Travel changes life. A trip that changed my life. Holi festival, India

You will see the whole world before you even begin to think. I am sure that traveling in childhood, even unconsciously, forms an excellent imagination and develops intelligence. Unfortunately, I don’t yet have confirmation of my theory on living (already grown) examples; although I traveled in early childhood, I can’t call it travel.

Traveling since birth?

If you know Polish/know how to use Google Translate, this is the opinion of a mother of two such children, Anna Albot. The traveling parents took their children, Hannah and Mila, from the age of 6 months around the Black Sea, through Central America and the islands of Oceania. The eldest girl recently started school, and has already visited several dozen countries. I was lucky enough to meet Anya and Thomas in person almost 10 years ago when they first met, and now it’s very interesting to follow their adventures on the blog The Family Without Borders. Now they live in Berlin and actively help refugees.

Perhaps, by the time they reach adulthood, these girls will be completely tired of traveling and they will not have this delight of exploring the world, which all travelers who begin at a conscious age have (“Weeeee, the first plane flight!”). Or perhaps they will travel around the whole world, which will still seem just as amazing to them and they will never get tired of making discoveries.

What if you come from a family of homebodies?

But if you have ordinary parents, then most likely they only took you out on a typical “mattress” vacation once a year or didn’t take you out at all. And then many discoveries await you! Traveling will make you you and you need to take advantage of every opportunity to get your hands on the next coveted ticket or hitchhike over the horizon. In general, for now, the choice is obvious: the road to nowhere is much more useful than buying a cabinet. It is during these years that travel brings the greatest pleasure. As they say, when you already have stability and money, you can buy as many pleasures as you want, but will they bring joy? Over the years, emotions fade away, and in the end it can be different: for example, you arrive in the country of your dreams and feel nothing. Therefore, it is better not to delay.

How travel shapes personality

I've been traveling for as long as I can remember. Starting with trips with parents to sanatoriums and relatives, then there were trips to Germany, performances in other cities with the school theater, trips to science and technology weeks with an astronomy club and hikes in Belarus and Russia with a tourist club, then hitchhiking began (mostly Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and a little Poland), then I traveled a lot around the world as a young naturalist and civil activist. Yes, it’s very funny now, but then the banal knowledge of English, the desire to know everything, the ability to speak and the sparkling eyes of the naive belief that something would change in Belarus during my lifetime helped. There were countries like Indonesia, Peru, Egypt, South Africa, Thailand, etc. Well, of course, there were sudden independent low-cost forays, like, around nearby Europe.

How travel is remembered at different ages

Here's how travel changed my life at different ages:

0-10 years

There is little left inside from these trips, but the memories are very vivid, like yesterday. What I remember most vividly was Palanga. I tried to run to him, but my parents constantly caught him and brought him back. I remember. Probably, this time gave me a love for nature in general. I have almost no memory left of the people I met then.. But maybe I'm just still just learned to communicate.

10-15 years

The first trip abroad, it changed a lot in my head: even then I began to think why it’s like this for them, and why it’s different for us. From this period there are many connections that will last a lifetime. A lot of hobbies, passions and patterns for life. Traveling around Belarus strengthened my love for my homeland, now against the backdrop of other countries. Then this feeling grew, but only in relation to nature, not to the state. Traveling helped me understand my location in space, evaluate my capabilities (and their limits) and how you can apply what you learn at school (traveling helped me for the first time at the age of 10 speak with German children).

15-18 years old

The first independent hitchhiking and trips to (by school standards) serious scientific conferences. A unique experience of communicating with completely different people. I realized that I feel people very well, I know how to approach them and intuitively avoid dangerous situations and solve problems that arise spontaneously on the road. Traveling around Ukraine made me think about the situation with the Belarusian language. Apart from lessons at school, this is the first time I spoke Belarusian in Transcarpathia.

18-25 years old

Students are the most generous time for travel. They appeared out of nowhere, organized spontaneously by me or friends, some conferences, trainings, gatherings... A lot of new faces, new foreign languages, new information, a new level of communication, taking into account all the experience and new knowledge. It was accumulation period, sponge period: I take everything they give, but for now I don't know what I need that no. Travel is the ideal source for this phase.

25-30 years

This is where it started "filter" phase. I sort through everything that I have accumulated during my travels over all previous periods, build my own coordinate system, and stop looking for inspiration from the outside. It is already clear that the world is very much the same, no matter where you go, only the scenery changes. Therefore, the scenery is finally beginning to matter: these years also happened at the right time. Traveling becomes more meaningful, but become even more spontaneous and uprooted from reality in a good way. Finally there is room for detailed travel plans, although before everything was always spontaneous. Plans don't make travel any less awesome, and that's quite surprising. I already I really like coming back and approach life from a new angle, with a new point of view and with new conclusions. Conclusions, by the way, are finally appearing, because previously all travel was more for emotions than for reflection.

What's next?

I don't know. Probably, if you are over 30, then instead of giving up, your priorities are things, loans and family concerns. A little later, other expenses will be added to these expenses, then they will be tied to one city, trips to doctors and stupid medical prohibitions to travel to a climate that is too humid or too warm. I’m already silent about traveling with children: not everyone can afford it.

At some point, a person begins to prefer comfort and stops wanting to stay in smelly but cheap hostels. Or he begins to want personal space instead of staying with God knows who through couchsurfing. Then you will want that there is no noise behind the wall at night and that they serve bacon for breakfast or that there is a menu for vegans. Then the list of things you need on the road will increase. And then one fine day you will no longer be able to pack everything you need into a suitcase the size of a low-cost airline and you will have to look for a better job in order to fly on more respectable airlines. Travel changes along with people. If you change dynamically, you will be very surprised what happens. For example, I can't believe that at age 18 all I needed was my Zenit camera and $50 for the whole summer...

Dream on time

If you think that none of this will happen to you, then so be it. I thought that this wouldn’t happen to me, but I was simply tired of driving. I think, travel has already played a role in my life, it's unlikely they'll give me more. Yes, there will still be adventures in my life, but they won't seem as important. For a couple of years I wanted to go to Australia so badly, but now I don’t want to anymore. I'm probably already late with Australia. Yes, I still plan trips, but with all these cool modern deals like 100 euros round trip to Iceland or $300 to New York, I feel like an adult in no one's candy store. Here it is, at arm’s length, and now you don’t even have to be rich to travel. And then it will be even cheaper! But I don’t really want something anymore, and my priorities are different. It's not good or bad, it's just different. I know those for whom the Road is their cradle and medicine, and it’s good that they were not afraid to take a step and begin to discover the world on their own. This is self-knowledge, albeit in a roundabout way. For some, it lasts for decades, and it's not very healthy anymore.

Book your accommodation through Booking (if you need an inexpensive hotel) or Airbnb (if you want to live like a local).

I wish each of you that your Road leads home.

Some trips are memorable because they took place at a certain time—the honeymoon or graduation. Others – because they were the first: the first trip abroad, the first flight, the first hike. And some journeys are made because it's time for a change. They give you a new perspective on life, a breath of fresh air and a chance to change everything for the better.

Here are just 15 places that can truly change your life:

Denali National Park, Alaska

More than 100 km of road through the park through a subarctic landscape that is not found anywhere else in North America. Golden eagles fly overhead, deer climb the slopes, and grizzly bears make their way through the tundra. The park is dominated by the mountain that gives it its name. The protected natural area extends over an area of ​​25 thousand square kilometers - the size of a small European country, for example, Macedonia.

There are many tent cities here, and it is easy to get lost in nature, untouched by the passage of time, in such a huge space where everyone will feel insignificantly small.

Istanbul, Türkiye

Although Turkey is not in a very prosperous neighborhood with Syria, Iraq, and there have been many conflicts in Turkey itself lately, if we abstract ourselves, Istanbul is just a joyful reminder that everything should be different. The ancient Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque... Everything is combined here: the historical center of the city, modern architecture and art, vibrant nightlife and modern cuisine.

Bagan, Myanmar

A thousand years ago, this city was the capital of a Southeast Asian kingdom that built 10,000 Buddhist temples along the Irrawaddy River. Of these, more than 2 thousand remain. Unlike Cambodia, where crowds of tourists travel, there is even more space here and the locals themselves will show you the sights.

There are no large hotels or resorts here. This is a real journey back in time to an Asia that no longer exists in other places.

Caribbean Sea

Feel like real pirates, but without robbery and bloodshed. Hiring a private boat is much easier than it sounds and not as expensive as they say. Spend a few days at sea, stopping at small islands that seem to have not yet been discovered by anyone.

Holi festival, India

A real riot of colors is celebrated every spring in the Indian cities of Mathura and Vrindavan. The festival has spread throughout the world, but retains special significance here - at the birthplace of Krishna. This is a spring holiday and a day of forgiveness.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Swim here, underwater of course, and you will realize how truly huge and majestic our world is. The 2,900 reefs that make up one Big Reef are home to billions of tiny living creatures, corals, which together create their own separate underwater space.

This is something that is better done sooner rather than later. Every year, due to global warming, the reef rises to the surface. Even experienced divers will discover this unearthly world.


Romance and art, fashion and food. The French capital offers it all all year round, but the apogee of it all can be seen at the Salon du Chocolat chocolate fair. Every fall, the world's best chocolatiers, pastry chefs and cocoa experts prepare the most delicious desserts. This year there was a 6-metre tall chocolate bear and a fashion show of clothes made from or inspired by chocolate.

Kyoto, Japan

High-speed trains and LED street lights faded in Kyoto, the ancient capital of an empire of pagodas and temples where tea ceremonies can last for hours. Here you can meditate throughout your journey, walking under the cherry trees near the shrines. Many temples have guesthouses where you can stay.


Amazing architecture, jazz clubs and ethnic festivals every weekend all summer. At the Second City Theater you can learn to be a comedian, because this is where famous American comedians came from. The full course lasts 8 weeks, but there is also a short intensive course. They seriously believe that laughter can change your life, which is why they offer appropriate courses for those suffering from depression or autism.

Drakensberg, South Africa

There is some otherworldly landscape here, which is indicated by the very name of the main attraction here - the Drakensberg Mountains. Jagged ledges, sheer cliffs, snow-capped winter peaks. For thousands of years, people have admired the special mystical mood of this area with the largest collection of ancient cave paintings in Africa. Some of them are 4 thousand years old and are accessible only to experienced climbers.

Buenos Aires

Everyone knows about its tango, good wine and steaks, but many miss another attraction - books. The Argentine capital is a nerd's paradise, with more bookstores per capita than any other city in the world.

One of them is located inside the old El Ateneo theater. The seats have been replaced with shelves, but the theater boxes have nooks to read a couple of pages before purchasing.

Forbidden City, Beijing

This is the largest palace complex in the world, the main “white house” of the Chinese emperors of recent centuries. The two main gates are located almost a kilometer apart. Every year this place is visited by more than 15 million people, most of whom are Chinese, for whom it is a real center of power, a national symbol and historical pride.

California State Highway SR 1

You might have seen this route in movies, advertising or NFS. Sharp turns, steep cliffs, large bridges are a great place for chase scenes or a romantic trip. More than a thousand kilometers from San Diego to the north of San Francisco. And don't plan to just breeze through them. There are plenty of places to stop and admire the views. Mountains crash into the Pacific Ocean in the Big Sur region, the picturesque town of Carmel invites you to walk, and Hearst Castle allows you to plunge into luxury.

In search of the gorillas of Rwanda

Rwanda Volcanoes National Park is certainly not for everyone. Not everyone can handle hiking through the rainforest, along steep mountain slopes, and sometimes along slippery paths. There are only 700 mountain gorillas left, and meeting them could fundamentally change the very idea of ​​what it means to be human. In Rwanda, only 10 groups of gorillas are accustomed to people.

Bali, Indonesia

This name itself is already associated with a tropical paradise, and not without reason. Bali has long been a haven for artists and writers seeking the inspiration it offers in abundance. Stunning scenery, great food, nightlife and tranquil surroundings. And although many tourists come here, there are still places to get away from everyone.

@ Anastasia Komkova-Belyakova- Feb 8, 2015

For many of us, traveling to the far north is both an azure dream and a wild fear. It’s scary not to withstand the physical tests, cold and winds, but at the same time you really want to touch this mysterious, distant world, see with your own eyes the endless snowy plains and the northern lights. Traveling north changes people and changes their lives. We were told about this by a man who visited the Gulf of Ob (on the border of the mainland with the Arctic Ocean), an adventurer and a wonderful traveler - Alexander Ermakov.
How did you start traveling in the first place, what cities and countries have you visited?
“My parents are from the village, and they somehow taught me to constantly walk in the forests, rivers, fishing, berries, mushrooms. I really love nature, hiking, tents. And mostly I traveled around Russia. I also visited Georgia, Turkey, and Crimea. And I liked Crimea more than any foreign country. How did I start traveling? Yes, I think all people dream about this. The only question is money or time. And always, even with a small supply of money, I tried to go beyond the boundaries, to see something new.
— Which trip was the most important or most interesting for you?
— Perhaps this is a trip to the Gulf of Ob. A real adventure. I was still a student, working as a sales manager in the oil and gas industry. And oil and gas developments in Russia are always located somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Often these are ocean shelves, northern seas, Sakhalin. And once we supplied pipes to the Gulf of Ob area, where the mainland borders the Arctic Ocean. It turned out that these pipes were of poor quality, and no one wanted to accept them from us. The deal was for 15 million, by those standards - not much and not little, but no one was going to lose this amount. I was told that as a manager I should go there and figure everything out.
- And you went?
- Yes, I didn’t even think much about it. I immediately began to figure out how to get to the Ob Bay. The fastest way is to fly to Novy Urengoy by plane.

Previously it was a closed city, now it is semi-closed. It’s difficult for foreigners to get there, but Russians can stay there without any problems. And from Novy Urengoy there is a railway line that leads to the Ob Bay itself. And so I arrived, got to the railway station and began to find out. It turned out that the train runs once every two days. And moreover, to get there, you need special permission either from our Moscow oil industry leaders, or from those in Novy Urengoy. Of course, I didn’t have any permission. So what remains? That's right, go to the locals and ask what's going on here. Well, I’m so wonderful, from Moscow, in a coat and trousers without underpants, I’m going to talk to the locals. It's minus 30 outside, March. I was told that there is no way without permission. It turns out that our entire north is closed to ordinary people.
- How is that?
— There is a real border there, it goes almost along the Arctic Circle. And in those areas where gas and oil are produced, only those who work there are allowed to stay. You can get to the same Novy Urengoy, but if you drive about a hundred kilometers north from it, you will see a checkpoint and guys armed with machine guns. And they don’t let anyone through without permission. At first I thought of hiring one of the dashing locals to take me bypassing the checkpoint directly across the tundra, fortunately I had money.

In the end, I found one, he agreed to take me on his all-terrain vehicle. But he immediately warned me: if we are caught, it will be at least 15 days, and while they are catching us, they usually shoot in the wake. Everything is so harsh there.
— So at that time you were facing prison, death from a machine gun and a couple of frostbites?
“But I didn’t give up.” I decided to look for a solution on the Internet. And I found it! One traveler, passionate about trains and having traveled all over Russia by train, managed to get from Novy Urengoy by train to the Northern Ocean and wrote about it in his blog. He hid from the machine guns in the driver's cab. And most importantly, I didn’t reach the final station, there were again automatic machines. I decided that I would do just that; after all, I’m not a timid person. There were 17 hours left before the train, during which time I managed to get acquainted and communicate with all the shift workers who, like me, were waiting for the train. Wonderful people. Soulful! Eventually the train arrives. I intercept the driver and try to negotiate with him. Well, he’s in no way, it’s a legal matter, it’s dangerous. And people are getting on the train, everyone is leaving soon.
-Where do people go there?
— Most of it until the last station, to the city of Yamburg. Shift workers live there and work. By the way, it is now prohibited for us to live permanently in the Arctic Circle, only on a rotational basis. Children cannot live there at all; the shift lasts only a month or two. And the situation is considered normal when mom and dad go to work for 2 months, and then come back to their child for 2 months. And so on in a circle.
- So how did you get there? To the Gulf of Ob?
“In the end, I just jumped on the train.” He is small and did not pick up speed very quickly. All the guards left when the train started to leave, and I ran after it. I’m running, not lagging behind, then one of the conductors just helps me jump, he already wanted to remove this small ladder along which they climb onto the train. But I shouted: “man, let me in!” And he helped me, I wanted to thank him, he refuses, he doesn’t need anything. And everything would be fine, but at Tosowei station, where I need to get off, the train does not stop. And I had to jump while walking. I was traveling in a compartment with one woman, she was even happy - at least the journey wasn’t boring. This woman fed me, the guide gave me bed linen, and didn’t charge me a penny. And here I am going to this station, where I will need to jump out of the train. I’m trying to call the warehouse (where I’m going), no one picks up the phone. The unknown is complete. But I think I’ll come to the station and find the warehouses, I’ll find the authorities.
- Wasn’t everything so simple here?
- You know, here the conductor asks me: “Is anyone even meeting you at the station?” Well, I’m telling you that, apparently, not. And the conductor tells me that it’s not at all close from the station to the warehouse and it will be difficult for me to get there. Well, I think I'll figure it out on the spot. At my station I jump out, and there...

Waist-deep snow, wherever you look - a white field to the horizon, tundra. No houses, no trees, no hills or slides of any kind. Nothing. And the train will go back in 2 days. I’m in trousers and shoes, there’s a transformer box next to me and nothing else. And you can’t get into this booth, you can’t escape the cold. Well, at least I got through to the warehouse. The management there apparently already knew that I couldn’t get there. Everyone was surprised by the order. And so I arrive at the warehouse. People live there right in trailers.

The management and managers don’t want to see me, they don’t want to accept these pipes and they say that I shouldn’t have come. And even the director there changed while I was on the road. And the train is two days away. None of the managers want to help me. And the local men helped me out again. They settled me and fed me like I was being slaughtered. There was a canteen there, and the only woman in the entire area worked there. Aunt Masha, she was not very beautiful and she was about 50 years old. But she is the happiest woman I have ever seen, she simply glowed from within. One woman per 1000 men. The men brought her flowers (in the tundra), and carried her in their arms. And so Aunt Masha fed me venison and fish, the men gave me vodka and steamed in the bathhouse. And so I lived there for almost a week. I saw the northern lights! This is simply a miracle, it cannot be captured in photographs or described in words. Just imagine that the whole sky is endless, huge, all in lights, in colors. It's like I was born again. It really changed my whole life. This is simply incredibly impressive, it turns everything inside.

And how has your life changed?
— I realized that I would not stay working in that company. Their bosses eventually decided to install unsuitable pipes, as long as they had money. I realized how kind the workers and shift workers there are - during all this time no one took a penny from me, while the managers did not help me at all, survive as you know how. And the northern people have one rule - today you help someone, and tomorrow they will help you. This is such a wonderful unwritten law. And I quit as soon as I arrived in Moscow. I completely left there. I started my life again, started working via the Internet. At first it was not easy, one might say, I worked for food. But in the end I got the opportunity to travel freely and admire this world. I'm glad this all happened to me, it was an adventure that changed everything.

Leave, fly away, sail away, ascend, penetrate, descend... Some of us know well what exactly we are looking for on a journey, others have only a vague idea of ​​where the road will lead them. We can hit the road as tourists, find ourselves on a business trip, or go away in search of new spiritual experiences.

But whether in an Israeli kibbutz or a mountain monastery, a prehistoric dolmen or a modern mosque, we can experience unexpectedly powerful emotions. In any spiritual journey, regardless of its conditions and results, there are always special moments that leave an unexpected mark on our soul.

Catherine loved visiting Israel, and these trips changed her worldview. Marina professionally studied the life of the indigenous people of Tanzania, and gained a different sense of time and changed the rhythm of her own life. Irina was looking for extreme adventures in Tibet, preparing a series of photographs to present them at the travel forum, and as a result her communication with loved ones became different.

Three women speak honestly about their experiences. They are laconic and forget to mention that they had to go through confusion, despair, and doubt before discovering something in themselves that they simply had not noticed before. A meeting no less amazing than a love story...

“Now many troubles seem ridiculous to me”

Marina, 53 years old, returned from a business trip to Tanzania

I am an anthropologist and for many years I have been studying the differences in people's behavior, the peculiarities of their psychology and worldview, depending on what culture they belong to. Eight years ago I came to the north of Tanzania, where traditional herder tribes live - the Datoga. And although before the trip I read a lot of scientific works about them, life among the Datoga became a culture shock for me.

After a week I lost the sense of real time. How long have I been here - a day, a month, a year? What date is it today, what day of the week? I began to make mistakes often, even if I recorded numbers in my field diary. After all, my Datog friends don’t wear watches and don’t understand why I’m always in a hurry, why I get offended if they are an hour late for a meeting, instead of calmly resting in the shade of the trees in the morning or evening breeze. When at first I reproached them for their lack of punctuality, they said: “Field, Marina. Field,” which means “don’t worry, calm down, everything is fine.”

Time, from their point of view, is viscous and endless. The Datog may understand the time interval “at dawn” or “at noon” or “at sunset”, but attempts to arrange a meeting in an hour or half an hour will be futile. Gradually, this length of time, its division into large segments according to significant and clear signs, became part of my habits and became my own.

Thanks to living in Africa, I began to evaluate the meaning of what was happening differently. Thus, the question of the imminent start of the rainy season is striking in its relevance, because the repair of huts, the remoteness of camps - and literally the life and safety of an entire settlement - depend on it. And what used to be so significant to me - troubles at work, everyday problems, irritation from traffic jams on Moscow roads - even after returning home seems vain, funny and absurd.

“I have found a special connection with those I love.”

Irina, 38 years old, climbed the sacred Mount Kailash, Western Tibet

Irina, 38 years old, climbed the sacred Mount Kailash, Western Tibet

In Tibet, I did not meet miracles - flying yogis, mirrors of time... But the journey to Mount Kailash changed me forever. The first days I felt nothing but fatigue. Indeed, due to the low oxygen content in the atmosphere, even habitual activity requires incredible effort. In addition, I suffered from the lack of basic living conditions: ten days without a shower, spending the night in clothes, unusual food.

But there came a moment when I suddenly felt a surge of strength and amazing clarity of consciousness.

Maybe these are the mountains that condense the natural energy of the Earth and shared it with me?

At the foot of Kailash, I clearly understood that to be happy you need very little, and I already have this little.

Favorite people who were thousands of kilometers away from me at that time. I thought about each of them, and I was able to feel their emotions and understand their thoughts.

And at the same time, during the ascent, I was able to part with those who were superfluous in my life. Right near Kailash, I broke up with a friend with whom I had been friends for ten years - we simply stopped communicating. There I realized that six months ago I had wrongfully offended my good friend, I should have distanced myself from her in vain, and straight from Tibet I sent her an SMS and asked for forgiveness. And now we have restored our friendship.

After this journey, I realized how important it is to trust and believe in yourself, but remaining a humble and kind person is the surest way to get everything you truly dream of from life.

“Here I felt that God is one for all people”

I traveled to Israel more than once with my husband - he had work to do and, in addition, his sister lives there, with whom we visited with pleasure. But I wanted to return there again and again. At first glance, this need was explained by a simple desire to relax in a warm country, where there is sun and sea, where there are many who speak Russian: staying in one’s own environment is important to me. But now I think there's more to it than that.

I felt the magical attraction of this place. Maybe because the history, religion, and culture of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa - come together here. Or maybe because the Promised Land is truly a special place.

I noticed that in Israel I do not argue about whether the stories of the Bible and the Gospel are real, but live there with my heart. It is important to me that this is the land on which Christ walked. In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, I literally feel pain, and tears well up in my eyes with pity for him - crucified on the cross.

However, it was in Israel, communicating with representatives of different faiths, that I realized: most often we adhere to the faith that our ancestors accepted. And if we were born in another place, a completely different religion could be traditional there. In fact, God is one for all people - Christians, Jews, Muslims... In the Promised Land, I manage to renounce the attributes of one church, to be above confessional prejudices. And then I feel closest to him, I can sincerely trust my worries and aspirations.

For me, a citizen of Russia and Russian by blood, another lesson from Israel is important. We are talking about uniting Jews from all over the world in one country. It is here that you realize the significance of this national idea not only for the self-identification of an entire people, but for understanding the value of each person, his life and security. In Russia there is no such idea, and it is difficult for us to believe in the unconditional uniqueness of ourselves and other people.

“The search for oneself cannot stop. You cannot say to yourself: “I have experienced everything, there is nothing further.” You cannot simply disappear into the world, content with low loan rates, your corner in Moscow and dubious creative successes.”

This is roughly what I thought when my old friend from college called me and suggested that I go learn surfing in. By this time, I had already quit my job for 3 months and was looking for a new one. There was no money. Surfing in the Canaries seemed very far away and very surreal. Although, like many snowboarders, I have long dreamed of learning to surf. What if? The next day was my birthday and I told a bunch of invited friends that there was no need for gifts - the most desired gift was a trip to the ocean.

A month and a half later, I was sitting on a plane, waiting to begin the most incredible journey of my life. A trip that changed my life forever.

Surfing lessons
How do people imagine surfing? Differently. I, like many fans of boarding in the mountains, thought that surfing and snowboarding were similar and that I, an experienced snowboarder and football player, would succeed very quickly. A cruel misconception. I realized this on the first day of learning to surf in the Canaries.
Surfing is not only physics and the hardest physical activity, it is also an art. The art of understanding the nature of the ocean. Floundering and exhausted, I realized that I knew nothing about the Ocean. About where the wave comes from and how it is formed. After the first workout, everything hurt – the muscles of my arms, legs, joints, back.
I also realized one more thing. Surfing begins not in the water, but on the land. Firstly, you definitely need to stretch and warm up your body before entering the ocean, and secondly, and they absolutely should not be neglected if you do not want your surfing training to slow down.
Also, one more thing is very important in surfing. Learn to row. Swimming, of course, is a good thing, but it is not too much help, especially after 5 hours of rowing. The ability to row correctly, quickly and without wasting unnecessary energy comes only with experience.

All that I understood with my own skin and in the evening, sitting in the lobby of our surf house in Famara, I thought that I no longer had any strength left for the next day of surfing. However, I drowned these thoughts in hot fun and ice-cold beer and the next morning I woke up completely sick.

However, there was no way I could miss a surfing lesson! Salty ocean water will cure me. On this day I finally stood on a foam board. First small victory!

Entering the ocean, it was as if I had changed forever! It seemed to me that I had washed out of myself all the foreign and unnecessary rubbish that was sitting in my head. Now it's just me left.

I found myself in a real surfing environment, and day after day I became part of it. Surfing every day became not a compulsion for me, but a necessity.

…I also really liked the island of Lanzerote. People, food, clothes, life in general. Fish, rum, bunk, ocean, mountains, flat bellies of surf girls, music in the streets, Spanish slow-life lifestyle in a fishing village - I really, really liked all this! And it doesn’t matter who you were there in the city.

...What is surfing? For me, first of all, it is freedom. I feel freedom in everything here. In a bright blue sky and scorching sun. In the piercing wind, crashing waves and throwing sand into your eyes. In the sand itself, which is everywhere: in sandwiches on the shore, in the water, in the lungs. And there is also freedom here, this is salty splashes in the face and undercurrents that steal the bottom from under your feet. And in the uncertainty that the ocean brings.

It's quiet on line. You sit on the board and feel how yours balances. You just look into the ocean because there are no thoughts. Just a feeling of respect for the ocean, to which you give all your attention. Gigantic masses of water move calmly and majestically around you. And suddenly, 20 meters away from you, you see a wave. Still nothing tells you about its size and where it will gain maximum height. You unfold your board and lie down on it. For a second your hands are lowered into the water and relaxed, but the next moment you are all - one desire to ride the wave. “Paddle!, paddle, paddle” you command yourself, rowing hard towards the shore, but looking over your shoulder at the wave so as not to overtake it or miss it. 3-4 seconds of frantic rowing pass, the wave has already gained height. With all your strength, your arms plunge almost completely into the water, rowing from the nose to the tail of the board. The wave hits your legs, lifting the back of your board. Heartbeat quickens. Now. One, two, three powerful strokes, push and jump. If you didn't have time to get up, the wave spun you around, spitting out the board a couple of meters up and yanking you Lish! And if you have time, then you can take a ride... For now, this is not important to me. For now, the only thing that is important to me is the attempt to interact with the most powerful element on earth - the Ocean. Yes, this is enough for me now to feel boundless happiness.

The island of Lanzarote, consisting of stone and hardened lava, tied me to itself. I can watch the sunset here high in the mountains above the ocean. People from all over the world become my friends because we share a common passion.

Surfing is now my spiritual path. I chose surfing to live every day, to own my body and enjoy the feeling of health, strength and flexibility. To be happy today, not sometime in the future. Join us!