Puffy bird made of plasticine. Crafts from plasticine: applique “Firebird” and spring bird

Modeling is one of the most popular creative activities for children. Plasticine remains a favorite, but you can also create beautiful crafts from mastic or salt dough. The right hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for the ability to think creatively; it can be gradually developed by drawing or creating sculptures with your baby. Such activities are quite accessible for children who are already 1 year old. Gradually, crafts can become more complex to arouse cognitive interest.

Children's hearts are filled with pain and compassion for suffering and anger against oppressors. However, curious leaders have a question: could ancient people really weaken, process, transport and place these huge stones in a specific place? Do they have the appropriate technology and tools?

It is believed that over time, doubts arose that the pyramids and other megalithic structures were not built as described in the official history. Three winding walls, located one above the other along the slope, consist of huge blocks of stone. The largest is 350 tons and a height of 8.5 meters.

Together with your children you can learn colors, shapes, different breeds of animals, for example or. And types of birds. For example, you can create a woodpecker from plasticine and talk about the benefits this bird brings.

How to make a Woodpecker bird from plasticine - photo tutorial step by step:

1. Stock up on bright plasticine. One type of colored blocks will cause delight in a child and a desire to get creative. For ease of work, you will also need a small spatula; it is usually included in the ready-made set.

The stones are machined so that one block has ridges and an adjacent notch that fits the ridge for them to fit into. This ensured consistency and stability of the walls in an area prone to earthquakes. This is done so carefully that you don't even touch the piece of paper in between.

What giants did they play in this “computer game”? Construction began either during the time of the Inca, Tupac Yupanqui, or his father, Pachacuteca Yupanqui. Construction lasted more than 50 years and was interrupted by the death of Huayna Kaptak when it began Civil War, and then the conquest of the Inca Empire by the Spanish conquistadors.

2. Roll a small ball out of black material, then make it oblong. Make the body of the bird in the form of a large black drop.

3. Form two cakes resembling a boomerang shape. These will be the wings of a woodpecker. Decorate them with white longitudinal stripes. Roll a very thin white sausage and cut into small pieces with a spatula.

A century later, the Spanish poet and historian Garcilaso de la Vega described Sacshahuamán as follows in his book History of the Inca Empire: You cannot imagine its size unless you have seen it with your own eyes. When you look at the building up close, you are so surprised that the idea of ​​whether everything was built by magic and not the work of people, but demons, falls away.

It is built of such great stones and in so many quantities that there are many questions: how could the Indians break these blocks of stone, when were they transported, how were they processed and assembled with such precision? After all, they did not know metal and did not have tools for stone, they did not have cars or dragons for transportation. In fact, there are no cars or animals in the world capable of transporting such loads.

4. Assemble the prepared parts together.

5. Decorate the woodpecker's chest with white plasticine. Also place white cakes on the front part, add black pupils.

Currently, this version is widespread among Peruvian archaeologists and historians; the Incas came to these places, saw stone buildings and settled here. But what was the mysterious and powerful civilization that had technologies that we had not yet “worked”?

In the mythologies of almost all peoples of the world there are legends about the wars of the gods. Therefore, we can assume that many thousands of years ago there really existed on Earth highly developed civilization, which is capable of processing, transporting and installing multi-ton stone blocks.

6. Make a sharp beak from an orange drop, cut it and insert a small worm.

7. Add some bright colors. Decorate the chest with yellow and red shades, place a red tuft on the top of the head.

It was destroyed in a world war that involved nuclear or even more powerful space weapons. The effect of high temperatures indicates molten rocks in the complex. Near Sacsayhuaman there is a lake of regular shape, which the Incas considered sacred. Its bottom has the shape of an ideal funnel and could be formed at the site of a nuclear explosion. Some rocks are scattered around the explosion. The fortress could be subject to nuclear attack.

There is another, rather eccentric theory that the local ancient inhabitants were able to soften the stone to the consistency of plasticine, and then they could easily shape it. In the Peruvian and Bolivian forests that cover the slopes of the Andes, it seems that such a small bird as our kingfisher. It nests only on steep cliffs in mountain torrents and in small, perfectly round skunks.

8. To create the tail, make a lot of black and white flat drops.

9. Connect them one by one and attach the tail in its place. Using matches or wire as a basis, mold two legs.

British Army Lieutenant Colonel Percy Fawcett, who led topographical work in the Andes, discovered that these crevices in the limestone were created by the birds themselves. When it sees a suitable rock, the bird sticks to it and starts with a plant leaf held in its beak, rubbing the surface of the rock in a circular motion until the leaf is broken. Then he flies for a new letter and continues to be patient.

After the time of such processing of the stone, after 4-5 leaf exchanges, the bird begins to swing in the rock, and the stone is thrown under the beak. It doesn't take long, a round hole appears in the rock where the bird can lay eggs and hatch young ones.

10. All that remains is to plant the woodpecker on the tree. You can mold it from plasticine or use real branches.

Bird Woodpecker made of plasticine, ready.

Hello, dear readers of the site Miracle Crafts.ru!

On Sunday the engineer, along with several Europeans and Americans, went to explore several tombs. They hired a wizard to carry out the excavation and took several bottles of the spirit to "raise spirit and courage." Courage supported, but there was nothing interesting in the graves, except for one large clay and a sealed container.

When they opened the container, they discovered a thick, dark, very unpleasant odor of liquid. The evil American tried to "take care" of his guide, but he was very protective of her. During the struggle, the container broke and the contents were spilled onto the rocks. Liquid and stone are formed by the interaction of a paste that can be molded into plasticine.

All children love to make various crafts, toys, and figures from plasticine. This modeling material that you can buy today is not at all the same as it was in our childhood. It has a much wider range of colors and is much more pleasant to touch.

It is very important to ensure that the materials are safe for children, as babies have a tendency to put things in their mouths. Now there is such plasticine that is produced on a plant basis, for example Play Doh, Tiki, they are also sold with molds inside the boxes.

Let's assume that the ancient Peruvians were indeed able to soften the stone, but this does not solve the problem of how the huge blocks were moved. And what if it weren’t for the huge multi-channel boulders that had to be dragged by crowds of slaves? The walls are not made of granite stones, as many researchers assumed, but of the local limestone type. This was confirmed by Alexey Kryuzer in his article “On the question of the origin of the block material from which the walls of the Sacsayhuaman fortress in Cusco are made.”

So why couldn't the ancient Peruvians make cement by burning limestone and mixing it with certain additives? The next stage is the production of concrete, which, after his mourning, takes on the strength of stone and does not differ from its appearance. There is no need to move huge pieces of stone. Just make the necessary forms and fill them with concrete mixture. On this block, create a new obsession and fill it. And so layer on top of layer and the result is a wall.

You can give free rein to your imagination - experiment as much as you like. It will be very useful to accustom children to needlework and labor from a young age.

Modeling movements are also very useful for motor skills and perseverance. Develops the child’s creative potential, teaches that he can make something beautiful from simple materials. On our website in the section Original crafts for children step by step you can find many different examples of beautiful figurines, animals, flowers, favorite cartoon characters, dolls, and many, many interesting things.

The famous creators of the eccentric "new chronology", scientists Anatoly Fomenko and Gleb Nosovsky, say that the pyramids of Giza, concrete blocks, were built in this way. And it is possible that, unlike their other theories, this could be very likely.

This method of construction does not require military or laser cutting knives of slavery, nor flying equipment to transfer huge stones. Let's assume that this hypothesis is too common and easy to accept. We always want to believe that it is something big, but in reality the solution is really simple and straightforward.

Picture of Parrot:

One of the favorite types of needlework for children is a bird craft made from plasticine. For example, We will describe instructions on how to make a sparrow from plasticine.

1. Take gray or brown plasticine and sculpt 2 large balls and stretch them in opposite directions - the body of a sparrow will come out of these parts.

We have a method that can determine the age of the stone itself, albeit with great tolerance. A fine magnet pulls any ferromagnetic metal and controls to determine its age, then it does not work stone Age or date of occurrence. Can we apply a similar method, for example, to our castles and churches, Greek and Roman temples or abandoned houses and factories? Was colonization a little cold? - Today's tools usually have colored blades. If you have something to pull out with a magnet, does that mean the creators of these buildings used iron instead of diamond or corundum like today? - According to other articles on this site, circular tools were used. What you are saying here, on the contrary, is that the tools were used in a straightforward manner. Does this mean that the claims of the relevant articles are refuted? If there is no evidence, how can you say anything about age? But this cannot be done. . If it is mentioned in connection with the pyramids and also with the rebellious legend.

2. Before connecting the parts, let's make one of each part flat.

3. To decorate the body, make a small black ball and flatten it, making it oval.

4. Attach this part to the front of the body.

5. We make 2 small balls of gray coloring and flatten them - we get cheeks.

6. Attach the cheeks to the head, this is the place where the front and back parts of the body connect with our jewelry.

This applies to Russian and Soviet books as well. Could you try looking at some history books to see what they say? Or is the author just thinking about it? It can only have the size of a larger flower. Even in them they are sunflowers, rays or beans. This could be a balcony on a balcony or a piece of clay in the corner of the yard. Even the little ones, who are not even two years old, will be happy to help you with watering, setting up and strengthening the creatures.

Children love the stink. You can let the kids scratch their name on a small dune. Let death grow with your breed's name. If you have two or more kids, you can compete to see who can hang out the most. Have you seen gherkins in a plastic bottle? When the first fruit first appeared in your plant, you simply put it in a bottle. You just need to hide them when they are big enough so they don't "wake up" in the sun.

7. Make a cone for the beak.

8. We attach the beak between the cheeks.

9. Make 2 orange balls and attach them to the head as eyeballs.

10. Use a stack to make thin holes in the eyeballs to create pupils.

11. Make a brown cone and flatten it to form a tail.

12. Attach the resulting tail to the body.

Sunflowers are a great flower for kids. It grows quickly and the largest can reach two meters. For the children's enjoyment, you can use the Sun to put on your old sunglasses. Ripe sunflower seeds can be taken by children and can be eaten or fed in food.

Bone beans or perhaps even pole beans can create a garden house, a little "secret" club callus. Sow the beans or seeds in a large circle. Turn the earth into the ground to bend large rods or bamboo sticks, about 3.4 meters to one meter apart and top up in the form of a coin or an arc, depending on the shape of your house. Hang horizontally about 30cm apart. The beans are soon covered with leaves and flowers.

13. Smooth out the places where the tail meets the body.

14. Make 2 medium-sized brown balls and flatten them into drop shapes - wings.

15. We attach the wings from 2 different sides to our body.

16. Make 2 yellow balls and flatten them to form triangles. These will be the sparrow's paws.

17. Attach the legs to the bottom of the body and the Sparrow is ready!

Some, especially young children, don't have the patience to really work through mistakes and don't want to help. They just want to play dinosaurs when you need to drill out the bugs. Give dinosaur lovers a corner where they can sneeze and dig around.

You can teach them to know and name colors. Find all the flowers that are the same color as your eyes, like your shirt. How many are red, how many are yellow, etc. Most young children give advice. They paint or make objects even from plaster or other material. Have them ready somewhere in the arts corner where they can compose while you work on cocktails. They may draw flowers that they see on trees, or they want to have, or some, a "bust". Let them draw blank placemats or small cards, which you then attach to small sticks to label the plants on the vine.

Try it, experiment with plasticine, come up with your own figures and crafts, you will definitely succeed in something beautiful and interesting!

Modeling schemes sparrow and owl:


This is how simple and easy it is to sculpt bird from Angry Birds: