Elena Iskhakova's blog. Traveling around Crimea The optimal route in Crimea for a tourist

For those who dream of going on a big trip around Crimea, we have compiled a tourist route to the most interesting places and attractions. You can travel through it by car, bus or bike. It is developed based on personal experience and future travel plans.

We offer a comprehensive itinerary for a long trip across Crimea from the Kerch Strait to Tarkhankut and back. We have already been to the peninsula four times and before each trip we made lists of attractions. This takes a lot of time and effort - so the idea was born to systematize the experience and create a route for a big trip around Crimea. Finding something sensible on this topic on the Internet is not easy, so we set out to fill the gap. The route will allow you to save time before your trip - you no longer need to sift through mountains of articles, everything is in one.

Rent a car- this is the best way to travel! - reliable and convenient car rental service in Crimea. Choose a car to suit your taste and budget. The cost of renting a car is from 1000 rubles per day. Do you have any questions? The Russian-speaking support service will help you with everything.

Poppy fields in the vicinity of Bakhchisarai. During our two weeks of traveling around Crimea, we found dozens of such fields.

Our journey through Crimea - route map

The tourist route includes both cities and towns we visited within the previous ones, as well as those planned for visiting. The route can be changed at your discretion, and the list of attractions does not claim to be complete. If you know interesting sights that are not included in the list, write in the comments, we will be happy to supplement the article.

When planning your trip, make an approximate calculation - this way you will protect yourself from excessive expenses.

This is what the route through Crimea looks like on the map from Kerch to Tarkhankut (Belogorsk and Stary Krym were not included, since Google did not allow me to add more markers):

Kerch - Bosphoro Cimmerio

Our route for a big trip around Crimea opens with the Hero City of Kerch. This is one of the oldest cities in the world, but unpopular with tourists. Many people visit Kerch only while passing through or devote no more than one day to the city, but in vain - there is something to see here. Many ancient settlements, monuments and burials will interest lovers of antiquities: the ancient settlements of Panticapaeum, Myrmekium, the Tsarsky and Melek-Chesmensky mounds, the monuments of the Crypt of Demeter and Lapidarium. There are also the ancient fortresses of Kerch and Yeni-Kale, as well as an archaeological museum.

The nature here is not as picturesque and diverse as on the southern coast of Crimea, but in the vicinity of Kerch you can find amazing places: the salty pink lake Koyashskoye (Opukskoye) in the Opuksky nature reserve, the salty lake Chokrak with healing mud and hydrogen sulfide springs, the Bulganak mud hill field (Valley of Volcanoes) and much more. Did you know that there are more than 50 mud volcanoes on the Kerch Peninsula?

Of course, in Kerch there is no shortage of beaches, a variety of holiday homes, hotels, cafes and restaurants - in general, the tourist infrastructure here is developed and you can have a good rest. The beaches are mostly sandy and sandy-shell.

Personal experience. We were allocated 1 day for the city. We saw the Yeni-Kale fortress and Mount Mithridates. We also wanted to get to the Kerch Fortress, but due to the construction of the bridge, the road to it was blocked.

In Crimea there are landscapes in the spirit of Franco Fontana. On the road from Kerch to Sudak.

Feodosia - God Given

The next stop on our big trip around Crimea is Feodosia, or Kafa. This is what the city was called in the Middle Ages, when it flourished. In general, the city was founded in the 6th century BC by the Greeks, but the ancient buildings have practically not survived. But the monuments of the Middle Ages have been preserved:

  • the remains of the Genoese fortress and towers (St. Constantine, Dokovaya, Round, Thomas);
  • medieval Armenian and Greek temples (the temple of John the Baptist, St. Sergius, St. George, the archangels Michael and Gabriel).

There are also Orthodox churches, the Mufti-Jami Mosque, monuments, museums (Museum of Money, Museum of Antiquities, Museum of Hang Gliding, A. Greene Museum, etc.) and fountains (Armenian, Aivazovsky, “Good Genius”). There are many buildings from the late 19th - early 20th centuries (mansions, dachas, villas, for example, "Milos", "Flora", "Aida", etc.). And, of course, it is worth visiting the Aivazovsky National Art Gallery, where not only his works are stored, but also paintings by other marine painters.

Feodosia ends (and for many visitors, begins) the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, which means that the landscape outside the window will gradually change from now on - from the steppe and small hilly terrain to high mountains. In addition, not far from Feodosia, near Koktebel, there is the famous Karadag Nature Reserve.

Personal experience. We chose the Aivazovsky Museum.

(Photo © kamicatzen / flickr.com)

Koktebel is a bohemian place

The next point on our tourist route in Crimea is a village with the romantic name Koktebel. In fact, there is nothing romantic or bohemian about it - a typical seaside town with a tourist infrastructure. But since the end of the 19th century, famous figures of art and culture flocked here, who glorified Koktebel as a bohemian place. The village is also known as a center of gliding due to the rising currents on the Uzun-Syrt plateau. It also gained fame thanks to Lisya Bay (“Fox”), which was loved by naturists and hippies.

What else to see in Koktebel and its surroundings:

  • Golden Gate Rock (take a boat trip);
  • salt lake Barakol;
  • Cape Chameleon, which changes color depending on the light;
  • "Starfall of Memories" - Mount Koklyuk;
  • paragliding flights and views from the Uzun-Syrt plateau (Mount Klementyev);
  • vintage wine factory;
  • Karadag Nature Museum;
  • for children - a dolphinarium.

Personal experience. We went to the “Starfall of Memories”, Uzun-Syrt and the salt lake Barakol, which is drying up - a kind of mini-salt marsh.

(Photo © a"Shioji / flickr.com)

We went up to the Starfall of Memories. Mount Koklyuk, Koktebel.

Sun Valley - 300 days of sun

The road from Koktebel is very picturesque - the route passes by the Sunny Valley. Bizarre cliffs with vineyards on the slopes and steep serpentine roads make your head spin (in the truest sense of the word).

Sunny Valley is peace and tranquility, the absence of tourists, deserted bays, sunny weather, cloudless skies and, of course, mountains. The valley is closed on three sides by mountains, it smoothly descends to the sea. Here, 3 km from the sea, the village of the same name is located - one of the centers of winemaking in Crimea. Try unique wines made from grape varieties that grow only here: “Black Doctor”, “Meganome”, “Sunny Valley”.

The valley is conducive to secluded relaxation and leisurely walks in the mountains. The surrounding area is full of paths! We recommend visiting Echki-Dag, there is an unusual karst cave “Ear of the Earth” - it goes 132 meters deep.

Personal experience. We just drove along this road and stopped at observation platforms.

(Photo © Sergiy Kadulin / flickr.com)

Sudak and New World

The next point on the route around Crimea is Sudak and Novy Svet. They need to devote a lot of time - the area is rich in natural attractions. In the New World, these are the Golitsyn Trail, Tsarsky Beach, juniper grove, Sokol and Karaul-Oba mountains, Cosmos Peak, the Valleys of Hell and Paradise, and the Staircase of Taurus. In Sudak there is a Genoese fortress, capes Meganom and Alchak, as well as mountains Ai-Georgiy and Perchem-Kaya. We recommend staying in Sudak (housing and food are cheaper than in the New World), and in the neighboring village.

Not far from Sudak lies the Cimmerian steppe - the red Kapsel valley, mercilessly scorched by the sun in the summer. Driving along it, admiring its harsh beauty, is a pleasure. You can go into coves and swim - some of them have campsites.

We recommend going on a boat trip with dolphins- it's amazing. They swim right under the boat and jump out of the water! You can even swim in the open sea with them. Price - 600-700 rubles per person for 1 hour. The video can be viewed on Instagram using the hashtag #hunterboat. Book a tour by calling 89780652938, name is Vitaly.

Personal experience. We lived in Sudak and the New World for the fourth time and visited all the sights more than once. All that remains is to climb Sokol.

Our boat trip to a pod of graceful dolphins.

Alushta - Valley of Ghosts

Alushta is a boring town, there is nothing interesting there. All the beauty outside is the bizarre rocks of the Valley of Ghosts and the Demerzhdi massif. It is great luck to visit the valley in fog and cloudy weather, when the pillars seem ghostly. Tourists advise watching the sunrise at Demerdzhi - it’s an amazing sight. Also interesting are Mount Kastel and the Chatyr-Daga caves, as well as the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall near the village of Generalskoye.

In Alushta we saw the most boring fortress in the world, Aluston - don’t even waste time on it. There is also the medieval fortification of Funa and the palace of Princess Gagarina, as well as various ancient estates. In general, tourists come here primarily for beach holidays and treatment - there are many boarding houses and sanatoriums in Alushta and the surrounding area.

Personal experience. We came to Alushta for Demerdzhi - we found both fog and scorching sun there. On the way to Alushta, stop by the Museum of Water Disasters - touching and amazing.

Very picturesque rocks!
We were lucky enough to see fogs while climbing to the top.
From the top of Mount Demerdzhi you can enjoy panoramic views of the sea and villages on the shore.

Enjoy a breathtaking video from the Valley of Ghosts in the Demerdzhi Mountains:

Yalta and its surroundings

Next along the route of travel around Crimea is Yalta. But attention should be paid not to the city itself, boring, large and noisy, but to its surroundings - Greater Yalta, which includes Gaspra, Simeiz, Massandra, Gurzuf, Nikita, Alupka, etc.. For example, on the way from Alushta to Yalta on along the route (if you are taking a route around Crimea) you will see a sign to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden - we recommend visiting if you are partial to flora! In addition, the Nikitskaya Cleft is interesting in Nikita. Next - Massandra: visit the Massandra Palace and Park, a winery where you can taste wines, and the Vorontsov Grotto.

In the vicinity of Yalta you can find a lot of interesting things and spend busy days:

  • go down or up Ai-Petri along the picturesque paths - Taraktashskaya, Shtangeevskaya, Koreizskaya or Botkinskaya;
  • visit the Iograph temple cave and the Uchan-Su waterfall;
  • walk along the Solar Path from Livadia to Gaspra (or vice versa) and see the dolmens;
  • climb Ai-Petri by cable car - next to Yalta (in Miskhor) there is just the lower station of the cable car for climbing the mountain;
  • on the Ai-Petrinsky plateau, visit the caves, walk across the suspension bridge over the abyss and go down on the trolley at a speed of 40 km/h;
  • visit the Grand Canyon.

Architecture lovers will be interested in the Livadia Palace (the Yalta Conference was held here), Massandra Palace, the Emir of Bukhara and Count Mordvinov, the Armenian Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Children also have something to do: in Yalta there is a theater of sea animals, a zoo and an aquarium, a crocodilarium and the Glade of Fairy Tales.

Personal experience. We went up and down Ai-Petri by car, and also rode the cable car. Lesha walked across the suspension bridge to the battlements.

We admire the clouds and views from Mount Ai-Petri.
Lesha walks along the suspension bridge at the top of Ai-Petri.
Ai-Petri in the clouds (Photo © mr_wood / flickr.com)

Gaspra is not only "Swallow's Nest"

Usually, when traveling around Crimea, tourists come to Gaspra only to see the Swallow's Nest palace. However, there are many attractions there: for connoisseurs of antiquities, we recommend the Taurus necropolises, the Roman fortress of Charax and the ruins of the Gaspra-Isar fortification; for lovers of trekking and active recreation, we recommend a walk along the “Sunny Path”, where Nicholas II rested. Another attraction of Gaspra is the palace of Prince Golitsyn and Countess Panina (now the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium), where the museum room of Leo Tolstoy is located.

Not far from Gaspra is Koreiz - it is worth visiting the Yusupov Palace, Miskhor Park and the lighthouse of Cape Ai-Todor.

Personal experience. They looked at the Swallow's Nest only from the outside, because all tourists loudly advise against going inside. From the lookout you can see beautiful rocks with waves crashing against them.

(Photo © pilot34 / flickr.com)


First of all, Alupka is known for the luxurious Vorontsov Palace, the former residence of Count Vorontsov. Nowadays there is a museum in the palace, and around 40 hectares there is the no less beautiful Alupka Park - very natural and harmonious. It’s pleasant to walk here, inhaling the aromas of cypress, juniper and about 200 other plant species. Always shady and cool, the park sometimes attracts more tourists than the palace. Kuindzhi's apartment museum is also worthy of attention.

As for natural attractions, it is worth visiting the Shaan-Kaya rock and the lake located near it - the views of the mountain range are simply excellent.

Personal experience. We visited the Vorontsov Palace and Alupka Park - they are truly impressive.

You can also look for housing in Crimea on the spot - as soon as you get off the bus at the station, you will be bombarded with dozens of offers for renting out the best housing, certainly cheap and always with a sea view. Classic Crimean holidays.

Sevastopol - White City

To see all the sights of Sevastopol and its surroundings, you need to spend a very, very long time. Start your introductory tourist route from the city itself: Malakhov Kurgan, the ancient and mysterious Chersonesus (we recommend either early in the morning or closer to sunset), Vladimir Cathedral and the Tower of the Winds, the panorama "Defense of Sevastopol", Historical Boulevard, Count's Marina, etc. - A separate article should be devoted to the sights of the hero city.

Must see in the area:

  • Cape Fiolent and Jasper Beach with the Rock of the Holy Apparition and Diana's Grotto - you have to climb 800 steps down and back;
  • the most beautiful Cape Vinogradny (our favorite);
  • beaches of Sevastopol - there are many of them, but some of them can clearly be classified as natural attractions, for example, Lyubimovka beach is very beautiful if you go beyond the pile of stones (to the part of the beach that is favored by nudists and tent campers);
  • Balaklava: atmospheric submarine museum, Balaklava Bay, Genoese fortress Chembalo, Northern and Southern forts, Sunny trail to the Inzhir tract;
  • Baydar Valley and Fatma Koba Grotto;
  • Death Valley;
  • Inkerman: cave monastery, Maiden Tower, Chernorechensky Canyon;
  • Chorgun Aqueduct Bridge and Chorgun Tower and much more.

This is only a small part of the attractions in the vicinity of Sevastopol - write in the comments if you have been somewhere else!

Personal experience. We visited Fiolent, Cape Vinogradny, Inkerman and Balaklava, and also spent the night in a tent on Lyubimovka beach.

My favorite place in Crimea is Cape Vinogradny in Sevastopol.

(Photo © mr. Wood / flickr.com)

Bakhchisaray - eastern garden-palace

Let's continue our great journey across Crimea - the road leads us to ancient Bakhchisarai, the real center of the hiking and active Crimea. The city is located in the foothills, so the area is very interesting. In our opinion, the main attraction of Bakhchisarai is not the Khan's Palace (although it is good), but the cave cities, fortresses and monasteries: Chufut-Kale, Magup-Kale, Kachi-Kalyon, Eski-Kermen, Tepe-Kermen, Chelter-Koba, Bakla, Syuren, Shuldan.

Bakhchisaray is a city with an oriental flavor, which makes it special. You should definitely visit the Balta-Tiymez Karaite cemetery, the Dervish cemetery and the Old Town - very atmospheric places.

As in Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai has a huge number of natural attractions that you cannot see in a couple of days - you need to live here for at least a week. By the way, the city has very tasty cuisine - mostly Crimean Tatars live here.

Personal experience. We visited Chufut-kale, Khan's Palace, Balta-Tiymez, the Dervish cemetery and the temple in Laki. Disappointment befell us in the village of Laki, where we were traveling 20 km for the sake of the Church of St. Luke. Previously, there was an unusually beautiful Greek temple with frescoes and mosaics, which was dilapidated during the Second World War. It still stands there - only it now sparkles with whiteness and gold in the best traditions of Orthodoxy. Caring hands restored it, painting over all the beauty and memory of the past. Now inside is a soulless white space with cardboard letters reading “Christ is Risen” and cheap icons.

Landscape in the vicinity of Bakhchisaray - view from the cave city of Chufut-Kale.


  • caves (Marble, Zmeinaya, Krasnaya);
  • cliffs and rocks (above Kalinovaya Balka, Tash-Dzhargan tract);
  • ancient site of Scythian Naples;
  • Kessler's estate.

Watch this amazing video of Crimean caves:


The next city on our route around Crimea is Evpatoria. There are many religious shrines here - mosques, temples, tekies: the Duma-Jami mosque, Tekie dervishes, the temple of St. Elijah, Karaite kenas and so on. In addition, the city has many museums and monuments. What else to see? Turkish baths, kariz (ancient water supply) and the Old City in general.

In the vicinity of Yevpatoria there are several salt lakes where you can improve your health with the help of healing mud and mineralized water: lakes Moinaki, Donuzlav, Dzharylgach and Yarylgach.

One of the most impressive places on our big trip across Crimea is Cape Tarkhankut, the westernmost point of the peninsula. It is better to stay in the small village of Olenevka on the coast - from there it is convenient to get to the nearest attractions by bike, car or bicycle.

Tarkhankut is famous for the picturesque Dzhangul landslide coast in the northeast and Atlesh (Big and Small Atlesh, Cup of Love, lighthouse in the village of Mayak) in the southeast. The Miami beach in Olenevka is sandy, and the sea is crystal clear, coral reefs are visible from the cliffs, so divers and windsurfers hang out here. Such popular Soviet films as “Pirates of the 20th Century” and “Amphibian Man” were filmed on Tarkhankut.

Personal experience. We looked at everything there is in the surrounding area. Be careful on Dzhangul! Do not drive your car close to the edge, the bank may collapse.

The steep coast of Tarkhankut - view from the sea during a boat trip.
A dry cargo ship that ran aground near the coast, Tarkhankut.

Belogorsk - white mountain and lions

This is where our journey through Crimea ends - on the way to the Kerch Bridge we will stop in small Belogorsk. What's so special about it? Nearby there is a picturesque white mountain - the Ak-Kaya rock, where the Soviet film "The Headless Horseman" was filmed. In addition, the area is interesting for the Kok-Asan gorge with the Chermisovsky cascade of waterfalls, which form “baths” with emerald water. The tourist route passing through the Kok-Asan canyon is extremely picturesque - we highly recommend it!

Every person periodically experiences an urgent need for new experiences, a change of scenery and relaxation. It is important to listen to this desire. However, you don’t always want to radically change everything around you: climate, cuisine, people, or spend time adapting. Especially when it comes to vacationing with children. It is also not always convenient to trust your vacation to travel agencies. What to do in this case?

The ideal option would be a holiday in Crimea, organized independently. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Let's figure out how to go to Crimea on our own.

Travel plan

First of all, you need to collect as much information as possible about where you want to go. There are only five large cities in Crimea, and each of them is interesting in its own way. Decide what kind of independent holiday in Crimea you prefer: beach and relaxed or active, with hiking and sightseeing. The more detailed you describe your future independent Crimean trip, the easier it will be to plan your route and create an entertainment program.

Secondly, you need to decide on the duration of your independent trip to Crimea. How long will your entire vacation take? How much time would you like to spend actively, and how much relaxing? How to relax in Crimea? Be sure to study the main attractions, excursion programs and trips that are offered, compare prices, and read reviews. Make a preliminary plan for your trip to Crimea yourself.

Thirdly, you need to calculate your travel budget. To do this, you need to study the prices of tickets, accommodation, find out how much is spent on food, how much entertainment costs, how much you want to spend on gifts and souvenirs. The most convenient way to plan costs is as follows. Allocate a separate amount for tickets and housing. Decide in advance what kind of excursions you want and set aside money for them. Find out how much you are willing to spend on souvenirs. The money left over for food, travel and inexpensive entertainment is best divided by the number of vacation days. This way you will get a daily limit that you need to meet. It is very important to keep track of expenses while traveling independently in Crimea; this will help control expenses.

Fourthly, you need to book tickets and rent accommodation in Crimea yourself. Collect all necessary documents and take care of insurance.

The planning stage for an independent trip to Crimea can take quite a lot of time. There is no need to be afraid of this. The magic is that the more time you devote to preliminary preparation, careful collection of information, analysis, calculations, selection of optimal accommodation, the most interesting places and programs, the better you can organize everything, the easier and more enjoyable your vacation will be.

When is the best time to go?

Fans of Crimea, of course, claim that it is wonderful here at any time of the year. The choice of season depends on the purpose of the savage’s trip.

If you are interested in exploring natural attractions, admiring waterfalls, lush, fresh greenery, and walking a lot, then April and May are recommended. At this time, Crimea and travel are especially good, the rivers are deep, it is not hot and there are not many vacationers.

If an independent trip to Crimea aims to sunbathe and swim, of course, you need to go in the summer. The sea is warm here from May to October, the season begins in June, the most popular time is from mid-July to the end of August. At this time there are especially many tourists here, there is intense heat, fruits are ripe and prices for everything rise significantly.

If you want to swim and see the sights, but not crowd on the beaches and not overpay for everything, then you should go here in the fall, starting in mid-September. It’s not so hot anymore, people are starting to leave, prices are falling, but the water in the sea is still warm and comfortable for swimming. We can say that September is the ideal time to make an independent trip to Crimea, as the reviews indicate.

A few words about winter. Winter recreation has never been Crimea's strong point, although there is snow in the mountains. You can go skiing or snowboarding in Ai-Petri; there is all the necessary infrastructure: slopes and lifts, equipment rental, cafes, shops, guest houses. You can take an instructor. There are trails near the Marble Cave and on the Angarsk Pass. Yalta is considered the center of winter tourism in Crimea.


The fastest way to get to Crimea is by plane. A large airport is located in Simferopol; it is here that the main Russian airlines operate flights. There are direct flights not only from Moscow and St. Petersburg; it is also easy to fly from the regions: Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Perm and other cities.

Independent travelers to Crimea with experience assure that an airplane is not only the fastest way to get to Crimea, but also the cheapest.

It is most convenient to purchase air tickets through the service for several reasons:

Also in favor of the service is the ability to choose an airline, departure and arrival times, and the ability to see in advance how long the journey will take when choosing one or another option. Buying tickets is very easy using a bank card.

Calendar of low prices for air tickets

Check airfare prices:

How to get there by car

The option of traveling independently to Crimea in a personal car is considered one of the most inconvenient, this is due to the problems that arise at the Kerch crossing. Therefore, motorists often leave their cars before the crossing and continue on by bus or ferry. There may also be difficulties crossing the border.

The most popular way to go to Crimea today is through the Krasnodar Territory to the ferry from the port "Caucasus" to the port "Crimea". A car can also be transported by ferry, paying from 1,700 rubles. You will have to wait quite a long time for your turn. The situation is a little easier at night and on weekdays. If you wish, you can drive a rented car if you live very far from Crimea, but cannot imagine your life without an iron horse. You can rent a suitable car. If you are traveling to Crimea on your own by car, remember that you may need to pay for parking.

How does a ferry work?

You can find out in detail all the information related to the operation of the ferry, the cost of travel and the purchase of tickets on the official website gosparom.ru

Let's list the main things you need to know. Ferries operate 24 hours a day, departing once every hour. The journey takes 40 minutes.

Children under six years of age have free travel. A ticket for a child under 12 years old costs 80 rubles, for an adult 150 rubles. The free baggage limit is 25 kg, everything carried in excess costs 10 rubles per kilogram.

You can purchase an electronic ticket in advance on the website indicated above. You must print out your ticket for independent travel to Crimea.


There are many accommodation options in Crimea. The search method includes only two options: on the spot or in advance via the Internet.

In Crimea, the method of independently searching for housing on the spot involves a certain risk. Despite the fact that there are many offers, whether in season or out of season, there is a chance that from mid-July to the end of August you will not find what you want. Of course, they won’t leave you completely on the street, but the location may be inconvenient, the conditions not very comfortable, and the cost high. Therefore, it is better to address the issue in advance.

The rental price depends not only on the season, but also on the city. For example, living in Yalta is more expensive, in Alushta it is cheaper. You can rent inexpensive housing in Feodosia and Sudak. Sevastopol is also considered an expensive city. Budget options include Bakhchisaray, villages in the suburbs of Yevpatoria, Koktebel, which is distinguished by the presence of a large number of good and inexpensive hotels.

Booking hotel rooms on RoomGuru

Find a cheap hotel from RoomGuru right now:

Renting a home on Airbnb

Airbnb is an excellent resource that, on the one hand, helps you save money because it offers options without intermediaries, and, on the other hand, guarantees reliability and safety. You will need to go through a registration procedure on the site. It is important to fill out your profile in detail and tell us about yourself; this increases the likelihood that the owners of the property you like will agree.

Here you can find not only standard hotels and hostels, but also interesting and unexpected options, like a castle. The site allows you to communicate directly with the hosts, find out all your questions and safely pay for your reservation. If you wish, you can offer your home for rent.

Airbnb is a really good way to find an inexpensive place to stay, save on intermediary fees, and make new, interesting friends. Read more about this service.

Required documents

Thanks to the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia, the conditions for entering its territory for citizens of the Russian Federation have become much simpler and more pleasant. A visa is not required for the trip; entry is possible with an internal Russian passport. You must bring your child's birth certificate with you.

The only exception is the road through the territory of Ukraine. For such entry you will need a foreign passport. If you are traveling around Crimea with a child without a second parent, then you will need to obtain a notarized consent to take the minor abroad and, of course, a foreign passport must also be issued for the child.

Main attractions

There are a lot of interesting places here, it makes no sense to list them all, so we will focus only on the most popular ones.

The symbol of Crimea can be called the Swallow's Nest castle. It is located on a steep cliff, beautifully hanging over the sea, and looks especially romantic against the background of the sunset.

Famous are the Livadia Palace and the Messandrovsky Palace. These are imperial residences. In Alupka there is another symbol of the peninsula - the Vorontsov Palace, surrounded by a magnificent park. The Nikitsky Botanical Garden is famous for its unique collection of rare plants; the pride of the garden is its rose garden.

These were the main attractions of the South Bank. What to see on the West Coast?

The main attraction here is the hero city of Sevastopol, which houses the famous monument to sunken ships. Not far from the hero city are the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Tauride Chersonesos. This monument is included in the UNESCO list. In Yevpatoria you can visit the medieval dervish monastery.

Ruins of the ancient Greek city of Chersonesos Tauride

The east coast is famous primarily for its beaches. The city of Sudak with its ancient Genoese fortress is interesting here. The neighboring New World offers a visit to the Golitsyn house-museum; during the excursion there is always a tasting of champagne wines. In Kerch you can visit the ancient Turkish fortress Yeni-Kale. In Koktebel there is the main natural attraction of Crimea - the ancient extinct volcano Kara-Dag. Here you can also admire another symbol of the peninsula - the “Golden Gate”, an amazing rock of an unusual shape, which turns golden in the rays of the sun.

Genoese fortress in Sudak

The Crimean mountains are also magnificent. It’s worth going to the Marble Caves, climbing Mount Ai-Petri, enjoying the cable car ride to the observation deck, and admiring the Crimean waterfalls. Dzhur-Dzhur is considered the most beautiful and powerful waterfall in Crimea; streams of water flow from a height of one hundred meters. Also in the mountainous part is the famous Bakhchisaray with the Khan’s palace and the “Fountain of Tears”.

There are also many exciting places for children in Crimea. Not far from Yalta you can visit a private zoo; there is also a wonderful town called “Glade of Fairy Tales”, which is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Almost every resort town in Crimea has a water park or amusement park. There are several dolphinariums on the peninsula; the largest in Europe is located in Cossack Bay in the city of Sevastopol.

You can purchase inexpensive and interesting excursions on the website.

Approximate cost of travel

Let's take a calculator and estimate how much an independent trip to Crimea will cost for one person living in Moscow. Let’s assume that it was decided to vacation in Crimea from June 13 to June 26, 2016, and Yalta was chosen for the vacation.

A direct flight from Moscow to Simferopol and back will cost 10,673 rubles. Next you still need to get to Yalta. There is a direct trolleybus on this route; a ticket costs 98 rubles. You can take the bus and get there for 110 rubles. The total cost of travel will be about 11 thousand rubles.

We choose housing. The most inexpensive option is a place in a hostel dormitory room with a bunk bed. For twelve nights such housing will cost 5,280 rubles. Guest house with a place in a superior four-bed room – 16,200 rubles. The simplest hotel with a double room in economy class – from 18,000 rubles.

On the Airbnb website they offer accommodation in a separate room in an apartment from 628 rubles per day. For twelve days – 7536 rubles. Total accommodation, depending on the degree of comfort, can cost from 5,280 to 18,000 rubles and more. Consequently, travel and accommodation will require from 19,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Eating in Crimea depends on whether you eat in cafes and restaurants or make do with more modest options. In a cafe, a salad costs from 50 rubles, a shish kebab from 200 rubles, a cocktail from 130 rubles. Fruits from 100 rubles per kilogram, seafood from 80 rubles per serving. There are many grocery stores where you can shop there and cook your own food. Therefore, you need to budget at least 1000 rubles per day for food and travel on local transport. Total 12,000 rubles for the entire vacation in Crimea.

Excursions from 700 rubles; additional entrance tickets can be added to the cost.

Gifts and souvenirs. A box of local chocolates costs from 190 rubles, wine from the Inkerman plant costs from 120 rubles per bottle. They bring teas and herbal infusions, dried fruits, shell souvenirs, cosmetics, and fish from Crimea. How much to spend on gifts? It is difficult to answer this question, some people carry a lot with them, others choose to leave light.

It turns out that the approximate costs will be from 39,000 rubles per person. Is this a budget trip? In 2017, independent holidays in Crimea will only become more expensive.

How to save money

The advantage of traveling to Crimea on your own is that you control the cost of the trip yourself. How to relax on a budget? Here are the main directions for cost optimization.

  • You should not go during high season (July and August). Prices at this time are significantly, but unreasonably, inflated. A trip in early June or September will give you no less pleasure, but will cost less than an independent holiday in Crimea from mid-July to the end of August. The most pleasant and budget-friendly holidays are those in May and October.
  • You can reduce the cost of air tickets if you choose not a direct flight, but fly with a transfer. The difference in cost for one ticket can reach up to ten thousand, depending on the city of departure and the date of travel. It is also convenient to use the low price calendar on the service to select the optimal cost; it makes sense to subscribe to the route and wait for a promotion from the airline.
  • Oddly enough, keeping track of expenses during your trip and clearly planning a budget in itself reduces costs, even if you do not set yourself the goal of saving money.
  • When planning a trip to Crimea, check out the experiences of other tourists, read on forums about the places where you plan to go. People generously share information about interesting but inexpensive shops and cafes. As a rule, such establishments are located away from popular tourist trails, so you need to find out about them in advance.
  • How to save money on housing in Crimea? It is better to rent housing not in Yalta or Sevastopol, but in Bakhchisarai, Koktebel or the suburbs of Evpatoria. The most budget-friendly ones are small resort villages. Use the website to select options.
  • Most excursion programs can be visited on your own using public transport. There are also closed excursions that can only be attended as part of a tourist group. But there are not many of them.

July 27, 2018 8:37 am Crimea, Kerch, Alushta, Yalta, Bakhchisarai, Sevastopol + 6 cities - Russia August 2017

In 2016, I hitchhiked around Crimea for the first time with two friends who agreed to include me in such travels. I instantly fell in love with Crimea! This year I already had certain ideas about this peninsula, and I quickly sketched out a route map. It was decided to travel freestyle, so accommodation was booked only for the first two days. What follows is complete impromptu.


When to go to Crimea

May is the rainy season in Crimea. It was scorching hot in the middle of summer. Near the sea it’s still tolerable, but in the cities it’s just an oven. Yandex's forecast stated that The end of August and the beginning of September is the ideal time to travel. Now it’s clear that we can safely go in mid-September. Fruits and vegetables are cheaper, there are fewer people, and housing prices are lower.


How to get to Crimea

Since Anya was in Anapa at that time, I drove by train before her, then we jumped into bus to the port of Kavkaz, and to ferry crossing headed to Kerch. My transfer to Crimea was very inconvenient, as I had to leave straight from my sister’s wedding, at which I was a witness (though after a couple of hours I was already in trekking boots and with a backpack). We decided to go back by direct train Anapa - Nizhny Novgorod, taking a break from the adventures and the night bus with a long route: Sevastopol - Anapa.

There: 1 day and 16 hours and6446 rubles (for two)

Train Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow 2060 rub. for one (reserved seat)
Train Moscow - Anapa 1d 3h 3246 rub. for one (reserved seat)
Bus Anapa - port Kavkaz 2h 420 rub. for two

Ferry port Kavkaz - port Crimea 300 rub. for two

Back: 2 days 8 hours10900.00 rubles . for two

Bus Sevastopol-Anapa 2100 for two

Train Anapa-Nizhny Novgorod exactly 2 days and 8800.00 rub. for two (compartment)

Sightseeing route around Crimea

We only had 9 days in Crimea(I don’t count Anapa) and a great desire to visit as many places as possible. As a result, we visited Kerch, Sudak, Novy Svet (village), Alushta, Yalta, Koreiz and Miskhor (villages), Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai, Balaklava (village) and Simferopol. Total 7 cities in 9 days stay. Initially we wanted to get to Cape Tarkhankut and Evpatoria, but Sevastopol captivated us, and we stayed there longer than planned. The entire route was about 1000 km.


The schedule is like this:

August 21 Anapa-Kerch; August 22 Sudak; August 23 Alushta; August 24 Yalta; August 25-26 Koreiz; August 27-29 Sevastopl; August 30-31 Anapa


  • 1. If you are an inquisitive traveler and want to expand your horizons, try to reduce your time in Anapa to a minimum. There is absolutely nothing to do there except beaching and sealing with cheap wine and barbecue.
  • 2. Minibuses constantly run between cities, but hitchhiking in Crimea is very good. Locals are used to tourists and stop for a ride without any problems. The main thing is for both parties to immediately understand that hitchhiking is voluntary and free.
  • 3. In the low season, you can negotiate with local residents on a budget; they drive more carefully, are pleasant to talk to, and can tell you a lot of interesting things about the surrounding area.
  • 4. In the Crimean cities themselves there is nothing special to do, except for a walk along the embankments and some ancient street leading to the ruins. The service and amenities here do not correspond to the prices at all. I recommend spending as much time as possible on natural attractions: mountains, capes, waterfalls, canyons, caves, etc. The nature of Crimea is surprisingly diverse.


Sights of Crimea

Visited Kerchim Adzhimushkay quarries. This place is a must visit. You will be taken through dark caves and told the unique story of the siege and rescue of the Crimeans during the war. We got a magnificent storyteller who, with his voice, immersed us in the era and conditions of what was happening here.

In the New World we passed Golitsyn trail, visited its incredible, stunning size grotto, then climbed the mountain to the top Karaul-Oba and went to Veselovskaya Bay.

In Alushta, the main discovery was the fish restaurant “Barabulya-Bar” not far from the embankment. There's fried fish for every taste and color! Any portion, assorted, very tasty and very inexpensive.

After walking around Yalta, we went to Koreiz, from where we climbed the cable car to Ai-Petri- a peak with a height of 1234 meters. This attraction cannot be missed. But from Ai-Petri we descended on foot along Taraktash trail. The road is difficult in places, but any average person can handle it in 2-3 hours. There you will see a unique forest, your lungs will be filled with the aroma of pine needles, the Taraktashsky ridge will appear before you, you will meet a source with the purest water and enjoy unforgettable views of Yalta from a bird's eye view! From Koreiz, through Miskhor Park, you can walk to the “Rusalka” beach with a statue of the little mermaid standing in the water.

Arriving in Sevastopol, the first thing we did was rush to Cape Fiolent. Perhaps this is my favorite place in Crimea. Fiolent offers an incredible view of the Black Sea! And after going down the steps to Jasper Beach, the blue transparent Black Sea waters will be waiting for you right under the rock. After Fiolent we immediately rushed to Balaklava Bay. The balaclava itself looks like a toy model of some European seaport. The bay juts deep into the mainland so that it is almost invisible from the sea, and therefore a secret military submarine base was previously located here. Now this base is a military-historical museum, and excursions are held here for tourists right under the thickness of the mountain mass. From Sevastopol we made a foray to Bakhchisarai and visited a large cave city Chufut-Kale on top of a mountain with a breathtaking view. And of course, you definitely need to visit 35 coastal battery(by the way, completely free)

There are so many interesting places in Crimea that it would be impossible to visit in a few years) Here I write only about those that we managed to visit during this trip.

How much does housing cost in Crimea?

Since the annexation of Crimea to Russia, huge streams of tourists have poured there! The Crimeans came to their senses and foolishly began to build housing for rent. From huge luxury hotels to cozy guest houses and hastily cobbled together apartment hotels with beautiful facades and sparse interiors. There is housing there for every budget.

If you book well in advance, you can snag a completely modern, comfortable room in a decent hotel with everything you need for 2500-3000 rubles or an apartment for 1500-2300. We chose accommodation on booking.com. The main criteria were proximity to the embankment, the presence of a washing machine, cleanliness of the room, air conditioning, balcony, wi-fi and a decent bathroom. We didn’t chase super beauty and service, since we only spent the night in the rooms and spent the whole day exploring the surrounding area. The cheapest room cost us a ridiculous 500 rubles (an apartment building rented out as apartments in Koreiz), and the most expensive one cost 3,000 rubles. In just 9 days we spent on housing 16,900 rubles for two.

Here is a list and brief comments about our accommodation in Crimea (there are more places here, as I am writing information for two trips):


Villa Svetlana— 2700 per night. A very decent, clean, tidy hotel with polite staff and comfortable rooms across the street from the embankment. 5 minutes walk to the center. There is a cafe here with good food. We liked it very much and will stay there again.

Monika- a small guest house with small rooms for 2000 per night. Everything works properly, the bathroom is good, air conditioning, TV, a shared kitchen, a very nice hostess and a dog, after which the guest house is named)

Zander: Estet Hotel- a very pleasant hotel, with cozy balconies, barbecue areas, interesting interior and large rooms 10 minutes from the embankment. There are grocery stores and fruit stalls nearby. The room cost 2500.

Alushta : Wine Hotel Taster— we noticed this hotel in the form of a stone castle when we passed by. And it turned out that this is where we stayed for the night. The hotel is new, everything is fresh, very modern and beautiful interior, located on the red line, on the ground floor there is a huge wine store from the hotel, and the hotel key fob gives a discount in some establishments and shops. I really liked it, a solid five. We paid 3,000 rubles for this wonderful room.

Koreiz : Guest House U Fedorovicha— in Koreiz everything was sold out for a long time in advance. And many hotels did not want to rent out rooms for one night. I had to run around the neighborhood, go into hotels and ask about availability of housing. That’s how I came across this apartment building, the façade of which was clumsily decorated with stucco, and behind it were hidden modest rooms, lined with slats inside) There was nothing to do and I agreed to look at the room. He was modest, but clean. The air conditioning and Wi-Fi worked properly, the bathroom was fine. We decided to move in. It turned out that this room cost only 500 rubles per day!!! This is luck)


Guest House "Rakhil"— it was the most comfortable guest house I have ever encountered. A well-kept courtyard with a dining area, a beautiful mosaic and a fountain, clean rooms with excellent furnishings. The owners are simply wonderful! Before we had time to leave the room for a smoke break, they fed us, gave us wine, told us about the sights and generally gave us a cool, friendly atmosphere! You need to book here in advance, since the house and owners are famous far beyond Russia, and everything is always busy. The room here cost 2,700 rubles, but consider that this included meals))

Apartment Central Senyavina 5— it was a jackpot! In the heart of Art Bay there are huge apartments with a kitchen and washing machine. A big bed, TV, Wi-Fi, everything) Just like home. You can stay here for at least a week, and the longer the stay, the lower the price. Next time we moved straight here, and will come again. These hefty apartments in the center of all the action cost us 2,500 rubles per day. In a few days you can reduce it to 2000. The location is excellent for night festivities in the embankment area.

Apartment & Guest Rooms ART Bukhta— these apartments are located in the same building as the previous ones, which means right in the heart of Art Bay. These rooms are decorated with a great sense of humor: at the head of the bed there are huge portraits of stars))) Shakira, Kirkorov, Demi Moore, Pugacheva and the like))) The rooms are funny, but at the same time everything is very clean, everything works, comfortable bed, shared excellent kitchen , Wi-Fi. Here prices are constantly changing, sometimes 2000 rubles per day, sometimes 3000 rubles. The location is simply ideal for evening walks along the embankment.

Prices are for summer 2017. Unfortunately, they are constantly growing in Crimea, and not only for housing. Many businesses have been bought by Muscovites and prices are often inflated completely unjustifiably. Service in Crimea is also a bit difficult. New tourists poured in, but the old principles remained. But we didn’t care about service and beauty, because all day we were God knows where, just not at home)


  • 1. Renting an apartment without booking is cheaper, as the owner does not pay a commission. That is, you can simply call any guesthouse or apartment and rent a place cheaper. Many hotels have their own websites, and prices may be lower there. However booking.com guarantees a room reservation and you will definitely 100% not find yourself in a force majeure situation. But the owners can resell the room without warning.
  • 2. Don’t worry about the furnishings of your room. If you plan to walk and watch a lot, then you will only come to your room to sleep and wash. Therefore, choose a room with a clean bed and proper plumbing, and not with a beautiful chandelier and a painting above the bed. This will allow you to save on housing and spend more on entertainment and excursions.

Transport in Crimea

Intercity: Minibuses go anywhere! Between major cities, the distance to which is less than 100 km, transport runs several times a day. If the distance to the desired city is greater, go to the bus station and look for the schedule of those 3-4 flights per day that suit you. Be sure to take a ride on the Simferopol - Yalta trolleybus! This is probably the longest trolleybus route in the world) And it costs a penny.

Urban: City transport in Crimea works perfectly. In large cities like Sevastopol, even around the clock. We traveled by buses and trolleybuses only over long distances. We mostly walked, looking at the ancient streets mixed with modern buildings.

Taxi: Many taxi calling apps have reached Crimea. No problem with that. You can even travel at a reasonable price in official taxis between nearby cities. However, at all stations you will be hunted by local taxi drivers, most often Crimean Tatars. Among them there are often boorish men who overcharge the price, and if they refuse, they can even swear at you. But there are also simple local peasants who can travel inexpensively over relatively long distances, since there is almost no work in Crimea. In the off-season, private owners will ask for little, as there is almost no demand. As elsewhere, the closer to the center, the higher the prices. Bargain)


  • If you are planning to visit a country attraction, Google information about prices for the trip you are interested in from official taxis and read data kindly provided by past travelers. Go out to the taxi drivers and say: “I’ll go for that much and that’s it!” The probability that taxi drivers will agree is 90%!


Food prices in Crimea

As with any trip, there are two food options in Crimea: cook yourself or eat in a cafe. In the first case, choose housing near markets. There are a great many markets in Crimea, their prices are low, and the products are fresh!

If you like the second option, look for a cafe on https://www.tripadvisor.ru/, based on reviews from tourists and your preferences.

Together you can eat for 1000 rubles or 3000, depending on the level of the cafe and the size of the city in which you are staying.

In Kerch we were delighted with the cafe Bon Appetit on the pedestrian street pl. Lenin. Cozy interior, excellent service, rich menu and average price tag. We came here twice and were very pleased.

In the New World right on the shore, a two-level cafe with snow-white columns and a gazebo-like vault(I don't remember the name). I don't like chebureks, but here they are simply fantastic! I will remember this huge cheburek with the most tender dough and juicy meat for the rest of my life)

In Alushta, be sure to visit Barabulya Bar on the street Lenin 3! This is a real fish paradise and an iconic place in the city. Interesting interior with a marine theme and a variety of types of fried fish with beer. By the way, there is one in Yalta too) There are always a lot of locals here.

There are many beautiful restaurants on the embankment in Yalta, but appearances were often deceiving. We chose the Restaurant "Lighthouse (Fish & More). Rich menu, fresh fish, lots of desserts, average prices, good service and located right on the waterfront.

One of the places that captivated our stomachs was the cafe Caramel! It had the most delicious grilled fish, the largest portions, the largest menu (a whole book), very nice staff, and low prices. It is located at the end of Miskhorsky Park, in a group of other cafes. We ate here every chance we got. This place is simply a gastronomic paradise! (can't remember the name) with an incredible selection of craft beers from all over the world! For craft lovers, this is a real haven!

For lovers of strong alcohol and haute cuisine there is bar door at the end of Art Bay. We were amazed by the interior, excellent service, relaxed atmosphere and extensive food and alcohol menu. Top marks for quality!

You can also have a delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner at the bar Carcass on the street Odesskaya 29. It is very cozy, atmospheric, excellent service, rich menu, large portions and low prices. A great place for a group of friends at any time of the day!

In general, in Crimea there are still many canteens with good cuisine, low prices and a comfortable environment. So you can eat out, but on a very budget. Read reviews.

Tickets 17346 rubles
Housing 16,900 rubles
Daily expenses (food, travel, household needs, excursions, souvenirs) 46,700 rubles
Total: 81,000 rubles for two

Divide in half, it turns out: 40,500 rubles per person

Divide by 14 days, it turns out 2892 rubles per day including comfortable accommodation, food (we ate and drank like crazy), excursions and transfers. Not much considering the size of the route.


  • 1. It was possible to reduce the amount without compromising the rest. For example:
  • 2. If we chose housing costing up to 1,700 rubles per day, we would save about 3,300 rubles
  • 3. If we had traveled in a reserved seat, we would have saved another 2,200 rubles
  • 4. If you eat yourself and only have dinner in a cafe, you could save about another 6,000 rubles
  • That is, you could save 11,500 without breaking even a bit on vacation , and keep within 69,500 for two. This 34,750 rubles per person or 2482 rubles per day per person.

In general, you can’t beat the beauty in Crimea! Be sure to visit there!

August 2017


It was told how we drew up the route to Crimea, what we paid attention to and how we adjusted it. For a better understanding, we made a video. In the second part, let's get to the fun part. We will create a route around Crimea, as well as search for interesting places and attractions, which we will mark on the map and transfer to your smartphone.

Route around Crimea by car.

Let's get started. First, we’ll create a route through the cities of Crimea. The starting city is Kerch. We will include the entire nearby district up to the village of Primorsky. For visualization, we recommend creating a travel plan in Google Maps. To do this you need to create a map:
1. Go to the service "My cards" at this link ;
2. Click on the “create a new map” button and get into editor mode;
3. The world map has opened, we find and zoom in on the region of interest, for us it is Crimea;
4. In the left menu, click on the untitled layer and rename it “Kerch”;
5. In the same menu below, we change the display type of the base map to “satellite” - its advantage is that you can see trails and country roads suitable for driving by car:

6. Now it’s time to decide on the route around Crimea. First, it is made preliminary, after marking the points of interest, it is already brought into its final form:

7. You can sketch a route in several ways, as we showed with the example of adding routes. The purpose of the sketch is to determine the list of cities, the cities will be route points and layer headings, we have the following list:
7.1. Kerch;
7.2. Feodosia;
7.3. Ordzhonikidze;
7.4. Koktebel;
7.5. Sunny Valley;
7.6. Sudak, Meganom, New World;
7.7. Morskoye, Zelenogorye, Malorechenskoye;
7.8. Radiant, Alushta;
7.9. Cliff, Partenit, Gurzuf;
7.10. Nikita, Massandra, Yalta and up to Katsiveli - Big Yalta;
7.11. Foros;
7.12. Balaclava;
7.13. Sevastopol, Inkerman;
7.14. Bakhchisaray;
7.15. Simferopol;
7.16. Evpatoria;
7.17. Olenevka, Mezhvodnoye, Steregushchee;
7.18. Belogorsk is the final point, after which there is a crossing to Kerch.
The result is a route around Crimea, covering all the main resort towns; we show it using the example of the entire Crimea; by analogy, you will draw up your plan for the region to which you will go.

Route around Crimea. Search for attractions.

Next, we begin to search for attractions and mark them on the map. Let's show the example of the first point - the city of Kerch. Let’s start with the banal – enter the query “attractions of Kerch” into a search engine and look at the result. Immediately in the first line, attractions are shown in pictures, we write them down:
1. Mithridates - mountain;
2. Kerch Fortress;
3. Yenikalsky lighthouse;
4. Church of St. John the Baptist;
5. Yenikale – Turkish fortress;
6. Panticapaeum – an ancient settlement on Mount Mithridates;
7. Kerch Museum;
8. Tiritaka – ancient settlement;
9. Lapidarium.
We get acquainted with the descriptions of attractions and decide for ourselves which ones we would like to visit. For example, we don't like exhibitions and museums. But we like ancient settlements and fortresses, as well as natural beauty. Having weeded out the unnecessary, we begin to search for the coordinates of attractions. We enter “Mount Mithridates - Kerch coordinates” into the search engine, look at the results - as practice shows, a lot of the desired attractions with coordinates are on the wikimapia website, while continuing to plan a route around Crimea, you can search for coordinates directly on this site.
1. We copy the coordinates 45°21’2″N 36°28’10″E from it, enter it into the search bar on the map we are creating - they show us a point that we add to the Kerch layer:

2. Edit the point - choose a color, write a name, description, you can add a photo to understand what it is while traveling. You can add an icon from existing ones or upload your own:

3. It turned out that the city of Panticapaeum is located here, 2 items from the list in one place, this is what this item looks like after editing:

4. We follow the same principle with the following attractions, which is what happened after adding:

5. Next, we study websites, maps, traveler blogs, and search for “attractions in the vicinity of Kerch.” The longer you search, the more you will find little-known but worthwhile places that will be interesting to visit. For example, ancient cities were searched using this map:

After such a search, the following attractions of Kerch and the surrounding area were added:
1. Melek-Chesme mound;
2. Fort Totleben;
3. Nymphaeum settlement;
4. Ilurat settlement;
5. Mud volcanoes of Bulganak;
6. Opuksky Nature Reserve;
7. Crypt of Demeter;
8. Adzhimushkay quarries;
9. Settlement of Parthenii;
10. Settlement of Porfmiy;
11. Lake Chokrak;
12. Royal Kurgan;
13. Kazantip Nature Reserve;
14. Lake Tabechik;
15. Cape Chauda;
16. Unfinished nuclear power plant;
17. Arabat fortress;
18. Ancient settlement of Akra;
19. Elken-Kaya – rocks in the sea;
20. Mud volcano Jau Tepe.
In total there are 29 attractions. Believe me, this is not all. Kerch is famous for its underground passages and perhaps even its cities. Many mud volcanoes were not included in this list. Crimea is truly rich in attractions. Even the first point of the trip is enough to spend 2 weeks diligently exploring and enjoying the variety of famous places; the final route through Crimea is replete with icons, like a Christmas tree. There is a risk, especially with ancient cities, that it will not be possible to find them if their location was determined using a map from the Internet.

See the video below the article for a clear example of drawing up a plan and a bonus - places suitable for spending the night in a tent and with convenient access by car.
Following the example of Kerch, we are doing the same with other cities, we hope the algorithm for searching and creating a route is clear.

Route around Crimea. Route between attractions.

If you are traveling with a tent or by car, you should also find and mark the proposed places to spend the night. With a car it is more problematic; not everywhere there is access to the sea. If you spend the night in hostels, hotels, hotels, also mark them on the map to plan your route to attractions from them.
You can plan your route right away, but we do not recommend doing this. It is not known for certain where you will be able to spend the night. For ourselves, we chose the most correct option for us: make a plan in the evening, before the day of following the route, or directly in the morning. All this is done on a smartphone.

Route around Crimea. How to download tags from a map and transfer them to your phone

Now we need to download the tags, for this we do it as in the pictures:

Finding the file

Find this file in the downloads folder and transfer it to your smartphone. You can transfer to your phone in the following ways:
1. Via USB cable;
2. Send by email;
3. Bluetooth, in general, in any way, like a regular file or music.
Then you need to find this file on your phone and open it using the navigation application. For us it's Maps.me. We recommend it to everyone, it is free, does not require an Internet connection, there is information about springs, attractions, shops, etc. The main thing is to download maps of the places where you will go in advance. You can also create routes and drive along them by car.
This concludes the story about how we worked out the route around Crimea, a trip along which we made in May 2016. For a better understanding, do not forget to watch the video, everything is clearer there. Thank you for your attention, ask questions in the comments and share your thoughts and experiences!

Route around Crimea. Video:

Nowadays, traveling by car is especially popular and this is understandable:

  • No restrictions. You can go anywhere and change your route at any time.
  • Nice company.
  • Convenience in many senses of the word.

Crimea is gaining more and more popularity among resorts. Every year the number of tourists increases several times, and travel agencies have more and more offers.

There are several types of tourists - those who come to soak up the sun and swim in the sea and those who crave adventure and unforgettable emotions.

In this article we will look at the most popular route for traveling around Crimea by car, give advice and tell you about all the features.

New roads were built in 2017, so most motorists are happy with the new routes.
From Kerch to Feodosia you can take the E97 M17 route.

  • Approximate travel time: 1.5−2 hours.
  • Route length: 99 km.
  • Calculation of the cost of gasoline: 378−385 rubles per 100 km.
  • Features of the road: frequent accidents and traffic jams, the road itself is narrow.
  • Gas stations: 13 gas stations, the first one is a gas station at 2 km.

Scenic route from Feodosia to Yalta

In order not to languish in traffic jams, you need to plan your route in advance and leave either early in the morning or at night.

Despite the traffic jams, the route is new and renovated.


24-hour parking:

  • st. 3rd International, 96;
  • Chernomorskaya embankment, 1b

The distance from Kerch to Feodosia is only 100 km, which is about an hour and a half.
Feodosia is one of the most popular resort towns.

Several historical quarters and museums have been preserved in the city center. For example, . Yes, the same writer who wrote “Scarlet Sails”.

Unfortunately, not many monuments have survived in the city itself. During the war, a lot was destroyed, so we recommend taking a walk around the city center and enjoying what survived.

The city is very popular for its beaches, there are many of them, but the most popular of them are:

  1. Children's beach. The first city beach to receive this name because of its shallow waters. The increase in depth is long and smooth.
  2. Pearl Beach. Popular for its fine golden sand, wide coastline and free entry.
  3. . There are umbrellas and sun loungers, the color of the sand is golden yellow, and the depth increases smoothly.

Feodosia is ideal for those who want to swim.

From Feodosia to Sudak can be reached via the P29 highway.
  • Approximate travel time: 50−60 minutes.
  • Route length: 53 km.
  • Calculation of the cost of gasoline: 128−130 rubles.
  • Features of the road: new highway, there are small bad sections, in general the drivers are happy.
  • Gas stations: 6 gas stations, the first is a gas station at 2 km.


24-hour parking:

  • Consulskaya street, 10;
  • Lenin street, 85A.

Those who want to visit many cultural places and have fun will really enjoy it.

Among the entertainments we can note aquapark, which is located on the street. Gagarina, 79.

The water park has a large area, many slides and pools, as well as restaurants.

Cost fluctuates from 800 to 1,400 rubles per person, depending on age and time of visit. On your birthday - free of charge, upon presentation of your passport or birth certificate.

Read also our review:— where they are, how to get there, cost of visiting, reviews.

Built on Mount Krepostnaya Genoese fortress. It is one of the key attractions of the city.

Genoese fortress

The building has been partially preserved to this day, however, much has been preserved and various programs for tourists are held here.

Those who love architecture and churches should definitely visit 4 places:

  1. Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is notable for the fact that its history began in 1918. The church was visited by such historical figures as Empress Maria Alexandrovna and Nicholas II.
    Address: Lenin street, 27.
  2. Lutheran Church. It is notable for being an example of German culture. The church was built by German colonists, at the invitation of Catherine II. There are several monuments located near the building. Address: Uyutnoye village, st. Primorskaya, 13
  3. Cave monastery. It was built in the 8th century BC by Byzantine monks. Now it looks like cave cells with the remains of steps, windows, and benches. Address: located 4 km from Sudak on the Sudak-road.
  4. Temple of St. Elijah. The oldest temple of all existing on the Crimean peninsula. Built between the 9th and 11th centuries. Address: Solnechnaya Dolina, st. Chernomorskaya, 2.

Drink connoisseurs will be interested in visiting winery. The cost of the excursion with tasting is 300 rubles, and without tasting - 100 rubles. Located at: Solnechnaya Dolina village, st. Chernomorskaya, 23.

From Sudak to Yalta You can get there on the P29 highway.

Approximate travel time: 2−2.5 hours.

Route length: 125 km.

Gasoline cost calculation: 288−300 rubles.

Features of the road: The quality of the coating is good, there are no holes.

Refills: the first one in 34 km! It is important to take into account the fact that there are practically no gas stations, so you need to take care of gasoline in advance. There are 9 refills in total.


24-hour parking: st. Bluchera, 28.

The city of Yalta is popular for many Soviet films and books and is not without reason a city with a very rich cultural heritage.

Most popular places:

  • House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov
  • . You will definitely recognize this place right away, because so many famous films were filmed here. The castle is made in the style of a medieval castle. There are only two analogues of this place in the world.

Massandra Palace in Yalta

  • Castle of Emperor Alexander III. During the Soviet era, the palace served as a summer residence and for many other important government functions.
  • Palace of the Emir of Bukhara.
  • Armenian Church.

From Yalta to Sevastopol can be reached by highway H19. Approximate travel time: 80−120 minutes.
Route length: 82 km.

Gasoline cost calculation: 452 rubles.

Features of the road: Based on the latest reviews from drivers, the quality of the road is not very good, there are some bumps and repairs have not yet been completed.


24-hour parking:

  • Stepanenko street, 4
  • 2 Oborony street, 116

The city is famous for its abundance of interesting places for both entertainment and excursions.

Let's look at the top 5 interesting places in Sevastopol:

Important! There is a gang operating in the city that opens cars, so lock the doors with a mechanical key.
You can get from Sevastopol to Kerch along the P23 and E97/M17 highways.

Kerch beach

Most frequently visited attractions:
  1. Royal mound. A monument of ancient architecture of the second half of the fourth century BC.
  2. Crypt of Demeter. Funeral crypt of the ancient Panticapaeum. The frescoes have been preserved.
  3. Church of John the Baptist. Church of the 10th century. Monument of Byzantine architecture.

Every tourist can find a town to their liking, it all depends on preferences.

The main thing is not to forget about the simplest safety rules and plan your route in advance.

Watch a video journey along the roads of Crimea: