Why you should definitely visit Australia: photo. Australia 10 reasons why you should go to Australia

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Australia is a distant continent for us, where the humid and hot northern parts of the country turn into semi-desert tropical central regions, and the coasts of the south and southeast belong to the subtropical zone with its inherent warm, pleasant climate. Among these fantastic desert landscapes are megacities, many roads and ocean beaches.

The first reason to visit this country is that Australia is one of the oldest continents in the world and due to its long separation from land, most of the unique species of animals have been preserved on it, not to mention such as the kangaroo and koala, which symbolize Australia.

Secondly, Australia can be called a continent of contrasts due to its size and special geographical location; the continent has a wide variety of climatic conditions.

The third reason is the untamed, passionate, beautiful wildlife of the continent. Australia is also famous for its various national parks; lovers of contemplative relaxation will be quite satisfied with the variety of local landscapes and the huge variety of flora and fauna.

The fourth reason for an unforgettable vacation is a visit to the city of Sydney. It is the largest city in Australia, its main assets are the Harbor Bridge, the TV Tower, the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary and the Opera House. Melbourne is the cultural capital of Australia, home to a host of cultural and entertainment events.

For lovers of diving and surfing, there is a fifth reason: for people interested in this sport, unforgettable emotions will be brought by a trip to the Great Barrier Reef, which stretches along the eastern coast of the mainland.

For wave conquerors, Australia has become a second home. Only in Australia can you ride the waves of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. There are all conditions for those who are just starting to surf and those who have already mastered it and practice it professionally.

The sixth reason is gastronomy. This country is not famous for its national cuisine for the simple reason that it does not have a cuisine as such, but you can choose many restaurants serving European and Asian cuisine. Wine lovers can be advised to visit the South-West of the country, namely the Margaret River region, where you will have the opportunity to taste the best vintage wines of the country.

The eighth reason is extreme entertainment. Thrill-seekers should definitely visit the Crocosaurus Cove park, where a large number of reptiles are collected and a lot of entertainment has been invented, including dangerous ones, which will significantly increase the level of adrenaline in the blood.

Australia is one of the most remote countries in the world and, ironically, one of the most popular places to visit, especially among tourists and budget travelers.

Due to its distance, not many Russians tend to visit Australia. Flights are long and expensive, and when you only have a few weeks to travel, spending a couple of days flying probably doesn't make sense for many travelers. However, here are a few reasons to save your vacation time and venture to this amazing country

1. Great Barrier Reef

One of the most famous reef systems, world famous for its abundance of marine life and world-class diving opportunities

2. Sydney

Known for its famous opera house and harbour, Sydney also boasts an incredible bridge, stunning parks, delicious food, lots of free stuff and amazing surfing.

3. Uluru Rock

Don't think that a giant round rock covering eight kilometers of land won't be spectacular!) Wind-eroded cracks throughout the rock make it look like a wave of sand rising from the desert.

4. BBQ

Australians do several things well, but one of the best is barbecue, which is a traditional Australian dish!

5. Wine

Australia has a lot of good wines, especially Shiraz and Pinot Noir. You can take day trips to any wine region or just go to a wine store, where there is also a large selection)

6. Western Australia

It is truly beautiful here: large spaces with remote and white sandy beaches that stretch for several kilometers without a single soul. Many people don't visit Western Australia; otherwise it could end up becoming overcrowded and overbuilt like the East Coast.

7. Perth

It has beautiful beaches, one of the world's largest urban parks, surfing and nearby Fremantle, where you can sample Australia's best beer. Perth is a city filled with young people.

8. Surfing

Australia may not have invented surfing, but it is firmly ingrained in Australian culture. The best surfing is on the East Coast, and there are plenty of places where you can catch a good wave.

9. Beautiful beaches.

With over 50,000 km of coastline, this country cannot exist without beautiful beaches. There are many more of them on the East Coast than on the West Coast. With such a large selection, you will always find a place for your comfortable stay.

10. Jungle

In Queensland you will find one of the oldest rainforests in the world (from the age of dinosaurs!). There are great places to hike and really beautiful rivers. If you want to get away from it all, head north to Cape Tribula, where it's just you, the jungle and the ocean.

Australia is one of the most remote countries in the world, but at the same time one of the most popular, especially among backpackers, and for good reason. Australia has something to offer even the most seasoned traveler. Here are 10 reasons why travelers come to Australia:

Great Barrier Reef

One of the most famous reefs in the world, it has become famous due to the abundance of marine flora and fauna, as well as being in demand among popular divers. When I was here I saw turtles, sharks, beautiful fish, rare fish, even pooping fish (it looks as weird as it sounds). It is very beautiful there, simply unforgettable. You'll see it once and never forget it - I promise. I think this is reason enough to visit the Great Barrier Reef and swim there for a day or two with scuba gear. Because Most people dive in Cairns, I advise you to go diving in Port Douglas, it’s also beautiful underwater, and there are significantly fewer tourists.


This city is known for its opera house, harbor, beautiful bridge, magnificent parks, delicious cuisine, wide range of free entertainment and waves so popular with surfers from all over the world. In Sydney you can have a great rest and enjoy the sunny weather. In Darling Harbor you will find many good and cozy restaurants, and the Chinese Garden of Friendship is a real paradise for lovers of a relaxing holiday.


I wouldn’t believe it if someone told me that an oval mountain stretching for 8 kilometers could be a breathtaking sight, but it’s a fact! The wind did a good job on its shape - it seems as if the sand dunes are floating in soft waves on the surface of this mountain. The iron contained in the rock reflects the orange and red rays of light, turning the mountain into a more than noteworthy spectacle in the morning and evening. You can climb Uluru if you wish, but be aware that it is a sacred site for the Aboriginal people. It's strange that they even allow tourists to climb it. You can take a tour to the mountain in the nearby town of Alice Springs.


Australians do a lot of things well, and their barbecue is, perhaps, unrivaled. In Australia, barbecuing is a whole tradition; they have at least 3 barbecue pits in every park. I believe nothing will make you fall in love with Australia more than a warm night, a couple of bottles of excellent beer and a well-done kangaroo kebabs.


Australia is famous for its wine regions: MargaretRiver near Perth, BarossaValley near Adelaide and HunterValley near Sydney. If you love wine, don’t miss the chance to try Australian winemaking masterpieces; I would personally recommend Australian Shiraz (Syrah) and Pinot Noir. You can buy a day tour to any of the wine regions near major cities, or simply buy wine at a specialty store and head to the park for a barbecue.

Western Australia

If you are in doubt whether it is worth going to Australia, and if so, then where, start your trip from Western Australia. This is rightfully my favorite part of the country. It is very beautiful here, kilometers of white sandy beaches, where there is practically no soul, stretch to the very horizon. The eastern part of the country is the complete opposite of this, it is all built up and always full of tourists. Karijini National Park easily rivals the famous Kakadu and Litchfield. And Coral Bay and the Ningaloo Reef are even better than Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef.


Sydney and Melbourne are the most popular cities in Australia, but the city of Perth is not far behind these favorites. Here you'll find beautiful beaches, one of the world's largest urban parks, surfing and the best Australian beer (LittleCreatures) in the nearby town of Fremantle. Perth is a city of young people, there are a lot of them here, perhaps that is why the city has such lively energy.


Although surfing was not invented in Australia, this country could rightfully be considered the mother of surfing, it has become so deeply ingrained in the local culture. The best surfing, of course, is on the east coast, which is why it is so popular. There are a million places where you can catch a good wave. You can head straight to Sydney to places like Bondi Beach, but in my opinion the best place to catch waves is in Queensland. I personally think Noosa is one of the best places to surf because it offers waves for both beginners and pros.

Beautiful beaches

A country whose coastline is 50,000 kilometers has no chance of being left without beautiful beaches. On the east coast, the beaches are filled with vacationers, while the west coast is almost empty. In any case, there is always a good place for you on the beach. My favorites are CoralBay, CableBeach, Noosa, Manly, and any beach in Perth.

Dense jungle

One day I will stop traveling and settle down in some tropical place with a dense jungle like this. Perhaps this place will be Queensland. One of the oldest tropical forests in the world grows here (along the way, it even caught dinosaurs). Lots of great hiking, wildlife and great birds (watch out for the crocodiles). Several beautiful rivers. So if you want to get away from the world, head to the north of Australia to Cape Tribulation, it will be just you, the jungle and the ocean.

Are you still asking why you should go to Australia? Are 10 reasons not enough for you? Sometimes I think I could come up with 365 reasons to visit this country (Vegemite chocolate spread wouldn't be on that list!). But we are drawn to the country only for some specific reasons, the above 10 are those that pull me to Australia with frantic force. If you have your own, write about them in the comments.

Australia is a continent that many travelers dream of visiting. And even stories about terrible animals living there and huge insects cannot scare tourists away from this mysterious place. One thing needs to be known for sure for those who still decide to cross the equator line. In this bizarre and magical place, travelers will find scorching sunshine, long and intricate routes, as well as fantastic animals, of which there are quite a lot.

Big attractions of the small continent

A trip to Australia will be remembered for a long time. Who hasn't dreamed of seeing the Great Barrier Reef? And how many emotions you can get just by looking at the picturesque Cote d'Azur! Surf lovers will find simply perfect waves and warm winds. Oh, and don’t forget that only in Australia you can watch beautiful, cute koalas. Great weather, warm sea, sandy beaches await tourists all year round.

The photos below will convince anyone that Australia is a magical continent.

This is a hanging rock in Victoria (Australia).

Below you can see a photo of Melbourne.

This is the pink Lake Hiller.

The Helensburgh railway tunnel, which was closed back in 1915.

The photo below shows the island of Tasmania.

And in this photo there is surfing and friendly dolphins.

Bioluminescent plankton on the beach at Jervis Bay can be seen below.

This is the Great Ocean Road, one of the main symbols of Australia.

There would be no Australia without kangaroos!

Stone wave in Perth (Australia).

Bungee jumping.

The photo below is Whitehaven Beach.

This is sunset in the Barossa Valley.

Byron Bay Lighthouse.

Road in Australia Princes Highway.

Hello stranger who decided to visit me in Australia!

Kangaroos and the Sydney Theater are just the tip of the iceberg called Australia

People come here to meet penguins, ride the longest cable car and find out which way the flowing water swirls - we joke.

1. Search for gold in Sovereign Hill

Sovereign Hill is an open-air museum. It is a town of the mid-nineteenth century. Carts with horses ride through the streets, and the peace of the “residents” is protected by a sheriff.

In the 1850s, gold was found here - it was practically lying underfoot. The wave of the “gold rush” swept over everyone. There are shops and workshops on the territory. You can go down into the mines where equipment for extracting valuable metal is stored.

2. See the “12 Apostles”

The 12 Apostles are a group of rocks located on the southeast coast along the Great Ocean Road. The cliffs were formed under the influence of waves - there were once caves here, then they turned into arches, and then they were completely separated from the shore. In the rays of the setting sun, the beach with the “apostles” looks very picturesque. One “but”: there are actually eight rocks.

3. Ride the longest cable car in the world

Another must do in Australia concerns the record-breaking cable car. Its length is 7.5 kilometers - today it is the longest route in the world. Skyrail Rainforest Cableway is located in the small town of Kuranda. During the trip you can enjoy views of tropical forests, hills and ponds.

Having descended into Kuranda itself, look into the sanctuary of butterflies that land directly on your hands. Hundreds of pairs of bright wings flutter around the spacious enclosure. Australian Butterfly Sanctuary considered one of the best insect parks in the world.

4. Meet koalas in the eucalyptus forest

Finding minibears in Australia is easy: all major cities have sanctuaries where people care for them. But with wild koalas everything is more complicated. If you want to see eucalyptus scavengers in their natural environment, head off the Great Ocean Road into Otway National Park. Watch carefully: koalas will hide among the branches because this is their only way of protecting themselves from people. You can also go on safari in the forests of Port Stephens near New Castle. It’s better to come here in a group: the more people there are, the more likely it is that someone will notice the animals.

If you are not a fan of long searches, take a look at the city of Blacktown. At a local park Featherdale They allow you to take free photos and hold marsupial bears. It is also worth visiting Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane. The largest family of koalas in captivity lives there - more than 130 individuals.

5. Try shark meat and Pavlova dessert

When traveling around Australia, be sure to try shark steak. The country is washed by two oceans, so you shouldn’t deny yourself seafood. In addition to shark meat, try fresh oysters, crabs, lobsters and barracudas. This is an integral part of local cuisine, and is also healthy and dietary.

And while we're on the subject of food, stop by the bakery for some pavlova cakes. In 1935, an Australian chef came up with this fluffy dessert made from meringue and berries and dedicated it to a Russian ballerina. True, in New Zealand they are confident that they themselves created Pavlova, and nine years earlier. Therefore, now the dessert is considered the property of both countries.

6. Visit a crocodile show

You can see the predators in all their glory in the Daintree National Park. Visit a crocodile farm, where extreme shows are very popular. Reptiles are lured out of the river directly onto a fishing rod. Huge alligators suddenly jump out of the river and grab food just a couple of meters from the boat with spectators.

7. Visit the prison fort in Tasmania

A small island south of Australia is the only place on Earth where Tasmanian devils can be found. Safari on them - definitely must do, but I want to tell you what else to look for when visiting Tasmania.

The island has five historical sites that are included in the UNESCO list. The most famous among them is the Port Arthur fortress. Like the American Alcatraz, it was a prison from which it was impossible to escape. The fort was heavily guarded because rebel convicts were kept here. Port Arthur covers an area of ​​about 40 hectares, so feel free to set aside a few hours, or better yet, the whole day, to explore the sights.

8. Meet the indigenous people of the continent

The concept of history in Australia dates back to around the 17th century, when it was discovered by European colonists. However, many millennia before the arrival of their ships, Bushmen lived here. You can learn about the traditions and life of the indigenous people in the village of Tjapukai. Due to the fact that the continent is completely isolated, their culture is unique, and their language is unlike any other that exists.

9. Go trekking in the Blue Mountains

The Blue Mountains are a picturesque part of the Great Barrier Reef. They are covered with eucalyptus forests, which emit a bluish haze as they evaporate.

Visit the main viewpoints and enjoy panoramic views of the canyons. The height of the Blue Mountains is small - the maximum point reaches 1300 m. But people come here not for the snowy peaks, but for rare plant species, the Three Sisters rocks and many animals: kangaroos, possums, flying squirrels and others.

Australians use their own dollars. The exchange rate is about 20 hryvnia for 1 dollar. The country itself is very expensive: food costs tourists about $65 a day. Also keep in mind that prices in different cities vary significantly.

Lunch cost:

  • in a cafe - 15-17 AUD;
  • in a restaurant - 25-30 AUD;
  • in fast food - 4-5 AUD.
  • The average cost of a bottle of water is 1.5 AUD.
  • A night in a 3-4* hotel will cost from 200 AUD. In higher class hotels the price reaches 1000 AUD.
  • Bushmen souvenirs, including boomerangs, cost 10-15 AUD.
  • Macadamia nuts - 30-35 AUD/kg.