Great Hall of Hogwarts. Where Harry Potter films were filmed in Great Britain. Corridors of Hogwarts - School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Fans of the saga about the Boy Who Lived do not miss a single opportunity to join the world of Harry Potter, turning on their favorite movie at every opportunity and dreaming away into the desired fairy-tale world. Meanwhile, there are many ways to plunge into the universe of wizards and wizards of Harry Potter, and in the most real places. Let's take a look there!

School of magic in Poland

If you have long dreamed of changing your profession, perhaps the School of Magic is what you need? Located in the Polish city of Nibelungen, it offers a four-day course. During the lessons, you may not learn to fly on a broom, but you will clearly be able to better understand your inner self, which craves magic. 135 students of the wizarding course live in a charming old castle, go to classes and are completely immersed in a world that resembles Hogwarts like two peas in a pod. True, unlike Hogwarts, Czocha Castle has not four, but five faculties; In addition, you are allowed to walk freely around the area after lights out. Students remain in character throughout their classes and often find true hobby friends here. If you are interested in this, hurry to sign up: there is no end to those interested, and registration for training in 2017 is only available for vacant places.

Annual Harry Potter Festival and Quidditch Tournament in Philadelphia

Every October, the campus of Philadelphia's Chestnut Hill College is transformed into the village of Hogsmeade. Thousands of Harry Potter fans come here from all over America and other countries. Here you can go to a magical pub, stroll through the shops full of various goods for both wizards and muggles, get lost in the labyrinth of the Triwizard Tournament, have a cup of tea in Madame Puddifoot's tea room, attend a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson and even take a bus ride "Night Knight". But the festival is especially famous for its Quidditch tournament, in which you can take part both as a player and as a spectator. If you prefer to watch the game from the stands, take a suitable drink with you - for example, a couple of bottles of butterbeer or even a mug of transmutation potion. The hotel should be booked in advance: on the eve of the festival, due to the influx of public, the surrounding hotels are traditionally overcrowded.

Warner Brothers Studio in London

The London studio where the Harry Potter films were filmed is a real fairy tale for fans of the saga. Here you can not just look at the costumes and decorations, but also truly feel like you are inside a fairy tale. How do you like the idea of ​​boarding the Hogwarts Express and buying some magical sweets? Or walk down Diagon Alley, look into Professor Dumbledore's office, wander around the main hall of Hogwarts and relax in the Gryffindor common room? At the same time, on each of the platforms there are mannequins dressed in costumes of the film characters, which adds believability to what is happening. Here you can see and even hold artifacts that are sacred to any Harry Potter fan: numerous vessels from the potions class, the time turner that Hermione inherited in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and, of course, the magic wands of each of the heroes. Those who don’t mind leaving the fairy tale for a while will be told about how special effects for films were created, how a green screen was used to film Harry flying on a broom, and which of the magical animals had to be made life-size to make the picture believable. The studio workers reveal the secrets of filming in such detail that you will feel at least like a member of the film crew!

Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station

When in London, be sure to stop by King's Cross Station and find the famous platform 9 3/4. The fact that the famous platform is not in a museum or a film studio, but in a real train station, gives it unexpected authenticity. But, in addition to the platform, there is another place created specifically for Potter fans - the “Harry Potter Store”. Here you can buy all the necessary supplies for studying at Hogwarts, including a real Quidditch uniform sweater, as well as the encyclopedia “Fairytale Animals and Where to Find Them.” Take advantage of this opportunity!

Whimsic Alley store in Los Angeles

This unique place has long been known not only to Harry Potter fans, but also to all fans of the series without exception. In a large arcade in downtown Los Angeles, you can find almost any souvenir related to the saga of the young wizard, from wands to signature Hogwarts scarves. If your travel companion doesn't understand your love for the fairy tale saga, no problem! Here fans of all popular TV series without exception will find souvenirs to their liking - from Downton Abbey to Game of Thrones. The local banquet hall is especially famous, where events based on TV series are regularly held, including the movie saga about the Boy Who Lived. Recent events for Potter lovers include the Magic House Fair, the Tea Party for the Liberation of the Elves and, of course, the famous Hogwarts Yule Ball. It's best to book in advance: events based on the Harry Potter books and films usually attract the most visitors.

Quests based on Potter

Feel like Harry Potter with the help of London-based company Enigma Quests, specializing in quests based on the Potter series! The tasks offered by the company’s specialists are unlikely to seem simpler to you than those that young Harry faced at the Triwizard Tournament. Within 60 minutes, you and a group of friends will have to master the skills necessary for any sorcerer or witch, and with their help, leave the room. You will work as a team, passing level after level until you gain all the knowledge necessary to fight the dark forces. According to rumors, neither Voldemort nor the Death Eaters appear before the quest participants due to copyright issues with these characters. But even without that, according to the reviews of the participants, the action turns out to be quite dynamic and intense so that you can feel yourself in the epicenter of the witchcraft battle of Good and Evil.

Themed hotel in London

If you are a true Harry Potter fan, have you dreamed of spending the evening in the Gryffindor common room and spending the night in one of the house dormitories? Now you have this opportunity. The London Georgian House Hotel has decorated several rooms in the style of films about a young wizard. In the hotel catalog they are called "Wizards' Room" and "Enchanted Room". And in both you can feel like Harry's roommate!
Both rooms are decorated in the Gothic style - narrow windows with stained glass, stone walls, a real fireplace with a copper cauldron, as if intended for brewing potions, wide arches... But the main thing is a bed with a red velvet canopy drawn up, like in the Gryffindor bedrooms. In addition, the doors to both rooms are hidden behind bookcases, and to get there you will need to sneak through a secret entrance and walk along a candlelit corridor, on the walls of which, of course, mysterious and eerie portraits are hung, adding to the resemblance to the magical Hogwarts castle.

Theme bar in Toronto

No Harry Potter fan can miss the Lockhart Bar in Toronto! This small establishment opened quite recently - and immediately became a sensation. On the brick walls of the bar hang portraits of witches and witches mixed with quotes from books and films about Harry Potter, and the names of the drinks will not leave any fan of the fairy-tale epic indifferent. “Genie Weasley”, “Obliviate”, “Dementor’s Kiss” - I’m tempted to try it! The names of the appetizers also match: the salads “Herbology for Beginners” and “Forbidden Forest” will certainly go well with “Horntail in Honey” - which, however, is nothing more than chicken fillet... but what’s the use of imagination? And, of course, Potter-themed events are regularly held here. Twice a month you can stop by for a Harry Potter Evening, and on weekends - for a themed brunch. The bar owners inform you separately about special events involving wizards and fantastic creatures.

Free Muggle Tour of London

Many travel agencies and private guides offer Harry Potter London tours. But these events are not too cheap, and not every tourist can afford them. But “Free Tour for Muggles” can be downloaded for free and, armed with it, you can walk around the city, getting acquainted with the places you read about in books and which you saw in films about a young wizard. Those new to London will appreciate the detailed instructions, which provide every possible detail, including where exactly to catch the bus or tube. The story is accompanied by tasks for independent searches to make the walk more exciting. Its creators also thought about keeping you from getting hungry - the route includes stops at pubs and sweet shops that are close in spirit to the world of Harry Potter. One of the stops is on Shaftesberry Avenue, in the very place where Harry, Ron and Hermione hastily fled after the Death Eaters appeared at the wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. Remember how Hermione said that this place came to mind by chance because she and her parents went to the theater here? This is your chance to find out if there really is a theater on Shaftesberry Avenue, or if Hermione has mixed something up? Yes, knowledge of English is required.

Harry Potter Festival in Chesterton, Maryland

Every October, Chesterton, Maryland hosts the Harry Potter Festival. It lasts the whole weekend and is intended for family visits - which means that there is entertainment for both adults and children. The festival begins with a celebration at Hogwarts - with music, performances, a feast, a quiz and, of course, butterbeer. Every year the festival organizers come up with something new for the participants. This year, the central events were a Quidditch tournament, a sale of wands in Ollivander's store, where everyone could choose a suitable wizard's tool, a Death Party from Nearly Headless Nick, and a potions workshop. What will happen here next year is still unknown, but the dates of the next festival have already been planned: it will take place on October 6-7, 2017. Don't forget to book your hotel!

Hogwarts Cafe in Islamabad

It would seem that Pakistan is the last country where you hope to find an establishment dedicated to Harry Potter. But the fact remains: the Hogwarts cafe has been operating in Islamabad for several years now, skillfully immersing visitors in the atmosphere of the saga about the young wizard. Like Hermione's handbag, it looks very small from the outside, but looks quite spacious from the inside. Every corner of the cafe reminds of some episode of the saga. Spells, symbolism, books on the shelves along the walls, tablecloths, chalkboards and benches - everything bears the imprint of the plot.
Hogwarts is more of a cafe than a restaurant, but they still serve hot food. The selection of sweets is especially impressive: Hagrid's Stone Cake, Forbidden Cake, Imperius Cake... You can wash down the sweets with the local version of butterbeer, made from vanilla ice cream, toffee syrup, sugar and cinnamon.

Leaky Cauldron Convention

The Leaky Cauldron Harry Potter Convention is held annually, in a different city each year. In 2016, it took place in the American Burbank, California, and in 2017 it will be held from August 31 to September 3 in Dublin, Ireland. The convention is being held by the Harry Potter fan site of the same name, The Leaky Cauldron, whose goal is to allow fans of the young wizard from all over the world to get together. The convention hosts dozens of events, the program of which is traditionally divided into three parts - literary, entertainment and general. At literary events, as a rule, we meet sequel authors and fans of JK Rowling’s saga who dream of writing sequels and prequels to her books. The entertainment program consists of numerous concerts with names like “Witch Rock” and meetings with special guests, among whom you can often find actors starring in films about Harry. Well, everything that didn’t fit into the two previous parts is grouped into the general program, so you can definitely see anything you want here.

Performance "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" in London

The play based on JK Rowling's latest book, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, is playing at the Palace Theater in London. The script based on Rowling's book was written by Jack Thorne and directed by John Tiffany. The play follows the adult lives of Harry, Ron and Hermione, their careers and families, especially Harry's son, Albus.
The action on stage takes place over one day. Harry continually faces difficulties - either at work at the Ministry of Magic, or in his family, or in his relationship with his son. But Albus also has a hard time: it is very difficult to be the son of a famous father, constantly listening to reminders that you must be worthy of family fame! In general, wizards also have hard times in life, as the play will remind you of very convincingly.

Cafe "Bad Owl"

In "Bad Owl", located near Las Vegas, they not only delight fans with a Harry Potter theme, but also brew really excellent coffee, and quite original one at that: for example, here you can try coffee with dissolved nitrogen - it seems sweet even without added sugar and, They say it’s great invigorating. The cafe is decorated with wood paneling and images of the famous Hogwarts owls. The menu will also be reminiscent of the Boy Wizard epic: in particular, look for the Black Forest Mocha, the Creamy Latte, or the seasonal Pumpkin Waffles. Each table is decorated with one of the famous spells or quotes, but with a coffee twist: "Espresso Patronum" is a great example of this. Also among them are “I must not lie”, “The prank was a success” and Hermione’s favorite spell “Wingardium Leviosa”. There is also our own installation of platform 9 3/4 - of course, with Hedgehog in the most visible place: for selfies - you can’t imagine anything better!

Quidditch World Cup

Yes, you heard right: Quidditch has become a type of professional sport! There is also the International Quidditch Association, which annually holds the World Cup, which takes place in the American city of Columbia in North Carolina. No less than 60 teams gather for it to find out who will be stronger. The next championship will take place in April 2017. If you want to keep abreast of the association’s events, which, by the way, take place in different countries of the world, keep in mind: on its website you can subscribe to the newsletter.

1. Hogwarts Castle: history and location
Hogwarts is a school of witchcraft and wizardry, founded more than a thousand years ago - the exact date is not known - by two great wizards - Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin, and two great sorceresses Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw. They built Hogwarts Castle away from places inhabited by Muggles, since At that time, ordinary people were afraid of magic. To this day, the castle is hidden from the eyes of Muggles. It is enchanted so that if a Muggle looks at it, all he will see are the ruins of an old castle, with a sign above the entrance: "Danger! Stay away!" Muggle-repellent charms are in effect around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade - when approaching the area of ​​their effect, a Muggle remembers some important matter (for example, that he forgot to turn off the iron) and quickly leaves this place.

Hogwarts Castle is enormous in size, has many towers and is surrounded by a battlemented wall. Like the Weasley house, it has little in common with a building that a Muggle might build, because the entire structure is supported by magic.
Hogwarts Castle is located on a hill that slopes steeply down to the lake. The lake is located to the south of the castle, and the façade faces west. A road leads to it from Hogsmeade along the shore of the lake, going around it. There is another way to the castle - directly by water, across the lake. Thickets of ivy hide a cleft in the cliff, after swimming through which you find yourself in an underground tunnel that ends with a stone pier right under the castle. From here a large stone staircase leads up to its foot. This is how first-year students get to school.
There is no direct indication in the book in which part of Great Britain Hogwards is located. But based on the descriptions of the landscapes, the fact that the Hogwarts Express moves north, and the time this journey takes (approximately 8 hours), we can assume that Hogwarts is most likely located in Scotland.
The surroundings of the castle are quite extensive, including a large forest and many lawns scattered around the school. The size of the Hogwarts grounds can be inferred from the fact that none of the inhabitants of the castle noticed the fiery breathing and roar of a group of four angry dragons, temporarily detained for the Travisad Tournament in a pen near the forest.
The area surrounding the castle is separated by a wall or fence, this is implied by the fact that there is also a Main Gate - which is guarded by statues of winged boars.

2. In the vicinity of the Castle
Greenhouses- the possession of the head of the Hufflepuff house Pomona Sprout. Herbology classes are held here, where young wizards study the properties and learn to grow various magical plants on their own, such as mandrakes. These plants are then used to prepare Madam Pomfrey's medicinal potions and for Potions lessons.

Hagrid's Hut- Located at the very entrance to the Forbidden Forest. The path into the forest begins right behind the hut. The hut itself is a small wooden house. There is only one room in the house - it is a living room, it is also a bedroom, it is also a kitchen. Hams and gutted pheasants hang from the ceiling, a huge copper kettle sits on the open hearth, and in the corner is the owner's massive bed covered with a patchwork blanket. Hagrid shares his home with a huge dog named Fang, he himself does not know what breed it is, but he knows that he uses such dogs to hunt wild boars. Behind the house is Hagrid's vegetable garden. There, among other things, he grows pumpkins especially for Halloween. They grow to incredible sizes and are especially separated from other beds by a wooden fence.

Flight area- a large flat clearing, located under a hill at the point farthest from the Forbidden Forest. Such precautions have been taken to ensure that beginners who are just learning to fly do not accidentally end up there, since the forest is considered very dangerous.

Forbidden Forest- Students are prohibited from visiting the forest because of the great danger that lurks in it. It is inhabited by such creatures as the giant spider Aragog and his family, centaurs who treat people without much warmth, unicorns, thestrals, and the feral Ford England. According to rumors, werewolves and many other creatures dangerous for inexperienced sorcerers live there.

Lake- Located south of the castle, under the hill. The lake is approximately half a mile in diameter. The lake is inhabited by a giant squid, a merfolk, and at the bottom there is a whole settlement of grindylows (it was seen by participants in the Triwizard tournament).

Quidditch pitch- Located to the west of the castle, opposite the Forbidden Forest. Matches and training are held there. This is a whole stadium, only the rows of seats are much higher there than in a regular stadium, so that the audience can better see what is happening in the air. The field itself has an oval shape. At opposite ends of the field there are three golden poles with rings at the ends. These poles resemble the wands that Muggle children use to blow soap bubbles.

Whomping Willow- grows near the castle walls. Beneath this aggressive tree is another underground passage that ends right at the Shrieking Shack. A tree can be calmed by pressing on a twig at its roots. But this is difficult to do, even knowing about this secret, since she does not let anyone get close to her. It was “turned off” by pressing a twig with the paw of Crookshanks, Hermione’s cat for Sirius Black, and Lupine - with the help of a long stick. The willow tree was planted to guard the secret passage the year Remus Lupin entered school. According to it, in the days preceding the full moon, Remus, then still a schoolboy, accompanied by Poppy Pomfrey, left the castle unnoticed and remained in the hut until its end. The Ford Anglia, in which Harry and Ron once flew to school, suffered from the blows of its branches, and the pride of Harry Potter, the Nimbus 2000 broom, completely died.

3. Hogwarts: a look from the inside.
Hogwarts Castle is unusual - and how can such an ancient place, created by four of the most powerful magicians in history, be ordinary? It is completely saturated with magic, shrouded in secrets and legends. One of the legends about the Chamber of Secrets turned out to be true. And this is probably only a small fraction of what the castle still hides for the time being. Even Albus Dumbledore himself admits that although he knows about everything that happens at Hogwarts, he does not know the entire castle, and sometimes wanders through the corridors for a long time, not knowing how and where he ended up.
Like every self-respecting old castle, Hogwarts is inhabited by its own ghosts, and they coexist peacefully next to the wizards, unlike the only poltergeist in the castle, who constantly strives to annoy one of the students, or simply play a mischief.
One of the features of the castle, among others, which will be discussed below, is its corridors and stairs.

Castle corridors- long and confusing galleries. Tapestries and paintings hang on the walls, and residents constantly visit each other. There are statues and armor. At Christmas, armor is enchanted so that it sings Christmas carols.

Hogwarts stairs- There are 142 stairs in Hogwarts. Some are wide and spacious, others are narrow and rickety. Their main feature is their constantly changing direction. For example, on Friday the stairs may lead to a completely different place than where they led on Thursday. It is difficult for beginners to get used to this, and they are often late for classes because of them. There are stairs from which several steps suddenly disappear, so that you cannot walk on them in the usual way, but only by jumping over the steps. Another feature of these magical staircases is the trap steps. The students have learned them by heart, but sometimes they still forget and then the step falls through, pinching the unlucky person’s leg.

Now let's move on to a more detailed look at the structure of the lock by floor.

I. Castle Dungeons
Potions Auditorium- a large room adapted for double lessons (about 20 boilers). Along the walls there are racks filled with jars and vessels with various preserved drugs. Some banks are seeing strange movements. In the corner of the office there is a small fountain in the shape of a gargoyle, with ice water pouring out of her mouth. The classroom itself is cold, colder than other rooms of the castle located on a higher level. In winter, the temperature in the office is such that clouds of steam rise from your breath, just like outside.

Professor Snape's office and private rooms- Rooms adjacent to the auditorium. There the professor keeps his personal collection of potion ingredients.

Slytherin Common Room- a dungeon-like room with a low ceiling, the interior is made in the colors of the faculty. Located underground, under the lake. The door is hidden in a stone wall and can be opened with a password.

Chamber of Secrets- the room itself and the passage leading to it are located very deep under the school and very deep under the lake. The room was created by one of the founders of the school, Salazar Slytherin, and contained a terrible monster - a basilisk, which has now been destroyed by Harry Potter.

Hogwarts kitchen- It is located directly under the Great Hall. The entrance to the corridor is located in the same place as in the Hufflepuff dungeon. Unlike the Slytherin dungeon, the corridor is not so gloomy, it is brightly lit with torches and cheerful paintings of food hang on the walls. In order to get into the kitchen you need to tickle the green pear in the picture with fruit, and the pear turns into a door handle. The kitchen is the same size as the Great Hall. Towers of pots and pans, polished to a shine, line the stone walls. At the end of the kitchen there is a gigantic brick fireplace. The owners of the kitchen are elves. Students, with rare exceptions, never go there. Those who come there are given food and delicacies by the good-natured elves with great joy. In the depths of the kitchen there are 4 tables, exactly under the tables of the Houses in the BZ; food is placed on them and delivered to the tables in the Hall through the ceiling.

Hufflepuff's living room and bedrooms- located down the stairs to the right of the Main Entrance.

II. Ground Castle Floor
Main entrance- double oak doors opening to the west. The large cavernous room is lit by torches; the ceiling is so high that we can barely see. A wide marble staircase opposite the entrance doors leads to the second floor. On both sides of the stairs there are two doors. To the left of the stairs is a door leading to the descent into the Dungeon. On the right - to the stairs going down to the Hufflepuff living room and the castle kitchen.
The double doors to the right of the entrance are the doors to the Great Hall. On the left (opposite the entrance to the knowledge base) there is a door leading to a small hall where first-year students are waiting for the sorting procedure into faculties.

Big hall- the place where students and teachers of the school have meals every day. Holidays and balls are held right there. At Halloween, the hall is decorated with pumpkins floating in the air, at Christmas - with fir trees and falling dry and warm magical snow. On ordinary days, the hall is illuminated by candles floating in the air above the tables. The ceiling of the hall is enchanted so that it reflects the state of the sky at the moment. Morning mail and newspapers are delivered by owl to the Great Hall. There is a table for teachers on a small dais, and the school director sits in the center. Perpendicular to it and parallel to each other are four large tables with long benches for the School Houses. On special occasions - like a dinner to celebrate the beginning of the year - the cutlery is gold. The house elves prepare food for the castle's inhabitants, but no one ever sees them setting the table. The students sit down at an empty table, and food appears by itself. Also after the meal everything disappears.
Behind the teacher's desk there is a door that leads to a small room with a fireplace and many portraits. School Champions passed into this room when their name was chosen by the Goblet of Fire.

Small Hall- opposite the BIZ, where first-year students are awaiting the sorting procedure by faculty.

Broom closet- located in the hall at the main entrance. (In the second year, Harry and Ron locked Crabbe and Goyle in it when they took on their appearance; in the third, Harry and Hermione used a time turner in this closet to hide from themselves).

Teacher's room- Entrance to it is from the hall at the Main Entrance. There are stone gargoyles on both sides of the door. It is a long room lined with wood paneling. Furnished with large dark wood chairs and a closet where teachers keep their robes for lessons.

Corridor Opposite the entrance to the Great Hall, there is at least one classroom, No. 11. A side door in this hallway leads to the courtyard where students gather during breaks.
Classroom No. 11 one of the few unused classrooms. The first lesson since Harry Potter entered Hogwarts was held after the centaur Ferenc accepted the post of professor of divination. He took this class because it was not convenient for him to walk up the stairs, and he arranged it like a forest clearing, with a starry sky instead of a ceiling.

Filch's castle keeper's office- the main attraction of the office is a systematic file cabinet with reports on the “crimes” of students and the penalties imposed on them for this. There is a separate box provided for the Weasley twins. On the wall hang shackles with chains (currently banned from use, but kept and lovingly polished by Filch just in case). The office contains a storage area for confiscated items that are prohibited for use at school. The furniture includes chairs and a table, in the depths of which the Squib owner keeps a “Tutorial on Magic.” On the table are cards prepared for recording offenses.

III. First Floor of the Castle
Defense Against the Dark Arts Cabinet

Professor McGonagall's office- up the marble stairs and straight through the hall on the first floor.

Hospital Wing- is at the disposal of the strict healer Madame Pomfrey. The entire room is filled with beds covered with snow-white linens. Screens are placed between the beds. It is also known that the Hospital Wing has a sufficient supply of such delicate items as bedpans, and Ron Weasley was once punished to clean them without the help of magic.

Cabinet of Muggle Studies

Cabinet of the History of Magic- the only interesting fact about the otherwise boring office is that Professor of the History of Magic Beans is known to be a ghost, and comes to his lessons through a black chalkboard.

IV. Second Floor of the Castle
Moaning Myrtle's toilet- not used. Rarely does anyone enter it, since the pipes often leak there and, in addition, a very annoying and whiny ghost lives in it. This is the ghost of a Hufflepuff girl, the same age as Tom Riddle, who was killed by a basilisk when the Chamber of Secrets was opened. The entrance to the dungeon leading to the passage to the Room is located in this toilet.

Empty corridor with stone gargoyle statue- leads to the school principal's office.

Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor's Office- The office windows overlook the Quidditch field. At different times I was involved in:
X for the 1991-92 academic year - Quirrell. What the office looked like in his presence is unknown.
1992-1993 academic year - Gilderoy Lockhart. The office was decorated with portraits of the owner.
1993-1994 school year - Remus Lupin. When he was in his office, there were always creatures that he demonstrated in class, for example, a grindalow in an aquarium. And also everything for tea drinking.
1994-1995 academic year - Alastor Moody (or rather Barty Crouch Jr. in his guise). The office was full of harmful scopes, developers of enemies, and a huge chest with seven locks and seven compartments, where Moody himself spent the whole year.
1995-1996 school year - Dolores Umbridge decorated the office with wall plates with pictures of kittens, knitted napkins, miniature tea cups with drawings, the splendor of the style was completed by a flowered tablecloth on the table.

Vanishing wardrobe- miraculously makes an object placed in it disappear, but not forever. Although where and when he will appear again is unknown. Fred and George put Montague there, and he was found only a week later in the toilet on the 5th floor with signs of mental confusion. As we learn from the 6th book, the cabinet is connected to the exact same cabinet from Borgin’s store in Diagon Alley, but this function did not work due to a breakdown, which Malfoy Jr. subsequently repaired.

IV. Third Floor of the Castle
Cabinet of Spells

Hunchback Witch Statue- in her hump there is a secret entrance to the tunnel leading to Hogsmidt.

Forbidden Corridor- in Harry Potter's first year of study, he was guarded by a three-headed giant dog, Fluffy.

Gallery of Armor- leads to the Trophy Hall

Trophy Hall- a hall where all award and commemorative cups, shields with coats of arms, plaques, figurines, etc. are collected, indicating the year, the name of the awardee and the name of the award. Peeves likes to misbehave not far from here, which causes Filch extreme irritation. By the way, one of the caretaker’s favorite punishments is to force the offending student to clean the trophies after lights out. The Trophy Hall is popular among students as a place for secret magical duels.

VI. Fourth Floor of the Castle
Library- Hundreds of thousands of books on tightly packed shelves. The restricted section is fenced off with ropes. You can get a book from there only with the written permission of the teacher. The librarian Madame Pince strictly monitors the students. Eating chocolate is strictly prohibited in the library.

Yenialezh Mirror Room- It is located near the library. Before it became another obstacle on the way to the philosopher's stone, the mirror showing what you want to see, Yenialezh, was here. Harry Potter found it by accident, hiding from Filch and Snape during a night foray into the Forbidden Section of the library. Harry Potter spent many nights here, looking into it. But after Dumbledore found him here, the mirror was removed the next day.

Fourth Floor Corridor- here is a painting depicting the landscape where the Fat Lady was hiding after Sirius Black attacked her. Also somewhere here there is a secret passage from the castle, hidden behind a mirror, but there, according to Fred and George, the ceiling collapsed and is now completely blocked.

VII. Fifth Floor of the Castle
Statue of Gregory the Flattering- in the East wing of the castle, where Fred and George created a magical swamp before leaving Hogwarts forever.

Statue of Boris Bestolkovy- the expression on his face is perplexed, the gloves are on the wrong hand.

Bathroom for prefects- the fourth door to the left of the statue of Boris Bestolkovy. The password is "Pine Freshness". Spacious room lined with white marble. A large, magnificent chandelier with burning candles hangs from the ceiling. In the middle of the room there is a rectangular rather deep pool, also made of white marble, at the edge closest to the entrance there is a small diving board. The pool is surrounded by hundreds of taps decorated with precious stones, from which foam flows: from one - pink and blue bubbles the size of a soccer ball, from the other - thick, elastic foam, from the third - purple clouds spreading over the very surface of the water, from another - a light stream, all of bubbles, which, barely touching the water, flew into the air and froze for a moment in a high arch. There are floor-length linen curtains on the windows, and a stack of fluffy white towels in the corner. There is only one picture on the wall of the bathroom - a blonde mermaid on a cliff; if she is not sleeping, she laughs, beats her tail and sings songs, attracting whoever is present in the bathroom at the moment. Whether this applies only to young prefects is not known.

VIII. Sixth Floor of the Castle
no data

IX. Seventh Floor of the Castle
Gryffindor common room- the entrance to the living room is located behind a large portrait of the Fat Lady in a pink silk dress. If you know the correct password and call it Lady, the portrait will swing open like a door and reveal a circular passage in the wall. The main colors of Gryffindor are red and gold, and the living room is furnished in these colors. There are many soft chairs, a large fireplace and tables for studying. The Floo is connected to the Floo Network, but since it is an extremely public place where students constantly socialize, study, and fool around late into the night, Gryffidors usually use owls rather than the Floo to communicate with their families. There is a notice board in the living room. It's posted as public notices, like the date of the next Hogsmeade weekend, but it's also used for private notices for students to buy or sell used books, or trade cards from Chocolate Frogs, or anything like that, like at any school.
There are two staircases leading upstairs from the living room: one to the boys' bedrooms, the second to the girls' bedrooms. The girls' staircase is under such a spell that if a boy steps on it and takes a few steps up towards the bedrooms, a sound reminiscent of a siren is heard, and the staircase is temporarily modified into something like a slide - everyone on it slides down. According to A History of Hogwarts, the founders believed that girls were more trustworthy than boys. Therefore, the girls' staircase is enchanted to prevent boys from entering the girls' bedrooms, but the boys' staircase is not. Therefore, girls can enter them without hindrance, as Hermione does, for example.
Each bedroom is a round room with four-poster beds - one bedroom for boys and one for girls of each course, making a total of fourteen bedrooms. The bedroom windows overlook the Hogwarts surroundings.

Divination Class- located in the North Tower, it does not look like a classroom, but rather something between an attic and an old-fashioned tea room. The entrance to the auditorium is through a round hatch in the ceiling of the tower platform, from which a silver rope ladder descends. The windows here are always curtained, and the lamps are draped with dark red silk, so a reddish twilight reigns in the room. There are approximately 20 round tables for students, around which there are soft ottomans and armchairs with colorful upholstery. The fireplace here never goes out, and spreads a heavy, intoxicating aroma. All sorts of strange things are placed on the mantelpiece and shelves surrounding the room: dusty bird feathers, candle stubs, plump, shabby decks of cards, magic crystals and just hordes of tea cups.

Professor Flitwick's office- thirteenth window to the right of the West Tower.

Corridor- The statue of Desmond the Long to the right of the stairs leading to the seventh floor, not far from the portrait of the Fat Lady. Another of the works of art in this corridor is a moth-eaten tapestry depicting Barnabas the Twisted, fulfilling his original idea - teaching the trolls ballet, and the trolls respond by bludgeoning their teacher with clubs. The tapestry serves as a guide when searching for the Room of Help.

Room of Requirement- a magical room that opens only when someone really needs it. For Albus Dumbledore, in a moment of dire need, it was full of chamber pots; for Fred and George, hiding from Filch, it turned out to be a broom closet where they successfully hid; for Dobby, who needed a place to hide Winky, who had drunk too much butterbeer, there was a bed corresponding to the size of an elf; and for Harry and his friends, when they began to study ZOTS on their own, the room was equipped as an office with all the necessary books and equipment.

X. Towers of Hogwarts Castle
Office and personal apartments of the School Director- This is a round room with windows. The entrance to the office is located behind the statue of a stone gargoyle on the second floor of the castle, which opens with the password “lemon drop” - the favorite delicacy of the current owner of the office. Behind the passage that opens behind the statue is a spiral wooden staircase, which, like an elevator, slowly lifts the visitor to the office. On the walls of the room hang portraits of previous school leaders, who are often quietly dozing. Portraits, despite their relationship to whoever is the director at the moment, are obliged to show solidarity and provide all possible assistance, having such an opportunity as moving between their images located in various places not only of the school, but of all magical buildings and institutions. In the director's office there are many silvery instruments, the purpose of which the owner himself has probably already forgotten. On the shelf lies the Sorting Hat, which once belonged to Godric Gryffindor, and hides his own sword - which only a true Gryffindor can remove from the hat. Myslesliv is hidden in one of the lockers - where the director stores his thoughts and memories. In a place of honor is a perch where Dumbledore's favorite phoenix, Fawkes, lives, a bird with enormous magical potential. The office is furnished with a massive desk and armchairs.

West Tower- this upper part of this tower is completely given over to owls; both school barn owls and students’ pets live here. This is where the Hogwarts Owlery is located.

North Tower- an auditorium for divination and the personal apartments of Sybil Trelawney.

Gryffindor Tower- students' bedrooms, living room.

Astronomy Tower- the tallest tower, located somewhere in the area of ​​the Central Entrance to the castle. Astronomy lessons are held on the tower site every Wednesday at midnight. In his first year at Hogwarts, Harry sent the dragon Norbert to Romania with Bill Weasley's friends from this tower.

Ravenclaw Tower- located in the western part of the castle. There, with approximately the same arrangement as in Gryffindor, the living room and bedrooms of the faculty are located.

As we remember from books and films, Hogwarts is a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where children from all over England with magical abilities were taught magic.

The school was located in the mountains of Scotland in an ancient eight-story castle. As you can probably guess, the Hogwarts school building as we see it in the film does not exist in reality.

And for the most part, Hogwarts was built at Leavesden Studios and exists there as a set for the filming of the Harry Potter films. Quite impressive in size, with the help of special effects they create the feeling of a very real castle. But we'll talk about this later when we go to the Harry Potter Museum in Leavesden.

And now we will go to those places that really exist and which inspired the film crew to create an unforgettable image of Hogwarts and its environs.

In fact, there are a lot of such places in the UK where various scenes that took place in the magic school were filmed.

Let's imagine ourselves for a moment as students of Hogwarts School and continue our journey in the footsteps of our favorite heroes.

Traveling on the Hogwarts Express train

Let's use one of the vehicles that was very often used by students of the magic school. This is the Hogwarts Express, which followed the route London - Hogsmeade.

To film the Hogwarts Express scenes in the Harry Potter films, they used Britain's most scenic railway line, the West Highland Line, a real train route and a very real London steam locomotive.

This route was chosen when choosing a location for filming the Harry Potter films due to the extraordinary beauty of the area and the famous 21-arch viaduct in the Glenfinnan Viaduk.

It was over this bridge, built at the beginning of the 20th century, that the magical train rushed to Hogwarts at full speed, throwing out clouds of smoke.

At one time, the construction of this bridge caused a lot of controversy about its feasibility. Serious concerns were even expressed that this huge viaduct would not be able to blend organically into the surrounding natural landscape, which could harm the beauty of the surrounding areas.

Fortunately, the fears were not justified. And today, when visiting these places, you can appreciate the beauty of the viaduct by riding along it in one of the ancient carriages, driven by the same old steam locomotive that played the role of the Hogwarts Express during the filming of the film, and in reality it is called the Jacobite Steam Train.

And now from mid-May to the end of October the magical steam locomotive runs on the route Fort William - Mallaig. Therefore, if you dream of riding this train in the north of Scotland, you need to take care of tickets in advance. You can book your ticket on the website:

Route schedule for 2019:

In the morning (departure at 10:15):

  • From April 22 to October 25 – Monday to Friday
  • From May 4 to September 29 – on Saturdays and Sundays

Afternoon (departure at 14:30):

  • From May 13 to September 13 – Monday to Friday
  • From June 15 to September 1 – on Saturdays and Sundays

Ticket prices for 2019:

  • Adult (standard / 1st class) – £37.50 / £59.95
  • Children (up to 16 years old) (standard / 1st grade) – £20.75 / £32.90

This train features fully restored 1956 pastures.

And in the magical carriage D, the atmosphere of the Hogwarts Express is completely reproduced - all the luggage racks are completely filled with suitcases, and a trolley with various sweets rides around the carriage.

The low speed that the locomotive develops allows you to admire the beautiful landscape outside the window: numerous lakes, very beautiful mountains, medieval castles, waterfalls and see the places where the filming of the Harry Potter film took place.

The locomotive makes stops along the way: in the village of Arisaig you can take a boat ride to the very western coast of Scotland, and at Glenfinnan station you can visit an interesting railway museum.

Hogsmeade Station

When traveling on the Hogwarts Express, you can't help but mention Hogsmeade.

According to the film, this is the nearest train station to Hogwarts and a village inhabited only by wizards. And the Hogwarts Express train brings students here to the station. Harry Potter and his friends often went to this magical village, where the Three Broomsticks pub, the Hog's Head, the Sweet Kingdom confectionery, and the Shrieking Shack are located.

The filming location for Hogsmeade train station took place in the picturesque village of Goathland, with a population of just 500 people, in North Yorkshire at the local train station (Goathland Station, North Yorkshire).

And now we are already at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Hogwarts

To do this, we need to go to the ancient Alnwick Castle and its surroundings. The 11th-century castle is located on the border of England and Scotland. The history of its existence is full of interesting events and goes back more than one century.

The mysterious and gloomy castle in which the magical school of Hogwarts is located, with its outlines, is very reminiscent of Enik Castle, which served as the main setting for the filming of the Harry Potter films.

The medieval gloom of the castle and its architecture, interiors and courtyards have previously attracted the attention of many directors who shot historical films. He was not spared during the filming of the Harry Potter films.

It was here that Harry flew on a broom over the perfectly manicured lawns around the castle, participating in Quidditch competitions, and in the castle courtyard the film's characters learned to control naughty brooms.

The castle is residential, but some of its rooms are open to the public. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you see numerous tourists jumping on brooms on the lawn near the castle, who still want to master the art of magic.

You, like Harry, can try to learn how to fly on a broomstick (though not a magical one, just an ordinary one) while visiting the castle.

In addition to visiting places associated with Harry Potter and Hogwarts School, you can go on an interesting excursion to the Museum of Antiquities, founded in the first half of the 19th century.

After visiting the castle, getting acquainted with its history and admiring the beauty of these places, we go to the oldest university city in England - Oxford, which is located approximately 90 kilometers from London.

You can get to Oxford either by train (departing every half hour), by bus, which also departs very frequently from several places in London, or by taxi.

Oxford University

Many scenes from the life of Hogwarts school were filmed in this famous educational institution.

The famous Great Hall of Hogwarts, where the most solemn and important moments in the life of the wizarding school took place, was filmed in the dining hall of the oldest and most prestigious college at Oxford University, Christ Church.

Some scenes from the films were shot on the stairs and in the courtyard of this college.

Interest in this place is caused not only by the fact that the Harry Potter films were filmed on the territory of this college, but also by the uniqueness of Oxford University.

Its territory with the most beautiful college buildings, Gothic architecture, stained glass windows and medieval patterns on the internal walls, numerous museums and the unique Bodleian Library are worthy of attention in themselves.

And the next episode from the Harry films is the filming of scenes in the Hogwarts library.

Hogwarts Library

As you probably already guessed, this took place in the largest library in Oxford - the Bodleian Library, which houses more than eleven million copies of books, including priceless treasures and many medieval manuscripts.

The library building and its luxurious interiors amaze visitors with their splendor.

Corridors of Hogwarts - School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

After visiting Oxford, it would be nice to stop by the town of Gloucester (just 2 hours from London) and visit the most beautiful cathedral in England - Gloucester Cathedral.

Its magnificent interiors, luxurious corridors and covered galleries will surely remind you of the various scenes from the Harry Potter films that happened to him and his friends in the corridors of Hogwarts.

The ancient Norman Cathedral was transformed into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft during the filming of the film. The secret door of the Gryffindor house, Harry's bedroom, scenes with ghosts and a troll, talking drawings on the wall, classes at Hogwarts school - all this was filmed within the walls of the magnificent Cathedral.

The places where the filming took place are incredibly beautiful; here you can spend hours just walking and enjoying nature and the surroundings. Gloucester Cathedral is a strikingly beautiful architectural structure that can be admired and admired.

And time spent in the Cathedral in the filming locations of the Harry Potter films will further enhance the impression of the events that were told in the books and films.

Professor McGonagall's office

The office of the strict but fair Dean and Transfiguration Professor McGonagall was filmed at Durham's Cathedral of Christ, Mary and St. Cuthbert (Durham Cathedral), which is located near the border with Scotland.

The magnificent 11th-century cathedral on the top of a cliff with powerful walls soaring high is striking in its beauty and size.

Interesting architecture, windows decorated with stained glass, amazing nature around, which you can admire by climbing the cathedral tower - all this makes this place one of the most visited in England.

Opposite the cathedral is the castle of the same name (Durham Castle), which further enhances the impression of visiting these places.

Hagrid's Hut

If you find yourself near Scotland, you can’t help but look into the picturesque Glencoe Valley, which is located in the southwest of the Highlands. This place is often called the most breathtaking and beautiful place in Scotland.

And we also ended up here for a reason. It was here that scenes from the Harry Potter films featuring one of the main characters, Hagrid, were partially filmed.

For the filming of the film, the hut of Rubeus Hagrid, who taught Care of Magical Creatures at the school, was the keeper of the keys and the forester, was built in the Glencoe Valley.

Unfortunately, the hut is not there now, but here you can have a great rest and admire the beauty of these places.

Returning to London, you can still visit several places associated with the filming of films about our hero.

Flitwick's office

Filming of the office of Professor Flitwick, the head of the Ravenclaw faculty from the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, took place in one of the classrooms of the oldest public school for boys.

Harrow School is located a few miles from London and is famous for the fact that many who later became famous cultural, scientific and political figures studied within its walls. Among them is Winston Churchill.

forbidden Forest

A mysterious place inhabited by all sorts of unusual creatures: huge spiders, unicorns, thestrals, centaurs. Students of the Hogwarts school were forbidden to go into this dark and scary forest unless accompanied by adult wizards.

Filming for this location took place in Black Park, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, approximately 20 miles from London. The territory of the Park is often used for filming. And it was no coincidence that the choice fell on this place when filming a series of films about Harry Potter. In the Black Park, even on sunny days, there is always twilight.

Privet Alley

On this street, at number 4, in the family of his aunt (Harry Potter's only relatives), we first met Harry. Here he lived from the moment when he, a small child, was brought to this house by Hagrid, until his flight to Hogwarts school for 9 whole years, that is, until he learned about his magical abilities.

In reality, this ancient street is located in the town of Little Whinging in Berkshire and is called Picket Post Close.

Godric's Hollow

And we will end our journey by visiting the place where the story of the boy who lived began.

This is a small settlement in which both ordinary people and magicians lived: Harry Potter’s parents and himself until the moment when, at the request of Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid took him from the destroyed parental home to his aunt’s house.

To do this, we will go to Godric's Hollow in Lacock Abbey in the vicinity of the city of Bath, Wiltshire, which is approximately 2 hours from London.

This is one of the oldest and most picturesque places in England. Ancient stone houses, narrow streets, and the history of the 13th century abbey make spending time in these places fascinating and educational.

This is where we will end our tour today. I hope you enjoyed our journey and learned something new.

And in the following articles we will visit, which was opened in 2012 at the Warner Bros. film studio, and. But we'll talk about this next time.