Village of townhouses alexandrovsky. Cottage village "Aleksandrovskiy": comfortable townhouses in a pine frame Village Aleksandrovskiy central house 12, building 7

When you drive into the Aleksandrovsky townhouse village, you seem to be in the famous film Amelie by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, and the reason for this is the Venetian carousel right behind the checkpoint, just like the one that drives children in Paris at the foot of the Sacre-Coeur Basilica. Immediately you come across the first oddity when a sales employee strictly says to you: "Taking pictures is prohibited!"

You will not be able to call on weekends after 17.00 by the phone indicated on the village website - the "INCOM" office on Vernadsky Street is no longer working at this time. But there is a real sales office in the village itself, where even at this time you can find out everything, if, of course, you can find his phone in the vastness of the worldwide network.


From the point of view of transport accessibility from Moscow, the Aleksandrovsky KP is located very conveniently: 9 kilometers along New Riga, then another 5 along the Ilyinskoye highway, and we enter the village of Aleksandrovka. As soon as it ends, the village immediately begins, inscribed in its infrastructure. The road is good everywhere, without any unpleasant surprises, the only thing is that the last part of it passes through settlements, so you will not accelerate much. You can also drive to the village along the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway. As an alternative to a car, you can use public transport - there are buses and minibuses that take you directly to the Krylatskoye or Tushinskaya metro stations.

Style and idea

The settlement, located on an area of ​​13 hectares and consisting of 288 townhouses, is made in the same classical style and consists of the same type of two- and three-storey houses ranging from 188 to 282 square meters on plots from 2.9 to 5.8 ares. Two-storey tauhaus have two parking spaces, paved with paving stones, three-storey ones - one.

In the village "Aleksandrovsky" there is a very limited number of townhouse projects with almost complete absence of their external differences, so it may seem somewhat monotonous. The settlement began to be populated three years ago, but the number of unsold townhouses is still quite high - at the moment, more than half.

All 12 streets are named after the great Aleksandrs - kings, military leaders and cultural figures. Right at the checkpoint is the already completed building of the public center, where its own kindergarten will start operating in December 2016.

All streets are asphalted and equipped with sidewalks with paved paving stones, trees are slowly growing on Alexander I Boulevard - the central street of the village.

Houses and prices

I asked a sales person to show me a typical two-story townhouse. From the inside, it's just a space for a free layout and a building staircase between floors. All costs for partitions, stairs and much more should be pledged separately, but houses are being sold with already introduced communications and an installed gas boiler.

The area of ​​such a townhouse is 188 square meters, and this is the minimum for Aleksandrovsky. The employee says that if I manage to pay in full before the New Year, then this dwelling will cost me "only" 16,250,000 rubles. It is possible and registered, if necessary - the purpose of the land "land of settlements". And at the same time I will become the owner of three acres of a plot adjacent to the townhouse, which will be fenced, however, rather conditionally - a symbolic hedge of three boards half a meter high or a little more. Prices for three-storey townhouses in the first stage of development start at 23,300,000 rubles.

The cost of maintaining a townhouse in the village will be from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles a month (50 rubles per square meter), not counting the cost of gas, water and electricity. Main gas, the boiler is already in the house. The artesian well has its own - you can drink tap water.

There are two ready-made "turnkey" townhouses on sale, but during the discussion they did not even advise me because of their cost. In general, the sales department clearly understands their overvaluation.


In many ways, village life can be relatively independent of the outside world. In the community center, which is located right at the entrance to the village, it is planned in the near future to open not only a kindergarten, but also a language center for teenagers, a family club, a gym, a cafe, a bakery, a pharmacy, consumer services, shops, including your pet store.

At the moment, the village has several playgrounds and sports grounds, and in the future there will be a park area with a pond for fishing! True, at present there is a vacant lot, which I could not see, because they are not allowed here to walk around the village without an employee's accompaniment, and the employee's time is very valuable. By the way, I was very surprised by the ban on taking pictures and publishing them later.

Actually, civilization is all around here, because the Aleksandrovskiy KP itself is inscribed in the complex structure of several neighboring settlements, the largest of which is the village of Petrovo-Dalnee. Within a radius of up to 5 kilometers there are 6-7 general education schools as well as medical and leisure centers.

In general, the Aleksandrovsky settlement looks quite attractive. Except, apparently, prices. Because how else to explain that more than half of the houses on the streets of Pushkin, Suvorov and other great Alexandrov are still empty? Let's hope, however, that in the near future the village will take full life, and the carousel from the French film will be rolling around its residents without stopping.

Advantages of the village "Aleksandrovsky"

  • a high degree of readiness of the village (only a pond with a landscape design zone is not yet ready)
  • good transport accessibility
  • large infrastructure nearby (near villages and towns with shops, pharmacies, fitness, public school, hospital, church, cafes, restaurants, etc.)
  • the beach of the Moskva River a few hundred meters away
  • near coniferous forest
  • there are residents, communications and all services are working
  • all communications are brought into the house, including the Internet, there is a gas boiler

Disadvantages of the village "Aleksandrovsky"

  • high price
  • small variety of townhouses
  • high monthly payments (10-15 thousand rubles per month + utilities)
  • fences of plots are purely symbolic (everything is in sight)

Our recommendations when looking for a similar village in New Riga to study:

KP "Cambridge", KP "Europe", KP "Britanica", KP "Ivolgi", KP "Futuro Park", KP "Artek" (Volokolamskoe highway), KP "Kotovo", KP "Svetlogorye VIP 2", KP "English quarter in Anosino ", KP" Riga Park ".

The very name Aleksandrovsky and its derivatives are very popular. There are "Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda", "Aleksandrovskiy Sad", "Aleksandrovskie Dvoriki", "Aleksandrovskiy Park", "Aleksandrovy Ponds" and so on. But today we will visit with all centralized communications, which is 14 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Ilyinskoe highway in the Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, near the village of Aleksandrovka.

The site of the cottage village "Aleksandrovsky" -

The forum is practically dead. It is possible that it is temporary, because sales in the Aleksandrovsky residential complex began quite recently and there are not so many homeowners so far and they have nothing to discuss.

The developer is Orion LLC. Registration of ownership is free.

It is easy and quick to get to the Aleksandrovskiy KP by personal transport. Drive along Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway to the exit to Ilyinskoe highway (about 10 km) and, about one and a half kilometers later, there will be the village of Aleksandrovka, pass it and on the right hand - our checkpoint. Travel time is only 20 - 30 minutes.

But with by public transport it will not turn out so beautifully. Do not believe what is written on the site of the village (if you go to it). From the metro station "Kuntsevskaya" there really is a regular bus number 452, and indeed, there is such a stop "13th kilometer". But the bus doesn't stop there even "on demand." I begged the compassionate driver to slow down, but he warned me that he was breaking! And there will be no more! And from the metro station "Krylatskoe" bus number 898 does not stop there either.

So you can get by public transport only from the metro station "Tushinskaya" by bus and by route taxi No. 549. The cost of a minibus is 55 rubles.

Get off at the bus stop, look ahead and see this picture.

Okay, let's go. Turn right. On the left is a plant nursery, as well as a solid and expensive cottage village (not ours).

After 200 meters on the right - the village "Aleksandrovsky".

There is no formalized entry group. You need to ring the bell, the slanting door will open, and the stern guard will tell you where to go.

At first I wanted to take a walk around Aleksandrovskoye alone, but the guard angrily shouted: "Citizen, the sales office is there!" Well, what can you do, I went straight to the sales office.

The village itself is positioned as a business, the status of the MZhS land is low-rise housing construction (there is a possibility of registration), occupies an area of ​​12.9 hectares and is built up in three stages. There are 287 buildings in the village. Now more than 90 (out of 139) townhouses of the first and second stages are being sold.

What is this "low-rise fashion"? What is a townhouse? According to one apt definition - a townhouse is a high-rise building, laid on the ground.

A townhouse is a low-rise residential building consisting of several multi-level apartments, as a rule, with isolated entrances (that is, without a common entrance), which has become widespread in European cities and suburbs on a medium-density development area. Each townhouse apartment in most cases (but not necessarily) has a separate entrance from the street, sometimes a garage and a small front garden.

In Russia, townhouses were first built in 1995. Then they looked more like barracks or barracks elongated in length, were boring, ugly, or vice versa, clumsy. Although here it is necessary to recall the so-called Finnish houses, which were erected back in the USSR - a private house for several owners. The current townhouses are comfortable, beautiful, architects knowingly work on projects, trying to attract a buyer not only good location the village and the presence of centralized communications, but also a stylish appearance. The official name of the townhouses is "a complex of low-rise semi-detached houses", and the housing in it is "an apartment in an individual semi-detached house".

A townhouse is a kind of hybrid between a large city apartment and a country house. Comfortable low-rise cottages are united by a single architectural style, are combined with each other by side walls, and due to this, the cost of a townhouse village is lower than just a cottage community - less construction costs, the land allocated for the village is saved. Therefore, a square meter in a townhouse and a cottage of the same area costs two to three times less. Less maintenance costs.

Of the minuses, it is necessary to note small areas, sometimes 1-2 acres, the presence of neighbors behind the wall and the impossibility of somehow modifying your block outwardly. What he bought, so he will remain forever.

We return to our KP “Aleksandrovsky.

The village is run by a homeowners' association. We have received cadastral passports, a building permit, a certificate of ownership of land plots and home ownership.

Here is the plan of the village. Imagine that you have it on your right hand. The entrance is in the middle and denotes, as it were, an entrance group (which does not exist).

On the first line, on the left and on the right, the first stage of the village consists of three-level townhouses with garages, central communications, ranging from 258.8 to 282.3 sq. M. Plots from 2.9 ares to 5.81 ares. The minimum cost of a townhouse is 258.8 sq.m. on plot No. 138 with an area of ​​2.9 ares - 16,726,799 rubles. Maximum - plot No. 135 with an area of ​​4.72 ares and an area of ​​a block section of 281.90 sq.m. - 20 85 783 rubles.

The mortgage is provided by partner banks: VTB24, Sberbank and Delta Credit.

There is also a Trade-in program. The company helps you sell some of your real estate, for example, an apartment. The apartment will be assessed, a buyer will be found, a deal will be drawn up and, voila, buy your townhouse.

While this transaction is being carried out, the object you have selected is reserved.

The walls are made of porous bricks, plastered outside, the plinth is faced with decorative stone. Very good asphalt road, elegant pedestrian paths, lined with beautiful paving stones. The landscape design is modest but tasteful.

Thuja planted, lawns arranged. The original lanterns illuminate the roads of the village. All centralized communications are laid underground.

Power is allocated to the site from 10 kW. Electricity specifications have been received.

There is a fiber-optic network and telephony. Central sewerage, water supply available. At the end of the street there is a gas distribution point.

The village is under constant video surveillance.

On the left hand side of the entrance to the village, there are exactly the same townhouses, but the view of them is blocked by the building of a shopping and administrative center under construction, which will include a family club, a gym, shops, cafes, a pharmacy, a bank branch, and a dry cleaner.

There are 29 three-level townhouses in total. The architectural solution of the village is a modern classic.

The sales office is located in just such a townhouse.

Before going to the sales office, I will show you the second stage of development (upper part on the plan) of two-level townhouses with an area of ​​up to 227.24 sq. m. (end sections). Here the minimum supply is a block section of 188.14 sq. m. on a plot of 3 ares for 13,261,661 rubles. Some of the apartments have already been sold.

And the third so far looks like this. The forest in the background will be equipped with a walking area; they even plan to dig a pond there, make a sports and playgrounds. The Moskva River flows literally half a kilometer from Aleksandrovskoye.

Houses are rented out for finishing, they are erected from double slotted bricks, the roof is metal, there are no internal partitions.

The houses are plastered with decorative plaster (sorry for the tautology) and finished with clinker tiles. Roofing made of colored cement-sand tiles. There are real chimneys for real fireplaces.

There are no stairs either. I, admiring in my soul my own courage and dexterity, climbed up such big ladders.

The overlap is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab.

The sudden external circumstances, the events of 2014, which could not be predicted in advance and which could not but affect the stability of the Russian economy, make developers fight for the attention of buyers. Promotions, discounts, installments, special offers, non-standard presentations, gifts ... The owners of the Aleksadrovsky residential complex also do not stand out from, I think, that not very friendly ranks of real estate sellers, and offer each buyer as a gift a boiler room with a double-circuit boiler for heating and supply hot water.

The floors look like this.

Walls to fence, stairs to build and all other repairs, the owner does himself, as his heart desires.

There are no garages in duplex townhouses, but there is a parking space in front of each block section. Plots of land from 3 to 5 ares.

End townhouses have a second overhead light.

The sales office was lively. The dearest manager Vladimir talked with potential buyers - a middle-aged lady and her elderly parents. Besides them, there were two more managers Olga and Tatiana. I was greeted warmly, seated on a soft sofa and offered coffee or tea.

First, we were shown a beautiful video - how the village will look after the completion of all construction. Yes, I can do computer miracles and that.

Inspired by future beauties, a friendly crowd, we went to see the townhouse. On the ground floor there are planned: a garage, a kitchen-dining room, an entrance hall, a bathroom, a boiler room, an open terrace.

On the second floor there are 4 bedrooms, a bathroom and a balcony. In the attic there is a bathroom and a free area.

Obviously, the designers were working.

Although this spider-like chandelier frightened me a little. But after all, no one forces you to acquire exactly the same. And the stairs are comfortable.

Most of all I was impressed by the attic floor. The height of the ceiling ... Mom, don't cry! - more than six meters! Very nice!

But how to wash this window?

And this is the rear view of the entire section. Each segment has a small section, "with a fence," as the lady and parents said. The dried-up weeds and the obligatory “enclosure” of this kind somehow immediately suggested that nothing lasts forever under this sun. You cannot put another fence! Polycarbonate sheet is also not allowed! You can use some kind of mesh and plant Christmas trees.

Monthly maintenance of the village costs 50 rubles. per square meter. That is, the owner of the smallest townhouse of 188 sq. m. will lay out 9,400 rubles every month, and the largest in 282 sq. m. - 14,100 rubles. “Not sickly!” Commented our lady. Indeed, something comes out a little expensive.

I was very surprised by the lack of a point storm drainage - drainage system. There must be a removable grate under the downpipe above the storm water inlet. But she is not! Is it possible that this is some kind of new cunning technology that I, because of my denseness, do not know about?

Of course, we do not live in the tropics, but we can also be charged with rains for several days, and where will the water go then? Drain on the lawn? I shared my bewilderment with another buyer who was examining just such a townhouse. His manager Olga, who was accompanying him, quite sharply reprimanded me that there was nothing to share here with her unqualified guesses and assumptions. When you buy it yourself, then the engineer will explain everything to you where the water goes. I did not like the tone in which it was expressed, nor Olga's obvious displeasure.

The external infrastructure is very decent: a tennis school "Maestro", a fitness center, a sports club "Ilyinka-sport", restaurants and cafes, a kindergarten and a school "President", Lomonosov school, "Intercollege" kindergarten and primary school, and many others kindergartens and schools. On the way to the village there is an interesting museum of military equipment and a collection of vintage cars. You should definitely visit the Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum. There are several ancient prayer churches.


  1. Proximity to the Moscow Ring Road;
  2. Prestigious destination;
  3. Good transport accessibility by both personal and public transport;
  4. A nice place, coniferous forest;
  5. Good ecological situation, no harmful industries;
  6. Nice, modern village;
  7. The proximity of the Moskva River;
  8. Good external infrastructure.


  1. The website of the village has incorrect information about the possibility of getting by public transport;
  2. The site itself works intermittently;
  3. Large monthly installment;
  4. Expensive square meters.

Comparative table of the cost of townhouses by the vector of Ilyinsky highway

Comparative table of the cost of townhouses in other areas


Distance from MKAD

Townhouse area, sq. m

Land area, cells

Townhouse cost, RUB mln

"Firsanovka-life", Leningradskoe highway

Leipzig, Kievskoe sh.

"Kvartal Uyut", Kaluzhskoe sh.

The Aleksandrovsky cottage village is located 12 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the Krasnogorsk District. It consists of two- and three-storey townhouses ranging from 188 to 280 sq. m. Buildings are located on land plots for individual housing construction in the size of 3-6 acres - in total there are 288 of them. Available options for housing with free planning and pre-finishing, as well as with a turnkey renovation. Parking for 2 cars is organized next to each house.


  • townhouses with or without decoration;
  • environmentally friendly west of the Moscow region;
  • near the Moscow river and the beach.

The architectural project of the cottage village is made in the traditional European style. There are three types of houses - two-storey classic and three-storey in a modern style. When decorating the facades, decorations were used - moldings, arches, elements with imitation of brickwork. Houses are connected to communications. The space of the village has been landscaped, comfortable driveways have been created, landscaping and the creation of playgrounds and sports grounds are envisaged. Residents can count on security, for security, video surveillance is also installed throughout the village.


Compared to Moscow, KP "Aleksandrovsky" is located in the middle distance. The object is being built in Aleksandrovka - this is the Krasnogorsk district in the Moscow region. The settlement is adjacent to the Ilyinskoe highway. The townhouses of the village are adjacent to private houses; the Moscow River flows within walking distance in the south, along the channel of which recreation areas are organized. All necessary infrastructure is within 1.5 km. Also in the area of ​​the object there are several large natural areas.

Transport accessibility

The approximate distance from Aleksandrovskoye to the Moscow Ring Road is 12 km. The village has a direct exit to the Ilyinskoe highway, along which you can get to the capital in about 30 minutes. At the same time, it is worth considering the travel time - in the morning and evening hours, as well as on the eve of weekends, traffic jams can be observed at the exit from the capital. Other trails surrounding the object can be used as alternative routes.

Transport situation:

  • 300 m to the Ilyinsky highway;
  • 5 km to Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway;
  • 6 km to Novorizhskoe highway;
  • 12 km to the Moscow Ring Road.

Public transport in the area of ​​the village is represented mainly by buses and minibuses - they run, including in the direction of the capital, although it will take at least an hour to move in this way. The Ilinskoye railway platform is located about 6 km away Belarusian direction Moscow Railway - you can reach it in 20-25 minutes.

Ecological situation

The state of the environment in the development area of ​​the Aleksandrovsky settlement can be assessed as favorable. The property is located next to several forest areas, a river with greened coastal spaces flows nearby. There are no industrial enterprises nearby, the only pollutant is Ilyinskoe highway. An increased content of harmful substances in the atmosphere can be observed near the track, and discomfort is also possible due to an increased background noise. The village is located at a safe distance from the highway, which minimizes its harmful effects.


A comfortable urban environment for adults and children has been created inside the Aleksandrovsky cottage community. Functional zones with playgrounds, sports grounds with outdoor exercise equipment, table and tennis, parallel bars, as well as landscaped park spaces for walking with benches and walking paths have been organized. The village has its own carousel, football and hockey fields, a wellness center with a swimming pool and a water park.

On the territory of KP "Aleksandrovsky" there are:

  • Kindergarten;
  • sports and entertainment complex;
  • trade infrastructure.

All houses are connected to gas, water supply and sewerage. To create a safe environment, the territory is fenced, a checkpoint has been created, video surveillance cameras are installed around the perimeter.

About the developer

According to the document, the official developer of "Aleksandrovskoe" is LLC "Orion". She carried out construction work at the facility in several stages. At the moment, the village has been put into operation. There are no other objects in the portfolio of the organization.

The cost of townhouses is from 18,850,000 rubles.

The village of townhouses Aleksandrovsky is located just 12 km from Moscow, near the village of Aleksandrovka. The location of the village is very good. On the one hand, this area of ​​the Moscow region is perfectly inhabited, not far from the village there is everything you need for a comfortable life: schools and kindergartens, various shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. On the other hand, residents of the village can enjoy the silence and clean air, the proximity of the forest and the Moskva River. At the same time, prices for apartments in townhouses are quite democratic.

In the finished cottages, designed for 2 families, all communications have already been carried out, the layout provides for the presence in the apartment of 4-5 bedrooms, a kitchen-dining room, 3 bathrooms, a boiler room with a laundry room, a garage and an attic. Together with the apartment, a plot of land from 3 to 6 acres is sold, where you can equip a lawn, a children's recreation area, etc.

Residents of the village can relax in a well-equipped recreation area by the pond, walk along the paths of the recreation area, sit in a cafe or restaurant, and a wonderful playground has been created for the children. In addition, the village has its own pharmacy and shop.

Choose housing in Aleksandrovskoye - and let your family live in comfort!


The history of the village of Aleksandrovka in the Moscow Region, located only 13 km from the Moscow Ring Road, dates back to the 18th century and clearly demonstrates the trend of our time: new moral principles and modern ideology are replacing old traditions and foundations. The modern village of Aleksandrovka consists of two parts: the oldest village itself and a fenced off and reliably guarded new elite cottage complex... Modern buildings initially did not pursue the goal of conforming to a single architectural style, and therefore, on the territory of a cottage village, you can find buildings of various directions of architecture and design that meet the variety of modern trends. Each cottage or townhouse with an area of ​​400 to 500 square meters has its own unique face. Plots ranging from 10 to 40 acres are fenced with light or solid fences.

Those who want to buy a house in the village of Aleksandrovka will be pleasantly pleased with the surrounding landscape: the Moskva River flows five hundred meters away, from the banks of which a wonderful view of the meadow openings opens up, coniferous and mixed forest approaches the village from different sides. The air here is clean and transparent.

It is convenient that you can drive up to the cottage village from several directions: from the prestigious Rublevka and from the high-speed Riga, but the entrance from the Ilyinsky highway is considered the central one, although all entrances are equipped with checkpoints. Security of the fenced-in perimeter of the cottage village reliably protects residents not only from unauthorized intrusion, but also from prying eyes. Excellent ecological situation, convenient transport interchange with an exit to Novorizhskoe and Rublevo-Uspenskoe highways - these are undoubted advantages in our time.

The village of Aleksandrovka boasts completely asphalted roads. And the close proximity of the village to settlements Zhukovka, Ilyinsky, Arkhangelsky and Petrovo-Dalniy significantly expands opportunities for the residents of Aleksandrovka to conveniently use the diverse infrastructure of these villages.

Accommodation in the elite village of Aleksandrovka is prestigious and comfortable. Together with the excellent ecological environment, the advantages of living in an elite cottage village make this place truly heavenly.

Perhaps it was precisely this location of Aleksandrovka that served as the basis for the construction of the summer residence of the first President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, in it, although he did not manage to settle in this picturesque village.

These places have attracted high-ranking officials before. For example, in 1936, the People's Commissar for Mechanical Engineering, Ivan Likhachev, whose name is now the Moscow Automobile Plant, was allocated a site for construction in local places. The dacha allotment was located just outside the village of Aleksandrovka and consisted of more than two hectares of the purest pine forest.

In the shortest possible time, a luxurious two-story dacha was built there, in which, in addition to several bedrooms and a huge veranda, there was even its own cinema.

For the sake of objectivity, we note that the dacha remained state, and after Likhachev all subsequent directors of the plant lived there.

This dacha became the basis for the creation on this site of an elite village called "Dachi AMO ZIL", where the governor can also be found among the owners of suburban housing Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev and even the director of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev.

The fenced guarded cottage settlement Aleksandrovka, in which intensive construction of new houses is now underway, also stood out from the village itself.