Airbus A320 Aeroflot - cabin layout and best seats. Location of seats on the plane Location of seats on the plane

We have written a lot about one of the most popular airliners of our time, the Airbus A320. You can read a detailed review, and about choosing the best seats on the ship.

Now we will look at a special case of the Airbus A320 configuration, namely the one it uses on its flights. In total, this airline's fleet includes 80 A320 aircraft.

Let's look at the Airbus A320 cabin diagrams available on the Aeroflot website

For convenience, we will depict one of them schematically and figure out which seats are best to book and which ones should not be taken or taken as a last resort.

Let me note that while quite recently all Aeroflot A320 aircraft had the same configuration, now there are already two of them. The only difference is the ratio of business and economy class seats. Let's look at both of these schemes and see where the best seats are located on the Aeroflot Airbus A320 and where you will be more comfortable during the flight.

Airbus A320 interior diagram Aeroflot. Option 1

Seats in rows 1-5. These are business class seats. In these narrow-body Aeroflot aircraft, the pitch between the rows in the business is not very large when compared with the wide-body long-haul Airbus A330. However, “business class” is “business class”. Let us note several features of the first row:

  • 1. No one will recline their seat back on you, since the angle of inclination of business chairs is quite large, this is important.
  • 2. On the wall in front of you there are mounts for baby bassinets. Therefore, there is a possibility that there will be passengers with small children next to you. Although in business class this happens extremely rarely and is rather an exception to the rule.
  • 3. The seats in the first row do not have a “footrest”; it is just a comfortable footrest. On these aircraft it is installed under the seat in front.

Seats in the 6th row. Located in front of the partition separating business class from economy class passengers. These places also have several features, both positive and negative:

  • 1. Just like in the first row of business class, no one will lean back their seat on you. In economy class this is even more important, since the distance between rows is minimal.
  • 2. You will receive food first, as passenger service begins from your row.
  • 3. There is enough room for your knees, but you won’t be able to stretch your legs forward very much.
  • 4. There are mounts in the wall for cribs, so it is possible to be close to babies.
  • 5. Some passengers are not very comfortable looking at the wall the entire flight.

Perhaps these are all the features of the 6th row in this configuration. Whether or not you should book these places is up to you to decide.

Seats in the 8th row. These seats are worse than standard economy class seats as there are emergency exits immediately behind them. Because of this, the seat backs do not recline or are severely limited in this regard.

Seats in the 9th row. The backrests in this row are also locked, however, there is one very significant advantage. The distance to the 8th row has been increased, so there is a lot of free legroom. Your neighbors won't bother you much if they want to leave their seats. Locations A and F are slightly worse due to the fact that they are located near the escape hatch.

Seats 10A and 10F These chairs have enough legroom and the backrests recline as standard. However, due to the close proximity to the emergency door, the seats are missing one armrest. And the hatch design itself sticks out a little.

Seats in row 10 B,C,D,E The best economy class seats on board. They are also called places of increased comfort. The seat backs recline quietly and there is plenty of legroom. You will be very comfortable here during your flight.

Remember that these places have some restrictions! Carry-on luggage cannot be placed at the feet and under the seats, blocking the passage to the hatches.

Let's add that at 9 and 10 Passengers with children and animals, passengers with disabilities and elderly people are not allowed to fly in rows.

Row 24, seats C and D— proximity to toilets can be inconvenient.

Last 25 row. Some of the seat backs in this row do not recline, and the proximity to the toilets is not the most pleasant neighborhood.

“Wanters” will constantly walk around you, and sometimes small queues will form. The sounds of a slamming door and a lowering tank accompanying all this will also not add pleasant impressions during the flight.

Register for such places as a last resort when there are no other options!

Best seats Airbus A320 Aeroflot. Option 2

Today the Transaero company owns Boeing aircraft of the modification 737 800 s7 and Boeing 737 800 ng. In this case, the planes do not differ in terms of comfort, but only in technical characteristics. Russian Aeroflot serves a large number of destinations with their help, including Orenburg and Turkish airlines. It is worth noting that there are six interior configuration options. All of them differ in the number of seats, and are also divided into one-class, two-class and three-class. Before purchasing a ticket for a Boeing 737 800 plane, check the seat layout on the plane's cabin map.

As already mentioned, the different number of seats in the Boeing 737 800 cabin will differ in terms of their location and division into classes. The differences are especially clearly visible in the schematic sections of aircraft.

Interior layout for 154 seats

We will begin the description of this cabin diagram with a schematic section, which visually shows all the seats and the division of the cabin into classes.

In this case, the cabin is designed for 154 passengers and is divided into two parts: business class and economy class. Here it is necessary to take into account that economy class and tourist class are combined into one whole. In the business class compartment there are 16 seats, which are created according to a 2 to 2 scheme. The distance between them is within 130 cm. It is necessary to remember that the seats indicated on the cabin diagram with the letters of the English alphabet “A, B, G, F” will be more comfortable . This is achieved by large free legroom. However, there is also enough of it in other places, but in this case there is as much of it as possible.

Business class is followed by economy class. They are separated by an ordinary screen. It consists of 24 rows with seats arranged in a 3 to 3 pattern. In this case, the most legroom, and, accordingly, more comfortable seats will be in row 10, which goes directly behind the screen, as well as in the 17th and 18th -ohm. After all, they are behind the emergency exits. However, if possible, avoid seats in row 17. They are undesirable because their backrest, if not reclining, then partially reclines. However, for short flights such a remark is not significant.

The most uncomfortable seats on a Boeing 737 800 s7 aircraft will be in row 16. Their backs do not recline, there is very little legroom and, on top of everything else, the noise of the running engines is very disturbing.

No less uncomfortable are the seats in rows 32 and 33. Here, vibrations in the rear of the plane and proximity to the toilets, which always attract noisy groups from the entire economy class section, create inconvenience.

Interior layout for 160 seats

In this case, a diagram of modern Boeing 737 800 ng or new generation aircraft is presented. They are more reliable in terms of flight safety and are fully computerized. As we can see from the diagram, the tourist class has also been abolished here.

Please pay attention to the color legends of the interior scheme of this aircraft model. Business class is still allocated 16 seats and 144 are reserved for economy class. Please note the yellow seat markings in row 7. This suggests that the two classes are separated by a partition, which not only reduces legroom in that row. There may always be a possibility that the folding tables will be attached not to the back of the chair in front, but to the armrest. This design will significantly reduce the width of the chair, and at the same time the comfortable sitting in it.

Designated seats in rows 10 and 11 do not have windows. Seats in rows 13 and 14 are located near emergency exits, and therefore their backs do not recline, or have significant restrictions in this regard. During the flight, the area around row 14 seats is always much colder due to the presence of the same emergency exits. The most comfortable seats are considered to be in row 15. Their location provides more than enough legroom. You can also go out freely without disturbing your neighbors.

Seats in the last 30th row create particular discomfort for passengers. Based on the layout of the plane, the proximity to the toilets, which are used by the entire economy class, as well as the presence of constant noise from the tail section and the engine, do not make the flight pleasant. In addition to what has already been said, an impressive queue can form near the toilet stalls.

In this case, it is impossible to clearly answer which place will be good for you. However, the seats near the window will provide an opportunity to contemplate the views during the flight, and will not interfere with flight attendants with trolleys and passing passengers. However, to go to the toilet you will have to disturb your neighbors. The same advantage is inherent in the middle chairs.

Single class cabin configuration

It is not uncommon for you to purchase a ticket for just such a Boeing 737-800 s7 aircraft, which serves a particular flight. The presented diagram of the Boeing aircraft indicates a complete absence of business class seats.

Both Transaero and other companies use them for short flights with fairly high passenger traffic. They often serve Orenburg Airlines.

In this case, you need to pay attention to places that are marked in yellow and letters of the English alphabet. All six seats are located directly off the galley. This means that its wall will “eat up” a sufficient amount of space that was intended for the passengers’ feet. However, such defective places justify themselves with a total number of cheap places of 184.

Based on the fact that both layouts of Boeing aircraft cabins are completely identical, everything said above applies to this board as well. Before buying a ticket for any type of Boeing aircraft operated by Aeroflot, inquire about its model, number of seats and classes.

Three-class cabin configuration

Many Boeing 737-800 s7 aircraft models still retain a three-class cabin configuration. It should be noted that Transaero also serves its airlines with Boeing aircraft, whose business class is located, as it were, on the second floor of the cabin.

This cabin is designed for 158 passengers and is divided into three compartments:

  • Business Class;
  • Economy class;
  • tourist class.

The seating arrangement in the cabin of the Boeing 737 800 s7 is classic 2 to 2. The number of seats is 8. A comfortable flight is guaranteed here. anywhere. However, first row seats are preferred. Economy class has only nine rows with 54 seats. In second class, the distance between the rows of seats is 85 cm, which is enough to sit comfortably with the backrest slightly lowered. The seats are arranged in a 3 to 3 pattern. However, the maximum legroom will be in row 10, where a screen separates the two classes.

This Boeing model also has uncomfortable seats for flying. As always, these include the last row, located directly next to the toilets. There is constant noise from the queue created, the operation of the engines, and the shaking is extremely noticeable. It is worth clarifying that in relation to the ng model Boeings that Transaero has, these remarks are also relevant.

The three-class Boeings that Aeroflot uses for air transportation have another drawback that is noticeable during the flight. Economy class passengers will have to go to the toilet through two cabins: their own and tourist class. In turn, tourist class passengers, especially those occupying the side seats, are forced to endure all this movement.

To be fair, it is worth noting that in terms of safety, Aeroflot gives preference to Boeing. Among its peers, this is the best aircraft.

Air Transport Safety Rules

At the end of this conversation, we would like to say a few words about the rules for air transportation of passengers. Despite the fact that Boeings are the best aircraft, there are some limitations here.

Consider the Boeing 737 800 ng aircraft, which is shown in the diagram and is designed for 172 passengers.

  1. Seats in rows 6 and 7 have priority for children who are not accompanied by adults, as well as pregnant women.
  2. The backs of the seats, which are located in rows: 13, 14, 15 and 31, are blocked.
  3. Seats in rows numbered: 1, 13, 14, 15, 16, 31, as well as seats numbered 2CD and 30CD are prohibited from boarding:
    — disabled people;
    — pregnant women;
    - children under 12 years of age, regardless of the presence or absence of accompanying persons;
    — deported passengers or those in custody.

    These same seats are considered priority for military personnel, airline employees, and children over 18 years of age who are flying unaccompanied by a family member.

  4. Rows numbered 25, 28 and 31 can be occupied by passengers carrying birds or animals.

Following flight safety instructions, it is possible to accommodate one child under two years of age (without providing a separate seat) on each block of three seats.

Now let's look at an aircraft of the same design, but with 148 seats.

In the cabin of this aircraft, passengers occupying seats numbered 19, 22 and 25 can transport pets. In all other respects the rules are identical.

The safest seats on a plane

This is the question that always worries every passenger using Aeroflot services. Therefore, we present to your attention a generalized diagram.

In the event of an emergency landing, the nose of the aircraft always experiences the maximum amount of overload. In the majority of cases, the tail falls off first and stops moving, while the bow and stern of the aircraft continue its destructive run. Quite a few die from the explosion of fuel tanks located in the wings of an airliner. However, among its peers, the Boeing 737 is the best aircraft of our time.

The aircraft cabin diagram shows the location of the seats, which allows you to choose a more comfortable seat in the aircraft cabin.
When it comes to getting the right seats on the plane, the fastest one wins. This is especially true since Online check-in begins no earlier than 24 hours and no later than 2 hours before departure. As for the places themselves, it all depends on your preferences.
There is an opinion that it is safer to sit in the back of the plane. The results of research by specialists from the University of Greenwich, carried out on behalf of the UK Civil Aviation Authority, showed slightly different results. According to the data received: the safest seats on the plane are located along the aisle at the front of the cabin; The five rows closest to the emergency exit are considered relatively safe.
If you are going to flirt with a pretty flight attendant during a flight, then choosing a window seat does not make sense.
If you are going to sleep peacefully the whole way, then a place near the wall will be just right.
Those who like to look at the earth from above should carefully study the layout of the places. On some planes, the seat at the side of the plane may be completely without a window (some aircraft models do not have windows in the wing area) and you will have to occupy yourself with something completely different.
According to some experts, the wing has less motion sickness.
In economy class, you can most comfortably sit at the front of the cabin - there is the largest “pitch” of seats (the distance between the rows). The food is brought to the front of the salon earlier. It’s also worth choosing places there if you’re traveling with children. Although various airlines allocate seats for passengers with children at the front of the cabin, next to the flight attendant's seat, it is worth further clarifying this point when purchasing a ticket.
If you want to straighten your legs, but the noise of children does not add to your optimism, then it is better to sit next to the emergency exits - there is a greater seat pitch there, and it is safer.

Passenger aircraft cabin diagrams:


Airplane destination.

Airplane cabin diagram

Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 42

Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72

Airbus A319

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Airbus A320

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Airbus A321

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Airbus A330

Airbus A340

Airbus A350 XWB

Long-range airline passenger aircraft.

Airbus A380

Long-range airline passenger aircraft.

BAe 146

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Boeing 737

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Boeing 747

Passenger aircraft for medium and long range airlines.

Boeing 757

Passenger aircraft of medium-range airlines.

Boeing 767

Passenger aircraft for medium and long range airlines.

Boeing 777

Passenger aircraft for long-range airlines.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Passenger aircraft for medium and long range airlines.

Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet CRJ 900

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Bombardier CRJ NextGen

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines..

Bombardier C-Series

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Bombardier Q-Series NextGen

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Embraer 170

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Embraer 175

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Embraer 190

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Embraer 195

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

Fokker 70

Short-haul airline passenger aircraft.

Fokker 100

Passenger aircraft of medium-range airlines.

Saab 340

Passenger aircraft of short and medium range airlines.

The number of seats on the Airbus A320 aircraft (Airbus A320) varies (depending on the model and configuration) from 150 passengers in a two-class cabin (2+2 seats in business class and 3+3 seats in economy class) and up to 180 a person in a single-class cabin (more detailed information about the characteristics of the aircraft, as well as its diagrams, can be found here -).

Therefore, in order to accurately advise the best seats on the A320, you need to know information about exactly the plane in which you are going to fly.

Attention, friends! We have analyzed the seat layouts, and also noted the best seats in the cabin on A320 aircraft of the largest Russian airlines:

If your airline is not on the list, don’t be upset, there are general selection tips that can help you choose a good seat.

The best seats on the plane
Anna Morozova, editor-in-chief

The first example of an Airbus A320 in a 180-seat single-class cabin configuration.

Advantages and disadvantages of passenger seats - the best seats in the Airbus A320 cabin.

Places 1-29, A and F: They are located near the window, which you can look out of during the flight (depending on the weather and time of flight). No one will bother you when sitting down or getting up from your seat. Also, people passing along the aisle and flight attendants are not disturbed.

These places have one drawback - it is difficult to get up from it, you will have to disturb the neighbors.

Places 1-29 B and E: There is no direct access to the window, but you can still look out of it. People scurrying along the aisles and flight attendants with carts do not bother you.

Places 1-29 C and D: It is easy to leave your place, for example to go to the toilet. Also, tall people can stretch their legs into the aisle.

Disadvantages: no access to the window, you will have to let two neighbors through if they want to get up. Also, flight attendants with trolleys and passengers passing through the cabin may be disturbed.

Seats in the 1st row. The first row always has a number of advantages and disadvantages, depending on what is more important to you when you make your choice.

Advantages: No one will throw their chair back at you. You will receive all drinks and food first. The distance to the partition or wall can be significant for the legs. You will be the first to exit the aircraft.

Disadvantages: The distance to the wall/partition may be insufficient.

There is enough room for your knees, but you won’t be able to stretch your legs and stretch them.

Some people are not very comfortable looking at the wall in front of them for the entire flight.

The first seats are most often occupied by passengers with children. You risk finding yourself next to a baby who will cry the entire flight.

The tables, which are usually located in the back of the chair in front, are located in one of the armrests. Because of this, the armrest does not move, and the seats may be slightly narrower.

12 and 13 row They have an advantage over everyone else, since they are located next to the emergency exit. Because of this, there is additional legroom in front of them.

However, there is a high probability that the seats in row 12 either do not recline, or have a limitation in this.

Seats in the 11th row a little worse than the standard ones, since there is an emergency exit right behind them, because of this, they most likely either do not recline or have a limitation.

Seats in the last row, 29/30 Not only are they closest to the toilets and kitchen, but the seats most likely do not recline. In general, definitely not first class. You will be accompanied throughout the flight by the sounds of the tank being released and the slamming of doors.

Seats at the front of the plane have several advantages.

First— you will be the first to get what the flight attendants treat you to during the flight. It happens that towards the end of the salon some drinks run out and you have to be content with what is left.

Do you have a plane flight ahead of you? Do not know what are there airplane cabins? Then this selection is just what you need! In the article we will give salon diagrams common passenger aircraft.

Description of the TU-154m aircraft cabin

The figure shows a diagram of the TU-154m aircraft.

The TU-154m aircraft has 3 classes.

First grade- 8 seats.

Business Class- for 16 places.

Economy class- for 50 seats.

1. First class cabin with 8 seats
2. Front lobby
3. Toilet
4. Convertible sofa
5. Table
6. Swivel chair
7. Wardrobe
8. Corner sofa
9. Cabinet
10. Cabinet with audio-video equipment
12. Cabinet bar
13. Monitor
14. Curtain-blinds
15. Business class cabin
16. Buffet kitchen
17. Business class seats
18. Economy class
19. Economy class seats
20. Back wardrobe


Boeing 747-400 aircraft cabin diagram

Description of seats on the Boeing 747-400

Upper deck

Business Class- rows 1 - 3. In the business class of the Boeing 747-400 there are only 12 seats.

Economy class- rows 5 - 9. The best economy class seats on a Boeing 747-400 are on row 5.

Lower deck

On the lower deck there is tourist class.

Rows 10, 11, 12, seats A, B, H, K— in these rows there are two chairs. Flying in such seats as a couple is much more comfortable - you won’t have to experience discomfort and cause inconvenience to your neighbors. In addition, these seats will be convenient for passengers with small children, since there are mounts for baby strollers in the bow of the aircraft.

Rows 17, 18 and 19 seats E and F— two rows of two seats in the center, also extremely comfortable, especially row 17 because There will be no restrictions in front of you and you can stretch your legs very comfortably.

Row 19, seats A, B, C, H, K, L— this row is located next to the emergency exits and most likely will not be very comfortable because the seat backs here may not recline.

Rows 20 - 22, seats D, E, G on a Boeing 747-400 is not the best choice - they are surrounded on both sides by toilets.

Row 29- also not very good, because the backs of the seats in these seats do not recline in the side seats due to the location of emergency exits behind them, and the backs of the central seats simply rest against the wall of the toilet.

Row 31- comfortable due to the large free space for legs, but due to the fact that there is not another row of chairs in front of you, the tables are located in the armrests. Such tables are often very inconvenient due to their small size and general flimsiness of the structure. There are also several nuances associated with these places, for example, in front of place 31A there may be an emergency evacuation hatch, and in the immediate vicinity of places 31 - 34C there is a staircase to the upper deck.

Seat backs in rows 43, 54, 70, 71— do not recline due to the emergency exits located behind them.

In the ranks 44 and 45 you will feel comfortable, there is increased legroom here, however, the proximity of these seats to the toilet may cause some discomfort.

Side rows 67 — 70 They have 2 chairs each - this is convenient for people traveling in pairs.

In extreme 67-70 rows There are 2 instead of 3 chairs. In the last rows, the backrests of the seats may not recline, and do not forget about the proximity to the toilets.


Boeing 737-400

Description of seats on the Boeing 737-400

Rows 1 - 2 Business Class.

First row— the chairs are located close to the partition, for this reason there is not much space for comfortable placement of the legs.

Seat backs second row- have restrictions for tilting them back. In addition, these seats are separated from the economy class by a thin partition, which is unlikely to serve as reliable protection from the sounds and noise coming from your neighbors from the economy class.

Beginning with 10th Economy class seats are located in a row.

Row 10, seats C and D- can be called one of the most comfortable in all economy and tourist salons. Since the partition separating business and economy classes is shorter than the width of the row, passengers sitting in aisle seats (C and D) can enjoy slightly increased legroom.

Row 10, seats A, B, E, F— But for passengers of the same row, seated in the seats near the window and in the center seats, the same partition will cause inconvenience.

Rows 14 to 16, seats A and F— There are no portholes in these places.

The aircraft are designed so that, if necessary, the rows of seats can move freely, be added or removed.

Row 17— the backs of the seats in this row do not recline. The reason is the emergency exits located behind this row.

Seats A and F may be slightly raised above the general floor level.

Row 18— the backs of the seats also do not recline, but the legroom is increased. The reason is the same emergency exits.

Row 19— the armrest on the porthole side is motionless, because firmly attached to the emergency door. In addition, the table for eating can be removable (not folding, as usual), and this is terribly inconvenient, because it is smaller than usual and very flimsy.

Row 19, seats B, C, D, E— The seats are very good - the backs of the chairs recline and there is a lot of legroom, but there may be problems with the table.

Row 31, seats C and D— Located in close proximity to the toilet.

Row 32- And finally, one more row with not the best seats. The seat backs do not recline. Otherwise, all the same disadvantages as in the previous row.