Modeling from sculptural plasticine lessons. How to make a sculpture from plasticine and what is sculptural plasticine

The first thing you need to know is that anyone can learn to sculpt sculptures from plasticine, provided they have the desire or motivation. However, the above applies to absolutely any matter. But first you need to purchase the “right” plasticine that will meet all the necessary requirements. Sculptural plasticine has some differences from ordinary plasticine - it is much more flexible. It contains mountain or beeswax, fillers (for example, dry clay, talc, or some others), plasticizers, and technical oil or petroleum jelly to give softness. Its color spectrum is closer to the natural colors found in nature. But nevertheless, it can be painted well with any paint. Like any other material, plasticine can be made with some technological violations, and its properties can be changed.

When choosing sculptural plasticine the following points need to be taken into account: Elasticity, pliability, the required ratio of softness and hardness. The plasticine should roll easily in your hands or on any surface, without leaving smeared marks. Plasticine should not crumble, although after creating a sculpture, sculptural plasticine, after giving it a shape, does not dry out and does not lose its plasticity - this is another difference from ordinary plasticine. Under the influence of heat, sculptural plasticine should melt, and stains from it should be easily removed with soap and water. Yes, and don’t forget to purchase some equipment that you will definitely need in your work. These are special plastic boards of various sizes, small knives for cutting plasticine - stacks (a set of stacks can be bought at any children's or specialized store), various molds (a very useful and necessary thing), and aluminum or iron wire for sculpture frames, because a large sculpture is made of plasticine can settle under its own weight without internal support.

The technique of modeling from sculptural plasticine is practically no different from modeling from ordinary material, with the exception of some small nuances. Before starting work, prepare warm water in a bath (to wet your hands and warm up the plasticine), a small amount of Vaseline (or machine oil) to give the material greater plasticity in cases where it is needed. Cut the required amount of material with a knife or tear it off with your hands, heat it in warm water, and then knead it thoroughly with your hands. The water must be warm, its temperature should not exceed eighty degrees, otherwise its plastic properties will begin to be lost. You shouldn’t heat up too large a piece of plasticine either, for the same reasons. If you’ve never dealt with plasticine before, try making something simple first. Look around, there are pieces of furniture in the room, start with them. To get a taste for it and learn how to create primitive crafts, one day, or even just a few hours, will be enough. Then move on to more complex compositions. For such work, and even more so big size you need to make a frame. Wire is a material no less pliable than plasticine, and to make a frame you do not need to give it the shape of the future product with great precision. It is enough to achieve an approximate resemblance to the future sculpture. Then you need to apply the main mass to the frame - cover it with plasticine so that it sticks tightly to it. After this, begin to match the proportions of the details of the sculpture. Examine your work from all sides, because a plasticine sculpture is a three-dimensional object that should be viewed from all sides. While sculpting, make sure that the sculpture does not fall to the sides, and that all its parts correspond to the proportions. It is better to constantly have before your eyes the image from which the sculpture is made: the sitter, the object, photographs from different angles.

To make the sculpture more realistic, you need to find its axis of symmetry and constantly check whether both halves are symmetrical in relation to each other. Determine the compositional center of the sculpture - the detail that will be the main one. For example, in a bust it will be a face. This center needs to be worked out especially carefully, achieving complete resemblance to the original. Well, last of all, stick small details to secondary areas.


When planning your work, prepare more clay than is needed for the sculpture you have in mind. It's easy to prepare. Pour dry clay into a box (or another container, such as a pan). It needs to be leveled. Then fill it with water so that individual tubercles protrude from the water. After three to four days the clay can be used for modeling. When removing it, leave an uneven relief - so that water remains in some recesses - then the clay will have a different consistency, which is necessary for work.

Decide on the size of the sculpture and the material. Plasticine is suitable for a beginner. Unlike clay, plasticine does not dry out or harden and the work can be done for a long time. The height is about 30 centimeters.

Saw off a sheet of plywood 15 by 15 centimeters. This will be the pedestal for your sculpture.

Walk around the sculpture, look from above and below. The sculpture should be visible from all angles. Unlike a drawing, a sculpture is three-dimensional. Don't forget this. Constantly check the part you are sculpting from all sides.

Take a close look at the sculpture. Its parts must be balanced. It should not fall forward, nor backward, nor to the side. Follow the sculpture's anchor points.

Find the axis of symmetry. Check if your sculpture is symmetrical. Trust your eye, but don't forget to check the measurements with a compass or stack.

Find the compositional center of the sculpture. If you are making a human figure, then most likely it will be a face.

Work out the compositional center more carefully. Stick on the details. Also, but also with smaller details, stick the details throughout the sculpture. This could be folds of clothing, buttons, a belt, or animal fur.

See if the details have broken the main shape of the figure. If somewhere you see that you are too carried away by the details, you have overdone it, summarize them slightly with a finger or a stack.

If the sculpture is a success and you really like it, you can think about immortalizing it. Plasticine is not a reliable material. The easiest way is to cast it in plaster or bronze. Well, the most beautiful and difficult one to sculpt in marble.

Good luck and success in your work!

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Use only sculpture clay. It is monochromatic and will not distract from the shape. Plus it's cheaper.
If the frame is not strong enough, it can be reinforced with thick metal wire in the center.

pros modern world in terms of business development, the fact is that you can make money out of anything, literally out of thin air (in the literal sense of the expression). But today I don’t want to talk about how to sell “healing air” from the Himalayas, or the air of your city (such a business idea really exists!). Today’s publication is devoted to how to make your favorite activity, hobby, or simple hobby begin to generate additional income. It is much easier for people with a practical mindset to organize their own business - perseverance in achieving their goal, sober calculation, and irrepressible energy will allow them to bring their idea to life in a short time. Well, if it doesn’t work out, then they immediately start implementing another idea.

But what about creative individuals for whom numbers and logic are as far from understanding as the Earth is from Mars? First of all, you don’t need to give up on business, but try to understand whether your passion could become your job, and not only feed you and your family, but also allow you to have a solid income. Practice shows that this is feasible in ninety-nine percent of a hundred. And even if before this time you have not been involved in, for example, modeling sculptures from plasticine, now is the time to think about whether to take it seriously? Moreover, if you have a passion for this, as they say? In addition, making sculptures from plasticine, at first glance a child’s activity, can bring quite a “non-children’s” income.


The first thing you need to know is that anyone can learn to sculpt sculptures from plasticine, provided they have the desire or motivation. However, the above applies to absolutely any matter. But first you need to purchase the “right” plasticine that will meet all the necessary requirements. Sculptural plasticine has some differences from ordinary plasticine - it is much more flexible.

It contains mountain or beeswax, fillers (for example, dry clay, talc, or some others), plasticizers, and technical oil or petroleum jelly to give softness. Its color spectrum is closer to the natural colors found in nature. But nevertheless, it can be painted well with any paint. Like any other material, plasticine can be made with some technological violations, and its properties can be changed.

When choosing sculptural plasticine, you need to consider the following points:

  • Elasticity, pliability, the necessary ratio of softness and hardness.
  • The plasticine should roll easily in your hands or on any surface, without leaving smeared marks.
  • Plasticine should not crumble, although after creating a sculpture, sculptural plasticine, after giving it a shape, does not dry out and does not lose its plasticity - this is another difference from ordinary plasticine.
  • Under the influence of heat, sculptural plasticine should melt, and stains from it should be easily removed with soap and water.

Yes, and don’t forget to purchase some equipment that you will definitely need in your work. These are special plastic boards of various sizes, small knives for cutting plasticine - stacks (a set of stacks can be bought at any children's or specialized store), various molds (a very useful and necessary thing), and aluminum or iron wire for sculpture frames, because a large sculpture is made of plasticine can settle under its own weight without internal support.


The technique of modeling from sculptural plasticine is practically no different from modeling from ordinary material, with the exception of some small nuances. Before starting work, prepare warm water in a bath (to wet your hands and warm up the plasticine), a small amount of Vaseline (or machine oil) to give the material greater plasticity in cases where it is needed.

Cut the required amount of material with a knife or tear it off with your hands, heat it in warm water, and then knead it thoroughly with your hands. The water must be warm, its temperature should not exceed eighty degrees, otherwise its plastic properties will begin to be lost. It is also not worth heating up too large a piece of plasticine for the same reasons.

If you've never worked with plasticine before, try making something simple first. Look around, there are pieces of furniture in the room, start with them. To get a taste for it and learn how to create primitive crafts, one day, or even just a few hours, will be enough. Then move on to more complex compositions. For such work, and especially large ones, you need to make a frame.

Wire is a material no less pliable than plasticine, and to make a frame you do not need to accurately shape it into the shape of the future product. It is enough to achieve an approximate resemblance to the future sculpture. Then you need to apply the main mass to the frame - cover it with plasticine so that it sticks tightly to it. After this, begin to match the proportions of the details of the sculpture.

Examine your work from all sides, because a plasticine sculpture is a three-dimensional object that should be viewed from all sides. While sculpting, make sure that the sculpture does not fall to the sides, and that all its parts correspond to the proportions. It is better to constantly have before your eyes the image from which the sculpture is made: the sitter, the object, photographs from different angles.


To make the sculpture more realistic, you need to find its axis of symmetry and constantly check whether both halves are symmetrical in relation to each other. Determine the compositional center of the sculpture - the detail that will be the main one. For example, in a bust it will be a face. This center needs to be worked out especially carefully, achieving complete resemblance to the original. Well, last of all, stick small details to secondary areas.


Practice shows: some people need three to four months to learn how to sculpt plasticine sculptures in order to start making money, while others need a few weeks. You can sculpt anything, both objects of your own imagination and to order. One of the options for creating sculptures from plasticine is sculpting busts of celebrities. Such sculptures are in good demand.

For example, one sculptor who makes plasticine busts of celebrities: politicians, musicians, businessmen, actors, earns up to ten thousand dollars a month. The cost of one product starts from a thousand “green”. She pays equal attention to both the accuracy of sculpting details and the drawing (coloring) of sculptures. Her works include: Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Steve Jobs, Mickey Jager, and many others.

A schoolboy from Bashkiria earns tens of thousands of rubles by sculpting and selling plasticine sculptures of characters from cartoon films and computer games. The figures of the Predator, Alien, Stalker, ancient warriors, dragons and other characters look very impressive and sell with a bang.

In addition to sculptures and miniatures, models and sketches of stucco ceilings are also made from sculptural plasticine. That is, having learned how to sculpt, you can consider working in an interior design or design workshop. Even entire paintings are made from plasticine. At least it is no more difficult (and maybe even easier!) than making paintings from wood, or paintings embroidered with ribbons.


An important part of marketing will be creating your own online store, or website, where all your work will be presented. Here you can also organize online lessons on making plasticine sculptures. By the way, such lessons can be conducted offline, organizing courses not only for adults, but also for children. After all, talent needs to be developed from childhood. As I already said, the main thing is desire and motivation. Try it, you will definitely succeed!