What attractions are there in Washington? Washington city: attractions, photos, personal impressions of the US capital. National Gallery of Art

Washington city(not to be confused with the state of the same name) is the capital of the United States of America and a city very rich in attractions. The official founding date of the District of Columbia is 1790, and the city of Washington is 1791. Most of the city’s attractions will seem familiar to tourists from Hollywood films, but when seen in real life they leave unforgettable impressions.

Top attractions in Washington DC

Washington, as the capital of the United States, has an incredible number of attractions of national importance. The District of Columbia is home to such world-famous architectural monuments as White House, Capitol, Washington Monument,

as well as an incredible number of unique museums. I offer you a description of the main attractions of the city of Washington and their photos with names below.

DC architecture Washington is very rich in architectural attractions

, 6 architectural monuments of the city are among the ten best buildings in the United States. The fact is that Washington was originally built as the capital of the United States and therefore was planned and built by the best architects. The White house

- of course, the main attraction of Washington and also the residence of the US President. The first White House building, built back in 1800 by the architect James Hoban with the assistance of George Washington, was burned by the British in 1812, but was almost immediately reconstructed and has survived in this form to this day. Tourists have the opportunity to visit two of the six floors and see the Green, Blue and Red Rooms, as well as the personal belongings of the presidents who lived here. Capitol

- the second most important landmark in the United States after the White House. The Senate and Congress building complex was built in 1800, but in 1958, due to an increase in personnel, the Senate building was completed. However, the new building harmoniously integrated into the overall architectural composition. Cathedral.

Among the main architectural monuments one should also name:

  • Pentagon;
  • Georgetown University;
  • Library of Congress;
  • Jefferson Memorial;
  • Lincoln Memorial;
  • Washington Monument.

It is difficult to list all the architectural sights of Washington, there are a lot of them. Architectural monuments are made in Romanesque, Gothic, Victorian and modern styles and amaze the imagination with their diversity.


The main museums in Washington are, of course, the museums of the Smithsonian Institution, which includes 19 museums and galleries, 11 of which are located on the National Mall. It must be said that many museums in Washington have been awarded the status of National Museums. Among the most educational museums in the city, tourists should visit the following places:

National Air and Space Museum- one of the Smithsonian museums. The museum displays a simply stunning number of aircraft, ranging from kites to spaceships.

A museum that tells the history of the United States, from the Revolutionary War to modern history, through more than 3 million exhibits.

National Museum of Natural History is another of the Smithsonian museums and the most visited natural history museum in the world. With a collection of more than 126 million artifacts, the museum will introduce you to plants, animals, gems, meteorites, fossils and other unique wonders of nature.

There are a very large number of museums in Washington, and if you have time to visit them, be sure to also check out museums such as:

  • Washington City Museum;
  • spy museum;
  • National Gallery of Art;
  • Museum of Women in the Arts;
  • Newseum;
  • Hirshhorn Museum;
  • National Children's Museum;
  • Hillwood Museum.

In these places you will get to know the history of the United States and its capital, Washington.

Washington Monuments and Memorials

Americans are examples of patriotism and love for the history of their country, and this, of course, could not but be reflected in the number of monuments and memorials in the very heart of the USA - the city of Washington. The main monuments of the District of Columbia are as follows:

Washington Monument- a majestic obelisk erected on the territory of the National Mall in honor of the first President of the United States. Surprisingly, despite the general desire to build the monument, squabbles and political intrigues extended the construction for almost ninety years: from 1797 to 1885.

- a monument to one of the most famous and revered presidents in the United States, opened in 1922. The sixteenth President of the United States abolished slavery after a bloody Civil War.

Jefferson Memorial- a monument to the Founding Father and third President of the United States. Built in 1943, the statue of Thomas Jefferson was originally made of plaster but was cast in bronze after World War II. Japanese cherry blossoms grow around the memorial, so be sure to visit in spring.

National World War II Veterans Memorial. This memorial is located between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial and serves as a tribute to the more than 400 thousand Americans who died during World War II. The bas-reliefs of the memorial tell about the key events of the theaters of war and the rear.

Among other equally worthy monuments to outstanding Americans, mention should be made of the following:

  • Ulysses Grant Memorial;
  • Franklin Memorial;
  • monument to Albert Einstein;
  • monument to Martin Luther King.

Washington Parks

Despite the large number of architectural structures, the creators of Washington allocated enough space for parks and alleys. More information about the parks of this amazing city:

National Mall- perhaps the most famous park in Washington. The park area is located in the very center of the city on an area of ​​400 hectares and is surrounded by museums, memorials and galleries.

Presidential Park located around the White House on an area of ​​33 hectares and includes two more parks, Lafayette and Ellipse.

Lafayette Square. In the past, the site was home to construction materials for the White House, a racetrack, and even a slave market. In 1824, the park was named after the Marquis de Lafayette, the French hero of three revolutions: the American, French and July. Today this park is a favorite place for tourists, as it offers the best view of the white house.

Ellipse- open space south of the White House. Although formally the park is considered part of the presidential park, all visitors perceive it as a separate landscape object.

Also, a tourist planning to visit Washington parks should pay attention to Botanical Garden, which is located on the territory of the National Mall. The botanical garden includes the National Garden, the Orangery and the Bartholdi Park. Of particular interest to tourists will be the greenhouse, which displays many unusual plants, such as Amorphophallus titanica, one of the pride of the greenhouse.

What to see in Washington in 1 day

There are a lot of attractions in Washington DC, and if you only have one day to visit this city, the route should be as eventful as possible. To see all the main attractions, you should plan a route along the National Mall.

  • Your starting point will be Lincoln Memorial.
  • Near the Lincoln Memorial you can also see memorials to veterans of the Vietnam and Korean Wars.
  • Next follow the pool to World War II memorial.
  • After visiting the memorial, go to George Washington Monument.
  • The next stop on the National Mall route is Capitol Hill and the US Congress building.
  • Following along the National Mall, you can also visit a number of interesting museums, such as natural history museum or air and space museum.
  • After exploring the National Mall, walk along Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House, where you can see the main symbol of America.

If you still have time after the route, be sure to visit one of the restaurants in the city or CityCentre shopping center.

What to see in Washington with children

The US capital provides entertainment not only for adult tourists, but also for their children. The main attractions for a walk with children, besides, of course, attractions that are interesting for all ages and generations.

Spy Museum

Smithsonian Zoo

National Children's Museum

Also located near the city Six Flags amusement park, where your child can ride a real roller coaster.

A video showing the most beautiful places in Washington. After admiring them, you will definitely want to mark this city! It's worth seeing.

There are quite a lot of cafes and restaurants around the National Mall where tourists can have a bite to eat before continuing to explore the sights. For example, I really liked Pi Pizzeria. What are your favorite restaurants in Washington?

The city of Washington is the capital of one of the most powerful world powers, the center of American democracy and a symbolic city for every resident of the United States. All the country's power structures are located in Washington: Congress, the Pentagon, the IMF, the World Bank, and the Presidential Administration.

This city is interesting for tourists because here you can learn a lot about the history of the United States and understand what the “American spirit” is. Numerous museums display the best achievements of culture, monuments to the first presidents adorn wide avenues, and the majestic Capitol building soars above the city as a symbol of democracy and freedom.

Washington captivates with its severity and solemnity. Crowds of people, crazy traffic and round-the-clock non-stop traffic - all this remains in . Washington has its own special charm.

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What to see and where to go in Washington?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

It looks like a rather modest white building that houses the US Presidential Administration. The mansion was built in 1800 under the second American President John Adams. The building consists of six floors (including basement and basement). Two floors are occupied by the family of the current president, the rest are administrative premises, reception rooms, and dining rooms. Along with the tour, you can see the historical chambers of the White House: the Blue, Green, Red rooms and some others.

The US Congress building, located on the hill of the same name. It appeared with the White House in 1800. The building was built in a solemn classical style. The name "Capitol" was borrowed from the Roman Empire, and it had a deep meaning. Just as the ancient Capitol Hill towered over the Eternal City, so the American Capitol lays claim to universal dominance.

The street that runs from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol building. Along the National Mall are Washington's main memorials, historical city museums, the Botanical Garden and the Smithsonian Institution. One of the most famous speeches in US history was delivered here - “I Have a Dream” by M.L. King, where the fighter for the rights of blacks expressed his vision of equal rights for blacks and whites.

A granite obelisk made of white marble, 169 meters high, erected in honor of Founding Father D. Washington. It was built in the mid-19th century with donations from American citizens and funds from private organizations. The column is surrounded by 52 spiers with American state flags. A staircase of several hundred steps leads to the top of the monument; there is also an elevator for convenience and speed.

The complex is located within the National Mall. It is dedicated to President Abraham Lincoln. The idea of ​​erecting a monument to perpetuate the memory of the 16th president arose immediately after Lincoln's death, but the memorial did not appear until 1922. The building of the complex is somewhat reminiscent of the ancient Greek Parthenon. The colonnade of 36 columns symbolizes the 36 states (during Lincoln's presidency there were only 36 states).

The monument is dedicated to the third US President T. Jefferson, who is called one of the Founding Fathers. The text of the US Declaration of Independence belongs to his hand. The memorial stands surrounded by a Japanese cherry blossom garden on the shore of an artificial lake-pool. The architecture of the complex is a strict neoclassical style, which was actively promoted in the USA at the beginning and middle of the 20th century.

A memorial complex dedicated to fallen and missing soldiers during the Korean War of 1950-1953. It was an armed conflict between South and North Korea, in which the United States took an active part. The memorial was inaugurated in 1995; four years later, work to improve the surrounding area was completed. The monument features sculptures of soldiers of various nationalities.

Martin Luther King is a famous defender of the rights of the black population and a fighter for justice and equality, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. A monument in his honor opened in Washington in 2011 in the presence of President Barack Obama and several thousand American citizens (mostly black). The monument is located in the park area of ​​the National Mall.

The theater where the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated. This happened in 1865, when Lincoln was in his VIP box watching a performance. A native of the slave-holding South of the United States and a fanatic of the old orders, D. W. Booth secretly entered the box and shot the president. Now the theater functions as a museum. The building is listed on the US Register of National Historic Places.

The library is considered one of the most beautiful and largest book collections in the world. It was founded in 1800, when the US capital was moved to Washington. About $5,000 was allocated for the purchase of books, which was a very impressive amount for the beginning of the 19th century. Initially, the library's rooms were intended only for members of Congress. Now the book depository funds number about 30 million copies.

A museum managed by the Smithsonian Institution, where more than 100 million different exhibits are collected. Collections of minerals, precious stones, minerals, archaeological finds, fragments of cosmic bodies and much more are exhibited here. The museum is free for visitors, it is open seven days a week all year round and closes only on Christmas Day.

The museum is of greatest interest to guests of Washington. It has been voted the most visited museum on the National Mall. More than 5 million people pass through its halls every year. Museum exhibitions tell the story of the history of the United States, as well as the development of culture, achievements in the social sphere and politics. Personal belongings of the Founding Fathers and collections of paintings from the European Renaissance are also exhibited here.

One of the most interesting museums on the National Mall in Washington. Real aircraft or life-size copies of them are exhibited here. The museum also stores spacecraft, rockets, engines, command modules of space stations, and astronaut spacesuits. The exhibition opened in the middle of the 20th century. The museum constantly conducts active scientific and research activities.

One of the new museums on the National Mall, opened in 2004. The exhibitions are dedicated to the history and culture of Native American peoples. Clothes, household and ritual items, weapons, jewelry, and coins of various Indian tribes are collected here. There is a theater on the territory, where Indians play national instruments, dance and put on various shows for visitors.

A museum where works by masters of different art schools and time periods are collected. Sculptures, paintings, photographs, and graphic drawings by both American and European artists are exhibited here. In total, the National Gallery of Art has about 1,200 paintings. These are mainly works of French, Italian and American masters.

A museum dedicated to the history of the emergence and improvement of mass media. Through the exhibitions you can trace the entire evolution - from the first newspapers and radio to the era of high-speed Internet. In the museum, visitors will see not only exhibits - everyone can try themselves in the role of a reporter and find out how news is created and what goals they pursue, where news stories come from.

Quite an interesting place where some secrets of intelligence and espionage activities are revealed. A similar museum exists only in the USA. The Advisory Council includes former officials of the FBI, CIA and even the Soviet KGB. The museum's collections contain exhibits that shed light on the work of intelligence officers. Separate exhibitions are dedicated to the history of Soviet (and Russian) intelligence.

A majestic Gothic temple, finally completed in the 90s. XX century. The cathedral belongs to the Protestant Church. The decision to build was made at the end of the 19th century, but the work dragged on for almost 100 years. The temple is named after Saints Peter and Paul (again a reference to the glory of the Roman Empire, which haunts Americans). Funeral services for the 34th, 38th and 40th presidents of the United States took place within the walls of the cathedral.

Largest Catholic Church in the USA. The temple was built in the Byzantine style. The interior decoration is made in a rather luxurious manner. The basilica was erected in the middle of the 20th century, and since then the popes have visited here several times. For American Catholics, the temple is an important spiritual center and place of pilgrimage. Church employees carry out active social and educational work among parishioners.

The building on Capitol Hill where the highest judicial body of the United States meets. The palace was built in 1936 according to the design of the architect K. Gilbert. The building is an almost perfect example of the classical architectural style. The main façade is decorated with a sculptural group depicting Freedom, Order and Power. The male and female statues on either side of the grand staircase symbolize justice and the rule of law.

A multi-story and, at first glance, inconspicuous building on Pennsylvania Avenue. The FBI headquarters is located here. Many people have known this house since the time of the series “The X-Files”. The headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was named after J. Edgar Hoover, the creator and first director of this service. You can get inside the building with an organized tour group.

A gigantic structure in the shape of a regular pentagon (in Greek - pentagon), which houses the American Department of Defense. This is the largest office building in the whole world; about 40 thousand employees work here comfortably. The Pentagon parking lots are designed for several thousand cars. During the Cold War, the Pentagon was the "zero point" for Soviet nuclear missiles.

The Smithsonian Institution is one of the main research centers in the United States. The administration of the organization is located in a picturesque castle made of red stone in the neo-Romanesque style. In the mid-20th century, the building was included in the list of US national monuments. The first architectural project was drawn up in the classical style (like the Capitol building), but then it was decided to use the Romanesque style, characteristic of medieval Germany, as a model.

An architectural structure of the late 19th century with elements of the European neo-Romanesque style, which was briefly used as a post office. It stood empty for a long time; after reconstruction, shops, offices and restaurants were placed inside. Some government services are also located here. There are free tours around the pavilion. The 95-meter clock tower has an observation deck from where you can admire Washington.

The oldest and most prestigious district of Washington, where luxurious mansions stand among greenery, antique shops and upscale restaurants operate. The heart of the area is Georgetown University, an elite educational institution that has produced many representatives of the American establishment. Georgetown is one of the most picturesque places in the American capital.

Washington is one of the most popular cities in the world. It was founded in the late eighteenth century on the East Coast. The future capital of the United States of America is named after one of the presidents - George Washington.

Initially, the city was a square territory divided into two parts. On one side was Washington, and on the other was Alexandria. The Potamak River flowed between them. But in the mid-nineteenth century they separated, and Alexandria became part of Virginia.

An interesting fact is that in the territory of the capital the slave trade was prohibited, but in the territory of Alexandria it was not prohibited, but still the laws were not respected. The last slaves in Washington were freed in 1862.

Now Washington is not part of the states of the country, it is a separate territory. This territory is called the District of Columbia. The city should not be confused with the state of the same name.

The sights of Washington are the most interesting in the whole country. That is why the area attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. The capital of the United States of America is considered one of the richest in historical monuments. There are many architectural structures, museums, theaters and more.

Most of the monuments are made of white marble. Thanks to this, the city stands out from all others. We will talk about all this in more detail in the next part of the article.

Washington DC Attractions

As already mentioned, the district is rich in architectural monuments. There are many of them in this area, and we could talk about it for hours. We will tell you about the most notable of them.

Indeed, most of Washington's landmarks are made of white marble. This is a kind of distinctive feature of the city. In addition, there are many picturesque parks, beautiful fountains and ponds, as well as entertainment centers and expensive hotels.

The text will name the sights of Washington in English with translation.

The White House

The White House is the residence of the president. At the moment, it is one of the most famous entrepreneurs and showmen in the country, Donald Trump. This place is the main symbol of the power of the state.

By the way, this is the most famous monument in the whole world, made of white sandstone. Around the building there is a picturesque park and many flower beds.

Most people don't know why the presidential residence - one of the landmarks of Washington, DC - is called the White House. In fact, there are several versions of the origin of this name. Basically, everyone is inclined towards the option with white cladding. By the way, the name of the building was given by one of the presidents, Theodore Roosevelt. But this happened only a hundred years after the completion of construction.

It is also worth talking about the main events in the history of the presidential residence.

The first stone was laid in 1792. The architect of the building is James Hoben. Construction was completed by the beginning of the nineteenth century. In 1901, the building was renamed the White House. In 1942, the building was reconstructed and acquired a modern appearance.

The Capitol Building

This is the second most important landmark in Washington (photo above). The city is extremely proud of her. Most likely, every person from anywhere in the world has seen an image of this majestic structure at least once. It is located on Capitol Hill. The idea to erect this monument came to George Washington, and construction began in 1793. The name of the architect of the Capitol is unknown to this day. The external image of Washington's landmark was the Roman Cathedral.

In the middle of the second decade of the nineteenth century, England could not accept the fact that America was independent and decided to burn the Capitol building. The building was destroyed to the ground. It took the United States more than five years to restore it.

Near the building there are monuments to American presidents - George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

As for subsequent external changes, they were made only a few times. In the early sixties of the last century, the Statue of Liberty was erected on the dome of the building. After some time, heating was installed and elevators were built. Later the eastern façade was added.

More than five million tourists visit this place every year. Today there are about five hundred and fifty rooms inside the building, but only two of them can be seen by travelers. Tours to this Washington landmark are free. You only need to show your passport at the entrance and receive a ticket.

The Lincoln Memorial

It is believed that Abraham Lincoln is the most revered president of the United States of America, since most natives associate him with integrity and reliability.

The government of the country considered it necessary to erect a landmark in memory of Lincoln opposite the National Gallery in Washington state. This happened after the assassination of the president. For many, this place has become almost sacred. It is believed that the monument is a symbol of equality between people all over the planet, no matter what religion or race they are.

Before the construction of the monument, a large-scale competition for the best work was announced in the country. Many participants from different parts of the country and the world decided to take part in this. The best option was recognized as a drawing by two American sculptors - Daniel French and Henry Bacon.

Construction lasted more than five years and was completed by the beginning of the second decade of the twentieth century. More than fifty thousand people attended the opening of the monument. It was truly massive. The main guest of the celebration was Abraham Lincoln's son Robert. Having paid worthy honors to the sixteenth President of the United States, the government breathed a sigh of relief.

Several interesting legends are associated with this memorial. It is said that the name of the owner of the mansion where the sculpture is located was carved on the back of the monument. According to another legend, it is believed that President Lincoln shows his initials in sign language.

Washington National Cathedral

Public Library

The public library consists of twenty-seven branches. The head office is located in an eleven-story building, which is made of glass and steel. This place is considered to be one of the most attractive in the entire Seattle area.

The collection of books in the library began in 1890. At the moment, the fund contains more than three million different publications.

Pike Place Market (Public Market Center)

The store began its work in the first decade of the twentieth century. This is a very popular market among city residents. Here you can buy old antiques and various used goods. In addition, it is possible to find seafood, as well as various farm products.

This place often hosts performances by street clowns and musicians on an improvised stage. In addition, on the territory of the market there are inexpensive restaurants where you can always have a tasty snack.

Safeco Field

The famous baseball stadium of incredible proportions, built in 1999 in the Art Nouveau style. Its interesting feature is the retractable roof. Of course, many arenas have it, but in America it is special.

The stadium's capacity is 48,000 people. The stadium is not just for baseball games. Sometimes American football matches take place here.

Museum of Flight

The museum does not belong to the state. It is non-profit but private. Most tourists from all over the world are delighted with it.

It was built in 1965. As exhibits inside the building you can see real airplanes, most of which are very unusual.

Air vehicles from Russia, Japan, Germany and more are presented here. Among the attractions you can see aircraft that took part in the First and Second World Wars. In addition, photographs from the history of the Boeing Corporation hang on the walls of the building. After all, this is where the main office was located some time ago. Nowadays, many students of aviation universities and colleges undergo internships in this architectural structure, gaining new interesting knowledge.

I would also like to note the presence of a large-scale library in one of the premises.

About five hundred thousand tourists visit the museum every year, and it is possible that after some time even more travelers from different parts of the world will learn about this wonderful place.


Washington is one of the greatest cities in American history. The architecture of the capital of the United States is different from other localities in the country, and this is what makes it different from other places. We hope that the sights of Washington in English helped you get acquainted and understand the original names of architectural structures.

In the center of Washington is National Mall. It is an open area with memorials and numerous museums displaying works of art from around the world.

In the center of the Mall is the most important monument in the District of Columbia - Washington Monument. This is a marble obelisk pointing straight into the sky.

On the west side of the National Mall is located Lincoln Memorial. Inside the memorial there is a grandiose sculpture of the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln, looking towards the Capitol.

Between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial is located National World War II Memorial. In the same western part of the Mall there are two more significant memorials dedicated to the memory of soldiers who fought in the Korean and Vietnamese wars: Korean War Veterans Memorial and Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

On the stretch of the Mall between the Washington Monument and the Capitol, there are nine buildings of the Smithsonian Institution. The most popular city museum is also located here - National Air and Space Museum.

Stands behind him National Museum of Natural History, which houses the legendary “Hope” diamond.

Nearby is located National Museum of American History, nicknamed "American Attic". IN National Archives the most important documents of the country are demonstrated: the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution.

South of the National Mall lies the waters of Tidal Basin, whose banks are lined with Japanese cherry trees. This place is especially beautiful in spring, when you can admire the reflection of cherry blossoms on the calm surface of the water pool.

Other commemorative memorials can be seen around Tidal Basin: The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Jefferson Memorial District of Columbia War Memorial. The neoclassical-style interior walls of the Jefferson Memorial are inscribed with classic quotes from America's Founding Fathers.

The rotunda and dome rise high above Capitol Hill United States Capitol. Its friezes and murals document 400 years of U.S. history.

The Capitol is surrounded by magnificent government buildings, including the US Supreme Court building. The reading room is located in the Thomas Jefferson Building Library of Congress.

Among the flower beds, lawns and shady parks is the residence of the head of the American administration - White House. Undoubtedly, this is the most famous white sandstone mansion in the world.

Washington is the capital of the United States of America, while being a separate city that is not part of any state. The District of Columbia (DC) is the official name of the capital, named after the country's first president, George Washington. In this article, I invite you to admire the most interesting and famous sights of the city, as well as learn about some interesting facts.

The capital of the United States was founded in 1791, and in 1871 Washington, along with a number of other neighboring territories, was united into a single District of Columbia. Interestingly, the USA also has a state of the same name, which is why the Americans themselves call the capital nothing more than DC (DC).

The population of Washington is 601,723 people, but a large number of people from the suburbs come here to work every day, as well as many tourists. As a result, the population increases to 1 million people and even higher.

All US power is concentrated in Washington. The White House houses the office of the country's president; DC also houses the representative offices and headquarters of the World Bank, the IMF and many other organizations, as well as more than 150 embassies of various states.

The US Congress has supreme power over Washington. Due to special subordination, city residents have less freedom of self-government than residents of the states.

The city's motto is the Latin Justitia Omnibus, which translates as Justice for All.

During the research, scientists found that 4,000 years ago, Native Americans lived on the territory of modern Washington; there were several small settlements here.

The largest number of inhabitants in the city was registered in 1950 - 802,178 people. After the Great Depression of the 1930s, people began to arrive here to work in the government apparatus.

Among the memorable events in the history of Washington are the riots of 1968, which broke out after the assassination of Martin Luther King. Over the course of several days, many buildings were destroyed, and 13,000 soldiers were brought in to pacify the raging masses. It took more than thirty years to restore, the damage was so severe to the city.

A notorious event is the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, when a passenger plane crashed into the Pentagon building at full speed. On the same day, terrorist attacks took place in New York, when the famous twin towers collapsed. You can learn more about this from the selection A new look at
9/11 terrorist attack

Let's move on to the geographical location of the city, which is located on three rivers - the Potomac, as well as tributaries, Rock Creek and Anacostia. Washington is famous for its many parks; one fifth of the entire city territory is occupied by all kinds of green spaces. The average air temperature here is 14-15 degrees Celsius.

Surprisingly, in the 1990s, Washington was considered one of the most dangerous cities in the United States due to the highest crime rate in the country. Since then, the crime rate in the country has almost halved, so now the city is quite safe to live in, although certain problems still remain.

The city has one of the busiest subway systems in the country, second only to the New York City Subway. On weekdays, passenger traffic here exceeds 1 million people per day.

In addition to the main airport in Washington, Dulles Airport, there are two more airports here. Reagan Airport is used for domestic flights within the United States and is famous for its metro station.