Work in Australia: vacancies, visas and necessary documents. How to go to work in Australia: vacancies and visa applications Work in Australia for Russian women

Unfortunately, modern adults have to work, no matter where they live. The regret in this case is that working in Australia will distract you from the magnificent ocean and local beauty. No matter how attractive the green continent is for emigration, it also has its own problems, including work. For you, immigrants from Russia, with several higher educations and extensive work experience, it may well be that even managers in Australia will not be able to immediately offer similar conditions. I'm not talking about money, a gardener there earns the same amount as the head of a department of a private company in Russia. It's about social status.

Many Russians find it difficult to find work in another country. Precisely because they don’t want to work as bartenders or taxi drivers. Of course, you don’t need to waste your time on trifles, but you shouldn’t turn your nose up too much either. We need to develop a reasonable policy towards work and stick to it. Perhaps the best way would be to agree to a lower-paid job, but in your own profile, than working as a lifeguard on the beach or cleaning swimming pools. This kind of work, which does not require much mental or physical effort, is relaxing. It can be difficult for a person to pull himself together and pull himself together.

“I know a lot of Russian people who are unhappy with their lives in Australia. In Russia, they worked in large companies or mass media and were quite well known in wide circles. They had social status. They have nothing here. These people have not lost anything in their standard of living, and maybe even gained anything, but nevertheless, they experience quite acute depression about their social status. At one time our neighbor was Victor from Orenburg. In his homeland he had several of his own service stations. Here he delivers fruit in a van. He dreams of returning to Russia. No climate, money or other benefits will bring happiness to a person if he is not happy with his situation,” says Daria Gavryushenko, who works at an advertising agency in Melbourne.

What does work mean to Australians?

Everyone knows that Australians are lazy Americans. For those, work is the meaning of life, its main value. Residents of the green continent have a slightly easier time with this. For them, work is a means of achieving consumer goods. Such as a house, apartment, car, yacht, vacation, furniture, household appliances.

Australians love to live in grand style, which is why they value good work. Here they don’t even value the size of the salary so much as they value all sorts of social benefits, such as private health insurance, pensions, and various benefits. The local society is so socialized that Australians rarely withdraw money from their cards. The state and the employer make sure that every person has the same rights and opportunities, which is why both gardeners and waiters live quite decently here.

Australians value their business and business very much. It is often very difficult for visiting people to immediately plunge into the legal and economic cycle of the country, so initially almost all migrants get regular jobs.

Work for migrants

It is considered very successful if a migrant immediately finds a highly specialized job. After all, we are all individuals and each has some kind of predisposition, and many also have the appropriate education. In Australia, the work of an electrician, gas fitter, plumber, and crane operator is highly valued. This is for people without higher education. Specialists with a diploma, especially if they can confirm it, can get jobs as engineers or in management positions. Migrants from non-English-speaking countries are reluctant to take on leadership roles. Still, problems with the language have not yet been canceled. People begin to speak decently in Australia only after a couple of years, when they already know all the jargon and expressions and understand irony.

If you come to Australia without higher education or are engaged in a non-core activity, then you should definitely engage in your own training. Judge for yourself, an ordinary accountant earns twenty dollars an hour, and an accountant with a specialized higher education receives fifty. They can do the same job, have the same experience, but one will always get paid more than the other. In Australia, higher education is not a tribute to fashion, but, first of all, an investment in yourself, in your future.

As in Russia, in Australia you can work for the state or in a private company. In a private company, wages are higher, but the benefits package is worse. In private firms, a contract is concluded with an employee for a certain period, which upon completion, without explanation, may not be renewed and then the person risks ending up on the labor market. If an employee has a popular job, for example, as an electrician, oil worker or builder, then he can easily find a new job, but what if the job is very rare and narrow? For example, a transcriber for speedometer tapes for electric rolling stock? Australia has electrified railways, so such specialists are also needed. There are about one hundred and fifty of them in the country, some of them are our former compatriots. Finding himself without difficulty, a person with such a narrow specialty will look for a job for a very long time. Most likely, he will have to change his occupation, which means he will lose significantly in income. Working for the state is preferable in the sense that there is a better social package and there is no contract. There are even some industries in which, upon dismissal, the employer is obliged to find his former employee a new job, and if he does not agree, then pay a benefit for some time that is somewhat lower than the person’s former salary.

Recently, many Australians are leaving to work in the UK. There they are preferred to Arabs and Hindus. Accordingly, jobs are freed up on the green continent that can be filled by migrants.

In Australia, as in any Western country, reviews are of great importance. Sometimes they say even more about a person than a resume. Don’t be lazy to include reviews from your former employers in your resume. Australians can even take the time to call Russia to ask a few questions.

“I worked in Omsk at the Siberian Electrical Installation Company. We were engaged in diagnostics of electric motors at oil pumping stations. The work is very serious and responsible. A few years later, after leaving my job, I moved to Australia and sent my CV to a local oil company. Like, I want to be your diagnostic specialist. They didn’t look at my resume and called Omsk with questions. And in Siberia, everyone’s English is bad, especially my former colleagues. The company was small, the employees were all over forty, and no one spoke English. Somehow they agreed to have the Australians send all their questions by email, then translate them through a translator into Russian, write an answer and translate them back into English in exactly the same way. My new employers laughed for a long time afterwards. The computer translator translated poorly, and even according to the local jargon, the text contained several words of profanity,” shares Vladislav Kuznetsov, an employee of Woodside Petroleum.

You cannot legally work in Australia without the appropriate permit. Only freelancers and poker players can live here without it. By the way, there are quite a lot of Russian poker players in Australia. These guys, without interruption from their main activities, travel all over the world and live in different interesting places, since their income allows them. There are quite a lot of Russian poker players on the Gold Coast; this is the most prestigious area of ​​Australia.

Freelancers mainly communicate with their customers via the Internet and “on their word of honor.” No one, for example, a freelancer from Russia, prohibits you from concluding contracts in Australia. Only these contracts will be with you not as a citizen of Australia, but as a Russian citizen; accordingly, if problems arise, the authorities and the legislation of the green continent will not help you in any way.

Enough about freelancing, let’s get back to more traditional ways of making money. Once the employer agrees to hire you and you receive permission to work, the next step is to apply for a permanent visa. It's quite difficult.

In order for an Australian employer to issue an invitation to work for you, and, accordingly, apply to the government for a permanent visa, he must prove that there is no specialist comparable to you on the entire green continent. The costs of this business range from twenty to seventy thousand dollars, that is, they can reach six months of the specialist’s salary. Although it is expensive and, at first glance, unprofitable. Australian companies are taking this step. Some simply include the following clause in the contract: the employee does not have the right to quit until he has paid in full for the costs associated with obtaining a visa. This does not mean that a person falls into eternal bondage. You can agree with your employer to deduct a certain amount from your salary every month.

Now look at the offers that various companies publish on the Internet. They offer a work visa in Australia for employees who will pick fruit in Australia or work as a waiter in a restaurant. Judge for yourself, is this real? Would a restaurant want to spend twenty thousand dollars on a waiter? It is easier for a farmer to hire Chinese who will work illegally and, therefore, receive little money.

When looking for work in Australia, whether you are in Russia or already on the green continent, it is best to trust not these dubious companies from the Internet, but immigration law firms. All migrants who have more or less lived in Australia know how to find them. You can easily find them on forums about Australia or if you look for them yourself in search engines. We do not include a single office in the article for the simple reason that we do not engage in advertising, but only educate future migrants.

Unskilled work

Remember the rhyme from childhood: “All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Not all migrants find skilled work upon arrival in Australia. Firstly, in Russia and on the green continent there are somewhat different specifics. For example, in our homeland, all work with electricity is regulated by the PUE. In Australia there is no such document, but there are many different instructions and rules. Our domestic electrician will not be able to adapt to the Australian way in a week. Retraining is required, minor retraining. You simply cannot engage in skilled labor in Australia; you must have a license. A license in their case is permission to work. If you have a license, then you are definitely an expert in this industry. To obtain this document, you must submit an application to the guild and then pass qualifying exams. Of course, they will ask for money for the license. No one will just mess with you like that. Each guild has its own license prices. You can, of course, not give up anything and try to come to an agreement. Often, bribery does not lead to anything good. We are all human and we all love money, besides, there are no people who would not take bribes, there are those who do not know how to give them. Please note that offering money to an official is very dangerous. Firstly, he may be afraid that you are checking him and, like a respectable citizen, contact the relevant authorities with a complaint. Secondly, in the future, when the fact of giving a bribe comes to light somewhere, law enforcement agencies may begin to work with you. When moving to a foreign country, one must begin not by violating its laws, but by observing them.

Before you can count on a well-paid position, you must not only improve your professional skills, but also know the language at the proper level. A highly qualified specialist with a mediocre level of knowledge of English, in which he will have to work, will not cost a penny. Thirdly, you will never be trusted with a truly responsible position if you do not have recommendations from Australian employers.

Summarizing the above, you need to understand that at first you will have to work in a lower-paid position in order to make a career breakthrough in the future.

In Australia there is currently a fairly large demand for unskilled workers. The country needs agricultural workers, factory workers, construction workers, bus and garbage truck drivers, cleaners, hookah workers and bartenders, nannies and caregivers.

It is best to find advertisements for open vacancies in newspapers or independently. To do this, just come to the company or enterprise you are interested in.

Many migrants work in unskilled jobs and at the same time look for a warmer place. Although this is an effective method, it is quite ineffective. It’s much better to take a “job search vacation” for yourself. For example, work for six months, then take two weeks of paid leave if you are officially employed, or simply take a break for this time if your relationship with the employer is not regulated in any way. During this period, you need to actively visit all the companies that interest you, send out your resume and ask for interviews. If nothing decent comes up in two weeks of activity, then you need to return to your previous job. It often happens that these two weeks of activity will yield results only a month later, when the vacancy you are interested in becomes available or employers finally carefully consider your resume.

To understand the numbers in which the work of an unskilled worker is valued, let’s give examples of what people in some professions earn: a cleaner on the green continent gets about twelve dollars an hour, plus/minus a dollar, a driver about thirteen, a waiter about fourteen, a salesman as much as fifteen bucks. Of course, such sums are not what people dreamed of when moving to Australia, but it is quite possible to live on them.

“There is nothing wrong with unskilled labor. I'm even grateful to him. You will probably judge me, but my Australian happiness turned out as follows: for a whole year I worked as a waitress in a restaurant, where I met my future husband. Now my last name is Jones, I sit at home with my little son, I don’t need anything and sometimes I miss snowy Moscow,” Anna Jones, a woman who successfully married an Australian, shares her success story.

Work in Australia by specialty

To work in your specialty, you must first find out what specialists are required in Australia. To do this, you need to go to the government website and look. You can easily find it on the Internet. The easiest way to get a qualified job is for IT specialists and engineers. The requirements for them are similar in all countries, so there is no need to relearn much, which cannot be said about marketers, managers, and especially lawyers. There is probably not a single Russian lawyer who could find a job in his specialty without extensive retraining. With a diploma you can earn from twenty to one hundred dollars per hour. Just imagine, a hundred per hour, that’s 800 bucks per working day. The amount for Russia and Russians is simply astronomical.

It is best to find such work through the national employment service, which has offices in every major city in Australia. Employers submit their requirements for applicants to this service, and potential employees simply choose from the proposed options the one that suits them best. The employment service has departments specializing only in seasonal work, only in unskilled work and in vacancies in the service sector. The National Employment Service is a government agency, which means no one there receives a percentage of the transactions. If you found an employee - good, if you didn’t find him - it’s okay, no one will scold you anyway. Some employers have a rather cool attitude towards this service, believing that it wastes budget money and does not work well enough.

Sometimes a good job offer can be found in major newspapers. Such as the Courier-Mail, West Australian, Sydney Morning Herald or Adelaide Advertiser. If you read a vacancy announcement in the newspaper, don’t get your hopes up and don’t get your hopes up. No one will give a truly hot and good advertisement to the newspaper. The company, first of all, tries to fill any vacancy from its own resources: raise someone up the career ladder or invite a specialist who has been watched for a long time. If nothing works out, you can’t find an employee on your own, and employment agencies don’t produce results, then they turn to newspapers for help.


By and large, Australia is one big labor market. Everyone will find their place on it, but not everyone will like this place. You can safely move to the green continent, because you won’t be left without a piece of bread and a dollar in your pocket, unless, of course, you have arms, legs and a head. The head, moreover, is the main thing on the list.

Working in Australia is the dream of many people who want to get a normal job in decent conditions for a decent pay. There is a lot of different information on how to do this and what is needed for this. In this article we will try to cover important points, talk about what kind of work is offered in Australia for Russians, and what you need to consider before you start searching.

Work in the life of an Australian

Having decided to go to work in a country like Australia, you must study the lifestyle of the local population, understand how the life of Australians works and what is most important to them in life. Once in the country, you will have to join the environment, which means you need to understand and accept the lifestyle of the population of this area. Work in Australia is not of paramount importance in people's lives. In the world, Australians are not considered hard workers, unlike, for example, Americans. is an end in itself, career growth is embedded in the minds of most people. Australians work mostly in order to have enough money for such benefits as real estate, equipment, leisure activities, etc. Very important factors for them are:

  • medical insurance,
  • pension provision,
  • availability of benefits.

The standard of living of the population is quite high, and the stability and reliability of banks instill confidence in the future. This is why many Russians try to find work in Australia.

Types of migration

There are two known variants of migrants. Some are trying to get it anywhere within the country, while others want to get it in a certain city or state. Depending on your wishes, when traveling to Australia, you will need to obtain:

  1. "189" visa for work in any state.
  2. A 190 visa to work in a specific state.

A variety of vacancies are offered for migrants, which can be studied on the country’s official website. Most often, the country requires technical workers, but the situation is constantly changing. Each state sets its own requirements and lists of required workers. So, one state offers a job as a doctor in Australia, while another requires engineers. Both men and women can find work here, so you just need to carefully read the lists. They note that each state's listings have a larger selection of vacancies than the general site offers. Keep this in mind when you are searching. If you don't get a job as a driver in Australia in one state, it doesn't mean you won't find one in another place.

Migrants looking for work

When you start looking for a job, you need to realize that, even with a higher education, you will not immediately be able to get a job in your specialty. The country treats highly specialized specialists who know their job well: electricians, mechanics, crane operators. All of these professions do not require higher education, and you can start working immediately after the employer agrees. Working in mines in Australia has the same feature, which is often written about on official websites for migrants.

It is worth understanding that, as in all countries, in Australia you can work in a private company, or you can get a job in a government agency. The difference between them is the availability of benefits and insurance. In a private organization, you work under a contract and rely only on the integrity of the manager, but in a government structure you have guarantees in terms of the protection of your rights by law.

Work in Australia: how to get it?

So, in order to get any job in the country, you need to know the basic requirements and conditions for getting it:

  1. Have at least one year of work experience, preferably more than three years.
  2. A high school or higher education diploma is preferred.
  3. Ability to speak English. It is worth noting here that working in Australia without knowledge of the language is impossible even in the lowest paid jobs. measured in an exam after which you are awarded an IELTS certificate indicating your score. To successfully search for a job, you need a score greater than six.
  4. There is also an age limit. Underage children cannot work, and it is also difficult for people of retirement age to find employment. The most popular working age is 25-40 years.
  5. All migrants must complete a questionnaire, which assigns points for each answer. You can score a maximum of one hundred and forty points, but to have a chance to find a job, the points should not be less than sixty.

Search process

Having studied the entire registration procedure and reviews about working in Australia, we tried to combine all the steps into one list so that you can mentally prepare for the upcoming hassle:

  • First you need to pass an English proficiency exam;
  • after this, you need to collect all the documents, a list of which will be given to you by the migration service, translate them into English and have the translation certified by a notary;
  • all necessary documents are copied, and copies are sent to the appropriate organization in Australia, which will confirm your qualifications (in this country there are unions in every professional field, so there is no difficulty in determining the level of your knowledge);
  • after confirming your qualifications, you must submit an application that you want to migrate, and additionally declare the job you want to get (in this case, indicate all the necessary information about you and attach all copies of documents);
  • after checking your data by the migration service, you receive permission to undergo a medical examination, the results of the commission are sent automatically to the migration service;
  • if there are no health problems, you will be sent an electronic version of the visa and an invitation (people suffering from hepatitis, tuberculosis or AIDS cannot migrate to this country).

Visa for work

Obtaining a work visa means being able to legally enter the country. You receive such a visa when you know exactly what job you are going to get and have chosen an employer. There are several difficulties in this case. First, having found an employer, you must convince him to hire you, and he will need to wait more than one month until you complete all the documents. Secondly, he will need to convince local authorities that there is not a single Australian who can replace you. And thirdly, the employer pays a tax to the state for permission to invite a foreigner to work. Summarizing everything together, we understand that obtaining such a visa is very difficult. But if you are a specialist in a rare profession, and an enterprise needs you, then you can try to get a work visa.

There are jobs in Australia, and finding them is not that difficult. But everything will go much easier if you know the nuances of the search and the features of this process. Here are a few special points to highlight:

  • Even if you have a good level of knowledge of English, you need to remember that there are local dialects and jargon, so you need to immediately start learning the peculiarities of the local language.
  • Despite all the possibilities, many workers prefer to work as freelancers, that is, they work privately. In this case, you lose the chance to be protected by law from violation of your rights.
  • If your employer has issued you a work visa, this automatically means that you will have to work for him until he covers his expenses for you. There are, of course, exceptions, but most often everything happens this way. Carefully study the clauses of the work contract so as not to find yourself in bondage for many years.
  • Do not trust the promises of dubious firms and companies that promise to issue a work visa for picking fruit or working in a cafe. Everyone understands that this means it’s not true, it’s better to contact migration law firms.

Qualifications and work

In order to work in your specialty, you must confirm your qualifications. The easiest way to find such work is for people in professions that have the same requirements around the world. For example, IT workers. The technologies are the same everywhere, and you don’t have to try very hard to prove your skills. The same cannot be said about other directions. To work as a doctor or lawyer, you need to be confirmed by a special organization. They exist in different fields of activity, and experts study both documentary and practical data. If the result is positive, you will be issued a license to work. It is worth noting that this is a rather troublesome process and not cheap, but it is worth it, since with a diploma you will earn much more than an employee without a diploma.

Work outside of your specialty

If you were unable to confirm your diploma, you still have a chance to get a job without taking into account your diploma or find a job not in your profession. The demand for ordinary workers is high. People are needed for fields, factories, factories, cleaners, nannies and caregivers are required. So if you have a great desire, you can find a job. The main thing is to learn the language, because this can become a real problem in the search. There are, of course, companies that recruit a multinational team to work, but these are mostly low-paid places and difficult conditions. So we advise you not to waste time and money, but to go and sign up for a foreign language course. Or start studying on your own, since nowadays there is no shortage of resources.

Salary and expenses

Living and working in Australia are interconnected, since when you work there you are forced to spend a certain amount of money to support yourself. To give you an idea of ​​the level of expenses, we will show you some examples of where you can spend money and how much it costs. With an average Australian salary of about $100 thousand per year, he has the following expenses:

  • tax payment is about 30%;
  • accommodation payment about $1000;
  • food (sometimes in a restaurant or cafe) - $1000;
  • travel or refueling of a car - $500;
  • entertainment depending on preferences: theater - $100, cinema - $20, museum - $30, exhibition - $30, concert - $200.

Prices are average and in, but you can roughly understand how much you need to earn to live with dignity in this country.

Housing problem

Buying a home in Australia is very expensive; a normal house costs about $500 thousand. Judging by the fact that people go there to earn money, it is logical to assume that a working person does not have that amount. Most local people live in houses, but there are also apartments that are located in the central parts of the city. Housing costs reach 30% of the monthly salary, so people who come to work prefer to rent a room. It's much cheaper, and you can also find a partner and rent an apartment together.

Over the past decades, the Australian economy has been actively developing. The abundance of natural resources and competent government reforms contribute to the growth of the well-being of the local population and the country as a whole. Australia is home to many ethnic groups, including English, Irish, Scots, Italians, Germans. Many immigrants also arrived from the post-Soviet space.

Work in Australia for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other citizens of the CIS countries in 2020 is available in various fields, from temporary employment in agriculture to long-term employment for qualified specialists with permanent residence. For this purpose, the country has a number of immigration programs.

Unemployment in Australia about 5.2%. Three quarters of Australian workers are employed in the service sector, with agriculture accounting for no more than 3.5%. To successfully find a job in Australia, you will need to analyze the local labor market, take into account regional characteristics and soberly assess your chances. Next, we’ll find out how to find a job in Australia, where to look for a job, what salaries and vacancies are available in 2020.

How to go to work in Australia

Despite the loyal attitude of the Australian authorities towards potential immigrants, finding work in Australia is not at all easy. The main requirements for foreigners are experience, qualifications, proficiency in English, and most importantly, the demand for the profession. The ideal employment option in Australia for Russians or Ukrainians is considered professional immigration programs.

Specialized service Skill Select greatly simplifies the search for a suitable job in Australia and allows qualified applicants to obtain a work visa relatively quickly. Read more about this in the article on how to emigrate to Australia. In particular, it describes the key requirements for foreign workers and types of professional migration programs.

Detailed information about the types of work visas to Australia, lists of shortage professions and conditions for labor immigration can be found on the country's official government portal - Much attention should be paid to language skills. Working in Australia without knowing the language is an absolutely losing option that will not bring either financial or moral satisfaction.

Qualified young people aged up to 45-50 years, with sufficient work experience and excellent command of English, which must be confirmed by a certificate. Take seriously the task of creating a resume and cover letter tailored to local employers. The process of obtaining a work visa takes 2-3 months. Finding a suitable vacancy may take even longer.

How to find work in Australia. Search for a vacancy.

Every year, Australian immigration authorities issue several hundred thousand work visas, both permanent and temporary. At the same time, competition in the local labor market is quite significant. Searching for a job in Australia at a distance, that is, provided you are in your own country, is complicated by the lack of open jobs in the public domain. Up to 70% of vacancies are simply not posted on the Internet.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of options for finding a job in Australia, including for Russians, Ukrainians and other foreigners. For example, in modern conditions it is worth actively using social networks, especially professional ones - Communication with experienced immigrants can bring results. Write job offers to employers directly. There are many large companies in Australia, in particular Caltex Australia, Suncorp, Wesfarmers, Qantas and others.

Take a close look at the list of occupations in short supply in Australia. Here is a link to the list with changes relevant for 2020. Visit the official website of the Australian public employment service - and the national portal with a database of open vacancies -

Popular job search sites in Australia

Famous Australian newspapers

If you can’t find a job in Australia on your own, you can contact one of the local recruitment agencies. To search, use the resource -

Jobs and salaries in Australia in 2020

Australia has a wide range of jobs that foreigners can apply for. This could be seasonal work, for example, on farms, in the hotel and restaurant business, or in the service sector. There are long-term employment options that mainly require qualified technical specialists. Jobs in Australia in mining, information technology, construction and other industrial sectors are popular among overseas job seekers.

If we take the available jobs in Australia for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians in 2020, first of all, you need to research list of shortage professions. In particular, this year there will be jobs for medical workers, although there may be difficulties with recognition of education or additional training will be required. There is a demand for engineers, builders, mechanics, electricians, social workers, and plumbers.

The average salary in Australia in 2020 is about 5.3 thousand Australian dollars per month or 3.7 thousand in US currency. The official minimum hourly rate as of July 1, 2019 is: $19.49. You can earn money from types of unskilled labor popular among citizens of the post-Soviet space, for example, work in Australia harvesting crops, as well as waitresses, cleaners, nurses, nannies, bartenders, and so on. up to 2 thousand dollars per month. Experienced and qualified foreigners with a good command of English can count on 3-4 thousand dollars and higher.

There will always be qualified work for Russians in Australia. True, you should know the peculiarities of local employment, and there are quite a lot of them here. Firstly, very high demands are placed on applicants here. Secondly, you need to know English at a good level (Vocational English). Thirdly, have sufficient experience in the declared specialty for at least one year. Fourth, obtain an appropriate visa or one of its subtypes. Fifthly, you can only apply for available vacancies only in those industries that are listed in the list of the Migration Department.

To be employed in Australia, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Age - up to 45 years.
  2. Education. Diploma of education.
  3. Knowledge of a foreign language - Vocational English level.
  4. Profession. Must be on the official list of the Migration Department.
  5. A work record book indicating that the applicant has 1 year or more work experience in the specified specialty.

If the applicant meets all these criteria, then he has every chance of finding a suitable vacancy here. It is important to know that working in Australia for Russians is only possible with the appropriate permit.

Visa and its types

The Australian work visa for Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians and other residents of the former CIS countries has several subtypes:

  • temporary;
  • workshop;
  • employment according to certain plans;
  • for specific highly qualified specialists.

A master's visa is issued only to those migrants who have an invitation from a local employer. It should be taken into account that the inviting firm or company must have official permission for sponsorship, and the desire to employ a citizen of another power must be approved by the Migration Department.

This category of permits is issued for a period of 4 years and can be renewed an unlimited number of times. The advantage is that, having found employment in Australia, foreign citizens have the right to bring here all members of their family, who will be able to study and work legally.

A permit for temporary or non-permanent employment is also issued if there is an invitation. But in this case, the migrant does not have the right:

  • change the location yourself;
  • work for yourself;
  • perform duties that do not correspond to his qualifications and competence;
  • be employed in several places at the same time.

A short-term permit for specific work is issued for a period of up to 6 weeks and can be extended up to 3 months.

Work permits for certain plans are most often issued to young foreigners under cultural exchange programs and require an internship. To apply, you must have a letter of invitation.

Working in Australia attracts foreign migrants with high salaries, comfortable conditions, plus living in a developed country in favorable climatic conditions and at a quite decent level. But there is another side to the coin; finding a job in Australia is not so easy. First of all, this concerns skilled labor with high wages.

Here you can often meet people who came here for the purpose of employment in their main specialty, but are forced to work in low-paid and unskilled jobs. This is explained by the fact that migrants must register, obtain an appropriate license, and may additionally require references and recommendations. This is associated with additional time and financial costs. You should know that without knowledge of the language, in particular English, there is no point in applying for a highly paid vacancy.

Areas where there is a labor shortage

There is a severe shortage of unskilled workers in Australia. In 2020, the following industries were included in this list:

  • Agriculture;
  • construction;
  • transport facilities;
  • processing industry;
  • babysitters

It should also be taken into account that the list of such professions may differ in each state. The most effective methods for finding a suitable vacancy for Russians, as practice shows, is with the help of friends or relatives living in the country or through a recruitment agency. You can also search through advertisements in the media or on the Internet, as well as personally by visiting various companies and organizations. - popular Australian job site

Pay for unskilled labor in the state is quite low (naturally by local standards) and on average per month is $1,800 (cleaning lady), 2,200 (fast food workers), 2,500 (store clerk, construction worker), 1,500 (elderly care), 2,000 ( drivers).

Employment on a farm

One of the priority areas in the state is livestock farming (sheep farming). There is a labor shortage here almost everywhere. Therefore, both ordinary workers and experienced specialists are in demand.

There are traditionally many vacancies in the Australian agricultural sector

There are also plenty of vacancies here for girls who grew up in the village and know how to milk cows and sheep, care for animals, do plant growing, gardening, floriculture, and so on. The income level of local farmers is quite high; per hour, people employed in unskilled labor receive 16-20 dollars and about 25 specialists.

Well-paid and in-demand professions

This includes the following professions:

  • engineer;
  • accountant;
  • programmer;
  • secretary.

The monthly income for these vacancies is about $4,800 - $5,600.

Available vacancies

You can find out about the availability of places in a particular state on the official portal of the Migration Department. For example, in the southern part of the state, cooks, masons, builders, auto mechanics, electricians, and gas welders are needed. In Victoria: pastry chefs, plumbers, hairdressers, carpenters, mechanics. Architects, designers, artists, dentists, and bakers are welcome in Queensland. If we take the country as a whole, the most in-demand and well-paid are: furniture makers, car mechanics, electric and gas welders, silver mine workers, and confectioners.

Income level

If we compare by industry, the highest level of income is observed in the mining industry, oil and gas industries, for example, mines earn about 80 thousand dollars a year, and qualified employees - up to 240 thousand.

The annual salary of an engineer ranges from 60-210 thousand, of a company manager - 50-240 thousand. Doctors also have good incomes - 130-150 thousand dollars.

The numbers shown here are averages, since salaries may differ not only from the industry and qualifications of the employee, but also from the state where he is employed and some other factors.

Employment in Australia for many foreigners is an excellent chance to find a well-paid vacancy in their specialty, to realize themselves as a specialist, to transport all members of their family for permanent residence in a developed country with a high standard of living, with the right to engage in work activities, and receive an education. Plus, to all of the above, you can add excellent climatic conditions, political and economic stability, and the absence of armed conflicts.

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Travelers to cities and countries are attracted by different things: some by nature, others by sights. Many people are also interested in working in Australia. The country accepts labor migrants, but selectively. Finding a vacancy for an ordinary worker is not difficult, but the right to a well-paid position must be proven.

What attracts Australia

Four cities of this distant country are included in the TOP 10 best places to live in terms of social amenities, economic growth, and ecology. In terms of GDP, Australia is ahead of the USA, Canada, and a number of developed European countries. Favorable conditions have been created here for the development of entrepreneurship, especially small ones. This, in particular, explains that professional immigration to Australia has remained at a high level for many years. The local labor market always requires working hands and bright minds.

Despite this, living and working in Australia is not accessible to everyone. Applicants for certain positions are subject to increased requirements. But unskilled labor awaits everywhere and, by Russian standards, is well paid. Australians generally live a calm, measured life, work to ensure a decent existence for themselves, but do not pursue status and high positions, preferring to receive less but sleep more peacefully.

Business immigration

Australia is interested in the emergence of serious businessmen and investors on the continent and offers a number of programs for inclusion in the country's economy. You can open your own business from scratch or buy a business. Those who decide to promote their business in Australia require special visas.

Requirements for entrepreneurs for business immigration to Australia

Visa codeVisa typePoint testFunds in accountsBusiness OwnershipBusiness turnoverAdditional requirements
Visa 132ConstantAt least 1.5 million AUD / 400 thousand US dollarsAt least 30% of the company with a turnover of 400 thousand AUD (300 thousand US dollars)At least 3 million AUD (2.2 million US dollars)IELTS 4.5
Visa 188, stream “Business Innovation”Temporary for 4 years with the possibility of applying for a permanent visa 88865 pointsAt least 800 thousand AUDLess than 51% of the company's turnover< 400 тыс. AUD; не менее 10% публичной компании At least 500 thousand AUD (350 thousand US dollars)Managing the business for at least half the time
Visa 188, stream “Investment” At least 2.25 million AUDThree years of investment experience; state-approved investment of AUD 1.5 million ($1.1 million).

Over time, it becomes possible to review the status and, after the expiration of the temporary visa, apply for a permanent subclass 888.

Responsibility for illegal employment in 2020

Those who enter the country on a tourist visa and do not return within the prescribed period, relying on temporary work, will have a meeting with migration officials. The VEVO electronic system makes it possible to quickly determine whether a foreigner has the right to work in the country. Illegal work threatens with expulsion and being included in the “black list” of unwanted guests. It is unlikely that you will be able to obtain a new entry permit. It is better not to ignore the established rules.