Types of drag stones. Varieties of precious stones

Precious (jewelry) stones - types, properties, processing

Stones are natural and synthetic.

Natural stones can be mineral or organic origin.

In jewelry practice and in trade, stones are classified for precious, semi-precious and diverse.

TO gemstonethese are stones of mineral origin - very solid, transparent: diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires; Organic origin - pearls.

For precious stones The weight unit is a carat equal to 0.2 g, and for all other stones - grams.

Diamond- the hardest stone; The faceted diamond is called "Brilliant". Depending on the number of diamond defects, they are divided into 8 groups, the most valuable diamonds of "pure water".

Emerald(from Greek. "Smaragdos" is solid) - a fragile stone of herbal-green color.

Ruby(from the lat. "Rubhki" - red) is a kind of chicken corundum mineral.

Sapphire(from Greek. Sappthieros - blue) - a transparent variety of corundum of various colors - from dark blue to pale blue. Natural sapphire is considered rare stone, although it is valued cheaper Rubin.

Pearl- Gemstone of organic origin, is formed in the shells of sea and river mollusks. Pearl color - from white to black. The larger the grain of pearls, the higher its cost.

Semiprecious stones.

Semi-precious - these are transparent, colorless or colored stones. The unit of the mass of semi-precious stones is gram. To semiprecious stones include:

Siaxandrit- with different lighting changes painting from densely old to raspberry-red;

Chrysolit -transparent mineral from yellowish green to dense green, stone is quite rare;

Turquoise(from Persian, "Fillow" - a stone of happiness) - an opaque mineral of heavenly blue color, well combined with silver;

Garnet- solid, can be transparent, translucent and opaque, reddish shades (more than 30). Grenades are used and as a basis, and as inserts for jewelry (bracelets, beads, necklaces, etc.);

Topaz- The stone is heavy, solid, transparent, mostly yellowish, but meets other shades.

The semi-precious stones also include spinel, amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, tourmaline, zircon, hyacinth, opal, lunar stone, rhinestone, quartz smoky and stones of organic origin - amber, coral.

Amber- This is the fossil resin coniferous trees of the tertiary period. A transparent amber with inclusions of insects and plant particles is valued. Amber is used for the manufacture of beads, brooches, earrings, bracelets, etc.

Coral- It is the limestone mass of the skeletons of invertebrates of marine animals. Coral is pink white, white and reddish shades. Coral is a valuable material for the manufacture of segments, necklaces, beads, inserts in jewelry.

Delicate stones.

Landsome stones are opaque minerals or weakly translucent, inferior in hardness semi-precious stones. Delicate stones have beautiful drawings and coloring, so widely used in the jewelry industry.

Chalcedony- solid diverse stone, color grayish blue. There are many varieties of chalcedone.

Carnelian -a variety of choulder reddish shades (quartz group).

Agate- It has volcanic origin, represents a multicolor-painting variety of chalcedone.

Onyx -a variety of multicolor agate, the ancient Greeks and the Romans were used to cut the shallow and amulets.

Feline eye -a variety of agate of different shades; Coloring cabochon when moving the stone gives a cast and a game that resembles the cat's eye.

Jasperit happens very diverse coloring of various shades, it is more often painted in brick-red or brown. Jasper is used as a facing, decorative material for columns, lamps, etc.

Malachite- opaque mineral containing up to 57% of copper, has a green color of different shades. Malachite is a stone of medium hardness, there is a complex beautiful pattern on the cut.

Artificial stones are used in the production of jewelry - crystals. Some of them are called synthetic.

Synthetic emerald.it has the characteristic signs of natural gem.

Fianit -received its name from the first four initial letters of the name of the institute, where (Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences) was created. The initial material for fianit is mainly zirconium and hafnium.

In the production of jewelry, various decorative and diverse materials are used: glass, bone, horn, papier-mâché, plastic masses, etc.

General classification of jewelry stones

For natural jewelry stones, there are many diverse classifications, since experts in various areas allocate, mainly those characteristics of stones that are most convenient in carrying out a particular activity.

The classification of mineral raw materials can be carried out on the following signs: origin, chemical composition, crystallographic parameters of the structure of the crystal lattice, size, etc.

The classification of felling jewelry stones can also be carried out on various non-obvious features: crystallographic features, physical properties, cost, medical properties (in Europe, oriental and western stones), appointment (for jewelry and products), methods of processing, etc.

The first scientifically substantiated classification of jewelry stones was proposed by the German scientist K. Klev (1860), which divided jewelry Stones Two groups and five classes: True precious and semi-precious stones. In the first group, he took the stones I, II and III class, in the second - IV and V class.

First group

I class: Diamond, Corundum, Chrysoberill, Spinel.

Class II: Zircon, Beryl, Topaz, Tourmaline, Pomegranate, noble opal.

III CLASS: Cordieritis, Vesuvian, Chrysolite, Axinite, Cipanit, Strololit, Andalusite, Hpastolit, Epidot, Turquoise.

Second group

IV Class: Quartz, Chalcedony, Field Spa, Obsidian, Lazurit, Diopcid, Fluoritis, Amber.

V Class: Jadeit, jade, serpentine,litolitolitolitol, satin spat, marble, selenit, alabaster, malachite, pyrite, rhodotrozit, hematite.

In 1896, M. Bauer was proposed a new classification of jewelry stones, which was popular among jewelers and hemologists. In Soviet times, the classification of M. Bauer was considered and supplemented by Academician A. E. Fersman (Table). The classification of M. Bauer - A. E. Fesmann for a long time enjoyed both in the USSR and abroad. All jewelry stones were divided into gems, colored diverse stones and precious stones of organic origin. The first two groups in turn are distributed in three subgroups, which in the classification of these authors are called "order".

Precious stones are valued due to beauty, harmony of color and natural outlines, noble styles of the cut. Thousands of years before our era, the jewels were found in nature, burned, decorated with their clothes, decorations, religious items.

At the beginning of the twentieth century it became possible to produce synthetic stones, in the photo they cannot be distinguished from the present. Natural minerals are still valued more and stand suitable.

Stones are divided into three groups:

  • precious, which use jewelers, they are also called gems;
  • dIY, of which decorative items are manufactured - boxes, figures, ashtrays;
  • jewelry, intermediate group.

There is no single classification, sometimes one or other stones are attributed to the jewelry, then to semi-precious.

Names, descriptions and classification

Precious gems in most countries are classified at the legislative level.

Precious minerals determine the beauty and purity of color, hardness, ability to maintain properties in mechanical effects. Exist general description, catalogs with photos.

Minerals classify:

  • genetically (by origin) and chemical composition;
  • on the signs of crystallography.

The first group of gems is divided into orders and the following names.

First order:

  • - translucent, shade varies from blue-green to pink-raspberry;
  • - "Unstable", the hardest mineral. Precious gems are colorless, yellow, blue, red, black and blue;
  • Emerald - green and transparent gem. The perfect stone is valued above the diamond;
  • - Red mineral, pink shade is allowed. It is also used in quantum electronics;
  • Sapphire - Blue Gem, he was called "Baus" in the old days.

Second order:

  • - "Sea Water", Transparent, Light Blue Stone;
  • - Green mineral, very similar to jade;
  • Opal is a stone with a beautiful rainbow overflow of white, red, blue, green colors;
  • - It can be colorless, golden, pale blue, pink;
  • Zircon - "Golden", description in translation from the Persian language. Transparent stones use jewelers.

Third order:

  • - a kind of quartz, it happens to any color;
  • Turquoise - "Stone of Happiness." There is such a description - "winning the victory." Turquoise is famous for characteristic blue-green color;
  • Rhinestone - transparent and pure quartz, exquisite in the photo;
  • - "Such grains." Red, purple, green stone, which was also called "Lal", opaque in the photo;
  • - Volcanic glass.

Fourth order:

  • - "not be drunk", the description is translated from the ancient Greek. Violet quartz species;
  • It can be green, colorless, black. Red varieties called "Lal";
  • - Yellow variety of quartz.

In a separate group, stones of organic origin are distinguished:

  • - kind of stone coal;
  • Pearls - formation in the shell of mollusk, is not a mineral. It can be white, blue, pink, black;
  • It is a skeleton of polyps colony. It can be red and pink, as well as silver ("Angel skin"), white and black ("AccaBar");
  • - petrified resin. It happens yellow, brown, colorless, greenish.

Belonging to this or that list is relative. According to some classifications, the same gems can be specified in different orders. There is also an industrial description.

Influence of stones on man

Beautiful minerals are stored in banks and private collections (they can only be seen in the photo), especially rare specimens are exhibited in museums, they complement jewelry and artwork.

They always attracted humanity with beauty and rarity. Currently, gems are used:

  • in jewelry art;
  • in lithotherapy (treatment);
  • in magic, as well as in meditations and mystical practices.

Gems and jewelry binds aesthetics, high artistic value of products. Men and women still thousands of years ago decorated themselves with earrings, bracelets, beads, headweed with minerals.

In lithotherapy, only natural natural minerals use. Their use is wide enough:

  • preparation of drugs;
  • manufacture of wellness mass makers, rosary, pyramids;
  • energy charging of water;
  • stimulation of biologically active points of the body;
  • restoring the movement of energies in the body;
  • strengthening and cleansing aura, charging chakras;
  • toning the body.

Magical properties were also attributed to the gems long before our era. They were used for fortune telling, when sending different cults and in the manufacture of sacred items. Minerals are very individual and personal, they adjust to the energy of the owner. The products are stored in the boxes and boxes, away from light, washed with clean water and wipe with soft tissues to cleanse the negative.

With the help of stone talisman you can:

  • dispel negative energy in the house;
  • attract love, wealth, success, prosperity, longevity;
  • stimulate spiritual awakening and update;
  • gain harmony and mental balance;
  • gain connection with the astral world;
  • evil from evil, bad deeds, evil languages, drunkenness;
  • awaken wisdom and strength of thought;
  • attract patrons and friends;
  • find protection against fire and water, from the forces of the elements;
  • cure faceless.

Many gems become an object of fakes. In order for the product to benefit, and not only pleased the eye, it should be completely natural, natural. Precious minerals buy, referring to the photo in the directory and with descriptions of properties.

Gems are an amazing and beautiful part of the planet Earth, the demonstration of the beauty of nature and matter. Minerals always choose, trusting intuition and taste, because the right choice helps to find not just the decoration, but also an overlap, which will help improve the quality of material and spiritual life.

The gem is a rare natural mineral formation with unusual beauty and high strength. More than four thousand minerals are known in nature, but few can be considered precious. The most important attribute of the gems is its beauty: an attractive color, glitter, "game", rare optical effects (for example, a color change effect by Alexandrite). It is very important that the stones used in jewelry have sufficiently high strength and hardness and retained their qualities for a long time. It is thanks to durability, precious stones are used as family values \u200b\u200band are inherited from generation to generation. An equally important attribute of the precious stone is its rarity - the less often it is, the higher its cost and vice versa.

Science of precious stones divides stones into two types: inorganic and organic origin.

Inorganic precious stones - strong minerals of natural origin with a constant chemical structure. Most precious stones are inorganic, but of thousands of minerals derived from the depths of our planet, only about twenty are awarded the high name "gem" - for their rarity, beauty, durability and durability.

Organic precious stones are created by animals or plants, for example, amber is a petrified wood resin, and pearls ripens in mollusc sinks. As an example, you can also bring coral, agate and turtle shell. The bones and teeth of the earth and marine animals were treated and used as a material for the manufacture of brooches, necklaces and figurines.

In Russia, in accordance with the Federal Law of March 26, 1998 No. 41-FZ "On precious metals and precious stones", natural diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and Alexandrites are precious stones, and natural pearls in cheese (natural) and treated form and unique amber education.

What properties distinguish precious stones from the total mass of rocks and minerals? And why are they not the example of the rest so highly appreciated? There is no doubt that the most important property of these stones is beauty, because without it, the mineral or breed will not be valued so high, whatever the qualities they have, because the precious stones should please the eyes with a bright color, often reinforced skillful cut or mysterious pattern , beautiful inclusions or other features that make them incomparable with ordinary stones.

Color gemstone

The color of the gemstone contributes to the development of certain qualities in humans. Loneliness and perfection are emphasized with a decoration with white stones. Such stones are developing hardworking in man and feeling freedom.

Stones of red shades symbolize energy, passion, movement. Such stones are presented as a gift to stimulate human energy, strengthen the protective functions of the body. Holders of red stones are able to call a person to frankness.
The precious stones of orange shade symbolize beauty, grace, artistry. Decorations of these stones are developing a sense of beautiful in man.
Gemstone green stones symbolize personality integrity. Owners of such stones are reasonable and patient.
Blue precious stones are logical thinking symbols. These stones contribute to the development of such qualities in a person as intuition and practicality.
Precious stones of violet color - symbol of mystery, magic, mystics.
Purple-colored precious stones - Will symbol, thoughts.
Gemstones of brownish shades symbolize peace, reliability, stability.
Gemstone black stones symbolize the beginning and end.

How to insure from the acquisition of an unnatural gems?

The Russian jewelry market is only looking for points of contact with the world. And, of course, we burn. In some stores, under the guise of Aventurine, we offer us: ordinary plastic, under the guise of coral - shell. Under the self-made magnificent name "Black Star" was hiding mineral horn fooling, in one store on the shop window lay at all in nature "quartz-diopsyda" (in any way you will not find such a name). Like us: the plant believes the supplier, shops - the plant, the buyer - sellers. As a result, our women are ringlets with synthetic stones instead of natural. By the way, such is the vast majority of jewelry stones sold in our country.

Why don't even speak "teapots", buying jewelry once a gift to loved ones? The fact is that in the USSR, a natural gem was stamped as "bourgeois". The names of the precious stones were forbidden to publish. It is not possible that there is incompetence among goods and sellers of jewelry stores. And it is hardly possible to reproach them in this: a global approach to assessing the quality of jewelry stones is only beginning to be applied in Russian spaces.

How nevertheless, not risking, buy a product with precious stone? It is best - both for a citizen, and for a legal entity - to spend money on examination. It's not too expensive. Well, if you do not want or can not do this, then follow the unacter rules:
- All stores in the prominent place should be information about the rights of the buyer and responsibilities of the jewelry seller. Get acquainted with her;
- Carefully get acquainted with the price tag or a label of the product;
- Feel free to ask the seller about the quality and characteristics of the stone, and first of all about the synthetic stone or natural. If natural, then refined - exposed to exposure (tinting, impregnating oil, heat treatment) in order to hide defects and give a better form;
- The most important thing is to demand a commercial check with all the important characteristics of the product. This document will allow you if you need to defend your rights in court.

The large-scale primary markets of precious stones begin to develop - for example, in Moscow and Yakutsk. "The process went" is particularly actively after the government resolution of November 25, 1995, which marked the liberalization of this market.

The volume of legal sales of stones is growing, but it, according to experts, is not more than half of the legal. Considerable "shadow" money can be pulled out if you seriously address the organization of a market mechanism, including banks, stock exchange structures, investment companies, production, processing, stone trade and jewelry.

Regarding the classification jewelry stones There have always been a lot of differences. Specialists of various professions tried to systematize various stones (in particular, jewelry) on various signs: geologists - at the place of birth, mineralogues - for chemical composition, trade workers - in terms of cost, industry workers - according to the ability to be processed. Therefore, the classification of different authors is very different from each other. For a long time, the classification of M. Bauer was used - A. E. Fersman, but over time, the terms "precious", "semi-precious", "colored stones" were outdated, the concept of "gems" has changed, many new minerals have been discovered, and old classification methods have ceased to meet the needs science. Other classifications were introduced jewelry stones, for example, the "general classification of jewelry and diverse stones" E. Ya. Kyivlenko. She is more familiar with jewelers. The table made on its basis is simple. Everything is present in it natural stonesWith which jewelers face work. They are divided into 3 large groups. In groups of stones are located in descending order of their value.

General classification of jewelry and diverse stones E. Ya. Kyivlenko

Group Order Name of stones
Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire Blue
Alexandrite; orange, green and purple sapphire; noble black opal; Noble Jadeit
Demantide, Spinel, Noble White and Fire Opal, Aquamarine, Topaz, Rhodolite, Tourmaline
Chrysolit, zircon; Yellow, Green and Pink Beryl, Kuncite, Turquoise, Amethyst, Pillow, Almanandin, Lunar and Sunny Stone, Chrysoprase, Tsitrine
I. Lazurit, Jadeit, Jade, Malachite, Charoit, Amber, Mountain Crystal
Agat, Amazonitis, Hematite, Rodonitis, Opaque Irizing Field Ploves (Berman, etc.), Irizized Obsidian, Epidot - Pomegranate and Vesuvian Roregides (Heads)
Jasper, Marble Onyx, Obsidian, Gagat, Petrified Tree, Flowing flint, graphic pegmatite, fluorite, adventuric quartzite, selenite, agalmatolitolitolitolitolitol, color marble, etc.

To date, the classification of minerals by classes is generally accepted, that is, for chemical composition. Classes, in turn, are divided into subclasses and groups. Such a classification is convenient for studying stones, since each class includes the mineral and its varieties, forming a family.

It is difficult to imagine that there were times when the precious stones were not worth nothing, did not have the names, and they used them often with absolutely primitive goals (for example, the poles them of nuts). And all because the gems extracted from rocks at the initial stage rarely when they have a presentable look: the paints of amazing beauty are blinding the precious stones only after the jewelers should work on them, they will work in the cut, they will create an appropriate design). Immediately after that, the gems becomes insanely expensive, and the hand has no one to use them as an instrument of labor.

The precious stones are called natural chemical compounds (minerals) with a crystalline structure and a certain composition that affect the features and type of gems.

Since in nature there are more than four thousand names of a wide variety of minerals, experts converge on the fact that only the natural crystal is considered precious, which is characterized by beauty and durability, and therefore suitable for jewelry processing. And these minerals can be both colorless and possess a beautiful monophonic color, glitter, create an amazing game of light and shadows, surprise with unusual optical effects, characterized by resistant to wear, high hardness.

Given all these interrelated factors, scientists have not yet been able to develop a clear and unambiguous scheme for the division of gems into groups (in each country, the same stones are often referred to as precious or semi-precious). The main list in many classifications still coincides: no one has doubts that natural rubies, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, Alexandrites and Pearls are precious stones. For example, in Russia they are recognized as those at the legislative level, and therefore all other natural jewelry stones are considered semi-precious.

Among them - grenades, amethyst, topaz, malachite, turquoise, agate, nephritis, amber: despite the fact that after processing these minerals become transparent and acquire a unique shine, they are not unique and do not have the necessary hardness. True, it does not prevent the jewelers to widely use semi-precious stones in the finishing works (Malachite caskets, an amber room in the Ekaterininsky Palace).

Beauty gems

For precious stones, one-photon is primarily characteristic (they can be both colorless and have a certain color). Gem may have both "His" and "someone else's" color, which it acquires due to impurities of other minerals, in some ways of its composition (for example, a semi-precious agate can be a yellowish shade due to the inclusion of hematite and iron hydroxisals ).

Also, an important role in the assessment of the gem plays its shine (the level of refractive rays, the ability of the stone to reflect them) and transparency. In addition, the beauty of gems give the optical effects that are obtained when combined with gloss, colors and transparency:

  • Asterism - light rays are diverged from the middle of the gem in different directions. Such a property can be seen when the engines of other minerals (ruby, sapphire) are observed along the edge and edges of gems;
  • Feline eye - it turns out due to the presence in the structure of pipe-like emptiness or fibers of other crystals, giving the gem of silk shine (nephritis, quartz, chrysoberill);
  • Opalacementation is formed as a result of refraction of rays from the three-dimensional structure of the stone. This property is best pronounced at the opals, the colors of which are blown and sparkling;
  • Irization - manifests itself in the form of rainbow color radiance during bright lighting, characterized for spat, quartz, lunar and solar stones;
  • Dispersion - property can be seen from minerals with high refraction of light rays (diamond). In these gems during passage through the crystal, the waves of purple and red tones are blurred.

Wear resistance of gems

The smaller the strength has a stone, it is less valuable: when the gems is jewelry, it is very important that it can be cut without much concern, cut, cut, etc. Thus, in hardness, gems are divided into the following types:

  • Soft (from 1 to 5) - Talc, limestone sword, marble, onyx;
  • Average (from 5 to 6.5) - apatite, orthoclases;
  • Solid (from 6.5 to 7.5) - quartz;
  • High (more than 7.5) - topaz, sapphire, diamond.

The quality of precious and semi-precious stones is affected by their property, as viscosity - the ability to change and restore the form during the action on them deforming forces. Gems with high viscosity (jade) are easily retained, and you can wear them without fears that they will begin to crumble, like, for example, it can make such fragile semi-precious stones, as opal or obsidian.

Also, the jewelers appreciate such a property of a stone as a spheel - its ability to break through the crystallographic plates (very necessary property for obtaining a flat surface). Meanwhile, if this characteristic is expressed too much, jewelers with gem prefer not to get involved: the stone can be covered with cracks and chips.

One of the characteristics of the strength of the gem is its purity or defectiveness - the absence of voids, cracks, impurities. It should be borne in mind that absolutely pure mineral almost never occurs and always contains traces of early stages of their development.

Cracks rarely when gem decorate and always reduce its strength - this also applies to expensive diamonds.

So, the most expensive gemstone "Kullyannan" (the name of the diamond was received in honor of the owner of the mine, where he was discovered) was donated to the King of Great Britain Edward VII at the beginning of the twentieth century: he had 3106 carats, the weight exceeded half a kilogram, and the dimensions were 100x65x50 mm. Since there were cracks in a presented diamond, it was impossible to make one major diamond from it, and therefore, before split it, the best branger of that time Joseph Asher studied him for several months.

It did not break it immediately: during the first attempt, the knife broke down. But the second approach was lucky, and Kullynan divided it into two parts (it is interesting that after the first accurate blow, the master of overvoltage lost consciousness). As a result, nine large diamonds were made of stone and ninety-six small gems, the largest of them inserted into the royal scepter, and the second largest decorates the Crown of the British Empire.

Chemical composition of gem

The appearance of most semi-precious and precious stones depends largely on the chemical composition of gems. Since they all have different chemical compositions and crystal structure (jewelry gems almost always have an ordered crystal grille), they are divided into relevant groups.

The most common element in gems is oxygen, and then in descending order, silicon, aluminum and calcium followed (most numerous group are silicates). By chemical composition, a list of semi-precious and precious stones is as follows:

  • Silicates - chrysolite, grenade, beryl zircon, jade;
  • Oxides - corundum, quartz, opals, spinel;
  • Sulphides - pyrite, galvanit, sphalerite;
  • Halides - fluorite;
  • Native elements - diamond;
  • Carbonates - Malachite, Marble Onyx;
  • Organic compounds - amber, corals, pearls, gagat.

Interestingly, the chemical properties of the gems of the same group may vary with the unchanged crystal structure: the stones are capable of moving both to precious (ruby transforms into pink sapphire) and in semi-precious species.

Even the smallest oscillation in the properties can change the type of jewelry, for example, ruby \u200b\u200band sapphire, being varieties of Mineral Corunda and having the same characteristics, have different colors - Sapphire blue, ruby \u200b\u200bred.

As for gems with organic origin, before purchasing their current species, they were an element of wildlife: pearls grew up in oyster sink, amber is a resin, the coral - the skeleton of marine invertebrate animals, gagat - petrified tree.


If it was previously believed that the most beautiful gem can only be formed in the tropics, geologists managed to prove the fallacy of this belief, finding a lot of gems in moderate latitudes. For example, in Russia such precious stones as aquamarins, diamonds, jade, topazy, lazurites were found in Japan, the coral, pearls, amethyst, in Ukraine - Beryl, Topaz, in Hungary - Opal.

Almost all the precious stones (of course, besides those that have organic origin) were formed in rocks, and therefore they are divided into metamorphic, igneous and sediment (among the latter - rhinestone, grenade, Colombian Emeralds). Some precious stones are considered primary (located in the place where they were formed), others - secondary formations (formed minerals were transferred by rivers, seas or winds to a new place).

The extraction of precious stones depends largely on the origin of gems. Precious and semi-precious stones located near ground surfaceThey often produce manually (especially for the third world countries): Stones are separated by ordinary hammers, chisels, chicks, sometimes use explosives from rock. Marst deposits in water are treated, washing sand or with a drag. But to get stones located at great depths (for example, diamonds), the technique still use - manually do not cope here.

Synthetic stones

Another hundred years ago, a semi-precious or gem from their glass imitation or a diverse stone was pretty easy: the jewelry stone could be defined "on the eye" and it was not easy to deceive anyone. But, in the middle of the last century, science made a huge leap ahead - and the appearance of synthetic stones that were not inferior to natural precious stones, made gems available to the wide masses of the population.

It is worth noting that if earlier the creation of such stones because of the high cost of equipment was very expensive, then recently every year the cost of them falls.

The main difference between these stones from the original is that they were formed not inside rock, but were created by artificially in the factory or in the laboratory. Therefore, they have another name - "grown jewelry stones": It is often a complete imitation of the natural process of the formation of a gem (the only one, the stone grows significantly faster).

There are many positive moments in creating artificial stones. First of all, the jewelry has become more accessible to wide masses, therefore, increased sales and profits. Artificial gems are often more perfect than their natural analogues (they have no cracks, impurities, they are usually more rich and deep color). Do not forget that in some cases the creation of a synthetic stone is the only way to replace the disappearing natural gems by their artificial counterparts.