract and bladder, erysipelas, swelling and rheumatism. It is credited with tonic, cardiac stimulant, diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative properties. Chinese medicine uses kochia to formulate ointments that treat diseases of the skin and nails.​ ​Water​​If you have a climate like Cyprus, it will grow, if it’s colder, it will also grow, only not high.​
  6. Flowers kochia. With photo - Flowers at the dacha | Do-it-yourself dacha

    ​20 Jan 2011​ ​grows well, strengthens quickly enough and...​​Flower​ ​sown on​​April 3, 2013​
  7. Kochia broom: growing seedlings, care, decorative and

    ​To get compact plants, in the phase of two or three true leaves, pick up seedlings of 1–3 pieces into pots with a diameter of 8–10 cm and place them in the brightest place. Further care of the plants is usual: moderate watering, weeding, weekly fertilizing with complex fertilizers. In open ground, seedlings are planted at the end of May at a distance of 30–40 cm in a bright, warm place with nutritious, loose soil. Flower growers are often disappointed: the seeds do not germinate. What's the matter? There may be two reasons:​Fresh leaves are used for food - added to soups. They are also food material for silkworm caterpillars and are used as livestock feed.​
  8. Kochia: growing, care and use - Your Garden

    ​Fresh kochia leaves can be used as food by adding to soups. In addition, kochia is a food plant for silkworm caterpillars and is used as livestock feed. Frequent watering is simply necessary for this plant. With a lack of moisture, it loses its attractiveness, as the leaves begin to wither and droop. Seedlings should be planted early. Mix the seeds with sand to sow less often. Replant when frost has passed. The transplant is very easy. You just need to water the first three days after planting, if there is no rain. Easily wears bedding and shaping. We didn’t trim the nomes, we like them better without trimming. In autumn when it's frosty it turns red - it looks very impressive, especially when planted in a row of alleys.​ ​…Cultivation​​Mar 19, 2013​ ​kochia​​seedlings​
  9. Kochia- fluffy splendor: growing, photo | Vyatsky Garden

    ​…​​Kochia is drought-resistant and undemanding to care. Additional watering is needed only during the rooting period and during severe, prolonged drought. Plants will also develop better if in the first half of summer you feed them 1-2 times with complex fertilizers. Additional fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is also desirable after cutting. Seeds very quickly lose their viability - within a year, or even less. Therefore, try to buy them from well-known companies that, to preserve and increase germination, use vacuum-packed bags (for example, made of foil, film, etc.) and treat seeds with special substances. And, of course, pay attention to the production time of the purchased seeds indicated on the package.​ Kochia is not only decorative, but also useful. Planting and caring for it is not difficult and delights gardeners.​​The romantic name “summer cypress” hides not a coniferous plant, but a prosaic culture - Kochia broom. In rural areas it is still grown for brooms and brooms. Kochia (planting and caring for which will be described below) would not have been considered so decorative if not for the diligence of breeders - they developed varieties with dark green, light green, pinkish and carmine colored leaves.
  10. Kochia: growing and care - Encyclopedia of flowers

    ​Feeding​​This is still an infection))))) This is a relative of quinoa, so be careful with the seeds when they appear on your bushes: they scatter like a weed! Sow it right now in something like a greenhouse (not at home), it sprouts well, and is also replanted. Cut so that there are no seeds. Kochia CORONA (from the word - broom) is an unpretentious plant, you will definitely succeed))) Good luck!​ ​and care. On ​…Kohia​​– care, planting and propagation For many gardeners…​

We'll tell you which summer month is best to go to Cyprus in 2019 and why. What weather conditions can you expect and what can you do on vacation in June, July and August?

Summer in Cyprus is sunny and hot, the air temperature can reach +40°C, and you simply cannot do without sunscreen. But the humidity on the island is low, so this heat is well tolerated. In summer, on the coast, Paphos is considered the “coldest” one, and in the mountains the heat is practically not felt.

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Weather in Cyprus in June

The beginning of summer is the most comfortable time for a holiday in Cyprus. During the day +30...+35°С, clear and cloudless, rain is very rare. June weather in Cyprus is suitable for everyone, even those who suffer from respiratory diseases. You can swim in the sea as much as you like, water ski, dive and go on excursions.

The west of the island is considered cooler than the east. Thus, in the resorts of Ayia Napa the average air temperature is +30°C, and in Nicosia and Limassol +27°C. It is very hot in the central part of the island - from +33°C and above. The sensation is enhanced by the almost complete absence of wind.

In Cyprus, the water temperature in June is about +23...+25°C. According to reviews, the Mediterranean Sea is warm and very clear, especially on the beaches of Protaras and Ayia Napa. This is where lovers of marine flora and fauna come, and in the extraordinary red caves you can see sea eagles.

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Things to do?

In June, a theater festival takes place in Limassol, and vibrant theatrical performances of Shakespeare's works can be seen right in the open air on the stage of the Kourion Amphitheater.

An interesting religious festival, Kataklysmos, takes place in Larnaca. Along with the traditional rituals of diving for the cross, everyone around them pours water on each other and has fun on the coast with dancing, treats and fun competitions.

Fans of sea excursions go on a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea; you can visit the neighboring Greek islands of Crete or. Every vacationer considers it his duty to visit Aphrodite Beach at least once, a place around which there are many legends. In the evening you can have a wonderful rest in a bar or restaurant; young people prefer to have fun in nightclubs.

According to reviews, June is a good time for excursions and trips around Cyprus, since there is no such sweltering heat as in August. You can go to Lefkara and visit the Akamas Peninsula, as well as explore. This is also the best time to relax with children.

(Photo © somiz / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Weather in July in Cyprus

In July, temperatures tend to reach +40°C. According to reviews, tourists do not recommend going on vacation at this time with infants, as well as people who cannot tolerate heat and stuffiness.

In July, the hottest weather in Cyprus is in Larnaca and Nicosia +34...+35°C. In Ayia Napa, Protaras and Limassol - about +32...+33°С, in Paphos, Pissouri and Polis +30...+31°С. In the central part of the island +37°C, in the mountains +28°C. In the evenings the long-awaited coolness comes, although the nights are warm (+20...+22°C). The water temperature in July in Cyprus is +26...+27°С.

Things to do?

The weather in July in Cyprus is no longer conducive to long walks in the sun. During this period, it is very pleasant to spend time on the beach or in the water park - morning and evening hours. The peak of the heat occurs from 11 to 17, and it is better to spend this time somewhere in the cool shade, near the pool or in an air-conditioned hotel. You can go on a boat trip; some go diving, exploring the local depths.

In July, the island hosts a festival of ancient Greek drama and celebrations in honor of the famous Cypriot wine Commandaria. This is a great opportunity to see local actors play and take part in folk festivities.

Where to stay in Cyprus? Search for hotels, hostels, apartments and villas on the Roomguru search engine, it will select the most profitable options among many booking systems. Read also our selection for holidays with children.

(Photo © jlehtoranta / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Cyprus in August

August is the hottest and driest month in Cyprus. According to reviews, the weather in August in Cyprus is such that people sensitive to heat should refrain from visiting. The sun shines all day long, causing all the grass to burn out and the emerald colors to fade. During this month, even the Cypriots themselves go on vacation to places where it is not so hot. In the mountains during the day +28°С, in the western part of the island +34°С, in the east +35...+37°С, in the center +40°С and above. In Larnaca and Nicosia the average daily temperature is +35°C, and in practice it often reaches +42°C. The water warms up to +29°C, but the wind subsides, and the expected coolness and freshness in the evenings is no longer there.

Things to do?

Due to the extremely hot weather and high air temperatures, excursions in Cyprus in August are practically not in demand; trips on hot roads become a real test and do not bring pleasure to vacationers. In the morning and evening, people have fun on the beaches or spend time in water parks; during the day, people wait out the heat in a cool room. At this time, even many public institutions close. In the evening, vacationers fill the local bars and restaurants. It's time to meet the amazing one!

At the end of August, Limassol hosts a wine festival, where you can taste various varieties of local products, and the Aphrodite music festival in Paphos. Usually all festive events take place in the evening, when the intense heat subsides and it becomes easy and comfortable outside.

(Photo © Leonid Mamchenkov / / License CC BY 2.0)

Introductory image source: © Fetmano / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Capital: Nicosia

Currency: Euro

Time: UTC+03:00 (summer) UTC+02:00 (winter)

​Holidays in Cyprus - where beauty was born

Thousands of great legends exist in the world. One of them talks about the blood of the Greek deity Uranus, the personification of the sky. Mixed with the waters of Cyprus, the blood of Uranus gave birth to the captivating Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Having stepped ashore, Aphrodite forever made Cyprus a legend.

To this day, the beaches of this amazing island attract tourists with their magic. Tourists from all over the world make a sunny “escape” to Cyprus. A pleasant Mediterranean climate, excellent sea, hospitable hotels, interesting excursions - all this makes up the tourist popularity of the island. At the same time, tours to Cyprus do not have particularly high prices - if you wish, you can find something quite budget-friendly for yourself.

Well, the Petra tou Romiou rock, next to which the Greek goddess first appeared, has long become a 100% tourist hit. And this is understandable - many girls want to feel like a charming goddess of beauty. The main thing is to add a little of the legendary foam to the photo.

A trip to Cyprus will open your path to the Mediterranean border between East and West. The hot summer attracts young people from all over Europe, who leave for school and work closer to the beginning of autumn. And then, in September, the velvet season begins in Cyprus - a quiet and peaceful time, ideal for a leisurely family holiday or a small romantic adventure with your loved one. The Larnaca resort is especially suitable for quiet leisure activities.

If you don’t really want to sleep in a cozy hotel, you can plunge into the noisy nightlife of Cyprus. There is nothing better than a trip to Ayia Napa or Limassol - in these resorts you can easily find dozens of nightclubs, bars and discos. Particularly hot parties await you on the famous Nissi Beach, which is rightfully considered one of the best, most beautiful beaches in the Mediterranean.

We advise you to check out the nightlife spots of Ayia Napa: Castle Club, Insomnia, Car Wash, ICE and others. These clubs have so much to offer: giant air conditioners, pipes shooting out sweets, and powerful fountains of foam and shampoo. In short, it’s easier to dance once than to read it a hundred times – be sure to try it!

Cyprus has prepared many excursions, attractions and simply unusual places for inquisitive tourists. Ancient ruins, grandiose temples and museums are visible and invisible here. If you wish, you can easily fly to Israel or Egypt to turn your vacation into a small but very colorful trip to several countries at once.

Hunting for surprise: what is interesting on the island

First, let's get acquainted with the wild, beautiful nature of Cyprus. Visit the Akamas Peninsula, renowned for its scenic beauty. It seems like the perfect place for a romantic movie - the secluded beaches, rocky shores and green valleys of Akamas are so beautiful. Don't forget to take your camera - you can photograph local wonders all day and night long.

Continuing the theme of beauty and bathing: be sure to visit the so-called “Baths of Adonis”, located near the city of Paphos. Adonis is a beautiful young man from Greek mythology, one of the most famous lovers of the foam-born Aphrodite. Its baths are an incredibly beautiful place among quietly murmuring waterfalls.

Also in Cyprus you can see a huge number of churches, cathedrals and monasteries. In the famous Kykkos, for example, there is a painting allegedly written by the Apostle Luke himself. Visit the Church of St. Lazarus, Hagia Sophia, Stavrovouni Monastery. Some ancient aqueducts have also been preserved on the island, through which life-giving drinking water once ran to all ends of the island. In short, a holiday in Cyprus is a highly educational experience.

After exploring the ancient cities, visiting temples and castles, be sure to enjoy the little joys of Cyprus. First of all, local cuisine. The beautiful city embankment of Paphos is perfect for this, where you will find many taverns and cafes. Try the meze (assorted meat or fish), dolma and souvlaki (the dish is very similar to shish kebab). Gyros deserves special attention - a local analogue of the German doner and the usual Asian shawarma.

When finishing the banquet, be sure to pour yourself some freshly squeezed juice or, for example, order local alcohol. In Cyprus, you will find a whole range of wine flavors and a special grape “fire water” – “Zivania”. You will surely enjoy the semi-sweet white wine “Saint Panteleimon”, named after the most important Saint for Cypriots. This wine here is an undoubted trend in all seasons.

We are on the same path: holidays with TUI

TUI is one of the leading tour operators in Cyprus. With us, your trip will not only be unforgettable, but also very profitable! Forget about long searches for a tour and counting funds for your vacation - we will select a tour to Cyprus for you at a price that will pleasantly surprise you.

We are a European tour operator that does not pursue profit and is primarily concerned about the quality of the holiday. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, TUI is vigilant in ensuring that your holiday is hassle-free and hassle-free.

Charge yourself with new emotions! Relax! Travel with TUI!


UTC+03:00 (summer) UTC+02:00 (winter)

Do you know that…

Cyprus is the third largest island of the Mediterranean Sea, located at the intersection of three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa - it was here, according to legend, that the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite emerged from the foam of the sea - Cyprus is one of the five leading countries in wine production; a wine festival is held here every year the festival is one of the brightest and most interesting events of the island - traffic in Cyprus is left-hand drive and all cars are right-hand drive, and the second “British heritage of Cyprus” is three-phase power outlets with a voltage of 240V - a monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was opened in Limassol - Ayia Napa resort , which is famous for its magnificent beaches, is considered the “second Ibiza” (in terms of the number of discos, nightclubs, restaurants and bars, Ayia Napa ranks first among European youth destinations).


Almost all resorts in Cyprus are suitable for families and families with children. Young people and lovers of active nightlife should undoubtedly go to Ayia Napa! Limassol will also be to your liking with its variety of entertainment and cultural events on the island. For those who prefer a more relaxing holiday, we advise you to consider the resorts of Protaras and Larnaca. Those who love a holiday surrounded by history, covered in legends of the past, will certainly suit Paphos like no other resort, rich in architectural monuments and interesting archaeological excavations. And you will find the best sandy beaches in Ayia Napa and Protaras.

Beaches and swimming season

Most of the beaches in Cyprus are sandy. But at each resort, the beaches differ in the color of the sand and its structure: the best sandy beaches belong to the resorts of Ayia Napa, Protaras - fine golden sand, gentle entrance to the sea. In the resort of Limassol there is sand of volcanic origin, dark gray in color and the entrance to the sea is quite flat. Larnaca offers its guests sandy beaches, sometimes with small pebbles. And the beaches of Paphos are varied: in the western part of the resort (Coral Bay) there are fine sandy bays with a gentle entrance to the sea, while the rest of the beaches of Paphos have a rather rocky entrance to the sea, although most 4*-5* hotels have sandy beaches, so or otherwise - if you are going on holiday to Paphos, we recommend taking rubber slippers with you. The beaches of Cyprus annually receive the International Environmental Award for cleanliness - the Blue Flag. The swimming season in Cyprus is one of the longest in Europe: you can pamper yourself with swimming in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea on this island almost all year round, but the most enjoyable time for swimming in Cyprus is considered to be the period from May to November inclusive. Beach equipment rental: at the main resorts, the beaches are municipal and free, but umbrellas and sun loungers are for an additional fee (about 3-4 euros for a sun lounger + umbrella set for the whole day). As a rule, all 4*-5* hotels provide their guests with sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach free of charge.

Souvenirs and shopping

What should I bring? - unique handmade lace embroidery - tablecloths, napkins and other wicker products, lace from the village of Lefkara (near Larnaca) is of particular value - painted ceramics - Commandaria dessert wine, one of the most ancient wines in the world - perhaps the most the best “souvenir” from Cyprus Where to buy? - souvenirs can be purchased everywhere in resort areas, as well as during excursions in places visited - it is more profitable to buy wine in large supermarkets that are available at each of the resorts - we pay special attention to the fact that many shops in Cyprus operate under the Tax duty-free system Free Shopping.

Geographical location

Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, located at the intersection of three continents: Europe, Asia, Africa. The island stretches from southwest to northeast for 230 km, the maximum width from north to south is 95 km. Cyprus has maritime borders with Turkey, Syria, Egypt and. Rhodes (Greece). Capital: Nicosia. Area: 132,000 sq. km Population: about 780 thousand people (approximately 84% Greek Cypriots, 12% Turkish, 4% others)


Numerous conquerors and settlers from the countries of the East, southern European countries and England had a great influence on the diversity of Cypriot cuisine. Cypriot cuisine is a variety of meat and vegetable dishes. A large number of restaurants, cafes and taverns will allow guests to discover the wonderful world of Cypriot cuisine. Try Dolmades - rice with ground meat, wrapped in grape leaves, Feta - hard cheese made from sheep or goat milk, Kleftiko - lamb baked in a clay oven, various desserts and delicious wines. The average cost of a cup of Cypriot coffee is 1 euro, beer is about 3 euros, water is 1.5-3 euros, and a hot dish (meze) for two will cost about 20-25 euros.

The island with the same name, the Republic of Cyprus, is located in the Mediterranean Sea, and is in third place in terms of territory, as well as the population living on it. Although its closest neighbors are tourism giants such as Turkey and Egypt, many travelers prefer to spend their holidays here, where magnificent clean beaches and rocky cliffs coexist perfectly with quiet sandy coves, and you can enjoy the sun 320 days a year.

Despite the almost constant sun, as well as not the highest prices, there are seasons in the country when it is better to fly to Cyprus for a vacation, and when it is worth choosing another resort, as, indeed, in any other country.

Due to its location, the question of when the season begins in Cyprus will never be relevant. The tourist period lasts 12 months a year. Warm mild winters, sultry summers, blooming springs and long, velvety autumns can enchant every traveler at any time of the year.

Climatic features of the island

Due to its sunny weather, favorable location, the climate is considered very healthy, and the average lifespan of an island resident is ten years longer than the average European.

The Mediterranean Sea and subtropics cause dry, hot summers, lasting almost 6 months. The air warms up at this time from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, and the water from 24 to 28. Sometimes the temperature reaches +37. Although, due to the sea wind and low humidity, the heat is not perceived as suffocating.

Winter is unusually mild, rains begin in November and continue until April. The most comfortable temperatures remain in May and September, sunny days prevail, and the sea is suitable for swimming.

High season time on the island

The high season in Cyprus, when it is best to relax, that is, the period of the highest activity and popularity in tourism, starts at the end of May and lasts until September. When planning your vacation for this time, you need to book tickets in advance, since booking a trip later will be more difficult and much more expensive.

Low season periods on the island

The low season for tourism in Cyprus is the spring months and October. The sea is still warm, but quite invigorating, and there is enough sun for relaxation.

Cyprus. Beach season time

You can relax on the beach from April, tanning and sunbathing will bring unforgettable pleasure, and those who are especially persistent can even take a dip in the sea. The average air temperature reaches 23 degrees Celsius. The water warms up to +20. The real swimming season begins in the second half of May. The peak occurs in the summer months, and ends at the end of October.

Time for a comfortable holiday with children

The island of endless summer is like no other, suitable for a family holiday. A huge number of parents often wonder when is the best time to vacation in Cyprus with a child, so that adults and young travelers get the most out of such a vacation.

Children and time of year

  • If you do not plan to spend all your time on the beach, but prefer excursions and outings into nature, then choosing a trip in April will be ideal. Cool weather and a fresh sea wind will allow you to take walks, and the heat will not tire you.
  • In early May, torrential, heavy rains often hit the island, and by this time the sea is not warm enough. Therefore, it is worth rescheduling your vacation.
  • June is considered one of the most comfortable months for traveling with children, the air warms up to 29 degrees, and the sea becomes warm and calm. Many hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis, so there will be no problems with baby food.
  • The July heat, reaching up to +37 degrees, and the warm, almost hot sea are unlikely to bring much pleasure to little tourists, because the coolness comes only at night.
  • August is also too hot for holidays with small children, so pediatricians strongly recommend not planning a trip at this time. If it is not possible to reschedule, then it is better to choose hotels located on the shore so that access to the sea is quick and constant. This will help you cope with the heat more easily.
  • The onset of autumn according to the calendar does not at all reduce the flow of tourists, although the high air temperature begins to subside. Therefore, September is considered a favorable month for spending a vacation together.
  • In October, during the daytime it is warm and pleasant like summer, the sea is cool, but the beach season is still open. Only in the evenings does it get cool enough, so don’t forget to take warm clothes from home for your child, especially if he is sensitive to changes in ambient temperature.

Island resorts for travelers with children

Ayia Napa. One of the most famous and favorite resorts among young people, but even children will find the holiday not at all boring. Around, in addition to the sea beach, there are many local attractions, as well as areas for children's leisure and entertainment centers. There are often rocky beaches and rocky slopes here, so when choosing a hotel, consult the tour operator manager and read the reviews.

Pathos. This resort is included in the list of elite ones, but, unfortunately, does not have children's complexes or other entertainment areas. Of course, in the surrounding area you can see the Tombs of the Kings and visit the catacombs of St. Solomonia, but most likely your child will be bored during the trip. Although this is where a large number of stores are located where you can buy all the important children's supplies, including special food.

Limassol. The city is considered the most youthful and cheerful, as well as one of the Russian-speaking resorts on the island. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the people at the resort are couples with children. A huge plus is the huge variety of surrounding attractions and local excursions, a visit to which will not let anyone get bored.

Larnaca. If you have little money for a family holiday with a child, then it is better to go on holiday to Cyprus at this resort. Clean, flat beaches and many inexpensive hotels in a separate tourist area will make your holiday comfortable and varied.

Protaras. The resort is considered the most romantic on the entire island. Sandy beaches, wide flat lands with ancient windmills, Cypriot villages, sea caves and beautiful surrounding nature attract young and family travelers. Most hotels are focused on serving this particular category of tourists and sometimes provide better service than all other resorts.

Children's entertainment complexes

The island has a large number of water parks, a magnificent oceanarium and a camel farm, which you can visit on your own or on an excursion tour.

An entertainment light show, ancient chapels, horseback riding, golf, restaurants and cafes with original local cuisine will add an unforgettable experience to your holiday and will give children a lot of pleasure and fun.

When is the best time to visit Cyprus?

Having considered many positions, it is simply impossible to give a definite answer. If you don't like the heat, then the best time will be May and June. In this case, do not forget about September and October - the most beautiful months of the velvet season.